1<table border=1>
2  <tr>
3    <th>Path</th>
4    <th>Description</th>
5    <th>X-Ref</th>
6  </tr>
7  <tr>
8    <td>/bashdb</td>
9    <td>Deprecated sample implementation of a bash debugger</td>
10  </tr>
11  <tr>
12  </tr>
13  <tr>
14    <td>/complete</td>
15    <td>Shell completion code</td>
16  </tr>
17  <tr>
18  </tr>
19  <tr>
20    <td>/functions</td>
21    <td>Example functions</td>
22  </tr>
23  <tr>
24    <td>/functions/array-stuff</td>
25    <td>Various array functions (ashift, array_sort, reverse).</td>
26  </tr>
27  <tr>
28    <td>/functions/array-to-string</td>
29    <td>Convert an array to a string.</td>
30  </tr>
31  <tr>
32    <td>/functions/autoload</td>
33    <td>An almost ksh-compatible 'autoload' (no lazy load).</td>
34    <td>ksh</td>
35  </tr>
36  <tr>
37    <td>/functions/autoload.v2</td>
38    <td>An almost ksh-compatible 'autoload' (no lazy load).</td>
39    <td>ksh</td>
40  </tr>
41  <tr>
42    <td>/functions/autoload.v3</td>
43    <td>A more ksh-compatible 'autoload' (with lazy load).</td>
44    <td>ksh</td>
45  </tr>
46  <tr>
47    <td>/functions/basename</td>
48    <td>A replacement for basename(1).</td>
49    <td>basename</td>
50  </tr>
51  <tr>
52    <td>/functions/basename2</td>
53    <td>Fast basename(1) and dirname(1) functions for BASH/SH.</td>
54    <td>basename, dirname</td>
55  </tr>
56  <tr>
57    <td>/functions/coproc.bash</td>
58    <td>Start, control, and end coprocesses.</td>
59  </tr>
60  <tr>
61    <td>/functions/coshell.bash</td>
62    <td>Control shell coprocesses (see coprocess.bash).</td>
63  </tr>
64  <tr>
65    <td>/functions/coshell.README</td>
66    <td>README for coshell and coproc.</td>
67  </tr>
68  <tr>
69    <td>/functions/csh-compat</td>
70    <td>A C-shell compatibility package.</td>
71    <td>csh</td>
72  </tr>
73  <tr>
74    <td>/functions/dirfuncs</td>
75    <td>Directory manipulation functions from the book 'The Korn Shell'.</td>
76  </tr>
77  <tr>
78    <td>/functions/dirname</td>
79    <td>A replacement for dirname(1).</td>
80    <td>dirname</td>
81  </tr>
82  <tr>
83    <td>/functions/emptydir</td>
84    <td>Find out if a directory is empty.</td>
85  </tr>
86  <tr>
87    <td>/functions/exitstat</td>
88    <td>Display the exit status of processes.</td>
89  </tr>
90  <tr>
91    <td>/functions/external</td>
92    <td>Like 'command' but FORCES use of external command.</td>
93  </tr>
94  <tr>
95    <td>/functions/fact</td>
96    <td>Recursive factorial function.</td>
97  </tr>
98  <tr>
99    <td>/functions/fstty</td>
100    <td>Front end to sync TERM changes to both stty(1) and readline 'bind'.</td>
101    <td>stty.bash</td>
102  </tr>
103  <tr>
104    <td>/functions/func</td>
105    <td>Print out definitions for functions named by arguments.</td>
106  </tr>
107  <tr>
108    <td>/functions/gethtml</td>
109    <td>Get a web page from a remote server (wget(1) in bash!).</td>
110  </tr>
111  <tr>
112    <td>/functions/getoptx.bash</td>
113    <td>getopt function that parses long-named options.</td>
114  </tr>
115  <tr>
116    <td>/functions/inetaddr</td>
117    <td>Internet address conversion (inet2hex & hex2inet).</td>
118  </tr>
119  <tr>
120    <td>/functions/inpath</td>
121    <td>Return zero if the argument is in the path and executable.</td>
