1" Vim autoload file for the tohtml plugin.
2" Maintainer: Ben Fritz <fritzophrenic@gmail.com>
3" Last Change: 2010 Aug 12
5" Additional contributors:
7"	      Original by Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
8"	      Diff2HTML() added by Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
10"	      See Mercurial change logs for more!
12" this file uses line continuations
13let s:cpo_sav = &cpo
14set cpo-=C
16func! tohtml#Convert2HTML(line1, line2)
17  let s:settings = tohtml#GetUserSettings()
19  if !&diff || s:settings.diff_one_file
20    if a:line2 >= a:line1
21      let g:html_start_line = a:line1
22      let g:html_end_line = a:line2
23    else
24      let g:html_start_line = a:line2
25      let g:html_end_line = a:line1
26    endif
27    runtime syntax/2html.vim
28  else
29    let win_list = []
30    let buf_list = []
31    windo | if &diff | call add(win_list, winbufnr(0)) | endif
32    let s:settings.whole_filler = 1
33    let g:html_diff_win_num = 0
34    for window in win_list
35      exe ":" . bufwinnr(window) . "wincmd w"
36      let g:html_start_line = 1
37      let g:html_end_line = line('$')
38      let g:html_diff_win_num += 1
39      runtime syntax/2html.vim
40      call add(buf_list, bufnr('%'))
41    endfor
42    unlet g:html_diff_win_num
43    call tohtml#Diff2HTML(win_list, buf_list)
44  endif
46  unlet g:html_start_line
47  unlet g:html_end_line
48  unlet s:settings
51func! tohtml#Diff2HTML(win_list, buf_list)
52  let xml_line = ""
53  let tag_close = '>'
55  let s:old_paste = &paste
56  set paste
57  let s:old_magic = &magic
58  set magic
60  if s:settings.use_xhtml
61    if s:settings.encoding != ""
62      let xml_line = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . s:settings.encoding . "\"?>"
63    else
64      let xml_line = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
65    endif
66    let tag_close = ' />'
67  endif
69  let style = [s:settings.use_xhtml ? "" : '-->']
70  let body_line = ''
72  let html = []
73  if s:settings.use_xhtml
74    call add(html, xml_line)
75  endif
76  if s:settings.use_xhtml
77    call add(html, "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">")
78    call add(html, '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">')
79  elseif s:settings.use_css && !s:settings.no_pre
80    call add(html, "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">")
81    call add(html, '<html>')
82  else
83    call add(html, '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"')
84    call add(html, '  "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">')
85    call add(html, '<html>')
86  endif
87  call add(html, '<head>')
89  " include encoding as close to the top as possible, but only if not already
90  " contained in XML information (to avoid haggling over content type)
91  if s:settings.encoding != "" && !s:settings.use_xhtml
92    call add(html, "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" . s:settings.encoding . '"' . tag_close)
93  endif
95  call add(html, '<title>diff</title>')
96  call add(html, '<meta name="Generator" content="Vim/'.v:version/100.'.'.v:version%100.'"'.tag_close)
97  call add(html, '<meta name="plugin-version" content="'.g:loaded_2html_plugin.'"'.tag_close)
98  call add(html, '<meta name="settings" content="'.
99	\ join(filter(keys(s:settings),'s:settings[v:val]'),',').
100	\ '"'.tag_close)
102  call add(html, '</head>')
103  let body_line_num = len(html)
104  call add(html, '<body>')
105  call add(html, '<table border="1" width="100%">')
107  call add(html, '<tr>')
108  for buf in a:win_list
109    call add(html, '<th>'.bufname(buf).'</th>')
110  endfor
111  call add(html, '</tr><tr>')
113  let diff_style_start = 0
114  let insert_index = 0
116  for buf in a:buf_list
117    let temp = []
118    exe bufwinnr(buf) . 'wincmd w'
120    " If text is folded because of user foldmethod settings, etc. we don't want
121    " to act on everything in a fold by mistake.
122    setlocal nofoldenable
124    " When not using CSS or when using xhtml, the <body> line can be important.
125    " Assume it will be the same for all buffers and grab it from the first
126    " buffer. Similarly, need to grab the body end line as well.
127    if body_line == ''
128      1
129      call search('<body')
130      let body_line = getline('.')
131      $
132      call search('</body>', 'b')
133      let s:body_end_line = getline('.')
134    endif
136    " Grab the style information.  Some of this will be duplicated...
