2 *  IOFireWireLibDevice.h
3 *  IOFireWireFamily
4 *
5 *  Created by Niels on Thu Feb 27 2003.
6 *  Copyright (c) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
7 *
8 *	$Log: IOFireWireLibDevice.h,v $
9 *	Revision 1.23  2007/10/16 16:50:21  ayanowit
10 *	Removed existing "work-in-progress" support for buffer-fill isoch.
11 *
12 *	Revision 1.22  2007/06/21 04:08:45  collin
13 *	*** empty log message ***
14 *
15 *	Revision 1.21  2007/05/12 01:10:45  arulchan
16 *	Asyncstream transmit command interface
17 *
18 *	Revision 1.20  2007/05/03 01:21:29  arulchan
19 *	Asyncstream transmit APIs
20 *
21 *	Revision 1.19  2007/04/28 02:54:23  collin
22 *	*** empty log message ***
23 *
24 *	Revision 1.18  2007/03/23 01:47:17  collin
25 *	*** empty log message ***
26 *
27 *	Revision 1.17  2007/03/22 00:30:01  collin
28 *	*** empty log message ***
29 *
30 *	Revision 1.16  2007/03/14 02:29:35  collin
31 *	*** empty log message ***
32 *
33 *	Revision 1.15  2007/03/06 04:50:21  collin
34 *	*** empty log message ***
35 *
36 *	Revision 1.14  2007/02/09 20:36:46  ayanowit
37 *	More Leopard IRMAllocation changes.
38 *
39 *	Revision 1.13  2007/01/02 18:14:12  ayanowit
40 *	Enabled building the plug-in lib 4-way FAT. Also, fixed compile problems for 64-bit.
41 *
42 *	Revision 1.12  2006/12/13 21:34:24  ayanowit
43 *	For 4222965, replaced all io async method calls with new Leopard API version.
44 *
45 *	Revision 1.11  2006/09/28 22:31:31  arulchan
46 *	New Feature rdar::3413505
47 *
48 *	Revision 1.10  2006/09/27 22:42:12  ayanowit
49 *	Merged in Leopard changes for new IRMAllocation API.
50 *
51 *	Revision 1.9  2006/09/22 06:45:19  collin
52 *	*** empty log message ***
53 *
54 *	Revision 1.8  2004/05/04 22:52:20  niels
55 *	*** empty log message ***
56 *
57 *	Revision 1.7  2003/11/07 21:24:28  niels
58 *	*** empty log message ***
59 *
60 *	Revision 1.6  2003/09/15 22:17:10  niels
61 *	*** empty log message ***
62 *
63 *	Revision 1.5  2003/09/12 22:35:52  niels
64 *	padding for digidesign
65 *
66 *	Revision 1.4  2003/08/20 18:48:44  niels
67 *	*** empty log message ***
68 *
69 *	Revision 1.3  2003/08/08 21:03:47  gecko1
70 *	Merge max-rec clipping code into TOT
71 *
72 *	Revision 1.2  2003/07/21 06:53:10  niels
73 *	merge isoch to TOT
74 *
75 *	Revision  2003/07/18 00:17:47  niels
76 *	*** empty log message ***
77 *
78 *	Revision  2003/07/01 20:54:23  niels
79 *	isoch merge
80 *
81 */
83#import "IOFireWireLibIUnknown.h"
84#import "IOFireWireLibPriv.h"
86namespace IOFireWireLib {
88	class Device: public IOFireWireIUnknown
89	{
90		friend class DeviceCOM ;
92		protected:
94			bool						mIsInited ;
95			bool						mNotifyIsOn ;
96			mach_port_t					mMasterDevicePort ;
97			mach_port_t					mPort ;
98			io_object_t					mDefaultDevice ;
100			void*						mReserved[4] ;
102			io_connect_t				mConnection ;
104			CFMachPortRef				mAsyncCFPort ;
105			mach_port_t					mAsyncPort ;
106			IOFireWireBusResetHandler	mBusResetHandler ;
107			IOFireWireBusResetDoneHandler mBusResetDoneHandler ;
108			void*						mUserRefCon ;
110			CFRunLoopRef				mRunLoop ;
111			CFRunLoopSourceRef			mRunLoopSource ;
112			CFStringRef					mRunLoopMode ;
114			bool						mIsOpen ;
116			// isoch related
117			CFMachPortRef				mIsochAsyncCFPort ;
118			mach_port_t					mIsochAsyncPort ;
119			CFRunLoopRef				mIsochRunLoop ;
120			CFRunLoopSourceRef			mIsochRunLoopSource ;
121			CFStringRef					mIsochRunLoopMode ;
123		public:
124									Device( const IUnknownVTbl & interface, CFDictionaryRef propertyTable, io_service_t service ) ;
125			virtual					~Device() ;
127			virtual HRESULT			QueryInterface( REFIID iid, LPVOID* ppv ) ;
129			//
130			// general user client support
131			//
132			Boolean					IsInited() const { return mIsInited; }
133			io_object_t				GetDevice() const { return mDefaultDevice; }
134			IOReturn				Open() ;
135			IOReturn				OpenWithSessionRef(
136											IOFireWireSessionRef   session) ;
137			IOReturn				Seize(		// v3+
138											IOOptionBits			inFlags ) ;
139			void					Close() ;
141			//
