1# ico.tcl --
3# Win32 ico manipulation code
5# Copyright (c) 2003 Aaron Faupell
6# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 ActiveState Corporation
8# RCS: @(#) $Id: ico0.tcl,v 1.2 2007/02/23 23:28:33 hobbs Exp $
10# JH: speed has been considered in these routines, although they
11# may not be fully optimized.  Running EXEtoICO on explorer.exe,
12# which has nearly 100 icons, takes .2 secs on a P4/2.4ghz machine.
15# Sample usage:
16#	set file bin/wish.exe
17#	set icos [::ico::getIconList $file]
18#	set img  [::ico::getIcon $file 1 -format image]
20package require Tcl 8.4
22# Instantiate vars we need for this package
23namespace eval ::ico {
24    namespace export getIconList getIcon writeIcon copyIcon transparentColor clearCache EXEtoICO
25    # stores cached indices of icons found
26    variable  ICONS
27    array set ICONS {}
29    # used for 4bpp number conversion
30    variable BITS
31    array set BITS [list {} 0 0000 0 0001 1 0010 2 0011 3 0100 4 \
32			0101 5 0110 6 0111 7 1000 8 1001 9 \
33			1010 10 1011 11 1100 12 1101 13 1110 14 1111 15 \
34			\
35			00000 00 00001 0F 00010 17 00011 1F \
36			00100 27 00101 2F 00110 37 00111 3F \
37			01000 47 01001 4F 01010 57 01011 5F \
38			01100 67 01101 6F 01110 77 01111 7F \
39			10000 87 10001 8F 10010 97 10011 9F \
40			10100 A7 10101 AF 10110 B7 10111 BF \
41			11000 C7 11001 CF 11010 D7 11011 DF \
42			11100 E7 11101 EF 11110 F7 11111 FF]
46# getIconList --
48# List of icons in the file (each element a list of w h and bpp)
50# ARGS:
51#	file	File to extra icon info from.
52#	?-type?	Type of file.  If not specified, it is derived from
53#		the file extension.  Currently recognized types are
54#		EXE, DLL, ICO and ICL
57#	list of icons' dimensions as tuples {width height bpp}
59proc ::ico::getIconList {file args} {
60    parseOpts type $args
61    if {![info exists type]} {
62        # $type wasn't specified - get it from the extension
63        set type [fileext $file]
64    }
65    if {![llength [info commands getIconList$type]]} {
66	return -code error "unsupported file format $type"
67    }
68    getIconList$type [file normalize $file]
71# getIcon --
73# Get pixel data or image of icon @ index in file
75# ARGS:
76#	file		File to extra icon info from.
77#	index		Index of icon in the file to use.  The ordering is the
78#			same as returned by getIconList.  (0-based)
79#	?-type?		Type of file.  If not specified, it is derived from
80#			the file extension.  Currently recognized types are
81#			EXE, DLL, ICO and ICL
82#	?-format?	Output format. Must be one of "image" or "colors"
83#			'image' will return the name of a Tk image.
84#			'colors' will return a list of pixel values
85#	?-name?		If output is image, use this as the name of Tk image
86#			created
89#	pixel data as a list that could be passed to 'image create'
91proc ::ico::getIcon {file index args} {
92    set name {}
93    set format image
94    parseOpts {type format name} $args
95    if {![info exists type]} {
96        # $type wasn't specified - get it from the extension
97        set type [fileext $file]
98    }
99    if {![llength [info commands getRawIconData$type]]} {
100        return -code error "unsupported file format $type"
101    }
102    # ICODATA is a pure data type - not a real file
103    if {$type ne "ICODATA"} {
104	set file [file normalize $file]
105    }
106    set colors [eval [linsert [getRawIconData$type $file $index] 0 getIconAsColorList]]
107    if {$format eq "image"} {
108        return [createImage $colors $name]
109    }
110    return $colors
113# writeIcon --
115# Overwrite write icon @ index in file of specific type with depth/pixel data
117# ARGS:
118#	file	File to extra icon info from.
119#	index	Index of icon in the file to use.  The ordering is the
120#		same as returned by getIconList.  (0-based)
121#	bpp	bit depth of icon we are writing
122#	data	Either pixel color data (as returned by getIcon -format color)
123#		or the name of a Tk image.
124#	?-type?	Type of file.  If not specified, it is derived from
125#		the file extension.  Currently recognized types are
126#		EXE, DLL, ICO and ICL
129#	Tk image based on the specified icon
131proc ::ico::writeIcon {file index bpp data args} {
132    parseOpts type $args
133    if {![info exists type]} {
134        # $type wasn't specified - get it from the extension
135        set type [fileext $file]
136    }
137    if {![llength [info commands writeIcon$type]]} {
138	return -code error "unsupported file format $type"
139    }
140    if {[llength $data] == 1} {
141        set data [getColorListFromImage $data]
142    } elseif {[lsearch -glob [join $data] #*] > -1} {
143        set data [translateColors $data]
144    }
145    if {$bpp != 1 && $bpp != 4 && $bpp != 8 && $bpp != 24 && $bpp != 32} {
146	return -code error "invalid color depth"
147    }
148    set palette {}
149    if {$bpp <= 8} {
150	set palette [getPaletteFromColors $data]
151	if {[lindex $palette 0] > (1 << $bpp)} {
152	    return -code error "specified color depth too low"
153	}
154	set data  [lindex $palette 2]
155	set palette [lindex $palette 1]
156	append palette [string repeat \000 [expr {(1 << ($bpp + 2)) - [string length $palette]}]]
157    }
158    set and [getAndMaskFromColors $data]
159    set xor [getXORFromColors $bpp $data]
160    # writeIcon$type file index w h bpp palette xor and
161    writeIcon$type [file normalize $file] $index \
162	[llength [lindex $data 0]] [llength $data] $bpp $palette $xor $and
166# copyIcon --
168# Copies an icon directly from one file to another
170# ARGS:
171#	file	        File to extract icon info from.
