1Tests for the exists() function.  vim: set ft=vim :
4:so small.vim
5:function! RunTest(str, result)
6    if exists(a:str) == a:result
7	echo "OK"
8    else
9	echo "FAILED: Checking for " . a:str
10    endif
12:function! TestExists()
13    augroup myagroup
14	autocmd! BufEnter *.my echo 'myfile edited'
15    augroup END
17    let test_cases = []
19    " valid autocmd group
20    let test_cases += [['#myagroup', 1]]
21    " valid autocmd group with garbage
22    let test_cases += [['#myagroup+b', 0]]
23    " Valid autocmd group and event
24    let test_cases += [['#myagroup#BufEnter', 1]]
25    " Valid autocmd group, event and pattern
26    let test_cases += [['#myagroup#BufEnter#*.my', 1]]
27    " Valid autocmd event
28    let test_cases += [['#BufEnter', 1]]
29    " Valid autocmd event and pattern
30    let test_cases += [['#BufEnter#*.my', 1]]
31    " Non-existing autocmd group or event
32    let test_cases += [['#xyzagroup', 0]]
33    " Non-existing autocmd group and valid autocmd event
34    let test_cases += [['#xyzagroup#BufEnter', 0]]
35    " Valid autocmd group and event with no matching pattern
36    let test_cases += [['#myagroup#CmdwinEnter', 0]]
37    " Valid autocmd group and non-existing autocmd event
38    let test_cases += [['#myagroup#xyzacmd', 0]]
39    " Valid autocmd group and event and non-matching pattern
40    let test_cases += [['#myagroup#BufEnter#xyzpat', 0]]
41    " Valid autocmd event and non-matching pattern
42    let test_cases += [['#BufEnter#xyzpat', 0]]
43    " Empty autocmd group, event and pattern
44    let test_cases += [['###', 0]]
45    " Empty autocmd group and event or empty event and pattern
46    let test_cases += [['##', 0]]
47    " Valid autocmd event
48    let test_cases += [['##FileReadCmd', 1]]
49    " Non-existing autocmd event
50    let test_cases += [['##MySpecialCmd', 0]]
52    " Existing and working option (long form)
53    let test_cases += [['&textwidth', 1]]
54    " Existing and working option (short form)
55    let test_cases += [['&tw', 1]]
56    " Existing and working option with garbage
57    let test_cases += [['&tw-', 0]]
58    " Global option
59    let test_cases += [['&g:errorformat', 1]]
60    " Local option
61    let test_cases += [['&l:errorformat', 1]]
62    " Negative form of existing and working option (long form)
63    let test_cases += [['&nojoinspaces', 0]]
64    " Negative form of existing and working option (short form)
65    let test_cases += [['&nojs', 0]]
66    " Non-existing option
67    let test_cases += [['&myxyzoption', 0]]
69    " Existing and working option (long form)
70    let test_cases += [['+incsearch', 1]]
71    " Existing and working option with garbage
72    let test_cases += [['+incsearch!1', 0]]
73    " Existing and working option (short form)
74    let test_cases += [['+is', 1]]
75    " Existing option that is hidden.
