1# This file is a Tcl script to test out the "photo" image type and the
2# other procedures in the file tkImgPhoto.c.  It is organized in the
3# standard fashion for Tcl tests.
5# Copyright (c) 1994 The Australian National University
6# Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
7# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
8# All rights reserved.
10# Author: Paul Mackerras (paulus@cs.anu.edu.au)
12# RCS: @(#) $Id$
14package require tcltest 2.1
15eval tcltest::configure $argv
18eval image delete [image names]
20canvas .c
21pack .c
24set README [makeFile {
25README -- Tk test suite design document.
26} README-imgPhoto]
28# find the teapot.ppm file for use in these tests
29set teapotPhotoFile [file join [file dirname [info script]] teapot.ppm]
30testConstraint hasTeapotPhoto [file exists $teapotPhotoFile]
32test imgPhoto-1.1 {options for photo images} {
33    image create photo p1 -width 79 -height 83
34    list [lindex [p1 configure -width] 4] [lindex [p1 configure -height] 4] \
35	[image width p1] [image height p1]
36} {79 83 79 83}
37test imgPhoto-1.2 {options for photo images} {
38    list [catch {image create photo p1 -file no.such.file} err] \
39	[string tolower $err]
40} {1 {couldn't open "no.such.file": no such file or directory}}
41test imgPhoto-1.3 {options for photo images} hasTeapotPhoto {
42    list [catch {image create photo p1 -file $teapotPhotoFile \
43	    -format no.such.format} err] $err
44} {1 {image file format "no.such.format" is not supported}}
45test imgPhoto-1.4 {options for photo images} hasTeapotPhoto {
46    image create photo p1 -file $teapotPhotoFile
47    list [image width p1] [image height p1]
48} {256 256}
49test imgPhoto-1.5 {options for photo images} hasTeapotPhoto {
50    image create photo p1 -file $teapotPhotoFile \
51	    -format ppm -width 79 -height 83
52    list [image width p1] [image height p1] \
53	[lindex [p1 configure -file] 4] [lindex [p1 configure -format] 4]
54} [list 79 83 $teapotPhotoFile ppm]
55test imgPhoto-1.6 {options for photo images} {
56    image create photo p1 -palette 2/2/2 -gamma 2.2
57    list [format %.1f [lindex [p1 configure -gamma] 4]] \
58	    [lindex [p1 configure -palette] 4]
59} {2.2 2/2/2}
60test imgPhoto-1.7 {options for photo images} {
61    list [catch {image create photo p1 -file $README} err] $err
62} [subst {1 {couldn't recognize data in image file "$README"}}]
63test imgPhoto-1.8 {options for photo images} {
64    list [catch {image create photo -blah blah} err] $err
65} {1 {unknown option "-blah"}}
66test imgPhoto-1.9 {options for photo images - error case} {
67    list [catch {image create photo -format} err] $err
68} {1 {value for "-format" missing}}
69test imgPhoto-1.10 {options for photo images - error case} {
70    list [catch {image create photo -data} err] $err
71} {1 {value for "-data" missing}}
72test imgPhoto-1.11 {options for photo images - error case} {
73    list [catch {image create photo p1 -format} err] $err
74} {1 {value for "-format" missing}}
76test imgPhoto-2.1 {ImgPhotoCreate procedure} {
77    eval image delete [image names]
78    catch {image create photo -blah blah}
79    image names
80} {}
81test imgPhoto-2.2 {ImgPhotoCreate procedure} {
82    eval image delete [image names]
83    image create photo image1
84    list [info commands image1] [image names] \
85	    [image width image1] [image height image1]
86} {image1 image1 0 0}
87# test imgPhoto-2.3 {ImgPhotoCreate procedure: creation failure} {
88#     image create photo p1
89#     image create photo p2 -width 10 -height 10
90#     catch {image create photo p2 -file bogus.img} msg
91#     p1 copy p2
92#     set msg
93# } {couldn't open "bogus.img": no such file or directory}
95test imgPhoto-3.1 {ImgPhotoConfigureMaster procedure} hasTeapotPhoto {
96    image create photo p1 -file $teapotPhotoFile
97    p1 configure -file $teapotPhotoFile
98} {}
99test imgPhoto-3.2 {ImgPhotoConfigureMaster procedure} hasTeapotPhoto {
100    image create photo p1 -file $teapotPhotoFile
101    list [catch {p1 configure -file bogus} err] [string tolower $err] \
102	[image width p1] [image height p1]
103} {1 {couldn't open "bogus": no such file or directory} 256 256}
104test imgPhoto-3.3 {ImgPhotoConfigureMaster procedure} hasTeapotPhoto {
105    image create photo p1
106    .c create image 10 10 -image p1 -tags p1.1 -anchor nw
107    .c create image 300 10 -image p1 -tags p1.2 -anchor nw
108    update
109    p1 configure -file $teapotPhotoFile
110    update
111    list [image width p1] [image height p1] [.c bbox p1.1] [.c bbox p1.2]
112} {256 256 {10 10 266 266} {300 10 556 266}}
