2	File:		Localizable.strings
3	Contains:	Localizable strings for chess
4	Version:	2.0
5	Copyright:	© 2004-2013 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
8"gc_automatch"      = "Auto-Match Player";
9"gc_opponent"       = "Speak Opponent Moves";
10"engine_opponent"   = "Speak Computer Moves";
11"cant_duplicate_gc" = "Cannot duplicate Game Center games";
14  Single letter piece names P(awn) K(night) B(ishop) R(ook) Q(ueen) K(ing)
16  According to the PGN standard for chess notation, the following letters
17  are used internationally:
19  Czech        P J S V D K
20  Danish       B S L T D K
21  Dutch        O P L T D K
22  English      P N B R Q K
23  Estonian     P R O V L K
24  Finnish      P R L T D K
25  French       P C F T D R
26  German       B S L T D K
27  Hungarian    G H F B V K
28  Icelandic    P R B H D K
29  Italian      P C A T D R
30  Norwegian    B S L T D K
31  Polish       P S G W H K
32  Portuguese   P C B T D R
33  Romanian     P C N T D R
34  Spanish      P C A T D R
35  Swedish      B S L T D K
38"pawn_letter" 	= "P";
39"knight_letter"	= "N";
40"bishop_letter" = "B";
41"rook_letter"   = "R";
42"queen_letter"  = "Q";
43"king_letter"   = "K";
46 * Full piece names for VoiceOver. We can't decompose into color & piece
47 * because of gender agreement requirements in some languages.
48 */
49"versus"        = "versus";
50"select_square" = "select";
51"promote_to"    = "promote to";
52"king"		= "king";
53"queen"		= "queen";
54"bishop"        = "bishop";
55"knight"        = "knight";
56"rook"          = "rook";
57"pawn"		= "pawn";
58"kings"		= "kings";
59"queens"        = "queens";
60"bishops"       = "bishops";
61"knights"       = "knights";
62"rooks"         = "rooks";
63"pawns"		= "pawns";
64"white_king"	= "white king";
65"white_queen"	= "white queen";
66"white_bishop"	= "white bishop";
67"white_knight"	= "white knight";
68"white_rook"	= "white rook";
69"white_pawn"	= "white pawn";
70"black_king"	= "black king";
71"black_queen"	= "black queen";
72"black_bishop"	= "black bishop";
73"black_knight"	= "black knight";
74"black_rook"	= "black rook";
75"black_pawn"	= "black pawn";
77/* Game outcomes and other title messages */
78"new_msg"	= "New Game";
79"draw_msg" 	= "Draw!";
80"white_win_msg" = "White wins!";
81"black_win_msg" = "Black wins!";
82"undo_msg"      = "1 Undo";
83"undos_msg"     = "%d Undos";
84"hint_msg"      = "1 Hint";
85"hints_msg"     = "%d Hints";
86"illegal_msg"   = "Illegal Move!";
87"white_move_msg"= "White to Move";
88"black_move_msg"= "Black to Move";
89"takeback_msg"  = "Takeback requested";
90"casual_game"	 = "Casual Game";
91"engine_player" = "Computer";
92"cloud_city"    = "Game Center";
93"cloud_country" = "The Cloud";
95/* Engine thinking mode */
96"fixed_depth_mode"  = "Computer thinks 1 move ahead";
97"fixed_depths_mode" = "Computer thinks %d moves ahead";
98"fixed_time_mode"   = "Computer thinks 1 second per move";
99"fixed_times_mode"  = "Computer thinks %d seconds per move";
101/* Formats for window title:
102 *
103 * title_move_line_fmt  = Move. (... /) <Last Move>
104 * title_move_fmt       = <Piece+Origin> (-/x/@) <Destination+Promotion>
105 * 	e.g.		  e2-e4     Nf3xe5     b7xa8=R     B@f7
106 * title_check_fmt      = <Move> <Check/Checkmate>
107 *  e.g.         Bc4xf7+
108 * game_title_fmt     	= <White Player> - <Black Player> (<Last Move/Side To Move>)
109 *      e.g.              Alekhine - Casablance (3. ... e7 - e6)
110 * game_outcome_fmt     = <Game Title>   <Outcome of Game>
111 */
112"title_move_line_fmt"	= "%@. %@%@";
113"title_move_fmt"       = "%@%@%@";
114"title_check_fmt"      = "%@%@";
115"game_title_fmt"	= "%@ - %@   (%@)";
116"game_outcome_fmt"	= "%@   %@";
118/* Strings for check / checkmate */
119"move_is_check"         = "+";
120"move_is_checkmate"     = "≠";
122/* Formats for moves in game log.
123 *
124 * move_origin_fmt	= <Piece><FromFile><FromRank>
125 *     e.g.               e2     Nf3
126 * drop_origin_fmt      = <Piece>
127 *     e.g.               P      B     R
128 * operation_fmt	= - / x / @
129 * promo_dest_fmt       = <ToFile><ToRank>=<Piece>
130 *     e.g.               a8=Q     d1=N
131 * move_dest_fmt        = <ToFile><ToRank>
132 *     e.g.               e4       d7
133 * dest_check_fmt       = <Dest> <Check/Mate>
134 *     e.g.               e4 +     d1=Q ≠
135 */
136"move_origin_fmt"       = "%@%c%c";
137"drop_origin_fmt"       = "%@";
138"operation_fmt"         = "%C";
139"promo_dest_fmt"        = "%c%c=%@";
140"move_dest_fmt"         = "%c%c";
141"dest_check_fmt"        = "%@ %@";
143/* Draw / Takeback requests */
144"draw_request_text"     = "Your opponent offers a draw.";
145"draw_request_yes"      = "Accept";
146"draw_request_no"       = "Refuse";
147"takeback_request_text" = "Your opponent would like to take back the last move.";
148"takeback_request_yes"  = "Allow";
149"takeback_request_no"   = "Refuse";
150"takeback_refused"      = "Your opponent refused to let you take back this move.";
151"takeback_refused_ok"   = "OK";
153/* Style names */
154"Wood"		= "Wood";
155"Metal"		= "Metal";
156"Marble"	= "Marble";
157"Grass"		= "Grass";
158"Fur"		= "Fur";
159"Glass"		= "Glass";