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autoscroll.rbH A D02-Oct-20094.1 KiB

calendar.rbH A D12-Jul-20091.1 KiB

canvas_sqmap.rbH A D15-May-2011689

canvas_zoom.rbH A D15-May-2011430

chatwidget.rbH A D15-May-20113.3 KiB

crosshair.rbH A D12-Jul-20092.4 KiB

ctext.rbH A D02-Oct-20093.2 KiB

cursor.rbH A D02-Oct-20092.6 KiB

dateentry.rbH A D12-Jul-20091.2 KiB

datefield.rbH A D02-Oct-20091.4 KiB

diagrams.rbH A D12-Jul-20094.7 KiB

dialog.rbH A D02-Oct-20091.5 KiB

getstring.rbH A D02-Oct-20092.5 KiB

history.rbH A D02-Oct-20091.4 KiB

ico.rbH A D02-Oct-20093.9 KiB

ip_entry.rbH A D15-May-20111.7 KiB

khim.rbH A D15-May-20111.4 KiB

menuentry.rbH A D12-Jul-20091 KiB

ntext.rbH A D12-Jul-20093.3 KiB

panelframe.rbH A D02-Oct-20091.5 KiB

plotchart.rbH A D15-May-201137.6 KiB

READMEH A D22-May-20116.2 KiB

ruler.rbH A D02-Oct-20091.3 KiB

screenruler.rbH A D02-Oct-20091.3 KiB

scrolledwindow.rbH A D12-Jul-20091.3 KiB

scrollwin.rbH A D02-Oct-20091.3 KiB

setup.rbH A D02-Oct-2009316

statusbar.rbH A D12-Jul-20091.6 KiB

style.rbH A D02-Oct-20091.1 KiB

superframe.rbH A D02-Oct-20091.1 KiB

swaplist.rbH A D02-Oct-20093.2 KiB

tablelist.rbH A D15-May-2011667

tablelist_core.rbH A D15-May-201125.3 KiB

tablelist_tile.rbH A D02-Oct-2009996

tkpiechart.rbH A D02-Oct-20097 KiB

toolbar.rbH A D12-Jul-20093.3 KiB

tooltip.rbH A D02-Oct-20092.2 KiB

widget.rbH A D02-Oct-20092.3 KiB


2 [ tcllib extension support files ]
4Tcllib includes many utilities. But currently, supports TKLib part
5only (see the following 'tcllib contents').
7If you request to support others, please send your message to one of
8ruby-talk/ruby-list/ruby-dev/ruby-ext mailing lists.
10-----<from "What is tcllib?">----------------------------
11Tcllib is a collection of utility modules for Tcl. These modules provide
12a wide variety of functionality, from implementations of standard data
13structures to implementations of common networking protocols. The intent
14is to collect commonly used function into a single library, which users
15can rely on to be available and stable.
18-----< tcllib contents (based on tcllib-1.6.1) >---------
19Programming tools
20    * cmdline - Procedures to process command lines and options.
21    * comm - A remote communications facility for Tcl (7.6, 8.0, and later)
22    * control - Procedures for control flow structures.
23    * fileutil - Procedures implementing some file utilities
24    * log - Procedures to log messages of libraries and applications.
25    * logger - System to control logging of events.
26    * multiplexer - One-to-many communication with sockets.
27    * snit - Snit's Not Incr Tcl
28    * snitfaq - Snit Frequently Asked Questions
29    * stooop - Object oriented extension.
30    * stoop - Simple Tcl Only Object Oriented Programming
31    * switched - stooop switched class
32    * profiler - Tcl source code profiler
35    * math::statistics - Basic statistical functions and procedures
36    * math::calculus - Integration and ordinary differential equations
37    * math::optimize - Optimisation routines
38    * math::fuzzy - Fuzzy comparison of floating-point numbers
39    * counter - Procedures for counters and histograms
40    * combinatorics - Combinatorial functions in the Tcl Math Library
42Data structures
43    * struct::list - Procedures for manipulating lists
44    * struct::set - Procedures for manipulating sets
45    * struct::stack - Create and manipulate stack objects
46    * struct::queue - Create and manipulate queue objects
47    * struct::prioqueue - Create and manipulate prioqueue objects
48    * struct::skiplist - Create and manipulate skiplists
49    * struct::tree - Create and manipulate tree objects
50    * struct::graph - Create and manipulate directed graph objects
51    * struct::record - Define and create records (similar to 'C' structures)
52    * struct::matrix - Create and manipulate matrix objects
53    * struct::pool - Create and manipulate pool objects (of discrete items)
