1# This file is a Tcl script to test out [incr Widgets] Menubar class.
2# It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests with the following
3# notation for test case labels:
5#   1.x - Construction/Destruction tests
6#   2.x - Configuration option tests
7#   3.x - Method tests
9# Copyright (c) 1995 DSC Technologies Corporation
11# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
12# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
14# @(#) $Id: menubar.test,v 1.4 2001/08/07 19:56:48 smithc Exp $
16package require tcltest
17namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
19if [catch {package require Iwidgets 4.0}] {
20  # Let's try modifying the auto_path.  Note that the IWIDGETS_LIBRARY
21  # env var is initialized in the Makefile when doing a 'make test'.
22  # If sourcing this file independently, this variable must be set manually.
23  if ![info exists env(IWIDGETS_LIBRARY)] {
24    error "Unable to locate Iwidgets package.  Set your IWIDGETS_LIBRARY\
25      environment\nvariable to the directory that contains iwidgets.tcl"
26  }
27  lappend auto_path $env(IWIDGETS_LIBRARY)
28  package require Iwidgets 4.0
31if {[string compare test [info procs test]] == 1} {
32    source defs
35wm geometry . {}
36raise .
38set c 1
39set o 1
40set m 1
43# Initial construction test
45test Menubar-1.$c {Menubar construction} {
46    iwidgets::Menubar .mb -menubuttons {
47		menubutton file -text File -menu {
48			options -tearoff no
49			command ok -label "Ok"
50			command quit -label "Quit"
51		}
52	}
53    pack .mb 
54    update 
55    .mb add menubutton .other -text Other -menu {
56		radiobutton r1 -label "Radio One"
57		radiobutton r2 -label "Radio Two"
58	}
59    update 
60	.mb add menubutton view -text View -menu {
61		command uno -label Uno
62		command dos -label Dos
63	}
64	update
65	.mb add cascade .view.more -label More -menu {
66		command one -label One
67		command two -label Two
68		cascade extra -label Extra -menu {
69			radiobutton rad1 -label "Choice One"
70			radiobutton rad2 -label "Choice Two"
71			cascade somemore \
72					-label "Some More" \
73					-helpstr "Yet some more" \
74					-menu {
75				command triangle -label "Triangle" -command {puts TRIANGLE}
76				command square -label "Square" -command {puts SQUARE}
77				command octagon -label "Octagon" -command {puts OCTAGON}
78			}
79		}
80	}
81    update 
82} {}
84incr c
87# Option tests which are successful.
89test Menubar-2.$o {configuration option} {
90    llength [.mb configure]
91} {22}
93incr o
95foreach test {
96	{-anchor center center }
97	{-disabledforeground #a3a3a3 #a3a3a3 }
98	{-menubuttons {} {} }
99	{-highlightthickness 0 0 }
100	{-borderwidth 2 2 }
101	{-helpvariable {} {} }
102	{-highlightcolor Black Black }
103	{-font -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* }
104	{-background #CDCDB7B7B5B5 #CDCDB7B7B5B5 }
105	{-highlightbackground #d9d9d9 #d9d9d9 }
106	{-activeborderwidth 2 2 }
107	{-wraplength 0 0 }
108	{-activebackground #ececec #ececec }
109	{-padx 4 4 }
110	{-pady 4 4 }
111	{-justify center center }
112	{-cursor {} {} }
113	{-activeforeground black black }
114	{-width 0 0 }
115	{-height 0 0 }
116	} {
117	set option [lindex $test 0]
118	test Menubar-2.$o "configuration options, $option" {
119	    .mb configure $option [lindex $test 1] 
120		.mb cget $option
121	} [lindex $test 2]
122	update 
123	incr o
127# Menuconfigure Option tests which are successful.
129# This happens to be for a command...
130test Menubar-3.$o {menubar menuconfiguration option} {
131    llength [.mb menuconfigure .file.quit]
132} {15}
134# do menuconfigure tests also...
135foreach test {
136	{ .file.quit -activebackground red red }
137	{ .file.quit -activeforeground red red }
138	{ .file.quit -accelerator {} {}  }
139	{ .file.quit -background red red }
140	{ .file.quit -bitmap {} {} }
141	{ .file.quit -command {} {}   }
142	{ .file.quit -font fixed fixed  }
143	{ .file.quit -foreground  red red }
144	{ .file.quit -image {} {} }
145	{ .file.quit -label hello hello }
146	{ .file.quit -state normal normal }
147	{ .file.quit -underline -1 -1 }
148	{ .file.quit -helpstr {} {} }
149	} {
150		set index  [lindex $test 0]
151		set option [lindex $test 1]
152		test Menubar-2.$o "tab configuration options, $option" {
153			.mb menuconfigure $index $option [lindex $test 2] 
154			.mb menucget $index $option
155		} [lindex $test 3]
156	update 
157	incr o
160# test on cascade item
161# This happens to be for a cascade...