172#	index	        Index of icon in the file to use.  The ordering is the
173#		        same as returned by getIconList.  (0-based)
174#	?-fromtype?	Type of source file.  If not specified, it is derived from
175#		        the file extension.  Currently recognized types are
176#		        EXE, DLL, ICO and ICL
177#	?-totype?	Type of destination file.  If not specified, it is derived from
178#		        the file extension.  Currently recognized types are
179#		        EXE, DLL, ICO and ICL
182#	nothing
184proc ::ico::copyIcon {f1 i1 f2 i2 args} {
185    parseOpts {fromtype totype} $args
186    if {![info exists fromtype]} {
187        # $type wasn't specified - get it from the extension
188        set fromtype [fileext $f1]
189    }
190    if {![info exists totype]} {
191        # $type wasn't specified - get it from the extension
192        set totype [fileext $f2]
193    }
194    if {![llength [info commands writeIcon$totype]]} {
195	return -code error "unsupported file format $totype"
196    }
197    if {![llength [info commands getRawIconData$fromtype]]} {
198	return -code error "unsupported file format $fromtype"
199    }
200    set src [getRawIconData$fromtype $f1 $i1]
201    writeIcon $f2 $i2 [lindex $src 2] [eval getIconAsColorList $src] -type $totype
205# transparentColor --
207# Turns on transparency for all pixels in the image that match the color
209# ARGS:
210#	img	        Name of the Tk image to modify, or an image in color list format
211#	color	        Color in #hex format which will be made transparent
214#	the data or image after modification
216proc ::ico::transparentColor {img color} {
217    if {[llength $img] == 1} {
218        package require Tk
219        if {[string match "#*" $color]} {
220            set color [scan $color "#%2x%2x%2x"]
221        }
222        set w [image width $img]
223        set h [image height $img]
224        for {set y 0} {$y < $h} {incr y} {
225            for {set x 0} {$x < $w} {incr x} {
226                if {[$img get $x $y] eq $color} {$img transparency set $x $y 1}
227            }
228        }
229    } else {
230        set y 0
231        foreach row $img {
232            set x 0
233            foreach px $row {
234                if {$px == $color} {lset img $y $x {}}
235                incr x
236            }
237            incr y
238        }
239    }
240    return $img
244# clearCache --
246# Clears the cache of icon offsets
248# ARGS:
249#	file	optional filename
253#	nothing
255proc ::ico::clearCache {{file {}}} {
256    variable ICONS
257    if {$file ne ""} {
258	array unset ICONS $file,*
259    } else {
260	unset ICONS
261	array set ICONS {}
262    }
266# EXEtoICO --
268# Convert all icons found in exefile into a regular icon file
270# ARGS:
271#	exeFile	        Input EXE filename
272#	icoFile	        Output ICO filename
275#	nothing
277proc ::ico::EXEtoICO {exeFile icoFile} {
278    variable ICONS
280    set file [file normalize $exeFile]
281    set cnt  [SearchForIcos $file]
282    set dir  {}
283    set data {}
285    set fh [open $file]
286    fconfigure $fh -eofchar {} -encoding binary -translation lf
288    for {set i 0} {$i <= $cnt} {incr i} {
289        seek $fh $ICONS($file,$i) start
290	set ico $ICONS($file,$i,data)
291	eval [list lappend dir] $ico
292	append data [read $fh [eval calcSize $ico 40]]
293    }
294    close $fh
296    # write them out to a file
297    set ifh [open $icoFile w+]
298    fconfigure $ifh -eofchar {} -encoding binary -translation lf
300    bputs $ifh sss 0 1 [expr {$cnt + 1}]
301    set offset [expr {6 + (($cnt + 1) * 16)}]
302    foreach {w h bpp} $dir {
303	set colors 0
304	if {$bpp <= 8} {set colors [expr {1 << $bpp}]}
305	set s [calcSize $w $h $bpp 40]
306	lappend fix $offset $s
307	bputs $ifh ccccssii $w $h $colors 0 1 $bpp $s $offset
308	set offset [expr {$offset + $s}]
309    }
310    puts -nonewline $ifh $data
311    foreach {offset size} $fix {
312	seek $ifh [expr {$offset + 20}] start
313	bputs $ifh i $size
314    }
315    close $ifh
319## Internal helper commands.
320## Some may be appropriate for exposing later, but would need docs
321## and make sure they "fit" in the API.
324# gets the file extension as we use it internally (upper case, no '.')
325proc ::ico::fileext {file} {
326    return [string trimleft [string toupper [file extension $file]] .]
