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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter 2. Enabling Transactions</th>
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28    <div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
29      <div class="titlepage">
30        <div>
31          <div>
32            <h2 class="title"><a id="enabletxn"></a>Chapter 2. Enabling Transactions</h2>
33          </div>
34        </div>
35        <div></div>
36      </div>
37      <div class="toc">
38        <p>
39          <b>Table of Contents</b>
40        </p>
41        <dl>
42          <dt>
43            <span class="sect1">
44              <a href="enabletxn.html#environments">Environments</a>
45            </span>
46          </dt>
47          <dd>
48            <dl>
49              <dt>
50                <span class="sect2">
51                  <a href="enabletxn.html#filenaming">File Naming</a>
52                </span>
53              </dt>
54              <dt>
55                <span class="sect2">
56                  <a href="enabletxn.html#errorsupport">Error Support</a>
57                </span>
58              </dt>
59              <dt>
60                <span class="sect2">
61                  <a href="enabletxn.html#sharedmemory">Shared Memory Regions</a>
62                </span>
63              </dt>
64              <dt>
65                <span class="sect2">
66                  <a href="enabletxn.html#security">Security Considerations</a>
67                </span>
68              </dt>
69            </dl>
70          </dd>
71          <dt>
72            <span class="sect1">
73              <a href="envopen.html">Opening a Transactional Environment and
74            Database
77        </a>
78            </span>
79          </dt>
80        </dl>
81      </div>
82      <p>
83        In order to use transactions with your application, you must turn them
84        on. To do this you must: 
85  </p>
86      <div class="itemizedlist">
87        <ul type="disc">
88          <li>
89            <p>
90            Use an 
91            environment (see <a href="enabletxn.html#environments">Environments</a> for details).
92        </p>
93          </li>
94          <li>
95            <p>
96            Turn on transactions for your environment.
100            <span>
101                You do this by providing the <tt class="literal">DB_INIT_TXN</tt> 
102                flag to the 
104                    <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;open()</tt> 
105                method.
106            </span>
108            <span>
109                Note that initializing the transactional subsystem implies that
110                the logging subsystem is also initialized. Also, note that
111                if you do not initialize transactions when you first create
112                your environment, then you cannot use transactions for that
113                environment after that. This is because DB
114                allocates certain structures needed for transactional
115                locking that are not available if the environment is
116                created without transactional support.
117            </span>
118        </p>
119          </li>
120          <li>
121            <p>
122            Initialize the in-memory cache by
123                <span>
124                    passing the <tt class="literal">DB_INIT_MPOOL</tt>
125                flag to the 
127                    <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;open()</tt> 
128                method.
129                </span>
132        </p>
133          </li>
134          <li>
135            <p>
136            Initialize the locking subsystem. This is what provides locking for concurrent applications. It also is used
137            to perform deadlock detection. See <a href="txnconcurrency.html">Concurrency</a>
138            for more information.
139        </p>
140            <p>
141            You initialize the locking subsystem by
142                <span>
143                    passing the <tt class="literal">DB_INIT_LOCK</tt>
144                flag to the 
146                    <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;open()</tt> 
147                method.
148                </span>
151        </p>
152          </li>
153          <li>
154            <p>
155            Initialize the logging subsystem. While this is enabled by
156            default for transactional applications, we suggest that 
157            you explicitly initialize it anyway for the purposes of code readability. The logging
158            subsystem is what provides your transactional application its durability guarantee, and it is required for
159            recoverability purposes. See <a href="filemanagement.html">Managing DB Files</a>
160            for more information.
161        </p>
162            <p>
163            You initialize the logging subsystem by
164                <span>
165                    passing the <tt class="literal">DB_INIT_LOG</tt>
166                flag to the 
168                    <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;open()</tt> 
169                method.
170                </span>
173        </p>
174          </li>
175          <li>
176            <p>
177            <span>
178                    Transaction-enable your databases. 
179            </span>
180            <span>
181                    If you are using the base API, transaction-enable your databases. 
182            </span>
183            You do this by
186            <span>
187                encapsulating the database open in a transaction.
188            </span>
192             <span>
193             Note that the common practice is for auto commit to be used to
194             transaction-protect the database open. To use auto-commit, you
195             must still enable transactions as described here, but you do
196             not have to explicitly use a transaction when you open your
197             database. An example of this is given in the next section.
