1//===- llvm/Support/Process.h -----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file declares the llvm::sys::Process class.
17#include "llvm/Support/TimeValue.h"
19namespace llvm {
20namespace sys {
22  /// This class provides an abstraction for getting information about the
23  /// currently executing process.
24  /// @since 1.4
25  /// @brief An abstraction for operating system processes.
26  class Process {
27    /// @name Accessors
28    /// @{
29    public:
30      /// This static function will return the operating system's virtual memory
31      /// page size.
32      /// @returns The number of bytes in a virtual memory page.
33      /// @brief Get the virtual memory page size
34      static unsigned GetPageSize();
36      /// This static function will return the total amount of memory allocated
37      /// by the process. This only counts the memory allocated via the malloc,
38      /// calloc and realloc functions and includes any "free" holes in the
39      /// allocated space.
40      /// @brief Return process memory usage.
41      static size_t GetMallocUsage();
43      /// This static function will return the total memory usage of the
44      /// process. This includes code, data, stack and mapped pages usage. Notei
45      /// that the value returned here is not necessarily the Running Set Size,
46      /// it is the total virtual memory usage, regardless of mapped state of
47      /// that memory.
48      static size_t GetTotalMemoryUsage();
50      /// This static function will set \p user_time to the amount of CPU time
51      /// spent in user (non-kernel) mode and \p sys_time to the amount of CPU
52      /// time spent in system (kernel) mode.  If the operating system does not
53      /// support collection of these metrics, a zero TimeValue will be for both
54      /// values.
55      static void GetTimeUsage(
56        TimeValue& elapsed,
57          ///< Returns the TimeValue::now() giving current time
58        TimeValue& user_time,
59          ///< Returns the current amount of user time for the process
60        TimeValue& sys_time
61          ///< Returns the current amount of system time for the process
62      );
64      /// This static function will return the process' current user id number.
65      /// Not all operating systems support this feature. Where it is not
66      /// supported, the function should return 65536 as the value.
67      static int GetCurrentUserId();
69      /// This static function will return the process' current group id number.
70      /// Not all operating systems support this feature. Where it is not
71      /// supported, the function should return 65536 as the value.
72      static int GetCurrentGroupId();
74      /// This function makes the necessary calls to the operating system to
75      /// prevent core files or any other kind of large memory dumps that can
76      /// occur when a program fails.
77      /// @brief Prevent core file generation.
78      static void PreventCoreFiles();
80      /// This function determines if the standard input is connected directly
81      /// to a user's input (keyboard probably), rather than coming from a file
82      /// or pipe.
83      static bool StandardInIsUserInput();
85      /// This function determines if the standard output is connected to a
86      /// "tty" or "console" window. That is, the output would be displayed to
87      /// the user rather than being put on a pipe or stored in a file.
88      static bool StandardOutIsDisplayed();
90      /// This function determines if the standard error is connected to a
91      /// "tty" or "console" window. That is, the output would be displayed to
92      /// the user rather than being put on a pipe or stored in a file.
93      static bool StandardErrIsDisplayed();
95      /// This function determines if the given file descriptor is connected to
96      /// a "tty" or "console" window. That is, the output would be displayed to
97      /// the user rather than being put on a pipe or stored in a file.
98      static bool FileDescriptorIsDisplayed(int fd);
100      /// This function determines if the given file descriptor is displayd and
101      /// supports colors.
102      static bool FileDescriptorHasColors(int fd);
104      /// This function determines the number of columns in the window
105      /// if standard output is connected to a "tty" or "console"
106      /// window. If standard output is not connected to a tty or
107      /// console, or if the number of columns cannot be determined,
108      /// this routine returns zero.
109      static unsigned StandardOutColumns();
111      /// This function determines the number of columns in the window
112      /// if standard error is connected to a "tty" or "console"
113      /// window. If standard error is not connected to a tty or
114      /// console, or if the number of columns cannot be determined,
115      /// this routine returns zero.
116      static unsigned StandardErrColumns();
118      /// This function determines whether the terminal connected to standard
119      /// output supports colors. If standard output is not connected to a
120      /// terminal, this function returns false.
121      static bool StandardOutHasColors();
123      /// This function determines whether the terminal connected to standard
124      /// error supports colors. If standard error is not connected to a
125      /// terminal, this function returns false.
126      static bool StandardErrHasColors();
128      /// Whether changing colors requires the output to be flushed.
129      /// This is needed on systems that don't support escape sequences for
130      /// changing colors.
131      static bool ColorNeedsFlush();
133      /// This function returns the colorcode escape sequences.
134      /// If ColorNeedsFlush() is true then this function will change the colors
135      /// and return an empty escape sequence. In that case it is the
136      /// responsibility of the client to flush the output stream prior to
137      /// calling this function.
138      static const char *OutputColor(char c, bool bold, bool bg);
140      /// Same as OutputColor, but only enables the bold attribute.
141      static const char *OutputBold(bool bg);
143      /// This function returns the escape sequence to reverse forground and
144      /// background colors.
145      static const char *OutputReverse();
147      /// Resets the terminals colors, or returns an escape sequence to do so.
148      static const char *ResetColor();
150      /// Get the result of a process wide random number generator. The
151      /// generator will be automatically seeded in non-deterministic fashion.
152      static unsigned GetRandomNumber();
153    /// @}
154  };