1<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"><title>Template 2: Applet Manual For GNOME 2.x</title><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.40"><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="The GNOME Handbook of Writing Software Documentation"><link rel="up" href="apa.html" title="A. Document Templates"><link rel="previous" href="apas02.html" title="Template 2: Applet Manual For GNOME 1.x"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Template 2: Applet Manual For GNOME 2.x</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a href="apas02.html">Prev</a>�</td><th width="60%" align="center">A. Document Templates</th><td width="20%" align="right">�</td></tr></table><hr></div><div class="sect1"><a name="template2-2x"></a><div class="titlepage"><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="template2-2x"></a>Template 2: Applet Manual For GNOME 2.x</h2></div></div><p>
2        The following templates should be used for all applet
3        manuals in GNOME 2.x releases.  You can always get the latest
4        copy of these templates from  <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gdp/templates.html" target="_top">GDP
5        Documentation Templates</a>.
6      </p><p>
7        Note that this template consists of two files.  The first file
8        is an introductory chapter. You should not modify this
9        chapter. The second file is the actual applet document, which
10        you should modify to describe the applet you are documenting.
11        You can name the first file whatever you like, such as
12        <tt>gnome-applets.sgml</tt>.  Name the second file
13        according to the applet's name:
14        <tt><i><tt>appletname</tt></i>-applet.sgml</tt>.
15        Make sure you update the entity
16        at the top of the shell document to reflect the new name of
17        the applet document.
18      </p><p>
19        <pre class="programlisting">
21&lt;!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant V1.1//EN"[
22&lt;!ENTITY TEMPLATE-APPLET SYSTEM "gnome-applet-template.sgml.part"&gt;
26&lt;book id="gnome-applets"&gt;
28 &lt;bookinfo&gt;
29  &lt;title&gt;GNOME Applets&lt;/title&gt;
30  &lt;authorgroup&gt;
31   &lt;author&gt;&lt;firstname&gt;Telsa&lt;/firstname&gt;&lt;surname&gt;Gwynne&lt;/surname&gt;&lt;/author&gt;
32   &lt;author&gt;&lt;firstname&gt;John&lt;/firstname&gt;&lt;surname&gt;Fleck&lt;/surname&gt;&lt;/author&gt;
33   &lt;author&gt;&lt;firstname&gt;David&lt;/firstname&gt;&lt;surname&gt;Mason&lt;/surname&gt;
34      &lt;affiliation&gt;&lt;orgname&gt;Red Hat, Inc.&lt;/orgname&gt;&lt;/affiliation&gt;
35    &lt;/author&gt;
36    &lt;author&gt;&lt;firstname&gt;Dan&lt;/firstname&gt;&lt;surname&gt;Mueth&lt;/surname&gt;&lt;/author&gt;
37    &lt;author&gt;&lt;firstname&gt;Alexander&lt;/firstname&gt;&lt;surname&gt;Kirillov&lt;/surname&gt;&lt;/author&gt;
38  &lt;/authorgroup&gt;
39  &lt;edition&gt;GNOME Applets version 0.1 for GNOME 1.1.5&lt;/edition&gt;
40  &lt;pubdate&gt;2000&lt;/pubdate&gt;
41  &lt;copyright&gt;
42   &lt;year&gt;2000&lt;/year&gt;
43   &lt;holder&gt;Telsa Gwynne, John Fleck, Red Hat Inc., Dan Mueth, and
44    Alexander Kirillov&lt;/holder&gt; 
45  &lt;/copyright&gt;
46  &lt;legalnotice&gt;
47   &lt;para&gt;
48    Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
49    manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
50    preserved on all copies.
51   &lt;/para&gt;
52   &lt;para&gt;
53    Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
54    this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
55    the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
56    permission notice identical to this one.
57   &lt;/para&gt;
58   &lt;para&gt;
59    Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
60    manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
61    versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
62    translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.
63   &lt;/para&gt;
64   &lt;para&gt;
65    Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products and
66    services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names appear in any
67    GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aware to the members
68    of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have been printed in caps
69    or initial caps.
