1INTERNET-DRAFT                                                Brian Tung
2draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-18.txt                   Clifford Neuman
3Updates: RFC 1510bis                                             USC/ISI
4expires August 20, 2004                                      Matthew Hur
5                                                           Ari Medvinsky
6                                                   Microsoft Corporation
7                                                         Sasha Medvinsky
8                                                          Motorola, Inc.
9                                                               John Wray
10                                                   Iris Associates, Inc.
11                                                        Jonathan Trostle
13    Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication in Kerberos
150.  Status Of This Memo
17This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
18all provision of Section 10 of RFC 2026.  Internet-Drafts are
19working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its
20areas, and its working groups.  Note that other groups may also
21distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.
23Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
24months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
25at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
26reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
28The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
31The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
34The distribution of this memo is unlimited.  It is filed as
35draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-18.txt and expires August 20, 2004.
36Please send comments to the authors.
391.  Abstract
41This draft describes protocol extensions (hereafter called PKINIT)
42to the Kerberos protocol specification (RFC 1510bis [1]).  These
43extensions provide a method for integrating public key cryptography
44into the initial authentication exchange, by passing cryptographic
45certificates and associated authenticators in preauthentication data
492.  Introduction
51A client typically authenticates itself to a service in Kerberos
52using three distinct though related exchanges.  First, the client
53requests a ticket-granting ticket (TGT) from the Kerberos
54authentication server (AS).  Then, it uses the TGT to request a
55service ticket from the Kerberos ticket-granting server (TGS).
56Usually, the AS and TGS are integrated in a single device known as
57a Kerberos Key Distribution Center, or KDC.  (In this draft, we will
58refer to both the AS and the TGS as the KDC.) Finally, the client
59uses the service ticket to authenticate itself to the service.
61The advantage afforded by the TGT is that the user need only
62explicitly request a ticket and expose his credentials once.  The
63TGT and its associated session key can then be used for any
64subsequent requests.  One implication of this is that all further
65authentication is independent of the method by which the initial
66authentication was performed.  Consequently, initial authentication
67provides a convenient place to integrate public-key cryptography
68into Kerberos authentication.
70As defined, Kerberos authentication exchanges use symmetric-key
71cryptography, in part for performance.  (Symmetric-key cryptography
72is typically 10-100 times faster than public-key cryptography,
73depending on the public-key operations. [cite])  One cost of using
74symmetric-key cryptography is that the keys must be shared, so that
75before a user can authentication himself, he must already be
76registered with the KDC.
78Conversely, public-key cryptography--in conjunction with an
79established certification infrastructure--permits authentication
80without prior registration.  Adding it to Kerberos allows the
81widespread use of Kerberized applications by users without requiring
82them to register first--a requirement that has no inherent security
85As noted above, a convenient and efficient place to introduce
86public-key cryptography into Kerberos is in the initial
87authentication exchange.  This document describes the methods and
88data formats for integrating public-key cryptography into Kerberos
89initial authentication.  Another document (PKCROSS) describes a
90similar protocol for Kerberos cross-realm authentication.
933.  Extensions
95This section describes extensions to RFC 1510bis for supporting the
96use of public-key cryptography in the initial request for a ticket
97granting ticket (TGT).
99Briefly, the following changes to RFC 1510bis are proposed:
101    1.  If public-key authentication is indicated, the client sends
102        the user's public-key data and an authenticator in a
103        preauthentication field accompanying the usual request.
104        This authenticator is signed by the user's private
105        signature key.
107    2.  The KDC verifies the client's request against its own
108        policy and certification authorities.
110    3.  If the request passes the verification tests, the KDC
111        replies as usual, but the reply is encrypted using either:
113        a.  a randomly generated key, signed using the KDC's
114            signature key and encrypted using the user's encryption
115            key; or
117        b.  a key generated through a Diffie-Hellman exchange with
118            the client, signed using the KDC's signature key.
120        Any key data required by the client to obtain the encryption
121        key is returned in a preauthentication field accompanying
122        the usual reply.
124    4.  The client obtains the encryption key, decrypts the reply,
125        and then proceeds as usual.
127Section 3.1 of this document defines the necessary message formats.