198             </span>
199        </p>
200          </li>
201        </ul>
202      </div>
203      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
204        <div class="titlepage">
205          <div>
206            <div>
207              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="environments"></a>Environments</h2>
208            </div>
209          </div>
210          <div></div>
211        </div>
212        <p>
213        For simple DB applications, environments are optional. However, in
214        order to transaction protect your database operations, you must use an
215        environment.
216    </p>
217        <p>
218        An <span class="emphasis"><em>environment</em></span>, represents an
219        encapsulation of one or more databases and any associated log and
220        region files.  They are used to support multi-threaded 
221        and multi-process applications by allowing different threads of
222        control to share the in-memory cache, the locking tables, the
223        logging subsystem, and the file namespace. By sharing these things,
224        your concurrent application is more efficient than if each thread
225        of control had to manage these resources on its own.
226    </p>
227        <p>
228        By default all DB databases are backed by files on disk.  In
229        addition to these files, transactional DB applications create
230        logs that are also by default stored on disk (they can optionally
231        be backed using shared memory). Finally, transactional
232        DB applications also create and use shared-memory regions that
233        are also typically backed by the filesystem. But like databases and
234        logs, the regions can be maintained strictly in-memory if your
235        application requires it. For an example of an application that
236        manages all environment files in-memory, see
237            <span><a href="inmem_txnexample_c.html">In-Memory Transaction Example</a>.</span>
241    </p>
242        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
243          <div class="titlepage">
244            <div>
245              <div>
246                <h3 class="title"><a id="filenaming"></a>File Naming</h3>
247              </div>
248            </div>
249            <div></div>
250          </div>
251          <p>
252            In order to operate, your DB application must be able to
253            locate its database files, log files, and region files. If these
254            are stored in the filesystem, then you must tell DB where
255            they are located (a number of mechanisms exist that allow you to
256            identify the location of these files – see below). Otherwise, 
257            by default they are located in the current working directory.
258        </p>
259          <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
260            <div class="titlepage">
261              <div>
262                <div>
263                  <h4 class="title"><a id="envhome"></a>Specifying the Environment Home Directory</h4>
264                </div>
265              </div>
266              <div></div>
267            </div>
268            <p>
269                The environment home directory is used to determine where
270                DB files are located.  Its location
271                is identified using one of the following mechanisms, in the
272                following order of priority:
273            </p>
274            <div class="itemizedlist">
275              <ul type="disc">
276                <li>
277                  <p>
278                        If no information is given as to where to put the
279                        environment home, then the current working
280                        directory is used.
281                    </p>
282                </li>
283                <li>
284                  <p>
285                    If a home directory is specified on the 
286                        <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;open()</tt>
289                    <span>method,</span>
291                    then that location is always used for the environment
292                    home.
293                    </p>
294                </li>
295                <li>
296                  <p>
297                        If a home directory is not supplied to 
298                        <span><tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;open()</tt>, </span> 
301                        then the directory identified by the <tt class="literal">DB_HOME</tt> environment variable
302                        is used <span class="emphasis"><em>if</em></span> you specify
303                            <span>
304                                either the <tt class="literal">DB_USE_ENVIRON</tt> or
305                                <tt class="literal">DB_USE_ENVIRON_ROOT</tt> flags to the
306                                    <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;open()</tt>
308                                method. Both flags allow you to identify the
309                                path to the environment's home directory
310                                using the <tt class="literal">DB_HOME</tt> environment variable. However,
311                                <tt class="literal">DB_USE_ENVIRON_ROOT</tt> is honored only if the
312                                process is run with root or administrative privileges.
313                             </span>
316                    </p>
317                </li>
318              </ul>
319            </div>
320          </div>
321          <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
322            <div class="titlepage">
323              <div>
324                <div>
325                  <h4 class="title"><a id="filelocation"></a>Specifying File Locations</h4>
326                </div>
327              </div>
328              <div></div>
329            </div>
330            <p>
331                By default, all DB files are created relative to the environment
332                home directory. For example, suppose your environment home is in 
333                    <tt class="literal">/export/myAppHome</tt>. Also suppose you name your database 
334                    <span><tt class="literal">data/myDatabase.db</tt>.</span>
336                Then in this case, the database is placed in:
337                    <span><tt class="literal">/export/myAppHome/data/myDatabase.db</tt>.</span>
339            </p>
340            <p>
341            That said, DB always defers to absolute pathnames.
342            This means that if you provide an absolute filename when you 
343            name your database, then that file is <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span>
344            placed relative to the environment home directory. Instead, it
345            is placed in the exact location that you specified for the
346            filename.
