argv0 librarypath 1.1 pwb if {[file isfile [file join [info nameofexe] main.tcl]]} { if {[info commands console] != {}} { console hide } set tcl_interactive 0 incr argc set argv [linsert $argv 0 $argv0] set argv0 [file join [info nameofexe] main.tcl] } else continue Itcl Mk4tcl pwb rechan vfs zlib ~/.tclkitrc tcl_rcFileName incr argc -1; set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] errorInfo inflate decompress deflate compress crc32 adler32 option data ?...? option 1.1.4 5 h o C J zlib 1.0 seek read write close rechan command mode rechan%d none -buffering 0 -blocking 8.4 Tcl 1.0 ~/.tclshrc tcl_rcFileName source exec vwait update time tell socket seek read pwd puts pid open glob gets flush file fconfigure fblocked eof close cd after while variable upvar uplevel unset trace switch subst string split set scan return rename regsub regexp proc package namespace lsort lset lsearch lreplace lrange load llength list linsert lindex lappend join info incr if global format foreach for fileevent fcopy expr exit eval error encoding continue concat clock catch case break binary array append Tcl_CallFrame and CallFrame are not the same size Tcl_CreateInterp: can't create global namespace Tcl_CreateInterp: builtin command with NULL string and object command procs and a NULL compile proc Tcl_CreateInterp: Tcl_CreateMathFunc incorrectly registered '%s' littleEndian bigEndian byteOrder tcl_platform wordSize tcl_patchLevel 8.4 tcl_version tcl_precision Tcl Assoc Data Key #%d DeleteInterpProc called with active evals DeleteInterpProc called on interpreter not marked deleted :: token (rename) cannot use namespace qualifiers as hidden command (use rename then hide) can only hide global namespace commands " already exists hidden command named " (use expose to toplevel, then rename) can not expose to a namespace " unknown hidden command " trying to expose a non global command name space command exposed command " ": command doesn't exist " delete can't ": bad command name can't rename to " ": command already exists " not known in this interpreter math function " attempt to call eval in deleted interpreter IDELETE CORE too many nested evaluations (infinite loop?) ::unknown invalid command name " ... while executing "%.*s%s" invoked from within "%.*s%s" unexpected token type in Tcl_EvalTokensStandard missing close-bracket invoked "break" outside of a loop invoked "continue" outside of a loop command returned bad code: %d expression didn't have numeric value illegal argument vector invalid hidden command name " unknown while invoking " invoked from within " %ld 0 NONE bytearray Tcl_SetByteArrayObj called with shared object Tcl_SetObjLength called with shared object scan format option ?arg arg ...? option formatString ?arg arg ...? number of elements in list does not match count cannot use "*" in format string with "x" binary hexadecimal value formatString ?varName varName ...? " instead string but got " expected missing count for "@" field specifier not enough arguments for all format specifiers " bad field specifier " G   unable to alloc %ud bytes unable to alloc %ud bytes, %s line %d unable to realloc %ud bytes unable to realloc %ud bytes, %s line %d %a %b %d %X %Z %Y seconds scan format clicks -gmt -format -base option ?arg ...? option -milliseconds ": must be -milliseconds bad switch " ?-milliseconds? clockval ?-format string? ?-gmt boolean? switch dateString ?-base clockValue? ?-gmt boolean? " unable to convert date-time string " bad format string " string ?in? patList body ... ?default body? in extra case pattern with no body default ("%.50s" arm line %d) command ?varName? couldn't save command result in variable ?dirName? ~ ": couldn't change working directory to " system names convertto convertfrom option ?arg ...? option ?encoding? data ?encoding? message ?errorInfo? ?errorCode? errorCode arg ?arg ...? ("eval" body line %d) ?returnCode? writable volumes type tail stat split size separator rootname rename readlink readable pathtype owned normalize nativename mkdir mtime lstat link join isfile isdirectory extension exists executable dirname delete copy channels attributes atime name ?time? could not set access time for file " ?pattern? name ?name ...? ?-linktype? linkname ?target? -hard -symbolic switch ": that path already exists could not create new link " " doesn't exist " since target " " pointing to " could not read link " name varName could not set modification time for file " filename absolute relative volumerelative could not readlink " ?name? / \ : Unrecognised path stat name varName name could not read " dev ino nlink uid gid ctime mode file directory characterSpecial blockSpecial fifo socket unknown start test next command ("for" initial command) ("for" body line %d) ("for" loop-end command) varList list ?varList list ...? command foreach varlist is empty Tcl_ForeachObjCmd: could not reconvert variable list %d to a list object Tcl_ForeachObjCmd: could not reconvert value list %d to a list object " couldn't set loop variable: " ("foreach" body line %d) formatString ?arg arg ...? ll format string ended in middle of field specifier bad field specifier "%c" cannot mix "%" and "%n$" conversion specifiers "%n$" argument index out of range not enough arguments for all format specifiers " argument wrong # args: no expression after " wrong # args: no script following " then elseif else wrong # args: no script following "else" argument wrong # args: extra words after "else" clause in "if" command varName ?increment? (reading increment) vars tclversion sharedlibextension script procs patchlevel nameofexecutable locals loaded library level hostname globals functions exists default complete commands cmdcount body args option ?arg arg ...? option procname " isn't a procedure " ?pattern? command procname arg varname couldn't store default value in variable " " doesn't have an argument " procedure " varName unable to determine name of host bad level " ?number? tcl_library no library has been specified for Tcl ?interp? tcl_patchLevel ?filename? .so tcl_version list ?joinString? list ?index...? list index element ?element ...? list list first last list first last ?element element ...? list doesn't contain element -start -sorted -regexp -real -not -integer -inline -increasing -glob -exact -dictionary -decreasing -ascii -all ?options? list pattern missing starting index listVar index ?index...? value -unique -index -command ?options? list "-command" option must be followed by comparison command "-index" option must be followed by list index missing from sublist " element (-compare command) -compare command returned non-numeric result variable command execution -- -start -nocase -lineanchor -linestop -line -expanded -inline -indices -about -all switch ?switches? exp string ?matchVar? ?subMatchVar subMatchVar ...? when using -inline regexp match variables not allowed " couldn't set variable " ?switches? exp string subSpec ?varName? &\ *+?{}()[].\|^$ oldName newName -code ok error return break continue continue, or an integer ": must be ok, error, return, break, bad completion code " -errorinfo -errorcode ": must be -code, -errorcode, or -errorinfo bad option " fileName string ?splitChars? wordstart wordend trimright trimleft trim totitle toupper tolower replace repeat range match map length last is index first equal compare bytelength option arg ?arg ...? option ?-nocase? ?