142			// notification methods
143			//
144			const IOReturn			AddCallbackDispatcherToRunLoop(CFRunLoopRef inRunLoop)	{ return AddCallbackDispatcherToRunLoopForMode( inRunLoop, kCFRunLoopCommonModes ) ; }
145			IOReturn				AddCallbackDispatcherToRunLoopForMode(	// v3+
146											CFRunLoopRef 				inRunLoop,
147											CFStringRef					inRunLoopMode ) ;
148			void					RemoveDispatcherFromRunLoop(
149											CFRunLoopRef		inRunLoop,
150											CFRunLoopSourceRef	inRunLoopSource,
151											CFStringRef			inMode) ;
152			const Boolean			TurnOnNotification(
153											void*				callBackRefCon) ;
154			void					TurnOffNotification() ;
156			const IOFireWireBusResetHandler
157									SetBusResetHandler(
158											IOFireWireBusResetHandler	inBusResetHandler)  ;
159			const IOFireWireBusResetDoneHandler
160									SetBusResetDoneHandler(
161											IOFireWireBusResetDoneHandler	inBusResetDoneHandler)  ;
163			static void				BusResetHandler(
164											void*				refCon,
165											IOReturn			result) ;
166			static void				BusResetDoneHandler(
167											void*				refCon,
168											IOReturn			result) ;
170			// Call this function when you have completed processing a notification.
171			void					ClientCommandIsComplete(
172											FWClientCommandID	commandID,
173											IOReturn			status)						{}
175			// --- FireWire send/recv methods --------------
176			IOReturn 				Read(
177											io_object_t			device,
178											const FWAddress &	addr,
179											void*				buf,
180											UInt32*				size,
181											Boolean				failOnReset = false,
182											UInt32				generation = 0) ;
183			IOReturn 				ReadQuadlet(
184											io_object_t			device,
185											const FWAddress &	addr,
186											UInt32*				val,
187											Boolean				failOnReset = false,
188											UInt32				generation = 0) ;
189			IOReturn 				Write(
190											io_object_t			device,
191											const FWAddress &	addr,
192											const void*			buf,
193											UInt32*				size,
194											Boolean				failOnReset = false,
195											UInt32				generation = 0) ;
196			IOReturn 				WriteQuadlet(
197											io_object_t			device,
198											const FWAddress &	addr,
199											const UInt32		val,
200											Boolean				failOnReset = false,
201											UInt32				generation = 0) ;
202			IOReturn 				CompareSwap(
203											io_object_t			device,
204											const FWAddress &	addr,
205											UInt32 				cmpVal,
206											UInt32 				newVal,
207											Boolean				failOnReset = false,
208											UInt32				generation = 0) ;
209			IOReturn				CompareSwap64(
210											io_object_t				device,
211											const FWAddress &		addr,
212											UInt32*					expectedVal,
213											UInt32*					newVal,
214											UInt32*					oldVal,
215											IOByteCount				size,
216											Boolean 				failOnReset,
217											UInt32					generation = 0) ;
218			//
219			// command object methods
220			//
221			IOFireWireLibCommandRef	CreateReadCommand(
222											io_object_t			device,
223											const FWAddress &	addr,
224											void*				buf,
225											UInt32				size,
226											IOFireWireLibCommandCallback callback,
227											Boolean				failOnReset,
228											UInt32				generation,
229											void*				inRefcon,
230											REFIID				iid) ;
231			IOFireWireLibCommandRef	CreateReadQuadletCommand(
232											io_object_t			device,
233											const FWAddress &	addr,
234											UInt32				quads[],
235											UInt32				numQuads,
236											IOFireWireLibCommandCallback callback,
237											Boolean				failOnReset,
238											UInt32				generation,
239											void*				inRefCon,
240											REFIID				iid) ;
241			IOFireWireLibCommandRef	CreateWriteCommand( io_object_t device, const FWAddress& addr, void* buf, UInt32 size,
242											IOFireWireLibCommandCallback callback, Boolean failOnReset, UInt32 generation,
243											void* inRefCon, REFIID iid) ;
