1# linalg.tcl --
2#    Linear algebra package, based partly on Hume's LA package,
3#    partly on experiments with various representations of
4#    matrices. Also the functionality of the BLAS library has
5#    been taken into account.
7#    General information:
8#    - The package provides both a high-level general interface and
9#      a lower-level specific interface for various LA functions
10#      and tasks.
11#    - The general procedures perform some checks and then call
12#      the various specific procedures. The general procedures are
13#      aimed at robustness and ease of use.
14#    - The specific procedures do not check anything, they are
15#      designed for speed. Failure to comply to the interface
16#      requirements will presumably lead to [expr] errors.
17#    - Vectors are represented as lists, matrices as lists of
18#      lists, where the rows are the innermost lists:
20#      / a11 a12 a13 \
21#      | a21 a22 a23 | == { {a11 a12 a13} {a21 a22 a23} {a31 a32 a33} }
22#      \ a31 a32 a33 /
25package require Tcl 8.4
27namespace eval ::math::linearalgebra {
28    # Define the namespace
29    namespace export dim shape conforming symmetric
30    namespace export norm norm_one norm_two norm_max normMatrix
31    namespace export dotproduct unitLengthVector normalizeStat
32    namespace export axpy axpy_vect axpy_mat crossproduct
33    namespace export add add_vect add_mat
34    namespace export sub sub_vect sub_mat
35    namespace export scale scale_vect scale_mat matmul transpose
36    namespace export rotate angle choleski
37    namespace export getrow getcol getelem setrow setcol setelem
38    namespace export mkVector mkMatrix mkIdentity mkDiagonal
39    namespace export mkHilbert mkDingdong mkBorder mkFrank
40    namespace export mkMoler mkWilkinsonW+ mkWilkinsonW-
41    namespace export solveGauss solveTriangular
42    namespace export solveGaussBand solveTriangularBand
43    namespace export solvePGauss
44    namespace export determineSVD eigenvectorsSVD
45    namespace export leastSquaresSVD
46    namespace export orthonormalizeColumns orthonormalizeRows
47    namespace export show to_LA from_LA
48    namespace export swaprows swapcols
49    namespace export dger dgetrf mkRandom mkTriangular
50    namespace export det largesteigen
53# dim --
54#     Return the dimension of an object (scalar, vector or matrix)
55# Arguments:
56#     obj        Object like a scalar, vector or matrix
57# Result:
58#     Dimension: 0 for a scalar, 1 for a vector, 2 for a matrix
60proc ::math::linearalgebra::dim { obj } {
61    set shape [shape $obj]
62    if { $shape != 1 } {
63        return [llength [shape $obj]]
64    } else {
65        return 0
66    }
69# shape --
70#     Return the shape of an object (scalar, vector or matrix)
71# Arguments:
72#     obj        Object like a scalar, vector or matrix
73# Result:
74#     List of the sizes: 1 for a scalar, number of components
75#     for a vector, number of rows and columns for a matrix
77proc ::math::linearalgebra::shape { obj } {
78    set result [llength $obj]
79    if { [llength [lindex $obj 0]] <= 1 } {
80       return $result
81    } else {
82       lappend result [llength [lindex $obj 0]]
83    }
84    return $result
87# show --
88#     Return a string representing the vector or matrix,
89#     for easy printing
90# Arguments:
91#     obj        Object like a scalar, vector or matrix
92#     format     Format to be used (defaults to %6.4f)
93#     rowsep     Separator for rows (defaults to \n)
94#     colsep     Separator for columns (defaults to " ")
95# Result:
96#     String representing the vector or matrix
98proc ::math::linearalgebra::show { obj {format %6.4f} {rowsep \n} {colsep " "} } {
99    set result ""
100    if { [llength [lindex $obj 0]] == 1 } {
101        foreach v $obj {
102            append result "[format $format $v]$rowsep"
103        }
104    } else {
105        foreach row $obj {
106            foreach v $row {
107                append result "[format $format $v]$colsep"
108            }
109            append result $rowsep
110        }
111    }
112    return $result
115# conforming --
116#     Determine if two objects (vector or matrix) are conforming
117#     in shape, rows or for a matrix multiplication
118# Arguments:
119#     type       Type of conforming: shape, rows or matmul
120#     obj1       First object (vector or matrix)
121#     obj2       Second object (vector or matrix)
122# Result:
123#     1 if they conform, 0 if not
125proc ::math::linearalgebra::conforming { type obj1 obj2 } {
126    set shape1 [shape $obj1]
127    set shape2 [shape $obj2]
128    set result 0
129    if { $type == "shape" } {
130        set result [expr {[lindex $shape1 0] == [lindex $shape2 0] &&
131                          [lindex $shape1 1] == [lindex $shape2 1]}]
132    }
133    if { $type == "rows" } {
134        set result [expr {[lindex $shape1 0] == [lindex $shape2 0]}]
135    }
136    if { $type == "matmul" } {
137        set result [expr {[lindex $shape1 1] == [lindex $shape2 0]}]
138    }
139    return $result
142# crossproduct --
143#     Return the "cross product" of two 3D vectors
144# Arguments:
145#     vect1      First vector
146#     vect2      Second vector
147# Result:
148#     Cross product
150proc ::math::linearalgebra::crossproduct { vect1 vect2 } {
152    if { [llength $vect1] == 3 && [llength $vect2] == 3 } {
153        foreach {v11 v12 v13} $vect1 {v21 v22 v23} $vect2 {break}
154        return [list \
155            [expr {$v12*$v23 - $v13*$v22}] \
156            [expr {$v13*$v21 - $v11*$v23}] \
157            [expr {$v11*$v22 - $v12*$v21}] ]
158    } else {
159        return -code error "Cross-product only defined for 3D vectors"
160    }
163# angle --
164#     Return the "angle" between two vectors (in radians)
165# Arguments:
166#     vect1      First vector
167#     vect2      Second vector
168# Result:
169#     Angle between the two vectors
171proc ::math::linearalgebra::angle { vect1 vect2 } {
173    set dp [dotproduct $vect1 $vect2]
174    set n1 [norm_two $vect1]
175    set n2 [norm_two $vect2]
177    if { $n1 == 0.0 || $n2 == 0.0 } {
178        return -code error "Angle not defined for null vector"
179    }
181    return [expr {acos($dp/$n1/$n2)}]
185# norm --
186#     Compute the (1-, 2- or Inf-) norm of a vector
187# Arguments:
188#     vector     Vector (list of numbers)
189#     type       Either 1, 2 or max/inf to indicate the type of
190#                norm (default: 2, the euclidean norm)
191# Result:
192#     The (1-, 2- or Inf-) norm of a vector
193# Level-1 BLAS :
194#     if type = 1, corresponds to DASUM
195#     if type = 2, corresponds to DNRM2
197proc ::math::linearalgebra::norm { vector {type 2} } {
198    if { $type == 2 } {
199       return [norm_two $vector]
200    }
201    if { $type == 1 } {
202       return [norm_one $vector]
203    }
204    if { $type == "max" || $type == "inf" } {
205       return [norm_max $vector]
206    }
207    return -code error "Unknown norm: $type"
210# norm_one --
211#     Compute the 1-norm of a vector
212# Arguments:
213#     vector     Vector
214# Result:
215#     The 1-norm of a vector
217proc ::math::linearalgebra::norm_one { vector } {
218    set sum 0.0
219    foreach c $vector {
220        set sum [expr {$sum+abs($c)}]
221    }
222    return $sum
225# norm_two --
226#     Compute the 2-norm of a vector (euclidean norm)
227# Arguments:
228#     vector     Vector
229# Result:
230#     The 2-norm of a vector
231# Note:
232#     Rely on the function hypot() to make this robust
233#     against overflow and underflow
235proc ::math::linearalgebra::norm_two { vector } {
236    set sum 0.0
237    foreach c $vector {
238        set sum [expr {hypot($c,$sum)}]
239    }
240    return $sum
243# norm_max --
244#     Compute the inf-norm of a vector (maximum of its components)
245# Arguments:
246#     vector     Vector
247#     index, optional     if non zero, returns a list made of the maximum
248#                         value and the index where that maximum was found.
249#	                  if zero, returns the maximum value.