162test Menubar-3.$o {menubar menuconfiguration option} {
163    llength [.mb menuconfigure .view.more]
164} {17}
166# do menuconfigure tests also...
167foreach test {
168	{ .view.more -activebackground red red }
169	{ .view.more -activeforeground red red }
170	{ .view.more -accelerator {} {}  }
171	{ .view.more -background  red red}
172	{ .view.more -bitmap {} {}  }
173	{ .view.more -command {} {}  }
174	{ .view.more -font   }
175	{ .view.more -foreground   }
176	{ .view.more -image {} {}  }
177	{ .view.more -label {} {}  }
178	{ .view.more -state normal normal }
179	{ .view.more -underline -1 -1 }
180	{ .view.more -helpstr {} {} }
181	} {
182		set index  [lindex $test 0]
183		set option [lindex $test 1]
184		test Menubar-2.$o "tab configuration options, $option" {
185			.mb menuconfigure $index $option [lindex $test 2] 
186			.mb menucget $index $option
187		} [lindex $test 3]
188	update 
189	incr o
193# Option tests which fail and produce errors.
195#foreach test {
197#	} {
198#	set option [lindex $test 0]
199#        test Menubar-2.$o "configuration options, $option" {
200#	    list [catch {.bb configure $option [lindex $test 1]} msg] $msg
201#	} [list 1 [lindex $test 2]]
202#	incr o
206# Method tests which are successful.
208foreach test {
209    {{.mb delete 0 end}
210		{}}
211	{{.mb add menubutton .help -text Help}
212		{}}
213	{{.mb add command .help.context -label "On Context..."}
214		{}}
215	{{.mb insert .help.context command index -label "By Index..."}
216		{}}
217	{{.mb delete .help}
218		{}}
219	{{.mb add menubutton .help -text HELP -menu {
220			command index -label "By Index..."
221			command context -label "By Context..."
222			separator sep1
223			command keyword -label "By Keyword..."
224		}}
225		{}}
226	{{.mb delete .help.sep1 .help.keyword}
227		{}}
228	{{.mb menuconfigure .help -text HeLp -menu {
229			command index -label "By Index..."
230			command context -label "By Context..."
231			separator sep1
232			command keyword -label "By Keyword..."
233		}}
234		{}}
235	{{.mb configure -menubuttons {
236		menubutton file -text File -menu {
237			options -tearoff on
238			command ok -label "OK"
239			command quit -label "Quit"
240			}
241		}}
242		{}}
243	{{.mb add menubutton .other -text Other -menu {
244		radiobutton r1 -label "Radio One"
245		radiobutton r2 -label "Radio Two"
246	}}
247		{}}
248	{{.mb insert .other menubutton view -text View -menu {
249		command uno -label Uno
250		command dos -label Dos
251	}}
252		{}}
253	{{.mb add cascade .view.more -label More -menu {
254		command one -label One
255		command two -label Two
256		cascade extra -label Extra -menu {
257			radiobutton rad1 -label "Choice One"
258			radiobutton rad2 -label "Choice Two"
259			cascade somemore \
260					-label "Some More" \
261					-helpstr "Yet some more" \
262					-menu {
263				command triangle -label "Triangle" -command {puts TRIANGLE}
264				command square -label "Square" -command {puts SQUARE}
265				command octagon -label "Octagon" -command {puts OCTAGON}
266			}
267		}
268	}}
269		{}}
270	{{.mb insert .view.uno cascade before -label Before -menu {
271		command red -label Red
272		command green -label Green
273		command blue -label Blue
274	}}
275		{}}
276	{{.mb add menubutton .help -text Help}
277		{}}
278	{{.mb add command .help.context -label "On Context..."}
279		{}}
280	{{.mb insert .help.context command index -label "By Index..."}
281		{}}
282	{{.mb insert .view.before.green cascade colors -label Colors -menu {
283		command orange -label Orange -command "puts ORANGE" -helpstr "orange"
284		separator sep1
285		command purple -label Purple
286	}}
288		{}}
289	{{.mb insert .view.before.colors.purple cascade morecolors -label "More Colors" -menu {}}
290		{}}
291	{{.mb add command .view.before.colors.morecolors.pink -label Pink}
292		{}}
293	{{.mb add command .view.before.colors.morecolors.peach -label Peach}
294		{}}
295	{{.mb add command .view.before.colors.morecolors.yellow -label Yellow}
296		{}}
297	{{.mb menuconfigure .view -text VIEW -menu {
298		command o -label OH -command {puts OH}
299		cascade negative -label Negative -menu {
300			command print -label Print
301			command save -label Save
302		}
303		# Comments are supported.
