2# msdosfs -- Helper module for dealing with FAT (MS-DOS) on-disk structures.
7CLUST_MAX12	= 0x00000FFF
8CLUST_MAX16	= 0x0000FFFF
16ATTR_HIDDEN		= 0x02
17ATTR_SYSTEM		= 0x04
26import struct
27import math
29def make_dirent(name, attr, head=0, length=0, ntres=0,
30			create_time_tenth=0, create_time=0, create_date=0,
31			access_date=0, mod_time=0, mod_date=0):
32	"Create the raw bytes for a directory entry"
33	assert len(name) == 11
34	entry = name + struct.pack("<3B7HI", attr, ntres, create_time_tenth,
35		create_time, create_date, access_date, head>>16, mod_time,
36		mod_date, head&0xFFFF, length)
37	assert len(entry) == 32
38	return entry
40def parse_dirent(bytes):
41	"""
42	Parse the raw bytes of a directory entry, returning a dictionary of
43	all of the fields.
44	"""
45	assert len(bytes) == 32
46	fields = struct.unpack("<3B7HI", bytes[11:])
47	return dict(name = bytes[0:11],
48				attr = fields[0],
49				ntres = fields[1],
50				create_time_tenth = fields[2],
51				create_time = fields[3],
52				create_date = fields[4],
53				access_date = fields[5],
54				mod_time = fields[7],
55				mod_date = fields[8],
56				length = fields[10],
57				head = (fields[6] << 16) + fields[9])
59SHORTNAME_CHARS = "".join([chr(x) for x in xrange(33,128) if chr(x) not in '"*+,./:;<=>?[\]|'])
61def mixed_case(s):
62	return s.lower() != s and s.upper() != s
64def fat_checksum(s):
65	"Return the FAT checksum for a short name"
66	assert len(s) == 11
67	sum = 0
68	for c in s:
69		if sum & 1:
70			sum = 0x80 + (sum >> 1)
71		else:
72			sum = sum >> 1
73		sum = (sum + ord(c)) & 0xFF
74	return sum
76def make_ldir(name, order, checksum):
77	"""
78	Construct a FAT long name directory entry.
79	"""
80	assert 1 <= len(name) <= 13
82	# Pad name with NUL and FFFF's
83	name = (name + u'\u0000' + u'\uFFFF'*11)[0:13]
85	entry = "".join([chr(order), name[0:5].encode("UTF-16LE"),
86					chr(ATTR_LONG_NAME), chr(0), chr(checksum),
87					name[5:11].encode("UTF-16LE"), "\x00\x00",
88					name[11:13].encode("UTF-16LE")])
89	assert len(entry) == 32
90	return entry
92def make_long_dirent(name, attr, head=0, length=0,
93			create_time_tenth=0, create_time=0, create_date=0,
94			access_date=0, mod_time=0, mod_date=0, tail='1'):
95	"""
96	Create one or more directory entries -- a short name entry (like make_dirent)
97	and preceding long name entries (if any are needed).  This routine handles
98	names of arbitrary length (one to 255 Unicode characters), and will set
99	the "ntres" field correctly for short names whose base and/or extension
100	contains lower case letters.
101	"""
102	name = unicode(name)
103	assert 1 <= len(name) <= 255
105	#
106	# Split the name into base and extension (if any)
107	#
108	if u'.' in name:
109		base, ext = name.rsplit(u'.', 1)
110	else:
111		base = name
112		ext = u''
114	#
115	# See if the name will fit the "8.3" form (possibly by using ntres for
116	# base/ext containing lower case characters)
117	#
118	needs_long_name = True
119	if (1 <= len(base) <= 8) and (len(ext) <= 3):
120		needs_long_name = False
121		for c in base+ext:
122			if c not in SHORTNAME_CHARS:
123				needs_long_name = True
124				break
125		if mixed_case(base) or mixed_case(ext):
126			needs_long_name = True
128	# "entries" is a list of raw directory entry structures
129	entries = []
130	ntres = 0
132	#
133	# If we need to generate a long name, do it; otherwise determine
134	# the "ntres" value for a short name.
135	#
136	if needs_long_name:
137		# Convert invalid ASCII chars to Services For Macintosh equivalents
139		# Construct the associated short name
140		lossy = False
141		basis = ""
142		for c in base.upper():
143			if c in SHORTNAME_CHARS:
144				basis = basis + c
145			elif c in u' .':
146				# Remove all spaces and periods
147				lossy = True
148			else:
149				# Collapse multiple invalid characters to single '_'
150				if basis[-1] != u'_':
151					basis = basis + u'_'
152				lossy = True
153		if len(basis) > 8:
154			lossy = True
155		basis = (basis + u'       ')[0:8]
156		for c in ext.upper():
157			if c in SHORTNAME_CHARS:
158				basis = basis + c
159			else:
160				# Should really collapse multiple '_' to one '_'
161				basis = basis + u'_'
162				lossy = True
163		basis = (basis + u'   ')[0:11]
164		assert len(basis) == 11
165		basis = basis.encode('ASCII')
166		if lossy:
167			basis = basis[0:7-len(tail)] + '~' + tail + basis[8:11]
168		basis = basis.encode('ASCII')
170		# Make sure short name is unique in parent directory?
