2#   irb/input-method.rb - input methods used irb
3#   	$Release Version: 0.9.6$
4#   	$Revision: 38544 $
5#   	by Keiju ISHITSUKA(keiju@ruby-lang.org)
7# --
11require 'irb/src_encoding'
12require 'irb/magic-file'
14module IRB
15  STDIN_FILE_NAME = "(line)" # :nodoc:
16  class InputMethod
17    @RCS_ID='-$Id: input-method.rb 38544 2012-12-21 17:29:18Z zzak $-'
19    # Creates a new input method object
20    def initialize(file = STDIN_FILE_NAME)
21      @file_name = file
22    end
23    # The file name of this input method, usually given during initialization.
24    attr_reader :file_name
26    # The irb prompt associated with this input method
27    attr_accessor :prompt
29    # Reads the next line from this input method.
30    #
31    # See IO#gets for more information.
32    def gets
33      IRB.fail NotImplementedError, "gets"
34    end
35    public :gets
37    # Whether this input method is still readable when there is no more data to
38    # read.
39    #
40    # See IO#eof for more information.
41    def readable_after_eof?
42      false
43    end
44  end
46  class StdioInputMethod < InputMethod
47    # Creates a new input method object
48    def initialize
49      super
50      @line_no = 0
51      @line = []
52      @stdin = IO.open(STDIN.to_i, :external_encoding => IRB.conf[:LC_MESSAGES].encoding, :internal_encoding => "-")
53      @stdout = IO.open(STDOUT.to_i, 'w', :external_encoding => IRB.conf[:LC_MESSAGES].encoding, :internal_encoding => "-")
54    end
56    # Reads the next line from this input method.
57    #
58    # See IO#gets for more information.
59    def gets
60      print @prompt
61      line = @stdin.gets
62      @line[@line_no += 1] = line
63    end
65    # Whether the end of this input method has been reached, returns +true+ if
66    # there is no more data to read.
67    #
68    # See IO#eof? for more information.
69    def eof?
70      @stdin.eof?
71    end
73    # Whether this input method is still readable when there is no more data to
74    # read.
75    #
76    # See IO#eof for more information.
77    def readable_after_eof?
78      true
79    end
81    # Returns the current line number for #io.
82    #
83    # #line counts the number of times #gets is called.
84    #
85    # See IO#lineno for more information.
86    def line(line_no)
87      @line[line_no]
88    end
90    # The external encoding for standard input.
91    def encoding
92      @stdin.external_encoding
93    end
94  end
96  # Use a File for IO with irb, see InputMethod
97  class FileInputMethod < InputMethod
98    # Creates a new input method object
99    def initialize(file)
100      super
101      @io = IRB::MagicFile.open(file)
102    end
103    # The file name of this input method, usually given during initialization.
104    attr_reader :file_name
106    # Whether the end of this input method has been reached, returns +true+ if
107    # there is no more data to read.
108    #
109    # See IO#eof? for more information.
110    def eof?
111      @io.eof?
112    end
114    # Reads the next line from this input method.
115    #
116    # See IO#gets for more information.
117    def gets
118      print @prompt
119      l = @io.gets
120#      print @prompt, l
121      l
122    end
124    # The external encoding for standard input.
125    def encoding
126      @io.external_encoding
127    end
128  end
130  begin
131    require "readline"
132    class ReadlineInputMethod < InputMethod
133      include Readline
134      # Creates a new input method object using Readline
135      def initialize
136	super
138	@line_no = 0
139	@line = []
140	@eof = false
142	@stdin = IO.open(STDIN.to_i, :external_encoding => IRB.conf[:LC_MESSAGES].encoding, :internal_encoding => "-")
143	@stdout = IO.open(STDOUT.to_i, 'w', :external_encoding => IRB.conf[:LC_MESSAGES].encoding, :internal_encoding => "-")
144      end
146      # Reads the next line from this input method.
147      #
148      # See IO#gets for more information.
149      def gets
150        Readline.input = @stdin
151        Readline.output = @stdout
152	if l = readline(@prompt, false)
153	  HISTORY.push(l) if !l.empty?
154	  @line[@line_no += 1] = l + "\n"
155	else
156	  @eof = true
157	  l
158	end
159      end
161      # Whether the end of this input method has been reached, returns +true+
162      # if there is no more data to read.
163      #
164      # See IO#eof? for more information.
165      def eof?
166	@eof
167      end
169      # Whether this input method is still readable when there is no more data to
170      # read.
171      #
172      # See IO#eof for more information.
173      def readable_after_eof?
174	true
175      end
177      # Returns the current line number for #io.
178      #
179      # #line counts the number of times #gets is called.
180      #
181      # See IO#lineno for more information.
182      def line(line_no)
183	@line[line_no]
184      end
186      # The external encoding for standard input.
187      def encoding
188	@stdin.external_encoding
189      end
190    end
191  rescue LoadError
192  end