122    <td>inpath</td>
123  </tr>
124  <tr>
125    <td>/functions/isnum.bash</td>
126    <td>Test user input on numeric or character value.</td>
127  </tr>
128  <tr>
129    <td>/functions/isnum2</td>
130    <td>Test user input on numeric values, with floating point.</td>
131  </tr>
132  <tr>
133    <td>/functions/isvalidip</td>
134    <td>Test user input for valid IP Addresses.</td>
135  </tr>
136  <tr>
137    <td>/functions/jdate.bash</td>
138    <td>Julian date conversion.</td>
139  </tr>
140  <tr>
141    <td>/functions/jj.bash</td>
142    <td>Look for running jobs.</td>
143  </tr>
144  <tr>
145    <td>/functions/keep</td>
146    <td>Try to keep some programs in the forground and running.</td>
147  </tr>
148  <tr>
149    <td>/functions/ksh-cd</td>
150    <td>ksh-like 'cd': cd [-LP] [dir [change]].</td>
151    <td>ksh</td>
152  </tr>
153  <tr>
154    <td>/functions/ksh-compat-test</td>
155    <td>ksh-like arithmetic test replacements.</td>
156    <td>ksh</td>
157  </tr>
158  <tr>
159    <td>/functions/kshenv</td>
160    <td>Functions and aliases to provide the beginnings of a ksh environment for bash.</td>
161    <td>ksh</td>
162  </tr>
163  <tr>
164    <td>/functions/login</td>
165    <td>Replace the 'login' and 'newgrp' builtins in old Bourne shells.</td>
166  </tr>
167  <tr>
168    <td>/functions/lowercase</td>
169    <td>Rename files to lower case.</td>
170    <td>rename lower</td>
171  </tr>
172  <tr>
173    <td>/functions/manpage</td>
174    <td>Find and print a manual page.</td>
175    <td>fman</td>
176  </tr>
177  <tr>
178    <td>/functions/mhfold</td>
179    <td>Print MH folders, useful only because folders(1) doesn't print mod date/times.</td>
180  </tr>
181  <tr>
182    <td>/functions/notify.bash</td>
183    <td>Notify when jobs change status.</td>
184  </tr>
185  <tr>
186    <td>/functions/pathfuncs</td>
187    <td>Path related functions (no_path, add_path, pre-path, del_path).</td>
188    <td>path</td>
189  </tr>
190  <tr>
191    <td>/functions/README</td>
192    <td>README</td>
193  </tr>
194  <tr>
195    <td>/functions/recurse</td>
196    <td>Recursive directory traverser.</td>
197  </tr>
198  <tr>
199    <td>/functions/repeat2</td>
200    <td>A clone of C shell builtin 'repeat'.</td>
201    <td>repeat, csh</td>
202  </tr>
203  <tr>
204    <td>/functions/repeat3</td>
205    <td>A clone of C shell builtin 'repeat'.</td>
206    <td>repeat, csh</td>
207  </tr>
208  <tr>
209    <td>/functions/seq</td>
210    <td>Generate a sequence from m to n, m defaults to 1.</td>
211  </tr>
212  <tr>
213    <td>/functions/seq2</td>
214    <td>Generate a sequence from m to n, m defaults to 1.</td>
215  </tr>
216  <tr>
217    <td>/functions/shcat</td>
218    <td>Readline-based pager.</td>
219    <td>cat, readline pager</td>
220  </tr>
221  <tr>
222    <td>/functions/shcat2</td>
223    <td>Readline-based pagers.</td>
224    <td>cat, readline pager</td>
225  </tr>
226  <tr>
227    <td>/functions/sort-pos-params</td>
228    <td>Sort the positional parameters.</td>
229  </tr>
230  <tr>
231    <td>/functions/substr</td>
232    <td>A function to emulate the ancient ksh builtin.</td>
233    <td>ksh</td>
234  </tr>
235  <tr>
236    <td>/functions/substr2</td>