70   &lt;/para&gt;
71  &lt;/legalnotice&gt;
72 &lt;/bookinfo&gt;
74 &lt;!-- #### Introduction ###### --&gt;
75 &lt;chapter id="applets-intro"&gt;
76  &lt;title&gt;Introduction&lt;/title&gt; 
78  &lt;!-- #### Intro | What Are Applets? ###### --&gt;
79  &lt;sect1 id="applets-what-are"&gt;
80   &lt;title&gt;What Are Applets?&lt;/title&gt; 
81   &lt;para&gt;
82    Applets are one of the most popular and useful objects you can add
83    to your &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt; to customize your desktop.
84    An applet is a small application which runs inside a small area of
85    your &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt;. Applets have been written for
86    a wide range of purposes.  Some are very powerful interactive
87    tools, such as the &lt;application&gt;Tasklist&lt;/application&gt; Applet
88    which allows you to easily 
89    control all of your main applications.  Others are simple system
90    monitors, displaying information such as the amount of power left
91    in the battery on your laptop (see &lt;application&gt;Battery Charge
92    Monitor&lt;/application&gt;) or weather
93    information(see &lt;application&gt;GNOME Weather&lt;/application&gt;).  Some
94    are simply for amusement(see &lt;application&gt;Fish&lt;/application&gt;).
95   &lt;/para&gt;
97   &lt;para&gt;
98    Applets are similar to swallowed applications in that both of them
99    reside within the &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt;. However, 
100    swallowed applications are generally applications which were
101    not designed to run within the &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt;.
102    Typically one will swallow an application which already exists in
103    the main &lt;interface&gt;desktop&lt;/interface&gt; area, putting it into your
104    &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt;.  The application will continue to
105    run in the &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt; until you end the
106    application or  unswallow it,  placing it back onto the main part of
107    your desktop when you need to.
108   &lt;/para&gt;
110   &lt;para&gt;
111    &lt;figure id="example-applets-fig"&gt;
112     &lt;title&gt;Example Applets&lt;/title&gt;
113     &lt;screenshot&gt;
114      &lt;screeninfo&gt;Example Applets&lt;/screeninfo&gt;
115       &lt;graphic fileref="example_applets" format="png"
116       srccredit="muet"&gt;
117       &lt;/graphic&gt;
118     &lt;/screenshot&gt;
119    &lt;/figure&gt;
120    Several example applets are shown in &lt;xref
121    linkend="example-applets-fig"&gt;.  From left to right, they are: (1)
122    &lt;application&gt;Mixer Applet&lt;/application&gt;, which allows you to turn
123    on/off sound and control its volume by clicking on the applet.  (2)
124    &lt;application&gt;Sound Monitor&lt;/application&gt; Applet, which displays
125    the current volume of sound being played and allows you to control
126    various sound features.  (3) &lt;application&gt;GTCD&lt;/application&gt;
127    Applet, a CD player which has all its controls
128    available in the applet and displays the track and time. (4)
129    &lt;application&gt;Drive Mount&lt;/application&gt; Applet, used to mount and
130    unmount drives with a single click of the mouse. (5)
131    &lt;application&gt;Desk Guide&lt;/application&gt; which allows you to view
132    and control multiple virtual screens. (6)
133    &lt;application&gt;Tasklist&lt;/application&gt; Applet which allows you to
134    control your various windows and applications.
135   &lt;/para&gt;
136   &lt;para&gt;
137    There are many other applets to choose from.  The rest of this
138    chapter will explain the basic information to get you started
139    adding, moving, and removing applets from your
140    &lt;interface&gt;Panels&lt;/interface&gt; and using them. The following
141    chapters go through each of the standard GNOME applets describing
142    them in detail.  There are also additional applets which can be
143    downloaded off the Web.   See &lt;ulink type="http"
144     url="http://www.gnome.org/applist/list-martin.phtml"&gt;The GNOME
145    Software Map&lt;/ulink&gt; for lists of additional GNOME applications
146    and applets. 
147   &lt;/para&gt;
148   &lt;para&gt;
149    As you read through the the rest of this chapter, you should try
150    adding and removing applets from your &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt; and
151    experiment with them freely.  