329# helper proc to parse optional arguments to some of the public procs
330proc ::ico::parseOpts {acc opts} {
331    foreach {key val} $opts {
332        set key [string trimleft $key -]
333	if {[lsearch -exact $acc $key] >= 0} {
334	    upvar $key $key
335	    set $key $val
336	} elseif {$key ne ""} {
337	    return -code error "unknown option \"$key\": must be one of $acc"
338	}
339    }
342# formats a single color from a binary decimal list format to the #hex format
343proc ::ico::formatColor {r g b} {
344    format "#%02X%02X%02X" [scan $r %c] [scan $g %c] [scan $b %c]
347# translates a color list from the #hex format to the decimal list format
348#                                #0000FF                  {0 0 255}
349proc ::ico::translateColors {colors} {
350    set new {}
351    foreach line $colors {
352	set tline {}
353	foreach x $line {
354	    if {$x eq ""} {lappend tline {}; continue}
355	    lappend tline [scan $x "#%2x%2x%2x"]
356	}
357	set new [linsert $new 0 $tline]
358    }
359    return $new
362proc ::ico::getdword {fh} {
363    binary scan [read $fh 4] i* tmp
364    return $tmp
367proc ::ico::getword {fh} {
368    binary scan [read $fh 2] s* tmp
369    return $tmp
372proc ::ico::getulong {fh} {
373    binary scan [read $fh 4] i tmp
374    return [format %u $tmp]
377proc ::ico::getushort {fh} {
378    binary scan [read $fh 2] s tmp
379    return [expr {$tmp & 0x0000FFFF}]
382# binary puts
383proc ::ico::bputs {fh format args} {
384    puts -nonewline $fh [eval [list binary format $format] $args]
387# creates a Tk image from a list of colors in the #hex format
388proc ::ico::createImage {colors {name {}}} {
389    package require Tk
390    set h [llength $colors]
391    set w [llength [lindex $colors 0]]
392    if {$name ne ""} {
393	set img [image create photo $name -width $w -height $h]
394    } else {
395	set img [image create photo -width $w -height $h]
396    }
397    if {0} {
398	# if image supported "" colors as transparent pixels,
399	# we could use this much faster op
400	$img put -to 0 0 $colors
401    } else {
402	for {set x 0} {$x < $w} {incr x} {
403	    for {set y 0} {$y < $h} {incr y} {
404		set clr [lindex $colors $y $x]
405		if {$clr ne ""} {
406		    $img put -to $x $y $clr
407		}
408	    }
409	}
410    }
411    return $img
414# return a list of colors in the #hex format from raw icon data
415# returned by readDIB
416proc ::ico::getIconAsColorList {w h bpp palette xor and} {
417    # Create initial empty color array that we'll set indices in
418    set colors {}
419    set row    {}
420    set empty  {}
421    for {set x 0} {$x < $w} {incr x} { lappend row $empty }
422    for {set y 0} {$y < $h} {incr y} { lappend colors $row }
424    set x 0
425    set y [expr {$h-1}]
426    if {$bpp == 1} {
427	binary scan $xor B* xorBits
428	foreach i [split $xorBits {}] a [split $and {}] {
429	    if {$x == $w} { set x 0; incr y -1 }
430	    if {$a == 0} {
431		lset colors $y $x [lindex $palette $i]
432	    }
433	    incr x
434	}
435    } elseif {$bpp == 4} {
436	variable BITS
437	binary scan $xor B* xorBits
438	set i 0
439	foreach a [split $and {}] {
440	    if {$x == $w} { set x 0; incr y -1 }
441	    if {$a == 0} {
442		set bits [string range $xorBits $i [expr {$i+3}]]
443		lset colors $y $x [lindex $palette $BITS($bits)]
444	    }
445	    incr i 4
446	    incr x
447	}
448    } elseif {$bpp == 8} {
449	foreach i [split $xor {}] a [split $and {}] {
450	    if {$x == $w} { set x 0; incr y -1 }
451	    if {$a == 0} {
452		lset colors $y $x [lindex $palette [scan $i %c]]
453	    }
454	    incr x
455	}
456    } elseif {$bpp == 16} {
457        variable BITS
458        binary scan $xor b* xorBits
459        set i 0
460	foreach a [split $and {}] {
461	    if {$x == $w} { set x 0; incr y -1 }
462	    if {$a == 0} {
463		set b1 [string range $xorBits      $i        [expr {$i+4}]]
464		set b2 [string range $xorBits [expr {$i+5}]  [expr {$i+9}]]
465		set b3 [string range $xorBits [expr {$i+10}] [expr {$i+14}]]
466		lset colors $y $x "#$BITS($b3)$BITS($b2)$BITS($b1)"
467	    }
468	    incr i 16
469	    incr x