347         </p>
348            <p>
349            On UNIX systems, an absolute pathname is a name that begins with a
350            forward slash ('/'). On Windows systems, an absolute pathname is a
351            name that begins with one of the following:
352        </p>
353            <div class="itemizedlist">
354              <ul type="disc">
355                <li>
356                  <p>
357                    A backslash ('\').
358                </p>
359                </li>
360                <li>
361                  <p>
362                    Any alphabetic letter, followed by a colon (':'), followed
363                    by a backslash ('\').
364                </p>
365                </li>
366              </ul>
367            </div>
368            <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
369              <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
370              <p>
371                Try not to use absolute path names for your 
372                environment's files. Under certain recovery scenarios, absolute path names can
373                render your environment unrecoverable. This occurs if you are attempting to recover 
374                you environment on a system that does not support the absolute path name that you used.
375            </p>
376            </div>
377          </div>
378          <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
379            <div class="titlepage">
380              <div>
381                <div>
382                  <h4 class="title"><a id="splittingdata"></a>Identifying Specific File Locations</h4>
383                </div>
384              </div>
385              <div></div>
386            </div>
387            <p>
388                As described in the previous sections, DB will place all its
389                files in or relative to the environment home directory.
390                You can also cause a
391                specific database file to be placed in a particular location by
392                using an absolute path name for its name. In this
393                situation, the environment's home directory is not
394                considered when naming the file.
395            </p>
396            <p>
397                It is frequently desirable to place database, log, and region files on separate
398                disk drives. By spreading I/O across multiple drives, you
399                can increase parallelism and improve throughput.
400                Additionally, by placing log files and database files on
401                separate drives, you improve your application's
402                reliability by providing your application with a greater
403                chance of surviving a disk failure.
404            </p>
405            <p>
406                You can cause DB's files to be placed in specific
407                locations using the following mechanisms:
408            </p>
409            <div class="informaltable">
410              <table border="1" width="80%">
411                <colgroup>
412                  <col />
413                  <col />
414                </colgroup>
415                <thead>
416                  <tr>
417                    <th>File Type</th>
418                    <th>To Override</th>
419                  </tr>
420                </thead>
421                <tbody>
422                  <tr>
423                    <td>database files</td>
424                    <td>
425                      <p>
426                                You can cause database files to be created
427                                in a directory other than the
428                                environment home by using the
429                                    <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_data_dir()</tt>
432                                method. 
433                                The directory identified
434                                here must exist. If a relative path is
435                                provided, then the directory location is
436                                resolved relative to the environment's home
437                                directory.
438                                </p>
439                      <p>
440                                This method modifies the directory
441                                used for database files created and managed by
442                                a single environment handle; it does not
443                                configure the entire environment. 
444                                <span>This
445                                method may not be called after the
446                                environment has been opened. 
447                                </span>
448                                </p>
449                      <p>
450                                You can also set a default data location that is used by
451                                the entire environment by using the
452                                <tt class="literal">set_data_dir</tt> parameter
453                                in the environment's <tt class="literal">DB_CONFIG</tt> file.
454                                Note that the <tt class="literal">set_data_dir</tt>
455                                parameter overrides any value set by the
456                                    <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_data_dir()</tt>
459                                method.
460                                </p>
461                    </td>
462                  </tr>
463                  <tr>
464                    <td>Log files</td>
465                    <td>
466                      <p>
467                            You can cause log files to be created
468                            in a directory other than the environment home
469                            directory by using the
470                                    <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lg_dir()</tt>
473                                method.  The directory identified
474                                here must exist. If a relative path is
475                                provided, then the directory location is
476                                resolved relative to the environment's home
477                                directory.
478                             </p>
479                      <p>
480                                This method modifies the directory
481                                used for database files created and managed by
482                                a single environment handle; it does not
483                                configure the entire environment. 
484                                <span>This
485                                method may not be called after the
486                                environment has been opened. 
487                                </span>
488                                </p>
489                      <p>
490                                You can also set a default log file location that is used by
491                                the entire environment by using the
492                                <tt class="literal">set_lg_dir</tt> parameter
493                                in the environment's <tt class="literal">DB_CONFIG</tt> file.
