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8<title>Authentication and Authorization - Apache HTTP Server</title>
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18<p class="apache">Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4</p>
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22<a href="http://www.apache.org/">Apache</a> &gt; <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/">HTTP Server</a> &gt; <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/">Documentation</a> &gt; <a href="../">Version 2.4</a> &gt; <a href="./">How-To / Tutorials</a></div><div id="page-content"><div id="preamble"><h1>Authentication and Authorization</h1>
23<div class="toplang">
24<p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="/en/howto/auth.html" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a> |
25<a href="/fr/howto/auth.html" hreflang="fr" rel="alternate" title="Fran�ais">&nbsp;fr&nbsp;</a> |
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31    <p>Authentication is any process by which you verify that
32    someone is who they claim they are. Authorization is any
33    process by which someone is allowed to be where they want to
34    go, or to have information that they want to have.</p>
36    <p>For general access control, see the <a href="access.html">Access
37    Control How-To</a>.</p>
39<div id="quickview"><ul id="toc"><li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#related">Related Modules and Directives</a></li>
40<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
41<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#theprerequisites">The Prerequisites</a></li>
42<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#gettingitworking">Getting it working</a></li>
43<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#lettingmorethanonepersonin">Letting more than one
44person in</a></li>
45<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#possibleproblems">Possible problems</a></li>
46<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#dbmdbd">Alternate password storage</a></li>
47<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#multprovider">Using multiple providers</a></li>
48<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#beyond">Beyond just authorization</a></li>
49<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#socache">Authentication Cacheing</a></li>
50<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#moreinformation">More information</a></li>
51</ul><ul class="seealso"><li><a href="#comments_section">Comments</a></li></ul></div>
52<div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
53<div class="section">
54<h2><a name="related" id="related">Related Modules and Directives</a></h2>
56<p>There are three types of modules involved in the authentication and
57authorization process.  You will usually need to choose at least one
58module from each group.</p>
61  <li>Authentication type (see the
62      <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_core.html#authtype">AuthType</a></code> directive)
63    <ul>
64      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_auth_basic.html">mod_auth_basic</a></code></li>
65      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_auth_digest.html">mod_auth_digest</a></code></li>
66    </ul>
67  </li>
68  <li>Authentication provider (see the
69  <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_auth_basic.html#authbasicprovider">AuthBasicProvider</a></code> and
70  <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_auth_digest.html#authdigestprovider">AuthDigestProvider</a></code> directives)
72    <ul>
73      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_anon.html">mod_authn_anon</a></code></li>
74      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_dbd.html">mod_authn_dbd</a></code></li>
75      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_dbm.html">mod_authn_dbm</a></code></li>
76      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_file.html">mod_authn_file</a></code></li>
77      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authnz_ldap.html">mod_authnz_ldap</a></code></li>
78      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_socache.html">mod_authn_socache</a></code></li>
79    </ul>
80  </li>
81  <li>Authorization (see the
82      <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#require">Require</a></code> directive)
83    <ul>
84      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authnz_ldap.html">mod_authnz_ldap</a></code></li>
85      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_dbd.html">mod_authz_dbd</a></code></li>
86      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_dbm.html">mod_authz_dbm</a></code></li>
87      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_groupfile.html">mod_authz_groupfile</a></code></li>
88      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_host.html">mod_authz_host</a></code></li>
89      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_owner.html">mod_authz_owner</a></code></li>
90      <li><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_user.html">mod_authz_user</a></code></li>
91    </ul>
92  </li>
95  <p>In addition to these modules, there are also
96  <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_core.html">mod_authn_core</a></code> and
97  <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html">mod_authz_core</a></code>.  These module implement core
98  directives that are core to all auth modules.</p>
100  <p>The module <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authnz_ldap.html">mod_authnz_ldap</a></code> is both an
101  authentication and authorization provider.  The module