237    <td>A function to emulate the ancient ksh builtin.</td>
238    <td>ksh</td>
239  </tr>
240  <tr>
241    <td>/functions/term</td>
242    <td>A shell function to set the terminal type interactively or not.</td>
243  </tr>
244  <tr>
245    <td>/functions/whatis</td>
246    <td>An implementation of the 10th Edition Unix sh builtin 'whatis(1)' command.</td>
247  </tr>
248  <tr>
249    <td>/functions/whence</td>
250    <td>An almost-ksh compatible 'whence(1)' command.</td>
251  </tr>
252  <tr>
253    <td>/functions/which</td>
254    <td>An emulation of 'which(1)' as it appears in FreeBSD.</td>
255  </tr>
256  <tr>
257    <td>/functions/xalias.bash</td>
258    <td>Convert csh alias commands to bash functions.</td>
259    <td>csh, aliasconv</td>
260  </tr>
261  <tr>
262    <td>/functions/xfind.bash</td>
263    <td>A 'find(1)' clone.</td>
264  </tr>
265  <tr>
266  </tr>
267  <tr>
268    <td>/loadables/</td>
269    <td>Example loadable replacements</td>
270  </tr>
271  <tr>
272    <td>/loadables/basename.c</td>
273    <td>Return non-directory portion of pathname.</td>
274    <td>basename</td>
275  </tr>
276  <tr>
277    <td>/loadables/cat.c</td>
278    <td>cat(1) replacement with no options - the way cat was intended.</td>
279    <td>cat, readline pager</td>
280  </tr>
281  <tr>
282    <td>/loadables/cut.c</td>
283    <td>cut(1) replacement.</td>
284  </tr>
285  <tr>
286    <td>/loadables/dirname.c</td>
287    <td>Return directory portion of pathname.</td>
288    <td>dirname</td>
289  </tr>
290  <tr>
291    <td>/loadables/finfo.c</td>
292    <td>Print file info.</td>
293  </tr>
294  <tr>
295    <td>/loadables/getconf.c</td>
296    <td>POSIX.2 getconf utility.</td>
297  </tr>
298  <tr>
299    <td>/loadables/getconf.h</td>
300    <td>Replacement definitions for ones the system doesn't provide.</td>
301  </tr>
302  <tr>
303    <td>/loadables/head.c</td>
304    <td>Copy first part of files.</td>
305  </tr>
306  <tr>
307    <td>/loadables/hello.c</td>
308    <td>Obligatory "Hello World" / sample loadable.</td>
309  </tr>
310  <tr>
311    <td>/loadables/id.c</td>
312    <td>POSIX.2 user identity.</td>
313  </tr>
314  <tr>
315    <td>/loadables/ln.c</td>
316    <td>Make links.</td>
317  </tr>
318  <tr>
319    <td>/loadables/logname.c</td>
320    <td>Print login name of current user.</td>
321  </tr>
322  <tr>
323    <td>/loadables/Makefile.in</td>
324    <td>Simple makefile for the sample loadable builtins.</td>
325  </tr>
326  <tr>
327    <td>/loadables/mkdir.c</td>
328    <td>Make directories.</td>
329  </tr>
330  <tr>
331    <td>/loadables/necho.c</td>
332    <td>echo without options or argument interpretation.</td>
333  </tr>
334  <tr>
335    <td>/loadables/pathchk.c</td>
336    <td>Check pathnames for validity and portability.</td>
337  </tr>
338  <tr>
339    <td>/loadables/print.c</td>
340    <td>Loadable ksh-93 style print builtin.</td>
341  </tr>
342  <tr>
343    <td>/loadables/printenv.c</td>
344    <td>Minimal builtin clone of BSD printenv(1).</td>
345  </tr>
346  <tr>
347    <td>/loadables/push.c</td>
348    <td>Anyone remember TOPS-20?</td>
349  </tr>
350  <tr>
351    <td>/loadables/README</td>
352    <td>README</td>
353  </tr>
354  <tr>
355    <td>/loadables/realpath.c</td>