250# Result:
251#     The inf-norm of a vector
252# Level-1 BLAS :
253#     if index!=0, corresponds to IDAMAX
255proc ::math::linearalgebra::norm_max { vector {index 0}} {
256    set max [lindex $vector 0]
257    set imax 0
258    set i 0
259    foreach c $vector {
260        if {[expr {abs($c)>$max}]} then {
261          set imax $i
262          set max [expr {abs($c)}]
263        }
264        incr i
265    }
266    if {$index == 0} then {
267      set result $max
268    } else {
269      set result [list $max $imax]
270    }
271    return $result
274# normMatrix --
275#     Compute the (1-, 2- or Inf-) norm of a matrix
276# Arguments:
277#     matrix     Matrix (list of row vectors)
278#     type       Either 1, 2 or max/inf to indicate the type of
279#                norm (default: 2, the euclidean norm)
280# Result:
281#     The (1-, 2- or Inf-) norm of the matrix
283proc ::math::linearalgebra::normMatrix { matrix {type 2} } {
284    set v {}
286    foreach row $matrix {
287        lappend v [norm $row $type]
288    }
290    return [norm $v $type]
293# symmetric --
294#     Determine if the matrix is symmetric or not
295# Arguments:
296#     matrix     Matrix (list of row vectors)
297#     eps        Tolerance (defaults to 1.0e-8)
298# Result:
299#     1 if symmetric (within the tolerance), 0 if not
301proc ::math::linearalgebra::symmetric { matrix {eps 1.0e-8} } {
302    set shape [shape $matrix]
303    if { [lindex $shape 0] != [lindex $shape 1] } {
304       return 0
305    }
307    set norm_org   [normMatrix $matrix]
308    set norm_asymm [normMatrix [sub $matrix [transpose $matrix]]]
310    if { $norm_asymm <= $eps*$norm_org } {
311        return 1
312    } else {
313        return 0
314    }
317# dotproduct --
318#     Compute the dot product of two vectors
319# Arguments:
320#     vect1      First vector
321#     vect2      Second vector
322# Result:
323#     The dot product of the two vectors
324# Level-1 BLAS : corresponds to DDOT
326proc ::math::linearalgebra::dotproduct { vect1 vect2 } {
327    if { [llength $vect1] != [llength $vect2] } {
328       return -code error "Vectors must be of equal length"
329    }
330    set sum 0.0
331    foreach c1 $vect1 c2 $vect2 {
332        set sum [expr {$sum + $c1*$c2}]
333    }
334    return $sum
337# unitLengthVector --
338#     Normalize a vector so that a length 1 results and return the new vector
339# Arguments:
340#     vector     Vector to be normalized
341# Result:
342#     A vector of length 1
344proc ::math::linearalgebra::unitLengthVector { vector } {
345    set scale [norm_two $vector]
346    if { $scale == 0.0 } {
347        return -code error "Can not normalize a null-vector"
348    }
349    return [scale [expr {1.0/$scale}] $vector]
352# normalizeStat --
353#     Normalize a matrix or vector in a statistical sense and return the result
354# Arguments:
355#     mv        Matrix or vector to be normalized
356# Result:
357#     A matrix or vector whose columns are normalised to have a mean of
358#     0 and a standard deviation of 1.
360proc ::math::linearalgebra::normalizeStat { mv } {
362    if { [llength [lindex $mv 0]] > 1 } {
363        set result {}
364        foreach vector [transpose $mv] {
365            lappend result [NormalizeStat_vect $vector]
366        }
367        return [transpose $result]
368    } else {
369        return [NormalizeStat_vect $mv]
370    }
373# NormalizeStat_vect --
374#     Normalize a vector in a statistical sense and return the result
375# Arguments:
376#     v        Vector to be normalized
377# Result:
378#     A vector whose elements are normalised to have a mean of
379#     0 and a standard deviation of 1. If all coefficients are equal,
380#     a null-vector is returned.
382proc ::math::linearalgebra::NormalizeStat_vect { v } {
383    if { [llength $v] <= 1 } {
384        return -code error "Vector can not be normalised - too few coefficients"
385    }
387    set sum   0.0
388    set sum2  0.0
389    set count 0.0
390    foreach c $v {
391        set sum   [expr {$sum   + $c}]
392        set sum2  [expr {$sum2  + $c*$c}]
393        set count [expr {$count + 1.0}]
394    }
395    set corr   [expr {$sum/$count}]
396    set factor [expr {($sum2-$sum*$sum/$count)/($count-1)}]
397    if { $factor > 0.0 } {
398        set factor [expr {1.0/sqrt($factor)}]
399    } else {
400        set factor 0.0
401    }
402    set result {}
403    foreach c $v {
404        lappend result [expr {$factor*($c-$corr)}]
405    }
406    return $result
409# axpy --
410#     Compute the sum of a scaled vector/matrix and another
411#     vector/matrix: a*x + y
412# Arguments:
413#     scale      Scale factor (a) for the first vector/matrix
414#     mv1        First vector/matrix (x)
415#     mv2        Second vector/matrix (y)
416# Result:
417#     The result of a*x+y
418# Level-1 BLAS : if mv1 is a vector, corresponds to DAXPY
420proc ::math::linearalgebra::axpy { scale mv1 mv2 } {
421    if { [llength [lindex $mv1 0]] > 1 } {
422        return [axpy_mat $scale $mv1 $mv2]
423    } else {
424        return [axpy_vect $scale $mv1 $mv2]
425    }
428# axpy_vect --
429#     Compute the sum of a scaled vector and another vector: a*x + y
430# Arguments:
431#     scale      Scale factor (a) for the first vector
432#     vect1      First vector (x)
433#     vect2      Second vector (y)
434# Result:
435#     The result of a*x+y
436# Level-1 BLAS : corresponds to DAXPY
438proc ::math::linearalgebra::axpy_vect { scale vect1 vect2 } {
439    set result {}
441    foreach c1 $vect1 c2 $vect2 {
442        lappend result [expr {$scale*$c1+$c2}]
443    }
444    return $result
447# axpy_mat --
448#     Compute the sum of a scaled matrix and another matrix: a*x + y
449# Arguments:
450#     scale      Scale factor (a) for the first matrix
451#     mat1       First matrix (x)
452#     mat2       Second matrix (y)
453# Result:
454#     The result of a*x+y
456proc ::math::linearalgebra::axpy_mat { scale mat1 mat2 } {
457    set result {}
458    foreach row1 $mat1 row2 $mat2 {
459        lappend result [axpy_vect $scale $row1 $row2]
460    }
461    return $result
464# add --
465#     Compute the sum of two vectors/matrices
466# Arguments:
467#     mv1        First vector/matrix (x)
468#     mv2        Second vector/matrix (y)
469# Result:
470#     The result of x+y
472proc ::math::linearalgebra::add { mv1 mv2 } {
473    if { [llength [lindex $mv1 0]] > 1 } {
474        return [add_mat $mv1 $mv2]
475    } else {
476        return [add_vect $mv1 $mv2]
477    }
480# add_vect --
481#     Compute the sum of two vectors
482# Arguments:
483#     vect1      First vector (x)
484#     vect2      Second vector (y)
485# Result:
486#     The result of x+y
488proc ::math::linearalgebra::add_vect { vect1 vect2 } {
489    set result {}
490    foreach c1 $vect1 c2 $vect2 {
491        lappend result [expr {$c1+$c2}]
492    }
493    return $result
496# add_mat --
497#     Compute the sum of two matrices
498# Arguments:
499#     mat1       First matrix (x)
500#     mat2       Second matrix (y)
501# Result:
502#     The result of x+y
504proc ::math::linearalgebra::add_mat { mat1 mat2 } {
505    set result {}
506    foreach row1 $mat1 row2 $mat2 {
507        lappend result [add_vect $row1 $row2]
508    }
509    return $result
512# sub --
513#     Compute the difference of two vectors/matrices
514# Arguments:
515#     mv1        First vector/matrix (x)
516#     mv2        Second vector/matrix (y)
517# Result:
518#     The result of x-y
520proc ::math::linearalgebra::sub { mv1 mv2 } {
521    if { [llength [lindex $mv1 0]] > 0 } {
522        return [sub_mat $mv1 $mv2]
523    } else {
524        return [sub_vect $mv1 $mv2]
525    }
528# sub_vect --
529#     Compute the difference of two vectors
530# Arguments:
531#     vect1      First vector (x)
532#     vect2      Second vector (y)
533# Result:
534#     The result of x-y
536proc ::math::linearalgebra::sub_vect { vect1 vect2 } {
537    set result {}
538    foreach c1 $vect1 c2 $vect2 {
539        lappend result [expr {$c1-$c2}]
540    }
541    return $result
544# sub_mat --
545#     Compute the difference of two matrices
546# Arguments:
547#     mat1       First matrix (x)
548#     mat2       Second matrix (y)
549# Result:
550#     The result of x-y
552proc ::math::linearalgebra::sub_mat { mat1 mat2 } {
553    set result {}
554    foreach row1 $mat1 row2 $mat2 {
555        lappend result [sub_vect $row1 $row2]
556    }
557    return $result
560# scale --
561#     Scale a vector or a matrix
562# Arguments:
563#     scale      Scale factor (scalar; a)
564#     mv         Vector/matrix (x)
565# Result:
566#     The result of a*x
567# Level-1 BLAS : if mv is a vector, corresponds to DSCAL
569proc ::math::linearalgebra::scale { scale mv } {
570    if { [llength [lindex $mv 0]] > 1 } {
571        return [scale_mat $scale $mv]
572    } else {
573        return [scale_vect $scale $mv]
574    }
577# scale_vect --
578#     Scale a vector
579# Arguments:
580#     scale      Scale factor to apply (a)
581#     vect       Vector to be scaled (x)
582# Result:
583#     The result of a*x
584# Level-1 BLAS : corresponds to DSCAL
586proc ::math::linearalgebra::scale_vect { scale vect } {
587    set result {}
588    foreach c $vect {
589        lappend result [expr {$scale*$c}]
590    }
591    return $result
594# scale_mat --
595#     Scale a matrix
596# Arguments:
597#     scale      Scale factor to apply
598#     mat        Matrix to be scaled
599# Result:
600#     The result of x+y
602proc ::math::linearalgebra::scale_mat { scale mat } {
603    set result {}
604    foreach row $mat {
605        lappend result [scale_vect $scale $row]
606    }
607    return $result
610# rotate --
611#     Apply a planar rotation to two vectors
612# Arguments:
613#     c          Cosine of the angle
614#     s          Sine of the angle
615#     vect1      First vector (x)
616#     vect2      Second vector (y)
617# Result:
618#     A list of two elements: c*x-s*y and s*x+c*y
620proc ::math::linearalgebra::rotate { c s vect1 vect2 } {
621    set result1 {}
622    set result2 {}
623    foreach v1 $vect1 v2 $vect2 {
624        lappend result1 [expr {$c*$v1-$s*$v2}]
625        lappend result2 [expr {$s*$v1+$c*$v2}]
626    }
627    return [list $result1 $result2]
630# transpose --
631#     Transpose a matrix
632# Arguments:
633#     matrix     Matrix to be transposed
634# Result:
635#     The transposed matrix
636# Note:
637#     The second transpose implementation is faster on large
638#     matrices (100x100 say), there is no significant difference
639#     on small ones (10x10 say).
