1/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 * See the LICENSE file for information on copyright, usage and redistribution
3 * of SWIG, and the README file for authors - http://www.swig.org/release.html.
4 *
5 * python.cxx
6 *
7 * Python language module for SWIG.
8 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
10char cvsroot_python_cxx[] = "$Id: python.cxx 11518 2009-08-08 22:56:10Z wsfulton $";
12#include "swigmod.h"
13#include "cparse.h"
15static int treduce = SWIG_cparse_template_reduce(0);
17#include <ctype.h>
19#define PYSHADOW_MEMBER  0x2
21static String *const_code = 0;
22static String *module = 0;
23static String *package = 0;
24static String *mainmodule = 0;
25static String *interface = 0;
26static String *global_name = 0;
27static int shadow = 1;
28static int use_kw = 0;
29static int director_method_index = 0;
31static File *f_begin = 0;
32static File *f_runtime = 0;
33static File *f_runtime_h = 0;
34static File *f_header = 0;
35static File *f_wrappers = 0;
36static File *f_directors = 0;
37static File *f_directors_h = 0;
38static File *f_init = 0;
39static File *f_shadow_py = 0;
40static String *f_shadow = 0;
41static String *f_shadow_imports = 0;
42static String *f_shadow_stubs = 0;
44static String *methods;
45static String *class_name;
46static String *shadow_indent = 0;
47static int in_class = 0;
48static int classic = 0;
49static int modern = 0;
50static int new_repr = 1;
51static int no_header_file = 0;
53static int py3 = 0;
55/* C++ Support + Shadow Classes */
57static int have_constructor;
58static int have_repr;
59static String *real_classname;
61/* Thread Support */
62static int threads = 0;
63static int nothreads = 0;
64static int classptr = 0;
65/* Other options */
66static int shadowimport = 1;
67static int buildnone = 0;
68static int nobuildnone = 0;
69static int safecstrings = 0;
70static int dirvtable = 0;
71static int proxydel = 1;
72static int fastunpack = 0;
73static int fastproxy = 0;
74static int fastquery = 0;
75static int fastinit = 0;
76static int olddefs = 0;
77static int modernargs = 0;
78static int aliasobj0 = 0;
79static int castmode = 0;
80static int extranative = 0;
81static int outputtuple = 0;
82static int nortti = 0;
84/* flags for the make_autodoc function */
85enum autodoc_t {
95static const char *usage1 = (char *) "\
96Python Options (available with -python)\n\
97     -aliasobj0      - Alias obj0 when using fastunpack, needed for some old typemaps \n\
98     -buildnone      - Use Py_BuildValue(" ") to obtain Py_None (default in Windows)\n\
99     -castmode       - Enable the casting mode, which allows implicit cast between types in python\n\
100     -classic        - Use classic classes only\n\
101     -classptr       - Generate shadow 'ClassPtr' as in older swig versions\n\
102     -cppcast        - Enable C++ casting operators (default) \n\
103     -dirvtable      - Generate a pseudo virtual table for directors for faster dispatch \n\
104     -extranative    - Return extra native C++ wraps for std containers when possible \n\
105     -fastinit       - Use fast init mechanism for classes (default)\n\
106     -fastunpack     - Use fast unpack mechanism to parse the argument functions \n\
107     -fastproxy      - Use fast proxy mechanism for member methods \n\
108     -fastquery      - Use fast query mechanism for types \n\
109     -globals <name> - Set <name> used to access C global variable [default: 'cvar']\n\
110     -interface <lib>- Set the lib name to <lib>\n\
111     -keyword        - Use keyword arguments\n\
112     -modern         - Use modern python features only, without compatibility code\n\
113     -modernargs     - Use \"modern\" args mechanism to pack/unpack the function arguments\n";
114static const char *usage2 = (char *) "\
115     -newrepr        - Use more informative version of __repr__ in proxy classes (default) \n\
116     -newvwm         - New value wrapper mode, use only when everything else fails \n\
117     -noaliasobj0    - Don't generate an obj0 alias when using fastunpack (default) \n\
118     -nobuildnone    - Access Py_None directly (default in non-Windows systems)\n\
119     -nocastmode     - Disable the casting mode (default)\n\
120     -nocppcast      - Disable C++ casting operators, useful for generating bugs\n\
121     -nodirvtable    - Don't use the virtual table feature, resolve the python method each time (default)\n\
122     -noexcept       - No automatic exception handling\n\
123     -noextranative  - Don't use extra native C++ wraps for std containers when possible (default) \n\
124     -nofastinit     - Use traditional init mechanism for classes \n\
125     -nofastunpack   - Use traditional UnpackTuple method to parse the argument functions (default) \n\
126     -nofastproxy    - Use traditional proxy mechanism for member methods (default) \n\
127     -nofastquery    - Use traditional query mechanism for types (default) \n\
128     -noh            - Don't generate the output header file\n\
129     -nomodern       - Don't use modern python features which are not back compatible \n\
130     -nomodernargs   - Use classic ParseTuple/CallFunction methods to pack/unpack the function arguments (default) \n";
131static const char *usage3 = (char *) "\
132     -noolddefs      - Don't emit the old method definitions even when using fastproxy (default) \n\
133     -nooutputtuple  - Use a PyList for appending output values (default) \n\
134     -noproxy        - Don't generate proxy classes \n\
135     -noproxydel     - Don't generate the redundant __del__ method \n\
136     -noproxyimport  - Don't insert proxy import statements derived from the %import directive \n\
137     -nortti         - Disable the use of the native C++ RTTI with directors\n\
138     -nosafecstrings - Avoid extra strings copies when possible (default)\n\
139     -nothreads      - Disable thread support for the entire interface\n\
140     -olddefs        - Keep the old method definitions even when using fastproxy\n\
141     -oldrepr        - Use shorter and old version of __repr__ in proxy classes\n\
142     -outputtuple    - Use a PyTuple for outputs instead of a PyList (use carefully with legacy interfaces) \n\
143     -proxydel       - Generate a __del__ method even though it is now redundant (default) \n\
144     -safecstrings   - Use safer (but slower) C string mapping, generating copies from Python -> C/C++\n\
145     -threads        - Add thread support for all the interface\n\
146     -O              - Enable all the optimization options: \n\
147                         -modern -fastdispatch -dirvtable -nosafecstrings -fvirtual -noproxydel \n\
148                         -fastproxy -fastinit -fastunpack -fastquery -modernargs -nobuildnone \n\
149     -py3            - Generate code with Python 3 specific features:\n\
150                         Function annotation \n\
153class PYTHON:public Language {
155  PYTHON() {
156    /* Add code to manage protected constructors and directors */
157    director_prot_ctor_code = NewString("");
158    Printv(director_prot_ctor_code,
159	   "if ( $comparison ) { /* subclassed */\n",
160	   "  $director_new \n",
161	   "} else {\n", "  SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_RuntimeError,\"accessing abstract class or protected constructor\"); \n", "  SWIG_fail;\n", "}\n", NIL);
162    director_multiple_inheritance = 1;
163    director_language = 1;
164  }
166  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
167   * Thread Implementation
168   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
170  int threads_enable(Node *n) const {
171    return threads && !GetFlagAttr(n, "feature:nothread");
172  }
174  int initialize_threads(String *f_init) {
175    if (!threads) {
176      return SWIG_OK;
177    }
178    Printf(f_init, "\n");
179    Printf(f_init, "/* Initialize threading */\n");
180    Printf(f_init, "SWIG_PYTHON_INITIALIZE_THREADS;\n");
182    return SWIG_OK;
183  }
185  virtual void thread_begin_block(Node *n, String *f) {
186    if (!GetFlag(n, "feature:nothreadblock")) {
187      String *bb = Getattr(n, "feature:threadbeginblock");
188      if (bb) {
189	Append(f, bb);
190      } else {
192      }
193    }
194  }
196  virtual void thread_end_block(Node *n, String *f) {
197    if (!GetFlag(n, "feature:nothreadblock")) {
198      String *eb = Getattr(n, "feature:threadendblock");
199      if (eb) {
200	Append(f, eb);
201      } else {
203      }
204    }
205  }
207  virtual void thread_begin_allow(Node *n, String *f) {
208    if (!GetFlag(n, "feature:nothreadallow")) {
209      String *bb = Getattr(n, "feature:threadbeginallow");
210      if (bb) {
211	Append(f, bb);
212      } else {
214      }
215    }
216  }
218  virtual void thread_end_allow(Node *n, String *f) {
219    if (!GetFlag(n, "feature:nothreadallow")) {
220      String *eb = Getattr(n, "feature:threadendallow");
221      if (eb) {
222	Append(f, eb);
223      } else {
225      }
226    }
227  }
229  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
230   * main()
231   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
233  virtual void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
234    int cppcast = 1;
236    SWIG_library_directory("python");
238    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
239      if (argv[i]) {
240	if (strcmp(argv[i], "-interface") == 0) {
241	  if (argv[i + 1]) {
242	    interface = NewString(argv[i + 1]);
243	    Swig_mark_arg(i);
244	    Swig_mark_arg(i + 1);
245	    i++;
246	  } else {
247	    Swig_arg_error();
248	  }
249	  /* end added */
250	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-globals") == 0) {
251	  if (argv[i + 1]) {
252	    global_name = NewString(argv[i + 1]);
253	    Swig_mark_arg(i);
254	    Swig_mark_arg(i + 1);
255	    i++;
256	  } else {
257	    Swig_arg_error();
258	  }
259	} else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-shadow") == 0) || ((strcmp(argv[i], "-proxy") == 0))) {
260	  shadow = 1;
261	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
262	} else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-new_repr") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-newrepr") == 0)) {
263	  new_repr = 1;
264	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
265	} else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-old_repr") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-oldrepr") == 0)) {
266	  new_repr = 0;
267	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
268	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-classptr") == 0) {
269	  classptr = 1;
270	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
271	} else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-noproxy") == 0)) {
272	  shadow = 0;
273	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
274	} else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-noproxyimport") == 0)) {
275	  shadowimport = 0;
276	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
277	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-keyword") == 0) {
278	  use_kw = 1;
279	  SWIG_cparse_set_compact_default_args(1);
280	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
281	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-classic") == 0) {
282	  classic = 1;
283	  modernargs = 0;
284	  modern = 0;
285	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
286	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-cppcast") == 0) {
287	  cppcast = 1;
288	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
289	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nocppcast") == 0) {
290	  cppcast = 0;
291	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
292	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-outputtuple") == 0) {
293	  outputtuple = 1;
294	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
295	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nooutputtuple") == 0) {
296	  outputtuple = 0;
297	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
298	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nortti") == 0) {
299	  nortti = 1;
300	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
301	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-threads") == 0) {
302	  threads = 1;
303	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
304	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nothreads") == 0) {
305	  /* Turn off thread suppor mode */
306	  nothreads = 1;
307	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
308	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-safecstrings") == 0) {
309	  safecstrings = 1;
310	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
311	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nosafecstrings") == 0) {
312	  safecstrings = 0;
313	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
314	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-buildnone") == 0) {
315	  buildnone = 1;
316	  nobuildnone = 0;
317	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
318	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nobuildnone") == 0) {
319	  buildnone = 0;
320	  nobuildnone = 1;
321	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
322	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-dirvtable") == 0) {
323	  dirvtable = 1;
324	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
325	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nodirvtable") == 0) {
326	  dirvtable = 0;
327	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
328	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-fastunpack") == 0) {
329	  fastunpack = 1;
330	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
331	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nofastunpack") == 0) {
332	  fastunpack = 0;
333	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
334	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-fastproxy") == 0) {
335	  fastproxy = 1;
336	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
337	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nofastproxy") == 0) {
338	  fastproxy = 0;
339	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
340	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-fastquery") == 0) {
341	  fastquery = 1;
342	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
343	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nofastquery") == 0) {
344	  fastquery = 0;
345	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
346	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-fastinit") == 0) {
347	  fastinit = 1;
348	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
349	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nofastinit") == 0) {
350	  fastinit = 0;
351	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
352	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-olddefs") == 0) {
353	  olddefs = 1;
354	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
355	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-noolddefs") == 0) {
356	  olddefs = 0;
357	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
358	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-castmode") == 0) {
359	  castmode = 1;
360	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
361	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nocastmode") == 0) {
362	  castmode = 0;
363	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
364	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-extranative") == 0) {
365	  extranative = 1;
366	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
367	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-noextranative") == 0) {
368	  extranative = 0;
369	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
370	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-modernargs") == 0) {
371	  modernargs = 1;
372	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
373	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nomodernargs") == 0) {
374	  modernargs = 0;
375	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
376	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-aliasobj0") == 0) {
377	  aliasobj0 = 1;
378	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
379	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-noaliasobj0") == 0) {
380	  aliasobj0 = 0;
381	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
382	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-proxydel") == 0) {
383	  proxydel = 1;
384	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
385	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-noproxydel") == 0) {
386	  proxydel = 0;
387	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
388	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-modern") == 0) {
389	  classic = 0;
390	  modern = 1;
391	  modernargs = 1;
392	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
393	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nomodern") == 0) {
394	  modern = 0;
395	  modernargs = 0;
396	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
397	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-noh") == 0) {
398	  no_header_file = 1;
399	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
400	} else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-new_vwm") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-newvwm") == 0)) {
401	  /* Turn on new value wrapper mpde */
402	  Swig_value_wrapper_mode(1);
403	  no_header_file = 1;
404	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
405	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-O") == 0) {
406	  classic = 0;
407	  modern = 1;
408	  dirvtable = 1;
409	  safecstrings = 0;
410	  buildnone = 0;
411	  nobuildnone = 1;
412	  classptr = 0;
413	  proxydel = 0;
414	  fastunpack = 1;
415	  fastproxy = 1;
416	  fastinit = 1;
417	  fastquery = 1;
418	  modernargs = 1;
419	  Wrapper_fast_dispatch_mode_set(1);
420	  Wrapper_virtual_elimination_mode_set(1);
421	  Swig_mark_arg(i);
422	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0) {
423	  fputs(usage1, stdout);
424	  fputs(usage2, stdout);
425	  fputs(usage3, stdout);
426	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-py3") == 0) {
427      py3 = 1;
428      Swig_mark_arg(i);
429    }
431      }
432    } /* for */
434    if (py3) {
435        /* force disable features that not compatible with Python 3.x */
436        classic = 0;
437    }
439    if (cppcast) {
440      Preprocessor_define((DOH *) "SWIG_CPLUSPLUS_CAST", 0);
441    }
443    if (!global_name)
444      global_name = NewString("cvar");
445    Preprocessor_define("SWIGPYTHON 1", 0);
446    SWIG_typemap_lang("python");
447    SWIG_config_file("python.swg");
448    allow_overloading();
449  }
452  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
453   * top()
454   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
456  virtual int top(Node *n) {
457    /* check if directors are enabled for this module.  note: this
458     * is a "master" switch, without which no director code will be
459     * emitted.  %feature("director") statements are also required
460     * to enable directors for individual classes or methods.
461     *
462     * use %module(directors="1") modulename at the start of the
463     * interface file to enable director generation.