152   &lt;/para&gt;
153  &lt;/sect1&gt;
155  &lt;!-- #### Intro | Adding, Moving, and Removing Applets ###### --&gt;
156  &lt;sect1 id="applet-add-move-replace"&gt;
157   &lt;title&gt;Adding, Moving, and Removing Applets&lt;/title&gt;
159   &lt;sect2 id="adding-applets"&gt;   
160    &lt;title&gt;Adding Applets to a Panel&lt;/title&gt;
161    &lt;para&gt;
162     To add an applet to a &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt;, right-click
163     on the &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt; and select 
164     &lt;menuchoice&gt;&lt;guimenu&gt;Panel&lt;/guimenu&gt;&lt;guisubmenu&gt;Add to panel&lt;/guisubmenu&gt;
165     &lt;guisubmenu&gt;Applet&lt;/guisubmenu&gt;&lt;/menuchoice&gt;. This will show you
166     the menu of all the applets on your system, divided into
167     categories. Choosing any applet from this menu will add it to the
168     &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt;.
169    &lt;/para&gt;
170   &lt;/sect2&gt;
172   &lt;sect2 id="moving-applets"&gt;
173    &lt;title&gt;Moving Applets In or Between Panels&lt;/title&gt;
174    &lt;para&gt;
175     It is easy to move applets in a &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt; or
176     between two &lt;interface&gt;Panels&lt;/interface&gt;. If you have a
177     three-button mouse, just move the mouse over the applet, depress
178     the middle mouse button and drag the applet to its new location,
179     releasing the middle mouse button when you are finished.  Note
180     that you can drag applets within a &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt;
181     or between two &lt;interface&gt;Panels&lt;/interface&gt; this way. If you
182     don't have a three-button mouse, just 
183     right-click on the applet and choose
184     &lt;guimenuitem&gt;Move&lt;/guimenuitem&gt;. The cursor will turn into a
185     cross and the applet will move with your mouse until you press
186     any mouse button to indicate you are finished moving it.
187     If, in the course of this movement, it hits
188     other objects, the behavior depends on the global preferences
189     you have set for your &lt;interface&gt;Panels&lt;/interface&gt; in the
190     &lt;application&gt;GNOME Control Center&lt;/application&gt;: the applet you are
191     moving can switch places with other objects, "push" all objects
192     it meets, or "jump" over all other objects without disturbing
193     them. You can also override the default behavior by holding
194     &lt;keycap&gt;Shift&lt;/keycap&gt; button (for "push" mode),
195     &lt;keycap&gt;Ctrl&lt;/keycap&gt; (for "switched" mode), or
196     &lt;keycap&gt;Alt&lt;/keycap&gt; (for "free" mode, i.e. jumping other other
197     objects without disturbing them) button while dragging.
198    &lt;/para&gt;
199    &lt;para&gt;
200     To change the global Panel preferences, right-click on any applet
201     or &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt; and select 
202     &lt;menuchoice&gt;
203      &lt;guimenu&gt;Panel&lt;/guimenu&gt;
204      &lt;guimenuitem&gt;Global Preferences...&lt;/guimenuitem&gt;
205     &lt;/menuchoice&gt;.
206     The &lt;guilabel&gt;Default movement mode&lt;/guilabel&gt; is set under the
207     &lt;guilabel&gt;Applets&lt;/guilabel&gt; tab.
208    &lt;/para&gt;
209   &lt;/sect2&gt;
211   &lt;sect2 id="removing-applets"&gt;
212    &lt;title&gt;Removing Applets from a Panel&lt;/title&gt; 
213    &lt;para&gt;  
214     To remove an applet from a &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt;,
215     right-click on the applet and select &lt;guimenuitem&gt;Remove from
216     panel...&lt;/guimenuitem&gt;. 