54    * report - Create and manipulate report objects
56Text processing
57    * expander - Procedures to process templates and expand text.
58    * base64 - Procedures to encode and decode base64
59    * yencode - encode/decoding a binary file
60    * uuencode - encode/decoding a binary file
61    * csv - Procedures to handle CSV data.
62    * inifile - Parsing of Windows INI files
63    * htmlparse - Procedures to parse HTML strings
64    * mime - Manipulation of MIME body parts
65    * Tcl MIME - generates and parses MIME body parts
66    * textutil - Procedures to manipulate texts and strings.
67    * exif - Tcl EXIF extracts and parses EXIF fields from digital images
68    * EXIF - extract and parse EXIF fields from digital images
70Hashes, checksums, and encryption
71    * cksum - calculate a cksum(1) compatible checksum
72    * crc16 - Perform a 16bit Cyclic Redundancy Check
73    * crc32 - Perform a 32bit Cyclic Redundancy Check
74    * des - Perform DES encryption of Tcl data
75    * md4 - MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm
76    * md5 - MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
77    * ripemd160 - RIPEMD-160 Message-Digest Algorithm
78    * ripemd128 - RIPEMD-128 Message-Digest Algorithm
79    * md5crypt - MD5-based password encryption
80    * sha1 - Perform sha1 hashing
81    * sum - calculate a sum(1) compatible checksum
82    * soundex - Soundex
84Documentation tools
85    * mpexpand - Markup processor
86    * doctools - Create and manipulate doctools converter object
87    * doctoc_fmt - Specification of simple tcl markup for table of contents
88    * doctools_api - Interface specification for formatter code
89    * doctools_fmt - Specification of simple tcl markup for manpages
90    * docidx - Create and manipulate docidx converter objects
91    * docidx_api - Interface specification for index formatting code
92    * docidx_fmt - Specification of simple tcl markup for an index
93    * doctoc - Create and manipulate doctoc converter objects
94    * doctoc_api - Interface specification for toc formatting code
95    * doctools::changelog - Handle text in Emacs ChangeLog format
96    * doctools::cvs - Handle text in 'cvs log' format
99    * uri - URI utilities
100    * dns - Tcl Domain Name Service Client
101    * ntp_time - Tcl Time Service Client
102    * nntp - Tcl client for the NNTP protocol
103    * pop3 - Tcl client for POP3 email protocol
104    * pop3d - Tcl POP3 server implementation
105    * pop3d::udb - Simple user database for pop3d
106    * pop3d::dbox - Simple mailbox database for pop3d
107    * ftp - Client-side tcl implementation of the ftp protocol
108    * ftp - Client-side tcl implementation of the ftp protocol
109    * ftpd - Tcl FTP server implementation
110    * smtp - Client-side tcl implementation of the smtp protocol
111    * smtpd - Tcl SMTP server implementation
112    * irc - Create IRC connection and interface.
114CGI programming
115    * ncgi - Procedures to manipulate CGI values.
116    * html - Procedures to generate HTML structures
117    * javascript - Procedures to generate HTML and Java Script structures.
119Grammars and finite automata
120    * grammar::fa - Create and manipulate finite automatons
121    * grammar::fa::op - Operations on finite automatons
122    * grammar::dacceptor - Create and use deterministic acceptors
123    * grammar::dexec - Execute deterministic finite automatons
126    * Plotchart - Simple plotting and charting package
127    * autoscroll - Provides for a scrollbar to automatically mapped and
128                   unmapped as needed
129    * ctext - An extended text widget with customizable Syntax highlighting
130    * cursor - Procedures to handle CURSOR data
131    * datefield - Tk datefield widget
132    * style - Changes default Tk look&feel
133    * ipentry - An IP address entry widget
134    * tkpiechart - Creates and dynamically updates 2D or 3D pie charts