114eval image delete [image names]
115image create photo p1
116.c create image 10 10 -image p1
119test imgPhoto-4.1 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure} {
120    list [catch {p1} err] $err
121} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 option ?arg arg ...?"}}
122test imgPhoto-4.2 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure} {
123    list [catch {p1 blah} err] $err
124} {1 {bad option "blah": must be blank, cget, configure, copy, data, get, put, read, redither, transparency, or write}}
125test imgPhoto-4.3 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: blank option} {
126    p1 blank
127    list [catch {p1 blank x} err] $err
128} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 blank"}}
129test imgPhoto-4.4 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: cget option} {
130    list [catch {p1 cget} msg] $msg
131} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 cget option"}}
132test imgPhoto-4.5 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: cget option} {
133    image create photo p2 -width 25 -height 30
134    list [p2 cget -width] [p2 cget -height]
135} {25 30}
136test imgPhoto-4.6 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: configure option} {
137    llength [p1 configure]
138} {7}
139test imgPhoto-4.7 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: configure option} {
140    p1 conf -palette 3/4/2
141    p1 configure -palette
142} {-palette {} {} {} 3/4/2}
143test imgPhoto-4.8 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: configure option} {
144    list [catch {p1 configure -blah} msg] $msg
145} {1 {unknown option "-blah"}}
146test imgPhoto-4.9 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: configure option} {
147    list [catch {p1 configure -palette {} -gamma} msg] $msg
148} {1 {value for "-gamma" missing}}
149test imgPhoto-4.10 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} hasTeapotPhoto {
150    image create photo p2 -file $teapotPhotoFile
151    p1 configure -width 0 -height 0 -palette {} -gamma 1
152    p1 copy p2
153    list [image width p1] [image height p1] [p1 get 100 100]
154} {256 256 {169 117 90}}
155test imgPhoto-4.11 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} {
156    list [catch {p1 copy} msg] $msg
157} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 copy source-image ?-compositingrule rule? ?-from x1 y1 x2 y2? ?-to x1 y1 x2 y2? ?-zoom x y? ?-subsample x y?"}}
158test imgPhoto-4.12 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} {
159    list [catch {p1 copy blah} msg] $msg
160} {1 {image "blah" doesn't exist or is not a photo image}}
161test imgPhoto-4.13 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} {
162    list [catch {p1 copy p2 -blah} msg] $msg
163} {1 {unrecognized option "-blah": must be -compositingrule, -from, -shrink, -subsample, -to, or -zoom}}
164test imgPhoto-4.14 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} {
165    list [catch {p1 copy p2 -from -to} msg] $msg
166} {1 {the "-from" option requires one to four integer values}}
167test imgPhoto-4.15 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} {
168    p1 copy p2
169    p1 copy p2 -from 0 70 60 120 -shrink
170    list [image width p1] [image height p1] [p1 get 20 10]
171} {60 50 {215 154 120}}
172test imgPhoto-4.16 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} {
173    p1 copy p2 -from 60 120 0 70 -to 20 50
174    list [image width p1] [image height p1] [p1 get 40 80]
175} {80 100 {19 92 192}}
176test imgPhoto-4.17 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} {
177    p1 copy p2 -from 0 120 60 70 -to 0 0 100 100
178    list [image width p1] [image height p1] [p1 get 80 60]
179} {100 100 {215 154 120}}
180test imgPhoto-4.18 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} {
181    p1 copy p2 -from 60 70 0 120 -zoom 2
182    list [image width p1] [image height p1] [p1 get 100 50]
183} {120 100 {169 99 47}}
184test imgPhoto-4.19 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} {
185    p1 copy p2 -from 0 70 60 120
186    list [image width p1] [image height p1] [p1 get 100 50]
187} {120 100 {169 99 47}}
188test imgPhoto-4.20 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} {
189    p1 copy p2 -from 20 20 200 180 -subsample 2 -shrink
190    list [image width p1] [image height p1] [p1 get 50 30]
191} {90 80 {207 146 112}}
192test imgPhoto-4.21 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} {
193    p1 copy p2
194    set result [list [image width p1] [image height p1]]
195    p1 conf -width 49 -height 51
196    lappend result [image width p1] [image height p1]
197    p1 copy p2