102  <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_host.html">mod_authz_host</a></code> provides authorization
103  and access control based on hostname, IP address or characteristics
104  of the request, but is not part of the authentication provider
105  system. For backwards compatibility with the mod_access, there is
106  a new module <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_access_compat.html">mod_access_compat</a></code>.</p>
108  <p>You probably also want to take a look at the <a href="access.html">Access Control</a> howto, which discusses the
109  various ways to control access to your server.</p>
111</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
112<div class="section">
113<h2><a name="introduction" id="introduction">Introduction</a></h2>
114    <p>If you have information on your web site that is sensitive
115    or intended for only a small group of people, the techniques in
116    this article will help you make sure that the people that see
117    those pages are the people that you wanted to see them.</p>
119    <p>This article covers the "standard" way of protecting parts
120    of your web site that most of you are going to use.</p>
122    <div class="note"><h3>Note:</h3>
123    <p>If your data really needs to be secure, consider using
124    <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_ssl.html">mod_ssl</a></code> in addition to any authentication.</p>
125    </div>
126</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
127<div class="section">
128<h2><a name="theprerequisites" id="theprerequisites">The Prerequisites</a></h2>
129    <p>The directives discussed in this article will need to go
130    either in your main server configuration file (typically in a
131    <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#directory">&lt;Directory&gt;</a></code> section), or
132    in per-directory configuration files (<code>.htaccess</code> files).</p>
134    <p>If you plan to use <code>.htaccess</code> files, you will
135    need to have a server configuration that permits putting
136    authentication directives in these files. This is done with the
137    <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#allowoverride">AllowOverride</a></code> directive, which
138    specifies which directives, if any, may be put in per-directory
139    configuration files.</p>
141    <p>Since we're talking here about authentication, you will need
142    an <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#allowoverride">AllowOverride</a></code> directive like the
143    following:</p>
145    <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">AllowOverride AuthConfig</pre>
148    <p>Or, if you are just going to put the directives directly in
149    your main server configuration file, you will of course need to
150    have write permission to that file.</p>
152    <p>And you'll need to know a little bit about the directory
153    structure of your server, in order to know where some files are
154    kept. This should not be terribly difficult, and I'll try to
155    make this clear when we come to that point.</p>
157    <p>You will also need to make sure that the modules
158    <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_core.html">mod_authn_core</a></code> and <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html">mod_authz_core</a></code>
159    have either been built into the httpd binary or loaded by the
160    httpd.conf configuration file. Both of these modules provide core
161    directives and functionality that are critical to the configuration
162    and use of authentication and authorization in the web server.</p>
163</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
164<div class="section">
165<h2><a name="gettingitworking" id="gettingitworking">Getting it working</a></h2>
166    <p>Here's the basics of password protecting a directory on your
167    server.</p>
169    <p>First, you need to create a password file. Exactly how you do
170    this will vary depending on what authentication provider you have
171    chosen. More on that later. To start with, we'll use a text password
172    file.</p>
174    <p>This file should be
175    placed somewhere not accessible from the web. This is so that
176    folks cannot download the password file. For example, if your
177    documents are served out of <code>/usr/local/apache/htdocs</code> you
178    might want to put the password file(s) in
179    <code>/usr/local/apache/passwd</code>.</p>
181    <p>To create the file, use the <code class="program"><a href="/programs/htpasswd.html">htpasswd</a></code> utility that
182    came with Apache. This will be located in the <code>bin</code> directory
183    of wherever you installed Apache. If you have installed Apache from
184    a third-party package, it may be in your execution path.</p>
186    <p>To create the file, type:</p>
188    <div class="example"><p><code>
189      htpasswd -c /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords rbowen
190    </code></p></div>
192    <p><code class="program"><a href="/programs/htpasswd.html">htpasswd</a></code> will ask you for the password, and
193    then ask you to type it again to confirm it:</p>
195    <div class="example"><p><code>
196      # htpasswd -c /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords rbowen<br />
197      New password: mypassword<br />
198      Re-type new password: mypassword<br />
199      Adding password for user rbowen
200    </code></p></div>
202    <p>If <code class="program"><a href="/programs/htpasswd.html">htpasswd</a></code> is not in your path, of course
203    you'll have to type the full path to the file to get it to run.