137    1
138    let style_start = search('^<style type="text/css">')
139    1
140    let style_end = search('^</style>')
141    if style_start > 0 && style_end > 0
142      let buf_styles = getline(style_start + 1, style_end - 1)
143      for a_style in buf_styles
144	if index(style, a_style) == -1
145	  if diff_style_start == 0
146	    if a_style =~ '\<Diff\(Change\|Text\|Add\|Delete\)'
147	      let diff_style_start = len(style)-1
148	    endif
149	  endif
150	  call insert(style, a_style, insert_index)
151	  let insert_index += 1
152	endif
153      endfor
154    endif
156    if diff_style_start != 0
157      let insert_index = diff_style_start
158    endif
160    " Delete those parts that are not needed so
161    " we can include the rest into the resulting table
162    1,/^<body/d_
163    $
164    ?</body>?,$d_
165    let temp = getline(1,'$')
166    " undo deletion of start and end part
167    " so we can later save the file as valid html
168    " TODO: restore using grabbed lines if undolevel is 1?
169    normal 2u
170    if s:settings.use_css
171      call add(html, '<td valign="top"><div>')
172    elseif s:settings.use_xhtml
173      call add(html, '<td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top"><div>')
174    else
175      call add(html, '<td nowrap valign="top"><div>')
176    endif
177    let html += temp
178    call add(html, '</div></td>')
180    " Close this buffer
181    " TODO: the comment above says we're going to allow saving the file
182    " later...but here we discard it?
183    quit!
184  endfor
186  let html[body_line_num] = body_line
188  call add(html, '</tr>')
189  call add(html, '</table>')
190  call add(html, s:body_end_line)
191  call add(html, '</html>')
193  let i = 1
194  let name = "Diff" . (s:settings.use_xhtml ? ".xhtml" : ".html")
195  " Find an unused file name if current file name is already in use
196  while filereadable(name)
197    let name = substitute(name, '\d*\.x\?html$', '', '') . i . '.' . fnamemodify(copy(name), ":t:e")
198    let i += 1
199  endwhile
200  exe "topleft new " . name
201  setlocal modifiable
203  " just in case some user autocmd creates content in the new buffer, make sure
204  " it is empty before proceeding
205  %d
206  call append(0, html)
208  if len(style) > 0
209    1
210    let style_start = search('^</head>')-1
212    " Insert javascript to toggle matching folds open and closed in all windows,
213    " if dynamic folding is active.
214    if s:settings.dynamic_folds
215      call append(style_start, [
216	    \  "<script type='text/javascript'>",
217	    \  s:settings.use_xhtml ? '//<![CDATA[' : "  <!--",
218	    \  "  function toggleFold(objID)",
219	    \  "  {",
220	    \  "    for (win_num = 1; win_num <= ".len(a:buf_list)."; win_num++)",
221	    \  "    {",
222	    \  "      var fold;",
223	    \  '      fold = document.getElementById("win"+win_num+objID);',
224	    \  "      if(fold.className == 'closed-fold')",
225	    \  "      {",
226	    \  "        fold.className = 'open-fold';",
227	    \  "      }",
228	    \  "      else if (fold.className == 'open-fold')",
229	    \  "      {",
230	    \  "        fold.className = 'closed-fold';",
231	    \  "      }",
232	    \  "    }",
233	    \  "  }",
234	    \  s:settings.use_xhtml ? '//]]>' : "  -->",
235	    \  "</script>"
236	    \ ])
237    endif
239    " Insert styles from all the generated html documents and additional styles
240    " for the table-based layout of the side-by-side diff. The diff should take
241    " up the full browser window (but not more), and be static in size,
242    " horizontally scrollable when the lines are too long. Otherwise, the diff
243    " is pretty useless for really long lines.
244    if s:settings.use_css
245      call append(style_start,
246	    \ ['<style type="text/css">']+
247	    \ style+
248	    \ [ s:settings.use_xhtml ? '' : '<!--',
249	    \   'table { table-layout: fixed; }',
250	    \   'html, body, table, tbody { width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; }',
251	    \   'th, td { width: '.printf("%.1f",100.0/len(a:win_list)).'%; }',
252	    \   'td div { overflow: auto; }',
253	    \   s:settings.use_xhtml ? '' : '-->',
254	    \   '</style>'
255	    \ ])
256    endif
257  endif
259  let &paste = s:old_paste
260  let &magic = s:old_magic
263" Gets a single user option and sets it in the passed-in Dict, or gives it the
264" default value if the option doesn't actually exist.
