1<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"><title>Writing Context Sensitive Help (coming in GNOME-2.0)</title><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.40"><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="The GNOME Handbook of Writing Software Documentation"><link rel="up" href="index.html" title="The GNOME Handbook of Writing Software Documentation"><link rel="previous" href="indexs09.html" title="Packaging Applet Documentation"><link rel="next" href="indexs11.html" title="Referring to Other GNOME Documentation (coming in
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3      Context sensitive help, also known as "pop-up" help, will allow
4      a user to obtain help information about specific buttons or
5      parts of an application.
6    </p><p>
7      Context sensitive help is still under development and not all
8      the details are available at this time. However, the basics can
9      be shown here so that you can understand how the system will
10      work.
11    </p><p>
12      The Context Sensitive Help system is designed to allow the
13      developer to give an id to a particular portion of the User
14      Interface, for example, a button. Once the interface is complete
15      a Perl script can then be run against the interface code to
16      create a "map" file. This map file allows the developer or
17      writer to associate particular paragraph sections from an XML
18      document to the interface items.
19    </p><p>
20      The XML used for the document is a small XML DTD that is being
21      developed to use the same tags (albeit, much fewer) as DocBook
22      so that writers do not have to re-learn a new DTD.
23    </p><p>
24      Once the document is written and map file is complete, when the
25      user launches context sensitive help on the interface (either by
26      pressing a button and then clicking on the interface item they
27      want information on, or by right mouse clicking on the interface
28      item and selecting a pop-up menu item like "What's This") a
29      small transient window will appear with brief but detailed
30      information on the interface item.
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