76    let test_cases += [['+autoprint', 0]]
78    " Existing environment variable
79    let $EDITOR_NAME = 'Vim Editor'
80    let test_cases += [['$EDITOR_NAME', 1]]
81    " Non-existing environment variable
82    let test_cases += [['$NON_ENV_VAR', 0]]
84    " Valid internal function
85    let test_cases += [['*bufnr', 1]]
86    " Valid internal function with ()
87    let test_cases += [['*bufnr()', 1]]
88    " Non-existing internal function
89    let test_cases += [['*myxyzfunc', 0]]
90    " Valid internal function with garbage
91    let test_cases += [['*bufnr&6', 0]]
93    " Valid user defined function
94    let test_cases += [['*TestExists', 1]]
95    " Non-existing user defined function
96    let test_cases += [['*MyxyzFunc', 0]]
98    redir! > test.out
100    for [test_case, result] in test_cases
101      	echo test_case . ": " . result
102        call RunTest(test_case, result)
103    endfor
105    " Valid internal command (full match)
106    echo ':edit: 2'
107    if exists(':edit') == 2
108	echo "OK"
109    else
110	echo "FAILED"
111    endif
113    " Valid internal command (full match) with garbage
114    echo ':edit/a: 0'
115    if exists(':edit/a') == 0
116	echo "OK"
117    else
118	echo "FAILED"
119    endif
121    " Valid internal command (partial match)
122    echo ':q: 1'
123    if exists(':q') == 1
124	echo "OK"
125    else
126	echo "FAILED"
127    endif
129    " Non-existing internal command
130    echo ':invalidcmd: 0'
131    if !exists(':invalidcmd')
132	echo "OK"
133    else
134	echo "FAILED"
135    endif
137    " User defined command (full match)
138    command! MyCmd :echo 'My command'
139    echo ':MyCmd: 2'
140    if exists(':MyCmd') == 2
141	echo "OK"
142    else
143	echo "FAILED"
144    endif
146    " User defined command (partial match)
147    command! MyOtherCmd :echo 'Another command'
148    echo ':My: 3'
149    if exists(':My') == 3
150	echo "OK"
151    else
152	echo "FAILED"
153    endif
155    " Command modifier
156    echo ':rightbelow: 2'
157    if exists(':rightbelow') == 2
158	echo "OK"
159    else
160	echo "FAILED"
161    endif
163    " Non-existing user defined command (full match)
164    delcommand MyCmd
166    echo ':MyCmd: 0'
167    if !exists(':MyCmd')
168	echo "OK"
169    else
170	echo "FAILED"
171    endif
173    " Non-existing user defined command (partial match)
174    delcommand MyOtherCmd
176    echo ':My: 0'
177    if !exists(':My')
178	echo "OK"
179    else
180	echo "FAILED"
181    endif
183    " Valid local variable
184    let local_var = 1
185    echo 'local_var: 1'
186    if exists('local_var')
187	echo "OK"
188    else
189	echo "FAILED"
190    endif
192    " Valid local variable with garbage
193    let local_var = 1
194    echo 'local_var%n: 0'
195    if !exists('local_var%n')
196	echo "OK"
197    else
198	echo "FAILED"
199    endif
201    " Non-existing local variable
202    unlet local_var
203    echo 'local_var: 0'
204    if !exists('local_var')
205	echo "OK"
206    else
207	echo "FAILED"
208    endif
210    " Valid local list
211    let local_list = ["blue", "orange"]
212    echo 'local_list: 1'
213    if exists('local_list')
214	echo "OK"
215    else
216	echo "FAILED"
217    endif
219    " Valid local list item
220    echo 'local_list[1]: 1'
221    if exists('local_list[1]')
222	echo "OK"
223    else
224	echo "FAILED"
225    endif
227    " Valid local list item with garbage
228    echo 'local_list[1]+5: 0'
229    if !exists('local_list[1]+5')
230	echo "OK"
231    else
232	echo "FAILED"
233    endif
235    " Invalid local list item
236    echo 'local_list[2]: 0'
237    if !exists('local_list[2]')
238	echo "OK"