356    <td>Canonicalize pathnames, resolving symlinks.</td>
357  </tr>
358  <tr>
359    <td>/loadables/rmdir.c</td>
360    <td>Remove directory.</td>
361  </tr>
362  <tr>
363    <td>/loadables/sleep.c</td>
364    <td>sleep for fractions of a second.</td>
365  </tr>
366  <tr>
367    <td>/loadables/strftime.c</td>
368    <td>Loadable builtin interface to strftime(3).</td>
369  </tr>
370  <tr>
371    <td>/loadables/sync.c</td>
372    <td>Sync the disks by forcing pending filesystem writes to complete.</td>
373  </tr>
374  <tr>
375    <td>/loadables/tee.c</td>
376    <td>Duplicate standard input.</td>
377  </tr>
378  <tr>
379    <td>/loadables/template.c</td>
380    <td>Example template for loadable builtin.</td>
381  </tr>
382  <tr>
383    <td>/loadables/truefalse.c</td>
384    <td>True and false builtins.</td>
385  </tr>
386  <tr>
387    <td>/loadables/tty.c</td>
388    <td>Return terminal name.</td>
389  </tr>
390  <tr>
391    <td>/loadables/uname.c</td>
392    <td>Print system information.</td>
393  </tr>
394  <tr>
395    <td>/loadables/unlink.c</td>
396    <td>Remove a directory entry.</td>
397  </tr>
398  <tr>
399    <td>/loadables/whoami.c</td>
400    <td>Print out username of current user.</td>
401  </tr>
402  <tr>
403  </tr>
404  <tr>
405    <td>/loadables/perl/</td>
406    <td>Illustrate how to build a Perl interpreter into bash.</td>
407  </tr>
408  <tr>
409  </tr>
410  <tr>
411    <td>/misc</td>
412    <td>Miscellaneous</td>
413  </tr>
414  <tr>
415    <td>/misc/aliasconv.bash</td>
416    <td>Convert csh aliases to bash aliases and functions.</td>
417    <td>csh, xalias</td>
418  </tr>
419  <tr>
420    <td>/misc/aliasconv.sh</td>
421    <td>Convert csh aliases to bash aliases and functions.</td>
422    <td>csh, xalias</td>
423  </tr>
424  <tr>
425    <td>/misc/cshtobash</td>
426    <td>Convert csh aliases, environment variables, and variables to bash equivalents.</td>
427    <td>csh, xalias</td>
428  </tr>
429  <tr>
430    <td>/misc/README</td>
431    <td>README</td>
432  </tr>
433  <tr>
434    <td>/misc/suncmd.termcap</td>
435    <td>SunView TERMCAP string.</td>
436  </tr>
437  <tr>
438  </tr>
439  <tr>
440    <td>/obashdb</td>
441    <td>Modified version of the Korn Shell debugger from Bill Rosenblatt's 'Learning the Korn Shell'.</td>
442  </tr>
443  <tr>
444  </tr>
445  <tr>
446    <td>/scripts.noah</td>
447    <td>Noah Friedman's collection of scripts (updated to bash v2 syntax by Chet Ramey)</td>
448  </tr>
449  <tr>
450    <td>/scripts.noah/aref.bash</td>
451    <td>Pseudo-arrays and substring indexing examples.</td>
452  </tr>
453  <tr>
454    <td>/scripts.noah/bash.sub.bash</td>
455    <td>Library functions used by require.bash.</td>
456  </tr>
457  <tr>
458    <td>/scripts.noah/bash_version.bash</td>
459    <td>A function to slice up $BASH_VERSION.</td>
460  </tr>
461  <tr>
462    <td>/scripts.noah/meta.bash</td>
463    <td>Enable and disable eight-bit readline input.</td>
464  </tr>
465  <tr>
466    <td>/scripts.noah/mktmp.bash</td>
467    <td>Make a temporary file with a unique name.</td>
468  </tr>
469  <tr>
470    <td>/scripts.noah/number.bash</td>
471    <td>A fun hack to translate numerals into English.</td>
472  </tr>
473  <tr>
