1# coding=utf-8
3# test_exfat_userfs.py -- Test cases for the ExFAT plug-in for UserFS.
5# Copyright (c) 2013 Apple Inc.  All rights reserved.
7import sys
8import os
9import io
10import subprocess
11import shutil
12import struct
13import difflib
14import random
15import hashlib
16import unittest
17import msdosfs
18from msdosfs import ATTR_READ_ONLY, ATTR_HIDDEN, ATTR_SYSTEM, ATTR_ARCHIVE, make_long_dirent, Timestamp
20class UserFSTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
21    imagePath = '/tmp/FAT_TestCase.sparsebundle'
22    imageSize = '1g'
23    device = None
25    @classmethod
26    def runProcess(klass, args, expectedReturnCode=None, expectedStdout=None, expectedStderr=None, env=None):
27        if VERBOSE:
28            print "->", " ".join(args)
29        p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
30        stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
31        returncode = p.returncode
32        if VERBOSE:
33            sys.stdout.write(stdout)
34            sys.stdout.write(stderr)
35            if returncode:
36                print "## Process exited with return code:", returncode
37        if expectedStderr is not None:
38            if stderr != expectedStderr:
39                diffs = '\n'.join(difflib.unified_diff(expectedStderr.splitlines(), stderr.splitlines(), 'Expected', 'Actual', lineterm=''))
40                assert stderr == expectedStderr, 'Standard error mismatch:\n{0}'.format(diffs)
41        if expectedStdout is not None:
42            if stdout != expectedStdout:
43                diffs = '\n'.join(difflib.unified_diff(expectedStdout.splitlines(), stdout.splitlines(), 'Expected', 'Actual', lineterm=''))
44                assert stdout == expectedStdout, 'Standard output mismatch:\n{0}'.format(diffs)
45        if expectedReturnCode is not None:
46            assert returncode == expectedReturnCode, "Exit status was {0} (expected {1})".format(returncode, expectedReturnCode)
47        return returncode, stdout, stderr
49    @classmethod
50    def createDiskImage(klass, size=None):
51        'Create the disk image, if it does not exist yet'
52        if not os.path.exists(klass.imagePath):
53            args = "/usr/bin/hdiutil create -size <SIZE> -layout MBRSPUD -partitionType DOS_FAT_32".split()
54            args[3] = size if size else klass.imageSize
55            args.append(klass.imagePath)
56            klass.runProcess(args, 0, None, "")
58    @classmethod
59    def attachDiskImage(klass, readOnly=False):
60        if not klass.device:
61            args='hdiutil attach -nomount'.split()
62            if readOnly:
63                args.append('-readonly')
64            args.append(klass.imagePath)
65            try:
66                returncode, stdout, stderr = klass.runProcess(args, 0, None, "")
67                stdout = stdout.splitlines()
68                assert(len(stdout) == 2)
69                klass.wholeDisk = stdout[0].split()[0]
70                klass.partition = stdout[1].split()[0]
71                assert(klass.partition.startswith("/dev/"))
72                klass.device = klass.partition[5:]
73            except:
74                if os.path.isdir(klass.imagePath):
75                    shutil.rmtree(klass.imagePath)
76                else:
77                    os.remove(klass.imagePath)
78                raise
80    @classmethod
81    def ejectDiskImage(klass, keep=None):
82        if keep is None:
83            keep = KEEP_IMAGE
84        if keep:
85            print '#', klass.device, 'is still attached.  To clean up:'
86            print 'diskutil eject', klass.wholeDisk
87        else:
88            args = 'diskutil eject'.split() + [klass.wholeDisk]
89            klass.runProcess(args, 0, None, '')
90            klass.device = None
92    @classmethod
93    def deleteDiskImage(klass):
94        if KEEP_IMAGE:
95            print "rm -r", klass.imagePath
96        else:
97            if VERBOSE:
98                print "-> Deleting %s" % klass.imagePath
99            if os.path.isdir(klass.imagePath):
100                shutil.rmtree(klass.imagePath)
101            else:
102                os.remove(klass.imagePath)
104    def runTool(self, args, expectedReturnCode=None, expectedStdout=None, expectedStderr=None):
105        # Add the default tool path and device path to the args
106        args = [TOOL_PATH, "--device", self.device] + args
108        return self.runProcess(args, expectedReturnCode, expectedStdout, expectedStderr, TOOL_ENV)
110    # Formatter=exfat.Formatter
112    # Use newfs_msdos to create an empty volume
113    @classmethod
114    def formatPartition(klass, dev_path):
115        args = ['/sbin/newfs_msdos']
116        if hasattr(klass, 'volumeName'):
117            args.extend(['-v', klass.volumeName])
118        args.append(dev_path)
119        klass.runProcess(args, 0)
121    @classmethod
122    def setUpClass(klass):
123        if klass.imagePath:
124            klass.createDiskImage()
125            klass.attachDiskImage()
126        else:
127            assert klass.device is not None
128            klass.partition = "/dev/"+klass.device
130        # Format the device
131        if VERBOSE:
132            print "-> Formatting %s" % klass.partition
133        klass.formatPartition(klass.partition)
135        # If there is a prepareContent class method, then "mount" the volume
136        # and call the prepareContent method.