642proc ::math::linearalgebra::transpose_old { matrix } {
643   set row {}
644   set transpose {}
645   foreach c [lindex $matrix 0] {
646      lappend row 0.0
647   }
648   foreach r $matrix {
649      lappend transpose $row
650   }
652   set nr 0
653   foreach r $matrix {
654      set nc 0
655      foreach c $r {
656         lset transpose $nc $nr $c
657         incr nc
658      }
659      incr nr
660   }
661   return $transpose
664proc ::math::linearalgebra::transpose { matrix } {
665   set transpose {}
666   set c 0
667   foreach col [lindex $matrix 0] {
668       set newrow {}
669       foreach row $matrix {
670           lappend newrow [lindex $row $c]
671       }
672       lappend transpose $newrow
673       incr c
674   }
675   return $transpose
678# MorV --
679#     Identify if the object is a row/column vector or a matrix
680# Arguments:
681#     obj        Object to be examined
682# Result:
683#     The letter R, C or M depending on the shape
684#     (just to make it all work fine: S for scalar)
685# Note:
686#     Private procedure to fix a bug in matmul
688proc ::math::linearalgebra::MorV { obj } {
689    if { [llength $obj] > 1 } {
690        if { [llength [lindex $obj 0]] > 1 } {
691            return "M"
692        } else {
693            return "C"
694        }
695    } else {
696        if { [llength [lindex $obj 0]] > 1 } {
697            return "R"
698        } else {
699            return "S"
700        }
701    }
704# matmul --
705#     Multiply a vector/matrix with another vector/matrix
706# Arguments:
707#     mv1        First vector/matrix (x)
708#     mv2        Second vector/matrix (y)
709# Result:
710#     The result of x*y
712proc ::math::linearalgebra::matmul_org { mv1 mv2 } {
713    if { [llength [lindex $mv1 0]] > 1 } {
714        if { [llength [lindex $mv2 0]] > 1 } {
715            return [matmul_mm $mv1 $mv2]
716        } else {
717            return [matmul_mv $mv1 $mv2]
718        }
719    } else {
720        if { [llength [lindex $mv2 0]] > 1 } {
721            return [matmul_vm $mv1 $mv2]
722        } else {
723            return [matmul_vv $mv1 $mv2]
724        }
725    }
728proc ::math::linearalgebra::matmul { mv1 mv2 } {
729    switch -exact -- "[MorV $mv1][MorV $mv2]" {
730    "MM" {
731         return [matmul_mm $mv1 $mv2]
732    }
733    "MC" {
734         return [matmul_mv $mv1 $mv2]
735    }
736    "MR" {
737         return -code error "Can not multiply a matrix with a row vector - wrong order"
738    }
739    "RM" {
740         return [matmul_vm [transpose $mv1] $mv2]
741    }
742    "RC" {
743         return [dotproduct [transpose $mv1] $mv2]
744    }
745    "RR" {
746         return -code error "Can not multiply a matrix with a row vector - wrong order"
747    }
748    "CM" {
749         return [transpose [matmul_vm $mv1 $mv2]]
750    }
751    "CR" {
752         return [matmul_vv $mv1 [transpose $mv2]]
753    }
754    "CC" {
755         return [matmul_vv $mv1 $mv2]
756    }
757    "SS" {
758        return [expr {$mv1 * $mv2}]
759    }
760    default {
761         return -code error "Can not use a scalar object"
762    }
763    }
766# matmul_mv --
767#     Multiply a matrix and a column vector
768# Arguments:
769#     matrix     Matrix (applied left: A)
770#     vector     Vector (interpreted as column vector: x)
771# Result:
772#     The vector A*x
773# Level-2 BLAS : corresponds to DTRMV
775proc ::math::linearalgebra::matmul_mv { matrix vector } {
776   set newvect {}
777   foreach row $matrix {
778      set sum 0.0
779      foreach v $vector c $row {
780         set sum [expr {$sum+$v*$c}]
781      }
782      lappend newvect $sum
783   }
784   return $newvect
787# matmul_vm --
788#     Multiply a row vector with a matrix
789# Arguments:
790#     vector     Vector (interpreted as row vector: x)
791#     matrix     Matrix (applied right: A)
792# Result:
793#     The vector xtrans*A = Atrans*x
795proc ::math::linearalgebra::matmul_vm { vector matrix } {
796   return [transpose [matmul_mv [transpose $matrix] $vector]]
799# matmul_vv --
800#     Multiply two vectors to obtain a matrix
801# Arguments:
802#     vect1      First vector (column vector, x)
803#     vect2      Second vector (row vector, y)
804# Result:
805#     The "outer product" x*ytrans
807proc ::math::linearalgebra::matmul_vv { vect1 vect2 } {
808   set newmat {}
809   foreach v1 $vect1 {
810      set newrow {}
811      foreach v2 $vect2 {
812         lappend newrow [expr {$v1*$v2}]
813      }
814      lappend newmat $newrow
815   }
816   return $newmat
819# matmul_mm --
820#     Multiply two matrices
821# Arguments:
822#     mat1      First matrix (A)
823#     mat2      Second matrix (B)
824# Result:
825#     The matrix product A*B
826# Note:
827#     By transposing matrix B we can access the columns
828#     as rows - much easier and quicker, as they are
829#     the elements of the outermost list.
830# Level-3 BLAS :
831#     corresponds to DGEMM (alpha op(A) op(B) + beta C) when alpha=1, op(X)=X and beta=0
832#     corresponds to DTRMM (alpha op(A) B) when alpha = 1, op(X)=X
834proc ::math::linearalgebra::matmul_mm { mat1 mat2 } {
835   set newmat {}
836   set tmat [transpose $mat2]
837   foreach row1 $mat1 {
838      set newrow {}
839      foreach row2 $tmat {
840         lappend newrow [dotproduct $row1 $row2]
841      }
842      lappend newmat $newrow
843   }
844   return $newmat
847# mkVector --
848#     Make a vector of a given size
849# Arguments:
850#     ndim       Dimension of the vector
851#     value      Default value for all elements (default: 0.0)
852# Result:
853#     A list with ndim elements, representing a vector
855proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkVector { ndim {value 0.0} } {
856    set result {}
858    while { $ndim > 0 } {
859        lappend result $value
860        incr ndim -1
861    }
862    return $result
865# mkUnitVector --
866#     Make a unit vector in a given direction
867# Arguments:
868#     ndim       Dimension of the vector
869#     dir        The direction (0, ... ndim-1)
870# Result:
871#     A list with ndim elements, representing a unit vector
873proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkUnitVector { ndim dir } {
875    if { $dir < 0 || $dir >= $ndim } {
876        return -code error "Invalid direction for unit vector - $dir"
877    } else {
878        set result [mkVector $ndim]
879        lset result $dir 1.0
880    }
881    return $result
884# mkMatrix --
885#     Make a matrix of a given size
886# Arguments:
887#     nrows      Number of rows
888#     ncols      Number of columns
889#     value      Default value for all elements (default: 0.0)
890# Result:
891#     A nested list, representing an nrows x ncols matrix
893proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkMatrix { nrows ncols {value 0.0} } {
894    set result {}
896    while { $nrows > 0 } {
897        lappend result [mkVector $ncols $value]
898        incr nrows -1
899    }
900    return $result
903# mkIdent --
904#     Make an identity matrix of a given size
905# Arguments:
906#     size       Number of rows/columns
907# Result:
908#     A nested list, representing an size x size identity matrix
910proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkIdentity { size } {
911    set result [mkMatrix $size $size 0.0]
913    while { $size > 0 } {
914        incr size -1
915        lset result $size $size 1.0
916    }
917    return $result
920# mkDiagonal --
921#     Make a diagonal matrix of a given size
922# Arguments:
923#     diag       List of values to appear on the diagonal
925# Result:
926#     A nested list, representing a diagonal matrix
928proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkDiagonal { diag } {
929    set size   [llength $diag]
930    set result [mkMatrix $size $size 0.0]
932    while { $size > 0 } {
933        incr size -1
934        lset result $size $size [lindex $diag $size]
935    }
936    return $result
939# mkHilbert --
940#     Make a Hilbert matrix of a given size
941# Arguments:
942#     size       Size of the matrix
943# Result:
944#     A nested list, representing a Hilbert matrix
945# Notes:
946#     Hilbert matrices are very ill-conditioned wrt
947#     eigenvalue/eigenvector problems. Therefore they
948#     are good candidates for testing the accuracy
949#     of algorithms and implementations.
951proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkHilbert { size } {
952    set result {}
953    for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } {
954        set row {}
955        for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } {
956            lappend row [expr {1.0/($i+$j+1.0)}]
957        }
958        lappend result $row
959    }
960    return $result
963# mkDingdong --
964#     Make a Dingdong matrix of a given size
965# Arguments:
966#     size       Size of the matrix
967# Result:
968#     A nested list, representing a Dingdong matrix
969# Notes:
970#     Dingdong matrices are imprecisely represented,
971#     but have the property of being very stable in
972#     such algorithms as Gauss elimination.
974proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkDingdong { size } {
975    set result {}
976    for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } {
977        set row {}
978        for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } {
979            lappend row [expr {0.5/($size-$i-$j-0.5)}]
980        }
981        lappend result $row
982    }
983    return $result
986# mkOnes --
987#     Make a square matrix consisting of ones
988# Arguments:
989#     size       Number of rows/columns
990# Result:
991#     A nested list, representing a size x size matrix,
992#     filled with 1.0
994proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkOnes { size } {
995    return [mkMatrix $size $size 1.0]
998# mkMoler --
999#     Make a Moler matrix
1000# Arguments:
1001#     size       Size of the matrix
1002# Result:
1003#     A nested list, representing a Moler matrix
1004# Notes:
1005#     Moler matrices have a very simple Choleski
1006#     decomposition. It has one small eigenvalue
1007#     and it can easily upset elimination methods
1008#     for systems of linear equations
1010proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkMoler { size } {
1011    set result {}
1012    for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } {
1013        set row {}
1014        for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } {
1015            if { $i == $j } {
1016                lappend row [expr {$i+1}]
1017            } else {
1018                lappend row [expr {($i>$j?$j:$i)-1.0}]
1019            }
1020        }
1021        lappend result $row
1022    }
1023    return $result
1026# mkFrank --
1027#     Make a Frank matrix
1028# Arguments:
1029#     size       Size of the matrix
1030# Result:
1031#     A nested list, representing a Frank matrix
1033proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkFrank { size } {
1034    set result {}
1035    for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } {
1036        set row {}
1037        for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } {
1038            lappend row [expr {($i>$j?$j:$i)-2.0}]
1039        }
1040        lappend result $row
1041    }
1042    return $result
1045# mkBorder --
1046#     Make a bordered matrix
1047# Arguments:
1048#     size       Size of the matrix
1049# Result:
1050#     A nested list, representing a bordered matrix
1051# Note:
1052#     This matrix has size-2 eigenvalues at 1.
1054proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkBorder { size } {
1055    set result {}
1056    for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } {
1057        set row {}
1058        for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } {
1059            set entry 0.0
1060            if { $i == $j } {
1061                set entry 1.0
1062            } elseif { $j != $size-1 && $i == $size-1 } {
1063                set entry [expr {pow(2.0,-$j)}]
1064            } elseif { $i != $size-1 && $j == $size-1 } {
1065                set entry [expr {pow(2.0,-$i)}]
1066            } else {
1067                set entry 0.0
1068            }
1069            lappend row $entry
1070        }
1071        lappend result $row
1072    }
1073    return $result
1076# mkWilkinsonW+ --
1077#     Make a Wilkinson W+ matrix
1078# Arguments:
1079#     size       Size of the matrix
1080# Result:
1081#     A nested list, representing a Wilkinson W+ matrix
1082# Note:
1083#     This kind of matrix has pairs of eigenvalues that
1084#     are very close together. Usually the order is odd.
1086proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkWilkinsonW+ { size } {
1087    set result {}
1088    for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } {
1089        set row {}
1090        for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } {
1091            if { $i == $j } {
1092                # int(n/2) + 1 - min(i,n-i+1)
1093                set min   [expr {(($i+1)>$size-($i+1)+1? $size-($i+1)+1 : ($i+1))}]
1094                set entry [expr {int($size/2) + 1 - $min}]
1095            } elseif { $i == $j+1 || $i+1 == $j } {
1096                set entry 1
1097            } else {
1098                set entry 0.0
1099            }
1100            lappend row $entry
1101        }
1102        lappend result $row
1103    }
1104    return $result
1107# mkWilkinsonW- --
1108#     Make a Wilkinson W- matrix
1109# Arguments:
1110#     size       Size of the matrix
1111# Result:
1112#     A nested list, representing a Wilkinson W- matrix
1113# Note:
1114#     This kind of matrix has pairs of eigenvalues with
1115#     opposite signs (if the order is odd).
1117proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkWilkinsonW- { size } {
1118    set result {}
1119    for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } {
1120        set row {}
1121        for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } {
1122            if { $i == $j } {
1123                set entry [expr {int($size/2) + 1 - ($i+1)}]
1124            } elseif { $i == $j+1 || $i+1 == $j } {
1125                set entry 1
1126            } else {
1127                set entry 0.0
1128            }
1129            lappend row $entry
1130        }
1131        lappend result $row
1132    }
1133    return $result
1135# mkRandom --
1136#     Make a square matrix consisting of random numbers
1137# Arguments:
1138#     size       Number of rows/columns
1139# Result:
1140#     A nested list, representing a size x size matrix,
1141#     filled with random numbers
1143proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkRandom { size } {
1144    set result {}
1145    for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } {
1146        set row {}
1147        for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } {
1148            lappend row [expr {rand()}]
1149        }
1150        lappend result $row
1151    }
1152    return $result
1154# mkTriangular --
1155#     Make a triangular matrix consisting of a constant
1156# Arguments:
1157#     size       Number of rows/columns
1158#     uplo       U if the matrix is upper triangular (default), L if the
1159#                matrix is lower triangular.
1160#     value      Default value for all elements (default: 0.0)
1161# Result:
1162#     A nested list, representing a size x size matrix,
1163#     filled with random numbers
1165proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkTriangular { size {uplo "U"} {value 1.0}} {
1166    switch -- $uplo {
1167        "U" {
1168            set result {}
1169            for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } {
1170                set row {}
1171                for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } {
1172                    if {$i<$j} then {
1173                        lappend row 0.
1174                    } else {
1175                        lappend row $value
1176                    }
1177                }
1178                lappend result $row
1179            }
1180        }
1181        "L" {
1182            set result {}
1183            for { set j 0 } { $j < $size } { incr j } {
1184                set row {}
1185                for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr i } {
1186                    if {$i>$j} then {
1187                        lappend row 0.