204    With a default installation, it's located at
205    <code>/usr/local/apache2/bin/htpasswd</code></p>
207    <p>Next, you'll need to configure the server to request a
208    password and tell the server which users are allowed access.
209    You can do this either by editing the <code>httpd.conf</code>
210    file or using an <code>.htaccess</code> file. For example, if
211    you wish to protect the directory
212    <code>/usr/local/apache/htdocs/secret</code>, you can use the
213    following directives, either placed in the file
214    <code>/usr/local/apache/htdocs/secret/.htaccess</code>, or
215    placed in <code>httpd.conf</code> inside a &lt;Directory
216    /usr/local/apache/htdocs/secret&gt; section.</p>
218    <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">AuthType Basic
219AuthName "Restricted Files"
220# (Following line optional)
221AuthBasicProvider file
222AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords
223Require user rbowen</pre>
226    <p>Let's examine each of those directives individually. The <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_core.html#authtype">AuthType</a></code> directive selects
227    that method that is used to authenticate the user. The most
228    common method is <code>Basic</code>, and this is the method
229    implemented by <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_auth_basic.html">mod_auth_basic</a></code>. It is important to be aware,
230    however, that Basic authentication sends the password from the client to
231    the server unencrypted. This method should therefore not be used for
232    highly sensitive data, unless accompanied by <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_ssl.html">mod_ssl</a></code>.
233    Apache supports one other authentication method:
234    <code>AuthType Digest</code>. This method is implemented by <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_auth_digest.html">mod_auth_digest</a></code> and was intended to be more secure. This is no
235    longer the case and the connection should be encrypted with <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_ssl.html">mod_ssl</a></code> instead.</p>
237    <p>The <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_core.html#authname">AuthName</a></code> directive sets
238    the <dfn>Realm</dfn> to be used in the authentication. The realm serves
239    two major functions. First, the client often presents this information to
240    the user as part of the password dialog box. Second, it is used by the
241    client to determine what password to send for a given authenticated
242    area.</p>
244    <p>So, for example, once a client has authenticated in the
245    <code>"Restricted Files"</code> area, it will automatically
246    retry the same password for any area on the same server that is
247    marked with the <code>"Restricted Files"</code> Realm.
248    Therefore, you can prevent a user from being prompted more than
249    once for a password by letting multiple restricted areas share
250    the same realm. Of course, for security reasons, the client
251    will always need to ask again for the password whenever the
252    hostname of the server changes.</p>
254    <p>The <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_auth_basic.html#authbasicprovider">AuthBasicProvider</a></code> is,
255    in this case, optional, since <code>file</code> is the default value
256    for this directive. You'll need to use this directive if you are
257    choosing a different source for authentication, such as
258    <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_dbm.html">mod_authn_dbm</a></code> or <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_dbd.html">mod_authn_dbd</a></code>.</p>
260    <p>The <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_file.html#authuserfile">AuthUserFile</a></code>
261    directive sets the path to the password file that we just
262    created with <code class="program"><a href="/programs/htpasswd.html">htpasswd</a></code>. If you have a large number
263    of users, it can be quite slow to search through a plain text
264    file to authenticate the user on each request. Apache also has
265    the ability to store user information in fast database files.