198    lappend result [image width p1] [image height p1]
199    p1 copy p2 -from 0 0 10 10 -shrink
200    lappend result [image width p1] [image height p1]
201    p1 conf -width 0
202    p1 copy p2 -from 0 0 10 10 -shrink
203    lappend result [image width p1] [image height p1]
204    p1 conf -height 0
205    p1 copy p2 -from 0 0 10 10 -shrink
206    lappend result [image width p1] [image height p1]
207} {256 256 49 51 49 51 49 51 10 51 10 10}
208test imgPhoto-4.22 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: get option} hasTeapotPhoto {
209    p1 read $teapotPhotoFile
210    list [p1 get 100 100] [p1 get 150 100] [p1 get 100 150]
211} {{169 117 90} {172 115 84} {35 35 35}}
212test imgPhoto-4.23 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: get option} {
213    list [catch {p1 get 256 0} err] $err
214} {1 {p1 get: coordinates out of range}}
215test imgPhoto-4.24 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: get option} {
216    list [catch {p1 get 0 -1} err] $err
217} {1 {p1 get: coordinates out of range}}
218test imgPhoto-4.25 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: get option} {
219    list [catch {p1 get} err] $err
220} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 get x y"}}
221test imgPhoto-4.26 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: put option} {
222    list [catch {p1 put} err] $err
223} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 put data ?options?"}}
224test imgPhoto-4.27 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: put option} {
225    list [catch {p1 put {{white} {white white}}} err] $err
226} {1 {all elements of color list must have the same number of elements}}
227test imgPhoto-4.28 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: put option} {
228    list [catch {p1 put {{blahgle}}} err] $err
229} {1 {can't parse color "blahgle"}}
230test imgPhoto-4.29 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: put option} {
231    p1 put -to 10 10 20 20 {{white}}
232    p1 get 19 19
233} {255 255 255}
234test imgPhoto-4.30 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: read option} {
235    list [catch {p1 read} err] $err
236} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 read fileName ?options?"}}
237test imgPhoto-4.31 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: read option} hasTeapotPhoto {
238    list [catch {p1 read $teapotPhotoFile -zoom 2} err] $err
239} {1 {unrecognized option "-zoom": must be -format, -from, -shrink, or -to}}
240test imgPhoto-4.32 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: read option} {
241    list [catch {p1 read bogus} err] [string tolower $err]
242} {1 {couldn't open "bogus": no such file or directory}}
243test imgPhoto-4.33 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: read option} hasTeapotPhoto {
244    list [catch {p1 read $teapotPhotoFile -format bogus} err] $err
245} {1 {image file format "bogus" is not supported}}
246test imgPhoto-4.34 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: read option} {
247    list [catch {p1 read $README} err] $err
248} [subst {1 {couldn't recognize data in image file "$README"}}]
249test imgPhoto-4.35 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: read option} hasTeapotPhoto {
250    p1 read $teapotPhotoFile
251    list [image width p1] [image height p1] [p1 get 120 120]
252} {256 256 {161 109 82}}
253test imgPhoto-4.36 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: read option} hasTeapotPhoto {
254    p1 read $teapotPhotoFile -from 0 70 60 120 -to 10 10 -shrink
255    list [image width p1] [image height p1] [p1 get 29 19]
256} {70 60 {244 180 144}}
257test imgPhoto-4.37 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: redither option} {
258    p1 redither
259    list [catch {p1 redither x} err] $err
260} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 redither"}}
261test imgPhoto-4.38 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: write option} {
262    list [catch {p1 write} err] $err
263} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 write fileName ?options?"}}
264test imgPhoto-4.39 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: write option} {
265    list [catch {p1 write teapot.tmp -format bogus} err] $err
266} {1 {image file format "bogus" is unknown}}
267eval image delete [image names]
268image create photo p1
269test imgPhoto-4.40 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency option} {
270    list [catch {p1 transparency} err] $err
271} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 transparency option ?arg arg ...?"}}