1188                    } else {
1189                        lappend row $value
1190                    }
1191                }
1192                lappend result $row
1193            }
1194        }
1195        default {
1196            error "Unknown value for parameter uplo : $uplo"
1197        }
1198    }
1199    return $result
1202# getrow --
1203#     Get the specified row from a matrix
1204# Arguments:
1205#     matrix     Matrix in question
1206#     row        Index of the row
1207#     imin       Minimum index of the column (default 0)
1208#     imax       Maximum index of the column (default ncols-1)
1210# Result:
1211#     A list with the values on the requested row
1213proc ::math::linearalgebra::getrow { matrix row {imin 0} {imax ""}} {
1214    if {$imax==""} then {
1215        foreach {nrows ncols} [shape $matrix] {break}
1216        if {$ncols==""} then {
1217            # the matrix is a vector
1218            set imax 0
1219        } else {
1220            set imax [expr {$ncols - 1}]
1221        }
1222    }
1223    set row [lindex $matrix $row]
1224    return [lrange $row $imin $imax]
1227# setrow --
1228#     Set the specified row in a matrix
1229# Arguments:
1230#     matrix     _Name_ of matrix in question
1231#     row        Index of the row
1232#     newvalues  New values for the row
1233#     imin       Minimum column index (default 0)
1234#     imax       Maximum column index (default ncols-1)
1236# Result:
1237#     Updated matrix
1238# Side effect:
1239#     The matrix is updated
1241proc ::math::linearalgebra::setrow { matrix row newvalues {imin 0} {imax ""}} {
1242    upvar $matrix mat
1243    if {$imax==""} then {
1244        foreach {nrows ncols} [shape $mat] {break}
1245        if {$ncols==""} then {
1246            # the matrix is a vector
1247            set imax 0
1248        } else {
1249            set imax [expr {$ncols - 1}]
1250        }
1251    }
1252    set icol $imin
1253    foreach value $newvalues {
1254        lset mat $row $icol $value
1255        incr icol
1256        if {$icol>$imax} then {
1257            break
1258        }
1259    }
1260    return $mat
1263# getcol --
1264#     Get the specified column from a matrix
1265# Arguments:
1266#     matrix     Matrix in question
1267#     col        Index of the column
1268#     imin       Minimum row index (default 0)
1269#     imax       Minimum row index (default nrows-1)
1271# Result:
1272#     A list with the values on the requested column
1274proc ::math::linearalgebra::getcol { matrix col {imin 0} {imax ""}} {
1275    if {$imax==""} then {
1276        set nrows [llength $matrix]
1277        set imax [expr {$nrows - 1}]
1278    }
1279    set result {}
1280    set iline 0
1281    foreach row $matrix {
1282        if {$iline>=$imin && $iline<=$imax} then {
1283            lappend result [lindex $row $col]
1284        }
1285        incr iline
1286    }
1287    return $result
1290# setcol --
1291#     Set the specified column in a matrix
1292# Arguments:
1293#     matrix     _Name_ of matrix in question
1294#     col        Index of the column
1295#     newvalues  New values for the column
1296#     imin       Minimum row index (default 0)
1297#     imax       Minimum row index (default nrows-1)
1299# Result:
1300#     Updated matrix
1301# Side effect:
1302#     The matrix is updated
1304proc ::math::linearalgebra::setcol { matrix col newvalues  {imin 0} {imax ""}} {
1305    upvar $matrix mat
1306    if {$imax==""} then {
1307        set nrows [llength $mat]
1308        set imax [expr {$nrows - 1}]
1309    }
1310    set index 0
1311    for { set i $imin } { $i <= $imax } { incr i } {
1312        lset mat $i $col [lindex $newvalues $index]
1313        incr index
1314    }
1315    return $mat
1318# getelem --
1319#     Get the specified element (row,column) from a matrix/vector
1320# Arguments:
1321#     matrix     Matrix in question
1322#     row        Index of the row
1323#     col        Index of the column (not present for vectors)
1325# Result:
1326#     The matrix element (row,column)
1328proc ::math::linearalgebra::getelem { matrix row {col {}} } {
1329    if { $col != {} } {
1330        lindex $matrix $row $col
1331    } else {
1332        lindex $matrix $row
1333    }
1336# setelem --
1337#     Set the specified element (row,column) in a matrix or vector
1338# Arguments:
1339#     matrix     _Name_ of matrix/vector in question
1340#     row        Index of the row
1341#     col        Index of the column/new value
1342#     newvalue   New value  for the element (not present for vectors)
1344# Result:
1345#     Updated matrix
1346# Side effect:
1347#     The matrix is updated
1349proc ::math::linearalgebra::setelem { matrix row col {newvalue {}} } {
1350    upvar $matrix mat
1351    if { $newvalue != {} } {
1352        lset mat $row $col $newvalue
1353    } else {
1354        lset mat $row $col
1355    }
1356    return $mat
1358# swaprows --
1359#     Swap two rows of a matrix
1360# Arguments:
1361#     matrix     Matrix defining the coefficients
1362#     irow1      Index of first row
1363#     irow2      Index of second row
1364#     imin       Minimum column index (default 0)
1365#     imax       Maximum column index (default ncols-1)
1367# Result:
1368#     The matrix with the two rows swaped.
1370proc ::math::linearalgebra::swaprows { matrix irow1 irow2 {imin 0} {imax ""}} {
1371    upvar $matrix mat
1372    #swaprows1 mat $irow1 $irow2 $imin $imax
1373    swaprows2 mat $irow1 $irow2 $imin $imax
1375proc ::math::linearalgebra::swaprows1 { matrix irow1 irow2 {imin 0} {imax ""}} {
1376    upvar $matrix mat
1377    if {$imax==""} then {
1378        foreach {nrows ncols} [shape $mat] {break}
1379        if {$ncols==""} then {
1380            # the matrix is a vector
1381            set imax 0
1382        } else {
1383            set imax [expr {$ncols - 1}]
1384        }
1385    }
1386    set row1 [getrow $mat $irow1 $imin $imax]
1387    set row2 [getrow $mat $irow2 $imin $imax]
1388    setrow mat $irow1 $row2 $imin $imax
1389    setrow mat $irow2 $row1 $imin $imax
1390    return $mat
1392proc ::math::linearalgebra::swaprows2 { matrix irow1 irow2 {imin 0} {imax ""}} {
1393    upvar $matrix mat
1394    if {$imax==""} then {
1395        foreach {nrows ncols} [shape $mat] {break}
1396        if {$ncols==""} then {
1397            # the matrix is a vector
1398            set imax 0
1399        } else {
1400            set imax [expr {$ncols - 1}]
1401        }
1402    }
1403    set row1 [lrange [lindex $mat $irow1] $imin $imax]
1404    set row2 [lrange [lindex $mat $irow2] $imin $imax]
1405    setrow mat $irow1 $row2 $imin $imax
1406    setrow mat $irow2 $row1 $imin $imax
1407    return $mat
1409# swapcols --
1410#     Swap two cols of a matrix
1411# Arguments:
1412#     matrix     Matrix defining the coefficients
1413#     icol1      Index of first column
1414#     icol2      Index of second column
1415#     imin       Minimum row index (default 0)
1416#     imax       Minimum row index (default nrows-1)
1418# Result:
1419#     The matrix with the two columns swaped.
1421proc ::math::linearalgebra::swapcols { matrix icol1 icol2 {imin 0} {imax ""}} {
1422    upvar $matrix mat
1423    if {$imax==""} then {
1424        set nrows [llength $mat]
1425        set imax [expr {$nrows - 1}]
1426    }
1427    set col1 [getcol $mat $icol1 $imin $imax]
1428    set col2 [getcol $mat $icol2 $imin $imax]
1429    setcol mat $icol1 $col2 $imin $imax
1430    setcol mat $icol2 $col1 $imin $imax
1431    return $mat
1434# solveGauss --
1435#     Solve a system of linear equations using Gauss elimination
1436# Arguments:
1437#     matrix     Matrix defining the coefficients
1438#     bvect      Right-hand side (may be several columns)
1440# Result:
1441#     Solution of the system or an error in case of singularity
1442# LAPACK : corresponds to DGETRS, without row interchanges
1444proc ::math::linearalgebra::solveGauss { matrix bvect } {
1445    set norows [llength $matrix]
1446    set nocols $norows
1448    for { set i 0 } { $i < $nocols } { incr i } {
1449        set sweep_row   [getrow $matrix $i]
1450        set bvect_sweep [getrow $bvect  $i]
1451        # No pivoting yet
1452        set sweep_fact  [expr {double([lindex $sweep_row $i])}]
1453        for { set j [expr {$i+1}] } { $j < $norows } { incr j } {
1454            set current_row   [getrow $matrix $j]
1455            set bvect_current [getrow $bvect  $j]
1456            set factor      [expr {-[lindex $current_row $i]/$sweep_fact}]
1458            lset matrix $j [axpy_vect $factor $sweep_row   $current_row]
1459            lset bvect  $j [axpy_vect $factor $bvect_sweep $bvect_current]
1460        }
1461    }
1463    return [solveTriangular $matrix $bvect]
1465# solvePGauss --
1466#     Solve a system of linear equations using Gauss elimination
1467#     with partial pivoting
1468# Arguments:
1469#     matrix     Matrix defining the coefficients
1470#     bvect      Right-hand side (may be several columns)
1472# Result:
1473#     Solution of the system or an error in case of singularity
1474# LAPACK : corresponds to DGETRS
1476proc ::math::linearalgebra::solvePGauss { matrix bvect } {
1478    set ipiv [dgetrf matrix]
1479    set norows [llength $matrix]
1480    set nm1 [expr {$norows - 1}]
1482    # Perform all permutations on b
1483    for { set k 0 } { $k < $nm1 } { incr k } {
1484        # Swap b(k) and b(mu) with mu = P(k)
1485        set tmp [lindex $bvect $k]
1486        set mu [lindex $ipiv $k]
1487        setrow bvect $k [lindex $bvect $mu]
1488        setrow bvect $mu $tmp
1489    }
1491    # Perform forward substitution
1492    for { set k 0 } { $k < $nm1 } { incr k } {
1493        set bk [lindex $bvect $k]
1494        # Substitution
1495        for { set iline [expr {$k+1}] } { $iline < $norows } { incr iline } {
1496            set aik [lindex $matrix $iline $k]
1497            set maik [expr {-1. * $aik}]
1498            set bi [lindex $bvect $iline]
1499            setrow bvect $iline [axpy $maik $bk $bi]
1500        }
1501    }
1503    # Perform backward substitution
1504    return [solveTriangular $matrix $bvect]
1507# solveTriangular --
1508#     Solve a system of linear equations where the matrix is
1509#     upper-triangular
1510# Arguments:
1511#     matrix     Matrix defining the coefficients
1512#     bvect      Right-hand side (may be several columns)
1513#     uplo       U if the matrix is upper triangular (default), L if the
1514#                matrix is lower triangular.
1516# Result:
1517#     Solution of the system or an error in case of singularity
1518# LAPACK : corresponds to DTPTRS, but in the current command, the matrix
1519#          is in regular format (unpacked).