244			IOFireWireLibCommandRef	CreateWriteQuadletCommand( io_object_t device, const FWAddress& addr, UInt32 quads[],
245											UInt32 numQuads, IOFireWireLibCommandCallback callback, Boolean failOnReset,
246											UInt32 generation, void* inRefCon, REFIID iid) ;
247			IOFireWireLibCommandRef	CreateCompareSwapCommand( io_object_t device, const FWAddress& addr, UInt64 cmpVal, UInt64 newVal,
248											unsigned int quads, IOFireWireLibCommandCallback callback, Boolean failOnReset,
249											UInt32 generation, void* inRefCon, REFIID iid) ;
251			//
252			// other methods
253			//
254			IOReturn 				BusReset() ;
255			IOReturn				GetCycleTime(
256											UInt32*				cycleTime) ;
257			IOReturn				GetBusCycleTime(
258											UInt32*				busTime,
259											UInt32 *			cycleTime) ;
260			IOReturn				GetGenerationAndNodeID(
261											UInt32*				outGeneration,
262											UInt16*				outNodeID) ;
263			IOReturn				GetLocalNodeID(
264											UInt16*				outLocalNodeID) ;
265			IOReturn				GetResetTime(
266											AbsoluteTime*		resetTime) ;
268			// address space support
269			IOFireWireLibPseudoAddressSpaceRef
270									CreatePseudoAddressSpace(
271											UInt32 				inSize,
272											void*				inRefCon,
273											UInt32				inQueueBufferSize,
274											void*				inBackingStore,
275											UInt32				inFlags,
276											REFIID				iid)						{ return CreateAddressSpace( inSize, inRefCon, inQueueBufferSize, inBackingStore, inFlags, iid ) ; }
277			IOFireWireLibPhysicalAddressSpaceRef
278									CreatePhysicalAddressSpace(
279											UInt32				inLength,
280											void*				inBackingStore,
281											UInt32				inFlags,
282											REFIID				iid) ;
283			IOFireWireLibPseudoAddressSpaceRef
284									CreateInitialUnitsPseudoAddressSpace(
285											UInt32						inAddressLo,
286											UInt32  					inSize,
287											void*  						inRefCon,
288											UInt32  					inQueueBufferSize,
289											void*  						inBackingStore,
290											UInt32  					inFlags,
291											REFIID  					iid)				{ return CreateAddressSpace( inSize, inRefCon, inQueueBufferSize, inBackingStore, inFlags, iid, true, inAddressLo ) ; }
292			IOFireWireLibPseudoAddressSpaceRef
293									CreateAddressSpace(
294											UInt32						inSize,
295											void*						inRefCon,
296											UInt32						inQueueBufferSize,
297											void*						inBackingStore,
298											UInt32						inFlags,
299											REFIID						iid,
300											Boolean						isInitialUnits = false,
301											UInt32						inAddressLo = 0 ) ;
303			// --- config ROM support ----------------------
304			IOFireWireLibLocalUnitDirectoryRef
305									CreateLocalUnitDirectory(
306											REFIID				iid) ;
307			IOFireWireLibConfigDirectoryRef
308									GetConfigDirectory(
309											REFIID				iid) ;
310			IOFireWireLibConfigDirectoryRef
311									CreateConfigDirectoryWithIOObject(
312											io_object_t			inObject,
313											REFIID				iid) ;
315			// --- debugging -------------------------------
316			IOReturn				FireBugMsg(
317											const char*			msg) ;
318			IOReturn				FireLog( const char * format, va_list ap ) ;
319			IOReturn				FireLog( const char* string, ... ) ;
321			// --- internal use methods --------------------
322			IOReturn				OpenDefaultConnection() ;
323			const io_object_t		GetUserClientConnection() const 	{ return mConnection; }
324			const io_connect_t		GetDefaultDevice() const 			{ return mDefaultDevice; }
326			const CFMachPortRef		GetAsyncCFPort() const 				{ return mAsyncCFPort; }
327			const mach_port_t		GetAsyncPort() const 				{ return mAsyncPort ; }
328			IOReturn				CreateAsyncPorts() ;
329			Boolean					AsyncPortsExist() const 			{ return ((mAsyncCFPort != 0) && (mAsyncPort != 0)); }
330			const CFMachPortRef		GetIsochAsyncCFPort() const 		{ return mIsochAsyncCFPort ; }
331			const mach_port_t		GetIsochAsyncPort() const 			{ return mIsochAsyncPort ; }
332			IOReturn				CreateIsochAsyncPorts() ;