272test imgPhoto-4.41 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} {
273    list [catch {p1 transparency get} err] $err
274} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 transparency get x y"}}
275test imgPhoto-4.42 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} {
276    list [catch {p1 transparency get 0} err] $err
277} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 transparency get x y"}}
278test imgPhoto-4.43 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} {
279    list [catch {p1 transparency get 0 0 0} err] $err
280} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 transparency get x y"}}
281test imgPhoto-4.44 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} {
282    list [catch {p1 transparency get bogus 0} err] $err
283} {1 {expected integer but got "bogus"}}
284test imgPhoto-4.45 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} {
285    list [catch {p1 transparency get 0 bogus} err] $err
286} {1 {expected integer but got "bogus"}}
287test imgPhoto-4.46 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} {
288    p1 put white
289    p1 transparency get 0 0
290} 0
291test imgPhoto-4.47 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} {
292    list [catch {p1 transparency get 1 0} err] $err
293} {1 {p1 transparency get: coordinates out of range}}
294test imgPhoto-4.48 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} {
295    list [catch {p1 transparency get -1 0} err] $err
296} {1 {p1 transparency get: coordinates out of range}}
297test imgPhoto-4.49 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} {
298    list [catch {p1 transparency get 0 1} err] $err
299} {1 {p1 transparency get: coordinates out of range}}
300test imgPhoto-4.50 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} {
301    list [catch {p1 transparency get 0 -1} err] $err
302} {1 {p1 transparency get: coordinates out of range}}
303test imgPhoto-4.51 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} {
304    p1 blank
305    p1 transparency get 0 0
306} 1
307test imgPhoto-4.52 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
308    list [catch {p1 transparency set} err] $err
309} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 transparency set x y boolean"}}
310test imgPhoto-4.53 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
311    list [catch {p1 transparency set 0} err] $err
312} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 transparency set x y boolean"}}
313test imgPhoto-4.54 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
314    list [catch {p1 transparency set 0 0} err] $err
315} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 transparency set x y boolean"}}
316test imgPhoto-4.55 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
317    list [catch {p1 transparency set 0 0 0 0} err] $err
318} {1 {wrong # args: should be "p1 transparency set x y boolean"}}
319test imgPhoto-4.56 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
320    list [catch {p1 transparency set bogus 0 0} err] $err
321} {1 {expected integer but got "bogus"}}
322test imgPhoto-4.57 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
323    list [catch {p1 transparency set 0 bogus 0} err] $err
324} {1 {expected integer but got "bogus"}}
325test imgPhoto-4.58 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
326    list [catch {p1 transparency set 0 0 bogus} err] $err
327} {1 {expected boolean value but got "bogus"}}
328test imgPhoto-4.59 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
329    list [catch {p1 transparency set 1 0 0} err] $err
330} {1 {p1 transparency set: coordinates out of range}}
331test imgPhoto-4.60 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
332    list [catch {p1 transparency set -1 0 0} err] $err
333} {1 {p1 transparency set: coordinates out of range}}
334test imgPhoto-4.61 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
335    list [catch {p1 transparency set 0 1 0} err] $err
336} {1 {p1 transparency set: coordinates out of range}}
337test imgPhoto-4.62 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
338    list [catch {p1 transparency set 0 -1 0} err] $err
339} {1 {p1 transparency set: coordinates out of range}}
340test imgPhoto-4.63 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
341    p1 transparency set 0 0 false
342    p1 transparency get 0 0
343} 0
344test imgPhoto-4.64 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
345    p1 transparency set 0 0 true
346    p1 transparency get 0 0
347} 1
348# Now for some heftier testing, checking that setting and resetting of
349# pixels' transparency status doesn't "leak" with any one-off errors.