1521proc ::math::linearalgebra::solveTriangular { matrix bvect {uplo "U"}} {
1522    set norows [llength $matrix]
1523    set nocols $norows
1525    switch -- $uplo {
1526        "U" {
1527            for { set i [expr {$norows-1}] } { $i >= 0 } { incr i -1 } {
1528                set sweep_row   [getrow $matrix $i]
1529                set bvect_sweep [getrow $bvect  $i]
1530                set sweep_fact  [expr {double([lindex $sweep_row $i])}]
1531                set norm_fact   [expr {1.0/$sweep_fact}]
1533                lset bvect $i [scale $norm_fact $bvect_sweep]
1535                for { set j [expr {$i-1}] } { $j >= 0 } { incr j -1 } {
1536                    set current_row   [getrow $matrix $j]
1537                    set bvect_current [getrow $bvect  $j]
1538                    set factor     [expr {-[lindex $current_row $i]/$sweep_fact}]
1540                    lset bvect  $j [axpy_vect $factor $bvect_sweep $bvect_current]
1541                }
1542            }
1543        }
1544        "L" {
1545            for { set i 0 } { $i < $norows } { incr i } {
1546                set sweep_row   [getrow $matrix $i]
1547                set bvect_sweep [getrow $bvect  $i]
1548                set sweep_fact  [expr {double([lindex $sweep_row $i])}]
1549                set norm_fact   [expr {1.0/$sweep_fact}]
1551                lset bvect $i [scale $norm_fact $bvect_sweep]
1553                for { set j 0 } { $j < $i } { incr j } {
1554                set bvect_current [getrow $bvect  $i]
1555                    set bvect_sweep [getrow $bvect  $j]
1556                    set factor [lindex $sweep_row $j]
1557                    set factor [expr { -1. * $factor * $norm_fact }]
1558                    lset bvect  $i [axpy_vect $factor $bvect_sweep $bvect_current]
1559                }
1560            }
1561        }
1562        default {
1563            error "Unknown value for parameter uplo : $uplo"
1564        }
1565    }
1566    return $bvect
1569# solveGaussBand --
1570#     Solve a system of linear equations using Gauss elimination,
1571#     where the matrix is stored as a band matrix.
1572# Arguments:
1573#     matrix     Matrix defining the coefficients (in band form)
1574#     bvect      Right-hand side (may be several columns)
1576# Result:
1577#     Solution of the system or an error in case of singularity
1579proc ::math::linearalgebra::solveGaussBand { matrix bvect } {
1580    set norows   [llength $matrix]
1581    set nocols   $norows
1582    set nodiags  [llength [lindex $matrix 0]]
1583    set lowdiags [expr {($nodiags-1)/2}]
1585    for { set i 0 } { $i < $nocols } { incr i } {
1586        set sweep_row   [getrow $matrix $i]
1587        set bvect_sweep [getrow $bvect  $i]
1589        set sweep_fact [lindex $sweep_row [expr {$lowdiags-$i}]]
1591        for { set j [expr {$i+1}] } { $j <= $lowdiags } { incr j } {
1592            set sweep_row     [concat [lrange $sweep_row 1 end] 0.0]
1593            set current_row   [getrow $matrix $j]
1594            set bvect_current [getrow $bvect  $j]
1595            set factor      [expr {-[lindex $current_row $i]/$sweep_fact}]
1597            lset matrix $j [axpy_vect $factor $sweep_row   $current_row]
1598            lset bvect  $j [axpy_vect $factor $bvect_sweep $bvect_current]
1599        }
1600    }
1602    return [solveTriangularBand $matrix $bvect]
1605# solveTriangularBand --
1606#     Solve a system of linear equations where the matrix is
1607#     upper-triangular (stored as a band matrix)
1608# Arguments:
1609#     matrix     Matrix defining the coefficients (in band form)
1610#     bvect      Right-hand side (may be several columns)
1612# Result:
1613#     Solution of the system or an error in case of singularity
1615proc ::math::linearalgebra::solveTriangularBand { matrix bvect } {
1616    set norows   [llength $matrix]
1617    set nocols   $norows
1618    set nodiags  [llength [lindex $matrix 0]]
1619    set uppdiags [expr {($nodiags-1)/2}]
1620    set middle   [expr {($nodiags-1)/2}]
1622    for { set i [expr {$norows-1}] } { $i >= 0 } { incr i -1 } {
1623        set sweep_row   [getrow $matrix $i]
1624        set bvect_sweep [getrow $bvect  $i]
1625        set sweep_fact  [lindex $sweep_row $middle]
1626        set norm_fact   [expr {1.0/$sweep_fact}]
1628        lset bvect $i [scale $norm_fact $bvect_sweep]
1630        for { set j [expr {$i-1}] } { $j >= $i-$middle && $j >= 0 } \
1631                { incr j -1 } {
1632            set current_row   [getrow $matrix $j]
1633            set bvect_current [getrow $bvect  $j]
1634            set k             [expr {$i-$middle}]
1635            set factor     [expr {-[lindex $current_row $k]/$sweep_fact}]
1637            lset bvect  $j [axpy_vect $factor $bvect_sweep $bvect_current]
1638        }
1639    }
1641    return $bvect
1644# determineSVD --
1645#     Determine the singular value decomposition of a matrix
1646# Arguments:
1647#     A          Matrix to be examined
1648#     epsilon    Tolerance for the procedure (defaults to 2.3e-16)
1650# Result:
1651#     List of the three elements U, S and V, where:
1652#     U, V orthogonal matrices, S a diagonal matrix (here a vector)
1653#     such that A = USVt
1654# Note:
1655#     This is taken directly from Hume's LA package, and adjusted
1656#     to fit the different matrix format. Also changes are applied
1657#     that can be found in the second edition of Nash's book
1658#     "Compact numerical methods for computers"
1660#     To be done: transpose the algorithm so that we can work
1661#     on rows, rather than columns
1663proc ::math::linearalgebra::determineSVD { A {epsilon 2.3e-16} } {
1664    foreach {m n} [shape $A] {break}
1665    set tolerance [expr {$epsilon * $epsilon* $m * $n}]
1666    set V [mkIdentity $n]
1668    #
1669    # Top of the iteration
1670    #
1671    set count 1
1672    for {set isweep 0} {$isweep < 30 && $count > 0} {incr isweep} {
1673        set count [expr {$n*($n-1)/2}] ;# count of rotations in a sweep
1674        for {set j 0} {$j < [expr {$n-1}]} {incr j} {
1675            for {set k [expr {$j+1}]} {$k < $n} {incr k} {
1676                set p [set q [set r 0.0]]
1677                for {set i 0} {$i < $m} {incr i} {
1678                    set Aij [lindex $A $i $j]
1679                    set Aik [lindex $A $i $k]
1680                    set p [expr {$p + $Aij*$Aik}]
1681                    set q [expr {$q + $Aij*$Aij}]
1682                    set r [expr {$r + $Aik*$Aik}]
1683                }
1684                if { $q < $r } {
1685                    set c 0.0
1686                    set s 1.0
1687                } elseif { $q * $r == 0.0 } {
1688                    # Underflow of small elements
1689                    incr count -1
1690                    continue
1691                } elseif { ($p*$p)/($q*$r) < $tolerance } {
1692                    # Cols j,k are orthogonal
1693                    incr count -1
1694                    continue
1695                } else {
1696                    set q [expr {$q-$r}]
1697                    set v [expr {sqrt(4.0*$p*$p + $q*$q)}]
1698                    set c [expr {sqrt(($v+$q)/(2.0*$v))}]
1699                    set s [expr {-$p/($v*$c)}]
1700                    # s == sine of rotation angle, c == cosine
1701                    # Note: -s in comparison with original LA!