266    The <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_dbm.html">mod_authn_dbm</a></code> module provides the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_dbm.html#authdbmuserfile">AuthDBMUserFile</a></code> directive. These
267    files can be created and manipulated with the <code class="program"><a href="/programs/dbmmanage.html">dbmmanage</a></code> and <code class="program"><a href="/programs/htdbm.html">htdbm</a></code> programs. Many
268    other types of authentication options are available from third
269    party modules in the <a href="http://modules.apache.org/">Apache Modules
270    Database</a>.</p>
272    <p>Finally, the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#require">Require</a></code>
273    directive provides the authorization part of the process by
274    setting the user that is allowed to access this region of the
275    server. In the next section, we discuss various ways to use the
276    <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#require">Require</a></code> directive.</p>
277</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
278<div class="section">
279<h2><a name="lettingmorethanonepersonin" id="lettingmorethanonepersonin">Letting more than one
280person in</a></h2>
281    <p>The directives above only let one person (specifically
282    someone with a username of <code>rbowen</code>) into the
283    directory. In most cases, you'll want to let more than one
284    person in. This is where the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_groupfile.html#authgroupfile">AuthGroupFile</a></code> comes in.</p>
286    <p>If you want to let more than one person in, you'll need to
287    create a group file that associates group names with a list of
288    users in that group. The format of this file is pretty simple,
289    and you can create it with your favorite editor. The contents
290    of the file will look like this:</p>
292   <div class="example"><p><code>
293     GroupName: rbowen dpitts sungo rshersey
294   </code></p></div>
296    <p>That's just a list of the members of the group in a long
297    line separated by spaces.</p>
299    <p>To add a user to your already existing password file,
300    type:</p>
302    <div class="example"><p><code>
303      htpasswd /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords dpitts
304    </code></p></div>
306    <p>You'll get the same response as before, but it will be
307    appended to the existing file, rather than creating a new file.
308    (It's the <code>-c</code> that makes it create a new password
309    file).</p>
311    <p>Now, you need to modify your <code>.htaccess</code> file or
312    <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#directory">&lt;Directory&gt;</a></code> block
313    to look like the following:</p>
315    <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">AuthType Basic
316AuthName "By Invitation Only"
317# Optional line:
318AuthBasicProvider file
319AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords
320AuthGroupFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/groups
321Require group GroupName</pre>
324    <p>Now, anyone that is listed in the group <code>GroupName</code>,
325    and has an entry in the <code>password</code> file, will be let in, if
326    they type the correct password.</p>
328    <p>There's another way to let multiple users in that is less
329    specific. Rather than creating a group file, you can just use
330    the following directive:</p>
332    <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">Require valid-user</pre>
335    <p>Using that rather than the <code>Require user rbowen</code>
336    line will allow anyone in that is listed in the password file,
337    and who correctly enters their password.</p>
338</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
339<div class="section">
340<h2><a name="possibleproblems" id="possibleproblems">Possible problems</a></h2>
341    <p>Because of the way that Basic authentication is specified,
342    your username and password must be verified every time you
343    request a document from the server. This is even if you're
344    reloading the same page, and for every image on the page (if
345    they come from a protected directory). As you can imagine, this
346    slows things down a little. The amount that it slows things
347    down is proportional to the size of the password file, because
348    it has to open up that file, and go down the list of users
349    until it gets to your name. And it has to do this every time a
350    page is loaded.</p>
352    <p>A consequence of this is that there's a practical limit to
353    how many users you can put in one password file. This limit
354    will vary depending on the performance of your particular
355    server machine, but you can expect to see slowdowns once you
356    get above a few hundred entries, and may wish to consider a
357    different authentication method at that time.</p>
358</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
359<div class="section">
360<h2><a name="dbmdbd" id="dbmdbd">Alternate password storage</a></h2>
362    <p>Because storing passwords in plain text files has the above
363    problems, you may wish to store your passwords somewhere else, such
364    as in a database.</p>
366    <p><code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_dbm.html">mod_authn_dbm</a></code> and <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_dbd.html">mod_authn_dbd</a></code> are two
367    modules which make this possible. Rather than selecting <code><code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_auth_basic.html#authbasicprovider">AuthBasicProvider</a></code> file</code>, instead
368    you can choose <code>dbm</code> or <code>dbd</code> as your storage
369    format.</p>
371    <p>To select a dbm file rather than a text file, for example:</p>
373    <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">&lt;Directory /www/docs/private&gt;
374    AuthName "Private"
375    AuthType Basic
376    AuthBasicProvider dbm
377    AuthDBMUserFile /www/passwords/passwd.dbm
378    Require valid-user
382    <p>Other options are available. Consult the
383    <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_dbm.html">mod_authn_dbm</a></code> documentation for more details.</p>