350proc checkImgTrans {img width height} {
351    set result {}
352    for {set x 0} {$x<$width} {incr x} {
353	for {set y 0} {$y<$height} {incr y} {
354	    if {[$img transparency get $x $y]} {
355		lappend result $x $y
356	    }
357	}
358    }
359    return $result
361test imgPhoto-4.65 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} {
362    p1 put white -to 0 0 3 3
363    checkImgTrans p1 3 3
364} {}
365test imgPhoto-4.66 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} {
366    p1 blank
367    checkImgTrans p1 3 3
368} {0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2}
369proc checkImgTransLoopSetReset {img width height} {
370    set result {}
371    for {set x 0} {$x<$width} {incr x} {
372	for {set y 0} {$y<$height} {incr y} {
373	    $img put white -to 0 0 3 3
374	    $img transparency set $x $y 1
375	    set result [concat $result [checkImgTrans $img $width $height]]
376	    lappend result ,
377	    $img transparency set $x $y 0
378	    set result [concat $result [checkImgTrans $img $width $height]]
379	    lappend result .
380	}
381    }
382    return $result
384test imgPhoto-4.67 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
385    checkImgTransLoopSetReset p1 3 3
386} {0 0 , . 0 1 , . 0 2 , . 1 0 , . 1 1 , . 1 2 , . 2 0 , . 2 1 , . 2 2 , .}
387proc checkImgTransLoopResetSet {img width height} {
388    set result {}
389    for {set x 0} {$x<$width} {incr x} {
390	for {set y 0} {$y<$height} {incr y} {
391	    $img blank
392	    $img transparency set $x $y 0
393	    set result [concat $result [checkImgTrans $img $width $height]]
394	    lappend result ,
395	    $img transparency set $x $y 1
396	    set result [concat $result [checkImgTrans $img $width $height]]
397	    lappend result .
398	}
399    }
400    return $result
402test imgPhoto-4.67a {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} {
403    checkImgTransLoopResetSet p1 3 3
404} {0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 , 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 . 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 , 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 . 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 , 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 . 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 , 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 . 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 , 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 . 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 1 2 2 , 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 . 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 , 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 . 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 2 , 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 . 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 , 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 .}
405catch {rename checkImgTransLoopSetReset {}}
406catch {rename checkImgTransLoopResetSet {}}
407# Test the compositing rules for copying images
408image create photo p1 -width 3 -height 3
409image create photo p2 -width 2 -height 2
410test imgPhoto-4.68 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy with -compositingrule} {
411    list [catch {p1 copy p2 -to 1 1 -compositingrule} msg] $msg
412} {1 {the "-compositingrule" option requires a value}}
413test imgPhoto-4.69 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy with -compositingrule} {