1702                }
1703                #
1704                # Rotation of A
1705                #
1706                set colj [getcol $A $j]
1707                set colk [getcol $A $k]
1708                foreach {colj colk} [rotate $c $s $colj $colk] {break}
1709                setcol A $j $colj
1710                setcol A $k $colk
1711                #
1712                # Rotation of V
1713                #
1714                set colj [getcol $V $j]
1715                set colk [getcol $V $k]
1716                foreach {colj colk} [rotate $c $s $colj $colk] {break}
1717                setcol V $j $colj
1718                setcol V $k $colk
1719            } ;#k
1720        } ;# j
1721        #puts "pass=$isweep skipped rotations=$count"
1722    } ;# isweep
1724    set S {}
1725    for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} {
1726        set q [norm_two [getcol $A $j]]
1727        lappend S $q
1728        if { $q >= $tolerance } {
1729            set newcol [scale [expr {1.0/$q}] [getcol $A $j]]
1730            setcol A $j $newcol
1731        }
1732    } ;# j
1734    #
1735    # Prepare the output
1736    #
1737    set U $A
1739    if { $m < $n } {
1740        set U {}
1741        incr m -1
1742        foreach row $A {
1743            lappend U [lrange $row 0 $m]
1744        }
1745        puts $U
1746    }
1747    return [list $U $S $V]
1750# eigenvectorsSVD --
1751#     Determine the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a real
1752#     symmetric matrix via the SVD
1753# Arguments:
1754#     A          Matrix to be examined
1755#     eps        Tolerance for the procedure (defaults to 2.3e-16)
1757# Result:
1758#     List of the matrix of eigenvectors and the vector of corresponding
1759#     eigenvalues
1760# Note:
1761#     This is taken directly from Hume's LA package, and adjusted
1762#     to fit the different matrix format. Also changes are applied
1763#     that can be found in the second edition of Nash's book
1764#     "Compact numerical methods for computers"
1766proc ::math::linearalgebra::eigenvectorsSVD { A {eps 2.3e-16} } {
1767    foreach {m n} [shape $A] {break}
1768    if { $m != $n } {
1769       return -code error "Expected a square matrix"
1770    }
1772    #
1773    # Determine the shift h so that the matrix A+hI is positive
1774    # definite (the Gershgorin region)
1775    #
1776    set h {}
1777    set i 0
1778    foreach row $A {
1779        set aii [lindex $row $i]
1780        set sum [expr {2.0*abs($aii) - [norm_one $row]}]
1781        incr i
1783        if { $h == {} || $sum < $h } {
1784            set h $sum
1785        }
1786    }
1787    if { $h <= $eps } {
1788        set h [expr {$h - sqrt($eps)}]
1789        # try to make smallest eigenvalue positive and not too small
1790        set A [sub $A [scale_mat $h [mkIdentity $m]]]
1791    } else {
1792        set h 0.0
1793    }
1795    #
1796    # Determine the SVD decomposition: this holds the
1797    # eigenvectors and eigenvalues
1798    #
1799    foreach {U S V} [determineSVD $A $eps] {break}
1801    #
1802    # Rescale and flip signs if all negative or zero
1803    #
1804    for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} {
1805        set s 0.0
1806        set notpositive 0
1807        for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
1808            set Uij [lindex $U $i $j]
1809            if { $Uij <= 0.0 } {
1810               incr notpositive
1811            }
1812            set s [expr {$s + $Uij*$Uij}]
1813        }
1814        set s [expr {sqrt($s)}]
1815        if { $notpositive == $n } {
1816            set sf [expr {-$s}]
1817        } else {
1818            set sf $s
1819        }
1820        set colv [getcol $U $j]
1821        setcol U $j [scale_vect [expr {1.0/$sf}] $colv]
1822    }
1823    for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} {
1824        lset S $j [expr {[lindex $S $j] + $h}]
1825    }
1826    return [list $U $S]
1829# leastSquaresSVD --
1830#     Determine the solution to the least-squares problem Ax ~ y
1831#     via the singular value decomposition
1832# Arguments:
1833#     A          Matrix to be examined
1834#     y          Dependent variable
1835#     qmin       Minimum singular value to be considered (defaults to 0)
1836#     epsilon    Tolerance for the procedure (defaults to 2.3e-16)
1838# Result:
1839#     Vector x as the solution of the least-squares problem
1841proc ::math::linearalgebra::leastSquaresSVD { A y {qmin 0.0} {epsilon 2.3e-16} } {
1843    foreach {m n} [shape $A] {break}
1844    foreach {U S V} [determineSVD $A $epsilon] {break}
1846    set tol [expr {$epsilon * $epsilon * $n * $n}]
1847    #
1848    # form Utrans*y into g
1849    #
1850    set g {}
1851    for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} {
1852        set s 0.0
1853        for {set i 0} {$i < $m} {incr i} {
1854            set Uij [lindex $U $i $j]
1855            set yi  [lindex $y $i]
1856            set s [expr {$s + $Uij*$yi}]
1857        }
1858        lappend g $s ;# g[j] = $s
1859    }
1861    #
1862    # form VS+g = VS+Utrans*g
1863    #
1864    set x {}
1865    for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} {
1866        set s 0.0
1867        for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
1868            set zi [lindex $S $i]
1869            if { $zi > $qmin } {
1870                set Vji [lindex $V $j $i]
1871                set gi  [lindex $g $i]
1872                set s   [expr {$s + $Vji*$gi/$zi}]
1873            }
1874        }
1875        lappend x $s
1876    }
1877    return $x
1880# choleski --
1881#     Determine the Choleski decomposition of a symmetric,
1882#     positive-semidefinite matrix (this condition is not checked!)
1884# Arguments:
1885#     matrix     Matrix to be treated
1887# Result:
1888#     Lower-triangular matrix (L) representing the Choleski decomposition:
1889#        L Lt = matrix
1891proc ::math::linearalgebra::choleski { matrix } {
1892    foreach {rows cols} [shape $matrix] {break}
1894    set result $matrix
1896    for { set j 0 } { $j < $cols } { incr j } {
1897        if { $j > 0 } {
1898            for { set i $j } { $i < $cols } { incr i } {
1899                set sum [lindex $result $i $j]
1900                for { set k 0 } { $k <= $j-1 } { incr k } {
1901                    set Aki [lindex $result $i $k]
1902                    set Akj [lindex $result $j $k]
1903                    set sum [expr {$sum-$Aki*$Akj}]
1904                }
1905                lset result $i $j $sum
1906            }
1907        }
1909        #
1910        # Take care of a singular matrix
1911        #
1912        if { [lindex $result $j $j] <= 0.0 } {
1913            lset result $j $j 0.0
1914        }
1916        #
1917        # Scale the column
1918        #
1919        set s [expr {sqrt([lindex $result $j $j])}]
1920        for { set i 0 } { $i < $cols } { incr i } {
1921            if { $i >= $j } {
1922                if { $s == 0.0 } {
1923                    lset result $i $j 0.0
1924                } else {
1925                    lset result $i $j [expr {[lindex $result $i $j]/$s}]
1926                }
1927            } else {
1928                lset result $i $j 0.0
1929            }
1930        }
1931    }
1933    return $result
1936# orthonormalizeColumns --
1937#     Orthonormalize the columns of a matrix, using the modified
1938#     Gram-Schmidt method
1939# Arguments:
1940#     matrix     Matrix to be treated
1942# Result:
1943#     Matrix with pairwise orthogonal columns, each having length 1
1945proc ::math::linearalgebra::orthonormalizeColumns { matrix } {
1946    transpose [orthonormalizeRows [transpose $matrix]]
1949# orthonormalizeRows --
1950#     Orthonormalize the rows of a matrix, using the modified
1951#     Gram-Schmidt method
1952# Arguments:
1953#     matrix     Matrix to be treated
1955# Result:
1956#     Matrix with pairwise orthogonal rows, each having length 1
1958proc ::math::linearalgebra::orthonormalizeRows { matrix } {
1959    set result $matrix
1960    set rowno  0
1961    foreach r $matrix {
1962        set newrow [unitLengthVector [getrow $result $rowno]]
1963        setrow result $rowno $newrow
1964        incr rowno
1965        set  rowno2 $rowno
1967        #
1968        # Update the matrix immediately: this is numerically
1969        # more stable
1970        #
1971        foreach nextrow [lrange $result $rowno end] {
1972            set factor  [dotproduct $newrow $nextrow]
1973            set nextrow [sub_vect $nextrow [scale_vect $factor $newrow]]
1974            setrow result $rowno2 $nextrow
1975            incr rowno2
1976        }
1977    }
1978    return $result
1981# dger --
1982#     Performs the rank 1 operation alpha*x*y' + A
1983# Arguments:
1984#     matrix     name of the matrix to process (the matrix must be square)
1985#     alpha      a real value
1986#     x          a vector
1987#     y          a vector
1988#     scope      if not provided, the operation is performed on all rows/columns of A
1989#                if provided, it is expected to be the list [list imin imax jmin jmax]
1990#                where :
1991#                imin       Minimum  row index
1992#                imax       Maximum  row index
1993#                jmin       Minimum  column index
1994#                jmax       Maximum  column index
1996# Result:
1997#     Updated matrix
1998# Level-3 BLAS : corresponds to DGER
2000proc ::math::linearalgebra::dger { matrix alpha x y {scope ""}} {
2001    upvar $matrix mat
2002    set nrows [llength $mat]
2003    set ncols $nrows
2004    if {$scope==""} then {
2005        set imin 0
2006        set imax [expr {$nrows - 1}]
2007        set jmin 0
2008        set jmax [expr {$ncols - 1}]
2009    } else {
2010        foreach {imin imax jmin jmax} $scope {break}
2011    }
2012    set xy [matmul $x $y]
2013    set alphaxy [scale $alpha $xy]
2014    for { set iline $imin } { $iline <= $imax } { incr iline } {
2015        set ilineshift [expr {$iline - $imin}]
2016        set matiline [lindex $mat $iline]
2017        set alphailine [lindex $alphaxy $ilineshift]
2018        for { set icol $jmin } { $icol <= $jmax } { incr icol } {
2019            set icolshift [expr {$icol - $jmin}]
2020            set aij [lindex $matiline $icol]
2021            set shift [lindex $alphailine $icolshift]
2022            setelem mat $iline $icol [expr {$aij + $shift}]
2023        }
2024    }
2025    return $mat
2027# dgetrf --
2028#     Computes an LU factorization of a general matrix, using partial,
2029#     pivoting with row interchanges.
2031# Arguments:
2032#     matrix     On entry, the matrix to be factored.
2033#                On exit, the factors L and U from the factorization
2034#                P*A = L*U; the unit diagonal elements of L are not stored.