494                                Note that the <tt class="literal">set_lg_dir</tt>
495                                parameter overrides any value set by the
496                                    <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lg_dir()</tt>
499                                method.
500                                </p>
501                    </td>
502                  </tr>
503                  <tr>
504                    <td>Region files</td>
505                    <td>
506                                If backed by the filesystem, region
507                                files are always placed in the environment home
508                                directory.
509                            </td>
510                  </tr>
511                </tbody>
512              </table>
513            </div>
514            <p>
515            Note that the <tt class="literal">DB_CONFIG</tt> must reside in the
516            environment home directory. Parameters are specified in it one
517            parameter to a line. Each parameter is followed by a space,
518            which is followed by the parameter value. For example:
519        </p>
520            <pre class="programlisting">    set_data_dir /export1/db/env_data_files </pre>
521          </div>
522        </div>
523        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
524          <div class="titlepage">
525            <div>
526              <div>
527                <h3 class="title"><a id="errorsupport"></a>Error Support</h3>
528              </div>
529            </div>
530            <div></div>
531          </div>
532          <p>
533            To simplify error handling and to aid in application debugging, environments offer several useful
534            methods. 
536            <span>Note that many of these
537            methods are identical to the error handling methods available for the
538            <span>DB</span>
541            <span>structure.</span>
544            </span>
546            They are:
547        </p>
548          <div class="itemizedlist">
549            <ul type="disc">
550              <li>
551                <p>
552                <tt class="methodname">set_errcall()</tt>
554            </p>
555                <p>
556                Defines the function that is called when an error message is
557                issued by DB. The error prefix and message are passed to
558                this callback. It is up to the application to display this
559                information correctly.
560            </p>
561              </li>
562              <li>
563                <p>
564                <tt class="methodname">set_errfile()</tt>
565            </p>
566                <p>
567                Sets the C library <tt class="literal">FILE *</tt> to be used for
568                displaying error messages issued by the DB library.
569            </p>
570              </li>
571              <li>
572                <p>
573                <tt class="methodname">set_errpfx()</tt>
575            </p>
576                <p>
577                Sets the prefix used to for any error messages issued by the
578                DB library.
579            </p>
580              </li>
581              <li>
582                <p>
583                <tt class="methodname">err()</tt>
584            </p>
585                <p>
586                Issues an error message based upon a DB error code a message text that you supply.
587                The error message is sent to the
588                callback function as defined by <tt class="methodname">set_errcall()</tt>.
589                If that method has not been used, then the error message is sent to the
590                file defined by
591                    <span><tt class="methodname">set_errfile()</tt>.</span>
593                If none of these methods have been used, then the error message is sent to
594                standard error.
595            </p>
596                <p>
597                The error message consists of the prefix string
598                (as defined by <tt class="methodname">set_errprefix()</tt>),
599                an optional <tt class="literal">printf</tt>-style formatted message,
600                the DB error message associated with the supplied error code, 
601                and a trailing newline.
602            </p>
603              </li>
604              <li>
605                <p>
606                <tt class="methodname">errx()</tt>
607            </p>
608                <p>
609                Behaves identically to <tt class="methodname">err()</tt> except
610                that you do not provide the DB error code and so 
611                the DB message text is not displayed.
612            </p>
613              </li>
614            </ul>
615          </div>
616          <p>
617        In addition, you can use the <tt class="function">db_strerror()</tt>
618        function to directly return the error string that corresponds to a
619        particular error number. For more information on the 
620        <tt class="function">db_strerror()</tt> function, see the <tt class="literal">Error Returns</tt>
621        section of the <i class="citetitle">Getting Started with Berkeley DB</i> guide. 
622     </p>
623        </div>
624        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
625          <div class="titlepage">
626            <div>
627              <div>
628                <h3 class="title"><a id="sharedmemory"></a>Shared Memory Regions</h3>
629              </div>
630            </div>
631            <div></div>
632          </div>
633          <p>
634            The subsystems that you enable for an environment (in our case,
635            transaction, logging, locking, and the memory pool)
636            are described by one or more regions.  The regions contain all of the
637            state information that needs to be shared among threads and/or
638            processes using the environment.
639        </p>
640          <p>
641            Regions may be backed by the file system, by heap memory, or by
642            system shared memory.