304#		command dummy -label PlaceHolder
305		cascade plus -label Plus -menu {
306			command yep -label Yep
307			command nope -label Nope
308		}
309	}}
310		{}}
311	{{.mb menuconfigure .view.negative -label NEGATIVE -menu {
312		command print -label PRINT
313		command save -label SAVE
314	}}
315		{}}
316	{{.mb delete .0 .end}
317		{}}
318	} {
319	set method [lindex [lindex $test 0] 1]
320	set method_invoke [lindex $test 0]
322	set testContents "set msg {}\n"
323	append testContents \
324	    "set result \[catch \{[lindex $test 0]\} msg\]\n"
325	append testContents \
326	    "lappend result \[regexp -- \{[lindex $test 1]\} \$msg\] \n"
327	append testContents "set result\n"
328	test Menubar-4.$m "\[$method_invoke\]" $testContents \
329		[list 0 1]
330	update 
331	incr m
335# Method tests which fail and produce errors or results
336# Specifically, deals with method invocation on empty menubar.
338foreach test {
339		{1 {.mb delete .0 .last} 
340			{bad path:}}
341		{0 {.mb index .0} 
342			{-1}}
343		{0 {.mb index .end} 
344			{-1}}
345		{0 {.mb index .last} 
346			{-1}}
347		{0 {.mb index .help} 
348			{-1}}
349		{1 {.mb delete .0} 
350			{bad path:}}
351		{1 {.mb delete .end} 
352			{bad path:}}
353		{1 {.mb delete .last} 
354			{bad path:}}
355		{1 {.mb delete .help} 
356			{bad path:}}
357		{1 {.mb insert .0 menubutton file -text File} 
358			{bad path:}}
359		{1 {.mb insert .end menubutton file -text File} 
360			{bad path:}}
361		{1 {.mb insert .last menubutton file -text File} 
362			{bad path:}}
363		{1 {.mb insert .help menubutton file -text File} 
364			{bad path:}}
365		{1 {.mb invoke .0.0} 
366			{bad path:}}
367		{1 {.mb invoke .end.0} 
368			{bad path:}}
369		{1 {.mb invoke .last.0} 
370			{bad path:}}
371		{1 {.mb invoke .help.0} 
372			{bad path:}}
373		{1 {.mb menucget .0 -text} 
374			{bad path:}}
375		{1 {.mb menucget .end -text} 
376			{bad path:}}
377		{1 {.mb menucget .last -text} 
378			{bad path:}}
379		{1 {.mb menucget .help -text} 
380			{bad path:}}
381		{1 {.mb menuconfigure .0 -text} 
382			{bad path:}}
383		{1 {.mb menuconfigure .end -text} 
384			{bad path:}}
385		{1 {.mb menuconfigure .last -text} 
386			{bad path:}}
387		{1 {.mb menuconfigure .help -text} 
388			{bad path:}}
389		{0 {.mb path *quit} 
390			{}}
391		{1 {.mb type .0.0} 
392			{bad path:}}
393		{1 {.mb type .0.end} 
394			{bad path:}}
395		{1 {.mb type .0.last} 
396			{bad path:}}
397		{1 {.mb type .0.new} 
398			{bad path:}}
399		{1 {.mb yposition .0.new} 
400			{bad path:}}
401	} {
402		set method_status [lindex $test 0]
403		set method_invoke [lindex $test 1]
404		set method [lindex $method_invoke 1]
406		set testContents "set msg {}\n"
407		append testContents \
408		    "set result \[catch \{$method_invoke\} msg\]\n"
409		append testContents \
410		    "lappend result \[regexp -- \{[lindex $test 2]\} \$msg\] \n"
411		append testContents "set result\n"
412		test Menubar-5.$m "\[$method_invoke\]" $testContents \
413			[list $method_status 1]
414	incr m
415	}
418# Method tests which fail and produce errors or results
419# On a non-empty menubar...
