1" zipPlugin.vim: Handles browsing zipfiles
2"            PLUGIN PORTION
3" Date:			Oct 05, 2007
4" Maintainer:	Charles E Campbell, Jr <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM-NOSPAM>
5" License:		Vim License  (see vim's :help license)
6" Copyright:    Copyright (C) 2005,2006 Charles E. Campbell, Jr. {{{1
7"               Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
8"               with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
9"               notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
10"               zipPlugin.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no warranty
11"               of any kind, either expressed or implied. By using this
12"               plugin, you agree that in no event will the copyright
13"               holder be liable for any damages resulting from the use
14"               of this software.
16" (James 4:8 WEB) Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
17" Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
18" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
19" Load Once: {{{1
20if &cp || exists("g:loaded_zipPlugin")
21 finish
23let g:loaded_zipPlugin = "v23"
24let s:keepcpo          = &cpo
25set cpo&vim
27" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
28" Public Interface: {{{1
29augroup zip
30 au!
31 au BufReadCmd   zipfile:*	call zip#Read(expand("<amatch>"), 1)
32 au FileReadCmd  zipfile:*	call zip#Read(expand("<amatch>"), 0)
33 au BufWriteCmd  zipfile:*	call zip#Write(expand("<amatch>"))
34 au FileWriteCmd zipfile:*	call zip#Write(expand("<amatch>"))
36 if has("unix")
37  au BufReadCmd   zipfile:*/*	call zip#Read(expand("<amatch>"), 1)
38  au FileReadCmd  zipfile:*/*	call zip#Read(expand("<amatch>"), 0)
39  au BufWriteCmd  zipfile:*/*	call zip#Write(expand("<amatch>"))
40  au FileWriteCmd zipfile:*/*	call zip#Write(expand("<amatch>"))
41 endif
43 au BufReadCmd   *.zip,*.jar,*.xpi,*.war,*.ear		call zip#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
44augroup END
46" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
47"  Restoration And Modelines: {{{1
48"  vim: fdm=marker
49let &cpo= s:keepcpo
50unlet s:keepcpo