171			# Try other numeric tails
173		# Get the checksum of the short name
174		checksum = fat_checksum(basis)
176		# Generate the long name entries
177		order = 1
178		while len(name) > 0:
179			if len(name) < 14:
180				order += LAST_LONG_ENTRY
181			entries.insert(0, make_ldir(name[:13], order, checksum))
182			name = name[13:]
183			order +=1
185		# Add the short name entry
186		entries.append(make_dirent(basis, attr, head, length, ntres,
187					create_time_tenth, create_time, create_date, access_date,
188					mod_time, mod_date))
189	else:
190		# Space pad the base and extension
191		base = (str(base) + "       ")[0:8]
192		ext = (str(ext) + "   ")[0:3]
194		# Determine the value for "ntres"
195		if base.islower():
196			base = base.upper()
197			ntres |= 0x08
198		if ext.islower():
199			ext = ext.upper()
200			ntres |= 0x10
202		entries = [make_dirent(base+ext, attr, head, length, ntres,
203					create_time_tenth, create_time, create_date, access_date,
204					mod_time, mod_date)]
206	return "".join(entries)
208class Timestamp(object):
209    def __init__(self, month=1, day=1, year=2000, hour=0, minute=0, second=0.0):
210        """Timestamp(month, day, year, hour, minute, second) -> timestamp
212        The default timestamp is 00:00:00 January 1, 2000.
213        """
214        self.month = month
215        self.day = day
216        self.year = year
217        self.hour = hour
218        self.minute = minute
219        frac, whole = math.modf(second)
220        self.second = int(whole)
221        self.ms = int(1000 * frac)
223    @classmethod
224    def from_raw(klass, _date, _time, _ms):
225        # Unpack the bit fields
226        year = 1980 + ((_date >> 9) & 127)
227        month = (_date >> 5) & 15
228        day = _date & 31
229        hour = (_time >> 11) & 31
230        minute = (_time >> 5) & 63
231        seconds = (_time & 31) * 2 + (_ms // 100)
232        ms = 10 * (_ms % 100)
234        assert(0 <= month < 16)
235        assert(0 <= day < 32)
236        assert(1980 <= year < 2108)
237        assert(0 <= hour < 32)
238        assert(0 <= minute < 64)
239        assert(0 <= seconds < 64)
240        assert(0 <= ms < 1000)
242        return klass(month, day, year, hour, minute, seconds+ms/1000.0)
244    @property
245    def raw(self):
246        "A tuple containing the raw 16-bit datestamp, 16-bit timestamp, and 8-bit milliseconds"
247        assert(0 <= self.month < 16)
248        assert(0 <= self.day < 32)
249        assert(1980 <= self.year < 2108)
250        assert(0 <= self.hour < 32)
251        assert(0 <= self.minute < 64)
252        assert(0 <= self.second < 64)
253        assert(0 <= self.ms < 1000)
254        datestamp = (self.year - 1980) << 9
255        datestamp += self.month << 5
256        datestamp += self.day
257        timestamp  = self.hour << 11
258        timestamp += self.minute << 5
259        timestamp += self.second // 2
260        ms = (self.second % 2) * 100 + self.ms // 10
261        return (datestamp, timestamp, ms)
263    def __repr__(self):
264        fmt = '{0}({1:04d}-{2:02d}-{3:02d} {4:02d}:{5:02d}:{6:02d}.{7:02d})'
265        return fmt.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour, self.minute, self.second, self.ms//10)
267class msdosfs(object):
268	def __init__(self, dev):
269		self.dev = dev
271		#
272		# TODO: Set the sector size based on the device's info.
273		#
275		#
276		# Read and parse the boot block
277		#
278		dev.seek(0)
279		bs = dev.read(512)
280		if ord(bs[0]) != 0xE9 and ord(bs[0]) != 0xEB:
281			raise RuntimeError("Invalid boot jump signature")
282		v = struct.unpack("<H", bs[11:13])[0]
283		if v < 512 or v > 4096 or (v & (v-1)):
284			raise RuntimeError("Invalid bytes per sector")
285		self.bytesPerSector = v
286		v = ord(bs[13])
287		if (v & (v - 1)) or (self.bytesPerSector * v) > 65536:
288			raise RuntimeError("Invalid sectors per cluster")
289		sectorsPerCluster = v
290		self.bytesPerCluster = v * self.bytesPerSector
291		self.reservedSectors = struct.unpack("<H", bs[14:16])[0]
292		self.numFATs = ord(bs[16])
293		self.rootEntryCount = struct.unpack("<H", bs[17:19])[0]
294		v = struct.unpack("<H", bs[19:21])[0]
295		if v:
296			self.totalSectors = v
297		else:
298			self.totalSectors = struct.unpack("<I", bs[32:36])[0]
299		v = struct.unpack("<H", bs[22:24])[0]
300		if v:
301			self.fatSectors = v
302		else:
303			self.fatSectors = struct.unpack("<I", bs[36:40])[0]
304		self.fsinfo = None
306		#
307		# Figure out the bits per FAT entry, and create an object for the FAT
308		#
309		rootSectors = ((self.rootEntryCount * 32) + self.bytesPerSector - 1) / self.bytesPerSector
310		self.rootSectors = rootSectors
311		clustersStart = self.reservedSectors + (self.numFATs * self.fatSectors) + rootSectors
312		self.clusterStart = clustersStart
313		dataSectors = self.totalSectors - clustersStart
314		self.clusters = clusters = dataSectors / sectorsPerCluster
315		self.maxcluster = clusters+1
316		if clusters < 4085:
317			self.type = 12
318			self.fat = self.FAT12(self)
319		elif clusters < 65525:
320			self.type = 16
321			self.fat = self.FAT16(self)
322		else:
323			self.type = 32
324			self.fat = self.FAT32(self)
325			self.rootCluster = struct.unpack("<I", bs[44:48])[0]
326			fsinfo = struct.unpack("<H", bs[48:50])[0]
327			if fsinfo:
328				self.fsinfo = self.FSInfo(self, fsinfo)
330	def ReadCluster(self, cluster, count=1):
331		"""Return the contents of cluster <cluster>"""
332		assert cluster >= 2
333		offset = (self.clusterStart * self.bytesPerSector) + ((cluster-2) * self.bytesPerCluster)
334		self.dev.seek(offset)
335		return self.dev.read(count * self.bytesPerCluster)
337	def WriteCluster(self, cluster, bytes):
338		"""Return the contents of cluster <cluster>"""
339		assert cluster >= 2
340		assert (len(bytes) % self.bytesPerSector) == 0
341		offset = (self.clusterStart * self.bytesPerSector) + ((cluster-2) * self.bytesPerCluster)
342		self.dev.seek(offset)
343		return self.dev.write(bytes)
345	def flush(self):
346		self.fat.flush()
347		if self.fsinfo:
348			self.fsinfo.flush()
350	def allocate(self, count, start=CLUST_FIRST, last=CLUST_EOF):
351		"""
352		Allocate and create a chain of count clusters.
353		Searching begins at cluster #start.
354		The last cluster of the chain will point at cluster #last.
355		Returns the first cluster of the chain.
357		Unlike FAT.allocate, this routine will adjust the free space in the
358		FSInfo sector (applies to FAT32 only).
359		"""
360		cluster = self.fat.chain(self.fat.find(count, start), last)
361		if cluster and self.fsinfo:
362			self.fsinfo.allocate(count)
363		return cluster
365	class FAT(object):
366		"""Base class to represent the File Allocation Table.  Do not
367		instantiate this class; use FAT12, FAT16 or FAT32 instead."""