384</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
385<div class="section">
386<h2><a name="multprovider" id="multprovider">Using multiple providers</a></h2>
388    <p>With the introduction of the new provider based authentication and
389    authorization architecture, you are no longer locked into a single
390    authentication or authorization method. In fact any number of the
391    providers can be mixed and matched to provide you with exactly the
392    scheme that meets your needs. In the following example, both the
393    file and LDAP based authentication providers are being used.</p>
395    <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">&lt;Directory /www/docs/private&gt;
396    AuthName "Private"
397    AuthType Basic
398    AuthBasicProvider file ldap
399    AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords
400    AuthLDAPURL ldap://ldaphost/o=yourorg
401    Require valid-user
405    <p>In this example the file provider will attempt to authenticate
406    the user first. If it is unable to authenticate the user, the LDAP
407    provider will be called. This allows the scope of authentication
408    to be broadened if your organization implements more than
409    one type of authentication store. Other authentication and authorization
410    scenarios may include mixing one type of authentication with a
411    different type of authorization. For example, authenticating against
412    a password file yet authorizing against an LDAP directory.</p>
414    <p>Just as multiple authentication providers can be implemented, multiple
415    authorization methods can also be used. In this example both file group
416    authorization as well as LDAP group authorization is being used.</p>
418    <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">&lt;Directory /www/docs/private&gt;
419    AuthName "Private"
420    AuthType Basic
421    AuthBasicProvider file
422    AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords
423    AuthLDAPURL ldap://ldaphost/o=yourorg
424    AuthGroupFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/groups
425    Require group GroupName
426    Require ldap-group cn=mygroup,o=yourorg
430    <p>To take authorization a little further, authorization container
431    directives such as
432    <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#requireall">&lt;RequireAll&gt;</a></code>
433    and
434    <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#requireany">&lt;RequireAny&gt;</a></code>
435    allow logic to be applied so that the order in which authorization
436    is handled can be completely controled through the configuration.
437    See <a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#logic">Authorization
438    Containers</a> for an example of they may be applied.</p>
440</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
441<div class="section">
442<h2><a name="beyond" id="beyond">Beyond just authorization</a></h2>
444    <p>The way that authorization can be apply is now much more flexible
445    than just a single check against a single data store. Ordering, logic
446    and choosing how authorization will be done is now possible.</p>
448    <h3><a name="authandororder" id="authandororder">Applying logic and ordering</a></h3>
449        <p>Controling how and in what order authorization will be applied
450        has been a bit of a mystery in the past. In Apache 2.2 a provider-based
451        authentication mechanism was introduced to decouple the actual
452        authentication process from authorization and supporting functionality.
453        One of the side benefits was that authentication providers could be
454        configured and called in a specific order which didn't depend on the
455        load order of the auth module itself. This same provider based mechanism
456        has been brought forward into authorization as well. What this means is
457        that the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#require">Require</a></code> directive
458        not only specifies which authorization methods should be used, it also
459        specifies the order in which they are called. Multiple authorization
460        methods are called in the same order in which the
461        <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#require">Require</a></code> directives
462        appear in the configuration.</p>
464        <p>With the introduction of authorization container directives
465        such as
466        <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#requireall">&lt;RequireAll&gt;</a></code>
467        and
468        <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#requireany">&lt;RequireAny&gt;</a></code>,
469        the configuration also has control over when the
470        authorization methods are called and what criteria determines when
471        access is granted.  See
472        <a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#logic">Authorization Containers</a>
473        for an example of how they may be used to express complex
474        authorization logic.</p>
476        <p>By default all
477        <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#require">Require</a></code>
478        directives are handled as though contained within a
479        <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#requireany">&lt;RequireAny&gt;</a></code>
480        container directive.  In other words, if
481        any of the specified authorization methods succeed, then authorization
482        is granted.</p>
486    <h3><a name="reqaccessctrl" id="reqaccessctrl">Using authorization providers for access control</a></h3>
487        <p>Authentication by username and password is only part of the
488        story. Frequently you want to let people in based on something
489        other than who they are. Something such as where they are
490        coming from.</p>
492        <p>The authorization providers <code>all</code>,
493        <code>env</code>, <code>host</code> and <code>ip</code> let you
494        allow or deny access based other host based criteria such as
495        host name or ip address of the machine requesting a
496        document.</p>
498        <p>The usage of these providers is specified through the
499        <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#require">Require</a></code> directive.