333			const Boolean			IsochAsyncPortsExist() const		{ return ((mIsochAsyncCFPort != 0) && (mIsochAsyncPort != 0)); }
335			IOReturn				CreateCFStringWithOSStringRef(
336											UserObjectHandle	inStringRef,
337											UInt32				inStringLen,
338											CFStringRef*&		text) ;
339			IOReturn				CreateCFDataWithOSDataRef(
340											UserObjectHandle		inDataRef,
341											IOByteCount			inDataLen,
342											CFDataRef*&			data) ;
343			// --- isoch related ----------
344			IOReturn				AddIsochCallbackDispatcherToRunLoop(
345											CFRunLoopRef		inRunLoop)			{ return AddIsochCallbackDispatcherToRunLoopForMode( inRunLoop, kCFRunLoopCommonModes ) ; }
346			IOReturn				AddIsochCallbackDispatcherToRunLoopForMode( // v3+
347											CFRunLoopRef			inRunLoop,
348											CFStringRef 			inRunLoopMode ) ;
349			void					RemoveIsochCallbackDispatcherFromRunLoop() ;	// v3+
350			IOFireWireLibIsochChannelRef
351									CreateIsochChannel(
352											Boolean 				doIrm,
353											UInt32 					packetSize,
354											IOFWSpeed 				prefSpeed,
355											REFIID 					iid) ;
356			IOFireWireLibRemoteIsochPortRef
357									CreateRemoteIsochPort(
358											Boolean					inTalking,
359											REFIID 					iid) ;
360			IOFireWireLibLocalIsochPortRef
361									CreateLocalIsochPortWithOptions(
362											Boolean					talking,
363											DCLCommand*				dclProgram,
364											UInt32					startEvent,
365											UInt32					startState,
366											UInt32					startMask,
367											IOVirtualRange			dclProgramRanges[],			// optional optimization parameters
368											UInt32					dclProgramRangeCount,
369											IOVirtualRange			bufferRanges[],
370											UInt32					bufferRangeCount,
371											IOFWIsochPortOptions	options,
372											REFIID 					iid) ;
373			IOFireWireLibDCLCommandPoolRef
374									CreateDCLCommandPool(
375											IOByteCount 			size,
376											REFIID 					iid ) ;
377			IOReturn 				GetBusGeneration( UInt32* outGeneration ) ;
378			IOReturn 				GetLocalNodeIDWithGeneration( UInt32 checkGeneration, UInt16* outLocalNodeID ) ;
379			IOReturn 				GetRemoteNodeID( UInt32 checkGeneration, UInt16* outRemoteNodeID ) ;
380			IOReturn 				GetSpeedToNode( UInt32 checkGeneration, IOFWSpeed* outSpeed) ;
381			IOReturn 				GetSpeedBetweenNodes( UInt32 checkGeneration, UInt16 srcNodeID, UInt16 destNodeID,  IOFWSpeed* outSpeed) ;
382			IOReturn				GetIRMNodeID( UInt32 checkGeneration, UInt16* irmNodeID ) ;
383			IOReturn				ClipMaxRec2K( Boolean clipMaxRec ) ;
384			IOFireWireSessionRef	GetSessionRef() ;
386			static inline MethodSelector	MakeSelectorWithObject( MethodSelector selector, UserObjectHandle obj )		{ return (MethodSelector)( (unsigned long)obj << 16 | selector & 0xFFFF ) ; }
388			IOFireWireLibVectorCommandRef CreateVectorCommand( IOFireWireLibCommandCallback callback, void* inRefCon,  REFIID iid );
390			IOReturn AllocateIRMBandwidthInGeneration(UInt32 bandwidthUnits, UInt32 generation) ;
392			IOReturn ReleaseIRMBandwidthInGeneration(UInt32 bandwidthUnits, UInt32 generation) ;
394			IOReturn AllocateIRMChannelInGeneration(UInt8 isochChannel, UInt32 generation) ;
396			IOReturn ReleaseIRMChannelInGeneration(UInt8 isochChannel, UInt32 generation) ;
398			IOFireWireLibIRMAllocationRef CreateIRMAllocation(Boolean releaseIRMResourcesOnFree,
399															  IOFireWireLibIRMAllocationLostNotificationProc callback,
400															  void *pLostNotificationProcRefCon,
401															  REFIID iid) ;
403			IOFWAsyncStreamListenerInterfaceRef	CreateAsyncStreamListener(  UInt32		channel,
404																			IOFWAsyncStreamListenerHandler	callback,
405																			void*  		inRefCon,
406																			UInt32  	inQueueBufferSize,
407																			REFIID  	iid ) ;
409			IOFireWireLibCommandRef		CreatePHYCommand(	UInt32							data1,
410															UInt32							data2,
411															IOFireWireLibCommandCallback	callback,
412															Boolean							failOnReset,
413															UInt32							generation,
414															void*							inRefCon,