369		def __init__(self):
370			raise NotImplementedError("Do not instantiate class FAT directly")
372		def __del__(self):
373			self.flush()
375		def find(self, count, start=CLUST_FIRST):
376			"""Return a list of <count> free clusters"""
378			if count < 1:
379				raise ValueError("Invalid count of clusters")
381			clusters = []
382			for cluster in xrange(start, self.maxcluster+1):
383				if self[cluster] == CLUST_FREE:
384					clusters.append(cluster)
385					count -= 1
386					if count == 0:
387						break
389			if count:
390				raise RuntimeError("Insufficient free space")
392			return clusters
394		def find_contig(self, count, start=CLUST_FIRST):
395			"""Return an iterable of <count> contiguous free clusters"""
396			raise NotImplementedError()
398		def chain(self, clusters, last=CLUST_EOF):
399			"""Create a cluster chain (allocate clusters).  The cluster numbers
400			are in <clusters>.  The last cluster in the chain will point to
401			cluster <last>.  The cluster number of the first cluster in the
402			chain is returned."""
403			it = iter(clusters)
404			head = prev = it.next()
405			for cluster in it:
406				self[prev] = cluster
407				prev = cluster
408			self[prev] = last
409			return head
411		def allocate(self, count, start=CLUST_FIRST, last=CLUST_EOF):
412			return self.chain(self.find(count, start), last)
414		def allocate_contig(self, count, start=CLUST_FIRST, last=CLUST_EOF):
415			return self.chain(self.find_contig(count, start), last)
417	class FAT32(FAT):
418		"A File Allocation Table with 32-bit entries."
420		def __init__(self, vol):
421			self.dev = vol.dev		# File object to use for I/O
422			self.reservedSectors = vol.reservedSectors
423			self.bytesPerSector = vol.bytesPerSector
424			self.maxcluster = vol.maxcluster
425			self.sector = None	# Sector number of cached sector
426			self.bytes = None	# Raw bytes from cached sector
427			self.entries = None	# Array of entries from cached sector
428			self.entriesPerSector = self.bytesPerSector / 4
429			self.dirty = False
431		def _cache(self, cluster):
432			"""Make sure the FAT sector containing <cluster> is cached."""
434			sector = cluster / self.entriesPerSector
435			if sector != self.sector:
436				self.flush()
437				self.sector = sector
438				self.dev.seek((sector + self.reservedSectors) * self.bytesPerSector)
439				self.bytes = self.dev.read(self.bytesPerSector)
440				self.entries = list(struct.unpack("<%dI" % self.entriesPerSector, self.bytes))
442		def __getitem__(self, key):
443			#
444			# Make sure the requested cluster number is valid
445			#
446			if key < 0 or key > self.maxcluster:
447				raise IndexError("cluster number %d out of range" % key)
449			#
450			# Make sure we have the correct sector cached
451			#
452			self._cache(key)
454			#
455			# Return the desired entry from the current sector.
456			# For reserved/bad/EOF values, extend to full 32 bits.
457			#
458			value = self.entries[key % self.entriesPerSector] & 0x0FFFFFFF
459			if value >= (CLUST_RSRVD & 0x0FFFFFFF):
460				value |= 0xF0000000
461			return value
463		def __setitem__(self, key, value):
464			#
465			# Make sure the requested cluster number is valid
466			#
467			if key < 0 or key > self.maxcluster:
468				raise IndexError("cluster number %d out of range" % key)
470			#
471			# Make sure the value is valid
472			#
473			if CLUST_RSRVD <= value <= CLUST_EOF:
474				value = value & 0x0FFFFFFF
475			if value < 0 or value > CLUST_MAX32:
476				raise ValueError("cluster value out of range")
478			#
479			# Make sure we have the correct sector cached
480			#
481			self._cache(key)
483			#
484			# Set the desired entry to the given value.
485			# Only updates the low 28 bits.
486			#
487			old = self.entries[key % self.entriesPerSector]
488			value = (value & 0x0FFFFFFF) | (old & 0xF0000000)
489			self.entries[key % self.entriesPerSector] = value
490			self.dirty = True
492		def flush(self):
493			"Write any pending changes to disk"
495			if not self.dirty:
496				return
498			if len(self.entries) != self.entriesPerSector:
499				raise RuntimeError("FAT entries corrupt!")
501			#
502			# Only write to disk if the data has changed
503			#
504			bytes = struct.pack("<%dI" % self.entriesPerSector, *self.entries)
505			if bytes != self.bytes:
506				self.bytes = bytes
507				self.dev.seek((self.sector + self.reservedSectors) * self.bytesPerSector)
508				self.dev.write(bytes)
510			self.dirty = False
512	class FAT16(FAT):
513		"A File Allocation Table with 16-bit entries."
515		def __init__(self, vol):
516			self.dev = vol.dev		# File object to use for I/O
517			self.reservedSectors = vol.reservedSectors
518			self.bytesPerSector = vol.bytesPerSector
519			self.maxcluster = vol.maxcluster
520			self.sector = None	# Sector number of cached sector
521			self.bytes = None	# Raw bytes from cached sector
522			self.entries = None	# Array of entries from cached sector
523			self.entriesPerSector = self.bytesPerSector / 2
524			self.dirty = False
526		def _cache(self, cluster):
527			"""Make sure the FAT sector containing <cluster> is cached."""
