119 June 2000
3Changes from DocBook V3.1 to DocBook XML V4.1:
7- Broad changes required for XML compatibility
8- Added a *provisional* set of character entities based on the ISO
9  entity sets. The DocBook TC is not willing to accept the long-term
10  responsibility for defining and maintaining these sets. The TC
11  will ask OASIS to form a new TC for this purpose.
15- RFE  17: Added a common attribute 'Condition' for generic effectivity
16- RFE  38: The nav.class elements (ToC|LoT|Index|Glossary|Bibliography) are
17           now allowed at the beginning and end of components and sections
18- RFE  58: The 'optmult' and 'reqmult' attribute values have been
19           removed from Group
20- RFE  65: Added several class attribute values to Filename and SystemItem
21           at the request of the Linux community
22- RFE  73: Removed BookBiblio and SeriesInfo
23- RFE  81: Added SidebarInfo to Sidebar
24- RFE  87: Added 'xmlpi' and 'emptytag' as class values of SGMLTag
25- RFE  92: Added 'CO' to Synopsis and LiteralLayout
26- RFE  99: Added SimpleMsgEntry as an alternative to MsgEntry in order
27           to provide a simpler MsgSet construct
28- RFE 103: Added RevDescription as an alternative to RevRemark in
29           RevHistory; this allows longer descriptive text in a revision
30- RFE 104: Added 'Specification' to the list of document classes on Article
31- RFE 108: Allow admonitions in Answers
32- RFE 110: Allow a RevHistory on QandAEntry
33- RFE 115: Allow optional Title on OrderedList and ItemizedList
34- RFE 116: Added LineNumbering attribute to linespecific environments for
35           presentation of line numbers
36- Added a common attribute 'Security' for effectivity
37- Added synopsis markup for modern programming languages (e.g, object
38  oriented languages like Java, C++, and IDL)
39- Renamed DocInfo to PrefaceInfo, ChapterInfo, AppendixInfo, etc.
40- Comment was renamed Remark
41- InterfaceDefinition was removed
45- RFE  88: Added PEs to include/ignore dbnotn.mod and dbcent.mod
46- RFE 102: Fixed some outstanding namecase problems
47- RFE 105: Added PNG notation
48- RFE 106: Removed some odd *.content PEs that interfered with
49           customization layers
50- RFE 109: Added FPI to content of dbgenent.mod (for consistency)
51- RFE 111: Added the Euro symbol
52- Fixed bug in cals-tbl.dtd; a model group was used for the element
53  declaration, but the attlist declaration used "Table" literally.