470	}
471    } elseif {$bpp == 24} {
472	foreach {b g r} [split $xor {}] a [split $and {}] {
473	    if {$x == $w} { set x 0; incr y -1 }
474	    if {$a == 0} {
475		lset colors $y $x [formatColor $r $g $b]
476	    }
477	    incr x
478	}
479    } elseif {$bpp == 32} {
480	foreach {b g r n} [split $xor {}] a [split $and {}] {
481	    if {$x == $w} { set x 0; incr y -1 }
482	    if {$a == 0} {
483		lset colors $y $x [formatColor $r $g $b]
484	    }
485	    incr x
486	}
487    }
488    return $colors
491# creates a binary formatted AND mask by reading a list of colors in the decimal list format
492# and checking for empty colors which designate transparency
493proc ::ico::getAndMaskFromColors {colors} {
494    set and {}
495    foreach line $colors {
496	set l {}
497	foreach x $line {append l [expr {$x eq ""}]}
498	append l [string repeat 0 [expr {[string length $l] % 32}]]
499	foreach {a b c d e f g h} [split $l {}] {
500	    append and [binary format B8 $a$b$c$d$e$f$g$h]
501	}
502    }
503    return $and
506# creates a binary formatted XOR mask in the specified depth format from
507# a list of colors in the decimal list format
508proc ::ico::getXORFromColors {bpp colors} {
509    set xor {}
510    if {$bpp == 1} {
511	foreach line $colors {
512	    foreach {a b c d e f g h} $line {
513		foreach x {a b c d e f g h} {
514		    if {[set $x] == ""} {set $x 0}
515		}
516		binary scan $a$b$c$d$e$f$g$h bbbbbbbb h g f e d c b a
517		append xor [binary format b8 $a$b$c$d$e$f$g$h]
518	    }
519	}
520    } elseif {$bpp == 4} {
521	foreach line $colors {
522	    foreach {a b} $line {
523		if {$a == ""} {set a 0}
524		if {$b == ""} {set b 0}
525		binary scan $a$b b4b4 b a
526		append xor [binary format b8 $a$b]
527	    }
528	}
529    } elseif {$bpp == 8} {
530	foreach line $colors {
531	    foreach x $line {
532		if {$x == ""} {set x 0}
533		append xor [binary format c $x]
534	    }
535	}
536    } elseif {$bpp == 24} {
537	foreach line $colors {
538	    foreach x $line {
539		if {![llength $x]} {
540		    append xor [binary format ccc 0 0 0]
541		} else {
542		    foreach {a b c n} $x {
543			append xor [binary format ccc $c $b $a]
544		    }
545		}
546	    }
547	}
548    } elseif {$bpp == 32} {
549	foreach line $colors {
550	    foreach x $line {
551		if {![llength $x]} {
552		    append xor [binary format cccc 0 0 0 0]
553		} else {
554		    foreach {a b c n} $x {
555			if {$n == ""} {set n 0}
556			append xor [binary format cccc $c $b $a $n]
557		    }
558		}
559	    }
560	}
561    }
562    return $xor
565# translates a Tk image into a list of colors in the {r g b} format
566# one element per pixel and {} designating transparent
567# used by writeIcon when writing from a Tk image
568proc ::ico::getColorListFromImage {img} {
569    package require Tk
570    set w [image width $img]
571    set h [image height $img]
572    set r {}
573    for {set y [expr $h - 1]} {$y > -1} {incr y -1} {
574	set l {}
575	for {set x 0} {$x < $w} {incr x} {
576	    if {[$img transparency get $x $y]} {
577		lappend l {}
578	    } else {
579		lappend l [$img get $x $y]
580	    }
581	}
582	lappend r $l
583    }
584    return $r
587# creates a palette from a list of colors in the decimal list format
588# a palette consists of 3 values, the number of colors, the palette entry itself,
589# and the color list transformed to point to palette entries instead of color names
590# the palette entry itself is stored as 32bpp in "G B R padding" order
591proc ::ico::getPaletteFromColors {colors} {
592    set palette "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
593    array set tpal {{0 0 0} 0}
594    set new {}
595    set i 1
596    foreach line $colors {
597	set tline {}
598	foreach x $line {
599	    if {$x eq ""} {lappend tline {}; continue}
600	    if {![info exists tpal($x)]} {
601		foreach {a b c n} $x {
602		    append palette [binary format cccc $c $b $a 0]
603		}
604		set tpal($x) $i
605		incr i
606	    }
607	    lappend tline $tpal($x)
608	}
609	lappend new $tline
610    }
611    return [list $i $palette $new]
614# calculate byte size of an icon.