420foreach test {
421		{0 {.mb configure -menubuttons {
422			menubutton file -text File -menu {
423				options -tearoff no
424				command ok -label "Ok"
425				command quit -label "Quit"
426			}
427		}}
428			{}}
429		{1 {.mb delete .file.hello} 
430			{bad path}}
431		{0 {.mb index .0.hello} 
432			{-1}}
433		{0 {.mb index .0.quit} 
434			{1}}
435		{0 {.mb index 0.end} 
436			{1}}
437		{0 {.mb index .file.last} 
438			{1}}
439		{0 {.mb index .file.ok} 
440			{0}}
441		{1 {.mb delete .view .file}
442			{bad path:}}
443		{1 {.mb delete .file .help}
444			{bad path:}}
445		{1 {.mb add command .file.menu}
446			{bad name}}
447		{1 {.mb add command .file.last}
448			{bad name}}
449		{1 {.mb add command .file.end}
450			{bad name}}
451		{1 {.mb add command .file.2}
452			{bad name}}
453		{1 {.mb insert .0 menu view -text View} 
454			{bad type}}
455		{1 {.mb insert .file command view -text View} 
456			{bad entry path}}
457		{0 {.mb insert .file menubutton view -text View} 
458			{[.]mb[.]menubar[.]view}}
459		{1 {.mb invoke .0.quit} 
460			{bad path}}
461		{0 {.mb menucget .0 -text} 
462			{View}}
463		{0 {.mb menucget .end -text} 
464			{File}}
465		{0 {.mb menucget .last -text} 
466			{File}}
467		{1 {.mb menucget .help -text} 
468			{bad path}}
469		{0 {.mb menuconfigure .0 -text} 
470			{-text text Text {} View}}
471		{0 {.mb menuconfigure .end.last -label} 
472			{-label {} {} {} Quit}}
473		{0 {.mb menuconfigure .last -text} 
474			{-text text Text {} File}}
475		{1 {.mb menuconfigure .help -text} 
476			{bad path}}
477		{0 {.mb path *quit} 
478			{[.]file[.]quit}}
479		{0 {.mb type .end.0} 
480			{command}}
481		{0 {.mb type .end.end} 
482			{command}}
483		{0 {.mb type .end.last} 
484			{command}}
485		{1 {.mb type .0.new} 
486			{bad path}}
487	} {
488		set method_status [lindex $test 0]
489		set method_invoke [lindex $test 1]
490		set method [lindex $method_invoke 1]
492		set testContents "set msg {}\n"
493		append testContents \
494		    "set result \[catch \{$method_invoke\} msg\]\n"
495		append testContents \
496		    "lappend result \[regexp -- \{[lindex $test 2]\} \$msg\] \n"
497		append testContents "set result\n"
498		test Menubar-5.$m "\[$method_invoke\]" $testContents \
499			[list $method_status 1]
500	incr m
501	}
504# Conclusion of constrcution/destruction tests
506test Menubar-1.$c {Menubar destruction} {
507    destroy .mb
508    update 
509} {}
511incr c
513test Menubar-1.$c {Menubar construction} {
514    iwidgets::Menubar .mb -menubuttons {
515		menubutton file -text File -menu {
516			options -tearoff no
517			command ok -label "Ok"
518			command quit -label "Quit"
519		}
520	}
521    pack .mb 
522    update 
523    .mb add menubutton .other -text Other -menu {
524		radiobutton r1 -label "Radio One"
525		radiobutton r2 -label "Radio Two"
526	}
527    update 
528	.mb add menubutton view -text View -menu {
529		command uno -label Uno
530		command dos -label Dos
531	}
532	update
533	.mb add cascade .view.more -label More -menu {
534		command one -label One
535		command two -label Two
536		cascade extra -label Extra -menu {
537			radiobutton rad1 -label "Choice One"
538			radiobutton rad2 -label "Choice Two"
539			cascade somemore \
540					-label "Some More" \
541					-helpstr "Yet some more" \
542					-menu {
543				command triangle -label "Triangle" -command {puts TRIANGLE}
544				command square -label "Square" -command {puts SQUARE}
545				command octagon -label "Octagon" -command {puts OCTAGON}
546			}
547		}
548	}
549    update 
550} {}
552incr c
554test Menubar-1.$c {Menubar destruction} {
555	destroy .mb
556    update 
557} {}