464     */
465    String *mod_docstring = NULL;
466    {
467      Node *mod = Getattr(n, "module");
468      if (mod) {
469	Node *options = Getattr(mod, "options");
470	if (options) {
471	  int dirprot = 0;
472	  if (Getattr(options, "dirprot")) {
473	    dirprot = 1;
474	  }
475	  if (Getattr(options, "nodirprot")) {
476	    dirprot = 0;
477	  }
478	  if (Getattr(options, "directors")) {
479	    allow_directors();
480	    if (dirprot)
481	      allow_dirprot();
482	  }
483	  if (Getattr(options, "threads")) {
484	    threads = 1;
485	  }
486	  if (Getattr(options, "castmode")) {
487	    castmode = 1;
488	  }
489	  if (Getattr(options, "nocastmode")) {
490	    castmode = 0;
491	  }
492	  if (Getattr(options, "extranative")) {
493	    extranative = 1;
494	  }
495	  if (Getattr(options, "noextranative")) {
496	    extranative = 0;
497	  }
498	  if (Getattr(options, "outputtuple")) {
499	    outputtuple = 1;
500	  }
501	  if (Getattr(options, "nooutputtuple")) {
502	    outputtuple = 0;
503	  }
504	  mod_docstring = Getattr(options, "docstring");
505	  package = Getattr(options, "package");
506	}
507      }
508    }
510    /* Set comparison with none for ConstructorToFunction */
511    setSubclassInstanceCheck(NewString("$arg != Py_None"));
513    /* Initialize all of the output files */
514    String *outfile = Getattr(n, "outfile");
515    String *outfile_h = !no_header_file ? Getattr(n, "outfile_h") : 0;
517    f_begin = NewFile(outfile, "w", SWIG_output_files());
518    if (!f_begin) {
519      FileErrorDisplay(outfile);
520      SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
521    }
522    f_runtime = NewString("");
523    f_init = NewString("");
524    f_header = NewString("");
525    f_wrappers = NewString("");
526    f_directors_h = NewString("");
527    f_directors = NewString("");
529    if (directorsEnabled()) {
530      if (!no_header_file) {
531	f_runtime_h = NewFile(outfile_h, "w", SWIG_output_files());
532	if (!f_runtime_h) {
533	  FileErrorDisplay(outfile_h);
534	  SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
535	}
536      } else {
537	f_runtime_h = f_runtime;
538      }
539    }
541    /* Register file targets with the SWIG file handler */
542    Swig_register_filebyname("header", f_header);
543    Swig_register_filebyname("wrapper", f_wrappers);
544    Swig_register_filebyname("begin", f_begin);
545    Swig_register_filebyname("runtime", f_runtime);
546    Swig_register_filebyname("init", f_init);
547    Swig_register_filebyname("director", f_directors);
548    Swig_register_filebyname("director_h", f_directors_h);
550    const_code = NewString("");
551    methods = NewString("");
553    Swig_banner(f_begin);
555    Printf(f_runtime, "\n");
556    Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIGPYTHON\n");
558    if (directorsEnabled()) {
559      Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_DIRECTORS\n");
560    }
562    if (nothreads) {
563      Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_PYTHON_NO_THREADS\n");
564    } else if (threads) {
565      Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_PYTHON_THREADS\n");
566    }
568    if (safecstrings) {
569      Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_PYTHON_SAFE_CSTRINGS\n");
570    }
572    if (buildnone) {
573      Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_PYTHON_BUILD_NONE\n");
574    }
576    if (nobuildnone) {
577      Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_PYTHON_NO_BUILD_NONE\n");
578    }
580    if (!dirvtable) {
581      Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_PYTHON_DIRECTOR_NO_VTABLE\n");
582    }
584    if (outputtuple) {
585      Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_PYTHON_OUTPUT_TUPLE\n");
586    }
588    if (nortti) {
589      Printf(f_runtime, "#ifndef SWIG_DIRECTOR_NORTTI\n");
590      Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_DIRECTOR_NORTTI\n");
591      Printf(f_runtime, "#endif\n");
592    }
594    if (castmode) {
595      Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_CASTRANK_MODE\n");
596      Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_PYTHON_CAST_MODE\n");
597    }
599    if (extranative) {
600      Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_PYTHON_EXTRA_NATIVE_CONTAINERS\n");
601    }
603    if (classic) {
604      Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_PYTHON_CLASSIC\n");
605    }
607    Printf(f_runtime, "\n");
609    Printf(f_header, "#if (PY_VERSION_HEX <= 0x02000000)\n");
610    Printf(f_header, "# if !defined(SWIG_PYTHON_CLASSIC)\n");
611    Printf(f_header, "#  error \"This python version requires swig to be run with the '-classic' option\"\n");
612    Printf(f_header, "# endif\n");
613    Printf(f_header, "#endif\n");
615    if (modern) {
616      Printf(f_header, "#if (PY_VERSION_HEX <= 0x02020000)\n");
617      Printf(f_header, "# error \"This python version requires swig to be run with the '-nomodern' option\"\n");
618      Printf(f_header, "#endif\n");
619    }
621    if (modernargs) {
622      Printf(f_header, "#if (PY_VERSION_HEX <= 0x02020000)\n");
623      Printf(f_header, "# error \"This python version requires swig to be run with the '-nomodernargs' option\"\n");
624      Printf(f_header, "#endif\n");
625    }
627    if (fastunpack) {
628      Printf(f_header, "#ifndef METH_O\n");
629      Printf(f_header, "# error \"This python version requires swig to be run with the '-nofastunpack' option\"\n");
630      Printf(f_header, "#endif\n");
631    }
633    if (fastquery) {
634      Printf(f_header, "#ifdef SWIG_TypeQuery\n");
635      Printf(f_header, "# undef SWIG_TypeQuery\n");
636      Printf(f_header, "#endif\n");
637      Printf(f_header, "#define SWIG_TypeQuery SWIG_Python_TypeQuery\n");
638    }
641    /* Set module name */
642    module = Copy(Getattr(n, "name"));
643    mainmodule = Getattr(n, "name");
645    if (directorsEnabled()) {
646      Swig_banner(f_directors_h);
647      Printf(f_directors_h, "\n");
648      Printf(f_directors_h, "#ifndef SWIG_%s_WRAP_H_\n", module);
649      Printf(f_directors_h, "#define SWIG_%s_WRAP_H_\n\n", module);
650      if (dirprot_mode()) {
651	Printf(f_directors_h, "#include <map>\n");
652	Printf(f_directors_h, "#include <string>\n\n");
653      }
655      Printf(f_directors, "\n\n");
656      Printf(f_directors, "/* ---------------------------------------------------\n");
657      Printf(f_directors, " * C++ director class methods\n");
658      Printf(f_directors, " * --------------------------------------------------- */\n\n");
659      if (outfile_h)
660	Printf(f_directors, "#include \"%s\"\n\n", Swig_file_filename(outfile_h));
661    }
663    /* If shadow classing is enabled, we're going to change the module name to "_module" */
664    if (shadow) {
665      String *filen = NewStringf("%s%s.py", SWIG_output_directory(), Char(module));
666      // If we don't have an interface then change the module name X to _X
667      if (interface)
668	module = interface;
669      else
670	Insert(module, 0, "_");
671      if ((f_shadow_py = NewFile(filen, "w", SWIG_output_files())) == 0) {
672	FileErrorDisplay(filen);
674      }
675      Delete(filen);
676      filen = NULL;
678      f_shadow = NewString("");
679      f_shadow_imports = NewString("");
680      f_shadow_stubs = NewString("");
682      Swig_register_filebyname("shadow", f_shadow);
683      Swig_register_filebyname("python", f_shadow);
685      Swig_banner_target_lang(f_shadow, "#");
687      if (!modern) {
688	Printv(f_shadow, "# This file is compatible with both classic and new-style classes.\n", NIL);
689      }
691      if (mod_docstring && Len(mod_docstring)) {
692	Printv(f_shadow, "\n\"\"\"\n", mod_docstring, "\n\"\"\"\n", NIL);
693	Delete(mod_docstring);
694	mod_docstring = NULL;
695      }
697      Printv(f_shadow, "\nfrom sys import version_info\n", NULL);
699      if(fastproxy)
700      {
701        Printv(f_shadow, "if version_info >= (3,0,0):\n", NULL);
702        Printf(f_shadow, tab4 "new_instancemethod = lambda func, inst, cls: %s.SWIG_PyInstanceMethod_New(func)\n", module);
703        Printv(f_shadow, "else:\n", NULL);
704        Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "from new import instancemethod as new_instancemethod\n", NULL);
705      }
706      /* Import the C-extension module.  This should be a relative import,
707       * since the shadow module may also have been imported by a relative
708       * import, and there is thus no guarantee that the C-extension is on
709       * sys.path.  Relative imports must be explicitly specified from 2.6.0
710       * onwards (implicit relative imports will raise a DeprecationWarning
711       * in 2.6, and fail in 2.7 onwards), but the relative import syntax
712       * isn't available in python 2.4 or earlier, so we have to write some
713       * code conditional on the python version.
714       */
715      Printv(f_shadow, "if version_info >= (2,6,0):\n", NULL);
716      Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "def swig_import_helper():\n", NULL);
717      Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "from os.path import dirname\n", NULL);
718      Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "import imp\n", NULL);
719      Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "fp = None\n", NULL);
720      Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "try:\n", NULL);
721      Printf(f_shadow, tab4 tab8 "fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module('%s', [dirname(__file__)])\n", module);
722      Printf(f_shadow, tab8 "except ImportError:\n");
723      /* At here, the module may already loaded, so simply import it. */
724      Printf(f_shadow, tab4 tab8 "import %s\n", module);
725      Printf(f_shadow, tab4 tab8 "return %s\n", module);
726      Printv(f_shadow, tab8 "if fp is not None:\n", NULL);
727      Printv(f_shadow, tab4 tab8 "try:\n", NULL);
728      Printf(f_shadow, tab8 tab8 "_mod = imp.load_module('%s', fp, pathname, description)\n", module);
729      Printv(f_shadow, tab4 tab8, "finally:\n", NULL);
730      Printv(f_shadow, tab8 tab8, "fp.close()\n", NULL);
731      Printv(f_shadow, tab4 tab8, "return _mod\n", NULL);
732      Printf(f_shadow, tab4 "%s = swig_import_helper()\n", module);
733      Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "del swig_import_helper\n", NULL);
734      Printv(f_shadow, "else:\n", NULL);
735      Printf(f_shadow, tab4 "import %s\n", module);
737      /* Delete the version_info symbol since we don't use it elsewhere in the
738       * module. */
739      Printv(f_shadow, "del version_info\n", NULL);
741      if (modern || !classic) {
742	Printv(f_shadow, "try:\n", tab4, "_swig_property = property\n", "except NameError:\n", tab4, "pass # Python < 2.2 doesn't have 'property'.\n", NULL);
743      }
744      /* if (!modern) */
745      /* always needed, a class can be forced to be no-modern, such as an exception */
746      {
747	// Python-2.2 object hack
748	Printv(f_shadow,
749	       "def _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,static=1):\n",
750	       tab4, "if (name == \"thisown\"): return self.this.own(value)\n",
751	       tab4, "if (name == \"this\"):\n", tab4, tab4, "if type(value).__name__ == 'SwigPyObject':\n", tab4, tab8, "self.__dict__[name] = value\n",
752#ifdef USE_THISOWN
753	       tab4, tab8, "if hasattr(value,\"thisown\"): self.__dict__[\"thisown\"] = value.thisown\n", tab4, tab8, "del value.thisown\n",
755	       tab4, tab8, "return\n", tab4, "method = class_type.__swig_setmethods__.get(name,None)\n", tab4, "if method: return method(self,value)\n",
756#ifdef USE_THISOWN
757	       tab4, "if (not static) or hasattr(self,name) or (name == \"thisown\"):\n",
759	       tab4, "if (not static) or hasattr(self,name):\n",
761	       tab4, tab4, "self.__dict__[name] = value\n",
762	       tab4, "else:\n",
763	       tab4, tab4, "raise AttributeError(\"You cannot add attributes to %s\" % self)\n\n",
764	       "def _swig_setattr(self,class_type,name,value):\n", tab4, "return _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,0)\n\n", NIL);
766	Printv(f_shadow,
767	       "def _swig_getattr(self,class_type,name):\n",
768	       tab4, "if (name == \"thisown\"): return self.this.own()\n",
769	       tab4, "method = class_type.__swig_getmethods__.get(name,None)\n",
770	       tab4, "if method: return method(self)\n", tab4, "raise AttributeError(name)\n\n", NIL);
772	Printv(f_shadow,
773	       "def _swig_repr(self):\n",
774	       tab4, "try: strthis = \"proxy of \" + self.this.__repr__()\n",
775	       tab4, "except: strthis = \"\"\n", tab4, "return \"<%s.%s; %s >\" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,)\n\n", NIL);
777	if (!classic) {
778          /* Usage of types.ObjectType is deprecated.
779           * But don't sure wether this would broken old Python?
780           */
781	  Printv(f_shadow,
782//		 "import types\n",
783		 "try:\n",
784//		 "    _object = types.ObjectType\n",
785		 "    _object = object\n",
786		 "    _newclass = 1\n", "except AttributeError:\n", "    class _object : pass\n", "    _newclass = 0\n",
787//                 "del types\n",
788                 "\n\n", NIL);
789	}
790      }
791      if (modern) {
792	Printv(f_shadow, "def _swig_setattr_nondynamic_method(set):\n", tab4, "def set_attr(self,name,value):\n",
793#ifdef USE_THISOWN
794	       tab4, tab4, "if hasattr(self,name) or (name in (\"this\", \"thisown\")):\n",
796	       tab4, tab4, "if (name == \"thisown\"): return self.this.own(value)\n", tab4, tab4, "if hasattr(self,name) or (name == \"this\"):\n",
798	       tab4, tab4, tab4, "set(self,name,value)\n",
799	       tab4, tab4, "else:\n",
800	       tab4, tab4, tab4, "raise AttributeError(\"You cannot add attributes to %s\" % self)\n", tab4, "return set_attr\n\n\n", NIL);
801      }
803      if (directorsEnabled()) {
804	// Try loading weakref.proxy, which is only available in Python 2.1 and higher
805	Printv(f_shadow,
806	       "try:\n", tab4, "import weakref\n", tab4, "weakref_proxy = weakref.proxy\n", "except:\n", tab4, "weakref_proxy = lambda x: x\n", "\n\n", NIL);
807      }
808      // Include some information in the code
809      Printf(f_header, "\n/*-----------------------------------------------\n              @(target):= %s.so\n\
810  ------------------------------------------------*/\n", module);
812    }
814    Printf(f_header, "#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000\n");
815    Printf(f_header, "#  define SWIG_init    PyInit_%s\n\n", module);
816    Printf(f_header, "#else\n");
817    Printf(f_header, "#  define SWIG_init    init%s\n\n", module);
818    Printf(f_header, "#endif\n");
819    Printf(f_header, "#define SWIG_name    \"%s\"\n", module);
821    Printf(f_wrappers, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
822    Printf(f_wrappers, "extern \"C\" {\n");
823    Printf(f_wrappers, "#endif\n");
824    Append(const_code, "static swig_const_info swig_const_table[] = {\n");
825    Append(methods, "static PyMethodDef SwigMethods[] = {\n");
827    /* the method exported for replacement of new.instancemethod in Python 3 */
828    add_pyinstancemethod_new();
830    /* emit code */
831    Language::top(n);
833    if (directorsEnabled()) {
834      // Insert director runtime into the f_runtime file (make it occur before %header section)
835      Swig_insert_file("director.swg", f_runtime);
836    }
838    /* Close language module */
839    Append(methods, "\t { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }\n");
840    Append(methods, "};\n");
841    Printf(f_wrappers, "%s\n", methods);
843    SwigType_emit_type_table(f_runtime, f_wrappers);
845    Append(const_code, "{0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0, 0}};\n");
846    Printf(f_wrappers, "%s\n", const_code);
847    initialize_threads(f_init);
849    Printf(f_init, "#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000\n");
850    Printf(f_init, "  return m;\n");
851    Printf(f_init, "#else\n");
852    Printf(f_init, "  return;\n");
853    Printf(f_init, "#endif\n");
854    Printf(f_init, "}\n");
856    Printf(f_wrappers, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
857    Printf(f_wrappers, "}\n");
858    Printf(f_wrappers, "#endif\n");
860    if (shadow) {
861      Printv(f_shadow_py, f_shadow, "\n", NIL);
862      Printv(f_shadow_py, f_shadow_stubs, "\n", NIL);
864      Close(f_shadow_py);
865      Delete(f_shadow_py);
866    }
868    /* Close all of the files */
869    Dump(f_runtime, f_begin);
870    Dump(f_header, f_begin);
872    if (directorsEnabled()) {
873      Dump(f_directors_h, f_runtime_h);
874      Printf(f_runtime_h, "\n");
875      Printf(f_runtime_h, "#endif\n");
876      if (f_runtime_h != f_begin)
877	Close(f_runtime_h);
878      Dump(f_directors, f_begin);
879    }
881    Dump(f_wrappers, f_begin);
882    Wrapper_pretty_print(f_init, f_begin);
884    Delete(f_header);
885    Delete(f_wrappers);
886    Delete(f_init);
887    Delete(f_directors);
888    Delete(f_directors_h);
890    Close(f_begin);
891    Delete(f_runtime);
892    Delete(f_begin);
894    return SWIG_OK;
895  }
897  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
898   * Emit the wrapper for PyInstanceMethod_New to MethodDef array.
899   * This wrapper is used to implement -fastproxy,
900   * as a replacement of new.instancemethod in Python 3.
901   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
902  int add_pyinstancemethod_new()
903  {
904    String* name = NewString("SWIG_PyInstanceMethod_New");
905    Printf(methods, "\t { (char *)\"%s\", (PyCFunction)%s, METH_O, NULL},\n", name, name);
906    Delete(name);
907    return 0;
908  }
910  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
911   * importDirective()
912   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
914  virtual int importDirective(Node *n) {
915    if (shadow) {
916      String *modname = Getattr(n, "module");
918      if (modname) {
919	String *import = NewString("import ");
921	// Find the module node for this imported module.  It should be the
922	// first child but search just in case.
923	Node *mod = firstChild(n);
924	while (mod && Strcmp(nodeType(mod), "module") != 0)
925	  mod = nextSibling(mod);
927	// Is the imported module in another package?  (IOW, does it use the
928	// %module(package="name") option and it's different than the package
929	// of this module.)
930	Node *options = Getattr(mod, "options");
931	String *pkg = options ? Getattr(options, "package") : 0;
932	if (pkg && (!package || Strcmp(pkg, package) != 0)) {
933	  Printf(import, "%s.", pkg);
934	}
935	// finally, output the name of the imported module
936	if (shadowimport) {
937	  if (!options || (!Getattr(options, "noshadow") && !Getattr(options, "noproxy"))) {
938	    Printf(import, "_%s\n", modname);
939	    if (!Strstr(f_shadow_imports, import)) {
940	      if (pkg && (!package || Strcmp(pkg, package) != 0)) {
941	        Printf(f_shadow, "import %s.%s\n", pkg, modname);
942	      } else {
943	        Printf(f_shadow, "import %s\n", modname);
944	      }
945	      Printv(f_shadow_imports, import, NULL);
946	    }
947	  }
948	}
950	Delete(import);
951      }
952    }
953    return Language::importDirective(n);
954  }
956  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
957   * funcCall()
958   *    Emit shadow code to call a function in the extension
959   *    module. Using proper argument and calling style for
960   *    given node n.
961   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
962   String *funcCall(String *name, String *parms) {
963    String *str = NewString("");
965    Printv(str, module, ".", name, "(", parms, ")", NIL);
966    return str;
967   }
970  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
971   * pythoncode()     - Output python code into the shadow file
972   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
974  String *pythoncode(String *code, const_String_or_char_ptr indent) {
975    String *out = NewString("");
976    String *temp;
977    char *t;
978    if (!indent)
979      indent = "";
981    temp = NewString(code);
983    t = Char(temp);
984    if (*t == '{') {
985      Delitem(temp, 0);
986      Delitem(temp, DOH_END);
987    }
989    /* Split the input text into lines */
990    List *clist = DohSplitLines(temp);
991    Delete(temp);
992    int initial = 0;
993    String *s = 0;
994    Iterator si;
995    /* Get the initial indentation */
997    for (si = First(clist); si.item; si = Next(si)) {
998      s = si.item;
999      if (Len(s)) {
1000	char *c = Char(s);
1001	while (*c) {
1002	  if (!isspace(*c))
1003	    break;
1004	  initial++;
1005	  c++;
1006	}
1007	if (*c && !isspace(*c))
1008	  break;
1009	else {
1010	  initial = 0;
1011	}
1012      }
1013    }
1014    while (si.item) {
1015      s = si.item;
1016      if (Len(s) > initial) {
1017	char *c = Char(s);
1018	c += initial;
1019	Printv(out, indent, c, "\n", NIL);
1020      } else {
1021	Printv(out, "\n", NIL);
1022      }
1023      si = Next(si);
1024    }
1025    Delete(clist);
1026    return out;
1027  }
1030  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1031   * autodoc level declarations
1032   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1034  enum autodoc_l {
1035    NO_AUTODOC = -2,		// no autodoc
1036    STRING_AUTODOC = -1,	// use provided string
1037    NAMES_AUTODOC = 0,		// only parameter names
1038    TYPES_AUTODOC = 1,		// parameter names and types
1039    EXTEND_AUTODOC = 2,		// extended documentation and parameter names
1040    EXTEND_TYPES_AUTODOC = 3	// extended documentation and parameter types + names
1041  };
1044  autodoc_l autodoc_level(String *autodoc) {
1045    autodoc_l dlevel = NO_AUTODOC;
1046    if (autodoc) {
1047      char *c = Char(autodoc);
1048      if (c && isdigit(c[0])) {
1049	dlevel = (autodoc_l) atoi(c);
1050      } else {
1051	if (strcmp(c, "extended") == 0) {
1052	  dlevel = EXTEND_AUTODOC;
1053	} else {
1054	  dlevel = STRING_AUTODOC;
1055	}
1056      }
1057    }
1058    return dlevel;
1059  }
1062  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1063   * have_docstring()
1064   *    Check if there is a docstring directive and it has text,
1065   *    or there is an autodoc flag set
1066   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1068  bool have_docstring(Node *n) {
1069    String *str = Getattr(n, "feature:docstring");
1070    return (str != NULL && Len(str) > 0) || (Getattr(n, "feature:autodoc") && !GetFlag(n, "feature:noautodoc"));
1071  }
1073  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1074   * docstring()
1075   *    Get the docstring text, stripping off {} if neccessary,
1076   *    and enclose in triple double quotes.  If autodoc is also
1077   *    set then it will build a combined docstring.
