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6	<title>snmp.conf(5)</title>
9<h1 class="title">snmp.conf(5)</h1>
10<h2 class="title"><a name="NAME">Name</a></h2>
11snmp.conf - snmp configuration file for cups
12<h2 class="title"><a name="DESCRIPTION">Description</a></h2>
15file configures how the standard CUPS network backends (http, https, ipp, ipps, lpd, snmp, and socket) access printer information using SNMPv1 and is normally located in the <i>/etc/cups</i> directory.
16Each line in the file can be a configuration directive, a blank line, or a comment. Comment lines start with the # character.
17<p>The Community and DebugLevel directives are used by all backends. The remainder apply only to the SNMP backend -
18<a href="man-cups-snmp.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>cups-snmp</b>(8).</a>
19<h2 class="title"><a name="DIRECTIVES">Directives</a></h2>
20The following directives are understood by the CUPS network backends:
21<dl class="man">
22<dt><b>Address @IF(</b><i>name</i><b>)</b>
23<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt><b>Address @LOCAL</b>
24<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt><b>Address </b><i>address</i>
25<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Sends SNMP broadcast queries (for discovery) to the specified address(es).
26There is no default for the broadcast address.
27<dt><b>Community </b><i>name</i>
28<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the community name to use.
29Only a single community name may be specified.
30The default community name is "public".
31<dt><b>DebugLevel </b><i>number</i>
32<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the logging level from 0 (none) to 3 (everything).
33Typically only used for debugging (thus the name).
34The default debug level is 0.
35<dt><b>DeviceURI "</b><i>regular expression</i><b>" </b><i>device-uri </i>[... <i>device-uri</i>]
36<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies one or more device URIs that should be used for a given make and model string.
37The regular expression is used to match the detected make and model, and the device URI strings must be of the form "scheme://%s[:port]/[path]", where "%s" represents the detected address or hostname.
38There are no default device URI matching rules.
39<dt><b>HostNameLookups on</b>
40<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt><b>HostNameLookups off</b>
41<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies whether the addresses of printers should be converted to hostnames or left as numeric IP addresses.
42The default is "off".
43<dt><b>MaxRunTime </b><i>seconds</i>
44<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum number of seconds that the SNMP backend will scan the
45network for printers.
46The default is 120 seconds (2 minutes).
48<h2 class="title"><a name="SEE_ALSO">See Also</a></h2>
49<a href="man-cups-snmp.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>cups-snmp</b>(8),</a>
50CUPS Online Help (<a href="http://localhost:631/help">http://localhost:631/help</a>)
51<h2 class="title"><a name="COPYRIGHT">Copyright</a></h2>
52Copyright &copy; 2007-2014 by Apple Inc.