-length int? string1 string2 -length ": must be -nocase or -length subString string ?startIndex? string charIndex xdigit wordchar upper true space punct print lower integer graph false double digit boolean control ascii alpha alnum class ?-strict? ?-failindex var? str class -strict -failindex ?-strict? ?-failindex var? str ": must be -strict or -failindex string ?-nocase? charMap string ": must be -nocase char map list unbalanced ?-nocase? pattern string string first last string count string first last ?string? string ?first? ?last? string ?chars? string index -novariables -nocommands -nobackslashes Tcl_SubstObjCmd: bad option index to SubstOptions ?-nobackslashes? ?-nocommands? ?-novariables? string -regexp -glob -exact ?switches? string pattern body ... ?default body? ?switches? string {pattern body ... ?default body?} extra switch pattern with no body documentation switch body - see the "switch" comment incorrectly placed outside of a , this may be due to a - no body specified for pattern " default fall-out when searching for body to match pattern ("%.50s" arm line %d) command ?count? %.0f microseconds per iteration .Avinfo vdelete remove info add option ?arg arg ...? type ?arg arg ...? name ops command name ": should be one or more of rwua bad operations " leavestep enterstep leave enter name opList execution bad operation list "": must be one or more of enter, leave, enterstep, or leavestep operation rename delete name opList command bad operation list "": must be one or more of delete or rename write unset read array bad operation list "": must be one or more of array, read, unset, or write rename delete TraceExecutionProc: bad flag combination a r w u array read write unset test command ("while" body line %d) ForeachInfo wrong # args: should be "append varName ?value value ...?" wrong # args: should be "break" wrong # args: should be "catch command ?varName?" 0 TclCompileCatchCmd: bad jump distance %d wrong # args: should be "continue" wrong # args: should be "expr arg ?arg ...?" wrong # args: should be "for start test next command" ("for" initial command) ("for" body line %d) ("for" loop-end command) ("for" test expression) wrong # args: should be "foreach varList list ?varList list ...? command" ("foreach" body line %d) elseif wrong # args: no expression after "%.30s" argument ("if" test expression) wrong # args: no script following "%.20s" argument then wrong # args: no script following "then" argument ("if" then script line %d) else wrong # args: no script following "else" argument ("if" else script line %d) wrong # args: extra words after "else" clause in "if" command TclCompileIfCmd: unexpected opcode updating ifFalse jump wrong # args: should be "incr varName ?increment?" (increment expression) wrong # args: should be "lappend varName ?value value ...?" wrong # args: should be "llength list" -nocase 1 *+?{}()[].\|^$ wrong # args: should be "set varName ?newValue?" wordstart wordend trimright trimleft trim totitle toupper tolower replace repeat range match map length last is index first equal compare bytelength option %d *[]?\ wrong # args: should be "while test command" ("while" body line %d) ("while" test expression) lsetFlat lsetList over lindexMulti lappendStk lappendArrayStk lappendArray4 lappendArray1 lappendScalar4 lappendScalar1 appendStk appendArrayStk appendArray4 appendArray1 appendScalar4 appendScalar1 listlength listindex list strmatch strindex strlen strcmp strneq streq pushReturnCode pushResult endCatch beginCatch4 foreach_step4 foreach_start4 continue break tryCvtToNumeric callFunc1 callBuiltinFunc1 not bitnot uminus uplus mod div mult sub add rshift lshift ge le gt lt neq eq bitand bitxor bitor land lor jumpFalse4 jumpFalse1 jumpTrue4 jumpTrue1 jump4 jump1 incrStkImm incrArrayStkImm incrArray1Imm incrScalarStkImm incrScalar1Imm incrStk incrArrayStk incrArray1 incrScalarStk incrScalar1 storeStk storeArrayStk storeArray4 storeArray1 storeScalarStk storeScalar4 storeScalar1 loadStk loadArrayStk loadArray4 loadArray1 loadScalarStk loadScalar4 loadScalar1 exprStk evalStk invokeStk4 invokeStk1 concat1 dup pop push4 push1 done bytecode (parsing index for array "%.*s") Unexpected token type in TclCompileTokens ... while compiling "%.*s%s" EnterCmdStartData: bad command index %d EnterCmdStartData: cmd map not sorted by code offset EnterCmdExtentData: bad command index %d EnterCmdExtentData: missing start data for command %d TclFixupForwardJump: bad ExceptionRange type %d GetCmdLocEncodingSize: bad code offset GetCmdLocEncodingSize: bad code length GetCmdLocEncodingSize: bad source length EncodeCmdLocMap: bad code offset EncodeCmdLocMap: bad code length EncodeCmdLocMap: bad source length (%u) %s %d # pc %u %d %u # TclPrintInstruction: bad local var index %u (%u locals) %u # temp var %u %u # var %u "" " \" \f \n \r \t \v %c saturday friday thurs thur thursday wednes wednesday tues tuesday monday sunday december november october sept september august july june may april march february january sec second min minute hour day week fortnight month year stardate epoch ago next this last now today yesterday tomorrow dst idle nzdt nzst nzt gst eadt east cadt cast jst cct jt wadt wast zp6 ist zp5 zp4 it bt eet fst fwt sst swt mest mewt met cest cet idlw nt ahst cat hdt hst ydt yst pdt pst mdt mst cdt cst edt est adt ast ndt nst nft at wat bst wet uct utc ut gmt z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k i h g f e d c b a am a.m. pm p.m. ( $ 6 Q ) 5 % * : & 8 ! = 2 P L 3 K J I H G F E 4 1 0 / - ' > N . O D A < C B 7 , ? # + 9 ; M " @ @ ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig , ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig 0 F E D B A @ ? > < ; : 9 7 ig - + : / - , , . - : / - - : - : 5 ! * 0 1 / 2 3 4 , ' # - ) 6 " % $ . + 7 ( 6 & yacc stack overflow syntax error identity utf-8 unicode encoding *.enc -encoding " invalid encoding file " unknown encoding " .enc r name init final EscapeToUtfProc: invalid sub table env HOME no such variable errorInfo errorCode tclBgError bgerror bgerror failed to handle background error. Original error: Error in bgerror: TclInitSubsystems called while finalizing name ": would wait forever can't wait for variable " idletasks option Tcl_UpdateObjCmd: bad option index to UpdateOptions ?idletasks? ne eq FUNCTION BUILTIN FUNCTION ! ~ % / * - + >> << >= <= > < != == & ^ | && || wide srand round rand int double abs tanh tan sqrt sinh sin pow log10 log hypot fmod floor exp cosh cos ceil atan2 atan asin acos ::errorInfo ::errorCode ERROR: freeing an execEnv whose stack is still in use. Tcl_ExprObj: compiled expression jumped interps 0 Tcl_EvalObj: compiled script jumped interps ERROR: bad usage of macro NEXT_INST_F read set (reading value of variable to increment) TclExecuteByteCode: unrecognized builtin function code %d TclExecuteByteCode: unrecognized opCode %u divide by zero DIVZERO ARITH TclExecuteByteCode: abnormal return at pc %u: stack top %d < entry stack top %d TclExecuteByteCode execution failure: end stack top < start stack top  " can't use empty string as operand of " non-numeric string non-numeric floating-point value infinite floating-point value invalid octal number integer value too large to represent IOVERFLOW floating-point value as operand of " can't use argument to math function was an invalid octal number argument to math function didn't have numeric value    A  C  > ? A  can't use floating-point value as argument to srand unknown math function " ExprCallMathFunc: expected number of args %d != actual number %d  domain error: argument not in valid range DOMAIN floating-point value too small to represent UNDERFLOW floating-point value too large to represent OVERFLOW unknown floating-point error, errno = %d UNKNOWN  ?options? source ?source ...? target" wrong # args: should be " " is not a directory : target " copying renaming error ": can't create directory " ?options? file ?file ...?" ": directory not empty error deleting " error deleting unknown file: " " with directory " can't overwrite file " " with file " can't overwrite directory " move a directory into itself ": trying to rename a volume or " to " error renaming " ::tcl::CopyDirectory can't unlink " error copying " ": " -force -- ": should be -force or -- bad option " name ?option? ?value? ?option value ...? could not read " ", there are no file attributes in this filesystem. option " missing value for " ^((/+([.][.]