1078   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1080  String *docstring(Node *n, autodoc_t ad_type, const String *indent, bool use_triple = true) {
1081    String *str = Getattr(n, "feature:docstring");
1082    bool have_ds = (str != NULL && Len(str) > 0);
1083    bool have_auto = (Getattr(n, "feature:autodoc") && !GetFlag(n, "feature:noautodoc"));
1084    const char *triple_double = use_triple ? "\"\"\"" : "";
1085    String *autodoc = NULL;
1086    String *doc = NULL;
1088    if (have_ds) {
1089      char *t = Char(str);
1090      if (*t == '{') {
1091	Delitem(str, 0);
1092	Delitem(str, DOH_END);
1093      }
1094    }
1096    if (have_auto) {
1097      autodoc = make_autodoc(n, ad_type);
1098      have_auto = (autodoc != NULL && Len(autodoc) > 0);
1099    }
1100    // If there is more than one line then make docstrings like this:
1101    //
1102    //      """
1103    //      This is line1
1104    //      And here is line2 followed by the rest of them
1105    //      """
1106    //
1107    // otherwise, put it all on a single line
1108    //
1109    if (have_auto && have_ds) {	// Both autodoc and docstring are present
1110      doc = NewString("");
1111      Printv(doc, triple_double, "\n", pythoncode(autodoc, indent), "\n", pythoncode(str, indent), indent, triple_double, NIL);
1112    } else if (!have_auto && have_ds) {	// only docstring
1113      if (Strchr(str, '\n') == NULL) {
1114	doc = NewStringf("%s%s%s", triple_double, str, triple_double);
1115      } else {
1116	doc = NewString("");
1117	Printv(doc, triple_double, "\n", pythoncode(str, indent), indent, triple_double, NIL);
1118      }
1119    } else if (have_auto && !have_ds) {	// only autodoc
1120      if (Strchr(autodoc, '\n') == NULL) {
1121	doc = NewStringf("%s%s%s", triple_double, autodoc, triple_double);
1122      } else {
1123	doc = NewString("");
1124	Printv(doc, triple_double, "\n", pythoncode(autodoc, indent), indent, triple_double, NIL);
1125      }
1126    } else
1127      doc = NewString("");
1129    // Save the generated strings in the parse tree in case they are used later
1130    // by post processing tools
1131    Setattr(n, "python:docstring", doc);
1132    Setattr(n, "python:autodoc", autodoc);
1133    return doc;
1134  }
1136   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1137   * makeParameterName()
1138   *    Note: the generated name should consist with that in kwnames[]
1139   *
1140   * Inputs:
1141   *   n - Node
1142   *   p - parameter node
1143   *   arg_num - parameter argument number
1144   * Return:
1145   *   arg - a unique parameter name
1146   * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1148  String *makeParameterName(ParmList *plist, Parm *p, int arg_num) {
1149    String *arg = 0;
1150    String *pn = Swig_name_make(p, 0, Getattr(p, "name"), 0, 0);
1151    // Use C parameter name unless it is a duplicate or an empty parameter name
1152    int count = 0;
1153    if ( SwigType_isvarargs(Getattr(p, "type")) ) {
1154      return NewString("*args");
1155    }
1156    while (plist) {
1157      if ((Cmp(pn, Getattr(plist, "name")) == 0))
1158        count++;
1159      plist = nextSibling(plist);
1160    }
1161    arg = (!pn || !Len(pn) || (count > 1)) ? NewStringf("arg%d", arg_num) : Copy(pn);
1162    return arg;
1163  }
1166  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1167   * make_autodocParmList()
1168   *   Generate the documentation for the function parameters
1169   *   Parameters:
1170   *    func_annotation: Function annotation support
1171   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1173  String *make_autodocParmList(Node *n, bool showTypes, bool calling=false, bool func_annotation=false) {
1176    String *doc = NewString("");
1177    String *pdocs = Copy(Getattr(n, "feature:pdocs"));
1178    ParmList *plist = CopyParmList(Getattr(n, "parms"));
1179    Parm *p;
1180    Parm *pnext;
1181    Node *lookup;
1184    int lines = 0;
1185    int arg_num = 0;
1186    const int maxwidth = 50;
1188    if(calling)
1189      func_annotation = false;
1191    if (pdocs)
1192      Append(pdocs, "\n");
1194    Swig_typemap_attach_parms("in", plist, 0);
1195    Swig_typemap_attach_parms("doc", plist, 0);
1197    if (Strcmp(ParmList_protostr(plist), "void")==0) {
1198      //No parameters actually
1199      return doc;
1200    }
1202    for (p = plist; p; p = pnext) {
1204      String *tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:in");
1205      if (tm) {
1206	pnext = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
1207        if (checkAttribute(p, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) {
1208          continue;
1209        }
1210      } else {
1211	pnext = nextSibling(p);
1212      }
1214      String *name = 0;
1215      String *type = 0;
1216      String *value = 0;
1217      String *ptype = 0;
1218      String *pdoc = Getattr(p, "tmap:doc");
1219      if (pdoc) {
1220	name = Getattr(p, "tmap:doc:name");
1221	type = Getattr(p, "tmap:doc:type");
1222	value = Getattr(p, "tmap:doc:value");
1223	ptype = Getattr(p, "tmap:doc:pytype");
1224      }
1226      name = name ? name : Getattr(p, "name");
1227      type = type ? type : Getattr(p, "type");
1228      value = value ? value : Getattr(p, "value");
1230      name = makeParameterName(plist, p, arg_num);
1231      // Reset it for convinient in further use. (mainly for makeParameterName())
1232      // Since the plist is created by CopyParmList,
1233      // we can hope that the set would have no side effect
1234      Setattr(p, "name", name);
1236      arg_num++;
1239      if (Len(doc)) {
1240	// add a comma to the previous one if any
1241	Append(doc, ", ");
1243	// Do we need to wrap a long line?
1244	if ((Len(doc) - lines * maxwidth) > maxwidth) {
1245	  Printf(doc, "\n%s", tab4);
1246	  lines += 1;
1247	}
1248      }
1250      type = SwigType_base(type);
1251      lookup = Swig_symbol_clookup(type, 0);
1252      if (lookup)
1253        type = Getattr(lookup, "sym:name");
1255      // Do the param type too?
1256      if (showTypes)
1257        Printf(doc, "%s ", type);
1260      Append(doc, name);
1261      if (pdoc) {
1262        if (!pdocs)
1263          pdocs = NewString("Parameters:\n");
1264        Printf(pdocs, "   %s\n", pdoc);
1265      }
1267      // Write the function annoation
1268      if (func_annotation)
1269        Printf(doc, " : '%s'", type);
1271      // Write default value
1272      if (value && !calling) {
1273        String* pv = pyvalue(value, Getattr(p, "type"));
1274        if (pv)
1275          value = pv;
1276	else {
1277	  lookup = Swig_symbol_clookup(value, 0);
1278	  if (lookup) {
1279	    value = Getattr(lookup, "sym:name");
1280          }
1281	}
1282	Printf(doc, " = %s", value);
1283      }
1284    }
1285    if (pdocs)
1286      Setattr(n, "feature:pdocs", pdocs);
1287    Delete(plist);
1288    return doc;
1289  }
1291  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1292   * make_autodoc()
1293   *    Build a docstring for the node, using parameter and other
1294   *    info in the parse tree.  If the value of the autodoc
1295   *    attribute is "0" then do not include parameter types, if
1296   *    it is "1" (the default) then do.  If it has some other
1297   *    value then assume it is supplied by the extension writer
1298   *    and use it directly.
1299   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1301  String *make_autodoc(Node *n, autodoc_t ad_type) {
1302    int extended = 0;
1303    // If the function is overloaded then this funciton is called
1304    // for the last one.  Rewind to the first so the docstrings are
1305    // in order.
1306    while (Getattr(n, "sym:previousSibling"))
1307      n = Getattr(n, "sym:previousSibling");
1309    String *doc = NewString("");
1310    while (n) {
1311      bool showTypes = false;
1312      bool skipAuto = false;
1313      String *autodoc = Getattr(n, "feature:autodoc");
1314      autodoc_l dlevel = autodoc_level(autodoc);
1315      switch (dlevel) {
1316      case NO_AUTODOC:
1317	break;
1318      case NAMES_AUTODOC:
1319	showTypes = false;
1320	break;
1321      case TYPES_AUTODOC:
1322	showTypes = true;
1323	break;
1324      case EXTEND_AUTODOC:
1325	extended = 1;
1326	showTypes = false;
1327	break;
1328      case EXTEND_TYPES_AUTODOC:
1329	extended = 1;
1330	showTypes = true;
1331	break;
1332      case STRING_AUTODOC:
1333	Append(doc, autodoc);
1334	skipAuto = true;
1335	break;
1336      }
1338      if (!skipAuto) {
1339	String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
1340	SwigType *type = Getattr(n, "type");
1342	if (type) {
1343	  if (Strcmp(type, "void") == 0)
1344	    type = NULL;
1345	  else {
1346	    type = SwigType_base(type);
1347	    Node *lookup = Swig_symbol_clookup(type, 0);
1348	    if (lookup)
1349	      type = Getattr(lookup, "sym:name");
1350	  }
1351	}
1353	switch (ad_type) {
1354	case AUTODOC_CLASS:
1355	  {
1356	    // Only do the autodoc if there isn't a docstring for the class
1357	    String *str = Getattr(n, "feature:docstring");
1358	    if (str == NULL || Len(str) == 0) {
1359	      if (CPlusPlus) {
1360		Printf(doc, "Proxy of C++ %s class", real_classname);
1361	      } else {
1362		Printf(doc, "Proxy of C %s struct", real_classname);
1363	      }
1364	    }
1365	  }
1366	  break;
1367	case AUTODOC_CTOR:
1368	  if (Strcmp(class_name, symname) == 0) {
1369	    String *paramList = make_autodocParmList(n, showTypes);
1370	    if (Len(paramList))
1371	      Printf(doc, "__init__(self, %s) -> %s", paramList, class_name);
1372	    else
1373	      Printf(doc, "__init__(self) -> %s", class_name);
1374	  } else
1375	    Printf(doc, "%s(%s) -> %s", symname, make_autodocParmList(n, showTypes), class_name);
1376	  break;
1378	case AUTODOC_DTOR:
1379	  Append(doc, "__del__(self)");
1380	  break;
1383	  Printf(doc, "%s(%s)", symname, make_autodocParmList(n, showTypes));
1384	  if (type)
1385	    Printf(doc, " -> %s", type);
1386	  break;
1388	case AUTODOC_FUNC:
1389	  Printf(doc, "%s(%s)", symname, make_autodocParmList(n, showTypes));
1390	  if (type)
1391	    Printf(doc, " -> %s", type);
1392	  break;
1395	  String *paramList = make_autodocParmList(n, showTypes);
1396	  if (Len(paramList))
1397	    Printf(doc, "%s(self, %s)", symname, paramList);
1398	  else
1399	    Printf(doc, "%s(self)", symname);
1400	  if (type)
1401	    Printf(doc, " -> %s", type);
1402	  break;
1403	}
1404      }
1405      if (extended) {
1406	String *pdocs = Getattr(n, "feature:pdocs");
1407	if (pdocs) {
1408	  Printv(doc, "\n", pdocs, NULL);
1409	}
1410      }
1412      // if it's overloaded then get the next decl and loop around again
1413      n = Getattr(n, "sym:nextSibling");
1414      if (n)
1415	Append(doc, "\n");
1416    }
1418    return doc;
1419  }
1421  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1422   * pyvalue()
1423   *    Check if string v can be a Python value literal,
1424   *    (eg. number or string), or translate it to a Python literal.
1425   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1426  String* pyvalue(String *v, SwigType *t)
1427  {
1428    if (v && Len(v)>0) {
1429      char fc = (Char(v))[0];
1430      if (('0'<=fc && fc<='9') || '\''==fc || '"'==fc) {
1431        /* number or string (or maybe NULL pointer)*/
1432        if (SwigType_ispointer(t) && Strcmp(v, "0")==0)
1433          return NewString("None");
1434        else
1435          return v;
1436      }
1437      if (Strcmp(v, "true")==0 || Strcmp(v, "FALSE")==0)
1438        return NewString("True");
1439      if (Strcmp(v, "false")==0 || Strcmp(v, "FALSE")==0)
1440        return NewString("False");
1441      if (Strcmp(v, "NULL")==0)
1442        return NewString("None");
1443    }
1444    return 0;
1445  }
1446  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1447   * is_primitive_defaultargs()
1448   *    Check if all the default args have primitive type.
1449   *    (So we can generate proper parameter list with default
1450   *    values..)
1451   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1452  bool is_primitive_defaultargs(Node *n)
1453  {
1454    ParmList *plist = CopyParmList(Getattr(n, "parms"));
1455    Parm *p;
1456    Parm *pnext;
1458    Swig_typemap_attach_parms("in", plist, 0);
1459    for (p = plist; p; p = pnext) {
1460      String *tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:in");
1461      if (tm) {
1462        pnext = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
1463        if (checkAttribute(p, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) {
1464          continue;
1465        }
1466      } else {
1467        pnext = nextSibling(p);
1468      }
1469      String *type = Getattr(p, "type");
1470      String *value = Getattr(p, "value");
1471      if (!pyvalue(value, type))
1472        return false;
1473    }
1474    return true;
1475  }
1478  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1479   * is_real_overloaded()
1480   *   Check if the function is overloaded, but not just have some
1481   *   siblings generated due to the original function have
1482   *   default arguments.
1483   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1484  bool is_real_overloaded(Node *n)
1485  {
1486    Node *h = Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded");
1487    Node *i;
1488    if (!h)
1489      return false;
1491    i = Getattr(h, "sym:nextSibling");
1492    while (i) {
1493      Node *nn = Getattr(i, "defaultargs");
1494      if (nn != h) {
1495        /* Check if overloaded function has defaultargs and
1496         * pointed to the first overloaded. */
1497        return true;
1498      }
1499      i = Getattr(i, "sym:nextSibling");
1500    }
1502    return false;
1503  }
1505  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1506   * make_pyParmList()
1507   *    Generate parameter list for Python functions or methods,
1508   *    reuse make_autodocParmList() to do so.
1509   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1510  String* make_pyParmList(Node *n, bool in_class, bool is_calling, int kw)
1511  {
1512    /* Get the original function for a defaultargs copy,
1513     * see default_arguments() in parser.y. */
1514    Node *nn = Getattr(n, "defaultargs");
1515    if (nn) n = nn;
1517    /* For overloaded function, just use *args */
1518    if (is_real_overloaded(n) ||
1519        GetFlag(n, "feature:compactdefaultargs") ||
1520        !is_primitive_defaultargs(n))
1521    {
1522      String *parms = NewString("");
1523      if(in_class)
1524        Printf(parms, "self, ");
1525      Printf(parms, "*args");
1526      if (kw)
1527        Printf(parms, ", **kwargs");
1528      return parms;
1529    }
1531    bool funcanno = py3 ? true : false;
1532    String *params = NewString("");
1533    String *_params = make_autodocParmList(n, false, is_calling, funcanno);
1535    if (in_class)
1536    {
1537      Printf(params, "self");
1538      if(Len(_params) > 0)
1539        Printf(params, ", ");
1540    }
1542    Printv(params, _params, NULL);
1544    return params;
1545  }
1547  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1548   * have_pythonprepend()
1549   *    Check if there is a %pythonprepend directive and it has text
1550   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1552  bool have_pythonprepend(Node *n) {
1553    String *str = Getattr(n, "feature:pythonprepend");
1554    return (str != NULL && Len(str) > 0);
1555  }
1557  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1558   * pythonprepend()
1559   *    Get the %pythonprepend code, stripping off {} if neccessary
1560   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1562  String *pythonprepend(Node *n) {
1563    String *str = Getattr(n, "feature:pythonprepend");
1564    char *t = Char(str);
1565    if (*t == '{') {
1566      Delitem(str, 0);
1567      Delitem(str, DOH_END);
1568    }
1569    return str;
1570  }
1572  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1573   * have_pythonappend()
1574   *    Check if there is a %pythonappend directive and it has text
1575   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1577  bool have_pythonappend(Node *n) {
1578    String *str = Getattr(n, "feature:pythonappend");
1579    if (!str)
1580      str = Getattr(n, "feature:addtofunc");
1581    return (str != NULL && Len(str) > 0);
1582  }
1584  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1585   * pythonappend()
1586   *    Get the %pythonappend code, stripping off {} if neccessary
1587   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1589  String *pythonappend(Node *n) {
1590    String *str = Getattr(n, "feature:pythonappend");
1591    if (!str)
1592      str = Getattr(n, "feature:addtofunc");
1594    char *t = Char(str);
1595    if (*t == '{') {
1596      Delitem(str, 0);
1597      Delitem(str, DOH_END);
1598    }
1599    return str;
1600  }
1602  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1603   * have_addtofunc()
1604   *    Check if there is a %addtofunc directive and it has text
1605   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1607  bool have_addtofunc(Node *n) {
1608    return have_pythonappend(n) || have_pythonprepend(n) || have_docstring(n);
1609  }
1612  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1613   * returnTypeAnnotation()
1614   *    Helper function for constructing the function annotation
1615   *    of the returning type, return a empty string for Python 2.x
1616   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1617  String* returnTypeAnnotation(Node *n)
1618  {
1619    String *ret=0;
1620    Parm *p = Getattr(n, "parms");
1621    String *tm;
1622    /* Try to guess the returning type by argout typemap,
1623     * however the result may not accurate. */
1624    while (p) {
1625      if ((tm=Getattr(p, "tmap:argout:match_type"))) {
1626        tm = SwigType_str(tm, 0);
1627	if (ret)
1628          Printv(ret, ", ", tm, NULL);
1629        else
1630          ret = tm;
1631        p = Getattr(p, "tmap:argout:next");
1632      } else {
1633	p = nextSibling(p);
1634      }
1635    }
1636    /* If no argout typemap, then get the returning type from
1637     * the function prototype. */
1638    if (!ret) {
1639      ret = Getattr(n, "type");
1640      if (ret) ret = SwigType_str(ret, 0);
1641    }
1642    return (ret && py3) ? NewStringf(" -> \"%s\" ", ret)
1643                        : NewString("");
1644  }
1646  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1647   * emitFunctionShadowHelper()
1648   *    Refactoring some common code out of functionWrapper and
1649   *    dispatchFunction that writes the proxy code for non-member
1650   *    functions.