615# often passed $w twice because $h is double $w in the binary data
616proc ::ico::calcSize {w h bpp {offset 0}} {
617    set s [expr {int(($w*$h) * ($bpp/8.0)) \
618		     + ((($w*$h) + ($h*($w%32)))/8) + $offset}]
619    if {$bpp <= 8} { set s [expr {$s + (1 << ($bpp + 2))}] }
620    return $s
623# read a Device Independent Bitmap from the current offset, return:
624#	{width height depth palette XOR_mask AND_mask}
625proc ::ico::readDIB {fh} {
626    binary scan [read $fh 16] x4iix2s w h bpp
627    set h [expr {$h / 2}]
628    seek $fh 24 current
630    set palette [list]
631    if {$bpp == 1 || $bpp == 4 || $bpp == 8} {
632	set colors [read $fh [expr {1 << ($bpp + 2)}]]
633	foreach {b g r x} [split $colors {}] {
634	    lappend palette [formatColor $r $g $b]
635	}
636    } elseif {$bpp == 16 || $bpp == 24 || $bpp == 32} {
637	# do nothing here
638    } else {
639	return -code error "unsupported color depth: $bpp"
640    }
642    set xor  [read $fh [expr {int(($w * $h) * ($bpp / 8.0))}]]
643    set and1 [read $fh [expr {(($w * $h) + ($h * ($w % 32))) / 8}]]
645    set and {}
646    set row [expr {((($w - 1) / 32) * 32 + 32) / 8}]
647    set len [expr {$row * $h}]
648    for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i $row} {
649	binary scan [string range $and1 $i [expr {$i + $row}]] B$w tmp
650	append and $tmp
651    }
653    return [list $w $h $bpp $palette $xor $and]
656# read a Device Independent Bitmap from raw data, return:
657#	{width height depth palette XOR_mask AND_mask}
658proc ::ico::readDIBFromData {data loc} {
659    # Read info from location
660    binary scan $data @${loc}x4iix2s w h bpp
661    set h [expr {$h / 2}]
662    # Move over w/h/bpp info + magic offset to start of DIB
663    set cnt [expr {$loc + 16 + 24}]
665    set palette [list]
666    if {$bpp == 1 || $bpp == 4 || $bpp == 8} {
667	# Could do: [binary scan $data @${cnt}c$len colors]
668	# and iter over colors, but this is more consistent with $fh version
669	set len    [expr {1 << ($bpp + 2)}]
670	set colors [string range $data $cnt [expr {$cnt + $len - 1}]]
671	foreach {b g r x} [split $colors {}] {
672	    lappend palette [formatColor $r $g $b]
673	}
674	incr cnt $len
675    } elseif {$bpp == 16 || $bpp == 24 || $bpp == 32} {
676	# do nothing here
677    } else {
678	return -code error "unsupported color depth: $bpp"
679    }
681    # Use -1 to account for string range inclusiveness
682    set end  [expr {$cnt + int(($w * $h) * ($bpp / 8.0)) - 1}]
683    set xor  [string range $data $cnt $end]
684    set and1 [string range $data [expr {$end + 1}] \
685		  [expr {$end + ((($w * $h) + ($h * ($w % 32))) / 8) - 1}]]
687    set and {}
688    set row [expr {((($w - 1) / 32) * 32 + 32) / 8}]
689    set len [expr {$row * $h}]
690    for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i $row} {
691	# Has to be decoded by row, in order
692	binary scan [string range $and1 $i [expr {$i + $row}]] B$w tmp
693	append and $tmp
694    }
696    return [list $w $h $bpp $palette $xor $and]
699proc ::ico::getIconListICO {file} {
700    set fh [open $file r]
701    fconfigure $fh -eofchar {} -encoding binary -translation lf
703    # both words must be read to keep in sync with later reads
704    if {"[getword $fh] [getword $fh]" ne "0 1"} {
705	return -code error "not an icon file"
706    }
707    set num [getword $fh]
708    set r {}
709    for {set i 0} {$i < $num} {incr i} {
710	set info {}
711	lappend info [scan [read $fh 1] %c] [scan [read $fh 1] %c]
712	set bpp [scan [read $fh 1] %c]
713	if {$bpp == 0} {
714	    set orig [tell $fh]
715	    seek $fh 9 current
716	    seek $fh [expr {[getdword $fh] + 14}] start
717	    lappend info [getword $fh]
718	    seek $fh $orig start
719	} else {
720	    lappend info [expr {int(sqrt($bpp))}]
721	}
722	lappend r $info
723	seek $fh 13 current
724    }
725    close $fh
726    return $r
729proc ::ico::getIconListICODATA {data} {
730    if {[binary scan $data sss h1 h2 num] != 3 || $h1 != 0 || $h2 != 1} {
731	return -code error "not icon data"
732    }
733    set r {}
734    set cnt 6
735    for {set i 0} {$i < $num} {incr i} {
736	if {[binary scan $data @${cnt}ccc w h bpp] != 3} {
737	    return -code error "error decoding icon data"
738	}
739	incr cnt 3
740	set info [list $w $h]
741	if {$bpp == 0} {
742	    set off [expr {$cnt + 9}]
743	    binary scan $data @${off}i off
744	    incr off 14
745	    binary scan $data @${off}s bpp
746	    lappend info $bpp
747	} else {
748	    lappend info [expr {int(sqrt($bpp))}]
749	}
750	lappend r $info
751	incr cnt 13
752    }
753    return $r
756proc ::ico::getIconListBMP {file} {
757    set fh [open $file]
758    if {[read $fh 2] != "BM"} { close $fh; return -code error "not a BMP file" }
759    seek $fh 14 start
760    binary scan [read $fh 16] x4iix2s w h bpp
761    close $fh
762    return [list $w $h $bpp]
765proc ::ico::getIconListEXE {file} {
766    variable ICONS
768    set file [file normalize $file]
769    set cnt  [SearchForIcos $file]
771    set icons [list]