2036# Result:
2037#     Returns the permutation vector, as a list of length n-1.
2038#     The last entry of the permutation is not stored, since it is
2039#     implicitely known, with value n (the last row is not swapped
2040#     with any other row).
2041#     At index #i of the permutation is stored the index of the row #j
2042#     which is swapped with row #i at step #i. That means that each
2043#     index of the permutation gives the permutation at each step, not the
2044#     cumulated permutation matrix, which is the product of permutations.
2045#     The factorization has the form
2046#        P * A = L * U
2047#     where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with unit
2048#     diagonal elements, and U is upper triangular.
2050# LAPACK : corresponds to DGETRF
2052proc ::math::linearalgebra::dgetrf { matrix } {
2053    upvar $matrix mat
2054    set norows [llength $mat]
2055    set nocols $norows
2057    # Initialize permutation
2058    set nm1 [expr {$norows - 1}]
2059    set ipiv {}
2060    # Perform Gauss transforms
2061    for { set k 0 } { $k < $nm1 } { incr k } {
2062        # Search pivot in column n, from lines k to n
2063        set column [getcol $mat $k $k $nm1]
2064        foreach {abspivot murel} [norm_max $column 1] {break}
2065        # Shift mu, because max returns with respect to the column (k:n,k)
2066        set mu [expr {$murel + $k}]
2067        # Swap lines k and mu from columns 1 to n
2068        swaprows mat $k $mu
2069        set akk [lindex $mat $k $k]
2070        # Store permutation
2071        lappend ipiv $mu
2072        # Store pivots for lines k+1 to n in columns k+1 to n
2073        set kp1 [expr {$k+1}]
2074        set akp1 [getcol $mat $k $kp1 $nm1]
2075        set mult [expr {1. / double($akk)}]
2076        set akp1 [scale $mult $akp1]
2077        setcol mat $k $akp1 $kp1 $nm1
2078        # Perform transform for lines k+1 to n
2079        set akp1k [getcol $mat $k $kp1 $nm1]
2080        set akkp1 [lrange [lindex $mat $k] $kp1 $nm1]
2081        set scope [list $kp1 $nm1 $kp1 $nm1]
2082        dger mat -1. $akp1k $akkp1 $scope
2083    }
2084    return $ipiv
2087# det --
2088#     Returns the determinant of the given matrix, based on PA=LU
2089#     decomposition (i.e. dgetrf).
2091# Arguments:
2092#     matrix     The matrix values.
2093#     ipiv   The pivots (optionnal).
2094#       If the pivots are not provided, a PA=LU decomposition
2095#       is performed.
2096#       If the pivots are provided, we assume that it
2097#       contains the pivots and that the matrix A contains the
2098#       L and U factors, as provided by dgterf.
2100# Result:
2101#     Returns the determinant
2103proc ::math::linearalgebra::det { matrix {ipiv ""}} {
2104    if { $ipiv == "" } then {
2105        set ipiv [dgetrf matrix]
2106    }
2107    set det 1.0
2108    set norows [llength $matrix]
2109    set i 0
2110    foreach row $matrix {
2111        set uu [lindex $row $i]
2112        set det [expr {$det * $uu}]
2113        if { $i < $norows - 1 } then {
2114            set ii [lindex $ipiv $i]
2115            if {  $ii!=$i  } then {
2116                set det [expr {-1.0 * $det}]
2117            }
2118        }
2119        incr i
2120    }
2121    return $det
2124# largesteigen --
2125#     Returns a list made of the largest eigenvalue (in magnitude)
2126#     and associated eigenvector.
2127#     Uses Power Method.
2129# Arguments:
2130#     matrix     The matrix values.
2131#     tolerance  The relative tolerance of the eigenvalue.
2132#     maxiter    The maximum number of iterations
2134# Result:
2135#     Returns a list of two items, where the first item
2136#     is the eigenvalue and the second is the eigenvector.
2137# Note
2138#     This is algorithm #7.3.3 of Golub & Van Loan.
2140proc ::math::linearalgebra::largesteigen { matrix {tolerance 1.e-8} {maxiter 10}} {
2141    set norows [llength $matrix]
2142    set q [mkVector $norows 1.0]
2143    set lambda 1.0
2144    for { set k 0 } { $k < $maxiter } { incr k } {
2145        set z [matmul $matrix $q]
2146        set zn [norm $z]
2147        if { $zn == 0.0 } then {
2148            return -code error "Cannot continue power method : matrix is singular"
2149        }
2150        set s [expr {1.0 / $zn}]
2151        set q [scale $s $z]
2152        set prod [matmul $matrix $q]
2153        set lambda_old $lambda
2154        set lambda [dotproduct $q $prod]
2155        if { abs($lambda - $lambda_old) < $tolerance * abs($lambda_old) } then {
2156            break
2157        }
2158    }
2159    return [list $lambda $q]
2162# to_LA --
2163#     Convert a matrix or vector to the LA format
2164# Arguments:
2165#     mv         Matrix or vector to be converted
2167# Result:
2168#     List according to LA conventions
2170proc ::math::linearalgebra::to_LA { mv } {
2171    foreach {rows cols} [shape $mv] {
2172        if { $cols == {} } {
2173            set cols 0
2174        }
2175    }
2177    set result [list 2 $rows $cols]
2178    foreach row $mv {
2179        set result [concat $result $row]
2180    }
2181    return $result
2184# from_LA --
2185#     Convert a matrix or vector from the LA format
2186# Arguments:
2187#     mv         Matrix or vector to be converted
2189# Result:
2190#     List according to current conventions
2192proc ::math::linearalgebra::from_LA { mv } {
2193    foreach {rows cols} [lrange $mv 1 2] {break}
2195    if { $cols != 0 } {
2196        set result {}
2197        set elem2  2
2198        for { set i 0 } { $i < $rows } { incr i } {
2199            set  elem1 [expr {$elem2+1}]
2200            incr elem2 $cols
2201            lappend result [lrange $mv $elem1 $elem2]
2202        }
2203    } else {
2204        set result [lrange $mv 3 end]
2205    }
2207    return $result
2211# Announce the package's presence
2213package provide math::linearalgebra 1.1.4
2215if { 0 } {
2216Te doen:
2217behoorlijke testen!
2220join_col, join_row
2221kleinste-kwadraten met SVD en met Gauss
2225if { 0 } {
2226    set matrix {{1.0  2.0 -1.0}
2227        {3.0  1.1  0.5}
2228    {1.0 -2.0  3.0}}
2229    set bvect  {{1.0  2.0 -1.0}
2230        {3.0  1.1  0.5}
2231    {1.0 -2.0  3.0}}
2232    puts [join [::math::linearalgebra::solveGauss $matrix $bvect] \n]
2233    set bvect  {{4.0   2.0}
2234        {12.0  1.2}
2235    {4.0  -2.0}}
2236    puts [join [::math::linearalgebra::solveGauss $matrix $bvect] \n]
2239if { 0 } {
2241   set vect1 {1.0 2.0}
2242   set vect2 {3.0 4.0}
2243   ::math::linearalgebra::axpy_vect 1.0 $vect1 $vect2
2244   ::math::linearalgebra::add_vect      $vect1 $vect2
2245   puts [time {::math::linearalgebra::axpy_vect 1.0 $vect1 $vect2} 50000]
2246   puts [time {::math::linearalgebra::axpy_vect 2.0 $vect1 $vect2} 50000]
2247   puts [time {::math::linearalgebra::axpy_vect 1.0 $vect1 $vect2} 50000]
2248   puts [time {::math::linearalgebra::axpy_vect 1.1 $vect1 $vect2} 50000]
2249   puts [time {::math::linearalgebra::add_vect      $vect1 $vect2} 50000]
2252if { 0 } {
2253    set M {{1 2} {2 1}}
2254    puts "[::math::linearalgebra::determineSVD $M]"
2256if { 0 } {
2257    set M {{1 2} {2 1}}
2258    puts "[::math::linearalgebra::normMatrix $M]"
2260if { 0 } {
2261    set M {{1.3 2.3} {2.123 1}}
2262    puts "[::math::linearalgebra::show $M]"
2263    set M {{1.3 2.3 45 3.} {2.123 1 5.6 0.01}}
2264    puts "[::math::linearalgebra::show $M]"
2265    puts "[::math::linearalgebra::show $M %12.4f]"
2267if { 0 } {
2268    set M {{1 0 0}
2269        {1 1 0}
2270    {1 1 1}}
2271    puts [::math::linearalgebra::orthonormalizeRows $M]
2273if { 0 } {
2274    set M [::math::linearalgebra::mkMoler 5]
2275    puts [::math::linearalgebra::choleski $M]
2277if { 0 } {
2278    set M [::math::linearalgebra::mkRandom 20]
2279    set b [::math::linearalgebra::mkVector 20]
2280    puts "Gauss A = LU"
2281    puts [time {::math::linearalgebra::solveGauss $M $b} 5]
2282    puts "Gauss PA = LU"
2283    puts [time {::math::linearalgebra::solvePGauss $M $b} 5]
2284    # Gauss A = LU
2285    # 7607.4 microseconds per iteration
2286    # Gauss PA = LU
2287    # 17428.4 microseconds per iteration