1651   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1653  void emitFunctionShadowHelper(Node *n, File *f_dest, String *name, int kw) {
1654    String *parms = make_pyParmList(n, false, false, kw);
1655    String *callParms = make_pyParmList(n, false, true, kw);
1656    /* Make a wrapper function to insert the code into */
1657    Printv(f_dest, "\ndef ", name, "(", parms, ")", returnTypeAnnotation(n), ":\n", NIL);
1658    if (have_docstring(n))
1659      Printv(f_dest, "  ", docstring(n, AUTODOC_FUNC, tab4), "\n", NIL);
1660    if (have_pythonprepend(n))
1661      Printv(f_dest, pythoncode(pythonprepend(n), "  "), "\n", NIL);
1662    if (have_pythonappend(n)) {
1663      Printv(f_dest, "  val = ", funcCall(name, callParms), "\n", NIL);
1664      Printv(f_dest, pythoncode(pythonappend(n), "  "), "\n", NIL);
1665      Printv(f_dest, "  return val\n", NIL);
1666    } else {
1667	Printv(f_dest, "  return ", funcCall(name, callParms), "\n", NIL);
1668    }
1670    if (Getattr(n, "feature:python:callback") || !have_addtofunc(n)) {
1671      /* If there is no addtofunc directive then just assign from the extension module (for speed up) */
1672      Printv(f_dest, name, " = ", module, ".", name, "\n", NIL);
1673    }
1674  }
1677  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1678   * check_kwargs()
1679   *    check if using kwargs is allowed for this Node
1680   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1682  int check_kwargs(Node *n) {
1683    return (use_kw || GetFlag(n, "feature:kwargs"))
1684	&& !GetFlag(n, "memberset") && !GetFlag(n, "memberget");
1685  }
1689  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1690   * add_method()
1691   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1693  void add_method(String *name, String *function, int kw, Node *n = 0, int funpack = 0, int num_required = -1, int num_arguments = -1) {
1694    if (!kw) {
1695      if (n && funpack) {
1696	if (num_required == 0 && num_arguments == 0) {
1697	  Printf(methods, "\t { (char *)\"%s\", (PyCFunction)%s, METH_NOARGS, ", name, function);
1698	} else if (num_required == 1 && num_arguments == 1) {
1699	  Printf(methods, "\t { (char *)\"%s\", (PyCFunction)%s, METH_O, ", name, function);
1700	} else {
1701	  Printf(methods, "\t { (char *)\"%s\", %s, METH_VARARGS, ", name, function);
1702	}
1703      } else {
1704	Printf(methods, "\t { (char *)\"%s\", %s, METH_VARARGS, ", name, function);
1705      }
1706    } else {
1707      Printf(methods, "\t { (char *)\"%s\", (PyCFunction) %s, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, ", name, function);
1708    }
1710    if (!n) {
1711      Append(methods, "NULL");
1712    } else if (Getattr(n, "feature:callback")) {
1713      if (have_docstring(n)) {
1714	String *ds = docstring(n, AUTODOC_FUNC, "", false);
1715	Replaceall(ds, "\\", "\\\\");
1716	Replaceall(ds, "\"", "\\\"");
1717	Replaceall(ds, "\n", "\\n\"\n\t\t\"");
1718	Printf(methods, "(char *)\"%s\\nswig_ptr: %s\"", ds, Getattr(n, "feature:callback:name"));
1719      } else {
1720	Printf(methods, "(char *)\"swig_ptr: %s\"", Getattr(n, "feature:callback:name"));
1721      }
1722    } else if (have_docstring(n)) {
1723      String *ds = docstring(n, AUTODOC_FUNC, "", false);
1724      Replaceall(ds, "\\", "\\\\");
1725      Replaceall(ds, "\"", "\\\"");
1726      Replaceall(ds, "\n", "\\n\"\n\t\t\"");
1727      Printf(methods, "(char *)\"%s\"", ds);
1728    } else {
1729      Append(methods, "NULL");
1730    }
1732    Append(methods, "},\n");
1733  }
1735  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1736   * dispatchFunction()
1737   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1738  void dispatchFunction(Node *n, int funpack = 0) {
1739    /* Last node in overloaded chain */
1741    int maxargs;
1743    String *tmp = NewString("");
1744    String *dispatch;
1745    const char *dispatch_code = funpack ? "return %s(self, argc, argv);" : "return %s(self, args);";
1747    if (castmode) {
1748      dispatch = Swig_overload_dispatch_cast(n, dispatch_code, &maxargs);
1749    } else {
1750      dispatch = Swig_overload_dispatch(n, dispatch_code, &maxargs);
1751    }
1753    /* Generate a dispatch wrapper for all overloaded functions */
1755    Wrapper *f = NewWrapper();
1756    String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
1757    String *wname = Swig_name_wrapper(symname);
1759    Printv(f->def, "SWIGINTERN PyObject *", wname, "(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {", NIL);
1761    Wrapper_add_local(f, "argc", "int argc");
1762    Printf(tmp, "PyObject *argv[%d]", maxargs + 1);
1763    Wrapper_add_local(f, "argv", tmp);
1765    if (!fastunpack) {
1766      Wrapper_add_local(f, "ii", "int ii");
1767      Append(f->code, "if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;\n");
1768      Append(f->code, "argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);\n");
1769      Printf(f->code, "for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < %d); ii++) {\n", maxargs);
1770      Append(f->code, "argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);\n");
1771      Append(f->code, "}\n");
1772    } else {
1773      String *iname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
1774      Printf(f->code, "if (!(argc = SWIG_Python_UnpackTuple(args,\"%s\",0,%d,argv))) SWIG_fail;\n", iname, maxargs);
1775      Append(f->code, "--argc;\n");
1776    }
1778    Replaceall(dispatch, "$args", "self,args");
1780    Printv(f->code, dispatch, "\n", NIL);
1782    if (GetFlag(n, "feature:python:maybecall")) {
1783      Append(f->code, "fail:\n");
1784      Append(f->code, "Py_INCREF(Py_NotImplemented);\n");
1785      Append(f->code, "return Py_NotImplemented;\n");
1786    } else {
1787      Node *sibl = n;
1788      while (Getattr(sibl, "sym:previousSibling"))
1789	sibl = Getattr(sibl, "sym:previousSibling");	// go all the way up
1790      String *protoTypes = NewString("");
1791      do {
1792	Printf(protoTypes, "\n\"    %s(%s)\\n\"", SwigType_str(Getattr(sibl, "name"), 0), ParmList_protostr(Getattr(sibl, "wrap:parms")));
1793      } while ((sibl = Getattr(sibl, "sym:nextSibling")));
1794      Append(f->code, "fail:\n");
1795      Printf(f->code, "SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"
1796	     "\"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function '%s'.\\n\"" "\n\"  Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\\n\"%s);\n", symname, protoTypes);
1797      Append(f->code, "return NULL;\n");
1798      Delete(protoTypes);
1799    }
1800    Printv(f->code, "}\n", NIL);
1801    Wrapper_print(f, f_wrappers);
1802    Node *p = Getattr(n, "sym:previousSibling");
1803    add_method(symname, wname, 0, p);
1805    /* Create a shadow for this function (if enabled and not in a member function) */
1806    if ((shadow) && (!(shadow & PYSHADOW_MEMBER))) {
1807      emitFunctionShadowHelper(n, f_shadow_stubs, symname, 0);
1808    }
1809    DelWrapper(f);
1810    Delete(dispatch);
1811    Delete(tmp);
1812    Delete(wname);
1813  }
1815  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
1816   * functionWrapper()
1817   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1820  const char *get_implicitconv_flag(Node *klass) {
1821    int conv = 0;
1822    if (klass && GetFlag(klass, "feature:implicitconv")) {
1823      conv = 1;
1824    }
1825    return conv ? "SWIG_POINTER_IMPLICIT_CONV" : "0";
1826  }
1829  virtual int functionWrapper(Node *n) {
1831    String *name = Getattr(n, "name");
1832    String *iname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
1833    SwigType *d = Getattr(n, "type");
1834    ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms");
1835    int director_method = 0;
1837    Parm *p;
1838    int i;
1839    char source[64];
1840    Wrapper *f;
1841    String *parse_args;
1842    String *arglist;
1843    String *get_pointers;
1844    String *cleanup;
1845    String *outarg;
1846    String *kwargs;
1847    String *tm;
1848    String *overname = 0;
1850    int num_required;
1851    int num_arguments;
1852    int varargs = 0;
1853    int allow_kwargs = check_kwargs(n);
1855    String *nodeType = Getattr(n, "nodeType");
1856    int constructor = (!Cmp(nodeType, "constructor"));
1857    int destructor = (!Cmp(nodeType, "destructor"));
1858    String *storage = Getattr(n, "storage");
1859    /* Only the first constructor is handled as init method. Others
1860       constructor can be emitted via %rename */
1861    int handled_as_init = 0;
1862    if (!have_constructor && (constructor || Getattr(n, "handled_as_constructor"))
1863	&& ((shadow & PYSHADOW_MEMBER))) {
1864      String *nname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
1865      String *sname = Getattr(getCurrentClass(), "sym:name");
1866      String *cname = Swig_name_construct(sname);
1867      handled_as_init = (Strcmp(nname, sname) == 0) || (Strcmp(nname, cname) == 0);
1868      Delete(cname);
1869    }
1872    if (Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded")) {
1873      overname = Getattr(n, "sym:overname");
1874    } else {
1875      if (!addSymbol(iname, n))
1876	return SWIG_ERROR;
1877    }
1879    f = NewWrapper();
1880    parse_args = NewString("");
1881    arglist = NewString("");
1882    get_pointers = NewString("");
1883    cleanup = NewString("");
1884    outarg = NewString("");
1885    kwargs = NewString("");
1887    int allow_thread = threads_enable(n);
1889    Wrapper_add_local(f, "resultobj", "PyObject *resultobj = 0");
1891    // Emit all of the local variables for holding arguments.
1892    emit_parameter_variables(l, f);
1894    /* Attach the standard typemaps */
1895    emit_attach_parmmaps(l, f);
1896    Setattr(n, "wrap:parms", l);
1897    /* Get number of required and total arguments */
1898    num_arguments = emit_num_arguments(l);
1899    num_required = emit_num_required(l);
1900    if (((num_arguments == 0) && (num_required == 0)) || ((num_arguments == 1) && (num_required == 1) && Getattr(l, "self")))
1901      allow_kwargs = 0;
1902    varargs = emit_isvarargs(l);
1904    String *wname = Swig_name_wrapper(iname);
1905    if (overname) {
1906      Append(wname, overname);
1907    }
1909    if (!allow_kwargs || Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded")) {
1910      if (!varargs) {
1911	Printv(f->def, "SWIGINTERN PyObject *", wname, "(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {", NIL);
1912      } else {
1913	Printv(f->def, "SWIGINTERN PyObject *", wname, "__varargs__", "(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args, PyObject *varargs) {", NIL);
1914      }
1915      if (allow_kwargs) {
1916	Swig_warning(WARN_LANG_OVERLOAD_KEYWORD, input_file, line_number, "Can't use keyword arguments with overloaded functions (%s).\n", Swig_name_decl(n));
1917	allow_kwargs = 0;
1918      }
1919    } else {
1920      if (varargs) {
1921	Swig_warning(WARN_LANG_VARARGS_KEYWORD, input_file, line_number, "Can't wrap varargs with keyword arguments enabled\n");
1922	varargs = 0;
1923      }
1924      Printv(f->def, "SWIGINTERN PyObject *", wname, "(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) {", NIL);
1925    }
1926    if (!allow_kwargs) {
1927      Append(parse_args, "    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)\"");
1928    } else {
1929      Append(parse_args, "    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args,kwargs,(char *)\"");
1930      Append(arglist, ",kwnames");
1931    }
1933    int funpack = modernargs && fastunpack && !varargs && !allow_kwargs;
1934    int noargs = funpack && (num_required == 0 && num_arguments == 0);
1935    int onearg = funpack && (num_required == 1 && num_arguments == 1);
1937    /* Generate code for argument marshalling */
1938    if (funpack) {
1939      if (overname) {
1940	if (aliasobj0) {
1941	  Append(f->code, "#define obj0 (swig_obj[0])\n");
1942	}
1943      } else if (num_arguments) {
1944	sprintf(source, "PyObject *swig_obj[%d]", num_arguments);
1945	Wrapper_add_localv(f, "swig_obj", source, NIL);
1946	if (aliasobj0) {
1947	  Append(f->code, "#define obj0 (swig_obj[0])\n");
1948	}
1949      }
1950    }
1953    if (constructor && num_arguments == 1 && num_required == 1) {
1954      if (Cmp(storage, "explicit") == 0) {
1955	Node *parent = Swig_methodclass(n);
1956	if (GetFlag(parent, "feature:implicitconv")) {
1957	  String *desc = NewStringf("SWIGTYPE%s", SwigType_manglestr(Getattr(n, "type")));
1958	  Printf(f->code, "if (SWIG_CheckImplicit(%s)) SWIG_fail;\n", desc);
1959	  Delete(desc);
1960	}
1961      }
1962    }
1964    int use_parse = 0;
1965    Append(kwargs, "{");
1966    for (i = 0, p = l; i < num_arguments; i++) {
1967      while (checkAttribute(p, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) {
1968	p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
1969      }
1971      SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type");
1972      String *pn = Getattr(p, "name");
1973      String *ln = Getattr(p, "lname");
1974      if (funpack) {
1975	sprintf(source, "swig_obj[%d]", i);
1976      } else {
1977	sprintf(source, "obj%d", i);
1978      }
1981      Putc(',', arglist);
1982      if (i == num_required)
1983	Putc('|', parse_args);	/* Optional argument separator */
1985      /* Keyword argument handling */
1986      if (allow_kwargs) {
1987	if (Len(pn)) {
1988	  String *tmp = 0;
1989	  String *name = pn;
1990	  if (!Getattr(p,"hidden")) {
1991	    name = tmp = Swig_name_make(p, 0, pn, 0, 0);
1992	  }
1993	  Printf(kwargs, "(char *) \"%s\",", name);
1994	  if (tmp)
1995	    Delete(tmp);
1996	} else {
1997	  Printf(kwargs, "(char *)\"arg%d\",", i + 1);
1998	}
1999      }
2001      /* Look for an input typemap */
2002      if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:in"))) {
2003	String *parse = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:parse");
2004	if (!parse) {
2005	  if (funpack) {
2006	    Replaceall(tm, "$self", "swig_obj[0]");
2007	  } else {
2008	    Replaceall(tm, "$self", "obj0");
2009	  }
2010	  Replaceall(tm, "$source", source);
2011	  Replaceall(tm, "$target", ln);
2012	  Replaceall(tm, "$input", source);
2013	  Setattr(p, "emit:input", source);	/* Save the location of the object */
2015	  if (Getattr(p, "wrap:disown") || (Getattr(p, "tmap:in:disown"))) {
2016	    Replaceall(tm, "$disown", "SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN");
2017	  } else {
2018	    Replaceall(tm, "$disown", "0");
2019	  }
2021	  if (Getattr(p, "tmap:in:implicitconv")) {
2022	    const char *convflag = "0";
2023	    if (!Getattr(p,"hidden")) {
2024	      SwigType *ptype = Getattr(p, "type");
2025	      convflag = get_implicitconv_flag(classLookup(ptype));
2026	    }
2027	    Replaceall(tm, "$implicitconv", convflag);
2028	    Setattr(p, "implicitconv", convflag);
2029	  }
2031	  Putc('O', parse_args);
2032	  if (!funpack) {
2033	    Wrapper_add_localv(f, source, "PyObject *", source, "= 0", NIL);
2034	    Printf(arglist, "&%s", source);
2035	  }
2036	  if (i >= num_required)
2037	    Printv(get_pointers, "if (", source, ") {\n", NIL);
2038	  Printv(get_pointers, tm, "\n", NIL);
2039	  if (i >= num_required)
2040	    Printv(get_pointers, "}\n", NIL);
2042	} else {
2043	  use_parse = 1;
2044	  Append(parse_args, parse);
2045	  Printf(arglist, "&%s", ln);
2046	}
2047	p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
2048	continue;
2049      } else {
2050	Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_IN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unable to use type %s as a function argument.\n", SwigType_str(pt, 0));
2051	break;
2052      }
2053    }
2055    /* finish argument marshalling */
2056    Append(kwargs, " NULL }");
2057    if (allow_kwargs) {
2058      Printv(f->locals, "  char *  kwnames[] = ", kwargs, ";\n", NIL);
2059    }
2061    if (use_parse || allow_kwargs || !modernargs) {
2062      Printf(parse_args, ":%s\"", iname);
2063      Printv(parse_args, arglist, ")) SWIG_fail;\n", NIL);
2064      funpack = 0;
2065    } else {
2066      Clear(parse_args);
2067      if (funpack) {
2068	Clear(f->def);
2069	if (overname) {
2070	  if (noargs) {
2071	    Printv(f->def, "SWIGINTERN PyObject *", wname, "(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), int nobjs, PyObject **SWIGUNUSEDPARM(swig_obj)) {", NIL);
2072	  } else {
2073	    Printv(f->def, "SWIGINTERN PyObject *", wname, "(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), int nobjs, PyObject **swig_obj) {", NIL);
2074	  }
2075	  Printf(parse_args, "if ((nobjs < %d) || (nobjs > %d)) SWIG_fail;\n", num_required, num_arguments);
2076	} else {
2077	  if (noargs) {
2078	    Printv(f->def, "SWIGINTERN PyObject *", wname, "(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {", NIL);
2079	  } else {
2080	    Printv(f->def, "SWIGINTERN PyObject *", wname, "(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {", NIL);
2081	  }
2082	  if (onearg) {
2083	    Printf(parse_args, "if (!args) SWIG_fail;\n");
2084	    Printf(parse_args, "swig_obj[0] = args;\n");
2085	  } else if (!noargs) {
2086	    Printf(parse_args, "if (!SWIG_Python_UnpackTuple(args,\"%s\",%d,%d,swig_obj)) SWIG_fail;\n", iname, num_required, num_arguments);
2087	  } else if (noargs) {
2088	    Printf(parse_args, "if (!SWIG_Python_UnpackTuple(args,\"%s\",%d,%d,0)) SWIG_fail;\n", iname, num_required, num_arguments);
2089	  }
2090	}
2091      } else {
2092	Printf(parse_args, "if(!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args,(char *)\"%s\",%d,%d", iname, num_required, num_arguments);
2093	Printv(parse_args, arglist, ")) SWIG_fail;\n", NIL);
2094      }
2095    }
2097    /* Now piece together the first part of the wrapper function */
2098    Printv(f->code, parse_args, get_pointers, NIL);
2100    /* Check for trailing varargs */
2101    if (varargs) {
2102      if (p && (tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:in"))) {
2103	Replaceall(tm, "$input", "varargs");
2104	Printv(f->code, tm, "\n", NIL);
2105      }
2106    }
2108    /* Insert constraint checking code */
2109    for (p = l; p;) {
2110      if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:check"))) {
2111	Replaceall(tm, "$target", Getattr(p, "lname"));
2112	Printv(f->code, tm, "\n", NIL);
2113	p = Getattr(p, "tmap:check:next");
2114      } else {
2115	p = nextSibling(p);
2116      }
2117    }
2119    /* Insert cleanup code */
2120    for (p = l; p;) {
2121      //      if (!checkAttribute(p,"tmap:in:numinputs","0") && !Getattr(p,"tmap:in:parse")) {
2122      if (!Getattr(p, "tmap:in:parse") && (tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:freearg"))) {
2123	if (Getattr(p, "tmap:freearg:implicitconv")) {
2124	  const char *convflag = "0";
2125	  if (!Getattr(p,"hidden")) {
2126	    SwigType *ptype = Getattr(p, "type");
2127	    convflag = get_implicitconv_flag(classLookup(ptype));
2128	  }
2129	  if (strcmp(convflag, "0") == 0) {
2130	    tm = 0;
2131	  }
2132	}
2133	if (tm && (Len(tm) != 0)) {
2134	  Replaceall(tm, "$source", Getattr(p, "lname"));
2135	  Printv(cleanup, tm, "\n", NIL);
2136	}
2137	p = Getattr(p, "tmap:freearg:next");
2138      } else {
2139	p = nextSibling(p);
2140      }
2141    }
2143    /* Insert argument output code */
2144    for (p = l; p;) {
2145      if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:argout"))) {
2146	Replaceall(tm, "$source", Getattr(p, "lname"));
2147	Replaceall(tm, "$target", "resultobj");
2148	Replaceall(tm, "$arg", Getattr(p, "emit:input"));
2149	Replaceall(tm, "$input", Getattr(p, "emit:input"));
2150	Printv(outarg, tm, "\n", NIL);
2151	p = Getattr(p, "tmap:argout:next");
2152      } else {
2153	p = nextSibling(p);
2154      }
2155    }
2157    /* if the object is a director, and the method call originated from its
2158     * underlying python object, resolve the call by going up the c++
2159     * inheritance chain.  otherwise try to resolve the method in python.
2160     * without this check an infinite loop is set up between the director and
2161     * shadow class method calls.