772    for {set i 0} {$i <= $cnt} {incr i} {
773	lappend icons $ICONS($file,$i,data)
774    }
776    return $icons
779# returns an icon in the form:
780#	{width height depth palette xor_mask and_mask}
781proc ::ico::getRawIconDataICO {file index} {
782    set fh [open $file r]
783    fconfigure $fh -eofchar {} -encoding binary -translation lf
785    # both words must be read to keep in sync with later reads
786    if {"[getword $fh] [getword $fh]" ne "0 1"} {
787        close $fh
788	return -code error "not an icon file"
789    }
790    if {$index < 0 || $index >= [getword $fh]} {
791	return -code error "index out of range"
792    }
794    seek $fh [expr {(16 * $index) + 12}] current
795    seek $fh [getdword $fh] start
797    # readDIB returns: {w h bpp palette xor and}
798    set dib [readDIB $fh]
800    close $fh
801    return $dib
804proc ::ico::getRawIconDataICODATA {data index} {
805    if {[binary scan $data sss h1 h2 num] != 3 || $h1 != 0 || $h2 != 1} {
806	return -code error "not icon data"
807    }
808    if {$index < 0 || $index >= $num} {
809	return -code error "index out of range: must be between 0 and $num"
810    }
811    # Move to ico location
812    set cnt [expr {6 + (16 * $index) + 12}]
813    binary scan $data @${cnt}i loc
815    # readDIB returns: {w h bpp palette xor and}
816    set dib [readDIBFromData $data $loc]
818    return $dib
821# returns an icon in the form:
822#	{width height depth palette xor_mask and_mask}
823proc ::ico::getRawIconDataBMP {file {index 0}} {
824    if {$index != 0} {return -code error "index out of range"}
825    set fh [open $file]
826    if {[read $fh 2] != "BM"} { close $fh; return -code error "not a BMP file" }
827    seek $fh 14 start
828    binary scan [read $fh 16] x4iix2s w h bpp
829    seek $fh 24 current
831    set palette [list]
832    if {$bpp == 1 || $bpp == 4 || $bpp == 8} {
833	set colors [read $fh [expr {1 << ($bpp + 2)}]]
834	foreach {b g r x} [split $colors {}] {
835	    lappend palette [formatColor $r $g $b]
836	}
837    } elseif {$bpp == 16 || $bpp == 24 || $bpp == 32} {
838	# do nothing here
839    } else {
840	return -code error "unsupported color depth: $bpp"
841    }
843    set xor  [read $fh [expr {int(($w * $h) * ($bpp / 8.0))}]]
844    set and [string repeat 0 [expr {$w * $h}]]
845    close $fh
847    return [list $w $h $bpp $palette $xor $and]
850# returns an icon in the form:
851#	{width height depth palette xor_mask and_mask}
852proc ::ico::getRawIconDataEXE {file index} {
853    variable ICONS
855    set file [file normalize $file]
856    set cnt  [SearchForIcos $file $index]
858    if {$cnt < $index} { return -code error "index out of range" }
860    set fh [open $file]
861    fconfigure $fh -eofchar {} -encoding binary -translation lf
862    seek $fh $ICONS($file,$index) start
864    # readDIB returns: {w h bpp palette xor and}
865    set dib [readDIB $fh]
866    close $fh
867    return $dib
870proc ::ico::writeIconICO {file index w h bpp palette xor and} {
871    if {![file exists $file]} {
872	set fh [open $file w+]
873	fconfigure $fh -eofchar {} -encoding binary -translation lf
874	bputs $fh sss 0 1 0
875	seek $fh 0 start
876    } else {
877	set fh [open $file r+]
878	fconfigure $fh -eofchar {} -encoding binary -translation lf
879    }
880    if {[file size $file] > 4 && "[getword $fh] [getword $fh]" ne "0 1"} {
881	close $fh
882	return -code error "not an icon file"
883    }
884    set num [getword $fh]
885    if {$index eq "end"} { set index $num }
886    if {$index < 0 || $index > $num} {
887	close $fh
888	return -code error "index out of range"
889    }
890    set colors 0
891    if {$bpp <= 8} {set colors [expr {1 << $bpp}]}
892    set size [expr {[string length $palette] + [string length $xor] + [string length $and]}]
894    # if we are adding a new icon at the end
895    if {$index == $num} {
896        # increment the icon count
897	seek $fh -2 current
898	bputs $fh s [expr {$num + 1}]
899	# save all the data past the icon dir entries
900	seek $fh [expr {$num * 16}] current
901	set olddata [read $fh]
902	# increment all the offsets in the existing dir entries by 16 to account for our new entry
903	set cur 0
904	while {$cur < $num} {
905	    seek $fh [expr {($cur * 16) + 18}] start
906	    set toff [getdword $fh]
907	    seek $fh -4 current
908	    bputs $fh i [expr {$toff + 16}]
909	    incr cur
910	}
911	# insert new icon dir entry
912	bputs $fh ccccss $w $h $colors 0 0 $bpp
913	bputs $fh ii [expr {$size + 40}] [expr {[string length $olddata] + [tell $fh] + 8}]
914	# put all the icon data back
915	puts -nonewline $fh $olddata
916	# put our new icon at the end
917	bputs $fh iiissiiiiii 40 $w [expr {$h * 2}] 1 $bpp 0 $size 0 0 0 0
918	puts -nonewline $fh $palette
919	puts -nonewline $fh $xor
920	puts -nonewline $fh $and
921    } else {
922        # we are overwriting an icon - not necesarily the same size
923        # get existing icon offset and length
924	seek $fh [expr {($index * 16) + 8}] current
925	set len [getdword $fh]