137        if hasattr(klass, 'prepareContent'):
138            with open(klass.partition, "r+") as dev:
139                volume = msdosfs.msdosfs(dev)
140                klass.prepareContent(volume)
141                volume.flush()
143    @classmethod
144    def tearDownClass(klass):
145        if klass.imagePath:
146            klass.ejectDiskImage()
147            # Don't bother deleting the disk image
149    def setUp(self):
150        if VERBOSE:
151            print       # So verbose output starts on line following test name
152        self.runProcess([FSCK_PATH, '-n', self.device], 0)
154    def tearDown(self):
155        self.runProcess([FSCK_PATH, '-n', self.device], 0)
157    def verifyDirty(self):
158        "Verify the volume is marked dirty."
159        expectedErr = 'QUICKCHECK ONLY; FILESYSTEM DIRTY\n'
160        self.runProcess([FSCK_PATH, '-q', self.device], 3, '', expectedErr)
162    def verifyClean(self):
163        "Verify the volume is marked clean."
164        expectedErr = 'QUICKCHECK ONLY; FILESYSTEM CLEAN\n'
165        self.runProcess([FSCK_PATH, '-q', self.device], 0, '', expectedErr)
167class TestEmptyVolume(UserFSTestCase):
168    volumeName = 'EMPTY'
170    def testInfoRoot(self):
171        args = ["--info", "/"]
172        expected = "        4096  dir   Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /\n"
173        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, "")
175    def testListRoot(self):
176        args = ["--list", "/"]
177        expected = ""
178        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, "")
180    def testInfoMissingFile(self):
181        args = ["--info", "/missing"]
182        expectedErr = "userfs_tool: /missing: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n"
183        self.runTool(args, 1, "", expectedErr)
185    def testReadMissingFile(self):
186        args = ["--read", "/missing"]
187        expectedErr = "userfs_tool: /missing: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n"
188        self.runTool(args, 1, "", expectedErr)
190    def testSHA1MissingFile(self):
191        args = ["--sha", "/missing"]
192        expectedErr = "userfs_tool: /missing: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n"
193        self.runTool(args, 1, "", expectedErr)
195    def testDeleteMissingFile(self):
196        args = ["--delete", "/missing"]
197        expectedErr = "userfs_tool: /missing: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n"
198        self.runTool(args, 1, "", expectedErr)
200class TestFileInfo(UserFSTestCase):
201    volumeName = 'FILEINFO'
203    @classmethod
204    def prepareContent(klass, volume):
205        def makeFiles(parent):
206            parent.mkfile('UPPER.TXT')  # Short name, all upper case
207            parent.mkfile('lower.txt')  # Short name, all lower case
208            parent.mkfile('mixed.TXT')  # Short name, part lower and part upper
209            parent.mkfile('MyFile.txt') # Long name (mixed case, 1 long name entry)
210            # A long name that ends on a directory entry boundary; no terminator or padding (26 chars)
211            parent.mkfile('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
212            # A long name with a terminator, but no padding (25 chars)
213            parent.mkfile('The quick brown fox jumps')
214            # A long name of maximum length
215            parent.mkfile('x'*255)
216            # A locked file
217            parent.mkfile('Locked', attributes=ATTR_ARCHIVE|ATTR_READ_ONLY)
218            # A hidden file
219            parent.mkfile('Hidden', attributes=ATTR_ARCHIVE|ATTR_HIDDEN)
220            # A "system" file
221            parent.mkfile('System', attributes=ATTR_ARCHIVE|ATTR_SYSTEM)
222            # A deleted entry
223            parent.mkfile('xDeleted', deleted=True)
224#     - In root directory
225#         + FAT12
226#         + FAT16
227#         √ FAT32
229        def makeMoreLongNames(parent):
230            slotsPerCluster = volume.bytesPerCluster / 32
232            # Make a long name starting at the beginning of a cluster
233            raw = make_long_dirent("Start of Cluster", ATTR_ARCHIVE)
234            parent.fill_slots(slotsPerCluster)
235            parent.write_slots(slotsPerCluster, raw)
237            # Make a long name that crosses a cluster boundary
238            raw = make_long_dirent("Crossing a Cluster", ATTR_ARCHIVE)
239            slot = slotsPerCluster * 2 - 1
240            parent.fill_slots(slot)
241            parent.write_slots(slot, raw)
243            # Make a long name, where the short name entry is at the end of
244            # the directory cluster (and end of directory)
245            raw = make_long_dirent("End of Cluster", ATTR_ARCHIVE)
246            slot = slotsPerCluster * 3 - (len(raw)/32)
247            parent.fill_slots(slot)
248            parent.write_slots(slot, raw)
250        def makeDates(parent):
251            parent.mkfile('Halloween', modDate=Timestamp(10,31,2013,17,0,0))
252            parent.mkfile("Valentine's", createDate=Timestamp(2,14,2013,22,33,44.551))
253            parent.mkfile("Loma Prieta", createDate=Timestamp(10,17,1989,17,4,6.9), modDate=Timestamp(10,17,1989,17,4,0))