474    <td>/scripts.noah/PERMISSION</td>
475    <td>Permissions to use the scripts in this directory.</td>
476  </tr>
477  <tr>
478    <td>/scripts.noah/prompt.bash</td>
479    <td>A way to set PS1 to some predefined strings.</td>
480  </tr>
481  <tr>
482    <td>/scripts.noah/README</td>
483    <td>README</td>
484  </tr>
485  <tr>
486    <td>/scripts.noah/remap_keys.bash</td>
487    <td>A front end to 'bind' to redo readline bindings.</td>
488  </tr>
489  <tr>
490    <td>/scripts.noah/require.bash</td>
491    <td>Lisp-like require/provide library functions for bash.</td>
492  </tr>
493  <tr>
494    <td>/scripts.noah/send_mail.bash</td>
495    <td>Replacement SMTP client written in bash.</td>
496  </tr>
497  <tr>
498    <td>/scripts.noah/shcat.bash</td>
499    <td>Bash replacement for 'cat(1)'.</td>
500    <td>cat</td>
501  </tr>
502  <tr>
503    <td>/scripts.noah/source.bash</td>
504    <td>Replacement for source that uses current directory.</td>
505  </tr>
506  <tr>
507    <td>/scripts.noah/string.bash</td>
508    <td>The string(3) functions at the shell level.</td>
509  </tr>
510  <tr>
511    <td>/scripts.noah/stty.bash</td>
512    <td>Front-end to stty(1) that changes readline bindings too.</td>
513    <td>fstty</td>
514  </tr>
515  <tr>
516    <td>/scripts.noah/y_or_n_p.bash</td>
517    <td>Prompt for a yes/no/quit answer.</td>
518    <td>ask</td>
519  </tr>
520  <tr>
521  </tr>
522  <tr>
523    <td>/scripts.v2</td>
524    <td>John DuBois' ksh script collection (converted to bash v2 syntax by Chet Ramey).</td>
525  </tr>
526  <tr>
527    <td>/scripts.v2/arc2tarz</td>
528    <td>Convert an "arc" archive to a compressed tar archive.</td>
529  </tr>
530  <tr>
531    <td>/scripts.v2/bashrand</td>
532    <td>Random number generator with upper and lower bounds and optional seed.</td>
533    <td>random</td>
534  </tr>
535  <tr>
536    <td>/scripts.v2/cal2day.bash</td>
537    <td>Convert a day number to a name.</td>
538  </tr>
539  <tr>
540    <td>/scripts.v2/cdhist.bash</td>
541    <td>cd replacement with a directory stack added.</td>
542  </tr>
543  <tr>
544    <td>/scripts.v2/corename</td>
545    <td>Tell what produced a core file.</td>
546  </tr>
547  <tr>
548    <td>/scripts.v2/fman</td>
549    <td>Fast man(1) replacement.</td>
550    <td>manpage</td>
551  </tr>
552  <tr>
553    <td>/scripts.v2/frcp</td>
554    <td>Copy files using ftp(1) but with rcp-type command line syntax.</td>
555  </tr>
556  <tr>
557    <td>/scripts.v2/lowercase</td>
558    <td>Change filenames to lower case.</td>
559    <td>rename lower</td>
560  </tr>
561  <tr>
562    <td>/scripts.v2/ncp</td>
563    <td>A nicer front end for cp(1) (has -i, etc.).</td>
564  </tr>
565  <tr>
566    <td>/scripts.v2/newext</td>
567    <td>Change the extension of a group of files.</td>
568    <td>rename</td>
569  </tr>
570  <tr>
571    <td>/scripts.v2/nmv</td>
572    <td>A nicer front end for mv(1) (has -i, etc.).</td>
573    <td>rename</td>
574  </tr>
575  <tr>
576    <td>/scripts.v2/pages</td>
577    <td>Print specified pages from files.</td>
578  </tr>
579  <tr>
580    <td>/scripts.v2/PERMISSION</td>
581    <td>Permissions to use the scripts in this directory.</td>
582  </tr>
583  <tr>
584    <td>/scripts.v2/pf</td>