2162     */
2164    // NOTE: this code should only be inserted if this class is the
2165    // base class of a director class.  however, in general we haven't
2166    // yet analyzed all classes derived from this one to see if they are
2167    // directors.  furthermore, this class may be used as the base of
2168    // a director class defined in a completely different module at a
2169    // later time, so this test must be included whether or not directorbase
2170    // is true.  we do skip this code if directors have not been enabled
2171    // at the command line to preserve source-level compatibility with
2172    // non-polymorphic swig.  also, if this wrapper is for a smart-pointer
2173    // method, there is no need to perform the test since the calling object
2174    // (the smart-pointer) and the director object (the "pointee") are
2175    // distinct.
2177    director_method = is_member_director(n) && !is_smart_pointer() && !destructor;
2178    if (director_method) {
2179      Wrapper_add_local(f, "director", "Swig::Director *director = 0");
2180      Append(f->code, "director = SWIG_DIRECTOR_CAST(arg1);\n");
2181      if (dirprot_mode() && !is_public(n)) {
2182	Printf(f->code, "if (!director || !(director->swig_get_inner(\"%s\"))) {\n", name);
2183	Printf(f->code, "SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_RuntimeError,\"accessing protected member %s\");\n", name);
2184	Append(f->code, "SWIG_fail;\n");
2185	Append(f->code, "}\n");
2186      }
2187      Wrapper_add_local(f, "upcall", "bool upcall = false");
2188      if (funpack) {
2189	Append(f->code, "upcall = (director && (director->swig_get_self()==swig_obj[0]));\n");
2190      } else {
2191	Append(f->code, "upcall = (director && (director->swig_get_self()==obj0));\n");
2192      }
2193    }
2195    /* Emit the function call */
2196    if (director_method) {
2197      Append(f->code, "try {\n");
2198    } else {
2199      if (allow_thread) {
2200	Append(f->code, "{\n");
2201	thread_begin_allow(n, f->code);
2202      }
2203    }
2205    Setattr(n, "wrap:name", wname);
2207    Swig_director_emit_dynamic_cast(n, f);
2208    String *actioncode = emit_action(n);
2210    if (director_method) {
2211      Append(actioncode, "} catch (Swig::DirectorException&) {\n");
2212      Append(actioncode, "  SWIG_fail;\n");
2213      Append(actioncode, "}\n");
2214    } else {
2215      if (allow_thread) {
2216	thread_end_allow(n, actioncode);
2217	Append(actioncode, "}\n");
2218      }
2219    }
2221    /* This part below still needs cleanup */
2223    /* Return the function value */
2224    if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup_out("out", n, "result", f, actioncode))) {
2225      if (funpack) {
2226	Replaceall(tm, "$self", "swig_obj[0]");
2227      } else {
2228	Replaceall(tm, "$self", "obj0");
2229      }
2230      Replaceall(tm, "$source", "result");
2231      Replaceall(tm, "$target", "resultobj");
2232      Replaceall(tm, "$result", "resultobj");
2233      if (handled_as_init) {
2234	Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "SWIG_POINTER_NEW");
2235      } else {
2236	if (GetFlag(n, "feature:new")) {
2237	  Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "SWIG_POINTER_OWN");
2238	} else {
2239	  Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "0");
2240	}
2241      }
2242      // FIXME: this will not try to unwrap directors returned as non-director
2243      //        base class pointers!
2245      /* New addition to unwrap director return values so that the original
2246       * python object is returned instead.
2247       */
2248#if 1
2249      int unwrap = 0;
2250      String *decl = Getattr(n, "decl");
2251      int is_pointer = SwigType_ispointer_return(decl);
2252      int is_reference = SwigType_isreference_return(decl);
2253      if (is_pointer || is_reference) {
2254	String *type = Getattr(n, "type");
2255	//Node *classNode = Swig_methodclass(n);
2256	//Node *module = Getattr(classNode, "module");
2257	Node *parent = Swig_methodclass(n);
2258	Node *module = Getattr(parent, "module");
2259	Node *target = Swig_directormap(module, type);
2260	if (target)
2261	  unwrap = 1;
2262      }
2263      if (unwrap) {
2264	Wrapper_add_local(f, "director", "Swig::Director *director = 0");
2265	Append(f->code, "director = SWIG_DIRECTOR_CAST(result);\n");
2266	Append(f->code, "if (director) {\n");
2267	Append(f->code, "  resultobj = director->swig_get_self();\n");
2268	Append(f->code, "  Py_INCREF(resultobj);\n");
2269	Append(f->code, "} else {\n");
2270	Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm);
2271	Append(f->code, "}\n");
2272      } else {
2273	Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm);
2274      }
2276      Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm);
2278      Delete(tm);
2279    } else {
2280      Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_OUT_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unable to use return type %s in function %s.\n", SwigType_str(d, 0), name);
2281    }
2282    emit_return_variable(n, d, f);
2284    /* Output argument output code */
2285    Printv(f->code, outarg, NIL);
2287    /* Output cleanup code */
2288    int need_cleanup = Len(cleanup) != 0;
2289    if (need_cleanup) {
2290      Printv(f->code, cleanup, NIL);
2291    }
2293    /* Look to see if there is any newfree cleanup code */
2294    if (GetFlag(n, "feature:new")) {
2295      if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("newfree", n, "result", 0))) {
2296	Replaceall(tm, "$source", "result");
2297	Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm);
2298	Delete(tm);
2299      }
2300    }
2302    /* See if there is any return cleanup code */
2303    if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("ret", n, "result", 0))) {
2304      Replaceall(tm, "$source", "result");
2305      Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm);
2306      Delete(tm);
2307    }
2309    if (director_method) {
2310      if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("directorfree", n, "result", 0))) {
2311	Replaceall(tm, "$input", "result");
2312	Replaceall(tm, "$result", "resultobj");
2313	Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm);
2314	Delete(tm);
2315      }
2316    }
2318    Append(f->code, "    return resultobj;\n");
2320    /* Error handling code */
2322    Append(f->code, "fail:\n");
2323    if (need_cleanup) {
2324      Printv(f->code, cleanup, NIL);
2325    }
2326    Printv(f->code, "  return NULL;\n", NIL);
2329    if (funpack) {
2330      if (aliasobj0) {
2331	Append(f->code, "#if defined(obj0)\n");
2332	Append(f->code, "#undef obj0\n");
2333	Append(f->code, "#endif\n");
2334      }
2335    }
2338    Append(f->code, "}\n");
2340    /* Substitute the cleanup code */
2341    Replaceall(f->code, "$cleanup", cleanup);
2343    /* Substitute the function name */
2344    Replaceall(f->code, "$symname", iname);
2345    Replaceall(f->code, "$result", "resultobj");
2347    if (funpack) {
2348      Replaceall(f->code, "$self", "swig_obj[0]");
2349    } else {
2350      Replaceall(f->code, "$self", "obj0");
2351    }
2353    /* Dump the function out */
2354    Wrapper_print(f, f_wrappers);
2356    /* If varargs.  Need to emit a varargs stub */
2357    if (varargs) {
2358      DelWrapper(f);
2359      f = NewWrapper();
2360      Printv(f->def, "SWIGINTERN PyObject *", wname, "(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {", NIL);
2361      Wrapper_add_local(f, "resultobj", "PyObject *resultobj");
2362      Wrapper_add_local(f, "varargs", "PyObject *varargs");
2363      Wrapper_add_local(f, "newargs", "PyObject *newargs");
2364      Printf(f->code, "newargs = PyTuple_GetSlice(args,0,%d);\n", num_arguments);
2365      Printf(f->code, "varargs = PyTuple_GetSlice(args,%d,PyTuple_Size(args)+1);\n", num_arguments);
2366      Printf(f->code, "resultobj = %s__varargs__(self,newargs,varargs);\n", wname);
2367      Append(f->code, "Py_XDECREF(newargs);\n");
2368      Append(f->code, "Py_XDECREF(varargs);\n");
2369      Append(f->code, "return resultobj;\n");
2370      Append(f->code, "}\n");
2371      Wrapper_print(f, f_wrappers);
2372    }
2374    /* Now register the function with the interpreter.   */
2375    if (!Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded")) {
2376      add_method(iname, wname, allow_kwargs, n, funpack, num_required, num_arguments);
2378      /* Create a shadow for this function (if enabled and not in a member function) */
2379      if ((shadow) && (!(shadow & PYSHADOW_MEMBER))) {
2380	emitFunctionShadowHelper(n, in_class ? f_shadow_stubs : f_shadow, iname, allow_kwargs);
2381      }
2382    } else {
2383      if (!Getattr(n, "sym:nextSibling")) {
2384	dispatchFunction(n, funpack);
2385      }
2386    }
2387    Delete(parse_args);
2388    Delete(arglist);
2389    Delete(get_pointers);
2390    Delete(cleanup);
2391    Delete(outarg);
2392    Delete(kwargs);
2393    Delete(wname);
2394    DelWrapper(f);
2395    return SWIG_OK;
2396  }
2400  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
2401   * variableWrapper()
2402   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
2404  virtual int variableWrapper(Node *n) {
2405    String *name = Getattr(n, "name");
2406    String *iname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
2407    SwigType *t = Getattr(n, "type");
2409    static int have_globals = 0;
2410    String *tm;
2411    Wrapper *getf, *setf;
2413    if (!addSymbol(iname, n))
2414      return SWIG_ERROR;
2416    getf = NewWrapper();
2417    setf = NewWrapper();
2419    /* If this is our first call, add the globals variable to the
2420       Python dictionary. */
2422    if (!have_globals) {
2423      Printf(f_init, "\t PyDict_SetItemString(d,(char*)\"%s\", SWIG_globals());\n", global_name);
2424      have_globals = 1;
2425      if ((shadow) && (!(shadow & PYSHADOW_MEMBER))) {
2426	Printf(f_shadow_stubs, "%s = %s.%s\n", global_name, module, global_name);
2427      }
2428    }
2429    int assignable = is_assignable(n);
2431    if ((shadow) && !assignable) {
2432      if (!in_class) {
2433	Printf(f_shadow_stubs, "%s = %s.%s\n", iname, global_name, iname);
2434      }
2435    }
2437    String *getname = Swig_name_get(iname);
2438    String *setname = Swig_name_set(iname);
2439    String *vargetname = NewStringf("Swig_var_%s", getname);
2440    String *varsetname = NewStringf("Swig_var_%s", setname);
2442    /* Create a function for setting the value of the variable */
2443    if (assignable) {
2444      Setattr(n, "wrap:name", varsetname);
2445      Printf(setf->def, "SWIGINTERN int %s(PyObject *_val) {", varsetname);
2446      if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("varin", n, name, 0))) {
2447	Replaceall(tm, "$source", "_val");
2448	Replaceall(tm, "$target", name);
2449	Replaceall(tm, "$input", "_val");
2450	if (Getattr(n, "tmap:varin:implicitconv")) {
2451	  Replaceall(tm, "$implicitconv", get_implicitconv_flag(n));
2452	}
2453	emit_action_code(n, setf->code, tm);
2454	Delete(tm);
2455      } else {
2456	Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_VARIN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unable to set variable of type %s.\n", SwigType_str(t, 0));
2457      }
2458      Printv(setf->code, "  return 0;\n", NULL);
2459      Append(setf->code, "fail:\n");
2460      Printv(setf->code, "  return 1;\n", NULL);
2461    } else {
2462      /* Is a readonly variable.  Issue an error */
2463      if (CPlusPlus) {
2464	Printf(setf->def, "SWIGINTERN int %s(PyObject *) {", varsetname);
2465      } else {
2466	Printf(setf->def, "SWIGINTERN int %s(PyObject *_val SWIGUNUSED) {", varsetname);
2467      }
2468      Printv(setf->code, "  SWIG_Error(SWIG_AttributeError,\"Variable ", iname, " is read-only.\");\n", "  return 1;\n", NIL);
2469    }
2471    Append(setf->code, "}\n");
2472    Wrapper_print(setf, f_wrappers);
2474    /* Create a function for getting the value of a variable */
2475    Setattr(n, "wrap:name", vargetname);
2476    int addfail = 0;
2477    Printf(getf->def, "SWIGINTERN PyObject *%s(void) {", vargetname);
2478    Wrapper_add_local(getf, "pyobj", "PyObject *pyobj = 0");
2479    if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("varout", n, name, 0))) {
2480      Replaceall(tm, "$source", name);
2481      Replaceall(tm, "$target", "pyobj");
2482      Replaceall(tm, "$result", "pyobj");
2483      addfail = emit_action_code(n, getf->code, tm);
2484      Delete(tm);
2485    } else {
2486      Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_VAROUT_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unable to read variable of type %s\n", SwigType_str(t, 0));
2487    }
2488    Append(getf->code, "  return pyobj;\n");
2489    if (addfail) {
2490      Append(getf->code, "fail:\n");
2491      Append(getf->code, "  return NULL;\n");
2492    }
2493    Append(getf->code, "}\n");
2495    Wrapper_print(getf, f_wrappers);
2497    /* Now add this to the variable linking mechanism */
2498    Printf(f_init, "\t SWIG_addvarlink(SWIG_globals(),(char*)\"%s\",%s, %s);\n", iname, vargetname, varsetname);
2500    Delete(vargetname);
2501    Delete(varsetname);
2502    Delete(getname);
2503    Delete(setname);
2504    DelWrapper(setf);
2505    DelWrapper(getf);
2506    return SWIG_OK;
2507  }
2509  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
2510   * constantWrapper()
2511   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
2513  virtual int constantWrapper(Node *n) {
2514    String *name = Getattr(n, "name");
2515    String *iname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
2516    SwigType *type = Getattr(n, "type");
2517    String *rawval = Getattr(n, "rawval");
2518    String *value = rawval ? rawval : Getattr(n, "value");
2519    String *tm;
2520    int have_tm = 0;
2522    if (!addSymbol(iname, n))
2523      return SWIG_ERROR;
2525    /* Special hook for member pointer */
2526    if (SwigType_type(type) == T_MPOINTER) {
2527      String *wname = Swig_name_wrapper(iname);
2528      String *str = SwigType_str(type, wname);
2529      Printf(f_header, "static %s = %s;\n", str, value);
2530      Delete(str);
2531      value = wname;
2532    }
2533    if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("consttab", n, name, 0))) {
2534      Replaceall(tm, "$source", value);
2535      Replaceall(tm, "$target", name);
2536      Replaceall(tm, "$value", value);
2537      Printf(const_code, "%s,\n", tm);
2538      Delete(tm);
2539      have_tm = 1;
2540    }
2541    if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("constcode", n, name, 0))) {
2542      Replaceall(tm, "$source", value);
2543      Replaceall(tm, "$target", name);
2544      Replaceall(tm, "$value", value);
2545      Printf(f_init, "%s\n", tm);
2546      Delete(tm);
2547      have_tm = 1;
2548    }
2549    if (!have_tm) {
2550      Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_CONST_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unsupported constant value.\n");
2551      return SWIG_NOWRAP;
2552    }
2553    if ((shadow) && (!(shadow & PYSHADOW_MEMBER))) {
2554      if (!in_class) {
2555	Printv(f_shadow, iname, " = ", module, ".", iname, "\n", NIL);
2556      } else {
2557	if (!(Getattr(n, "feature:python:callback"))) {
2558	  Printv(f_shadow_stubs, iname, " = ", module, ".", iname, "\n", NIL);
2559	}
2560      }
2561    }
2562    return SWIG_OK;
2563  }
2566  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
2567   * nativeWrapper()
2568   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
2570  virtual int nativeWrapper(Node *n) {
2571    String *name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
2572    String *wrapname = Getattr(n, "wrap:name");
2574    if (!addSymbol(wrapname, n))
2575      return SWIG_ERROR;
2577    add_method(name, wrapname, 0);
2578    if (shadow) {
2579      Printv(f_shadow_stubs, name, " = ", module, ".", name, "\n", NIL);
2580    }
2581    return SWIG_OK;
2582  }
2586/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2587 * BEGIN C++ Director Class modifications
2588 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2590/* C++/Python polymorphism demo code, copyright (C) 2002 Mark Rose <mrose@stm.lbl.gov>
2591 *
2592 * TODO
2593 *
2594 * Move some boilerplate code generation to Swig_...() functions.
2595 *
2596 */
2598  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
2599   * classDirectorMethod()
2600   *
2601   * Emit a virtual director method to pass a method call on to the
2602   * underlying Python object.
2603   * ** Moved down due to gcc-2.96 internal error **
2604   * --------------------------------------------------------------- */
2606  int classDirectorMethods(Node *n);
2608  int classDirectorMethod(Node *n, Node *parent, String *super);
2610  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
2611   * classDirectorConstructor()
2612   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
2614  int classDirectorConstructor(Node *n) {
2615    Node *parent = Getattr(n, "parentNode");
2616    String *sub = NewString("");
2617    String *decl = Getattr(n, "decl");
2618    String *supername = Swig_class_name(parent);
2619    String *classname = NewString("");
2620    Printf(classname, "SwigDirector_%s", supername);
2622    /* insert self parameter */
2623    Parm *p;
2624    ParmList *superparms = Getattr(n, "parms");
2625    ParmList *parms = CopyParmList(superparms);
2626    String *type = NewString("PyObject");
2627    SwigType_add_pointer(type);
2628    p = NewParm(type, NewString("self"));
2629    set_nextSibling(p, parms);
2630    parms = p;
2632    if (!Getattr(n, "defaultargs")) {
2633      /* constructor */
2634      {
2635	Wrapper *w = NewWrapper();
2636	String *call;
2637	String *basetype = Getattr(parent, "classtype");
2638	String *target = Swig_method_decl(0, decl, classname, parms, 0, 0);
2639	call = Swig_csuperclass_call(0, basetype, superparms);
2640	Printf(w->def, "%s::%s: %s, Swig::Director(self) { \n", classname, target, call);
2641	Printf(w->def, "   SWIG_DIRECTOR_RGTR((%s *)this, this); \n", basetype);
2642	Append(w->def, "}\n");
2643	Delete(target);
2644	Wrapper_print(w, f_directors);
2645	Delete(call);
2646	DelWrapper(w);
2647      }
2649      /* constructor header */
2650      {
2651	String *target = Swig_method_decl(0, decl, classname, parms, 0, 1);
2652	Printf(f_directors_h, "    %s;\n", target);
2653	Delete(target);
2654      }
2655    }
2657    Delete(sub);
2658    Delete(classname);
2659    Delete(supername);
2660    Delete(parms);
2661    return Language::classDirectorConstructor(n);
2662  }
2664  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
2665   * classDirectorDefaultConstructor()
2666   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
2668  int classDirectorDefaultConstructor(Node *n) {
2669    String *classname = Swig_class_name(n);
2670    {
2671      Node *parent = Swig_methodclass(n);
2672      String *basetype = Getattr(parent, "classtype");
2673      Wrapper *w = NewWrapper();
2674      Printf(w->def, "SwigDirector_%s::SwigDirector_%s(PyObject* self) : Swig::Director(self) { \n", classname, classname);
2675      Printf(w->def, "   SWIG_DIRECTOR_RGTR((%s *)this, this); \n", basetype);
2676      Append(w->def, "}\n");
2677      Wrapper_print(w, f_directors);
2678      DelWrapper(w);
2679    }
2680    Printf(f_directors_h, "    SwigDirector_%s(PyObject* self);\n", classname);
2681    Delete(classname);
2682    return Language::classDirectorDefaultConstructor(n);
2683  }
2686  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
2687   * classDirectorInit()
2688   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
2690  int classDirectorInit(Node *n) {
2691    String *declaration = Swig_director_declaration(n);
2692    Printf(f_directors_h, "\n");
2693    Printf(f_directors_h, "%s\n", declaration);
2694    Printf(f_directors_h, "public:\n");
2695    Delete(declaration);
2696    return Language::classDirectorInit(n);
2697  }
2699  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
2700   * classDirectorEnd()
2701   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
2703  int classDirectorEnd(Node *n) {
2704    String *classname = Swig_class_name(n);
2706    if (dirprot_mode()) {
2707      /*
2708         This implementation uses a std::map<std::string,int>.
2710         It should be possible to rewrite it using a more elegant way,
2711         like copying the Java approach for the 'override' array.