255        root = volume.root()
256        clusters = volume.fat.find(3)
257        subdir = root.mkdir('SUBDIR', clusters=clusters)
258        dates = root.mkdir('Dates')
259        makeFiles(root)
260        makeFiles(subdir)
261        makeMoreLongNames(subdir)
262        makeDates(dates)
264    def testRootItems(self):
265        args = '--list /'.split()
266        expectedOut = """\
267       12288  dir   Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR
268        4096  dir   Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Dates
269           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /UPPER.TXT
270           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /lower.txt
271           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /mixed.TXT
272           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /MyFile.txt
273           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
274           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /The quick brown fox jumps
275           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
276           0 #file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Locked
277           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Hidden
278           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /System
280        self.runTool(args, 0, expectedOut, '')
282    def testSubdirItems(self):
283        args = '--list /SUBDIR'.split()
284        expectedOut = """\
285           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/UPPER.TXT
286           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/lower.txt
287           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/mixed.TXT
288           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/MyFile.txt
289           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
290           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/The quick brown fox jumps
291           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
292           0 #file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/Locked
293           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/Hidden
294           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/System
295           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/Start of Cluster
296           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/Crossing a Cluster
297           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/End of Cluster
299        self.runTool(args, 0, expectedOut, '')
301    def testRecursive(self):
302        args = '--list --recursive /'.split()
303        expectedOut = """\
304       12288  dir   Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR
305           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/UPPER.TXT
306           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/lower.txt
307           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/mixed.TXT
308           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/MyFile.txt
309           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
310           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/The quick brown fox jumps
311           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
312           0 #file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/Locked
313           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/Hidden
314           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/System
315           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/Start of Cluster
316           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/Crossing a Cluster
317           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /SUBDIR/End of Cluster
318        4096  dir   Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Dates
319           0  file  Oct 31 17:00:00.00 2013  /Dates/Halloween
320           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Dates/Valentine's
321           0  file  Oct 17 17:04:00.00 1989  /Dates/Loma Prieta
322           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /UPPER.TXT
323           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /lower.txt
324           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /mixed.TXT
325           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /MyFile.txt
326           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
327           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /The quick brown fox jumps
328           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
329           0 #file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Locked
330           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Hidden
331           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /System
333        self.runTool(args, 0, expectedOut, '')
335    def testCaseInsensitiveLookup(self):
336        args = '--info /upper.txt /LOWER.TXT /MiXeD.TxT /myfile.txt'.split()
337        args.append('/The Quick Brown Fox Jumps')
338        args.append('/locked')
340        # TODO: Should we enforce that the printed name be the same case as on-disk?