415															REFIID							iid );
417			IOFireWireLibPHYPacketListenerRef	CreatePHYPacketListener( UInt32 queueCount, REFIID iid );
419			IOFireWireLibCommandRef	CreateAsyncStreamCommand(	UInt32							channel,
420																UInt32							sync,
421																UInt32							tag,
422																void*							buf,
423																UInt32							size,
424																IOFireWireLibCommandCallback	callback,
425																Boolean							failOnReset,
426																UInt32							generation,
427																void*							inRefCon,
428																REFIID							iid);
430			IOReturn GetCycleTimeAndUpTime(	UInt32*		outCycleTime,
431											UInt64*		outUpTime );
432	} ;
435#pragma mark -
436	// ============================================================
437	//
438	// DeviceCOM
439	//
440	// ============================================================
442	class DeviceCOM: public Device
443	{
444		protected:
446			static const IOFireWireDeviceInterface sInterface ;
448		public:
450			DeviceCOM( CFDictionaryRef propertyTable, io_service_t service ) ;
451//			virtual ~DeviceCOM() ;
453			//
454			// --- IUnknown -----------------------
455			//
456			static IOFireWireDeviceInterface**	Alloc( CFDictionaryRef propertyTable, io_service_t service ) ;
458			//
459			// === STATIC METHODS ==========================
460			//
462			//
463			// --- FireWire user client maintenance -----------
464			//
465			static Boolean			SInterfaceIsInited(
466											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self)  ;
467			static io_object_t		SGetDevice(
468											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self) ;
469			static IOReturn			SOpen(
470											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self) ;
471			static IOReturn			SOpenWithSessionRef(
472											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self,
473											IOFireWireSessionRef   session) ;
474			static IOReturn			SSeize(		// v3+
475											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 	self,
476											IOOptionBits			inFlags,
477											... ) ;
478			static void				SClose(
479											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self) ;
481			// --- FireWire notification methods --------------
482			static const Boolean	SNotificationIsOn(
483											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self) ;
485			// This function adds the proper event source to the passed in CFRunLoop. Call this
486			// before trying to use any IOFireWireLib notifications.
487			static const IOReturn	SAddCallbackDispatcherToRunLoop(
488											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 		self,
489											CFRunLoopRef 				inRunLoop) ;
490			static IOReturn			SAddCallbackDispatcherToRunLoopForMode(	// v3+
491											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 		self,
492											CFRunLoopRef 				inRunLoop,
493											CFStringRef					inRunLoopMode ) ;
494			static const void		SRemoveCallbackDispatcherFromRunLoop(
495											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 		self) ;
497			// Makes notification active. Returns false if notification could not be activated.
498			static const Boolean	STurnOnNotification(
499											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef		self) ;
501			// Notification callbacks will no longer be called.
502			static void				STurnOffNotification(
503											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self) ;
504			static const IOFireWireBusResetHandler
505									SSetBusResetHandler(
506											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef		self,
507											IOFireWireBusResetHandler	inBusResetHandler)  ;
508			static const IOFireWireBusResetDoneHandler
509									SSetBusResetDoneHandler(
510											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef		self,
511											IOFireWireBusResetDoneHandler	inBusResetDoneHandler)  ;
513			// Call this function when you have completed processing a notification.