217    &lt;/para&gt;
218   &lt;/sect2&gt;
219  &lt;/sect1&gt;
222  &lt;!-- #### Intro | The Right-Click Pop-Up Menu ###### --&gt;
223  &lt;sect1 id="right-click-pop-up-menu"&gt;
224   &lt;title&gt;The Right-Click Pop-Up Menu&lt;/title&gt;
225   &lt;para&gt;
226    Clicking the right mouse button on any applet brings up
227    a &lt;guimenu&gt;pop-up menu&lt;/guimenu&gt;. This 
228    menu always has certain standard menu items in it and
229    often has additional items which vary depending on the particular
230    applet. 
231   &lt;/para&gt;
232   &lt;sect2 id="standard-right-click-items"&gt; 
233    &lt;title&gt;Standard Pop-Up Items&lt;/title&gt;
234    &lt;para&gt;
235     All applets should have the following items in their right-click
236     &lt;guimenu&gt;pop-up menu&lt;/guimenu&gt;:
237     &lt;variablelist&gt;
238      &lt;varlistentry&gt;
239       &lt;term&gt;Remove from panel&lt;/term&gt;
240       &lt;listitem&gt;
241        &lt;para&gt;
242         The &lt;guimenuitem&gt;Remove from panel&lt;/guimenuitem&gt; menu item
243         removes the applet from the &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt;. 
244        &lt;/para&gt;
245       &lt;/listitem&gt;
246      &lt;/varlistentry&gt;
248      &lt;varlistentry&gt;
249       &lt;term&gt;Move&lt;/term&gt;
250       &lt;listitem&gt;
251        &lt;para&gt;
252         After selecting &lt;guimenuitem&gt;Move&lt;/guimenuitem&gt;, your mouse
253         pointer will change appearance (typically to a cross with
254         arrows in each direction). As you move your mouse, the applet
255         will move with it.  When you have finished moving the applet,
256         click any mouse button and the applet will anchor in its
257         current position.  Note that applets can be moved between two
258         &lt;interface&gt;Panels&lt;/interface&gt; this way.
259        &lt;/para&gt;
260       &lt;/listitem&gt;
261      &lt;/varlistentry&gt;
263      &lt;varlistentry&gt;
264       &lt;term&gt;Panel&lt;/term&gt;
265       &lt;listitem&gt;
266        &lt;para&gt;
267         The &lt;guisubmenu&gt;Panel&lt;/guisubmenu&gt; submenu contains various
268         items and submenus for adding and removing
269         &lt;interface&gt;Panels&lt;/interface&gt; and applets and for changing
270         the configuration.
271        &lt;/para&gt;
272       &lt;/listitem&gt;
273      &lt;/varlistentry&gt;
275      &lt;varlistentry&gt;
276       &lt;term&gt;About&lt;/term&gt;
277       &lt;listitem&gt;
278        &lt;para&gt;
279         The &lt;guimenuitem&gt;About...&lt;/guimenuitem&gt; menu item brings up a 
280         dialogue box containing various information about the applet,
281         typically including the applet's  name, version, author,
282         copyright, license and desciption. 
283        &lt;/para&gt;
284       &lt;/listitem&gt;
285      &lt;/varlistentry&gt;
287      &lt;varlistentry&gt;
288       &lt;term&gt;Help&lt;/term&gt;
289       &lt;listitem&gt;
290        &lt;para&gt;
291         The &lt;guimenuitem&gt;Help&lt;/guimenuitem&gt; menu item brings up the help
292         manual for the applet. 
293        &lt;/para&gt;
294       &lt;/listitem&gt;
295      &lt;/varlistentry&gt;
296     &lt;/variablelist&gt;
297    &lt;/para&gt;
298   &lt;/sect2&gt;
300   &lt;sect2 id="applet-properties-dialog"&gt; 
301    &lt;title&gt;The Applet Properties Dialog&lt;/title&gt;
302    &lt;para&gt;
303     Many applets have customizable properties.  These applets will
304     have a &lt;guimenuitem&gt;Properties...&lt;/guimenuitem&gt; menu item in their
305     right-click &lt;guimenu&gt;pop-up menu&lt;/guimenu&gt; which brings up the
306     &lt;interface&gt;Properties&lt;/interface&gt; dialog where you can alter the 
307     appearance or behaviour of the applet.
