1#compdef apt-move
3local curcontext="$curcontext" state line cmds ret=1
4typeset -A opt_args
6_arguments -C \
7  '-a[process all packages]' \
8  '-c[specify an alternative configuration file]' \
9  '-d[override the DIST setting]' \
10  '-f[override the MAXDELETE setting]' \
11  '-q[be quiet; suppress normal output]' \
12  '-t[show what apt-move would do, but do not actually do anything]' \
13  '1: :->cmds' \
14  '*: :->args' && ret=0
16case $state in
17  cmds)
18    cmds=(
19      'get:update your master files from local apt'
20      'getlocal:alias of get'
21      'fsck:fix broken repositories'
22      'move:move cache files into mirror tree'
23      'movefile:move files into the repository'
24      'delete:delete obsolete packages'
25      'packages:create new local Packages files'
26      'update:alias for: get move delete packages'
27      'local:alias for: move delete packages'
28      'localupdate:alias for: getlocal move delete packages'
29      'mirror:update your local mirror from remote rsync site'
30      'sync:same as mirror, but only gets packages that you currently have installed on your system'
31      'exclude:prints a list of all packages EXCLUDED from the mirror by the .exclude file'
32      'listbin:prints lists of packages which can serve as the input to mirrorbin(mirror,sync,repo)'
33      'listsrc:same as listbin, but lists source packages'
34      'mirrorbin:same as mirror, but gets the packages specified on stdin'
35      'mirrorsrc:same as mirrorbin, but gets source packages'
36    )
37    _describe -t commands 'apt-move command' cmds && ret=0
38  ;;
39  args)
40    case $line[1] in
41      get|getlocal)
42        _directories && ret=0
43      ;;
44      movefile)
45        _files -g "*.d(sc|eb)(-.)" && ret=0
46      ;;
47      listbin)
48        _wanted lists expl list compadd mirror sync repo
49      ;;
50    esac
51  ;;
54return ret