341        expectedOut = """\
342           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /upper.txt
343           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /LOWER.TXT
344           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /MiXeD.TxT
345           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /myfile.txt
346           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /The Quick Brown Fox Jumps
347           0 #file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /locked
349        self.runTool(args, 0, expectedOut, '')
351    def testDates(self):
352        args = '--list --dates /Dates'.split()
353        expectedOut = """\
354           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  Oct 31 17:00:00.00 2013  /Dates/Halloween
355           0  file  Feb 14 22:33:44.55 2013  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Dates/Valentine's
356           0  file  Oct 17 17:04:06.90 1989  Oct 17 17:04:00.00 1989  /Dates/Loma Prieta
358        self.runTool(args, 0, expectedOut, '')
360class TestDelete(UserFSTestCase):
361    volumeName = 'DELETE'
363    #
364    # Because we'll be modifying the test volume, we need to be careful that
365    # the test cases get executed in a specific order so that our expected
366    # output is correct.  To make the order obvious and predictable, the
367    # test case names have a number to control the ordering (since tests are
368    # run in order by name).
369    #
370    # * Deleting Files
371    #     - initial state
372    #     - existing file
373    #         + make sure it's gone afterwards
374    #     - missing file
375    #     - same file twice (two separate userfs_tool invocations)
376    #     - same file twice (one userfs_tool invocation)
377    #     - multiple files
378    #     - directory
379    #         + make sure it's still there
380    #     - locked file
381    #         + make sure it's still there
382    #     - file with multiple clusters in same FAT block
383    #     - file with clusters in multiple FAT blocks
384    #     - empty file
385    #     - Long name, long entries at start of cluster
386    #     - Long name, long entries cross cluster boundary
387    #     - Short name
388    #     - File inside subdirectory
389    #     - final state
390    #     ? recursive
392    @classmethod
393    def prepareContent(klass, volume):
394        bytesPerCluster = volume.bytesPerCluster
395        slotsPerCluster = bytesPerCluster / 32
397        root = volume.root()
398        root.mkfile('Empty')
399        root.mkfile('Twice1', content='Delete me twice')
400        root.mkfile('Multi1', content='Multi1')
401        root.mkfile('Multi2', content='Multi2')
402        root.mkfile('Twice2', content='Delete me twice in a single call')
403        root.mkfile('Existing', content='Existing')
404        root.mkfile('Locked', content='Locked', attributes=ATTR_ARCHIVE | ATTR_READ_ONLY)
405        root.mkfile('Keep Me', content='Keep Me')
406        root.mkfile('This file has a long Unicode name', content='This file has a long Unicode name')
408        # Make a subdirectory and a simple file inside it
409        clusters = volume.fat.find(2)
410        sub = root.mkdir('Subdirectory', clusters=clusters)
411        sub.mkfile('Child', content='Child')
413        # Make a file whose directory entries cross a cluster boundary
414        clusters = volume.fat.find(1)
415        volume.fat.chain(clusters)
416        if volume.fsinfo:
417            volume.fsinfo.allocate(1)
418        raw = make_long_dirent("Crossing Cluster Boundary", ATTR_ARCHIVE, head=clusters[0], length=25)
419        slot = slotsPerCluster - 1
420        sub.fill_slots(slot)
421        sub.write_slots(slot, raw)
422        crossing = volume.Chain(volume, clusters[0], 25)
423        crossing.pwrite(0, "Crossing Cluster Boundary")
425        root.mkfile('Contiguous', content='I am a contiguous file!\n'*4321)
427        # Make a file with 3 "extents" of 2, 3, and 4 clusters
428        clusters = volume.fat.find(11)
429        del clusters[6]
430        del clusters[3]
431        volume.fat.chain(clusters)
432        if volume.fsinfo:
433            volume.fsinfo.allocate(len(clusters))
434        length = len(clusters) * bytesPerCluster - 37
435        root.mkfile('Extents', length=length, clusters=clusters)
436        klass.extentsSize = length
438        # Make a file with clusters spread out on the disk
439        head = volume.fat.find(1)[0]
440        clusters = range(head, volume.maxcluster, 7777)
441        random.Random("Delete").shuffle(clusters)
442        volume.fat.chain(clusters)
443        if volume.fsinfo:
444            volume.fsinfo.allocate(len(clusters))
445        length = len(clusters) * bytesPerCluster - 66
446        root.mkfile('Fragmented', length=length, clusters=clusters)
447        klass.fragmentedSize = length
449    def test00VerifyInitialState(self):
450        args = '--list --recursive /'.split()
451        expected = """\
452           0  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Empty
453          15  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Twice1
454           6  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Multi1
455           6  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Multi2
456          32  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Twice2
457           8  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Existing
458           6 #file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Locked
459           7  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Keep Me
460          33  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /This file has a long Unicode name
461        8192  dir   Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Subdirectory
462           5  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Subdirectory/Child
463          25  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Subdirectory/Crossing Cluster Boundary
464      103704  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Contiguous
465{0:12d}  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Extents
466{1:12d}  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Fragmented
467""".format(self.extentsSize, self.fragmentedSize)
468        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, '')
470#         args = '--sha /Fragmented'.split()
471#         expected = 'ed24feba8bcf0ec4aaaebcd8391981109ae0ec25  /Fragmented\n'
472#         self.runTool(args, 0, expected, '')
474    def test01DeleteExistingFile(self):
475        args = '--delete /Existing'.split()
476        expected = ''
477        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, '')