308     &lt;figure id="example-props-dialog-fig"&gt;
309      &lt;title&gt;An Example Applet Properties Dialog&lt;/title&gt;
310      &lt;screenshot&gt;
311       &lt;screeninfo&gt;An Example Applets Properties Dialog&lt;/screeninfo&gt;
312       &lt;graphic fileref="applet_props_dialog" format="png"
313        srccredit="muet"&gt;
314       &lt;/graphic&gt;
315      &lt;/screenshot&gt;
316     &lt;/figure&gt;
317     All &lt;interface&gt;Properties&lt;/interface&gt; dialogs have the following
318     buttons at the bottom of the dialog:
319     &lt;itemizedlist&gt;
320      &lt;listitem&gt;
321       &lt;para&gt;
322        &lt;guibutton&gt;OK&lt;/guibutton&gt; &amp;mdash;
323        Pressing &lt;guibutton&gt;OK&lt;/guibutton&gt; will activate any changes
324        in the properties you have made and close the
325        &lt;interface&gt;Properties&lt;/interface&gt; dialog.
326       &lt;/para&gt;
327      &lt;/listitem&gt;
328      &lt;listitem&gt;
329       &lt;para&gt;
330        &lt;guibutton&gt;Apply&lt;/guibutton&gt; &amp;mdash;
331        Pressing &lt;guibutton&gt;Apply&lt;/guibutton&gt; at any time will
332        make your changes active without closing the
333        &lt;interface&gt;Properties&lt;/interface&gt; dialog.  This is helpful if
334        you would like to test the effects of the changes you have
335        made but may want to continue changing the properties.
336       &lt;/para&gt;
337      &lt;/listitem&gt;
338      &lt;listitem&gt;
339       &lt;para&gt;
340        &lt;guibutton&gt;Close&lt;/guibutton&gt; &amp;mdash;
341        Pressing &lt;guibutton&gt;Close&lt;/guibutton&gt; will close the
342        &lt;interface&gt;Properties&lt;/interface&gt; dialog.  Only changes in the
343        configuration which were previously applied with the
344        &lt;guibutton&gt;Apply&lt;/guibutton&gt; button will persist.  Other
345        changes will not be made active.
346       &lt;/para&gt;
347      &lt;/listitem&gt;
348      &lt;listitem&gt;
349       &lt;para&gt;
350        &lt;guibutton&gt;Help&lt;/guibutton&gt; &amp;mdash;
351        Pressing &lt;guibutton&gt;Help&lt;/guibutton&gt; brings up the manual for
352        the application, opening it to the page describing the
353        &lt;interface&gt;Properties&lt;/interface&gt; dialog.
354       &lt;/para&gt;
355      &lt;/listitem&gt;
356     &lt;/itemizedlist&gt;
357    &lt;/para&gt;
358   &lt;/sect2&gt;
360   &lt;sect2 id="common-right-click-items"&gt; 
361    &lt;title&gt;Other Common Pop-Up Items&lt;/title&gt;
362    &lt;para&gt;
363     Many applets also have one or more of the following items in their
364     right-click pop-up menu:
365     &lt;variablelist&gt;
366      &lt;varlistentry&gt;
367       &lt;term&gt;Run...&lt;/term&gt;
368       &lt;listitem&gt;
369        &lt;para&gt;
370         The &lt;guimenuitem&gt;Run...&lt;/guimenuitem&gt; menu item generally
371         invokes a program  which is related to the applet in some way
372         but which runs in its own window rather than in the
373         panel. For example: 
374        &lt;/para&gt;
375        &lt;orderedlist&gt;
376         &lt;listitem&gt;
377          &lt;para&gt;
378           The &lt;application&gt;CPU Load&lt;/application&gt; applet, which monitors
379           what programs are running, has a &lt;guimenuitem&gt;Run
380           gtop...&lt;/guimenuitem&gt;  menu item. Selecting this menu item
381           starts &lt;application&gt;GTop&lt;/application&gt;, which allows you to
382           view and control programs which are running.