643        </p>
644          <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
645            <div class="titlepage">
646              <div>
647                <div>
648                  <h4 class="title"><a id="filebackedregions"></a>Regions Backed by Files</h4>
649                </div>
650              </div>
651              <div></div>
652            </div>
653            <p>
654           By default, shared memory regions are created as files in the environment's
655           home directory (<span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> the environment's data
656           directory). If it is available, the POSIX <tt class="literal">mmap</tt> 
657           interface is used to map these files into your application's
658           address space. If <tt class="literal">mmap</tt> 
659           is not available, then the UNIX <tt class="literal">shmget</tt> interfaces 
660           are used instead (again, if they are available).
661        </p>
662            <p>
663            In this default case, the region files are named
664            <tt class="literal">__db.###</tt>
665            (for example, <tt class="literal">__db.001</tt>, <tt class="literal">__db.002</tt>, 
666            and so on).
667        </p>
668          </div>
669          <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
670            <div class="titlepage">
671              <div>
672                <div>
673                  <h4 class="title"><a id="heapbackedregions"></a>Regions Backed by Heap Memory</h4>
674                </div>
675              </div>
676              <div></div>
677            </div>
678            <p>
679            If heap memory is used to back your shared memory regions, 
680            the environment may only be
681            accessed by a single process, although that process may be
682            multi-threaded. In this case, the regions are managed only in
683            memory, and they are not written to the filesystem. You
684            indicate that heap memory is to be used for the region files by
685            specifying
686                <span>
687                    <tt class="literal">DB_PRIVATE</tt> to the
688                    <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;open()</tt>
690                    method.
691                </span>
695        </p>
696            <p>
697            (For an example of an entirely in-memory transactional
698            application, see
699                <span>
700                <a href="inmem_txnexample_c.html">In-Memory Transaction Example</a>.)
701                </span>
705        </p>
706          </div>
707          <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
708            <div class="titlepage">
709              <div>
710                <div>
711                  <h4 class="title"><a id="systembackedregions"></a>Regions Backed by System Memory</h4>
712                </div>
713              </div>
714              <div></div>
715            </div>
716            <p>
717            Finally, you can cause system memory to be used for your
718            regions instead of memory-mapped files. You do this by providing
719                <span>
720                    <tt class="literal">DB_SYSTEM_MEM</tt> to the
721                    <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;open()</tt>
723                    method.
724                </span>
727        </p>
728            <p>
729            When region files are backed by system memory, DB creates a
730            single  file in the environment's home directory. This file
731            contains information necessary to identify the system shared
732            memory in use by the environment. By creating this file, DB
733            enables multiple processes to share the environment.
734        </p>
735            <p>
736            The system memory that is used is architecture-dependent. For
737            example, on systems supporting X/Open-style shared memory
738            interfaces, such as UNIX systems, the <tt class="literal">shmget(2)</tt>
739            and related System V IPC interfaces are used. 
741            <span> 
743                Additionally, VxWorks systems use system memory. In these cases,
744                an initial segment ID must be specified by the application to
745                ensure that applications do not overwrite each other's
746                environments, so that the number of segments created does not
747                grow without bounds.  See the 
749                    <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_shm_key()</tt>
752                method for more information.
753            </span>
754        </p>
755            <p>
756            On Windows platforms, the use of system memory for the region files
757            is problematic because the operating system uses reference counting
758            to clean up shared objects in the paging file automatically. In
759            addition, the default access permissions for shared objects are
760            different from files, which may cause problems when an environment
761            is accessed by multiple processes running as different users. See
762                <a href="" target="_top">Windows notes</a>
763            or more information.
764        </p>
765          </div>
766        </div>
767        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
768          <div class="titlepage">
769            <div>
770              <div>
771                <h3 class="title"><a id="security"></a>Security Considerations</h3>
772              </div>
773            </div>
774            <div></div>
775          </div>
776          <p>
777            When using environments, there are some security considerations to
778            keep in mind:
779        </p>
780          <div class="itemizedlist">
781            <ul type="disc">
782              <li>
783                <p>
784                    Database environment permissions
785                </p>
786                <p>
787                    The directory used for the environment
788                    should have its permissions set to ensure that files in the
789                    environment are not accessible to users without appropriate
790                    permissions. Applications that add to the user's permissions
791                    (for example, UNIX <tt class="literal">setuid</tt> or
792                    <tt class="literal">setgid</tt> applications), must be
793                    carefully checked to not permit illegal use of those
794                    permissions such as general file access in the environment
795                    directory.