500        This directive registers the authorization providers
501        that will be called during the authorization stage of the request
502        processing. For example:</p>
504        <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">Require ip <var>address</var></pre>
507        <p>where <var>address</var> is an IP address (or a partial IP
508        address) or:</p>
510        <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">Require host <var>domain_name</var></pre>
513        <p>where <var>domain_name</var> is a fully qualified domain name
514        (or a partial domain name); you may provide multiple addresses or
515        domain names, if desired.</p>
517        <p>For example, if you have someone spamming your message
518        board, and you want to keep them out, you could do the
519        following:</p>
521        <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">&lt;RequireAll&gt;
522    Require all granted
523    Require not ip
527        <p>Visitors coming from that address will not be able to see
528        the content covered by this directive. If, instead, you have a
529        machine name, rather than an IP address, you can use that.</p>
531        <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">&lt;RequireAll&gt;
532    Require all granted
533    Require not host host.example.com
537        <p>And, if you'd like to block access from an entire domain,
538        you can specify just part of an address or domain name:</p>
540        <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">&lt;RequireAll&gt;
541    Require all granted
542    Require not ip 192.168.205
543    Require not host phishers.example.com moreidiots.example
544    Require not host ke
548        <p>Using <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#requireall">&lt;RequireAll&gt;</a></code>
549        with multiple <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_core.html#require">&lt;Require&gt;</a></code> directives, each negated with <code>not</code>,
550        will only allow access, if all of negated conditions are true. In other words,
551        access will be blocked, if any of the negated conditions fails.</p>
555    <h3><a name="filesystem" id="filesystem">Access Control backwards compatibility</a></h3>
556        <p>One of the side effects of adopting a provider based mechanism for
557        authentication is that the need for the previous access control directives
558        <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_access_compat.html#order">Order</a></code>,
559        <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_access_compat.html#allow">Allow</a></code>,
560        <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_access_compat.html#deny">Deny</a></code> and
561        <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_access_compat.html#satisfy">Satisfy</a></code> are no longer needed.
562        However to provide backwards compatibility for older configurations, these
563        directives have been moved to the <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_access_compat.html">mod_access_compat</a></code> module.</p>
566</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
567<div class="section">
568<h2><a name="socache" id="socache">Authentication Cacheing</a></h2>
569    <p>There may be times when authentication puts an unacceptable load
570    on a provider or on your network.  This is most likely to affect users
571    of <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_dbd.html">mod_authn_dbd</a></code> (or third-party/custom providers).
572    To deal with this, HTTPD 2.3/2.4 introduces a new cacheing provider
573    <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_socache.html">mod_authn_socache</a></code> to cache credentials and reduce
574    the load on the origin provider(s).</p>
575    <p>This may offer a substantial performance boost to some users.</p>
576</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
577<div class="section">
578<h2><a name="moreinformation" id="moreinformation">More information</a></h2>
579    <p>You should also read the documentation for
580    <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_auth_basic.html">mod_auth_basic</a></code> and <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_authz_host.html">mod_authz_host</a></code>
581    which contain some more information about how this all works.  The
582    directive <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_authn_core.html#authnprovideralias">&lt;AuthnProviderAlias&gt;</a></code> can also help
583    in simplifying certain authentication configurations.</p>
585    <p>The various ciphers supported by Apache for authentication data are
586    explained in <a href="/misc/password_encryptions.html">Password
587    Encryptions</a>.</p>
589    <p>And you may want to look at the <a href="access.html">Access
590    Control</a> howto, which discusses a number of related topics.</p>
593<div class="bottomlang">
594<p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="/en/howto/auth.html" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a> |
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