383          &lt;/para&gt;
384         &lt;/listitem&gt;
385         &lt;listitem&gt;
386          &lt;para&gt;
387           The &lt;application&gt;CD Player&lt;/application&gt; applet has a
388           &lt;guimenuitem&gt;Run gtcd...&lt;/guimenuitem&gt; menu item which
389           starts the GNOME &lt;application&gt;CD Player&lt;/application&gt; when
390           selected, which has more capabilities than the applet.
391          &lt;/para&gt;
392         &lt;/listitem&gt;
393        &lt;/orderedlist&gt;
394       &lt;/listitem&gt;
395      &lt;/varlistentry&gt;
396     &lt;/variablelist&gt;
397    &lt;/para&gt;
398   &lt;/sect2&gt;
399  &lt;/sect1&gt;
401  &lt;sect1 id="feedback"&gt;
402   &lt;title&gt;Feedback&lt;/title&gt;
403   &lt;sect2 id="reporting-bugs"&gt; 
404    &lt;title&gt;Reporting Applet Bugs&lt;/title&gt;
405    &lt;para&gt;
406     GNOME users are encouraged to report bugs to &lt;ulink type="http"
407     url="http://bugs.gnome.org"&gt;The GNOME Bug Tracking
408     System&lt;/ulink&gt;.  The easiest way to submit bugs is to use the
409     &lt;application&gt;Bug Report Tool&lt;/application&gt; program by selecting
410     &lt;menuchoice&gt;
411      &lt;guimenu&gt;Main Menu&lt;/guimenu&gt; &lt;guisubmenu&gt;Utilities&lt;/guisubmenu&gt;
412      &lt;guimenuitem&gt;Bug Report Tool&lt;/guimenuitem&gt; 
413     &lt;/menuchoice&gt;.
414     Be sure to be complete in describing what you did to cause the
415     bug to surface and, if possible, describe how the developer can
416     reproduce the the scenario.
417    &lt;/para&gt;
418   &lt;/sect2&gt;
419   &lt;sect2 id="documentation-feedback"&gt; 
420    &lt;title&gt;Providing Feedback&lt;/title&gt;
421    &lt;para&gt;
422     GNOME users are welcome to provide suggestions for how
423     applications and documentation can be improved.  Suggestions for
424     application changes should be submitted using the
425     &lt;application&gt;Bug Report Tool&lt;/application&gt; discussed above.
426     Suggestions for documentation changes can be emailed directly to
427     the documentation author (whose email should be included in the
428     "Authors" section of the document) or by sending an email to
429     &lt;email&gt;docs@gnome.org&lt;/email&gt;. 
430    &lt;/para&gt;
431   &lt;/sect2&gt;
432   &lt;sect2 id="joining-gnome"&gt;  
433    &lt;title&gt;Joining GNOME&lt;/title&gt;
434    &lt;para&gt;
435     GNOME is a community project, created by hundreds of programmers,
436     documentation writers, icon design artists, web masters, and
437     other people, most of whom work on a volunteer basis.  New GNOME
438     contributors are always welcome. To join the GNOME team, visit
439     these web sites: developers &amp;mdash; &lt;ulink type="http"
440     url="http://developer.gnome.org"&gt;The GNOME Development
441     Site&lt;/ulink&gt;, documentation writers &amp;mdash; &lt;ulink type="http"
442     url="http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gdp"&gt;The GNOME Documentation
443     Project&lt;/ulink&gt;, icon design artists &amp;mdash; &lt;ulink type="http"
444     url="http://gnome-icons.sourceforge.net/"&gt;Gnome Icon Web&lt;/ulink&gt;,
445     general &amp;mdash; &lt;ulink type="http"
446     url="http://developer.gnome.org/helping/"&gt;Helping GNOME&lt;/ulink&gt;,
447     or just join the gnome-list email list (see &lt;ulink type="http"