414    list [catch {p1 copy p2 -to 1 1 -compositingrule BAD} msg] $msg
415} {1 {bad compositing rule "BAD": must be overlay or set}}
416test imgPhoto-4.70 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy with -compositingrule} {
417    # Tests default compositing rule
418    p1 blank
419    p2 blank
420    p1 put white -to 0 0 2 2
421    p2 put white -to 0 0 2 2
422    p2 transparency set 0 0 true
423    p1 copy p2 -to 1 1
424    checkImgTrans p1 3 3
425} {0 2 2 0}
426test imgPhoto-4.71 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy with -compositingrule} {
427    p1 blank
428    p2 blank
429    p1 put white -to 0 0 2 2
430    p2 put white -to 0 0 2 2
431    p2 transparency set 0 0 true
432    p1 copy p2 -to 1 1 -compositingrule overlay
433    checkImgTrans p1 3 3
434} {0 2 2 0}
435test imgPhoto-4.72 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy with -compositingrule} {
436    p1 blank
437    p2 blank
438    p1 put white -to 0 0 2 2
439    p2 put white -to 0 0 2 2
440    p2 transparency set 0 0 true
441    p1 copy p2 -to 1 1 -compositingrule set
442    checkImgTrans p1 3 3
443} {0 2 1 1 2 0}
444catch {rename checkImgTrans {}}
446test imgPhoto-5.1 {ImgPhotoGet/Free procedures, shared instances} hasTeapotPhoto {
447    eval image delete [image names]
448    .c delete all
449    image create photo p1 -file $teapotPhotoFile
450    .c create image 0 0 -image p1 -tags p1.1
451    .c create image 256 0 -image p1 -tags p1.2
452    .c create image 0 256 -image p1 -tags p1.3
453    update
454    .c delete i1.1
455    p1 configure -width 1
456    update
457    .c delete i1.2
458    p1 configure -height 1
459    update
460    image delete p1
461} {}
463test imgPhoto-6.1 {ImgPhotoDisplay procedure, blank display} {
464    .c delete all
465    image create photo p1 -width 10 -height 10
466    p1 blank
467    .c create image 10 10 -image p1
468    update
469} {}
471test imgPhoto-7.1 {ImgPhotoFree procedure, resource freeing} hasTeapotPhoto {
472    eval image delete [image names]
473    .c delete all
474    image create photo p1 -file $teapotPhotoFile
475    .c create image 0 0 -image p1 -anchor nw
476    update
477    .c delete all
478    image delete p1
479} {}
480test imgPhoto-7.2 {ImgPhotoFree procedures, unlinking} hasTeapotPhoto {
481    image create photo p1 -file $teapotPhotoFile
482    .c create image 10 10 -image p1 -anchor nw
483    button .b1 -image p1
484    button .b2 -image p1
485    button .b3 -image p1
486    pack .b1 .b2 .b3
487    update
488    destroy .b2
489    update
490    destroy .b3
491    update
492    destroy .b1
493    update
494    .c delete all
495} {}
496test imgPhoto-7.3 {ImgPhotoFree procedures, multiple visuals} hasTeapotPhoto {
497    image create photo p1 -file $teapotPhotoFile
498    button .b1 -image p1
499    frame .f -visual best
500    button .f.b2 -image p1
501    pack .f.b2
502    pack .b1 .f
503    update
504    destroy .b1
505    update
506    .f.b2 configure -image {}
507    update
508    destroy .f
509    image delete p1
510} {}
512test imgPhoto-8.1 {ImgPhotoDelete procedure} hasTeapotPhoto {
513    image create photo p2 -file $teapotPhotoFile
514    image delete p2
515} {}
516test imagePhoto-8.2 {ImgPhotoDelete procedure} hasTeapotPhoto {
517    image create photo p2 -file $teapotPhotoFile
518    rename p2 newp2
519    set x [list [info command p2] [info command new*] [newp2 cget -file]]
520    image delete p2
521    append x [info command new*]
522} [list {} newp2 $teapotPhotoFile]
523test imagePhoto-8.3 {ImgPhotoDelete procedure, name cleanup} {