796                </p>
797              </li>
798              <li>
799                <p>
800                    Environment variables
801                </p>
802                <p>
803                    Setting 
805                    <span>
806                        the <tt class="literal">DB_USE_ENVIRON</tt> or
807                        <tt class="literal">DB_USE_ENVIRON_ROOT</tt> flags 
808                    </span>
811                    so that environment variables can be used during file naming
812                    can be dangerous. Setting those flags in DB
813                    applications with additional permissions (for example, UNIX
814                    <tt class="literal">setuid</tt> or <tt class="literal">setgid</tt> 
815                    applications) could potentially allow users
816                    to read and write databases to which they would not normally
817                    have access.
818                </p>
819                <p>
820                    For example, suppose you write a DB application
821                    that runs <tt class="literal">setuid</tt>. This means that
822                    when the application runs, it does so under a
823                    userid different than that of the application's caller.
824                    This is especially problematic if the application is
825                    granting stronger privileges to a user than the user
826                    might ordinarily have.
827                </p>
828                <p>
829                    Now, if 
830                    <span>
831                        the <tt class="literal">DB_USE_ENVIRON</tt> or
832                        <tt class="literal">DB_USE_ENVIRON_ROOT</tt> flags 
833                        are set for the environment,
834                    </span>
838                    then the environment that the application is
839                    using is modifiable using the
840                    <tt class="literal">DB_HOME</tt> environment variable. In
841                    this scenario, if the uid used by the application has
842                    sufficiently broad privileges, then the application's caller
843                    can read and/or write databases owned by another user
844                    simply by setting his
845                    <tt class="literal">DB_HOME</tt> environment variable to the
846                    environment used by that other user.
847                </p>
848                <p>
849                    Note that this scenario need not be malicious; the
850                    wrong environment could be used by the application
851                    simply by inadvertently specifying the wrong path to 
852                    <tt class="literal">DB_HOME</tt>.
853                </p>
854                <p>
855                    As always, you should use <tt class="literal">setuid</tt>
856                    sparingly, if at all. But if you do use
857                    <tt class="literal">setuid</tt>, then you should refrain from
858                    specifying 
859                    <span>
860                        the <tt class="literal">DB_USE_ENVIRON</tt> or
861                        <tt class="literal">DB_USE_ENVIRON_ROOT</tt> flags 
862                    </span>
864                    for the environment open. And, of course, if you must
865                    use <tt class="literal">setuid</tt>, then make sure you use
866                    the weakest uid possible – preferably one that is
867                    used only by the application itself.
868                </p>
869              </li>
870              <li>
871                <p>
872                    File permissions
873                </p>
874                <p>
875                    By default, DB always creates database and log files readable and
876                    writable by the owner and the group (that is,
877                    <tt class="literal">S_IRUSR</tt>,
878                    <tt class="literal">S_IWUSR</tt>, <tt class="literal">S_IRGRP</tt> and
879                    <tt class="literal">S_IWGRP</tt>; or octal mode 0660 on historic
880                    UNIX systems). The group ownership of created files is based
881                    on the system and directory defaults, and is not further
882                    specified by DB.
883                </p>
884              </li>
885              <li>
886                <p>
887                    Temporary backing files
888                </p>
889                <p>
890                    If an unnamed database is created and the cache is too small
891                    to hold the database in memory, Berkeley DB will create a
892                    temporary physical file to enable it to page the database to
893                    disk as needed. In this case, environment variables such as
894                    <tt class="literal">TMPDIR</tt> may be used to specify the
895                    location of that temporary file. Although temporary backing
896                    files are created readable and writable by the owner only
897                    (<tt class="literal">S_IRUSR</tt> and <tt class="literal">S_IWUSR</tt>,
898                    or octal mode 0600 on historic UNIX systems), some
899                    filesystems may not sufficiently protect temporary files
900                    created in random directories from improper access. To be
901                    absolutely safe, applications storing sensitive data in
902                    unnamed databases should use the 
903                    <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_tmp_dir()</tt>
906                    method to specify a temporary directory with known permissions.
907                </p>
908              </li>
909            </ul>
910          </div>
911        </div>
912      </div>
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