585    <td>A pager front end that handles compressed files.</td>
586  </tr>
587  <tr>
588    <td>/scripts.v2/pmtop</td>
589    <td>Poor man's 'top(1)' for SunOS 4.x and BSD/OS.</td>
590  </tr>
591  <tr>
592    <td>/scripts.v2/README</td>
593    <td>README</td>
594  </tr>
595  <tr>
596    <td>/scripts.v2/ren</td>
597    <td>Rename files by changing parts of filenames that match a pattern.</td>
598    <td>rename</td>
599  </tr>
600  <tr>
601    <td>/scripts.v2/rename</td>
602    <td>Change the names of files that match a pattern.</td>
603    <td>rename</td>
604  </tr>
605  <tr>
606    <td>/scripts.v2/repeat</td>
607    <td>Execute a command multiple times.</td>
608    <td>repeat</td>
609  </tr>
610  <tr>
611    <td>/scripts.v2/shprof</td>
612    <td>Line profiler for bash scripts.</td>
613  </tr>
614  <tr>
615    <td>/scripts.v2/untar</td>
616    <td>Unarchive a (possibly compressed) tarfile into a directory.</td>
617  </tr>
618  <tr>
619    <td>/scripts.v2/uudec</td>
620    <td>Carefully uudecode(1) multiple files.</td>
621  </tr>
622  <tr>
623    <td>/scripts.v2/uuenc</td>
624    <td>uuencode(1) multiple files.</td>
625  </tr>
626  <tr>
627    <td>/scripts.v2/vtree</td>
628    <td>Print a visual display of a directory tree.</td>
629    <td>tree</td>
630  </tr>
631  <tr>
632    <td>/scripts.v2/where</td>
633    <td>Show where commands that match a pattern are.</td>
634  </tr>
635  <tr>
636  </tr>
637  <tr>
638    <td>/scripts</td>
639    <td>Example scripts</td>
640  </tr>
641  <tr>
642    <td>/scripts/adventure.sh</td>
643    <td>Text adventure game in bash!</td>
644  </tr>
645  <tr>
646    <td>/scripts/bcsh.sh</td>
647    <td>Bourne shell cshell-emulator.</td>
648    <td>csh</td>
649  </tr>
650  <tr>
651    <td>/scripts/cat.sh</td>
652    <td>Readline-based pager.</td>
653    <td>cat, readline pager</td>
654  </tr>
655  <tr>
656    <td>/scripts/center</td>
657    <td>Center - center a group of lines.</td>
658  </tr>
659  <tr>
660    <td>/scripts/dd-ex.sh</td>
661    <td>Line editor using only /bin/sh, /bin/dd and /bin/rm.</td>
662  </tr>
663  <tr>
664    <td>/scripts/fixfiles.bash</td>
665    <td>Recurse a tree and fix files containing various "bad" chars.</td>
666  </tr>
667  <tr>
668    <td>/scripts/hanoi.bash</td>
669    <td>The inevitable Towers of Hanoi in bash.</td>
670  </tr>
671  <tr>
672    <td>/scripts/inpath</td>
673    <td>Search $PATH for a file the same name as $1; return TRUE if found.</td>
674    <td>inpath</td>
675  </tr>
676  <tr>
677    <td>/scripts/krand.bash</td>
678    <td>Produces a random number within integer limits.</td>
679    <td>random</td>
680  </tr>
681  <tr>
682    <td>/scripts/line-input.bash</td>
683    <td>Line input routine for GNU Bourne-Again Shell plus terminal-control primitives.</td>
684  </tr>
685  <tr>
686    <td>/scripts/nohup.bash</td>
687    <td>bash version of 'nohup' command.</td>
688  </tr>
689  <tr>
690    <td>/scripts/precedence</td>
691    <td>Test relative precedences for '&&' and '||' operators.</td>
692  </tr>
693  <tr>
694    <td>/scripts/randomcard.bash</td>
695    <td>Print a random card from a card deck.</td>
696    <td>random</td>
697  </tr>
698  <tr>
699    <td>/scripts/README</td>
700    <td>README</td>
701  </tr>
702  <tr>