926	set offset [getdword $fh]
927	# adjust offset in existing icon dir entries higher than our new icon to account
928	# for new icon length
929	set cur [expr {$index + 1}]
930	while {$cur < $num} {
931	    seek $fh [expr {($cur * 16) + 18}] start
932	    set toff [getdword $fh]
933	    seek $fh -4 current
934	    bputs $fh i [expr {$toff + (($size + 40) - $len)}]
935	    incr cur
936	}
937	# save all data after new icon
938	seek $fh [expr {$offset + $len}] start
939	set olddata [read $fh]
940	# overwrite icon dir entry
941	seek $fh [expr {($index * 16) + 6}] start
942	bputs $fh ccccssi $w $h $colors 0 0 $bpp [expr {$size + 40}]
943	# insert new icon and saved data
944	seek $fh $offset start
945	bputs $fh iiissiiiiii 40 $w [expr {$h * 2}] 1 $bpp 0 $size 0 0 0 0
946	puts -nonewline $fh $palette
947	puts -nonewline $fh $xor
948	puts -nonewline $fh $and
949	puts -nonewline $fh $olddata
950    }
951    close $fh
954proc ::ico::writeIconICODATA {file index w h bpp palette xor and} {
955    if {$index != 0} {return -code error "index out of range"}
956    upvar 2 [file tail $file] data
957    set data [binary format sss 0 1 1]
958    set colors 0
959    if {$bpp <= 8} {set colors [expr {1 << $bpp}]}
960    set size [expr {[string length $palette] + [string length $xor] + [string length $and]}]
961    append data [binary format ccccssii $w $h $colors 0 0 $bpp [expr {$size + 40}] 22]
962    append data [binary format iiissiiiiii 40 $w [expr {$h * 2}] 1 $bpp 0 $size 0 0 0 0]
963    append data $palette $xor $and
966proc ::ico::writeIconBMP {file index w h bpp palette xor and} {
967    if {$index != 0} {return -code error "index out of range"}
968    set fh [open $file w+]
969    fconfigure $fh -eofchar {} -encoding binary -translation lf
970    set size [expr {[string length $palette] + [string length $xor]}]
971    # bitmap header: magic, file size, reserved, reserved, offset of bitmap data
972    bputs $fh a2issi BM [expr {14 + 40 + $size}] 0 0 54
973    bputs $fh iiissiiiiii 40 $w $h 1 $bpp 0 $size 0 0 0 0
974    puts -nonewline $fh $palette$xor
975    close $fh
978proc ::ico::writeIconEXE {file index w h bpp palette xor and} {
979    variable ICONS
981    set file [file normalize $file]
982    set cnt  [SearchForIcos $file $index]
984    if {$index eq "end"} {set index $cnt}
985    if {$cnt < $index} { return -code error "index out of range" }
987    if {[list $w $h $bpp] != $ICONS($file,$index,data)} {
988	return -code error "icon format differs from original"
989    }
991    set fh [open $file r+]
992    fconfigure $fh -eofchar {} -encoding binary -translation lf
993    seek $fh [expr {$ICONS($file,$index) + 40}] start
995    puts -nonewline $fh $palette$xor$and
996    close $fh
999proc ::ico::SearchForIcos {file {index -1}} {
1000    variable ICONS	  ; # stores icos offsets by index, and [list w h bpp]
1002    if {[info exists ICONS($file,$index)]} {
1003	return $ICONS($file,$index)
1004    }
1005    set fh [open $file]
1006    fconfigure $fh -eofchar {} -encoding binary -translation lf
1007    if {[read $fh 2] ne "MZ"} {
1008	close $fh
1009	return -code error "unknown file format"
1010    }
1011    seek $fh 60 start
1012    seek $fh [getword $fh] start
1013    set sig [read $fh 4]
1014    seek $fh -4 current
1015    if {$sig eq "PE\000\000"} {
1016        return [SearchForIcosPE $fh $file $index]
1017    } elseif {[string match NE* $sig]} {
1018        return [SearchForIcosNE $fh $file $index]
1019    } else {
1020        return -code error "unknown file format"
1021    }
1024# parse the resource table of 16 bit windows files for icons
1025proc ::ico::SearchForIcosNE {fh file index} {
1026    variable ICONS ; # stores icos offsets by index, and [list w h bpp]
1027    set idx   -1   ; # index of icos found
1029    seek $fh 36 current
1030    seek $fh [expr {[getword $fh] - 38}] current
1032    set base [tell $fh]
1033    set shift [expr {int(pow(2, [getushort $fh]))}]
1034    while {[set type [expr {[getushort $fh] & 0x7fff}]] != 0} {
1035        set num [getushort $fh]
1036        if {$type != 3} {
1037            seek $fh [expr {($num * 12) + 4}] current
1038            continue
1039        }
1040        seek $fh 4 current
1041        for {set i 0} {$i < $num} {incr i} {
1042            incr idx
1043            set ICONS($file,$idx) [expr {[getushort $fh] * $shift}]
1044            seek $fh 10 current
1045            set cur [tell $fh]
1047            seek $fh $ICONS($file,$idx) start
1048            binary scan [read $fh 16] x4iix2s w h bpp
1049            set ICONS($file,$idx,data) [list $w [expr {$h / 2}] $bpp]
1051            seek $fh $cur start
1052        }
1053        close $fh
1054        return $idx
1055    }
1056    close $fh
1057    return -1
1060# parse the resource tree of 32 bit windows files for icons
1061proc ::ico::SearchForIcosPE {fh file index} {
1062    variable ICONS ; # stores icos offsets by index, and [list w h bpp]
1063    set idx -1     ; # index of icos found