524    image create photo p1
525    image create photo p2 -width 10 -height 10
526    image delete p2
527    list [catch {p1 copy p2} msg] $msg
528} {1 {image "p2" doesn't exist or is not a photo image}}
530test imagePhoto-9.1 {ImgPhotoCmdDeletedProc procedure} hasTeapotPhoto {
531    image create photo p2 -file $teapotPhotoFile
532    rename p2 {}
533    list [lsearch -exact [image names] p2] [catch {p2 foo} msg] $msg
534} {-1 1 {invalid command name "p2"}}
536test imgPhoto-10.1 {Tk_ImgPhotoPutBlock procedure} {
537    eval image delete [image names]
538    image create photo p1
539    p1 put {{#ff0000 #ff0000 #ff0000 #ff0000 #ff0000 #ff0000 #ff0000 #ff0000}} -to 0 0
540    p1 put {{#00ff00 #00ff00}} -to 2 0
541    list [p1 get 2 0] [p1 get 3 0] [p1 get 4 0]
542} {{0 255 0} {0 255 0} {255 0 0}}
544test imgPhoto-11.1 {Tk_FindPhoto} {
545    eval image delete [image names]
546    image create bitmap i1
547    image create photo p1
548    list [catch {p1 copy i1} msg] $msg
549} {1 {image "i1" doesn't exist or is not a photo image}}
551test imgPhoto-12.1 {Tk_PhotoPutZoomedBlock} hasTeapotPhoto {
552    image create photo p3 -file $teapotPhotoFile
553    set result [list [p3 get 50 50] [p3 get 100 100]]
554    p3 copy p3 -zoom 2
555    lappend result [image width p3] [image height p3] [p3 get 100 100]
556    image delete p3
557    set result
558} {{19 92 192} {169 117 90} 512 512 {19 92 192}}
560test imgPhoto-13.1 {check separation of images in different interpreters} {
561    image delete {*}[image names]
562    set data {
563	R0lGODlhQgBkAPUAANbWxs7Wxs7OxsbOxsbGxsbGvb3Gvca9vcDAwL21vbW1vbW1tbWtta2t
564	ta2ltaWltaWlraWctaWcrZycrZyUrZSUrZSMrZSMpYyMrYyMpYyEpYSEpYR7pYR7nHp7pYRz
565	pYRynHtzpXtznHtrnHNrnHNjnGtjnGtjlGtalGNalGNSlGNSjFpSlFpKlFpKjFJKjFJCjFI5
567	/kCEcEgsGo/IpHLJbDqf0Kh0Sq1ar9isdsvter/gsHhMLpvP6LR6zW673/C4fE6v2+/4vH7P
568	7/v/gIGCg4SFhoeIiYqLjI2Oj5CRkpOUlZaXmJmOBZxXnAQEnKIIBUQJCguoDKkIBgWhpUev
578	VAR04EIJFAhwwQs0sBDfE7cZwEAE++yU2joOtDcKE7GUcoIKH6RSmwwnQCZFKAo8cE2es7my
581	WCCEK7Ck90Cz/oAFu+YVigpTwTsLyJOcBJ6N6plxRihA3E4cOKTkFCU6FMoAA7wiygAZgURA
585	nNQO0wVQoI4FEohFyr9GzDIYaaPxxWy0rCjKQJUMQvxBaMOgNMQChcU4DAkZ6PoV/hIUoP4i
586	Z7g/YHZHIPXeyWyONgsaCi4AOoLjXP8uhAAvPpCQ2Akr38UpXW60Ij8yPkMmwwj8KAI8QWtQ
587	+eXSixEb37WhcHQBERz2rdZ8leCBBcXNY3XevQ8VG/6+F5CACDYgATlmYYD27aRmLngBNADC
590	arGTEQhIhE7QjLA+MKDOxClGwuoJtWi0uBIUIxjDSE2wQ4iHl7ywQDjGwZws/NcAlgBjaKQJ
591	JDVuoQBeUeACoFkMcFqgQL1IgxpRSsjsqHA/gy0tHvmAx2z2BxIupaJrnVxCEAAAOw==
592    }
593    interp create x1
594    interp create x2
595    x1 eval {load {} Tk}
596    x2 eval {load {} Tk}
597    x1 eval [list image create photo T1_data -data $data]
598    x2 eval [list image create photo T1_data -data $data]
599    unset data
600    interp delete x1
601    interp delete x2
602} {}
604test imgPhoto-14.1 {GIF writes work correctly} {
630    set photo [image create photo -data $data]
631    set filename [makeFile {} imgPhoto-14.1.gif]
632    removeFile imgPhoto-14.1.gif
633    $photo write $filename -format gif
634    set photo2 [image create photo -file $filename]
635    set result [string equal [$photo data] [$photo2 data]]
636    image delete $photo $photo2
637    catch {file delete -force $filename}
638    set result
639} 1
640test imgPhoto-14.2 {GIF -index handler buffer sizing} -setup {
641    set i [image create photo]
642} -body {
643    # Bug 1458234 makes this crash when trying to access buffers of the
644    # wrong size, caused when the initial frame is not the largest frame.