703    <td>/scripts/scrollbar</td>
704    <td>Display scrolling text.</td>
705  </tr>
706  <tr>
707    <td>/scripts/scrollbar2</td>
708    <td>Display scrolling text.</td>
709  </tr>
710  <tr>
711    <td>/scripts/self-repro</td>
712    <td>A self-reproducing script (careful!)</td>
713  </tr>
714  <tr>
715    <td>/scripts/showperm.bash</td>
716    <td>Convert ls(1) symbolic permissions into octal mode.</td>
717  </tr>
718  <tr>
719    <td>/scripts/shprompt</td>
720    <td>Display a prompt and get an answer satisfying certain criteria.</td>
721    <td>ask</td>
722  </tr>
723  <tr>
724    <td>/scripts/spin.bash</td>
725    <td>Display a 'spinning wheel' to show progress.</td>
726  </tr>
727  <tr>
728    <td>/scripts/timeout</td>
729    <td>Give rsh(1) a shorter timeout.</td>
730  </tr>
731  <tr>
732    <td>/scripts/vtree2</td>
733    <td>Display a tree printout of dir in 1k blocks.</td>
734    <td>tree</td>
735  </tr>
736  <tr>
737    <td>/scripts/vtree3</td>
738    <td>Display a graphical tree printout of dir.</td>
739    <td>tree</td>
740  </tr>
741  <tr>
742    <td>/scripts/vtree3a</td>
743    <td>Display a graphical tree printout of dir.</td>
744    <td>tree</td>
745  </tr>
746  <tr>
747    <td>/scripts/websrv.sh</td>
748    <td>A web server in bash!</td>
749  </tr>
750  <tr>
751    <td>/scripts/xterm_title</td>
752    <td>Print the contents of the xterm title bar.</td>
753  </tr>
754  <tr>
755    <td>/scripts/zprintf</td>
756    <td>Emulate printf (obsolete since it's now a bash builtin).</td>
757  </tr>
758  <tr>
759  </tr>
760  <tr>
761    <td>/startup-files</td>
762    <td>Example Start-up files.</td>
763  </tr>
764  <tr>
765    <td>/startup-files/Bash_aliases</td>
766    <td>Some useful aliases (Fox).</td>
767  </tr>
768  <tr>
769    <td>/startup-files/Bash_profile</td>
770    <td>Sample startup file for bash login shells (Fox).</td>
771  </tr>
772  <tr>
773    <td>/startup-files/bash-profile</td>
774    <td>Sample startup file for bash login shells (Ramey).</td>
775  </tr>
776  <tr>
777    <td>/startup-files/bashrc</td>
778    <td>Sample Bourne Again SHell init file (Ramey).</td>
779  </tr>
780  <tr>
781    <td>/startup-files/Bashrc.bfox</td>
782    <td>Sample Bourne Again SHell init file (Fox).</td>
783  </tr>
784  <tr>
785    <td>/startup-files/README</td>
786    <td>README</td>
787  </tr>
788  <tr>
789  </tr>
790  <tr>
791    <td>/startup-files/apple</td>
792    <td>Example Start-up files for Mac OS X.</td>
793  </tr>
794  <tr>
795    <td>/startup-files/apple/aliases</td>
796    <td>Sample aliases for Mac OS X.</td>
797  </tr>
798  <tr>
799    <td>/startup-files/apple/bash.defaults</td>
800    <td>Sample User preferences file.</td>
801  </tr>
802  <tr>
803    <td>/startup-files/apple/environment</td>
804    <td>Sample Bourne Again Shell environment file.</td>
805  </tr>
806  <tr>
807    <td>/startup-files/apple/login</td>
808    <td>Sample login wrapper.</td>
809  </tr>
810  <tr>
811    <td>/startup-files/apple/logout</td>
812    <td>Sample logout wrapper.</td>
813  </tr>
814  <tr>
815    <td>/startup-files/apple/rc</td>
816    <td>Sample Bourne Again Shell config file.</td>
817  </tr>
818  <tr>
819    <td>/startup-files/apple/README</td>
820    <td>README</td>
821  </tr>