514			static void				SClientCommandIsComplete(
515											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef		self,
516											FWClientCommandID			commandID,
517											IOReturn					status) ;
519			// --- FireWire send/recv methods --------------
520			static IOReturn 		SRead(
521											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef	self,
522											io_object_t 		device,
523											const FWAddress* addr,
524											void*				buf,
525											UInt32*				size,
526											Boolean				failOnReset = false,
527											UInt32				generation = 0) ;
528			static IOReturn 		SReadQuadlet(
529											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 	self,
530											io_object_t 			device,
531											const FWAddress* 		addr,
532											UInt32*					val,
533											Boolean					failOnReset = false,
534											UInt32					generation = 0) ;
535			static IOReturn 		SWrite(
536											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 	self,
537											io_object_t 			device,
538											const FWAddress* 		addr,
539											const void*				buf,
540											UInt32*					size,
541											Boolean					failOnReset = false,
542											UInt32					generation = 0) ;
543			static IOReturn 		SWriteQuadlet(
544											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 	self,
545											io_object_t 			device,
546											const FWAddress* 		addr,
547											const UInt32			val,
548											Boolean					failOnReset = false,
549											UInt32					generation = 0) ;
550			static IOReturn 		SCompareSwap(
551											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 	self,
552											io_object_t				device,
553											const FWAddress* 		addr,
554											UInt32 					cmpVal,
555											UInt32 					newVal,
556											Boolean					failOnReset = false,
557											UInt32					generation = 0) ;
558			static IOReturn			SCompareSwap64( IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, io_object_t device,
559											const FWAddress* addr, UInt32* expectedVal, UInt32* newVal, UInt32* oldVal,
560											IOByteCount size, Boolean failOnReset, UInt32 generation) ;
562			// --- FireWire command object methods ---------
564			static IOFireWireLibCommandRef
565									SCreateReadCommand(
566											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef	self,
567											io_object_t			device,
568											const FWAddress*	addr,
569											void*				buf,
570											UInt32				size,
571											IOFireWireLibCommandCallback callback,
572											Boolean				failOnReset,
573											UInt32				generation,
574											void*				inRefcon,
575											REFIID				iid) ;
576			static IOFireWireLibCommandRef
577									SCreateReadQuadletCommand(
578											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef	self,
579											io_object_t			device,
580											const FWAddress *	addr,
581											UInt32				quads[],
582											UInt32				numQuads,
583											IOFireWireLibCommandCallback callback,
584											Boolean				failOnReset,
585											UInt32				generation,
586											void*				inRefCon,
587											REFIID				iid) ;
588			static IOFireWireLibCommandRef
589									SCreateWriteCommand(
590											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef	self,
591											io_object_t			device,
592											const FWAddress*	addr,
593											void*				buf,
594											UInt32 				size,
595											IOFireWireLibCommandCallback callback,
596											Boolean				failOnReset,
597											UInt32				generation,
598											void*				inRefCon,
599											REFIID				iid) ;
600			static IOFireWireLibCommandRef
601									SCreateWriteQuadletCommand(
602											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef	self,
603											io_object_t			device,
604											const FWAddress *	addr,
605											UInt32				quads[],
606											UInt32				numQuads,
607											IOFireWireLibCommandCallback callback,
608											Boolean				failOnReset,
609											UInt32				generation,
610											void*				inRefCon,
611											REFIID				iid) ;
612			static IOFireWireLibCommandRef
613									SCreateCompareSwapCommand(
614											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef	self,
615											io_object_t			device,
616											const FWAddress *	addr,
617											UInt32 				cmpVal,
618											UInt32 				newVal,
619											IOFireWireLibCommandCallback callback,
620											Boolean				failOnReset,
621											UInt32				generation,
622											void*				inRefCon,
623											REFIID				iid) ;
624			static IOFireWireLibCommandRef
625									SCreateCompareSwapCommand64(IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, io_object_t device, const FWAddress* addr,
626											UInt64 cmpVal, UInt64 newVal, IOFireWireLibCommandCallback callback, Boolean failOnReset,
627											UInt32 generation, void* inRefCon, REFIID iid ) ;
629			// --- other methods ----------
630			static IOReturn			SBusReset(
631											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef			self) ;
632			static IOReturn			SGetCycleTime(
633											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef			self,
634											UInt32*					outCycleTime)
635											{ return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap<Device>::GetThis(self)->GetCycleTime(outCycleTime); }
637			static IOReturn			SGetCycleTimeAndUpTime(
638											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef			self,
639											UInt32*					outCycleTime,
640											UInt64*		outUpTime )