?/+)*([.][.]?)?)|(~[^:/]*)(/[^:]*)?|(~[^:]*)(:.*)?|/+([.][.]?/+)*([^:/]+)(/[^:]*)?|([^:]+):.*)$ / // : ./ :: /\: HOME variable to expand path couldn't find HOME environment " doesn't exist user " -- -types -tails -path -nocomplain -join -directory option missing argument to "-directory" "-directory" cannot be used with "-path" missing argument to "-path" "-path" cannot be used with "-directory" missing argument to "-types" ?switches? name ?name ...? "-tails" must be used with either "-directory" or "-path" \[]*?{} \ readonly hidden macintosh type creator bad argument to "-types": only one MacOS type or creator argument to "-types" allowed " s " no files matched glob pattern " . } unmatched open-brace in file name unmatched close-brace in file name , *[]?\ " expected integer but got " integer value too large to represent IOVERFLOW ARITH expected floating-point number but got " yes no true false on off expected boolean value but got " malformed bucket chain in Tcl_DeleteHashEntry %d entries in table, %d buckets number of buckets with %d entries: %d number of buckets with %d or more entries: %d average search distance for entry: %.1f ? called Tcl_FindHashEntry on deleted table called Tcl_CreateHashEntry on deleted table index ": must be " ambiguous bad , or or , can't convert value to index except via Tcl_GetIndexFromObj API wrong # args: should be " " interp InterpInfoDeleteProc: still exist commands InterpInfoDeleteProc: still exist aliases transfer target share slaves recursionlimit marktrusted invokehidden issafe hidden hide expose exists eval delete create aliases alias cmd ?arg ...? option slavePath slaveCmd ?masterPath masterCmd? ?args ..? -- -safe ?-safe? ?--? ?path? interp%d cannot delete the current interpreter path arg ?arg ...? path hiddenCmdName ?cmdName? path cmdName ?hiddenCmdName? -global path ?-global? ?--? cmd ?arg ..? path path ?newlimit? srcPath channelId destPath path alias " not found " in path " alias " " is not my descendant target interpreter for alias " ?path? ": interpreter deleted cannot define or rename alias " ": would create a loop " could not find interpreter " " already exists, cannot create interpreter named " 0 tcl_interactive SlaveObjCmd: interpreter has been deleted aliasName ?targetName? ?args..? arg ?arg ...? hiddenCmdName ?cmdName? cmdName ?hiddenCmdName? ?-global? ?--? cmd ?arg ..? ?newlimit? permission denied: safe interpreter cannot expose commands safe interpreters cannot change recursion limit permission denied: recursion limit must be > 0 falling back due to new recursion limit permission denied: safe interpreter cannot hide commands not allowed to invoke hidden commands from safe interpreter permission denied: safe interpreter cannot mark trusted env os tcl_platform osVersion machine user tclDefaultLibrary tcl_library tcl_pkgPath on -blocking tclIO Tcl_RegisterChannel: channel without name Tcl_RegisterChannel: duplicate channel names stdin stdout stderr " can not find channel named " Tcl_CreateChannel: NULL channel name binary couldn't find state for channel " reading and writing both disallowed for channel " could not flush channel " unable to access channel: invalid channel TclFlush, closed channel: queued output left FlushChannel: damaged channel list Tcl_SpliceChannel: trying to add channel used in different list called Tcl_Close on channel with refCount > 0 iso8859-1 blocking buffering buffersize encoding eofchar translation malformed option list in channel driver ": should be one of bad option " , - or - 0 1 -buffering line none full -buffersize -encoding -eofchar %c -translation auto cr crlf lf unable to set channel options: background copy in progress must be one of full, line, or none bad value for -buffering: one, or two elements bad value for -eofchar: should be a list of zero, element list bad value for -translation: must be a one or two platform or platform must be one of auto, binary, cr, lf, crlf, bad value for -translation: tcp writable readable channelId event ?script? event name channel is not " is busy channel " ": error reading " error writing " unknown eol translation mode Tcl_Write: AUTO output translation mode not supported Tcl_Write: unknown output translation mode error setting blocking mode: stdout -nonewline nonewline ": should be "nonewline" bad argument " ?-nonewline? ?channelId? string " wasn't opened for writing channel " ": error writing " channelId error flushing " channelId ?varName? " wasn't opened for reading error reading " channelId ?numChars? ?-nonewline? channelId" or " end current start channelId offset ?origin? origin error during seek on " channelId ?optionName? ?value? ?optionName value?... -- -keepnewline switch ?switches? arg ?arg ...? error reading output from command: fileName ?access? ?permissions? r Tcl_OpenCmd: invalid mode value tclTCPAcceptCallbacks RegisterTcpServerCleanup: damaged accept record table -server -myport -myaddr -async option cannot set -async option for server sockets no argument given for -myaddr option no argument given for -myport option tcp no argument given for -server option Tcl_SocketObjCmd: bad option index to SocketOptions Option -myport is not valid for servers -server command ?-myaddr addr? port ?-myaddr addr? ?-myport myport? ?-async? host port wrong # args: should be either: -command -size input output ?-size size? ?-command callback? couldn't open socket: port number too high path native . .. " illegal access mode " while processing open access modes " RDONLY WRONLY RDWR APPEND CREAT EXCL NOCTTY NONBLOCK TRUNC EXCL, NOCTTY, NONBLOCK, or TRUNC ": must be RDONLY, WRONLY, RDWR, APPEND, CREAT invalid access mode " RDONLY, WRONLY, or RDWR access mode must include either ": couldn't read file " r -eofchar (file "%.150s" line %d) POSIX could not seek to end of file while opening " couldn't open " glob couldn't determine the current working directory couldn't load library " 0700 ./ w binary -translation string representation can't find object HOME variable to expand path couldn't find HOME environment " doesn't exist user " / \ : list Tcl_SetListObj called with shared object Tcl_ListObjAppendList called with shared object Tcl_ListObjAppendElement called with shared object Tcl_ListObjReplace called with shared object list index out of range Tcl_ListObjSetElement called with shared object SetListFromAny: bad size estimate for list fileName ?packageName? ?interp? must specify either file name or package name " " is already loaded for package " file " tclLoad " isn't loaded statically package " couldn't