448     url="http://www.gnome.org/resources/mailing-lists.html"&gt;GNOME Mailing
449     Lists&lt;/ulink&gt;) to discuss what you are interested in doing.
450    &lt;/para&gt;
451   &lt;/sect2&gt;
452  &lt;/sect1&gt;
453 &lt;/chapter&gt;
455 &lt;!-- ############### Template Applets ##################### --&gt;
456 &lt;chapter id="template-applets"&gt;
457  &lt;title&gt;Template Applets&lt;/title&gt;
461 &lt;/chapter&gt;
472	</pre>
474        <pre class="programlisting">
477  &lt;!-- Please replace everywhere below GNOMEAPPLET with the name of --&gt;
478  &lt;!-- your applet. Most importantly, all id attributes should start --&gt;
479  &lt;!-- with the name of your applet - this is necessary to avoid name --&gt;
480  &lt;!-- conflict among different applets --&gt; 
481  &lt;!-- Please replace YOUR-NAME with your name and YOUR-EMAIL with your email--&gt;
482  &lt;!-- Please replace HACKER-NAME with the applet author's name and --&gt;
483  &lt;!-- HACKER-EMAIL with the applet author's email --&gt;
485  &lt;!-- You should name your file: GNOMEAPPLET-applet.sgml --&gt;
486  &lt;!-- Screenshots should be in PNG format and placed in the --&gt;
487  &lt;!-- same directory as GNOMEAPPLET-applet.sgml --&gt;
489  &lt;!-- Applet docs will be merged into &lt;chapter&gt;'s inside a --&gt;
490  &lt;!-- &lt;book&gt;. Thus, the indentation below (2 spaces before the &lt;sect1&gt;) is --&gt;
491  &lt;!-- correct.--&gt;
493  &lt;!-- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of --&gt;
494  &lt;!-- this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission --&gt;
495  &lt;!-- notice are  preserved on all copies. --&gt;
496  &lt;!-- --&gt;
497  &lt;!-- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of --&gt;
498  &lt;!-- this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided --&gt;
499  &lt;!-- that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the --&gt;
500  &lt;!-- terms of a permission notice identical to this one. --&gt;
501  &lt;!-- --&gt;
502  &lt;!-- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this --&gt;
503  &lt;!-- manual into another language, under the above conditions for --&gt;
504  &lt;!-- modified versions, except that this permission notice may be --&gt;
505  &lt;!-- stated in a translation approved by the Foundation. --&gt;
507  &lt;!-- ###############   GNOMEAPPLET   ############### --&gt;
508  &lt;sect1 id="GNOMEAPPLET"&gt;
509   &lt;title&gt;GNOMEAPPLET Applet&lt;/title&gt; 
511   &lt;para&gt; 
512    &lt;application&gt;GNOMEAPPLET&lt;/application&gt; applet, shown in &lt;xref
513    linkend="GNOMEAPPLET-fig"&gt;, does this and that. To learn how to
514    add this applet to a &lt;interface&gt;Panel&lt;/interface&gt;, see &lt;xref
515    linkend="adding-applets"&gt;. 
516   &lt;/para&gt;
519   &lt;figure id="GNOMEAPPLET-fig"&gt;
520   &lt;title&gt;GNOMEAPPLET&lt;/title&gt;
521   &lt;screenshot&gt;
522    &lt;screeninfo&gt;GNOMEAPPLET&lt;/screeninfo&gt;
523    &lt;graphic format="png" fileref="GNOMEAPPLET-fig" srccredit="ME"&gt;
524    &lt;/graphic&gt;
525   &lt;/screenshot&gt;
526   &lt;/figure&gt;
528   &lt;sect2 id="GNOMEAPPLET-usage"&gt;
529    &lt;title&gt;Usage&lt;/title&gt;
530    &lt;para&gt;
531     This applet does nothing. To use it, just
532     left-click on it and it will instantly do nothing.   