1065    # find the .rsrc section by reading the coff header
1066    binary scan [read $fh 24] x6sx12s sections headersize
1067    seek $fh $headersize current
1068    for {set i 0} {$i < $sections} {incr i} {
1069        binary scan [read $fh 40] a8x4ix4i type baserva base
1070        if {[string match .rsrc* $type]} {break}
1071    }
1072    # no resource section found = no icons
1073    if {![string match .rsrc* $type]} {
1074        close $fh
1075        return -1
1076    }
1077    seek $fh $base start
1079    seek $fh 12 current
1080    set entries [expr {[getushort $fh] + [getushort $fh]}]
1081    for {set i 0} {$i < $entries} {incr i} {
1082        set name [getulong $fh]
1083        set offset [expr {[getulong $fh] & 0x7fffffff}]
1084        if {$name != 3} {continue}
1085        seek $fh [expr {$base + $offset + 12}] start
1087        set entries2 [expr {[getushort $fh] + [getushort $fh]}]
1088        for {set i2 0} {$i2 < $entries2} {incr i2} {
1089            seek $fh 4 current
1090            set offset [expr {[getulong $fh] & 0x7fffffff}]
1091            set cur2 [tell $fh]
1092            seek $fh [expr {$offset + $base + 12}] start
1094            set entries3 [expr {[getushort $fh] + [getushort $fh]}]
1095            for {set i3 0} {$i3 < $entries3} {incr i3} {
1096                seek $fh 4 current
1097                set offset [expr {[getulong $fh] & 0x7fffffff}]
1098                set cur3 [tell $fh]
1099                seek $fh [expr {$offset + $base}] start
1101                set rva [getulong $fh]
1102                incr idx
1103                set ICONS($file,$idx) [expr {$rva - $baserva + $base}]
1104                seek $fh $ICONS($file,$idx) start
1105                binary scan [read $fh 16] x4iix2s w h bpp
1106                set ICONS($file,$idx,data) [list $w [expr {$h / 2}] $bpp]
1108                seek $fh $cur3 start
1109            }
1110            seek $fh $cur2 start
1111        }
1112        close $fh
1113        return $idx
1114    }
1115    close $fh
1116    return -1
1119interp alias {} ::ico::getIconListDLL    {} ::ico::getIconListEXE
1120interp alias {} ::ico::getRawIconDataDLL {} ::ico::getRawIconDataEXE
1121interp alias {} ::ico::writeIconDLL      {} ::ico::writeIconEXE
1122interp alias {} ::ico::getIconListICL    {} ::ico::getIconListEXE
1123interp alias {} ::ico::getRawIconDataICL {} ::ico::getRawIconDataEXE
1124interp alias {} ::ico::writeIconICL      {} ::ico::writeIconEXE
1126proc ::ico::showaux {files} {
1127    if {[llength $files]} {
1128	set file [lindex $files 0]
1129	Show $f
1130	update
1131	after 50 [list ::ico::showaux [lrange $files 1 end]]
1132    }
1135# Application level command: Find icons in a file and show them.
1136proc ::ico::Show {file args} {
1137    package require BWidget
1139    set parent .
1140    parseOpts {type parent} $args
1141    if {![info exists type]} {
1142        # $type wasn't specified - get it from the extension
1143        set type [fileext $file]
1144    }
1146    set file  [file normalize $file]
1147    set icos  [getIconList $file -type $type]
1148    set wname [string map {. _ : _} $file]
1150    if {$parent eq "."} { set w ""} else { set w $parent }
1152    set mf $w.mainsw
1153    if {![winfo exists $mf]} {
1154	set sw [ScrolledWindow $mf]
1155	set sf [ScrollableFrame $mf.sf -constrainedwidth 1]
1156	$sw setwidget $sf
1157	pack $sw -fill both -expand 1
1158	grid columnconfigure [$mf.sf getframe] 0 -weight 1
1159    }
1160    set mf [$mf.sf getframe]
1162    set lf $mf.f$wname
1163    if {[winfo exists $lf]} { destroy $lf }
1164    if {![llength $icos]} {
1165	label $lf -text "No icons in '$file'" -anchor w
1166	grid $lf -sticky ew
1167    } else {
1168	labelframe $lf -text "[llength $icos] Icons in '$file'"
1169	grid $lf -sticky news
1170	set sw [ScrolledWindow $lf.sw$wname]
1171	set height 48
1172	set fh [expr {[font metrics [$lf cget -font] -linespace] + 4}]
1173	set sf [ScrollableFrame $lf.sf$wname -constrainedheight 1 \
1174		    -height [expr {$height + $fh}]]
1175	$sw setwidget $sf
1176	set sf [$sf getframe]
1177	pack $sw -fill both -expand 1
1178	set col 0
1179	for {set x 0} {$x < [llength $icos]} {incr x} {
1180	    # catch in case theres any icons with unsupported color
1181	    if {[catch {getIcon $file $x -type $type} img]} {
1182		set txt "ERROR: $img"
1183		set lbl [label $sf.lbl$wname-$x -anchor w -text $txt]
1184		grid $lbl -sticky s -row 0 -column [incr col]
1185	    } else {
1186		set txt [eval {format "$x: %sx%s %sbpp"} [lindex $icos $x]]
1187		set lbl [label $sf.lbl$wname-$x -anchor w -text $txt \
1188			     -compound top -image $img]
1189		if {[image height $img] > $height} {
1190		    set height [image height $img]
1191		    $lf.sf$wname configure -height [expr {$height + $fh}]
1192		}
1193		grid $lbl -sticky s -row 0 -column [incr col]
1194	    }
1195	    update idletasks
1196	}
1197    }
1198    grid rowconfigure $parent 0 -weight 1
1199    grid columnconfigure $parent 0 -weight 1
1202package provide ico 0.3.1