479        args = '--info /Existing'.split()
480        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: /Existing: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n'
481        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
483    def test02DeleteMissingFile(self):
484        args = '--delete /Missing'.split()
485        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: /Missing: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n'
486        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
488    def test03DeleteFileTwice(self):
489        args = '--delete /Twice1'.split()
490        expected = ''
491        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, '')
493        args = '--delete /Twice1'.split()
494        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: /Twice1: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n'
495        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
497    def test04DeleteFileTwiceInOneCall(self):
498        args = '--delete /Twice2 /Twice2'.split()
499        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: /Twice2: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n'
500        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
502        args = '--info /Twice2'.split()
503        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: /Twice2: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n'
504        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
506    def test05DeleteMultipleFiles(self):
507        args = '--delete /Multi1 /Multi2'.split()
508        expected = ''
509        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, '')
511        args = '--info /Multi1'.split()
512        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: /Multi1: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n'
513        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
515        args = '--info /Multi2'.split()
516        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: /Multi2: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n'
517        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
519    def test06DeleteDirectory(self):
520        args = '--delete /Subdirectory'.split()
521        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: delete_item: The operation couldn’t be completed. Is a directory\n'
522        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
524    def test07DeleteLockedFile(self):
525        args = '--delete /Locked'.split()
526        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: delete_item: The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation not permitted\n'
527        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
529        # Make sure the file still exists
530        args = '--info /Locked'.split()
531        expected = '           6 #file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Locked\n'
532        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, '')
534    def test09DeleteEmptyFile(self):
535        args = '--delete /Empty'.split()
536        expected = ''
537        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, '')
539    def test11DeleteFileInDir(self):
540        args = '--delete /Subdirectory/Child'.split()
541        expected = ''
542        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, '')
544        args = '--info /Subdirectory/Child'.split()
545        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: /Subdirectory/Child: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n'
546        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
548    # Delete a file that contains multiple, contiguous clusters
549    def test12DeleteContiguousFile(self):
550        args = '--delete /Contiguous'.split()
551        expected = ''
552        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, '')
554        args = '--info /Contiguous'.split()
555        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: /Contiguous: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n'
556        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
558    # Delete a file that contains multiple multi-cluster "extents"
559    def test13DeleteExtentsFile(self):
560        args = '--delete /Extents'.split()
561        expected = ''
562        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, '')
564        args = '--info /Extents'.split()
565        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: /Extents: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n'
566        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
568    # Delete a file that contains clusters from multiple FAT blocks
569    def test14DeleteFragmentedFile(self):
570        args = '--delete /Fragmented'.split()
571        expected = ''
572        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, '')
574        args = '--info /Fragmented'.split()
575        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: /Fragmented: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n'
576        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
578    # Delete a file whose directory entries cross a cluster boundary
579    def test15DeleteCrossingFile(self):
580        args = ['--delete', '/Subdirectory/Crossing Cluster Boundary']
581        expected = ''
582        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, '')
584        args = ['--info', '/Subdirectory/Crossing Cluster Boundary']
585        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: /Subdirectory/Crossing Cluster Boundary: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n'
586        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
588    def test16DeleteLongName(self):
589        args = ['--delete', '/This file has a long Unicode name']
590        expected = ''
591        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, '')
593        args = ['--info', '/This file has a long Unicode name']
594        expectedErr = 'userfs_tool: /This file has a long Unicode name: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory\n'
595        self.runTool(args, 1, '', expectedErr)
597    def test99VerifyFinalState(self):
598        args = '--list --recursive /'.split()
599        expected = """\
600           6 #file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Locked
601           7  file  Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Keep Me
602        8192  dir   Jan  1 00:00:00.00 1980  /Subdirectory
604        self.runTool(args, 0, expected, '')
606if __name__ == "__main__":
607    # main(sys.argv)
608    import getopt
610    #
611    # The default fsck_exfat to run, and the default path to the sparse bundle
612    # disk image used for testing.