529			sector = cluster / self.entriesPerSector
530			if sector != self.sector:
531				self.flush()
532				self.sector = sector
533				self.dev.seek((sector + self.reservedSectors) * self.bytesPerSector)
534				self.bytes = self.dev.read(self.bytesPerSector)
535				self.entries = list(struct.unpack("<%dH" % self.entriesPerSector, self.bytes))
537		def __getitem__(self, key):
538			#
539			# Make sure the requested cluster number is valid
540			#
541			if key < 0 or key > self.maxcluster:
542				raise IndexError("cluster number %d out of range" % key)
544			#
545			# Make sure we have the correct sector cached
546			#
547			self._cache(key)
549			#
550			# Return the desired entry from the current sector.
551			# For reserved/bad/EOF values, extend to full 32 bits.
552			#
553			value = self.entries[key % self.entriesPerSector]
554			if value >= (CLUST_RSRVD & 0x0000FFFF):
555				value |= 0xFFFF0000
556			return value
558		def __setitem__(self, key, value):
559			#
560			# Make sure the requested cluster number is valid
561			#
562			if key < 0 or key > self.maxcluster:
563				raise IndexError("cluster number %d out of range" % key)
565			#
566			# Make sure the value is valid
567			#
568			if CLUST_RSRVD <= value <= CLUST_EOF:
569				value = value & 0x0000FFFF
570			if value < 0 or value > CLUST_MAX16:
571				raise ValueError("cluster value out of range")
573			#
574			# Make sure we have the correct sector cached
575			#
576			self._cache(key)
578			#
579			# Set the desired entry to the given value.
580			#
581			self.entries[key % self.entriesPerSector] = value
582			self.dirty = True
584		def flush(self):
585			"Write any pending changes to disk"
587			if not self.dirty:
588				return
590			if len(self.entries) != self.entriesPerSector:
591				raise RuntimeError("FAT entries corrupt!")
593			#
594			# Only write to disk if the data has changed
595			#
596			bytes = struct.pack("<%dH" % self.entriesPerSector, *self.entries)
597			if bytes != self.bytes:
598				self.bytes = bytes
599				self.dev.seek((self.sector + self.reservedSectors) * self.bytesPerSector)
600				self.dev.write(bytes)
602			self.dirty = False
604	class FAT12(FAT):
605		"A File Allocation Table with 12-bit entries."
607		def __init__(self, vol):
608			self.vol = vol
609			self.dev = vol.dev		# File object to use for I/O
610			self.maxcluster = vol.maxcluster
611			self.dirty = False
613			# Read in the entire FAT, converting it to the self.entries array.
614			self.dev.seek(vol.reservedSectors * vol.bytesPerSector)
615			bytes = self.dev.read(vol.fatSectors * vol.bytesPerSector)
617			# We always unpack a multiple of two entries, for convenience.
618			self.entries = [0] * (self.maxcluster + 2)
619			for i in xrange(0, self.maxcluster + 1, 2):
620				index = i * 3 / 2
621				self.entries[i]   = struct.unpack("<H", bytes[index:index+2])[0] & 0x0FFF
622				self.entries[i+1] = struct.unpack("<H", bytes[index+1:index+3])[0] >> 4
624		def __getitem__(self, key):
625			#
626			# Make sure the requested cluster number is valid
627			#
628			if key < 0 or key > self.maxcluster:
629				raise IndexError("cluster number %d out of range" % key)
631			#
632			# Return the desired entry from the current sector.
633			# For reserved/bad/EOF values, extend to full 32 bits.
634			#
635			value = self.entries[key]
636			if value >= (CLUST_RSRVD & 0x00000FFF):
637				value |= 0xFFFFF000
638			return value
640		def __setitem__(self, key, value):
641			#
642			# Make sure the requested cluster number is valid
643			#
644			if key < 0 or key > self.maxcluster:
645				raise IndexError("cluster number %d out of range" % key)
647			#
648			# Make sure the value is valid
649			#
650			if CLUST_RSRVD <= value <= CLUST_EOF:
651				value = value & 0x00000FFF
652			if value < 0 or value > CLUST_MAX12:
653				raise ValueError("cluster value out of range")
655			#
656			# Set the desired entry to the given value.
657			#
658			self.entries[key] = value
659			self.dirty = True
661		def flush(self):
662			"Write any pending changes to disk"
664			if not self.dirty:
665				return
667			if len(self.entries) != self.maxcluster + 2:
668				raise RuntimeError("FAT entries corrupt!")
670			vol = self.vol
672			# Read the old data from disk
673			self.dev.seek(vol.reservedSectors * vol.bytesPerSector)
674			bytes = self.dev.read(vol.fatSectors * vol.bytesPerSector)
676			# Update the bytes with values from self.entries
677			for i in xrange(0, self.maxcluster + 1, 2):
678				index = i * 3 / 2
679				pair = struct.pack("<I", self.entries[i] + (self.entries[i+1] << 12))
680				bytes = bytes[:index] + pair[:3] + bytes[index+3:]
681			assert len(bytes) == (vol.fatSectors * vol.bytesPerSector)
683			# Write back to disk
684			self.dev.seek(vol.reservedSectors * vol.bytesPerSector)
685			self.dev.write(bytes)
687			self.dirty = False
689	class Chain(object):
690		"""A chain of clusters (i.e. a file or directory)"""
691		def __init__(self, volume, head, length=0):
692			self.volume = volume
693			self.head = head
694			self.length = length
696		def cmap(self, offset):
697			"""Return the cluster containing the chain's given byte <offset>.
698			Returns <None> if the given offset is not part of the cluster
699			chain."""
701			bytesPerCluster = self.volume.bytesPerCluster
702			cluster = self.head
703			if cluster == CLUST_FREE:
704				return None
706			while offset >= bytesPerCluster:
707				cluster = self.volume.fat[cluster]
708				if cluster == CLUST_FREE or cluster >= CLUST_RSRVD:
709					return None
710				offset -= bytesPerCluster
712			return cluster
714		def pread(self, offset=0, count=None):
715			"""Read up to <count> bytes at <offset> bytes from the start of
716			the chain.  If <count> is <None>, then read all bytes until the
717			end of the chain."""