239    else
240	echo "FAILED"
241    endif
243    " Non-existing local list
244    unlet local_list
245    echo 'local_list: 0'
246    if !exists('local_list')
247	echo "OK"
248    else
249	echo "FAILED"
250    endif
252    " Valid local dictionary
253    let local_dict = {"xcord":100, "ycord":2}
254    echo 'local_dict: 1'
255    if exists('local_dict')
256	echo "OK"
257    else
258	echo "FAILED"
259    endif
261    " Non-existing local dictionary
262    unlet local_dict
263    echo 'local_dict: 0'
264    if !exists('local_dict')
265	echo "OK"
266    else
267	echo "FAILED"
268    endif
270    " Existing local curly-brace variable
271    let str = "local"
272    let curly_{str}_var = 1
273    echo 'curly_' . str . '_var: 1'
274    if exists('curly_{str}_var')
275	echo "OK"
276    else
277	echo "FAILED"
278    endif
280    " Non-existing local curly-brace variable
281    unlet curly_{str}_var
282    echo 'curly_' . str . '_var: 0'
283    if !exists('curly_{str}_var')
284	echo "OK"
285    else
286	echo "FAILED"
287    endif
290    " Existing global variable
291    let g:global_var = 1
292    echo 'g:global_var: 1'
293    if exists('g:global_var')
294	echo "OK"
295    else
296	echo "FAILED"
297    endif
299    " Existing global variable with garbage
300    echo 'g:global_var-n: 1'
301    if !exists('g:global_var-n')
302	echo "OK"
303    else
304	echo "FAILED"
305    endif
307    " Non-existing global variable
308    unlet g:global_var
309    echo 'g:global_var: 0'
310    if !exists('g:global_var')
311	echo "OK"
312    else
313	echo "FAILED"
314    endif
316    " Existing global list
317    let g:global_list = ["blue", "orange"]
318    echo 'g:global_list: 1'
319    if exists('g:global_list')
320	echo "OK"
321    else
322	echo "FAILED"
323    endif
325    " Non-existing global list
326    unlet g:global_list
327    echo 'g:global_list: 0'
328    if !exists('g:global_list')
329	echo "OK"
330    else
331	echo "FAILED"
332    endif
334    " Existing global dictionary
335    let g:global_dict = {"xcord":100, "ycord":2}
336    echo 'g:global_dict: 1'
337    if exists('g:global_dict')
338	echo "OK"
339    else
340	echo "FAILED"
341    endif
343    " Non-existing global dictionary
344    unlet g:global_dict
345    echo 'g:global_dict: 0'
346    if !exists('g:global_dict')
347	echo "OK"
348    else
349	echo "FAILED"
350    endif
352    " Existing global curly-brace variable
353    let str = "global"
354    let g:curly_{str}_var = 1
355    echo 'g:curly_' . str . '_var: 1'
356    if exists('g:curly_{str}_var')
357	echo "OK"
358    else
359	echo "FAILED"
360    endif
362    " Non-existing global curly-brace variable
363    unlet g:curly_{str}_var
364    echo 'g:curly_' . str . '_var: 0'
365    if !exists('g:curly_{str}_var')
366	echo "OK"
367    else
368	echo "FAILED"
369    endif
371    " Existing window variable
372    echo 'w:window_var: 1'
373    let w:window_var = 1
374    if exists('w:window_var')
375	echo "OK"
376    else
377	echo "FAILED"
378    endif
380    " Non-existing window variable
381    unlet w:window_var
382    echo 'w:window_var: 0'
383    if !exists('w:window_var')
384	echo "OK"
385    else
386	echo "FAILED"
387    endif
389    " Existing window list
390    let w:window_list = ["blue", "orange"]
391    echo 'w:window_list: 1'
392    if exists('w:window_list')
393	echo "OK"
394    else
395	echo "FAILED"
396    endif
398    " Non-existing window list
399    unlet w:window_list
400    echo 'w:window_list: 0'
401    if !exists('w:window_list')
402	echo "OK"
403    else
404	echo "FAILED"
405    endif
407    " Existing window dictionary
408    let w:window_dict = {"xcord":100, "ycord":2}