613    #
614    FSCK_PATH = None
615    VERBOSE = False
616    DIFFS = False
617    KEEP_IMAGE = False
618    BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR = os.environ.get('BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR', None)
619    TOOL_PATH = os.environ.get('TOOL_PATH', None)
620    TOOL_ENV = None
622    #
623    # Let the path to fsck_exfat and the path to the sparse bundle image be
624    # overridden on the command line.  We also parse the options that
625    # unittest.main() parses; we just collect them and pass them on for
626    # unittest to handle.  Note that options need to precede arguments
627    # because getopt stops parsing options once it finds a non-option argument.
628    #
629    # NOTE: The "-V" option sets our VERBOSE variable as well as passing "-v"
630    # to unittest.main.
631    #
632    # Hmm.  I could probably have just subclassed unittest.TestProgram and
633    # overridden the parseArgs method to handle my additional arguments.  But
634    # then I'd have to assign the globals to self.__class__.__module__ so the
635    # test cases could see them.  Or perhaps get the values from environment
636    # variables.
637    #
638    # TODO: Need an option to use a locally built framework.  Perhaps either
639    # via a local Xcode build, or buildit.
640    #
641    # TODO: Need an option to use a locally built userfs_tool.  Perhaps either
642    # via a local Xcode build, or buildit.
643    #
644    # TODO: Would it be sufficient to just point at a root, and grab both tool
645    # and framework from that?  Or perhaps default to using the
646    # $BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR from the current working copy's Debug configuration?
647    #
648    argv = [sys.argv[0]]
649    options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hHvVq",
650                        "help verbose quiet keep repair= fsck= dir= img= device=".split())
651    for opt, value in options:
652        if opt == '--keep':
653            KEEP_IMAGE = True
654        elif opt == "--fsck":
655            FSCK_PATH = value
656        elif opt == "--dir":
657            UserFSTestCase.imagePath = os.path.join(value, "FAT_TestCase")
658        elif opt == "--img":
659            UserFSTestCase.imagePath = value
660        elif opt == "--device":
661            UserFSTestCase.device = value
662            UserFSTestCase.imagePath = None
663        elif opt == "-V":
664            VERBOSE = True
665            DIFFS = True
666            argv.append("-v")
667        elif opt == "-v":
668            DIFFS = True
669            argv.append(opt)
670        else:
671            # NOTE: the normal unittest options don't have arguments
672            argv.append(opt)
673    argv.extend(args)
675    #
676    # Since this script is meant primarily for pre-submission testing by the
677    # engineer making the change, assume the engineer has built the Debug
678    # configuration, and wants to use that built version of the framework
679    # and tool.
680    #
681    if BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR is None:
682        args = "xcodebuild -scheme All_iOS -configuration Debug -showBuildSettings".split()
683        p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
684        stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
685        assert(p.returncode == 0)
687        BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR = None
688        setting = "    BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR = "
689        for line in stdout.splitlines():
690            if line.startswith(setting):
691                BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR = line[len(setting):]      # Delete setting name from start of string
692        assert(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR is not None)
695    if TOOL_PATH is None:
696        TOOL_PATH = os.path.join(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR, 'userfs_tool')
697    if TOOL_ENV is None:
700    # If we don't have a path to fsck_exfat, and it was built, use it.
701    if FSCK_PATH is None:
702        path = os.path.join(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR, 'fsck_msdos')
703        if os.path.isfile(path):
704            FSCK_PATH = path
706    # If no fsck_exfat was found/given, then default to the built-in one.
707    if FSCK_PATH is None:
708        FSCK_PATH = '/sbin/fsck_msdos'
710    unittest.main(argv=argv)