641											{ return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap<Device>::GetThis(self)->GetCycleTimeAndUpTime(outCycleTime, outUpTime); }
643			static IOReturn			SGetBusCycleTime(
644											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef			self,
645											UInt32*					outBusTime,
646											UInt32*					outCycleTime)
647											{ return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap<Device>::GetThis(self)->GetBusCycleTime(outBusTime, outCycleTime); }
648			static IOReturn			SGetGenerationAndNodeID(
649											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self,
650											UInt32*				outGeneration,
651											UInt16*				outNodeID)
652											{ return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap<Device>::GetThis(self)->GetGenerationAndNodeID(outGeneration, outNodeID); }
653			static IOReturn			SGetLocalNodeID(
654											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef	self,
655											UInt16*					outLocalNodeID)
656											{ return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap<Device>::GetThis(self)->GetLocalNodeID(outLocalNodeID); }
657			static IOReturn			SGetResetTime(
658											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef	self,
659											AbsoluteTime*			outResetTime)
660											{ return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap<Device>::GetThis(self)->GetResetTime(outResetTime); }
662			// --- config rom support ----------------------
663			static IOFireWireLibLocalUnitDirectoryRef
664									SCreateLocalUnitDirectory(
665											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef	self,
666											REFIID					iid) ;
668			// --- config directory support ----------------
669			static IOFireWireLibConfigDirectoryRef
670									SGetConfigDirectory(
671											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef	self,
672											REFIID					iid) ;
673			static IOFireWireLibConfigDirectoryRef
674									SCreateConfigDirectoryWithIOObject(
675											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef	self,
676											io_object_t				inObject,
677											REFIID					iid) ;
679			// --- pseudo address space support ------------
680			static IOFireWireLibPseudoAddressSpaceRef
681									SCreatePseudoAddressSpace(
682											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self,
683											UInt32 			inLength,
684											void*			inRefCon,
685											UInt32			inQueueBufferSize,
686											void*			inBackingStore,
687											UInt32			inFlags,
688											REFIID			iid) ;
689			static IOFireWireLibPhysicalAddressSpaceRef
690									SCreatePhysicalAddressSpace(
691											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self,
692											UInt32			inLength,
693											void*			inBackingStore,
694											UInt32			inFlags,
695											REFIID			iid) ;
696			static IOFireWireLibPseudoAddressSpaceRef
697									SCreateInitialUnitsPseudoAddressSpace(
698											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef  	self,
699											UInt32						inAddressLo,
700											UInt32  					inSize,
701											void*  						inRefCon,
702											UInt32  					inQueueBufferSize,
703											void*  						inBackingStore,
704											UInt32  					inFlags,
705											REFIID  					iid) ;
707			// --- debugging -------------------------------
708			static IOReturn			SFireBugMsg(
709											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self,
710											const char *			msg)
711											{ return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap<Device>::GetThis(self)->FireBugMsg(msg); }
712			static IOReturn			SFireLog(
713											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self,
714											const char *		format,
715											... ) ;
717			// --- isoch -----------------------------------
718			static IOReturn			SAddIsochCallbackDispatcherToRunLoop(
719											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 	self,
720											CFRunLoopRef 			inRunLoop) ;
721			static IOReturn			SAddIsochCallbackDispatcherToRunLoopForMode( // v3+
722											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 	self,
723											CFRunLoopRef			inRunLoop,
724											CFStringRef 			inRunLoopMode ) ;
725			static void				SRemoveIsochCallbackDispatcherFromRunLoop(	// v3+
726											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 	self) ;
727			static IOFireWireLibIsochChannelRef
728									SCreateIsochChannel(
729											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef	self,
730											Boolean 				doIrm,
731											UInt32 					packetSize,
732											IOFWSpeed 				prefSpeed,
733											REFIID 					iid) ;
734			static IOFireWireLibRemoteIsochPortRef
735									SCreateRemoteIsochPort(
736											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 	self,
737											Boolean					inTalking,
738											REFIID 					iid) ;
739			static IOFireWireLibLocalIsochPortRef
740									S_CreateLocalIsochPort(
741											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 	self,
742											Boolean					inTalking,
743											DCLCommand*		inDCLProgram,
744											UInt32					inStartEvent,
745											UInt32					inStartState,
746											UInt32					inStartMask,
747											IOVirtualRange			inDCLProgramRanges[],			// optional optimization parameters
748											UInt32					inDCLProgramRangeCount,
749											IOVirtualRange			inBufferRanges[],
750											UInt32					inBufferRangeCount,
751											REFIID 					iid) ;
752			static IOFireWireLibDCLCommandPoolRef
753									SCreateDCLCommandPool(
754											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 	self,