2713         But for now, this seems to be the least intrusive way.
2714       */
2715      Printf(f_directors_h, "\n\n");
2716      Printf(f_directors_h, "/* Internal Director utilities */\n");
2717      Printf(f_directors_h, "public:\n");
2718      Printf(f_directors_h, "    bool swig_get_inner(const char* name) const {\n");
2719      Printf(f_directors_h, "      std::map<std::string, bool>::const_iterator iv = inner.find(name);\n");
2720      Printf(f_directors_h, "      return (iv != inner.end() ? iv->second : false);\n");
2721      Printf(f_directors_h, "    }\n\n");
2723      Printf(f_directors_h, "    void swig_set_inner(const char* name, bool val) const\n");
2724      Printf(f_directors_h, "    { inner[name] = val;}\n\n");
2725      Printf(f_directors_h, "private:\n");
2726      Printf(f_directors_h, "    mutable std::map<std::string, bool> inner;\n");
2728    }
2729    if (director_method_index) {
2730      Printf(f_directors_h, "\n\n");
2731      Printf(f_directors_h, "#if defined(SWIG_PYTHON_DIRECTOR_VTABLE)\n");
2732      Printf(f_directors_h, "/* VTable implementation */\n");
2733      Printf(f_directors_h, "    PyObject *swig_get_method(size_t method_index, const char *method_name) const {\n");
2734      Printf(f_directors_h, "      PyObject *method = vtable[method_index];\n");
2735      Printf(f_directors_h, "      if (!method) {\n");
2736      Printf(f_directors_h, "        swig::SwigVar_PyObject name = SWIG_Python_str_FromChar(method_name);\n");
2737      Printf(f_directors_h, "        method = PyObject_GetAttr(swig_get_self(), name);\n");
2738      Printf(f_directors_h, "        if (method == NULL) {\n");
2739      Printf(f_directors_h, "          std::string msg = \"Method in class %s doesn't exist, undefined \";\n", classname);
2740      Printf(f_directors_h, "          msg += method_name;\n");
2741      Printf(f_directors_h, "          Swig::DirectorMethodException::raise(msg.c_str());\n");
2742      Printf(f_directors_h, "        }\n");
2743      Printf(f_directors_h, "        vtable[method_index] = method;\n");
2744      Printf(f_directors_h, "      };\n");
2745      Printf(f_directors_h, "      return method;\n");
2746      Printf(f_directors_h, "    }\n");
2747      Printf(f_directors_h, "private:\n");
2748      Printf(f_directors_h, "    mutable swig::SwigVar_PyObject vtable[%d];\n", director_method_index);
2749      Printf(f_directors_h, "#endif\n\n");
2750    }
2752    Printf(f_directors_h, "};\n\n");
2753    return Language::classDirectorEnd(n);
2754  }
2757  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
2758   * classDirectorDisown()
2759   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
2761  int classDirectorDisown(Node *n) {
2762    int result;
2763    int oldshadow = shadow;
2764    /* disable shadowing */
2765    if (shadow)
2766      shadow = shadow | PYSHADOW_MEMBER;
2767    result = Language::classDirectorDisown(n);
2768    shadow = oldshadow;
2769    if (shadow) {
2770      String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
2771      String *mrename = Swig_name_disown(symname);	//Getattr(n, "name"));
2772      Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "def __disown__(self):\n", NIL);
2773#ifdef USE_THISOWN
2774      Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "self.thisown = 0\n", NIL);
2776      Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "self.this.disown()\n", NIL);
2778      Printv(f_shadow, tab8, module, ".", mrename, "(self)\n", NIL);
2779      Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "return weakref_proxy(self)\n", NIL);
2780      Delete(mrename);
2781    }
2782    return result;
2783  }
2785/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2786 * END of C++ Director Class modifications
2787 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2790  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
2791   * classDeclaration()
2792   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
2794  virtual int classDeclaration(Node *n) {
2795    if (shadow && !Getattr(n, "feature:onlychildren")) {
2796      Node *mod = Getattr(n, "module");
2797      if (mod) {
2798	String *importname = NewString("");
2799	String *modname = Getattr(mod, "name");
2800	if (Strcmp(modname, mainmodule) != 0) {
2801	  // check if the module has a package option
2802	  Node *options = Getattr(mod, "options");
2803	  String *pkg = options ? Getattr(options, "package") : 0;
2804	  if (pkg && (!package || Strcmp(pkg, package) != 0)) {
2805	    Printf(importname, "%s.", pkg);
2806	  }
2807	  Printf(importname, "%s.", modname);
2808	}
2809	Append(importname, Getattr(n, "sym:name"));
2810	Setattr(n, "python:proxy", importname);
2811      }
2812    }
2813    return Language::classDeclaration(n);
2814  }
2816  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
2817   * classHandler()
2818   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
2820  virtual int classHandler(Node *n) {
2821    int oldclassic = classic;
2822    int oldmodern = modern;
2823    File *f_shadow_file = f_shadow;
2825    if (shadow) {
2827      /* Create new strings for building up a wrapper function */
2828      have_constructor = 0;
2829      have_repr = 0;
2831      if (GetFlag(n, "feature:classic")) {
2832	classic = 1;
2833	modern = 0;
2834      }
2835      if (GetFlag(n, "feature:modern")) {
2836	classic = 0;
2837	modern = 1;
2838      }
2839      if (GetFlag(n, "feature:exceptionclass")) {
2840	classic = 1;
2841	modern = 0;
2842      }
2844      shadow_indent = (String *) tab4;
2846      class_name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
2847      real_classname = Getattr(n, "name");
2849      if (!addSymbol(class_name, n))
2850	return SWIG_ERROR;
2852      /* Handle inheritance */
2853      String *base_class = NewString("");
2854      List *baselist = Getattr(n, "bases");
2855      if (baselist && Len(baselist)) {
2856	Iterator b;
2857	b = First(baselist);
2858	while (b.item) {
2859	  String *bname = Getattr(b.item, "python:proxy");
2860          bool ignore = GetFlag(b.item, "feature:ignore") ? true : false;
2861	  if (!bname || ignore) {
2862            if (!bname && !ignore) {
2863              Swig_warning(WARN_TYPE_UNDEFINED_CLASS, input_file, line_number,
2864                  "Base class '%s' ignored - unknown module name for base. Either import the appropriate module interface file or specify the name of the module in the %%import directive.\n", SwigType_namestr(Getattr(b.item, "name")));
2865            }
2866	    b = Next(b);
2867	    continue;
2868	  }
2869	  Printv(base_class, bname, NIL);
2870	  b = Next(b);
2871	  if (b.item) {
2872	    Putc(',', base_class);
2873	  }
2874	}
2875      }
2877      /* dealing with abstract base class */
2878      String *abcs = Getattr(n, "feature:python:abc");
2879      if (py3 && abcs) {
2880        if (Len(base_class)) {
2881          Putc(',', base_class);
2882        }
2883        Printv(base_class, abcs, NIL);
2884      }
2886      Printv(f_shadow, "class ", class_name, NIL);
2888      if (Len(base_class)) {
2889	Printf(f_shadow, "(%s)", base_class);
2890      } else {
2891	if (!classic) {
2892	  Printf(f_shadow, modern ? "(object)" : "(_object)");
2893	}
2894        if (GetFlag(n, "feature:exceptionclass") ) {
2895          Printf(f_shadow, "(Exception)");
2896        }
2897      }
2898      Printf(f_shadow, ":\n");
2899      if (have_docstring(n)) {
2900	String *str = docstring(n, AUTODOC_CLASS, tab4);
2901	if (str != NULL && Len(str))
2902	  Printv(f_shadow, tab4, str, "\n", NIL);
2903      }
2904      if (!modern) {
2905	Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "__swig_setmethods__ = {}\n", NIL);
2906	if (Len(base_class)) {
2907	  Printf(f_shadow, "%sfor _s in [%s]: __swig_setmethods__.update(getattr(_s,'__swig_setmethods__',{}))\n", tab4, base_class);
2908	}
2910	if (!GetFlag(n, "feature:python:nondynamic")) {
2911	  Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "__setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, ", class_name, ", name, value)\n", NIL);
2912	} else {
2913	  Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "__setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self, ", class_name, ", name, value)\n", NIL);
2914	}
2916	Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "__swig_getmethods__ = {}\n", NIL);
2917	if (Len(base_class)) {
2918	  Printf(f_shadow, "%sfor _s in [%s]: __swig_getmethods__.update(getattr(_s,'__swig_getmethods__',{}))\n", tab4, base_class);
2919	}
2921	Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, ", class_name, ", name)\n", NIL);
2922      } else {
2923	Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), ", "lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')\n", NIL);
2924	/* Add static attribute */
2925	if (GetFlag(n, "feature:python:nondynamic")) {
2926	  Printv(f_shadow_file,
2927		 tab4, "__setattr__ = _swig_setattr_nondynamic_method(object.__setattr__)\n",
2928		 tab4, "class __metaclass__(type):\n", tab4, tab4, "__setattr__ = _swig_setattr_nondynamic_method(type.__setattr__)\n", NIL);
2929	}
2930      }
2931    }
2933    /* Emit all of the members */
2935    in_class = 1;
2937    /* Overide the shadow file so we can capture its methods */
2938    f_shadow = NewString("");
2940    Language::classHandler(n);
2941    in_class = 0;
2943    /* Complete the class */
2944    if (shadow) {
2945      /* Generate a class registration function */
2946      {
2947        String *smartptr = Getattr(n, "feature:smartptr"); // Replace storing a pointer to underlying class with a smart pointer (intended for use with non-intrusive smart pointers)
2948        SwigType *smart = 0;
2949        if (smartptr) {
2950          SwigType *cpt = Swig_cparse_type(smartptr);
2951          if (cpt) {
2952            smart = SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(cpt);
2953            Delete(cpt);
2954          } else {
2955            // TODO: report line number of where the feature comes from
2956            Swig_error(Getfile(n), Getline(n), "Invalid type (%s) in 'smartptr' feature for class %s.\n", smartptr, real_classname);
2957          }
2958        }
2959	SwigType *ct = Copy(smart ? smart : real_classname);
2960        SwigType_add_pointer(ct);
2961	SwigType *realct = Copy(real_classname);
2962        SwigType_add_pointer(realct);
2963	SwigType_remember(realct);
2964	Printv(f_wrappers, "SWIGINTERN PyObject *", class_name, "_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {\n", NIL);
2965	Printv(f_wrappers, "  PyObject *obj;\n", NIL);
2966	if (modernargs) {
2967	  if (fastunpack) {
2968	    Printv(f_wrappers, "  if (!SWIG_Python_UnpackTuple(args,(char*)\"swigregister\", 1, 1,&obj)) return NULL;\n", NIL);
2969	  } else {
2970	    Printv(f_wrappers, "  if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args,(char*)\"swigregister\", 1, 1,&obj)) return NULL;\n", NIL);
2971	  }
2972	} else {
2973	  Printv(f_wrappers, "  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)\"O:swigregister\", &obj)) return NULL;\n", NIL);
2974	}
2976	Printv(f_wrappers,
2977	       "  SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE", SwigType_manglestr(ct), ", SWIG_NewClientData(obj));\n",
2978	       "  return SWIG_Py_Void();\n", "}\n\n", NIL);
2979	String *cname = NewStringf("%s_swigregister", class_name);
2980	add_method(cname, cname, 0);
2981	Delete(smart);
2982	Delete(cname);
2983	Delete(ct);
2984	Delete(realct);
2985      }
2986      if (!have_constructor) {
2987	Printv(f_shadow_file, tab4, "def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError(\"", "No constructor defined", (Getattr(n, "abstract") ? " - class is abstract" : ""), "\")\n", NIL);
2988      } else if (fastinit) {
2990	Printv(f_wrappers, "SWIGINTERN PyObject *", class_name, "_swiginit(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {\n", NIL);
2991	Printv(f_wrappers, "  return SWIG_Python_InitShadowInstance(args);\n", "}\n\n", NIL);
2992	String *cname = NewStringf("%s_swiginit", class_name);
2993	add_method(cname, cname, 0);
2994	Delete(cname);
2995      }
2996      if (!have_repr) {
2997	/* Supply a repr method for this class  */
2998	String *rname = SwigType_namestr(real_classname);
2999	if (new_repr) {
3000	  Printv(f_shadow_file, tab4, "__repr__ = _swig_repr\n", NIL);
3001	} else {
3002	  Printv(f_shadow_file, tab4, "def __repr__(self):\n", tab8, "return \"<C ", rname, " instance at 0x%x>\" % (self.this,)\n", NIL);
3003	}
3004	Delete(rname);
3005      }
3008      /* Now emit methods */
3009      Printv(f_shadow_file, f_shadow, NIL);
3011      /* Now the Ptr class */
3012      if (classptr) {
3013	Printv(f_shadow_file, "\nclass ", class_name, "Ptr(", class_name, "):\n", tab4, "def __init__(self, this):\n", NIL);
3014	if (!modern) {
3015	  Printv(f_shadow_file,
3016		 tab8, "try: self.this.append(this)\n",
3017		 tab8, "except: self.this = this\n", tab8, "self.this.own(0)\n", tab8, "self.__class__ = ", class_name, "\n\n", NIL);
3018	} else {
3019	  Printv(f_shadow_file,
3020		 tab8, "try: self.this.append(this)\n",
3021		 tab8, "except: self.this = this\n", tab8, "self.this.own(0)\n", tab8, "self.__class__ = ", class_name, "\n\n", NIL);
3022	}
3023      }
3025      if (fastproxy) {
3026	List *shadow_list = Getattr(n, "shadow_methods");
3027	for (int i = 0; i < Len(shadow_list); ++i) {
3028	  String *symname = Getitem(shadow_list, i);
3029	  Printf(f_shadow_file, "%s.%s = new_instancemethod(%s.%s,None,%s)\n", class_name, symname, module, Swig_name_member(class_name, symname), class_name);
3030	}
3031      }
3032      Printf(f_shadow_file, "%s_swigregister = %s.%s_swigregister\n", class_name, module, class_name);
3033      Printf(f_shadow_file, "%s_swigregister(%s)\n", class_name, class_name);
3035      shadow_indent = 0;
3036      Printf(f_shadow_file, "%s\n", f_shadow_stubs);
3037      Clear(f_shadow_stubs);
3038    }
3039    classic = oldclassic;
3040    modern = oldmodern;
3042    /* Restore shadow file back to original version */
3043    Delete(f_shadow);
3044    f_shadow = f_shadow_file;
3046    return SWIG_OK;
3047  }
3049  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
3050   * functionHandler()  -  Mainly overloaded for callback handling
3051   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
3053  virtual int functionHandler(Node *n) {
3054    String *pcb = GetFlagAttr(n, "feature:python:callback");
3055    if (pcb) {
3056      if (Strcmp(pcb, "1") == 0) {
3057	SetFlagAttr(n, "feature:callback", "%s_cb_ptr");
3058      } else {
3059	SetFlagAttr(n, "feature:callback", pcb);
3060      }
3061      autodoc_l dlevel = autodoc_level(Getattr(n, "feature:autodoc"));
3062      if (dlevel != NO_AUTODOC && dlevel > TYPES_AUTODOC) {
3063	Setattr(n, "feature:autodoc", "1");
3064      }
3065    }
3066    return Language::functionHandler(n);
3067  }
3069  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
3070   * memberfunctionHandler()
3071   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
3073  virtual int memberfunctionHandler(Node *n) {
3074    String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
3075    int oldshadow;
3077    /* Create the default member function */
3078    oldshadow = shadow;		/* Disable shadowing when wrapping member functions */
3079    if (shadow)
3080      shadow = shadow | PYSHADOW_MEMBER;
3081    Language::memberfunctionHandler(n);
3082    shadow = oldshadow;
3084    if (!Getattr(n, "sym:nextSibling")) {
3085      if (shadow) {
3086	int allow_kwargs = (check_kwargs(n) && !Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded")) ? 1 : 0;
3087	int fproxy = fastproxy;
3088	if (Strcmp(symname, "__repr__") == 0) {
3089	  have_repr = 1;
3090	}
3091	if (Getattr(n, "feature:shadow")) {
3092	  String *pycode = pythoncode(Getattr(n, "feature:shadow"), tab4);
3093	  String *pyaction = NewStringf("%s.%s", module, Swig_name_member(class_name, symname));
3094	  Replaceall(pycode, "$action", pyaction);
3095	  Delete(pyaction);
3096	  Printv(f_shadow, pycode, "\n", NIL);
3097	  Delete(pycode);
3098	  fproxy = 0;
3099	} else {
3100          String *parms = make_pyParmList(n, true, false, allow_kwargs);
3101          String *callParms = make_pyParmList(n, true, true, allow_kwargs);
3102	  if (!have_addtofunc(n)) {
3103	    if (!fastproxy || olddefs) {
3104	      Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "def ", symname, "(", parms, ")", returnTypeAnnotation(n), ":", NIL);
3105	      Printv(f_shadow, " return ", funcCall(Swig_name_member(class_name, symname), callParms), "\n", NIL);
3106	    }
3107	  } else {
3108	    Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "def ", symname, "(",parms , ")", returnTypeAnnotation(n), ":", NIL);
3109	    Printv(f_shadow, "\n", NIL);
3110	    if (have_docstring(n))
3111	      Printv(f_shadow, tab8, docstring(n, AUTODOC_METHOD, tab8), "\n", NIL);
3112	    if (have_pythonprepend(n)) {
3113	      fproxy = 0;
3114	      Printv(f_shadow, pythoncode(pythonprepend(n), tab8), "\n", NIL);
3115	    }
3116	    if (have_pythonappend(n)) {
3117	      fproxy = 0;
3118	      Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "val = ", funcCall(Swig_name_member(class_name, symname), callParms), "\n", NIL);
3119	      Printv(f_shadow, pythoncode(pythonappend(n), tab8), "\n", NIL);
3120	      Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "return val\n\n", NIL);
3121	    } else {
3122	      Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "return ", funcCall(Swig_name_member(class_name, symname), callParms), "\n\n", NIL);
3123	    }
3124	  }
3125	}
3126	if (fproxy) {
3127	  List *shadow_list = Getattr(getCurrentClass(), "shadow_methods");
3128	  if (!shadow_list) {
3129	    shadow_list = NewList();