figure out package name for _Init _SafeInit couldn't find procedure _SafeInit procedure no can't use package in a safe interpreter: { } { argv argc argv0 1 0 tcl_interactive application-specific initialization failed: errorInfo exit %d tcl_prompt2 tcl_prompt1 % (script that generates prompt) nsName Trying to push call frame for dead namespace can't create namespace "": only global namespace can have empty name ": already exists can't create namespace " :: errorInfo errorCode ": pattern can't specify a namespace invalid export pattern " auto_import empty import pattern " unknown namespace in import pattern " no namespace specified in import pattern " " into itself " tries to import from namespace " import pattern " " would create a loop containing command " can't import command " unknown namespace in namespace forget pattern " DeleteImportedCmd: did not find cmd in real cmd's list of import references Could not create namespace '%s' unknown namespace " unknown command " unknown variable " which tail qualifiers parent origin inscope import forget export exists eval delete current code children subcommand ?arg ...? option " in namespace children command ?name? ?pattern? arg namespace ::namespace ?name name...? " in namespace delete command name arg ?arg...? (in namespace eval "%.200s" script line %d) name ?-clear? ?pattern pattern...? -clear ?pattern pattern...? ?-force? ?pattern pattern...? -force " in inscope namespace command (in namespace inscope "%.200s" script line %d) invalid command name " " in namespace parent command ?name? string ?-command? ?-variable? name -command -variable boolean double int wideInt cmdName UpdateStringProc should not be invoked for type %s Tcl_SetBooleanObj called with shared object yes no true false on off expected boolean value but got "%.50s" Tcl_SetDoubleObj called with shared object expected floating-point number but got "%.50s" Tcl_SetIntObj called with shared object integer value too large to represent as non-long integer expected integer but got "%.50s" integer value too large to represent IOVERFLOW ARITH Tcl_SetLongObj called with shared object %lld Tcl_SetWideIntObj called with shared object @ @ can't parse a NULL pointer extra characters after close-quote extra characters after close-brace missing close-bracket ParseTokens encountered unknown character missing close-brace for variable name missing ) $ missing close-brace : possible unbalanced brace in comment missing " ne eq ~ ! : ? || && | ^ & != == >= <= > < >> << - + % / * UNKNOWN_CHAR UNKNOWN END , " $ ) ( { [ FUNCNAME LITERAL extra tokens at end of expression missing colon from ternary conditional looking for close parenthesis missing close-bracket expected parenthesis enclosing function arguments variable references require preceding $ missing close parenthesis at end of function call commas can only separate function arguments premature end of expression single equality character not legal in expressions character not legal in expressions unexpected ternary 'then' separator unexpected ternary 'else' separator unexpected close parenthesis unexpected operator %s false no off on true yes syntax error in expression "%.60s..." syntax error in expression "%.*s" : writing reading " wasn't opened for channel " ": file " write read couldn't " as last word in command can't specify " child process lost (is SIGCHLD ignored or trapped?) error waiting for process to exit: CHILDSTATUS CHILDKILLED child killed: CHILDSUSP child suspended: child wait status didn't make sense error reading stderr output file: child process exited abnormally illegal use of | or |& in command couldn't create input file for command: couldn't create input pipe for command: couldn't create output pipe for command: couldn't create error file for command: couldn't create pipe: standard output was redirected can't read output from command: standard input was redirected can't write input to command: pipe for command could not be created , then ": conflicting versions provided for package " compiled with stub support " in standalone executable: This package is not Cannot load package " ("package ifneeded" script) {} -exact ("package unknown" script) can't find package , need ": have version conflict for package " is not present package vsatisfies versions vcompare unknown require provide present names ifneeded forget option ?arg arg ...? option package version ?script? ?-exact? package ?version? -exact package ?version? ?command? version1 version2 package Tcl_PackageObjCmd: bad option index to pkgOptions " expected version number but got " E2BIG EACCES EADDRINUSE EADDRNOTAVAIL EADV EAFNOSUPPORT EAGAIN EALREADY EBADE EBADF EBADFD EBADMSG EBADR EBADRQC EBADSLT EBFONT EBUSY ECHILD ECHRNG ECOMM ECONNABORTED ECONNREFUSED ECONNRESET EDEADLK EDESTADDRREQ EDOM EDOTDOT EDQUOT EEXIST EFAULT EFBIG EHOSTDOWN EHOSTUNREACH EIDRM EINPROGRESS EINTR EINVAL EIO EISCONN EISDIR EL2HLT EL2NSYNC EL3HLT EL3RST ELIBACC ELIBBAD ELIBEXEC ELIBMAX ELIBSCN ELNRNG ELOOP EMFILE EMLINK EMSGSIZE EMULTIHOP ENAMETOOLONG ENAVAIL ENETDOWN ENETRESET ENETUNREACH ENFILE ENOANO ENOBUFS ENOCSI ENODATA ENODEV ENOENT ENOEXEC ENOLCK ENOLINK ENOMEM ENOMSG ENONET ENOPKG ENOPROTOOPT ENOSPC ENOSR ENOSTR ENOSYS ENOTBLK ENOTCONN ENOTDIR ENOTEMPTY ENOTNAM ENOTSOCK ENOTSUP ENOTTY ENOTUNIQ ENXIO EOVERFLOW EPERM EPFNOSUPPORT EPIPE EPROTO EPROTONOSUPPORT EPROTOTYPE ERANGE EREMCHG EREMOTE EREMOTEIO EROFS ESHUTDOWN ESOCKTNOSUPPORT ESPIPE ESRCH ESRMNT ESTALE ETIME ETIMEDOUT ETOOMANYREFS ETXTBSY EUCLEAN EUNATCH EUSERS EXDEV EXFULL unknown error argument list too long permission denied address already in use can't assign requested address advertise error address family not supported by protocol family resource temporarily unavailable operation already in progress bad exchange descriptor bad file number file descriptor in bad state not a data message bad request descriptor bad request code invalid slot bad font file format file busy no children channel number out of range communication error on send software caused connection abort connection refused connection reset by peer resource deadlock avoided destination address required math argument out of range cross mount point disk quota exceeded file already exists bad address in system call argument file too large host is down host is unreachable identifier removed operation now in progress interrupted system call invalid argument I/O error socket is already connected illegal operation on a directory level 2 halted level 2 not synchronized level 3 halted level 3 reset can not access a needed shared library accessing a corrupted shared library can not exec a shared library directly attempting to link in more shared libraries than system limit .lib section in a.out corrupted link number out of range too many levels of symbolic links too many open files too many links message too long multihop attempted file name too long not available network is down network dropped connection on reset network is unreachable file table overflow anode table overflow no buffer space available no CSI structure available no data available no such device no such file or directory exec format error no locks available link has be severed not enough memory no message of desired type machine is not on the network package not installed bad protocol option no space left on device out of stream resources not a stream device function not implemented block device required socket is not connected not a