719			if count == 0:
720				return ""
722			result = []
723			bytesPerCluster = self.volume.bytesPerCluster
724			cluster = self.cmap(offset)
725			if not cluster:
726				return ""
728			# Handle non-aligned start of read
729			ofs = offset % bytesPerCluster
730			if ofs:
731				buf = self.volume.ReadCluster(cluster)
732				length = bytesPerCluster - ofs
733				if count is not None and count < length:
734					length = count
735				result.append(buf[ofs:ofs+length])
736				if count is not None:
737					count -= length
738				cluster = self.volume.fat[cluster]
739				if cluster == CLUST_FREE or cluster >= CLUST_RSRVD:
740					return result[0]
742			# Handle whole clusters
743			while count != 0:
744				if count is not None and count < bytesPerCluster:
745					break
746				result.append(self.volume.ReadCluster(cluster))
747				cluster = self.volume.fat[cluster]
748				if cluster == CLUST_FREE or cluster >= CLUST_RSRVD:
749					return "".join(result)
750				if count is not None:
751					count -= bytesPerCluster
753			# Handle non-aligned end of read
754			if count is not None and count > 0:
755				buf = self.volume.ReadCluster(cluster)
756				result.append(buf[0:count])
758			return "".join(result)
760		def pwrite(self, offset, bytes):
761			"""Write <bytes> at <offset> bytes from the start of the chain."""
762			count = len(bytes)
763			if count == 0:
764				return
766			bytesPerCluster = self.volume.bytesPerCluster
767			cluster = self.cmap(offset)
768			if not cluster:
769				raise RuntimeError("Write beyond end of cluster chain")
771			# Handle non-aligned start of write
772			ofs = offset % bytesPerCluster
773			if ofs:
774				buf = self.volume.ReadCluster(cluster)
775				length = bytesPerCluster - ofs
776				if count < length:
777					length = count
778				buf = buf[0:ofs] + bytes[0:length] + buf[ofs+length:]
779				assert len(buf) == bytesPerCluster
780				self.volume.WriteCluster(cluster, buf)
781				ofs = length
782				count -= length
783				cluster = self.volume.fat[cluster]
785			# Handle whole clusters
786			while count >= bytesPerCluster:
787				if cluster == CLUST_FREE or cluster >= CLUST_RSRVD:
788					raise RuntimeError("Write beyond end of cluster chain")
789				self.volume.WriteCluster(cluster, bytes[ofs:ofs+bytesPerCluster])
790				ofs += bytesPerCluster
791				count -= bytesPerCluster
792				cluster = self.volume.fat[cluster]
794			# Handle non-aligned end of write
795			if count > 0:
796				if cluster == CLUST_FREE or cluster >= CLUST_RSRVD:
797					raise RuntimeError("Write beyond end of cluster chain")
798				buf = self.volume.ReadCluster(cluster)
799				buf = bytes[ofs:ofs+count] + buf[count:]
800				assert len(buf) == bytesPerCluster
801				self.volume.WriteCluster(cluster, buf)
803		def _truncateGrow(self, oldClusters, newClusters):
804			addClusters = newClusters - oldClusters
806			# Find and allocate some free space
807			# TODO: Try to keep the file contiguous?
808			head = self.volume.allocate(addClusters)
810			# Point file's current last cluster at the first new cluster
811			if self.head == 0:
812				self.head = head
813			else:
814				prev = None
815				cluster = self.head
816				while cluster >= CLUST_FIRST and cluster <= CLUST_RSRVD:
817					prev = cluster
818					cluster = self.volume.fat[cluster]
819				self.volume.fat[prev] = head
821		def truncate(self, length):
822			bytesPerCluster = self.volume.bytesPerCluster
823			oldClusters = (self.length + bytesPerCluster - 1) // bytesPerCluster
824			newClusters = (length + bytesPerCluster - 1) // bytesPerCluster
826			if newClusters < oldClusters:
827				raise NotImplementedError("shrinking chains is not implemented yet")
828			elif newClusters > oldClusters:
829				self._truncateGrow(oldClusters, newClusters)
830			else:
831				return
833			self.length = length
835			# If the chain has an associate directory entry, then update its
836			# head and length, and write it back to disk
837			if hasattr(self, 'parent'):
838				raw = self.parent.read_slots(self.slot)
839				# Update head in raw[26:28] (low) and raw[20:22] (high)
840				# Update length in raw[28:32]
841				raw = raw[0:20] + struct.pack("<H", self.head>>16) + raw[22:26] + struct.pack("<HI", self.head&0xFFFF, self.length)
842				self.parent.write_slots(self.slot, raw)
844	class Directory(Chain):
845		def __init__(self, volume, head):
846			super(volume.Directory, self).__init__(volume, head)
847			if volume.type == 32 and head == volume.rootCluster:
848				self.is_root = True
849			else:
850				self.is_root = False
852		def find_slots(self, count, grow=True):
853			"""Find <count> contiguous free slots.  If <grow> is true then extend
854			the directory to make enough space.  If there is insufficient free
855			space, and the directory can't be grown, raise an error.  Returns
856			the slot index of the found space."""
857			assert count > 0
858			bytesPerCluster = self.volume.bytesPerCluster
859			slot = 0
860			found = 0
861			cluster = self.head
862			while cluster >= CLUST_FIRST and cluster < CLUST_RSRVD:
863				buf = self.volume.ReadCluster(cluster)
864				offset = 0
865				while offset < bytesPerCluster:
866					if buf[offset] == '\x00' or buf[offset] == '\xE5':
867						found += 1
868						if found >= count:
869							# <slot> is the index of the last of the slots
870							return slot-count+1
871					else:
872						found = 0
873					offset += 32
874					slot += 1
875				cluster = self.volume.fat[cluster]
877			if grow:
878				raise NotImplementedError("Growing directories not implemented")
880			raise RuntimeError("Insufficient space in directory")
882		def fill_slots(self, slot, grow=True):
883			"""Mark all never-used directory entries at index less than "slot"
884			as deleted.	 This is useful if you then want to create an entry
885			starting at a specific slot, and guarantee that the directory
886			doesn't "end" before that point."""