3130	    Setattr(getCurrentClass(), "shadow_methods", shadow_list);
3131	    Delete(shadow_list);
3132	  }
3133	  Append(shadow_list, symname);
3134	}
3135      }
3136    }
3137    return SWIG_OK;
3138  }
3140  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
3141   * staticmemberfunctionHandler()
3142   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
3144  virtual int staticmemberfunctionHandler(Node *n) {
3145    String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
3146    Language::staticmemberfunctionHandler(n);
3148    if (Getattr(n, "sym:nextSibling")) {
3149      return SWIG_OK;
3150    }
3152    if (shadow) {
3153      if (!classic && !Getattr(n, "feature:python:callback") && have_addtofunc(n)) {
3154	int kw = (check_kwargs(n) && !Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded")) ? 1 : 0;
3155        String *parms = make_pyParmList(n, false, false, kw);
3156        String *callParms = make_pyParmList(n, false, true, kw);
3157	Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "def ", symname, "(", parms, ")", returnTypeAnnotation(n), ":\n", NIL);
3158	if (have_docstring(n))
3159	  Printv(f_shadow, tab8, docstring(n, AUTODOC_STATICFUNC, tab8), "\n", NIL);
3160	if (have_pythonprepend(n))
3161	  Printv(f_shadow, pythoncode(pythonprepend(n), tab8), "\n", NIL);
3162	if (have_pythonappend(n)) {
3163	  Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "val = ", funcCall(Swig_name_member(class_name, symname), callParms), "\n", NIL);
3164	  Printv(f_shadow, pythoncode(pythonappend(n), tab8), "\n", NIL);
3165	  Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "return val\n\n", NIL);
3166	} else {
3167	  Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "return ", funcCall(Swig_name_member(class_name, symname), callParms), "\n\n", NIL);
3168	}
3169	Printv(f_shadow, tab4, modern ? "" : "if _newclass:", symname, " = staticmethod(", symname, ")\n", NIL);
3171	if (!modern) {
3172	  Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "__swig_getmethods__[\"", symname, "\"] = lambda x: ", symname, "\n", NIL);
3173	}
3175      } else {
3176	if (!modern) {
3177	  Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "__swig_getmethods__[\"", symname, "\"] = lambda x: ", module, ".", Swig_name_member(class_name, symname), "\n", NIL);
3178	}
3179	if (!classic) {
3180	  Printv(f_shadow, tab4, modern ? "" : "if _newclass:", symname, " = staticmethod(", module, ".", Swig_name_member(class_name, symname), ")\n", NIL);
3181	}
3182      }
3183    }
3184    return SWIG_OK;
3185  }
3187  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
3188   * constructorDeclaration()
3189   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
3191  virtual int constructorHandler(Node *n) {
3192    String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
3193    int oldshadow = shadow;
3194    int use_director = Swig_directorclass(n);
3196    /*
3197     * If we're wrapping the constructor of a C++ director class, prepend a new parameter
3198     * to receive the scripting language object (e.g. 'self')
3199     *
3200     */
3201    Swig_save("python:constructorHandler", n, "parms", NIL);
3202    if (use_director) {
3203      Parm *parms = Getattr(n, "parms");
3204      Parm *self;
3205      String *name = NewString("self");
3206      String *type = NewString("PyObject");
3207      SwigType_add_pointer(type);
3208      self = NewParm(type, name);
3209      Delete(type);
3210      Delete(name);
3211      Setattr(self, "lname", "O");
3212      if (parms)
3213	set_nextSibling(self, parms);
3214      Setattr(n, "parms", self);
3215      Setattr(n, "wrap:self", "1");
3216      Setattr(n, "hidden", "1");
3217      Delete(self);
3218    }
3220    if (shadow)
3221      shadow = shadow | PYSHADOW_MEMBER;
3222    Language::constructorHandler(n);
3223    shadow = oldshadow;
3225    Delattr(n, "wrap:self");
3226    Swig_restore(n);
3228    if (!Getattr(n, "sym:nextSibling")) {
3229      if (shadow) {
3230	int allow_kwargs = (check_kwargs(n) && (!Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded"))) ? 1 : 0;
3231	int handled_as_init = 0;
3232	if (!have_constructor) {
3233	  String *nname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
3234	  String *sname = Getattr(getCurrentClass(), "sym:name");
3235	  String *cname = Swig_name_construct(sname);
3236	  handled_as_init = (Strcmp(nname, sname) == 0) || (Strcmp(nname, cname) == 0);
3237	  Delete(cname);
3238	}
3240          if (!have_constructor && handled_as_init) {
3241	  if (Getattr(n, "feature:shadow")) {
3242	    String *pycode = pythoncode(Getattr(n, "feature:shadow"), tab4);
3243	    String *pyaction = NewStringf("%s.%s", module, Swig_name_construct(symname));
3244	    Replaceall(pycode, "$action", pyaction);
3245	    Delete(pyaction);
3246	    Printv(f_shadow, pycode, "\n", NIL);
3247	    Delete(pycode);
3248	  } else {
3249	    String *pass_self = NewString("");
3250	    Node *parent = Swig_methodclass(n);
3251	    String *classname = Swig_class_name(parent);
3252	    String *rclassname = Swig_class_name(getCurrentClass());
3253	    assert(rclassname);
3255            String *parms = make_pyParmList(n, true, false, allow_kwargs);
3256            /* Pass 'self' only if using director */
3257            String *callParms = make_pyParmList(n, false, true, allow_kwargs);
3259            if (use_director) {
3260              Insert(callParms, 0, "_self, ");
3261	      Printv(pass_self, tab8, NIL);
3262	      Printf(pass_self, "if self.__class__ == %s:\n", classname);
3263              //Printv(pass_self, tab8, tab4, "args = (None,) + args\n", tab8, "else:\n", tab8, tab4, "args = (self,) + args\n", NIL);
3264              Printv(pass_self, tab8, tab4, "_self = None\n", tab8, "else:\n", tab8, tab4, "_self = self\n", NIL);
3265	    }
3267	    Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "def __init__(", parms, ")", returnTypeAnnotation(n), ": \n", NIL);
3268	    if (have_docstring(n))
3269	      Printv(f_shadow, tab8, docstring(n, AUTODOC_CTOR, tab8), "\n", NIL);
3270	    if (have_pythonprepend(n))
3271	      Printv(f_shadow, pythoncode(pythonprepend(n), tab8), "\n", NIL);
3272	    Printv(f_shadow, pass_self, NIL);
3273	    if (fastinit) {
3274	      Printv(f_shadow, tab8, module, ".", class_name, "_swiginit(self,", funcCall(Swig_name_construct(symname), callParms), ")\n", NIL);
3275	    } else {
3276	      Printv(f_shadow,
3277		     tab8, "this = ", funcCall(Swig_name_construct(symname), callParms), "\n",
3278		     tab8, "try: self.this.append(this)\n", tab8, "except: self.this = this\n", NIL);
3279	    }
3280	    if (have_pythonappend(n))
3281	      Printv(f_shadow, pythoncode(pythonappend(n), tab8), "\n\n", NIL);
3282	    Delete(pass_self);
3283	  }
3284	  have_constructor = 1;
3285	} else {
3286	  /* Hmmm. We seem to be creating a different constructor.  We're just going to create a
3287	     function for it. */
3289	  if (Getattr(n, "feature:shadow")) {
3290	    String *pycode = pythoncode(Getattr(n, "feature:shadow"), "");
3291	    String *pyaction = NewStringf("%s.%s", module, Swig_name_construct(symname));
3292	    Replaceall(pycode, "$action", pyaction);
3293	    Delete(pyaction);
3294	    Printv(f_shadow_stubs, pycode, "\n", NIL);
3295	    Delete(pycode);
3296	  } else {
3297            String *parms = make_pyParmList(n, true, false, allow_kwargs);
3298            String *callParms = make_pyParmList(n, true, true, allow_kwargs);
3300	    Printv(f_shadow_stubs, "\ndef ", symname, "(", parms, ")", returnTypeAnnotation(n), ":\n", NIL);
3301	    if (have_docstring(n))
3302	      Printv(f_shadow_stubs, tab4, docstring(n, AUTODOC_CTOR, tab4), "\n", NIL);
3303	    if (have_pythonprepend(n))
3304	      Printv(f_shadow_stubs, pythoncode(pythonprepend(n), tab4), "\n", NIL);
3305	    Printv(f_shadow_stubs, tab4, "val = ", funcCall(Swig_name_construct(symname), callParms), "\n", NIL);
3306#ifdef USE_THISOWN
3307	    Printv(f_shadow_stubs, tab4, "val.thisown = 1\n", NIL);
3309	    if (have_pythonappend(n))
3310	      Printv(f_shadow_stubs, pythoncode(pythonappend(n), tab4), "\n", NIL);
3311	    Printv(f_shadow_stubs, tab4, "return val\n", NIL);
3312	  }
3313	}
3314      }
3315    }
3316    return SWIG_OK;
3317  }
3319  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
3320   * destructorHandler()
3321   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
3323  virtual int destructorHandler(Node *n) {
3324    String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
3325    int oldshadow = shadow;
3327    if (shadow)
3328      shadow = shadow | PYSHADOW_MEMBER;
3329    //Setattr(n,"emit:dealloc","1");
3330    Language::destructorHandler(n);
3331    shadow = oldshadow;
3332    if (shadow) {
3333      if (Getattr(n, "feature:shadow")) {
3334	String *pycode = pythoncode(Getattr(n, "feature:shadow"), tab4);
3335	String *pyaction = NewStringf("%s.%s", module, Swig_name_destroy(symname));
3336	Replaceall(pycode, "$action", pyaction);
3337	Delete(pyaction);
3338	Printv(f_shadow, pycode, "\n", NIL);
3339	Delete(pycode);
3340      } else {
3341	Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "__swig_destroy__ = ", module, ".", Swig_name_destroy(symname), "\n", NIL);
3342	if (!have_pythonprepend(n) && !have_pythonappend(n)) {
3343	  if (proxydel) {
3344	    Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "__del__ = lambda self : None;\n", NIL);
3345	  }
3346	  return SWIG_OK;
3347	}
3348	Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "def __del__(self):\n", NIL);
3349	if (have_docstring(n))
3350	  Printv(f_shadow, tab8, docstring(n, AUTODOC_DTOR, tab8), "\n", NIL);
3351	if (have_pythonprepend(n))
3352	  Printv(f_shadow, pythoncode(pythonprepend(n), tab8), "\n", NIL);
3353#ifdef USE_THISOWN
3354	Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "try:\n", NIL);
3355	Printv(f_shadow, tab8, tab4, "if self.thisown: ", module, ".", Swig_name_destroy(symname), "(self)\n", NIL);
3356	Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "except: pass\n", NIL);
3359	if (have_pythonappend(n))
3360	  Printv(f_shadow, pythoncode(pythonappend(n), tab8), "\n", NIL);
3361	Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "pass\n", NIL);
3362	Printv(f_shadow, "\n", NIL);
3363      }
3364    }
3365    return SWIG_OK;
3366  }
3368  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
3369   * membervariableHandler()
3370   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
3372  virtual int membervariableHandler(Node *n) {
3373    String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
3375    int oldshadow = shadow;
3376    if (shadow)
3377      shadow = shadow | PYSHADOW_MEMBER;
3378    Language::membervariableHandler(n);
3379    shadow = oldshadow;
3381    if (shadow) {
3382      String *mname = Swig_name_member(class_name, symname);
3383      String *setname = Swig_name_set(mname);
3384      String *getname = Swig_name_get(mname);
3385      if (shadow) {
3386	int assignable = is_assignable(n);
3387	if (!modern) {
3388	  if (assignable) {
3389	    Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "__swig_setmethods__[\"", symname, "\"] = ", module, ".", setname, "\n", NIL);
3390	  }
3391	  Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "__swig_getmethods__[\"", symname, "\"] = ", module, ".", getname, "\n", NIL);
3392	}
3393	if (!classic) {
3394	  if (!assignable) {
3395	    Printv(f_shadow, tab4, modern ? "" : "if _newclass:", symname, " = _swig_property(", module, ".", getname, ")\n", NIL);
3396	  } else {
3397	    Printv(f_shadow, tab4, modern ? "" : "if _newclass:", symname, " = _swig_property(", module, ".", getname, ", ", module, ".", setname, ")\n", NIL);
3398	  }
3399	}
3400      }
3401      Delete(mname);
3402      Delete(setname);
3403      Delete(getname);
3404    }
3406    return SWIG_OK;
3407  }
3409  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
3410   * staticmembervariableHandler()
3411   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
3413  virtual int staticmembervariableHandler(Node *n) {
3414    Language::staticmembervariableHandler(n);
3416    if (shadow && !GetFlag(n, "wrappedasconstant")) {
3417      String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
3418      if (GetFlag(n, "hasconsttype")) {
3419	String *mname = Swig_name_member(class_name, symname);
3420	Printf(f_shadow_stubs, "%s.%s = %s.%s.%s\n", class_name, symname, module, global_name, mname);
3421	Delete(mname);
3422      } else {
3423	String *mname = Swig_name_member(class_name, symname);
3424	String *getname = Swig_name_get(mname);
3425	String *wrapgetname = Swig_name_wrapper(getname);
3426        String *vargetname = NewStringf("Swig_var_%s", getname);
3427	String *setname = Swig_name_set(mname);
3428	String *wrapsetname = Swig_name_wrapper(setname);
3429        String *varsetname = NewStringf("Swig_var_%s", setname);
3431	Wrapper *f = NewWrapper();
3432	Printv(f->def, "SWIGINTERN PyObject *", wrapgetname, "(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(args)) {", NIL);
3433	Printv(f->code, "  return ", vargetname, "();\n", NIL);
3434	Append(f->code, "}\n");
3435	add_method(getname, wrapgetname, 0);
3436	Wrapper_print(f, f_wrappers);
3437	DelWrapper(f);
3438	int assignable = is_assignable(n);
3439	if (assignable) {
3440	  Wrapper *f = NewWrapper();
3441	  Printv(f->def, "SWIGINTERN PyObject *", wrapsetname, "(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {", NIL);
3442	  Wrapper_add_local(f, "value", "PyObject *value");
3443	  Wrapper_add_local(f, "res", "int res");
3444	  Append(f->code, "if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)\"O:set\",&value)) return NULL;\n");
3445	  Printv(f->code, "res = ", varsetname, "(value);\n", NIL);
3446	  Append(f->code, "return !res ? SWIG_Py_Void() : NULL;\n");
3447	  Append(f->code, "}\n");
3448	  Wrapper_print(f, f_wrappers);
3449	  add_method(setname, wrapsetname, 0);
3450	  DelWrapper(f);
3451	}
3452	if (!modern) {
3453	  if (assignable) {
3454	    Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "__swig_setmethods__[\"", symname, "\"] = ", module, ".", setname, "\n", NIL);
3455	  }
3456	  Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "__swig_getmethods__[\"", symname, "\"] = ", module, ".", getname, "\n", NIL);
3457	}
3458	if (!classic) {
3459	  if (!assignable) {
3460	    Printv(f_shadow, tab4, modern ? "" : "if _newclass:", symname, " = _swig_property(", module, ".", getname, ")\n", NIL);
3461	  } else {
3462	    Printv(f_shadow, tab4, modern ? "" : "if _newclass:", symname, " = _swig_property(", module, ".", getname, ", ", module, ".", setname, ")\n", NIL);
3463	  }
3464	}
3465	Delete(mname);
3466	Delete(getname);
3467	Delete(wrapgetname);
3468	Delete(vargetname);
3469	Delete(setname);
3470	Delete(wrapsetname);
3471	Delete(varsetname);
3472      }
3473    }
3474    return SWIG_OK;
3475  }
3477  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
3478   * memberconstantHandler()
3479   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
3481  virtual int memberconstantHandler(Node *n) {
3482    String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
3483    int oldshadow = shadow;
3484    if (shadow)
3485      shadow = shadow | PYSHADOW_MEMBER;
3486    Language::memberconstantHandler(n);
3487    shadow = oldshadow;
3489    if (shadow) {
3490      Printv(f_shadow, tab4, symname, " = ", module, ".", Swig_name_member(class_name, symname), "\n", NIL);
3491    }
3492    return SWIG_OK;
3493  }
3495  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
3496   * insertDirective()
3497   *
3498   * Hook for %insert directive.   We're going to look for special %shadow inserts
3499   * as a special case so we can do indenting correctly
3500   * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
3502  virtual int insertDirective(Node *n) {
3503    String *code = Getattr(n, "code");
3504    String *section = Getattr(n, "section");
3506    if ((!ImportMode) && ((Cmp(section, "python") == 0) || (Cmp(section, "shadow") == 0))) {
3507      if (shadow) {
3508	String *pycode = pythoncode(code, shadow_indent);
3509	Printv(f_shadow, pycode, NIL);
3510	Delete(pycode);
3511      }
3512    } else {
3513      Language::insertDirective(n);
3514    }
3515    return SWIG_OK;
3516  }
3518  virtual String *runtimeCode() {
3519    String *s = NewString("");
3520    String *shead = Swig_include_sys("pyhead.swg");
3521    if (!shead) {
3522      Printf(stderr, "*** Unable to open 'pyhead.swg'\n");
3523    } else {
3524      Append(s, shead);
3525      Delete(shead);
3526    }
3527    String *serrors = Swig_include_sys("pyerrors.swg");
3528    if (!serrors) {
3529      Printf(stderr, "*** Unable to open 'pyerrors.swg'\n");
3530    } else {
3531      Append(s, serrors);
3532      Delete(serrors);
3533    }
3534    String *sthread = Swig_include_sys("pythreads.swg");
3535    if (!sthread) {
3536      Printf(stderr, "*** Unable to open 'pythreads.swg'\n");
3537    } else {
3538      Append(s, sthread);
3539      Delete(sthread);
3540    }
3541    String *sapi = Swig_include_sys("pyapi.swg");
3542    if (!sapi) {
3543      Printf(stderr, "*** Unable to open 'pyapi.swg'\n");
3544    } else {
3545      Append(s, sapi);
3546      Delete(sapi);
3547    }
3548    String *srun = Swig_include_sys("pyrun.swg");
3549    if (!srun) {
3550      Printf(stderr, "*** Unable to open 'pyrun.swg'\n");
3551    } else {
3552      Append(s, srun);
3553      Delete(srun);
3554    }
3555    return s;
3556  }
3558  virtual String *defaultExternalRuntimeFilename() {
3559    return NewString("swigpyrun.h");
3560  }
3564/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
3565 * classDirectorMethod()
3566 *
3567 * Emit a virtual director method to pass a method call on to the
3568 * underlying Python object.
