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4<title>Cyrus SASLv2 INSTALL Documentation</title>
5<!-- $Id: install.html,v 1.18 2005/02/16 20:52:05 shadow Exp $ -->
8<h1>Installation Procedure</h1>
10This document offers a general overview of installing the SASL library.
12<h2>Quick and Dirty</h2>
14  cd (directory it was untarred into)
15  /configure
16  make
17  make install
18  ln -s /usr/local/lib/sasl2 /usr/lib/sasl2
21<p>If you're checking this directly out of GIT, you'll need to run "sh
22/SMakefile" to build the configure script first.
24<p>Read <A HREF="sysadmin.html">the System Administrator's Guide</A> to
25learn how to configure libsasl in depth.  There is also a <A
26HREF="upgrading.html">document</A> that covers migrating from libsasl v1
27to libsasl v2 applications.
29<p>You may also be interested in the contents of <tt>configure --help</tt>
30which can reveal the many possible configure options that can be used
31to build Cyrus SASL.
35<p>Note that the library looks for plugins in <tt>/usr/lib/sasl2</tt>,
36but installs them into <tt>${prefix}/lib/sasl2</tt>, where
37<tt>${prefix}</tt> is usually something like <tt>/usr/local</tt>.
38This is intentional - we want the plugins installed with the rest of
39the package (wherever things get installed at your site), but we want
40the library to <em>always</em> be able to find its plugins under
41<tt>/usr/lib/sasl2</tt>, no matter where you install things, so that
42the SASL plugin ABI on all platforms is roughly the same.
44<p>If you don't want to do this for some reason, you can set the location
45where the library will look for plugins by setting the environment
46variable SASL_PATH to the path the library should use.
48<h2>Slower and Cleaner</h2>
50Before reading this section, please be sure you are comfortable with
51the concepts presented in the <a href=components.html>components discussion</a>
52and in the <a href=readme.html>Read Me First</a> document.<p>
54You will want to have answered the following questions about your intended
58<li>What mechanisms do you want to support?  Are they plaintext (LOGIN, PLAIN),
59shared secret (DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5), or Kerberos (KERBEROS_V4, GSSAPI)?
60Perhaps you will use some combination (generally plaintext with one of
61the other two types).</li>
62<li>Given the answer to the previous question, how will the mechanisms
63perform user verification?
64  <ul>
65  <li>The Kerberos mechanisms just need your existing
66Kerberos infroastructure.</li>
67  <li>The shared secret mechanisms will need an auxprop
68plugin backend.</li>
69  <li>The plaintext mechanisms can make do with saslauthd, Courier authdaemond (not included),
70*or* by using an auxprop plugin backend.</li>
71  <li>To use Kerberos and Plaintext, you'll likely want to use saslauthd
72with a kerberos module for plaintext authentication.  To use Shared Secret
73and plaintext, you'll want to use the auxprop plugin for password verification.
74  </li>
75  </ul></li>
76<li>If you are using an auxprop plugin, will you be using SASLdb (and
77if so, Berkeley DB [recommended], GDBM, or NDBM?), LDAP or an SQL backend
78(Postgres? MySQL?).</li>
79<li>If you are using saslauthd, what module will you be using?  LDAP?
80Kerberos?  PAM?</li>
81<li>Also if you are using saslauthd, what communication (IPC) method do
82you want to use?  On most systems, the correct answer is the default
83(unix sockets), but on Solaris you can use IPC doors, which have proven
84to be more stable than equivilant Solaris systems using unix sockets.</li>
87Once you have answered these questions, properly configuring a working
88configuration of Cyrus SASL becomes significantly easier.
92<p>You'll probably need the GNU make program, available as of this
93writing <a href="ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/make/">here</a>.<p>
95<p>If you are using SASLdb, you will need to pick your backend.
96libsasl2 can use gdbm, Berkeley db, or ndbm to implement its
97user/password lookup. Most systems come with ndbm these days; as of
98this writing, gdbm is available <a
100Berkeley DB is available from: <a
103<p>If you are using SQL, you'll need to properly configure your server/tables,
104and build the necessary client libraries on the system where you will be
105building and using SASL.  Currently we support <a href=http://postgresql.org>
106PostgreSQL</a> v7.2 (or higher) and <a href=http://mysql.org>MySQL</a>.
108<p>If you are using LDAPDB, you'll need SASL enabled OpenLDAP libraries.  <a
109href="http://www.openldap.org">OpenLDAP</a> 2.1.27 (or higher) or 2.2.6 (or
110higher) is support.</p>
112<p>For Kerberos support, you'll need the kerberos libraries.  At CMU, the
113version we use comes from <a href="http://www.pdc.kth.se/kth-krb/">here</a>.
115<p>For GSSAPI support you will need either <a href="http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/www/">MIT Kerberos 5</a>
116, the <a href="http://www.pdc.kth.se/heimdal">Heimdal</a> or
117<a href="http://www.cybersafe.com/">CyberSafe</a> implementation.
119<h3>Build Configuration</h3>
121<p>Once you have ansered all the necessary questions and installed
122(and tested!) any required packages for your configuration, you are
123ready to build SASL.  Building SASL is done with the aid of
124an autoconf <tt>configure</tt> script, which has a <b>lot</b> of options.