directory directory not empty not a name file socket operation on non-socket operation not supported inappropriate device for ioctl name not unique on network no such device or address file too big not owner protocol family not supported broken pipe protocol error protocol not suppored protocol wrong type for socket math result unrepresentable remote address changed pathname hit remote file system remote i/o error read-only file system can't send afer socket shutdown socket type not supported invalid seek no such process srmount error stale remote file handle timer expired connection timed out too many references: can't splice text file or pseudo-device busy structure needs cleaning protocol driver not attached too many users cross-domain link message tables full SIGABRT SIGALRM SIGBUS SIGCHLD SIGCONT SIGFPE SIGHUP SIGILL SIGINT SIGIO SIGKILL SIGPIPE SIGPROF SIGPWR SIGQUIT SIGSEGV SIGSTOP SIGSYS SIGTERM SIGTRAP SIGTSTP SIGTTIN SIGTTOU SIGURG SIGUSR1 SIGUSR2 SIGVTALRM SIGWINCH SIGXCPU SIGXFSZ unknown signal alarm clock bus error child status changed continue after stop floating-point exception hangup illegal instruction interrupt input/output possible on file kill signal write on pipe with no readers profiling alarm power-fail restart quit signal segmentation violation stop bad argument to system call software termination signal trace trap stop signal from tty background tty read background tty write urgent I/O condition user-defined signal 1 user-defined signal 2 virtual time alarm window changed exceeded CPU time limit exceeded file size limit Tcl_Release couldn't find reference for 0x%x Tcl_EventuallyFree called twice for 0x%x procbody name args body ": unknown namespace can't create procedure " ": bad procedure name " in non-global namespace with name starting with ":" :: args ": arg list contains %d entries, precompiled header expects %d procedure " " too many fields in argument specifier " " has argument with no name " that is an array element " has formal parameter " " that is not a simple name ": formal parameter %d is inconsistent with precompiled body " has default value inconsistent with precompiled body ": formal parameter " bad level " ?level? command ?arg ...? ("uplevel" body line %d) body of proc TclObjInterpProc: local variable %s is not argument but should be TclObjInterpProc: local variable %d is temporary but should be an argument wrong # args: should be " ? ? a precompiled script jumped interps ... (compiling %s "%.*s%s", line %d) invoked "break" outside of a loop invoked "continue" outside of a loop (procedure "%.*s%s" line %d) NONE called ProcBodySetFromAny called ProcBodyUpdateString regexp error while matching regular expression: REG_USHORTEST REG_UIMPOSSIBLE REG_UEMPTYMATCH REG_ULOCALE REG_UUNPORT REG_UUNSPEC REG_UNONPOSIX REG_UBBS REG_UPBOTCH REG_UBSALNUM REG_UBRACES REG_UBOUNDS REG_ULOOKAHEAD REG_UBACKREF %u { } ... %d REGEXP couldn't compile regular expression pattern: errorCode errorInfo cannot mix "%" and "%n$" conversion specifiers field width may not be specified in %c conversion conversion 'l' modifier may not be specified in % unmatched [ in format string " bad scan conversion character " variable is assigned by multiple "%n$" conversion specifiers variable is not assigned by any conversion specifiers "%n$" argument index out of range different numbers of variable names and field specifiers string format ?varName varName ...? %llu %lu couldn't set variable " string Tcl_SetStringObj called with shared object Tcl_SetObjLength called with shared object Tcl_AttemptSetObjLength called with shared object Tcl_AppendToObj called with shared object Tcl_AppendUnicodeToObj called with shared object Tcl_AppendStringsToObj called with shared object This interpreter does not support stubs-enabled extensions. Tcl info idle cancel option ?arg arg ...? tclAfter after#%d argument ": must be cancel, idle, info, or a number bad argument " id|command script script ... ?id? " doesn't exist event " timer Tcl_AfterObjCmd: bad subcommand index to afterSubCmds after# ("after" script) end-offset list element in braces followed by "%.*s" instead of space instead of space list element in quotes followed by "%.*s" %s unmatched open brace in list unmatched open quote in list internal error in Tcl_SplitList { { } can't modify precision from a safe interpreter improper value for precision %%.%dg 0123456789 %ld TclLooksLikeInt: cannot scan %d bytes from NULL ": must be integer or end?-integer? bad index " end- end ": must be end?-integer? (looks like invalid octal number) no such variable variable is array variable isn't array no such element in array upvar refers to element in deleted array upvar refers to variable in deleted namespace parent namespace doesn't exist missing variable name name refers to an element in an array localVarName namespaceVarName parsedVarName array search :: read varName ?newValue? set (reading value of variable to increment) unset trace bad result flag combination ?-nocomplain? ?--? ?varName varName ...? -nocomplain -- varName ?value value ...? statistics startsearch size nextelement names get exists donesearch anymore option arrayName ?arg ...? option arrayName searchId arrayName arrayName ?pattern? -regexp -glob -exact arrayName ?mode? ?pattern? arrayName list s-1- - s- error reading array statistics " isn't an array " list must have an even number of elements array set access ObjMakeUpVar called with an index outside from a proc. refers to procedure variable ": upvar won't create namespace variable that bad variable name " create can't upvar from variable to itself " has traces: can't use for upvar variable " " already exists varName ?varName ...? ?name value...? name ?value? define ?level? otherVar localVar ?otherVar localVar ...? trace array illegal search identifier " " isn't for variable " search identifier " couldn't find search " " can't ) ( ": ERROR: scalar parsedVarName without a string rep. file tty tcp CTS 1 0 DSR RING DCD -mode -handshake NONE XONXOFF RTSCTS DTRDSR not supported for this platform -handshake DTRDSR must be one of xonxoff, rtscts, dtrdsr or none bad value for -handshake: -xchar bad value for -xchar: should be a list of two elements -timeout -ttycontrol signal,value pairs bad value for -ttycontrol: should be a list of DTR RTS BREAK DTR, RTS or BREAK bad signal for -ttycontrol: must be mode handshake timeout ttycontrol xchar %d,%c,%d,%d %c -queue %d -ttystatus mode queue ttystatus xchar bad value for -mode %d,%c,%d,%d%n : should be baud,parity,data,stop noe parity: should be n, o, or e data: should be 5, 6, 7, or 8 stop: should be 1 or 2 TclpOpenFileChannel: invalid mode value /dev/tty ": couldn't open " file%d auto crlf -translation serial%d -error -peername can't get peername: -sockname can't get sockname: peername sockname couldn't open socket: sock%d line none TclGetDefaultStdChannel: Unexpected channel type auto -buffering " wasn't opened for writing " " wasn't opened for reading pipe w r cannot get a FILE * for " " cannot be used to get a FILE * TclWaitForFile can't handle file id %d -permissions -owner -group . .. / ": could not read " %0#5lo " does not exist ": group " could not set group for file " ": user " could not set owner for file " " unknown permission string format " could not set permissions for file " PATH :/bin:/usr/bin ./ / . ": couldn't read directory " error getting working directory name: pipe /tmp / tclXXXXXX couldn't create pipe: %dforked process couldn't set up input/output: %dcouldn't execute "%.150s": couldn't fork child process: file%d ?channelId? Stardate %2d%03d.