409    echo 'w:window_dict: 1'
410    if exists('w:window_dict')
411	echo "OK"
412    else
413	echo "FAILED"
414    endif
416    " Non-existing window dictionary
417    unlet w:window_dict
418    echo 'w:window_dict: 0'
419    if !exists('w:window_dict')
420	echo "OK"
421    else
422	echo "FAILED"
423    endif
425    " Existing window curly-brace variable
426    let str = "window"
427    let w:curly_{str}_var = 1
428    echo 'w:curly_' . str . '_var: 1'
429    if exists('w:curly_{str}_var')
430	echo "OK"
431    else
432	echo "FAILED"
433    endif
435    " Non-existing window curly-brace variable
436    unlet w:curly_{str}_var
437    echo 'w:curly_' . str . '_var: 0'
438    if !exists('w:curly_{str}_var')
439	echo "OK"
440    else
441	echo "FAILED"
442    endif
444    " Existing buffer variable
445    echo 'b:buffer_var: 1'
446    let b:buffer_var = 1
447    if exists('b:buffer_var')
448	echo "OK"
449    else
450	echo "FAILED"
451    endif
453    " Non-existing buffer variable
454    unlet b:buffer_var
455    echo 'b:buffer_var: 0'
456    if !exists('b:buffer_var')
457	echo "OK"
458    else
459	echo "FAILED"
460    endif
462    " Existing buffer list
463    let b:buffer_list = ["blue", "orange"]
464    echo 'b:buffer_list: 1'
465    if exists('b:buffer_list')
466	echo "OK"
467    else
468	echo "FAILED"
469    endif
471    " Non-existing buffer list
472    unlet b:buffer_list
473    echo 'b:buffer_list: 0'
474    if !exists('b:buffer_list')
475	echo "OK"
476    else
477	echo "FAILED"
478    endif
480    " Existing buffer dictionary
481    let b:buffer_dict = {"xcord":100, "ycord":2}
482    echo 'b:buffer_dict: 1'
483    if exists('b:buffer_dict')
484	echo "OK"
485    else
486	echo "FAILED"
487    endif
489    " Non-existing buffer dictionary
490    unlet b:buffer_dict
491    echo 'b:buffer_dict: 0'
492    if !exists('b:buffer_dict')
493	echo "OK"
494    else
495	echo "FAILED"
496    endif
498    " Existing buffer curly-brace variable
499    let str = "buffer"
500    let b:curly_{str}_var = 1
501    echo 'b:curly_' . str . '_var: 1'
502    if exists('b:curly_{str}_var')
503	echo "OK"
504    else
505	echo "FAILED"
506    endif
508    " Non-existing buffer curly-brace variable
509    unlet b:curly_{str}_var
510    echo 'b:curly_' . str . '_var: 0'
511    if !exists('b:curly_{str}_var')
512	echo "OK"
513    else
514	echo "FAILED"
515    endif
517    " Script-local tests
518    source test60.vim
520    " Existing Vim internal variable
521    echo 'v:version: 1'
522    if exists('v:version')
523	echo "OK"
524    else
525	echo "FAILED"
526    endif
528    " Non-existing Vim internal variable
529    echo 'v:non_exists_var: 0'
530    if !exists('v:non_exists_var')
531	echo "OK"
532    else
533	echo "FAILED"
534    endif
536    " Function arguments
537    function TestFuncArg(func_arg, ...)
538        echo 'a:func_arg: 1'
539        if exists('a:func_arg')
540            echo "OK"
541        else
542            echo "FAILED"
543        endif
545        echo 'a:non_exists_arg: 0'
546        if !exists('a:non_exists_arg')
547            echo "OK"
548        else
549            echo "FAILED"
550        endif
552        echo 'a:1: 1'
553        if exists('a:1')
554            echo "OK"
555        else
556            echo "FAILED"
557        endif
559        echo 'a:2: 0'
560        if !exists('a:2')
561            echo "OK"
562        else
563            echo "FAILED"
564        endif
565    endfunction
567    call TestFuncArg("arg1", "arg2")
569    redir END
571:call TestExists()
572:delfunc TestExists
573:delfunc RunTest
574:delfunc TestFuncArg
575:edit! test.out
576:set ff=unix