2# Implementation of the _Observer_ object-oriented design pattern.  The
3# following documentation is copied, with modifications, from "Programming
4# Ruby", by Hunt and Thomas; http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/ProgrammingRuby/html/lib_patterns.html.
6# See Observable for more info.
8# The Observer pattern (also known as publish/subscribe) provides a simple
9# mechanism for one object to inform a set of interested third-party objects
10# when its state changes.
12# == Mechanism
14# The notifying class mixes in the +Observable+
15# module, which provides the methods for managing the associated observer
16# objects.
18# The observers must implement a method called +update+ to receive
19# notifications.
21# The observable object must:
22# * assert that it has +#changed+
23# * call +#notify_observers+
25# === Example
27# The following example demonstrates this nicely.  A +Ticker+, when run,
28# continually receives the stock +Price+ for its <tt>@symbol</tt>.  A +Warner+
29# is a general observer of the price, and two warners are demonstrated, a
30# +WarnLow+ and a +WarnHigh+, which print a warning if the price is below or
31# above their set limits, respectively.
33# The +update+ callback allows the warners to run without being explicitly
34# called.  The system is set up with the +Ticker+ and several observers, and the
35# observers do their duty without the top-level code having to interfere.
37# Note that the contract between publisher and subscriber (observable and
38# observer) is not declared or enforced.  The +Ticker+ publishes a time and a
39# price, and the warners receive that.  But if you don't ensure that your
40# contracts are correct, nothing else can warn you.
42#   require "observer"
44#   class Ticker          ### Periodically fetch a stock price.
45#     include Observable
47#     def initialize(symbol)
48#       @symbol = symbol
49#     end
51#     def run
52#       lastPrice = nil
53#       loop do
54#         price = Price.fetch(@symbol)
55#         print "Current price: #{price}\n"
56#         if price != lastPrice
57#           changed                 # notify observers
58#           lastPrice = price
59#           notify_observers(Time.now, price)
60#         end
61#         sleep 1
62#       end
63#     end
64#   end
66#   class Price           ### A mock class to fetch a stock price (60 - 140).
67#     def Price.fetch(symbol)
68#       60 + rand(80)
69#     end
70#   end
72#   class Warner          ### An abstract observer of Ticker objects.
73#     def initialize(ticker, limit)
74#       @limit = limit
75#       ticker.add_observer(self)
76#     end
77#   end
79#   class WarnLow < Warner
80#     def update(time, price)       # callback for observer
81#       if price < @limit
82#         print "--- #{time.to_s}: Price below #@limit: #{price}\n"
83#       end
84#     end
85#   end
87#   class WarnHigh < Warner
88#     def update(time, price)       # callback for observer
89#       if price > @limit
90#         print "+++ #{time.to_s}: Price above #@limit: #{price}\n"
91#       end
92#     end
93#   end
95#   ticker = Ticker.new("MSFT")
96#   WarnLow.new(ticker, 80)
97#   WarnHigh.new(ticker, 120)
98#   ticker.run
100# Produces:
102#   Current price: 83
103#   Current price: 75
104#   --- Sun Jun 09 00:10:25 CDT 2002: Price below 80: 75
105#   Current price: 90
106#   Current price: 134
107#   +++ Sun Jun 09 00:10:25 CDT 2002: Price above 120: 134
108#   Current price: 134
109#   Current price: 112
110#   Current price: 79
111#   --- Sun Jun 09 00:10:25 CDT 2002: Price below 80: 79
112module Observable
114  #
115  # Add +observer+ as an observer on this object. so that it will receive
116  # notifications.
117  #
118  # +observer+:: the object that will be notified of changes.
119  # +func+:: Symbol naming the method that will be called when this Observable
120  #          has changes.
121  #
122  #          This method must return true for +observer.respond_to?+ and will
123  #          receive <tt>*arg</tt> when #notify_observers is called, where
124  #          <tt>*arg</tt> is the value passed to #notify_observers by this
125  #          Observable
126  def add_observer(observer, func=:update)
127    @observer_peers = {} unless defined? @observer_peers
128    unless observer.respond_to? func
129      raise NoMethodError, "observer does not respond to `#{func.to_s}'"
130    end
131    @observer_peers[observer] = func
132  end
134  #
135  # Remove +observer+ as an observer on this object so that it will no longer
136  # receive notifications.
137  #
138  # +observer+:: An observer of this Observable
139  def delete_observer(observer)
140    @observer_peers.delete observer if defined? @observer_peers
141  end
143  #
144  # Remove all observers associated with this object.
145  #
146  def delete_observers
147    @observer_peers.clear if defined? @observer_peers
148  end
150  #
151  # Return the number of observers associated with this object.
152  #
153  def count_observers
154    if defined? @observer_peers
155      @observer_peers.size
156    else
157      0
158    end
159  end
161  #
162  # Set the changed state of this object.  Notifications will be sent only if
163  # the changed +state+ is +true+.
164  #
165  # +state+:: Boolean indicating the changed state of this Observable.
166  #
167  def changed(state=true)
168    @observer_state = state
169  end
171  #
172  # Returns true if this object's state has been changed since the last
173  # #notify_observers call.
174  #
175  def changed?
176    if defined? @observer_state and @observer_state
177      true
178    else
179      false
180    end
181  end
183  #
184  # Notify observers of a change in state *if* this object's changed state is
185  # +true+.
186  #
187  # This will invoke the method named in #add_observer, passing <tt>*arg</tt>.
188  # The changed state is then set to +false+.
189  #
190  # <tt>*arg</tt>:: Any arguments to pass to the observers.
191  def notify_observers(*arg)
192    if defined? @observer_state and @observer_state
193      if defined? @observer_peers
194        @observer_peers.each do |k, v|
195          k.send v, *arg
196        end
197      end
198      @observer_state = false
199    end
200  end