%01d cp936 zh ru_SU ru_RU iso8859-5 ru korean ko_KR.eucKR ko_KR.euc ko_KR.EUC ko_KR euc-kr ko japanese-ujis japanese-sjis japanese.euc japanese.sjis ja japanese japan Jp_JP Ja_JP ja_JP ja_JP.ujis ja_JP.mscode iso2022-jp ja_JP.JIS ja_JP.eucJP euc-jp ja_JP.EUC shiftjis ja_JP.SJIS gb2312 gb2312-1980 8.4 lib/tcl%s tcl%s/library TCL_LIBRARY library ansi_x3.4-1968 iso8859-1 LC_ALL LC_CTYPE LANG C tclDefaultLibrary tcl_pkgPath unix platform tcl_platform os osVersion . machine USER LOGNAME user tcl_libPath tcl_rcFileName r ": couldn't load file " _ ========= RAW ========== ========= TREE FIXED ========== ========= LA%d ========== ========= SEARCH ========== ========= TREE NODE %s ========== null tree %s. `%c' longest shortest hasmixed hascapture hasbackref UNUSED (#%d) {%d, %d } %ld-%ld L:%s R:%s unable 0x%x initial cleanup: empties: constraints: final cleanup: DEL tilde right-curly-bracket right-brace vertical-line left-curly-bracket left-brace grave-accent low-line underscore circumflex-accent circumflex right-square-bracket reverse-solidus backslash left-square-bracket commercial-at question-mark greater-than-sign equals-sign less-than-sign semicolon colon nine eight seven six five four three two one zero solidus slash full-stop period hyphen-minus hyphen comma plus-sign asterisk right-parenthesis left-parenthesis apostrophe ampersand percent-sign dollar-sign number-sign quotation-mark exclamation-mark space US IS1 RS IS2 GS IS3 FS IS4 ESC SUB EM CAN ETB SYN NAK DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 DLE SI SO carriage-return CR form-feed FF vertical-tab VT newline LF tab HT backspace BS alert BEL ACK ENQ EOT ETX STX SOH NUL xdigit upper punct print lower graph digit cntrl blank ascii alpha alnum oops invalid embedded option REG_BADOPT character widths of regex and string differ REG_MIXED invalid argument to regex function REG_INVARG "can't happen" -- you found a bug REG_ASSERT quantifier operand invalid REG_BADRPT out of memory REG_ESPACE invalid character range REG_ERANGE invalid repetition count(s) REG_BADBR braces {} not balanced REG_EBRACE parentheses () not balanced REG_EPAREN brackets [] not balanced REG_EBRACK invalid backreference number REG_ESUBREG invalid escape \ sequence REG_EESCAPE invalid character class REG_ECTYPE invalid collating element REG_ECOLLATE invalid regexp (reg version 0.8) REG_BADPAT failed to match REG_NOMATCH no errors detected REG_OKAY %d REG_%u ne eq ~ ! ? || && | ^ & != == >= <= > < >> << - + % / * CompileSubExpr: token type %d not TCL_TOKEN_SUB_EXPR CompileSubExpr: unexpected operator %d requiring special treatment CompileSubExpr: unexpected token type %d 0 CompileLandOrLorExpr: bad jump distance %d 1 " unknown math function " too few arguments for math function too many arguments for math function syntax error in expression "%.*s" history add transform -blocking " failed to stack channel " create/write create/read delete/write flush/write flush/read delete/read query/maxRead read write clear/read internal error: bad linked variable type linked variable is read-only internal error: linked variable couldn't be read variable must have integer value variable must have real value variable must have boolean value NULL ?? 8.1 Tcl ::itcl::class already installed: [incr Tcl] itcl_data ::itcl::body ::itcl::configbody ::itcl::find ?pattern? classes ?-class className? ?-isa className? ?pattern? objects ::itcl::delete name ?name...? class object ::itcl::code ::itcl::scope ::itcl::import::stub name create exists itcl ::itcl * 3.2.1 ::itcl::patchLevel 3.2 ::itcl::version Itcl :: -class -isa command ?arg arg...? invoked "break" outside of a loop invoked "continue" outside of a loop (%.100s body line %d) " not found object " varname " " not found in class " variable " ": missing object context" can't scope variable " @itcl " not found in namespace " -namespace ?-namespace name? command ?arg arg...? -- ": should be -namespace or -- bad option " namespace inscope ::auto_load can't autoload " ensembleInvoc ::itcl::ensemble " invalid ensemble name " (while creating ensemble " ") (while adding to ensemble " @error ...and others described on the man page option ?arg arg ...? invalid ensemble name "" " is not an ensemble command " part " " already exists in ensemble ": should be one of... ambiguous option " wrong # args: should be one of... name ?command arg arg...?" wrong # args: should be " Itcl_EnsembleCmd: can't create ensemble ::errorInfo ("ensemble" body line %d) itcl_ensembleParser part option ensemble name args body" args ? ?arg arg ...? ": should be one of... bad option " class::func arglist body" wrong # args: should be " " missing class specifier for body declaration " " is not defined in class " function " class::option body option " " is not a public configuration option :: bad method name " bad proc name " " already defined in class " constructor destructor ": should be " argument list changed for function " no registered C procedure with name " ::auto_load (while autoloading code for "%.100s") " is not defined and cannot be autoloaded member function " initialization code for body for itcl: bad implementation flag for %s argument #%d has no name too many fields in argument specifier " bad argument name " args <object> ?arg arg ...? ? ? cannot access object-specific info without an object context function ": can't access " " is not a class namespace namespace " local variable %s is not argument but should be local variable is temporary but should be an argument config eval configure $args built-in configure method to handle args like this: Instead, use the "args" argument and then use the [incr Tcl] no longer supports the "config" argument. "config" argument is an anachronism no value given for parameter " too many arguments ": should be "-variable value" syntax error in config assignment " ": should be "-variable value" (missing value) ": unrecognized variable (while configuring public variable "%.100s") while constructing object " " in ( while deleting object " ( object " " procedure method " body line %d ) invoked "break" outside of a loop invoked "continue" outside of a loop itcl: _Tcl_GetCallFrame called with bad number of levels " " already exists in namespace " command " " not found in context " namespace " :: this constructor can't delete an object while it is being destructed destructor wrong # args: should be one of... info ": should be one of... bad option " cannot access object-specific info without an object context variable "this" cannot be modified @itcl should be: @itcl object variable " is malformed: scoped variable " can't find object ": can't resolve scoped variable " no such data member @itcl-oldstyle-isa className isa @itcl-oldstyle-delete delete @itcl-oldstyle-configure ?-option? ?value -option value...? configure @itcl-oldstyle-cget -option cget ::itcl::old-parser (cannot initialize itcl old-style parser) ::itcl::old-parser::inherit ::itcl::old-parser::constructor ::itcl::old-parser::destructor ::itcl::old-parser::method ::itcl::old-parser::proc ::itcl::old-parser::public ::itcl::old-parser::protected ::itcl::old-parser::common ::itcl::old-builtin::virtual ::itcl::old-builtin::previous ::itcl::old-builtin::info class inherit heritage ?methodName? ?-args? ?-body? method ?procName? ?-args? ?-body? proc ?varName? ?-init? ?