265func! tohtml#GetOption(settings, option, default)
266  if exists('g:html_'.a:option)
267    let a:settings[a:option] = g:html_{a:option}
268  else
269    let a:settings[a:option] = a:default
270  endif
273" returns a Dict containing the values of all user options for 2html, including
274" default values for those not given an explicit value by the user. Discards the
275" html_ prefix of the option for nicer looking code.
276func! tohtml#GetUserSettings()
277  if exists('s:settings')
278    " just restore the known options if we've already retrieved them
279    return s:settings
280  else
281    " otherwise figure out which options are set
282    let user_settings = {}
284    " Define the correct option if the old option name exists and we haven't
285    " already defined the correct one. Maybe I'll put out a warnig message about
286    " this sometime and remove the old option entirely at some even later time,
287    " but for now just silently accept the old option.
288    if exists('g:use_xhtml') && !exists("g:html_use_xhtml")
289      let g:html_use_xhtml = g:use_xhtml
290    endif
292    " get current option settings with appropriate defaults
293    call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings,    'no_progress',  !has("statusline") )
294    call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings,  'diff_one_file',  0 )
295    call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings,   'number_lines',  &number )
296    call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings,        'use_css',  1 )
297    call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'ignore_conceal',  0 )
298    call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, 'ignore_folding',  0 )
299    call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings,  'dynamic_folds',  0 )
300    call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings,  'no_foldcolumn',  0 )
301    call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings,   'hover_unfold',  0 )
302    call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings,         'no_pre',  0 )
303    call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings,   'whole_filler',  0 )
304    call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings,      'use_xhtml',  0 )
306    " override those settings that need it
308    " hover opening implies dynamic folding
309    if user_settings.hover_unfold
310      let user_settings.dynamic_folds = 1
311    endif
313    " ignore folding overrides dynamic folding
314    if user_settings.ignore_folding && user_settings.dynamic_folds
315      let user_settings.dynamic_folds = 0
316      let user_settings.hover_unfold = 0
317    endif
319    " dynamic folding with no foldcolumn implies hover opens
320    if user_settings.dynamic_folds && user_settings.no_foldcolumn
321      let user_settings.hover_unfold = 1
322    endif
324    " dynamic folding implies css
325    if user_settings.dynamic_folds
326      let user_settings.use_css = 1
327    endif
329    " if we're not using CSS we cannot use a pre section because <font> tags
330    " aren't allowed inside a <pre> block
331    if !user_settings.use_css
332      let user_settings.no_pre = 1
333    endif
335    " Figure out proper MIME charset from the 'encoding' option.
336    if exists("g:html_use_encoding")
337      let user_settings.encoding = g:html_use_encoding
338    else
339      let vim_encoding = &encoding
340      if vim_encoding =~ '^8bit\|^2byte'
341	let vim_encoding = substitute(vim_encoding, '^8bit-\|^2byte-', '', '')
342      endif
343      if vim_encoding == 'latin1'
344	let user_settings.encoding = 'iso-8859-1'
345      elseif vim_encoding =~ "^cp12"
346	let user_settings.encoding = substitute(vim_encoding, 'cp', 'windows-', '')
347      elseif vim_encoding == 'sjis' || vim_encoding == 'cp932'
348	let user_settings.encoding = 'Shift_JIS'
349      elseif vim_encoding == 'big5' || vim_encoding == 'cp950'
350	let user_settings.encoding = "Big5"
351      elseif vim_encoding == 'euc-cn'
352	let user_settings.encoding = 'GB_2312-80'
353      elseif vim_encoding == 'euc-tw'
354	let user_settings.encoding = ""
355      elseif vim_encoding =~ '^euc\|^iso\|^koi'
356	let user_settings.encoding = substitute(vim_encoding, '.*', '\U\0', '')
357      elseif vim_encoding == 'cp949'
358	let user_settings.encoding = 'KS_C_5601-1987'
359      elseif vim_encoding == 'cp936'
360	let user_settings.encoding = 'GBK'
361      elseif vim_encoding =~ '^ucs\|^utf'
362	let user_settings.encoding = 'UTF-8'
363      else
364	let user_settings.encoding = ""
365      endif
366    endif
368    " TODO: font
370    return user_settings
371  endif
374let &cpo = s:cpo_sav
375unlet s:cpo_sav
377" Make sure any patches will probably use consistent indent
378"   vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 noet