887			bytesPerCluster = self.volume.bytesPerCluster
888			cluster = self.head
889			i = 0
890			while cluster >= CLUST_FIRST and cluster < CLUST_RSRVD and i < slot:
891				buf = bytearray(self.volume.ReadCluster(cluster))
892				dirty = False
893				offset = 0
894				while offset < bytesPerCluster and i < slot:
895					if buf[offset] == 0:
896						buf[offset] = 0xE5
897						dirty = True
898					offset += 32
899					i += 1
900				if dirty:
901					self.volume.WriteCluster(cluster, buf)
902				cluster = self.volume.fat[cluster]
904			if i >= slot:
905				return
907			if grow:
908				raise NotImplementedError("Growing directories not implemented")
909			raise RuntimeError("Directory too short")
911		def read_slots(self, slot, count=1):
912			"""Read and return <count> consecutive directory slots, starting
913			at slot number <slot>."""
914			return self.pread(slot*32, count*32)
916		def write_slots(self, slot, bytes):
917			"""Write <data> to consecutive directory slots, starting at slot
918			number <slot>."""
919			assert len(bytes) > 0 and (len(bytes) % 32) == 0
920			self.pwrite(slot*32, bytes)
922		def mkfile(self, name, head=None, length=None, attributes=ATTR_ARCHIVE, deleted=False,
923				   createDate=None, accessDate=None, modDate=None,
924				   content=None, clusters=None):
925			"Create a file entry in the directory."
927			# Default length to size of content, or zero
928			if length is None:
929				if content is None:
930					length = 0
931				else:
932					length = len(content)
934			# If the file is supposed to be non-empty, and they didn't explicitly
935			# specify the clusters, then allocate enough to hold the given length
936			if length > 0 and clusters is None and head is None:
937				bytesPerCluster = self.volume.bytesPerCluster
938				numClusters = (length + bytesPerCluster + 1) // bytesPerCluster
939				clusters = self.volume.fat.find(numClusters)
940				head = self.volume.fat.chain(clusters)
941				if head and self.volume.fsinfo:
942					self.volume.fsinfo.allocate(numClusters)
944			# Default the head to the first cluster in the chain
945			if head is None:
946				if clusters is None:
947					head = 0
948				else:
949					head = clusters[0]
951			#
952			# Construct the raw directory entry (entries if long name)
953			#
954			dates = {}
955			if createDate is not None:
956				_date, _time, _ms = createDate.raw
957				dates["create_time_tenth"] = _ms
958				dates["create_time"] = _time
959				dates["create_date"] = _date
960			if accessDate is not None:
961				_date, _time, _ms = accessDate.raw
962				dates["access_date"] = _date
963			if modDate is not None:
964				_date, _time, _ms = modDate.raw
965				dates["mod_time"] = _time
966				dates["mod_date"] = _date
967			raw = make_long_dirent(name, attributes, head=head, length=length, **dates)
969			#
970			# Find enough free slots, growing the directory if needed
971			#
972			slots = len(raw)/32
973			slot = self.find_slots(slots)
975			# If the file is to be marked deleted, then set the first byte of
976			# each slot to 0xE5.
977			if deleted:
978				raw = bytearray(raw)
979				# Set the first byte of every slot to 0xE5
980				for i in range(slots):
981					raw[i * 32] = 0xE5
982				raw = bytes(raw)
984			#
985			# Write the raw entry/entries to the free slots
986			#
987			self.write_slots(slot, raw)
989			# Create a stream (chain) for the file.  Write the initial content
990			stream = msdosfs.Chain(self.volume, head, length)
991			if content is not None:
992				stream.pwrite(0, content)
994			# Remember where the short name entry exists, so it can be updated
995			stream.parent = self
996			stream.slot = slot + slots - 1		# Slot index of last (short name) entry
998			return stream
1000		def mkdir(self, name, clusters=None, length=0, makeDot=True, makeDotDot=True, zeroFill=True):
1001			"""
1002			Create a subdirectory entry in the parent directory.
1003			By default, it also creates the "." and ".." entries in the first
1004			two slots of the first cluster of the subdirectory.  By default,
1005			the remaining slots and remaining clusters will be zero filled.
1007			The "clusters" parameter should be an iterable containing the
1008			clusters to be allocated to the subdirectory.  If the default,
1009			None, is used, then one cluster will be found and allocated.
1011			The "length" parameter overrides the length/size field in the
1012			subdirectory's entry.  This should normally be left at the
1013			default, 0.
1015			The "makeDot" and "makeDotDot" parameters may be set to False to
1016			avoid initializing the "." and ".." entries, respectively.
1018			The "zeroFill" parameter may be set to False to avoid filling the
1019			clusters with zeroes.
1021			If one or more clusters were successfully allocated and the
1022			subdirectory created, a Directory object for the new subdirectory
1023			is returned.
1024			"""
1026			if clusters is None:
1027				clusters = self.volume.fat.find(1)
1029			# See if there is a first cluster in the chain
1030			head = 0
1031			try:
1032				head = clusters[0]
1033			except IndexError:
1034				pass
1035			except TypeError:
1036				pass
1038			# Create the subdirectory's entry in the parent
1039			bytes = make_long_dirent(name, ATTR_DIRECTORY, head=head, length=length)
1040			slots = len(bytes) / 32
1041			self.write_slots(self.find_slots(slots), bytes)
1043			subdir = None
1044			# If there is at least one cluster, then zero fill and
1045			# create the "." and ".." entries
1046			if head:
1047				# Zero fill unless told not to
1048				if zeroFill:
1049					zeroes = "\x00" * self.volume.bytesPerCluster
1050					for cluster in clusters:
1051						self.volume.WriteCluster(cluster, zeroes)
1053				# Allocate the cluster(s)
1054				self.volume.fat.chain(clusters)
1055				if self.volume.fsinfo:
1056					self.volume.fsinfo.allocate(len(clusters))
1058				# Create a Directory object for the new subdirectory
1059				# so that we can write to it conveniently
1060				subdir = self.volume.Directory(self.volume, head)
1062				# Create "."
1063				if makeDot:
1064					bytes = make_dirent('.          ', ATTR_DIRECTORY, head=head)
1065					subdir.write_slots(0, bytes)
1067				# Create ".."
