1This mail from Scott describes changes to the library that I have
2not made because I couldn't figure out exactly where they went.
3Anything not in this file has either been placed in the appropriate
4directory (e.g. libtiff/tif_win32.c) or applied to the current
5source code (e.g. libtiff/tiffiop.h).
7Note that the Window NT/Window 95 support is untested; Scott's work
8was done with an earlier version of the library.  Hopefully this'll
9get cleaned up soon.
11	Sam
13Date: Fri, 14 Apr 95 17:01:42 EDT
14From: wagner@itek.com (scott wagner)
15Message-Id: <9504142101.AA00764@cyan.>
16To: sam@cthulhu.engr.sgi.com
17Subject: Re: Libtiff for Win32 (Windows NT / Windows 95)
19Hi, Sam!
21Enclosed are my libtiff for win32 pieces.  They are in the form of 3 files
22(tif_w32.c, dllshell.c, and libtiff.def), and 2 diffs (for tiffiop.h and 
25Hope this is not too difficult to separate!
28Scott Wagner (wagner@itek.com)
30tif_w32.c  ---------------------------------------------------------------
32tiffiop.h  ---------------------------------------------------------------
34tiffio.h  ---------------------------------------------------------------
36> #ifdef _TIFFIOP_
38> #else
39> typedef void TIFF;	/* Avoid ANSI undefined structure warning */
40> #endif
42> #ifdef WIN32			/* WIN32 identifies Win32 compiles */
43> #pragma warn -sig		/* Turn off Borland warn of long to short int convert */
44> #pragma warn -par		/* Turn off Borland warn "Parameter x is never used" */
45> DECLARE_HANDLE(thandle_t);		/* Win32 file handle */
46> #else						/* if not WIN32_ */
48> #endif					/* defined WIN32 */
50(Message tiff:1396)
51 -- using template mhl.format --
52Date:    Mon, 17 Apr 1995 07:51:03 EDT
53To:      sam@cthulhu.engr.sgi.com
55From:    wagner@itek.com (scott wagner)
56Subject: Libtiff for Win32
58Return-Path: sam@flake.asd.sgi.com 
59Delivery-Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 05:36:50 PDT
60Return-Path: sam@flake.asd.sgi.com
62Hello, Sam!
64>   ... libtiff for win32 pieces.  They are in the form of 3 files
65>   (tif_w32.c, dllshell.c, and libtiff.def), and 2 diffs (for tiffiop.h and 
66>   tiffio.h).
68> I don't understand how these pieces fit together.  Can you please explain
69> what dllshell.c and libtiff.def are for? 
71Sorry I was short on documentation here ... I was rushing to get home to
72dinner on Friday and the material for you was the last loose end I had to
73deal with.  Excuses aside ...
75The goal of the adaptation of libtiff to Win32 was to replace only one
76environment-specific code module and to make minimal changes to header
77files.  tif_win32.c required one addition to tiffio.h (the
78DECLARE_HANDLE line, which is probably a better way to typedef thandle-t
79under Windows 3.1 as well); it also required the addition of pv_map_handle
80to the tiff structure and the conditional definition of the
81TIFFUnmapFileContents macro in tiffiop.h (this because Win32 uses a handle
82and a pointer in mapping memory, and I needed to save both).
84Additionally, I made a general style change to tiffio.h.  If tiffio.h is
85included by a client, which does not include tiffiop.h, then ANSI compilers
86warn about the typedef of TIFF to a non-existent structure.  To avoid this,
87I changed the typedef of TIFF in this case to void.
89I also made a style change in the tiff structure.  All references to tif_fd
90in the library treat it as int, yet the tif_fd member itself is short.  I
91changed this member to int and added the reserved member to maintain
9232-bit structure member alignment in a 32 bit environment.  [ At cost of
934 more bytes in an already bloated structure! :-) ]  As long as fd's are
94less than 64k, the old member works; this is not the case in Win32, and is
95not generally a safe assumption.
97The module dllshell.c and the file libtiff.def are not specific to the 
98functionality of libtiff; they are used to make a Win32 dynamic link
99library, and would be best packaged with a Win32 makefile, which I have
100not yet perfected.  I will, however, commit to a Borland and Microsoft C
101makefile for libtiff; perhaps these two could be combined with the
102makefile for the _next_ (!) release of libtiff when it is ready.
104Once again, sorry for the confused message on Friday.  I hope that at
105least tif_w32 and the tiffio.h and tiffiop.h diffs will be useful for
106this release.
109Scott Wagner   (wagner@itek.com)
110Itek Graphix
111Rochester, NY