645    set data {
648	LAMAAwAaABoAAAI0jH+gq+gfmFzQzUsr3gBybn1gIm5kaUaoubbuC8fyTNel
649	Ohv1CSO533u8KrgbUfc5Ci/EAgA7
650    }
651    $i configure -data $data -format {gif -index 2}
652} -cleanup {
653    image delete $i
654} -returnCodes error -result {no image data for this index}
656test imgPhoto-14.3 {GIF -index interleaving and small frames} -setup {
657    set i [image create photo]
658} -body {
659    # Interleaved GIFs used to crash us when a smaller subsequent frame
660    # was accessed.
661    $i configure -format {GIF -index 1} -data {
663    }
664} -cleanup {
665    image delete $i
668test imgPhoto-14.4 {GIF buffer overflow} -setup {
669    set i [image create photo]
670} -body {
671    # This crashes Tk up to 8.4.17 and 8.5.0
672    $i configure -data {
681	mWYAzGYA/2YzAGYzM2YzZmYzmWYzzGYz/2ZmAGZmM2ZmZmZmmWZmzGZm/2aZ
682	AGaZM2aZZmaZmWaZzGaZ/2bMAGbMM2bMZmbMmWbMzGbM/2b/AGb/M2b/Zmb/
683	mWb/zGb//5kAAJkAM5kAZpkAmZkAzJkA/5kzAJkzM5kzZpkzmZkzzJkz/5lm
684	AJlmM5lmZplmmZlmzJlm/5mZAJmZM5mZZpmZmZmZzJmZ/5nMAJnMM5nMZpnM
685	mZnMzJnM/5n/AJn/M5n/Zpn/mZn/zJn//8wAAMwAM8wAZswAmcwAzMwA/8wz
686	AMwzM8wzZswzmcwzzMwz/8xmAMxmM8xmZsxmmcxmzMxm/8yZAMyZM8yZZsyZ
687	mcyZzMyZ/8zMAMzMM8zMZszMmczMzMzM/8z/AMz/M8z/Zsz/mcz/zMz///8A
688	AP8AM/8AZv8Amf8AzP8A//8zAP8zM/8zZv8zmf8zzP8z//9mAP9mM/9mZv9m
689	mf9mzP9m//+ZAP+ZM/+ZZv+Zmf+ZzP+Z///MAP/MM//MZv/Mmf/MzP/M////
691	CBMqXMiwYcKAADs=
692    } 
693} -cleanup {
694    image delete $i
695} -returnCodes error -result {malformed image}
697test imgPhoto-15.1 {photo images can fail to allocate memory gracefully} \
698	{nonPortable} {
699    # This is not portable to very large machines with more around
700    # 3GB of free memory available...
701    list [catch {image create photo -width 32000 -height 32000} msg] $msg
702} {1 {not enough free memory for image buffer}}
704test imgPhoto-16.1 {copying to self doesn't access freed memory} {
705    # Bug 877950 makes this crash when trying to copy out of a deallocated area
706    set i [image create photo]
707    $i put red -to 0 0 1000 1000
708    $i copy $i -from 0 0 1000 1000 -to 500 0
709    image delete $i
710} {}
712destroy .c
713eval image delete [image names]
715# cleanup
716removeFile README-imgPhoto