-value? ?-config? public ?varName? ?-init? ?-value? protected common procname args body @error ::itcl::old-builtin * ::itcl_class ::itcl_info ?pattern? classes ?-class className? ?-isa className? ?pattern? objects name { definition } (while parsing class definition for "%.100s") ::itcl::builtin::* ::itcl::old-builtin::* (while installing built-in commands for class "%.100s") (class "%.200s" body line %d) constructor name args body " " already defined in class " varname ?init? ?config? :: bad variable name " varname ?init? cannot initialize common variable " improper usage: should be "object delete" command ?args...? Commands are now virtual by default. This command will be removed soon. Commands are now virtual by default. This command will be removed soon. cannot use "virtual" without an object context no previous class in inheritance hierarchy for " invalid command name " function ": can't access " -args -body ": should be -args or -body bad option " -init -value -config ": should be -init, -value or -config <undefined> ": should be -init or -value <objectName> ::itcl::parser (cannot initialize itcl parser) ::itcl::parser::inherit ::itcl::parser::constructor ::itcl::parser::destructor ::itcl::parser::method ::itcl::parser::proc ::itcl::parser::common ::itcl::parser::variable ::itcl::parser::public ::itcl::parser::protected ::itcl::parser::private ::itcl::class name { definition } (while parsing class definition for "%.100s") ::itcl::builtin::* (while installing built-in commands for class "%.100s") (class "%.200s" body line %d) class ?class...? inheritance " " " already defined for class " cannot inherit from " ) ( " cannot inherit from itself class " " more than once " cannot inherit base class " " more than once: " inherits base class " -> command ?arg arg...? invoked "break" outside of a loop invoked "continue" outside of a loop (%.100s body line %d) args ?init? body " already defined in class " body name ?args? ?body? name ?init? ?config? name ?init? :: bad variable name " varname ?init? cannot initialize common variable " variable ": can't access " Assertion failed: "%s" (line %d of %s) ../../itcl/generic/itcl_util.c pos < stack->len listPtr->validate == ITCL_VALID_LIST pos != NULL elemPtr != NULL Itcl_ReleaseData can't find reference for 0x%x errorInfo errorCode bad token in Itcl_RestoreInterpState bad token in Itcl_DiscardInterpState itcl_data info != NULL newLevel == ITCL_PUBLIC || newLevel == ITCL_PROTECTED || newLevel == ITCL_PRIVATE || newLevel == ITCL_DEFAULT_PROTECT public protected private <bad-protection-code> memberPtr->protection == ITCL_PROTECTED namespace inscope namespace inscope namesp command" ": should be " malformed command " (while decoding scoped command "%.400s") unknown " invalid command name " @itcl-builtin-isa className isa @itcl-builtin-configure ?-option? ?value -option value...? configure @itcl-builtin-cget -option cget ::itcl::builtin::chain ::itcl::builtin::info class inherit heritage ?name? ?-protection? ?-type? ?-name? ?-args? ?-body? function ?name? ?-protection? ?-type? ?-name? ?-init? ?-value? ?-config? variable procname args body @error ::itcl::builtin * improper usage: should be "object isa className" className" wrong # args: should be "object "object configure ?-option? ?value -option value...?" improper usage: should be " unknown option " " missing value for " (error in configuration of public variable "%.100s") improper usage: should be "object cget -option" <undefined> - ../../itcl/generic/itcl_bicmds.c entry != NULL cannot chain functions outside of a class context ... } namespace eval className { info get info like this instead: contextClass != NULL contextClass->namesp != NULL -type -protection -name -body -args " isn't a member function in class " option proc method -value -init -config " isn't a variable in class " <objectName> common without an object context cannot access object-specific info @ G ` w " isn't a procedure ::info " should be one of... bad option " bad option or " already exists class " command " :: " in namespace " . bad class name " this (while deleting class " ") ::auto_load (while attempting to autoload class "%.200s") " not found in context " ?args? Instead, remove the spaces from your procedure invocations: [incr Tcl] no longer supports this syntax. syntax "class :: proc" is an anachronism #auto %.200s%d variable ": can't access " (use the "body" command to redefine methods/procs) ": deleted or redefined ../../itcl/generic/itcl_class.c Itcl_IsClassNamespace(context) hPtr != NULL " already defined in class " variable name " " C procedure " initialization error: null pointer for " already defined with name " initialization error: C procedure itcl_RegC -size layout delete size info locate restrict open new create position incr read write append mk 0 g ` unsupported property type p p e p p p p p p p p p p p _H1 ? mk4tcl _ _._!%d._ ! mkProperty mkCursor %s%d P ` p index Initialization error in dispatcher view index is too large view index is negative view index is out of range option insert replace 0 0 1 2 54 end close commit rollback load save views aside autocommit space no storage with this name file already open -readonly -extend -nocommit -shared file open failed no such file not a MetaKit datafile cannot commit temporary dataset -full I/O error during commit cannot rollback temporary dataset load from channel failed binary -translation load error save to channel failed mk::file aside: needs 2 storage args mk::file autocommit: too many args storage is not persistent 67 9 9 : : 0; ; < = = > no view with this name unrecognized view name : -force no key specified key not found too few args wrong number of args ? A 5C C E PG H I increment must be nonzero ("mk::loop" body line %d) -min -max -exact -glob -regexp -keyword -first -count -sort -rsort -globnc not enough arguments 0S PS PS PS PS PS PS S S S S PS mk%d get cursor ?prop ...? set cursor prop ?value prop value ...? cursor option cursorname ?...? row option ?cursor ...? view option view ?arg? file option ?tag ...? loop cursor ?path first limit incr? {cmds} select path ?...? channel path prop ?mode? wrong # args: should be "mk:: " get set cursor row view file loop select channel mk:: 2.4.8 Mk4tcl @^ ( 12c4_TclStream 12SiasStrategy Initialization error in dispatcher mk4tcl %d view end view index is too large view index is negative view index is out of range bad args: must be prop value pairs close delete exists find get info insert open search select set size loop delete cursor ?cursor2? exists cursor ?prop ...? find ?prop value ...? get cursor ?prop ...? insert cursor ?prop ...? open cursor prop search prop value select ?..? set cursor prop ?value prop value ...? size ?newsize? loop cursor ?first? ?limit? ?step? body view option ?args? option wrong # args: should be "$obj " not found : bad property: must be a view unsupported property type -min -max -exact -glob -regexp -keyword -first -count -sort -rsort -globnc not enough arguments Sq qq qq qq qq qq qq q q q q qq increment has to be nonzero ("mk::loop" body line %d) blocked clone concat copy different dup flatten groupby hash indexed intersect join map minus ordered pair project range readonly restrict union unique concat view different view flatten prop groupby subview prop ?prop ...? hash map ?numkeys? indexed map unique prop ?prop ...? intersect view join view prop ?prop ...? map view minus view ordered ?numkeys? pair view project prop ?prop ...? range start finish ?step? restrict.... union view wrong # args: should be "$obj view r+b rb w+b T | @ 8 15c4_FileStrategy 13c4_FileStream [ ] , & E V d 4 8 X ` , 4 h L X ` ( < T l ( 0 p 17c4_StreamStrategy 13c4_DerivedSeq #N# L X P ` ( 0 p ( 4 11c4_Sequence 11c4_Strategy 9c4_Stream 2 \0 0 0 t 0 P2 0) ) ) t ) 2 ! # # t $ 2 p t 2 L t 3 p t d @3 4 T t h p3 @ t t 3 ( H t 4 3 r r (Z 0Z \ tr lr dr \r 4 L @ P <r $r r ` ` 0 p ` ] 4 X t 13c4_JoinViewer 17c4_JoinPropViewer 16c4_GroupByViewer 15c4_RenameViewer 15c4_ConcatViewer 13c4_PairViewer 18c4_RemapWithViewer 16c4_ProductViewer 14c4_SliceViewer 16c4_CustomHandler 12c4_CustomSeq 15c4_CustomViewer ? W@ @ @ ? wA B B C XA K K L 'M J P L X ` N N N ,O ( 0 `O O pN DQ 8I X > @> > > ` ( < T l ( 0 > > J J I > tQ T> X > @> > > ` ( < T l ( 0 > > ? ,A <: > 13c4_ProjectSeq 10c4_SortSeq 12c4_FilterSeq ,[] ? [ ] : ^ [] [ ] P C F N T r L X P Pr ` <r $r r ` L^ ` 0 p ] ` ] s r r r (Z 0Z tr lr dr \r 13c4_HandlerSeq 10c4_Handler _C _O _D _K _R _B _C[_O:I,_D[_K:I,_R:I,_B:B]] [ ] _H _R _B ` 0 ` L H h | l , t H 8 h 16c4_IndexedViewer 16c4_OrderedViewer 16c4_BlockedViewer 13c4_HashViewer 17c4_ReadOnlyViewer p p p p p p p p p p p p 5 p p U p ` A P H @ | tr P r P L d ( T \r 0 r P $ x ( T \r l 4 L h tr \r D @ l 4 L h tr \r l l 4 L h tr \r r r (Z 0Z tr dr \r 10c4_FormatV 10c4_FormatS 10c4_FormatB 10c4_FormatD 10c4_FormatF 10c4_FormatL 10c4_FormatX 16c4_FormatHandler tclvfs 8.4 Tcl 1.0 vfs vfs::filesystem vfs::inUse fullynormalize unmount mount info option ?arg ...? option path " not a valid path " mount ?-volume? path cmd -volume ": must be -volume bad option " no such mount " stat dev ino mode nlink uid gid size atime mtime ctime type directory file link access r w a + open ": couldn't open " matchindirectory deletefile createdirectory removedirectory fileattributes utime 0 w,a Q m jp5 c d 2 y +L | ~ - d jHq A } mQ V l kdz b e O\ l cc= n;^ iL A` rqg <G K k 5l B @ l 2u\ E Y= 0 &: Q Q a !# V ( _ $ |o/ LhX a =-f A v q * q 3 x4 j-=m ld \c Qkkbal 0e N b l{ W eP | bI- | eL Xa M Q :t 0 A J =m j iC n4F g ` s- D 3_L | <q P A ' % hW o f a ^ )" = Y .;\ l t9G w & s c ;d >jm Zjz ' }D h i]Wb ge q6l knv + Zz J go C ` ~ 8R O g gW ?K6 H + L J 6`z A ` U g n1y iF a f o%6 hR w G "/& U ; ( Z + j \ 1 , [ d & c ju m ?6 g r W J z + {8 |! B hn [& w owG Z pj ; f\ e i b kaE l x T N 9a&g ` MGiI wn>Jj Z f @ ; 7S  G 0 0 S $ 6 )W T g #.zf Ja h] +o*7 Z - deflate 1.1.4 Copyright 1995-2002 Jean-loup Gailly L " " " d& d& d& d& d& d& 1.1.4 L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } S S 3 3 s s K K + + k k [ [ ; ; { { G G ' ' g g W W 7 7 w w O O / / o o _ _ ? ?   @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t C # c ( 0 8 @ P ` p 0 @ ` 0 @ ` incompatible version buffer error insufficient memory data error stream error file error stream end need dictionary 1.1.4 unknown compression method invalid window size incorrect header check need dictionary incorrect data check P *Q Q Q R CR R R S @S jS S S S invalid block type invalid stored block lengths too many length or distance symbols invalid bit length repeat Z '\ w\ ] ^ _ b |c c c inflate 1.1.4 Copyright 1995-2002 Mark Adler # + 3 ; C S c s p p ! 1 A a 0 @ ` oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree oversubscribed literal/length tree incomplete literal/length tree oversubscribed distance tree incomplete distance tree empty distance tree with lengths invalid literal/length code invalid distance code q cr Ps s t t v v 1w `w invalid distance code invalid literal/length code RTLD_NEXT used in code not dynamically loaded %s: %s ? @Y n @ } 3 @ 9 B. @Q0- I 9 B. @Q0- I acosf acosl acos acos: DOMAIN error asinf asinl asin asin: DOMAIN error atan2f atan2l atan2 __kernel_standard ../sysdeps/libm-ieee754/k_standard.c _LIB_VERSION == _SVID_ atan2: DOMAIN error hypotf hypotl hypot coshf coshl cosh expf expl exp y0f y0l y0 y0: DOMAIN error y1f y1l y1 y1: DOMAIN error ynf ynl yn yn: DOMAIN error lgammaf lgammal lgamma lgamma: SING error logf logl log log: SING error log: DOMAIN error log10f log10l log10 log10: SING error log10: DOMAIN error powf powl pow pow(0,0): DOMAIN error pow(0,neg): DOMAIN error neg**non-integral: DOMAIN error sinhf sinhl sinh sqrtf sqrtl sqrt sqrt: DOMAIN error fmodf fmodl fmod fmod: DOMAIN error remainderf remainderl remainder remainder: DOMAIN error acoshf acoshl acosh acosh: DOMAIN error atanhf atanhl atanh atanh: DOMAIN error atanh: SING error scalbf scalbl scalb j0f j0l j0 : TLOSS error j1f j1l j1 jnf jnl jn tgammaf tgammal tgamma tgamma: SING error exp2f exp2l exp2 exp10f exp10l exp10 ? G P 9 y ` p \ \ & < | q , l ) ( $ ` z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z P 9 y ` p \ \ & < | q , l ) ( $ ` z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z P 9 y ` p \ \ & < | q , l ) ( $ ` ? ? u < 7~ ?  ? (\ ? ? (\ ?  ? (\ ? ?3t < {  ?3t < {  ? \); ? pure virtual method called 13bad_exception 9exception eh bad_alloc bad_alloc bad_alloc bad_alloc bad_alloc 17__class_type_info 14__si_type_info 16__user_type_info 10bad_typeid 8bad_cast 9type_info bad_alloc v x l i s b c w r d f Ui Ul Ux Us Uc Sc 17__array_type_info 16__ptmd_type_info 16__ptmf_type_info 16__func_type_info 19__builtin_type_info 16__attr_type_info 19__pointer_type_info bad_alloc 9bad_alloc /dev/null %s%s%s:%u: %s%sAssertion `%s' failed. : ` L LC_CTYPE LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME LC_COLLATE LC_MONETARY LC_MESSAGES LC_ALL T LOCPATH /usr/share/locale:/usr/share/i18n LC_ALL LANG 6 /SYS_ ` ` ! 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ELF file ABI version invalid. internal error ELF file version not 1 ELF file machine architecture not i386 ELF file's phentsize not the expected size cannot create shared object descriptor ELF load command alignment not page-aligned ELF load command address/offset not properly aligned cannot change memory protections cannot map zero-fill pages cannot allocate memory for program header object file has no dynamic section size: 0x base: 0x dynamic: 0x phnum: phdr: 0x entry: 0x cannot create searchlist r r r qr r r r hr r r r _r r r r Vr r Qt #t s s Kt t s s Bt t s s 9t t s s (t !u t t t u t t t u t t t u t t pt t u u {u Su u u ru Ju u u iu Au u u `u 8u u search path= ) from file ( trying file= ; needed by file= ; searching find library= cannot open shared object file /etc/ search cache= trying file= bad dynamic tag elf_get_dynamic_info dynamic-link.h ! 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" append msg "If you know where the Itcl library directory was installed, " append msg "you can set the environment variable ITCL_LIBRARY to point " append msg "to the library directory. " error $msg } _find_init } proc ::itcl::local {class name args} { set ptr [uplevel [list $class $name] $args] uplevel [list set itcl-local-$ptr $ptr] set cmd [uplevel namespace which -command $ptr] uplevel [list trace variable itcl-local-$ptr u "::itcl::delete object $cmd; list"] return $ptr } U U U DU ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( }( s( `( $  @ t ` ` X Xl m m ` / $2 5 6 07 7 x: 4< < < p , @ T < X `z ,~ ~ H `V $X Z Z [ d] X^ ^ ` ` a d Df f <g g h j k n Xv w w X L @ P T P < ( 8 p> > 0@ |A \B B C N 4R T p y z z p X . / d P t H t \ , T L 9 9 8 ( 8 8 8 8 8 8 < < < < < = = < < < = A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A P B B ( ` A A A tC {C A C C C C C C C C C C D D D !D F F F F F F F F F F F D+ 1G 0/ `G lO G 00 G ? 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