1#compdef -value-,PROMPT,-default- -value-,PROMPT2,-default- -value-,PROMPT3,-default- -value-,PROMPT4,-default- -value-,RPROMPT,-default- -value-,RPROMPT2,-default- -value-,PS1,-default- -value-,PS2,-default- -value-,PS3,-default- -value-,PS4,-default- -value-,RPS1,-default- -value-,RPS2,-default- -value-,SPROMPT,-default-
3local -a specs
4local expl paren
6if [[ -n $compstate[quote] ]]; then
7  paren='('
9  paren='\('
12if [[ $PREFIX == *%(-|)<-># ]]; then
13  specs=(
14    'm:hostname up to first .'
15    '_:status of parser'
16    'd:current working directory'
17    '/:current working directory'
18    '~:current working directory, with ~ replacement'
19    'N:name of current script or shell function'
20    'x:name of file containing code being executed'
21    'c:deprecated'
22    '.:deprecated'
23    'C:deprecated'
24    'F:start using fg color'
25    'K:start using bg color'
26    'G:counts as extra character inside %{...%}'
27  )
28  if [[ $PREFIX == *% ]]; then
29    if [[ $service == -value-,SPROMPT,* ]]; then
30      specs+=(
31      'r:suggested correction'
32      'R:corrected string'
33      )
34    fi
35    specs+=(
36    '%:A %'
37    '):A )'
38    'l:current line (tty) with /dev/tty stripped'
39    'M:full hostname'
40    'n:username'
41    'y:current line (tty)'
42    '#:a # when root, % otherwise'
43    '?:return status of last command'
44    'h:current history event number'
45    '!:current history event number'
46    'i:current line number'
47    'I:current source line number'
48    'j:number of jobs'
49    'L:$SHLVL'
50    'D:date in yy-mm-dd format'
51    'T:current time of day, 24-hour format'
52    't:current time of day, 12-hour am/pm format'
53    '@:current time of day, 12-hour am/pm format'
54    '*:current time of day, 24-hour format with seconds'
55    'w:the date in day-dd format'
56    'W:the date in mm/dd/yy format'
57    'D{}:format string like strftime'
58    'B:start bold'
59    'b:stop bold'
60    'E:clear to end of line'
61    'U:start underline'
62    'u:stop underline'
63    'S:start standout'
64    's:stop standout'
65    'f:reset fg color'
66    'k:reset bg color'
67    '{:start literal escape sequence'
68    '}:stop literal escape sequence'
69    'v:value from $psvar array'
70    '(:ternary expression %(x.true-string.false-string)'
71    '<<:truncation from left %len<string<'
72    '>>:truncation from right %len>string>'
73    '[]:truncation from who knows where'
74    )
75  fi
76  compset -P "*"
77  _describe -t prompt-format-specifier 'prompt format specifier' specs -S ''
78  _message -e prompt-format-specifier number
79elif [[ $PREFIX == *%$paren(-|)<-># ]]; then
80  specs=(
81    '!:running with privileges'
82    '#:effective uid'
83    '?:exit status'
84    '_:at least n shell constructs started'
85    'C:at least n path elements'
86    '/:at least n path elements'
87    '.:at least n path elements'
88    'c:at least n path elements'
89    '~:at least n path elements'
90    'D:month'
91    'd:day of month'
92    'g:effective gid'
93    'j:number of jobs'
94    'L:SHLVL'
95    'l:number of characters already printed'
96    'S:SECONDS parameter at least n'
97    'T:current hour'
98    't:current minute'
99    'v:psvar has at least n elements'
100    'V:element n of psvar is set and non-empty'
101    'w:day of week (Sunday = 0)'
102  )
103  compset -P "*"
104  _describe -t ternary-prompt-expression 'ternary prompt format test character' specs -S ''
105  _message -e ternary-prompt-expression number
107  _describe -t prompt-format-specifier 'prompt format specifier' '(%)' -S ''
108  _default "$@"