1068				if makeDotDot:
1069					# If "self" is the root directory, then the first cluster
1070					# for ".." should be set to 0.
1071					if self.is_root:
1072						headDotDot = 0
1073					else:
1074						headDotDot = self.head
1075					bytes = make_dirent('..         ', ATTR_DIRECTORY, head=headDotDot)
1076					subdir.write_slots(1, bytes)
1078			# Return the subdirectory's Directory object (if any)
1079			return subdir
1081	class FixedRootDir(Directory):
1082		def __init__(self, volume):
1083			self.volume = volume
1084			self.head = 0
1085			self.is_root = True
1087		def pread(self, offset=0, count=None):
1088			"""Read up to <count> bytes at <offset> bytes from the start of
1089			the chain.  If <count> is <None>, then read all bytes until the
1090			end of the chain."""
1092			if count == 0:
1093				return ""
1095			volume = self.volume
1096			bytesPerSector = volume.bytesPerSector
1097			firstSector = volume.reservedSectors + (volume.numFATs * volume.fatSectors)
1099			if count is None:
1100				count = (volume.rootSectors * bytesPerSector) - offset
1102			if (offset + count) > (volume.rootSectors * bytesPerSector):
1103				raise RuntimeError("Read past end of fixed root directory")
1105			# Figure out the starting and ending sectors (relative to root dir)
1106			sector = offset / bytesPerSector
1107			endSector = (offset + count + bytesPerSector - 1) / bytesPerSector
1109			# Read whole sectors
1110			volume.dev.seek((sector + firstSector) * bytesPerSector)
1111			bytes = volume.dev.read((endSector - sector) * bytesPerSector)
1113			# Return just the portion the caller asked for
1114			offset = offset % bytesPerSector
1115			return bytes[offset:offset+count]
1117		def pwrite(self, offset, bytes):
1118			"""Write <bytes> at <offset> bytes from the start of the chain."""
1119			count = len(bytes)
1120			if count == 0:
1121				return
1123			volume = self.volume
1124			bytesPerSector = volume.bytesPerSector
1125			firstSector = volume.reservedSectors + (volume.numFATs * volume.fatSectors)
1127			if count is None:
1128				count = (volume.rootSectors * bytesPerSector) - offset
1130			if (offset + count) > (volume.rootSectors * bytesPerSector):
1131				raise RuntimeError("Write past end of fixed root directory")
1133			# Figure out the starting and ending sectors (relative to root dir)
1134			sector = offset / bytesPerSector
1135			endSector = (offset + count + bytesPerSector - 1) / bytesPerSector
1137			if offset % bytesPerSector or count % bytesPerSector:
1138				offset = offset % bytesPerSector
1140				# Read whole sectors
1141				volume.dev.seek((sector + firstSector) * bytesPerSector)
1142				original = volume.dev.read((endSector - sector) * bytesPerSector)
1144				# Overwrite with caller supplied data
1145				bytes = original[:offset] + bytes + original[offset+count:]
1147			# Write out the (updated) sectors
1148			volume.dev.seek((sector + firstSector) * bytesPerSector)
1149			volume.dev.write(bytes)
1151		def find_slots(self, count, grow=False):
1152			"""Find <count> contiguous free slots.  If there is insufficient
1153			free space, then raise an error.  Returns the slot index of the
1154			found space."""
1155			assert count > 0
1156			volume = self.volume
1157			bytesPerSector = volume.bytesPerSector
1158			firstSector = volume.reservedSectors + (volume.numFATs * volume.fatSectors)
1159			slot = 0
1160			found = 0
1161			for sector in xrange(firstSector, firstSector+volume.rootSectors):
1162				volume.dev.seek(sector * bytesPerSector)
1163				buf = volume.dev.read(bytesPerSector)
1164				offset = 0
1165				while offset < bytesPerSector:
1166					if buf[offset] == '\x00' or buf[offset] == '\xE5':
1167						found += 1
1168						if found >= count:
1169							# <slot> is the index of the last of the slots
1170							return slot-count+1
1171					else:
1172						found = 0
1173					offset += 32
1174					slot += 1
1176			raise RuntimeError("Insufficient space in directory")
1178	def root(self):
1179		"Return an object for the root directory."
1180		if self.type == 32:
1181			return self.Directory(self, self.rootCluster)
1182		else:
1183			return self.FixedRootDir(self)
1185	class FSInfo(object):
1186		def __init__(self, volume, sector):
1187			self.volume = volume
1188			self.sector = sector
1189			self.valid = False
1190			self.dirty = False
1191			self.free = 0xFFFFFFFF
1192			self.nextFree= 0
1194			volume.dev.seek(volume.bytesPerSector * sector)
1195			fsinfo = volume.dev.read(volume.bytesPerSector)
1196			if fsinfo[0:4] == 'RRaA' and fsinfo[484:488] == 'rrAa':
1197				self.valid = True
1198				self.free, self.nextFree = struct.unpack("<II", fsinfo[488:496])
1200		def allocate(self, clusters):
1201			if self.valid:
1202				self.free -= clusters
1203				self.dirty = True
1205		def flush(self):
1206			if self.valid and self.dirty:
1207				self.volume.dev.seek(self.volume.bytesPerSector * self.sector)
1208				fsinfo = self.volume.dev.read(self.volume.bytesPerSector)
1209				fsinfo = fsinfo[0:488] + struct.pack("<II", self.free, self.nextFree) + fsinfo[496:]
1210				self.volume.dev.seek(self.volume.bytesPerSector * self.sector)
1211				self.volume.dev.write(fsinfo)
1212				self.dirty = False
1214def chain_extents(chain):
1215	"""
1216	Given a chain of extents (a list of the clusters in the chain), generate
1217	a list of extents in the form (start, count).
1218	"""
1219	if len(chain) == 0:
1220		return
1221	from itertools import izip
1222	start = chain[0]
1223	count = 1
1224	for last,next in izip(chain, chain[1:]):
1225		if next == last+1:
1226			count += 1
1227		else:
1228			yield (start, count)
1229			start = next
1230			count = 1
1231	yield (start, count)
1234# Walk the FAT looking for chains, and reporting what percentage of
1235# logically contiguous clusters are physically contiguous.