533    &lt;/para&gt;
534   &lt;/sect2&gt;
536   &lt;sect2 id="GNOMEAPPLET-right-click"&gt;
537    &lt;title&gt;Right-Click Pop-Up Menu Items&lt;/title&gt;
538    &lt;para&gt; 
539     In addition to the standard menu items (see &lt;xref
540     linkend="standard-right-click-items"&gt;), the right-click pop-up menu has 
541     the following items: 
542     &lt;itemizedlist&gt; 	
543      &lt;listitem&gt;
544       &lt;para&gt;
545        &lt;guimenuitem&gt;Properties...&lt;/guimenuitem&gt; &amp;mdash; This menu
546        item opens the &lt;interface&gt;Properties&lt;/interface&gt; dialog (see
547        &lt;xref linkend="GNOMEAPPLET-properties"&gt;) which allows you to
548        customize the appearance and behavior of this applet.
549       &lt;/para&gt;
550      &lt;/listitem&gt;
551      &lt;listitem&gt;
552       &lt;para&gt;
553        &lt;guimenuitem&gt;Run Hello World...&lt;/guimenuitem&gt; &amp;mdash; This
554        menu item starts the program &lt;application&gt;Hello
555        World&lt;/application&gt;, used to say "hello" to the world. 
556       &lt;/para&gt;
557      &lt;/listitem&gt;
558     &lt;/itemizedlist&gt;
559    &lt;/para&gt;
560   &lt;/sect2&gt;
562   &lt;sect2 id="GNOMEAPPLET-properties"&gt;
563    &lt;title&gt;Properties&lt;/title&gt;
564    &lt;para&gt;
565     You can configure &lt;application&gt;GNOMEAPPLET&lt;/application&gt; applet by
566     right-clicking on the applet and choosing the
567     &lt;guimenuitem&gt;Properties...&lt;/guimenuitem&gt; menu item. This will open the
568     &lt;interface&gt;Properties&lt;/interface&gt; dialog, shown in &lt;xref
569     linkend="GNOMEAPPLET-properties-fig"&gt;.
570    &lt;/para&gt;
571    &lt;figure id="GNOMEAPPLET-properties-fig"&gt;
572     &lt;title&gt;Properties Dialog&lt;/title&gt;
573     &lt;screenshot&gt;
574      &lt;screeninfo&gt;Properties Dialog&lt;/screeninfo&gt; 
575      &lt;graphic format="png" fileref="GNOMEAPPLET-properties" srccredit="ME"&gt;
576      &lt;/graphic&gt;
577     &lt;/screenshot&gt;
578    &lt;/figure&gt;
580    &lt;para&gt; 
581     To change the color of the applet, click on the
582     &lt;guibutton&gt;color&lt;/guibutton&gt; button. To change other properties,
583     click on other buttons. 
584    &lt;/para&gt;
586    &lt;para&gt;
587     For more information on the &lt;interface&gt;Properties&lt;/interface&gt;
588     dialog, including descriptions of the &lt;guibutton&gt;OK&lt;/guibutton&gt;,
589     &lt;guibutton&gt;Apply&lt;/guibutton&gt;, &lt;guibutton&gt;Cancel&lt;/guibutton&gt;, and
590     &lt;guibutton&gt;Help&lt;/guibutton&gt; buttons, see &lt;xref
591     linkend="applet-properties-dialog"&gt;.
592    &lt;/para&gt;
593   &lt;/sect2&gt;
595   &lt;sect2 id="GNOMEAPPLET-bugs"&gt;
596    &lt;title&gt; Known Bugs and Limitations&lt;/title&gt;
597    &lt;para&gt;
598     There are no known bugs in the
599     &lt;application&gt;GNOMEAPPLET&lt;/application&gt; applet. 
600    &lt;/para&gt;
601   &lt;/sect2&gt;
603   &lt;sect2 id="GNOMEAPPLET-authors"&gt;
604    &lt;title&gt;Authors&lt;/title&gt;
605    &lt;para&gt;
606     This applet was writen by HACKER-NAME
607     &lt;email&gt;HACKER-EMAIL&lt;/email&gt;.  The documentation for this applet
608     which you are reading now was written by
609     YOUR-NAME &lt;email&gt;YOUR-EMAIL&lt;/email&gt;. For information on submitting
610     bug reports and suggestions for improvements, see &lt;xref
611     linkend="feedback"&gt;. 
612    &lt;/para&gt;
613   &lt;/sect2&gt;
615  &lt;/sect1&gt;
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