1" Vim filetype plugin file
2" Language:     FlexWiki, http://www.flexwiki.com/
3" Maintainer:   George V. Reilly  <george@reilly.org>
4" Home:         http://www.georgevreilly.com/vim/flexwiki/
5" Other Home:   http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1529
6" Author:       George V. Reilly
7" Filenames:    *.wiki
8" Last Change: Wed Apr 26 11:00 PM 2006 P
9" Version:      0.3
11if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
12  finish
15let b:did_ftplugin = 1  " Don't load another plugin for this buffer
17" Reset the following options to undo this plugin.
18let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl tw< wrap< lbr< et< ts< fenc< bomb< ff<"
20" Allow lines of unlimited length. Do NOT want automatic linebreaks,
21" as a newline starts a new paragraph in FlexWiki.
22setlocal textwidth=0
23" Wrap long lines, rather than using horizontal scrolling.
24setlocal wrap
25" Wrap at a character in 'breakat' rather than at last char on screen
26setlocal linebreak
27" Don't transform <TAB> characters into spaces, as they are significant
28" at the beginning of the line for numbered and bulleted lists.
29setlocal noexpandtab
30" 4-char tabstops, per flexwiki.el
31setlocal tabstop=4
32" Save *.wiki files in UTF-8
33setlocal fileencoding=utf-8
34" Add the UTF-8 Byte Order Mark to the beginning of the file
35setlocal bomb
36" Save <EOL>s as \n, not \r\n
37setlocal fileformat=unix
39if exists("g:flexwiki_maps")
40  " Move up and down by display lines, to account for screen wrapping
41  " of very long lines
42  nmap <buffer> <Up>   gk
43  nmap <buffer> k      gk
44  vmap <buffer> <Up>   gk
45  vmap <buffer> k      gk
47  nmap <buffer> <Down> gj
48  nmap <buffer> j      gj
49  vmap <buffer> <Down> gj
50  vmap <buffer> j      gj
52  " for earlier versions - for when 'wrap' is set
53  imap <buffer> <S-Down>   <C-o>gj
54  imap <buffer> <S-Up>     <C-o>gk
55  if v:version >= 700
56      imap <buffer> <Down>   <C-o>gj
57      imap <buffer> <Up>     <C-o>gk
58  endif