1237# NOTE: This examines all FAT entries/chains, including those that
1238# are not referenced by any directory entry.  This routine will fail
1239# if there is a cycle in a cluster chain.
1241def info_fragmentation(argv):
1242	"""
1243	Display information about fragmentation on the volume.  Pass -v
1244	to see the largest number of extents per file/directory.  Pass
1245	-v a second time to see the list of extents for that file/directory.
1246	Pass -v a third time to see the list of extents for all fragmented
1247	files and directories.
1248	"""
1250	verbose = 0
1251	while "-v" in argv:
1252		verbose += 1
1253		argv.remove("-v")
1255	dev = file(argv[0], "r")
1256	v = msdosfs(dev)
1257	fat = v.fat
1258	ignore = set([CLUST_FREE, 1, CLUST_RSRVD, CLUST_BAD])	# FAT values to ignore
1260	# Build a dictionary of all cluster chains.  The key is the first cluster
1261	# in the chain.  The value is a list of all clusters in the chain, in
1262	# logical order within the file.
1263	chains = dict()
1265	# To start, each cluster is a chain of just itself
1266	for cl in xrange(CLUST_FIRST, v.maxcluster+1):
1267		next = fat[cl]
1268		if next not in ignore:
1269			chains[cl] = [cl]
1271	# Connect clusters into chains
1272	again = True
1273	while again:
1274		again = False
1275		for cl in chains.keys():
1276			if cl in chains:	# May have already been removed
1277				next = fat[chains[cl][-1]]
1278				if next in ignore:
1279					print "Warning: %d -> 0x%x" % (chains[cl][-1], next)
1280				if next in chains:
1281					chains[cl].extend(chains[next])
1282					del chains[next]
1283					again = True
1285	# Examine each chain, gathering statistics
1286	total = 0	# Number of logically contiguous links
1287	frags = 0	# Number of physically discontiguous links
1288	max_extents = []
1289	contigs = set()		# Set of lengths of contiguous extents
1290	for chain in chains.itervalues():
1291		extents = list(chain_extents(chain))
1292		total += len(chain) - 1
1293		frags += len(extents) - 1
1294		for start, count in extents:
1295			contigs.add(count)
1296		if verbose and len(extents) > 1:
1297			if verbose > 2:
1298				print "{0}: {1}".format(len(extents), extents)
1299			if len(extents) > len(max_extents):
1300				max_extents = extents
1302	# Print the stats
1303	try:
1304		percent = 100.0 * float(frags)/float(total)
1305	except ZeroDivisionError:
1306		percent = 0.0
1307	print "Fragmentation: %f%% (%d of %d links)" % (percent, frags, total)
1308	if verbose:
1309		print "Most extents per file: {0}".format(len(max_extents))
1310		if verbose > 1:
1311			print max_extents
1312	print "Cluster chains: {0}".format(len(chains))
1313	print "Longest fragment: %d clusters, Shortest: %d clusters" % (max(contigs), min(contigs))
1315def info(argv):
1316	"""Display general information about a volume.
1318	argv[0]		"frag" or path to device
1319	"""
1320	if argv[0] == "frag":
1321		return info_fragmentation(argv[1:])
1323	dev = file(argv[0], "r")
1324	v = msdosfs(dev)
1326	print "bytesPerSector: ", v.bytesPerSector
1327	print "totalSectors:   ", v.totalSectors
1328	print "size in bytes:  ", v.bytesPerSector * v.totalSectors
1329	print "reservedSectors:", v.reservedSectors
1330	print "fatSectors:     ", v.fatSectors
1331	print "rootSectors:    ", v.rootSectors
1332	print "clusterStart:   ", v.clusterStart
1333	print "numFATs:        ", v.numFATs
1334	print "rootEntryCount: ", v.rootEntryCount
1335	print "clusters:       ", v.clusters, "  (FAT%d)" % v.type
1336	print "maxCluster:     ", v.maxcluster
1337	print "bytesPerCluster:", v.bytesPerCluster
1338	# TODO: Print FSInfo stuff, if it exists
1340def fragment_free(argv):
1341	"""Fragment the free space on a volume by marking various clusters 'bad'
1342	so they can't be allocated.
1344	argv[0]		Path to device
1345	argv[1]		Interval between clusters
1346	"""
1347	dev = file(argv[0], "r+")
1348	v = msdosfs(dev)
1349	skip = int(argv[1],0)
1350	clusters = 0
1351	for cl in xrange(CLUST_FIRST, v.maxcluster+1, skip):
1352		if v.fat[cl] == CLUST_FREE:
1353			v.fat[cl] = CLUST_BAD
1354			clusters += 1
1355	if v.fsinfo:
1356		v.fsinfo.allocate(clusters)
1357	v.flush()
1358	dev.close()
1360def free_bad(argv):
1361	"""Free and clusters currently marked 'bad'
1363	argv[0]		Path to device
1364	"""
1365	dev = file(argv[0], "r+")
1366	v = msdosfs(dev)
1367	fat = v.fat
1368	clusters = 0
1369	for cl in xrange(CLUST_FIRST, v.maxcluster+1):
1370		if fat[cl] == CLUST_BAD:
1371			fat[cl] = CLUST_FREE
1372			clusters += 1
1373	if v.fsinfo:
1374		v.fsinfo.allocate(-clusters)
1375	v.flush()
1376	dev.close()
1378def usage():
1379	print "Usage:"
1380	print "  python msdosfs.py info <device_path>"
1381	print "  python msdosfs.py info frag <device_path>"
1382	print "  python msdosfs.py fragment <device_path> <interval>"
1383	print "  python msdosfs.py freebad <device_path>"
1385if __name__ == "__main__":
1386	import sys
1387	if len(sys.argv) == 1:
1388		usage()
1389	elif sys.argv[1] == 'info':
1390		info(sys.argv[2:])
1391	elif sys.argv[1] == 'fragment':
1392		fragment_free(sys.argv[2:])
1393	elif sys.argv[1] == 'freebad':
1394		free_bad(sys.argv[2:])
1395	else:
1396		print 'Unknown command:', sys.argv[1]
1397		usage()