3569 *
3570 * ** Moved it here due to internal error on gcc-2.96 **
3571 * --------------------------------------------------------------- */
3572int PYTHON::classDirectorMethods(Node *n) {
3573  director_method_index = 0;
3574  return Language::classDirectorMethods(n);
3578int PYTHON::classDirectorMethod(Node *n, Node *parent, String *super) {
3579  int is_void = 0;
3580  int is_pointer = 0;
3581  String *decl;
3582  String *type;
3583  String *name;
3584  String *classname;
3585  String *c_classname = Getattr(parent, "name");
3586  String *declaration;
3587  ParmList *l;
3588  Wrapper *w;
3589  String *tm;
3590  String *wrap_args = NewString("");
3591  String *return_type;
3592  String *value = Getattr(n, "value");
3593  String *storage = Getattr(n, "storage");
3594  bool pure_virtual = false;
3595  int status = SWIG_OK;
3596  int idx;
3597  bool ignored_method = GetFlag(n, "feature:ignore") ? true : false;
3599  if (Cmp(storage, "virtual") == 0) {
3600    if (Cmp(value, "0") == 0) {
3601      pure_virtual = true;
3602    }
3603  }
3605  classname = Getattr(parent, "sym:name");
3606  type = Getattr(n, "type");
3607  name = Getattr(n, "name");
3609  w = NewWrapper();
3610  declaration = NewString("");
3612  /* determine if the method returns a pointer */
3613  decl = Getattr(n, "decl");
3614  is_pointer = SwigType_ispointer_return(decl);
3615  is_void = (!Cmp(type, "void") && !is_pointer);
3617  /* form complete return type */
3618  return_type = Copy(type);
3619  {
3620    SwigType *t = Copy(decl);
3621    SwigType *f = 0;
3622    f = SwigType_pop_function(t);
3623    SwigType_push(return_type, t);
3624    Delete(f);
3625    Delete(t);
3626  }
3628  /* virtual method definition */
3629  l = Getattr(n, "parms");
3630  String *target;
3631  String *pclassname = NewStringf("SwigDirector_%s", classname);
3632  String *qualified_name = NewStringf("%s::%s", pclassname, name);
3633  SwigType *rtype = Getattr(n, "conversion_operator") ? 0 : type;
3634  target = Swig_method_decl(rtype, decl, qualified_name, l, 0, 0);
3635  Printf(w->def, "%s", target);
3636  Delete(qualified_name);
3637  Delete(target);
3638  /* header declaration */
3639  target = Swig_method_decl(rtype, decl, name, l, 0, 1);
3640  Printf(declaration, "    virtual %s", target);
3641  Delete(target);
3643  // Get any exception classes in the throws typemap
3644  ParmList *throw_parm_list = 0;
3646  if ((throw_parm_list = Getattr(n, "throws")) || Getattr(n, "throw")) {
3647    Parm *p;
3648    int gencomma = 0;
3650    Append(w->def, " throw(");
3651    Append(declaration, " throw(");
3653    if (throw_parm_list)
3654      Swig_typemap_attach_parms("throws", throw_parm_list, 0);
3655    for (p = throw_parm_list; p; p = nextSibling(p)) {
3656      if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:throws"))) {
3657	if (gencomma++) {
3658	  Append(w->def, ", ");
3659	  Append(declaration, ", ");
3660	}
3661	String *str = SwigType_str(Getattr(p, "type"), 0);
3662	Append(w->def, str);
3663	Append(declaration, str);
3664	Delete(str);
3665      }
3666    }
3668    Append(w->def, ")");
3669    Append(declaration, ")");
3670  }
3672  Append(w->def, " {");
3673  Append(declaration, ";\n");
3675  /* declare method return value
3676   * if the return value is a reference or const reference, a specialized typemap must
3677   * handle it, including declaration of c_result ($result).
3678   */
3679  if (!is_void) {
3680    if (!(ignored_method && !pure_virtual)) {
3681      String *cres = SwigType_lstr(return_type, "c_result");
3682      Printf(w->code, "%s;\n", cres);
3683      Delete(cres);
3684    }
3685  }
3687  if (ignored_method) {
3688    if (!pure_virtual) {
3689      if (!is_void)
3690	Printf(w->code, "return ");
3691      String *super_call = Swig_method_call(super, l);
3692      Printf(w->code, "%s;\n", super_call);
3693      Delete(super_call);
3694    } else {
3695      Printf(w->code, "Swig::DirectorPureVirtualException::raise(\"Attempted to invoke pure virtual method %s::%s\");\n", SwigType_namestr(c_classname),
3696	     SwigType_namestr(name));
3697    }
3698  } else {
3699    /* attach typemaps to arguments (C/C++ -> Python) */
3700    String *arglist = NewString("");
3701    String *parse_args = NewString("");
3703    /* remove the wrapper 'w' since it was producing spurious temps */
3704    Swig_typemap_attach_parms("in", l, 0);
3705    Swig_typemap_attach_parms("directorin", l, 0);
3706    Swig_typemap_attach_parms("directorargout", l, w);
3708    Parm *p;
3709    char source[256];
3711    int outputs = 0;
3712    if (!is_void)
3713      outputs++;
3715    /* build argument list and type conversion string */
3716    idx = 0;
3717    p = l;
3718    int use_parse = 0;
3719    while (p != NULL) {
3720      if (checkAttribute(p, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) {
3721	p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
3722	continue;
3723      }
3725      /* old style?  caused segfaults without the p!=0 check
3726         in the for() condition, and seems dangerous in the
3727         while loop as well.
3728         while (Getattr(p, "tmap:ignore")) {
3729         p = Getattr(p, "tmap:ignore:next");
3730         }
3731       */
3733      if (Getattr(p, "tmap:directorargout") != 0)
3734	outputs++;
3736      String *pname = Getattr(p, "name");
3737      String *ptype = Getattr(p, "type");
3739      Putc(',', arglist);
3740      if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:directorin")) != 0) {
3741	String *parse = Getattr(p, "tmap:directorin:parse");
3742	if (!parse) {
3743	  sprintf(source, "obj%d", idx++);
3744	  String *input = NewString(source);
3745	  Replaceall(tm, "$input", input);
3746	  Delete(input);
3747	  Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "0");
3748	  /* Wrapper_add_localv(w, source, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject", source, "= 0", NIL); */
3749	  Printv(wrap_args, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject ", source, ";\n", NIL);
3751	  Printv(wrap_args, tm, "\n", NIL);
3752	  Printv(arglist, "(PyObject *)", source, NIL);
3753	  Putc('O', parse_args);
3754	} else {
3755	  use_parse = 1;
3756	  Append(parse_args, parse);
3757	  Replaceall(tm, "$input", pname);
3758	  Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "0");
3759	  if (Len(tm) == 0)
3760	    Append(tm, pname);
3761	  Append(arglist, tm);
3762	}
3763	p = Getattr(p, "tmap:directorin:next");
3764	continue;
3765      } else if (Cmp(ptype, "void")) {
3766	/* special handling for pointers to other C++ director classes.
3767	 * ideally this would be left to a typemap, but there is currently no
3768	 * way to selectively apply the dynamic_cast<> to classes that have
3769	 * directors.  in other words, the type "SwigDirector_$1_lname" only exists
3770	 * for classes with directors.  we avoid the problem here by checking
3771	 * module.wrap::directormap, but it's not clear how to get a typemap to
3772	 * do something similar.  perhaps a new default typemap (in addition
3773	 * to SWIGTYPE) called DIRECTORTYPE?
3774	 */
3775	if (SwigType_ispointer(ptype) || SwigType_isreference(ptype)) {
3776	  Node *module = Getattr(parent, "module");
3777	  Node *target = Swig_directormap(module, ptype);
3778	  sprintf(source, "obj%d", idx++);
3779	  String *nonconst = 0;
3780	  /* strip pointer/reference --- should move to Swig/stype.c */
3781	  String *nptype = NewString(Char(ptype) + 2);
3782	  /* name as pointer */
3783	  String *ppname = Copy(pname);
3784	  if (SwigType_isreference(ptype)) {
3785	    Insert(ppname, 0, "&");
3786	  }
3787	  /* if necessary, cast away const since Python doesn't support it! */
3788	  if (SwigType_isconst(nptype)) {
3789	    nonconst = NewStringf("nc_tmp_%s", pname);
3790	    String *nonconst_i = NewStringf("= const_cast<%s>(%s)", SwigType_lstr(ptype, 0), ppname);
3791	    Wrapper_add_localv(w, nonconst, SwigType_lstr(ptype, 0), nonconst, nonconst_i, NIL);
3792	    Delete(nonconst_i);
3793	    Swig_warning(WARN_LANG_DISCARD_CONST, input_file, line_number,
3794			 "Target language argument '%s' discards const in director method %s::%s.\n",
3795			 SwigType_str(ptype, pname), SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
3796	  } else {
3797	    nonconst = Copy(ppname);
3798	  }
3799	  Delete(nptype);
3800	  Delete(ppname);
3801	  String *mangle = SwigType_manglestr(ptype);
3802	  if (target) {
3803	    String *director = NewStringf("director_%s", mangle);
3804	    Wrapper_add_localv(w, director, "Swig::Director *", director, "= 0", NIL);
3805	    Wrapper_add_localv(w, source, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject", source, "= 0", NIL);
3806	    Printf(wrap_args, "%s = SWIG_DIRECTOR_CAST(%s);\n", director, nonconst);
3807	    Printf(wrap_args, "if (!%s) {\n", director);
3808	    Printf(wrap_args, "%s = SWIG_NewPointerObj(%s, SWIGTYPE%s, 0);\n", source, nonconst, mangle);
3809	    Append(wrap_args, "} else {\n");
3810	    Printf(wrap_args, "%s = %s->swig_get_self();\n", source, director);
3811	    Printf(wrap_args, "Py_INCREF((PyObject *)%s);\n", source);
3812	    Append(wrap_args, "}\n");
3813	    Delete(director);
3814	    Printv(arglist, source, NIL);
3815	  } else {
3816	    Wrapper_add_localv(w, source, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject", source, "= 0", NIL);
3817	    Printf(wrap_args, "%s = SWIG_NewPointerObj(%s, SWIGTYPE%s, 0);\n", source, nonconst, mangle);
3818	    //Printf(wrap_args, "%s = SWIG_NewPointerObj(%s, SWIGTYPE_p_%s, 0);\n",
3819	    //       source, nonconst, base);
3820	    Printv(arglist, source, NIL);
3821	  }
3822	  Putc('O', parse_args);
3823	  Delete(mangle);
3824	  Delete(nonconst);
3825	} else {
3826	  Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_DIRECTORIN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number,
3827		       "Unable to use type %s as a function argument in director method %s::%s (skipping method).\n", SwigType_str(ptype, 0),
3828		       SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
3829	  status = SWIG_NOWRAP;
3830	  break;
3831	}
3832      }
3833      p = nextSibling(p);
3834    }
3836    /* add the method name as a PyString */
3837    String *pyname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
3839    int allow_thread = threads_enable(n);
3841    if (allow_thread) {
3842      thread_begin_block(n, w->code);
3843      Append(w->code, "{\n");
3844    }
3846    /* wrap complex arguments to PyObjects */
3847    Printv(w->code, wrap_args, NIL);
3849    /* pass the method call on to the Python object */
3850    if (dirprot_mode() && !is_public(n)) {
3851      Printf(w->code, "swig_set_inner(\"%s\", true);\n", name);
3852    }
3855    Append(w->code, "if (!swig_get_self()) {\n");
3856    Printf(w->code, "  Swig::DirectorException::raise(\"'self' uninitialized, maybe you forgot to call %s.__init__.\");\n", classname);
3857    Append(w->code, "}\n");
3858    Append(w->code, "#if defined(SWIG_PYTHON_DIRECTOR_VTABLE)\n");
3859    Printf(w->code, "const size_t swig_method_index = %d;\n", director_method_index++);
3860    Printf(w->code, "const char * const swig_method_name = \"%s\";\n", pyname);
3862    Append(w->code, "PyObject* method = swig_get_method(swig_method_index, swig_method_name);\n");
3863    if (Len(parse_args) > 0) {
3864      if (use_parse || !modernargs) {
3865	Printf(w->code, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject result = PyObject_CallFunction(method, (char *)\"(%s)\" %s);\n", parse_args, arglist);
3866      } else {
3867	Printf(w->code, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject result = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(method %s, NULL);\n", arglist);
3868      }
3869    } else {
3870      if (modernargs) {
3871	Append(w->code, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject args = PyTuple_New(0);\n");
3872	Append(w->code, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject result = PyObject_Call(method, (PyObject*) args, NULL);\n");
3873      } else {
3874	Printf(w->code, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject result = PyObject_CallFunction(method, NULL, NULL);\n");
3875      }
3876    }
3877    Append(w->code, "#else\n");
3878    if (Len(parse_args) > 0) {
3879      if (use_parse || !modernargs) {
3880	Printf(w->code, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject result = PyObject_CallMethod(swig_get_self(), (char *)\"%s\", (char *)\"(%s)\" %s);\n",
3881	       pyname, parse_args, arglist);
3882      } else {
3883	Printf(w->code, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject swig_method_name = SWIG_Python_str_FromChar((char *)\"%s\");\n", pyname);
3884	Printf(w->code, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject result = PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(swig_get_self(), (PyObject *) swig_method_name %s, NULL);\n", arglist);
3885      }
3886    } else {
3887      if (!modernargs) {
3888	Printf(w->code, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject result = PyObject_CallMethod(swig_get_self(), (char *) \"%s\", NULL);\n", pyname);
3889      } else {
3890	Printf(w->code, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject swig_method_name = SWIG_Python_str_FromChar((char *)\"%s\");\n", pyname);
3891	Append(w->code, "swig::SwigVar_PyObject result = PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(swig_get_self(), (PyObject *) swig_method_name, NULL);\n");
3892      }
3893    }
3894    Append(w->code, "#endif\n");
3896    if (dirprot_mode() && !is_public(n))
3897      Printf(w->code, "swig_set_inner(\"%s\", false);\n", name);
3899    /* exception handling */
3900    tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("director:except", n, "result", 0);
3901    if (!tm) {
3902      tm = Getattr(n, "feature:director:except");
3903      if (tm)
3904	tm = Copy(tm);
3905    }
3906    Append(w->code, "if (result == NULL) {\n");
3907    Append(w->code, "  PyObject *error = PyErr_Occurred();\n");
3908    if ((tm) && Len(tm) && (Strcmp(tm, "1") != 0)) {
3909      Replaceall(tm, "$error", "error");
3910      Printv(w->code, Str(tm), "\n", NIL);
3911    } else {
3912      Append(w->code, "  if (error != NULL) {\n");
3913      Printf(w->code, "    Swig::DirectorMethodException::raise(\"Error detected when calling '%s.%s'\");\n", classname, pyname);
3914      Append(w->code, "  }\n");
3915    }
3916    Append(w->code, "}\n");
3917    Delete(tm);
3919    /*
3920     * Python method may return a simple object, or a tuple.
3921     * for in/out aruments, we have to extract the appropriate PyObjects from the tuple,
3922     * then marshal everything back to C/C++ (return value and output arguments).
3923     *
3924     */
3926    /* marshal return value and other outputs (if any) from PyObject to C/C++ type */
3928    String *cleanup = NewString("");
3929    String *outarg = NewString("");
3931    if (outputs > 1) {
3932      Wrapper_add_local(w, "output", "PyObject *output");
3933      Append(w->code, "if (!PyTuple_Check(result)) {\n");
3934      Printf(w->code, "  Swig::DirectorTypeMismatchException::raise(\"Python method %s.%sfailed to return a tuple.\");\n", classname, pyname);
3935      Append(w->code, "}\n");
3936    }
3938    idx = 0;
3940    /* marshal return value */
3941    if (!is_void) {
3942      /* this seems really silly.  the node's type excludes
3943       * qualifier/pointer/reference markers, which have to be retrieved
3944       * from the decl field to construct return_type.  but the typemap
3945       * lookup routine uses the node's type, so we have to swap in and
3946       * out the correct type.  it's not just me, similar silliness also
3947       * occurs in Language::cDeclaration().
3948       */
3949      Setattr(n, "type", return_type);
3950      tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("directorout", n, "result", w);
3951      Setattr(n, "type", type);
3952      if (tm != 0) {
3953	if (outputs > 1) {
3954	  Printf(w->code, "output = PyTuple_GetItem(result, %d);\n", idx++);
3955	  Replaceall(tm, "$input", "output");
3956	} else {
3957	  Replaceall(tm, "$input", "result");
3958	}
3959	char temp[24];
3960	sprintf(temp, "%d", idx);
3961	Replaceall(tm, "$argnum", temp);
3963	/* TODO check this */
3964	if (Getattr(n, "wrap:disown")) {
3965	  Replaceall(tm, "$disown", "SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN");
3966	} else {
3967	  Replaceall(tm, "$disown", "0");
3968	}
3969	if (Getattr(n, "tmap:directorout:implicitconv")) {
3970	  Replaceall(tm, "$implicitconv", get_implicitconv_flag(n));
3971	}
3972	Replaceall(tm, "$result", "c_result");
3973	Printv(w->code, tm, "\n", NIL);
3974	Delete(tm);
3975      } else {
3976	Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_DIRECTOROUT_UNDEF, input_file, line_number,
3977		     "Unable to use return type %s in director method %s::%s (skipping method).\n", SwigType_str(return_type, 0), SwigType_namestr(c_classname),
3978		     SwigType_namestr(name));
3979	status = SWIG_ERROR;
3980      }
3981    }
3983    /* marshal outputs */
3984    for (p = l; p;) {
3985      if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:directorargout")) != 0) {
3986	if (outputs > 1) {
3987	  Printf(w->code, "output = PyTuple_GetItem(result, %d);\n", idx++);
3988	  Replaceall(tm, "$input", "output");
3989	} else {
3990	  Replaceall(tm, "$input", "result");
3991	}
3992	Replaceall(tm, "$result", Getattr(p, "name"));
3993	Printv(w->code, tm, "\n", NIL);
3994	p = Getattr(p, "tmap:directorargout:next");
3995      } else {
3996	p = nextSibling(p);
3997      }
3998    }
4000    /* any existing helper functions to handle this? */
4001    if (allow_thread) {
4002      Append(w->code, "}\n");
4003      thread_end_block(n, w->code);
4004    }
4006    Delete(parse_args);
4007    Delete(arglist);
4008    Delete(cleanup);
4009    Delete(outarg);
4010  }
4012  if (!is_void) {
4013    if (!(ignored_method && !pure_virtual)) {
4014      String *rettype = SwigType_str(return_type, 0);
4015      if (!SwigType_isreference(return_type)) {
4016	Printf(w->code, "return (%s) c_result;\n", rettype);
4017      } else {
4018	Printf(w->code, "return (%s) *c_result;\n", rettype);
4019      }
4020      Delete(rettype);
4021    }
4022  }
4024  Append(w->code, "}\n");
4026  // We expose protected methods via an extra public inline method which makes a straight call to the wrapped class' method
4027  String *inline_extra_method = NewString("");
4028  if (dirprot_mode() && !is_public(n) && !pure_virtual) {
4029    Printv(inline_extra_method, declaration, NIL);
4030    String *extra_method_name = NewStringf("%sSwigPublic", name);
4031    Replaceall(inline_extra_method, name, extra_method_name);
4032    Replaceall(inline_extra_method, ";\n", " {\n      ");
4033    if (!is_void)
4034      Printf(inline_extra_method, "return ");
4035    String *methodcall = Swig_method_call(super, l);
4036    Printv(inline_extra_method, methodcall, ";\n    }\n", NIL);
4037    Delete(methodcall);
4038    Delete(extra_method_name);
4039  }
4041  /* emit the director method */
4042  if (status == SWIG_OK) {
4043    if (!Getattr(n, "defaultargs")) {
4044      Wrapper_print(w, f_directors);
4045      Printv(f_directors_h, declaration, NIL);
4046      Printv(f_directors_h, inline_extra_method, NIL);
4047    }
4048  }
4050  /* clean up */
4051  Delete(wrap_args);
4052  Delete(return_type);
4053  Delete(pclassname);
4054  DelWrapper(w);
4055  return status;
4058/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4059 * swig_python()    - Instantiate module
4060 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4062static Language *new_swig_python() {
4063  return new PYTHON();
4065extern "C" Language *swig_python(void) {
4066  return new_swig_python();