755											IOByteCount 			size,
756											REFIID 					iid ) ;
757			static void*			SGetRefCon(
758											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 	self)		{ return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap<Device>::GetThis(self)->mUserRefCon ; }
759			static void				SSetRefCon(
760											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 	self,
761											const void*				inRefCon )	{ IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap<Device>::GetThis(self)->mUserRefCon = const_cast<void*>(inRefCon) ; }
762			static void				SPrintDCLProgram( IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, const DCLCommand* dcl, UInt32 dclCount )  ;
763			//
764			// v4
765			//
766			static IOReturn SGetBusGeneration( IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, UInt32* outGeneration ) ;
767			static IOReturn SGetLocalNodeIDWithGeneration( IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, UInt32 checkGeneration, UInt16* outLocalNodeID ) ;
768			static IOReturn SGetRemoteNodeID( IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, UInt32 checkGeneration, UInt16* outRemoteNodeID ) ;
769			static IOReturn SGetSpeedToNode( IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, UInt32 checkGeneration, IOFWSpeed* outSpeed) ;
770			static IOReturn SGetSpeedBetweenNodes( IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, UInt32 checkGeneration, UInt16 srcNodeID, UInt16 destNodeID,  IOFWSpeed* outSpeed) ;
773			//
774			// v5
775			//
777			static IOReturn	S_GetIRMNodeID( IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, UInt32 checkGeneration, UInt16* outIRMNodeID ) ;
779			//
780			// v6
781			//
783			static IOReturn	S_ClipMaxRec2K( IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, Boolean clipMaxRec ) ;
784			static IOFireWireLibNuDCLPoolRef				S_CreateNuDCLPool( IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, UInt32 capacity, REFIID iid ) ;
786			//
787			// v7
788			//
790			static IOFireWireSessionRef						S_GetSessionRef( IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self ) ;
792			//
793			// v8
794			//
796			static IOFireWireLibLocalIsochPortRef
797									S_CreateLocalIsochPortWithOptions(
798											IOFireWireLibDeviceRef 	self,
799											Boolean					inTalking,
800											DCLCommand*		inDCLProgram,
801											UInt32					inStartEvent,
802											UInt32					inStartState,
803											UInt32					inStartMask,
804											IOVirtualRange			inDCLProgramRanges[],			// optional optimization parameters
805											UInt32					inDCLProgramRangeCount,
806											IOVirtualRange			inBufferRanges[],
807											UInt32					inBufferRangeCount,
808											IOFWIsochPortOptions	options,
809											REFIID 					iid) ;
811			//
812			// v9
813			//
815			static IOFireWireLibVectorCommandRef S_CreateVectorCommand(
816												IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self,
817												IOFireWireLibCommandCallback callback,
818												void * inRefCon,
819												REFIID iid);
821			static IOReturn S_AllocateIRMBandwidthInGeneration(IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, UInt32 bandwidthUnits, UInt32 generation) ;
823			static IOReturn S_ReleaseIRMBandwidthInGeneration(IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, UInt32 bandwidthUnits, UInt32 generation) ;
825			static IOReturn S_AllocateIRMChannelInGeneration(IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, UInt8 isochChannel, UInt32 generation) ;
827			static IOReturn S_ReleaseIRMChannelInGeneration(IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self, UInt8 isochChannel, UInt32 generation) ;
829			static IOFireWireLibIRMAllocationRef S_CreateIRMAllocation( IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self,
830																		Boolean releaseIRMResourcesOnFree,
831																		IOFireWireLibIRMAllocationLostNotificationProc callback,
832																		void *pLostNotificationProcRefCon,
833																		REFIID iid) ;
835			static IOFWAsyncStreamListenerInterfaceRef S_CreateAsyncStreamListener( IOFireWireLibDeviceRef			self,
836																					UInt32							channel,
837																					IOFWAsyncStreamListenerHandler	callback,
838																					void*							inRefCon,
839																					UInt32							inQueueBufferSize,
840																					REFIID							iid ) ;
842			static mach_port_t S_GetIsochAsyncPort( IOFireWireLibDeviceRef	self );
844			static IOFireWireLibCommandRef	S_CreatePHYCommand(	IOFireWireLibDeviceRef			self,
845																	UInt32							data1,
846																	UInt32							data2,
847																	IOFireWireLibCommandCallback	callback,
848																	Boolean							failOnReset,
849																	UInt32							generation,
850																	void *							inRefCon,
851																	REFIID							iid );
853			static IOFireWireLibPHYPacketListenerRef S_CreatePHYPacketListener(	IOFireWireLibDeviceRef self,
854																				UInt32	queueCount,
855																				REFIID iid );
857			static	IOFireWireLibCommandRef	S_CreateAsyncStreamCommand(	IOFireWireLibDeviceRef			self,
858																		UInt32							channel,
859																		UInt32							sync,
860																		UInt32							tag,
861																		void*							buf,
862																		UInt32							size,
863																		IOFireWireLibCommandCallback	callback,
864																		Boolean							failOnReset,
865																		UInt32							generation,
866																		void*							inRefCon,
867																		REFIID							iid);
869	} ;
870} // namespace