125Be sure to read the outpit of <tt>configure --help</tt> to be sure you
126aren't missing any (they are all documented).  Note that often times
127a <tt>--enable-foo</tt> option has a counterpart like <tt>--disable-foo</tt>
128to not enable that feature.
130<p>Some of the most important configuration options are those which allow
131you to turn off the comiplation of modules you do not need.  This is often
132the easiest way to solve compilation problems with Cyrus SASL.
133If you're not going to need a particular mechanism, don't build it!  Not
134building them can also add performance improvements as it does take system
135resources to load a given plugin, even if that plugin is otherwise unused
136(even when it is disabled via the <tt>mech_list</tt> <a href=options.html>option</a>).
138<p>As of this writing, modules that are enabled by default but may not
139be applicable to all systems include CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, OTP, KERBEROS_V4,
140GSSAPI, PLAIN, and ANONYMOUS.  These can be disabled with
142<tt>--disable-digest</tt>, <tt>--disable-otp</tt>,
143<tt>--disable-krb4</tt>, <tt>--disable-gssapi</tt>,
144<tt>--disable-plain</tt>, and <tt>--disable-anon</tt> respecively.
146<p>If you are using an SQL auxprop plugin, you may want to specify one or more
147of <tt>--enable-sql</tt>, <tt>--with-mysql=PATH</tt>, and
148<tt>--with-pgsql=PATH</tt>, note that PATH in the later two should be replaced
149with the path where you installed the necessary client libraries.
151<p>If you are using LDAPDB auxprop plugin, you will need to specify
152<tt>--enable-ldapdb</tt> and <tt>--with-ldap=PATH</tt>.  <b>Warning:</b> LDAPDB
153auxprop plugin (and LDAP enabled saslauthd) introduces a circular dependency
154between OpenLDAP and SASL.  I.e., you must have OpenLDAP already built when
155building LDAPDB in SASL.  In order for LDAPDB to work at runtime, you must have
156OpenLDAP already built with SASL support. One way to solve this issue is to
157build Cyrus SASL first without ldap support, then build OpenLDAP, and then come
158back to SASL and build LDAPDB.</p>
160<p>Given the myriad of ways that Berkeley DB can be installed on a system,
161people useing it may want to look at the <tt>--with-bdb-libdir</tt> and
162<tt>--with-bdb-incdir</tt> as alternatives to <tt>--with-dbbase</tt> for
163specifying the paths to the Berkeley DB Library and Include directories.
165<p>In fact, if you're not planning on using SASLdb at all, it may be worth
166your time to disable its use entirely with the <tt>--with-dblib=none</tt>
169<p>If you are planning on using LDAP with saslauthd, be sure to specify
170the <tt>--with-ldap=PATH</tt> option to <tt>configure</tt>.
172<h3>Building and Installation</h3>
174After configure runs, you should be able to build SASL just by 
175running <tt>make</tt>.  If this runs into problems, be sure that you
176have disabled everything that your system doesn't need, and that you have
177correctly specified paths to any dependencies you may have.<p>
179To install the library, run <tt>make install</tt> as <tt>root</tt> followed by
180<tt>ln -s /usr/local/lib/sasl2 /usr/lib/sasl2</tt> (modified for your
181installation path as appropriate).  Be sure to do this last step or
182SASL will not be able to locate your plugins!
184<h3>Compilation Hints</h3>
186<p>You may need to play with your CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS a little if you're
187using vendor compilers. We use <tt>gcc</tt> extensively, but you'll
188probably have more luck if you use the same compiler for the library
189as you do for your applications. You can see what compilers we use on
190our platforms by looking at the "SMakefile".
192<h3>Application Configuration</h3>
194<p>Plesae read about the <a href=options.html>SASL Options</a> to learn what
195needs to be configured so that applications can successfully use the SASL
196library.  This is also covered in the <a href=readme.html>Read Me First</a>
199<p>You will want to ensure that the settings of <tt>pwcheck_method</tt>
200and <tt>auxprop_plugin</tt> match the decisions you made about your
201authentication infrastructure.  (For example, if you are using
202saslauthd as a password verifier, you'll want to be sure to set
203<tt>pwcheck_method: saslauthd</tt>).
205<p>If you are using saslauthd, you will want to arrange for
206<tt>saslauthd -a pam</tt> (or ldap, or kerberos4, etc) to be run
207at boot.  If you are not going to be using saslauthd, then this is
208not necessary.
210<p>Many of these pieces are covered in more detail in the
211<a href=sysadmin.html>SASL System Administrator's Guide</a>.
213<h2>Supported platforms</h2>
215<p>This has been tested under Linux 2.2, Linux 2.4, Solaris 2.7 and
216Solaris 2.8.  It should work under any platform where dynamic objects
217can be linked against other dynamic objects, and where the dynamic
218library file extension is ".so", or where libtool creates the .la
219files correctly.  There is also documentation for
220<a href=windows.html>Win32</a>, <a href=macosx.html>MacOS X</a>, and
221<a href=os390.html>OS/390</a>.
224Back to the <a href="index.html">index</a>