128Section 3.2 describes their syntax and use in greater detail.
129Implementation of all specified formats and uses in these sections
130is REQUIRED for compliance with PKINIT.
1333.1.  Definitions
1363.1.1.  Required Algorithms
138At minimum, PKINIT must be able to use the following algorithms:
140    Reply key (or DH-derived key): AES256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96 etype
141      (as required by clarifications).
142    Signature algorithm: SHA-1 digest and RSA.
143    Reply key delivery method: ephemeral-ephemeral Diffie-Hellman
144      with a non-zero nonce.
145    Unkeyed checksum type for the paChecksum member of
146      PKAuthenticator: SHA1 (unkeyed).
1493.1.2.  Defined Message and Encryption Types
151PKINIT makes use of the following new preauthentication types:
153    PA-PK-AS-REQ                             TBD
154    PA-PK-AS-REP                             TBD
155    PA-PK-OCSP-REQ                           TBD
156    PA-PK-OCSP-REP                           TBD
158PKINIT also makes use of the following new authorization data type:
160    AD-INITIAL-VERIFIED-CAS                  TBD
162PKINIT introduces the following new error types:
164    KDC_ERR_CLIENT_NOT_TRUSTED                62
165    KDC_ERR_KDC_NOT_TRUSTED                   63
166    KDC_ERR_INVALID_SIG                       64
167    KDC_ERR_KEY_TOO_WEAK                      65
168    KDC_ERR_CERTIFICATE_MISMATCH              66
170    KDC_ERR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE               71
171    KDC_ERR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE               72
173    KDC_ERR_CLIENT_NAME_MISMATCH              75
175PKINIT uses the following typed data types for errors:
177    TD-DH-PARAMETERS                         102
178    TD-TRUSTED-CERTIFIERS                    104
179    TD-CERTIFICATE-INDEX                     105
181PKINIT defines the following encryption types, for use in the AS-REQ
182message (to indicate acceptance of the corresponding encryption OIDs
183in PKINIT):
185    dsaWithSHA1-CmsOID                         9
186    md5WithRSAEncryption-CmsOID               10
187    sha1WithRSAEncryption-CmsOID              11
188    rc2CBC-EnvOID                             12
189    rsaEncryption-EnvOID   (PKCS1 v1.5)       13
190    rsaES-OAEP-ENV-OID     (PKCS1 v2.0)       14
191    des-ede3-cbc-Env-OID                      15
193The above encryption types are used (in PKINIT) only within CMS [8]
194structures within the PKINIT preauthentication fields.  Their use
195within Kerberos EncryptedData structures is unspecified.
1983.1.3.  Algorithm Identifiers
200PKINIT does not define, but does make use of, the following
201algorithm identifiers.
203PKINIT uses the following algorithm identifier for Diffie-Hellman
204key agreement [11]:
206    dhpublicnumber
208PKINIT uses the following signature algorithm identifiers [8, 12]:
210    sha-1WithRSAEncryption (RSA with SHA1)
211    md5WithRSAEncryption   (RSA with MD5)
212    id-dsa-with-sha1       (DSA with SHA1)
214PKINIT uses the following encryption algorithm identifiers [12] for
215encrypting the temporary key with a public key:
217    rsaEncryption          (PKCS1 v1.5)
218    id-RSAES-OAEP          (PKCS1 v2.0)
220These OIDs are not to be confused with the encryption types listed
223PKINIT uses the following algorithm identifiers [8] for encrypting
224the reply key with the temporary key:
226    des-ede3-cbc           (three-key 3DES, CBC mode)
227    rc2-cbc                (RC2, CBC mode)
229Again, these OIDs are not to be confused with the encryption types
230listed above.
2333.2.  PKINIT Preauthentication Syntax and Use
235In this section, we describe the syntax and use of the various
236preauthentication fields employed to implement PKINIT.
2393.2.1.  Client Request
241The initial authentication request (AS-REQ) is sent as per RFC
2421510bis, except that a preauthentication field containing data
243signed by the user's private signature key accompanies the request,
244as follows:
246    PA-PK-AS-REQ ::= SEQUENCE {
247                                    -- PAType TBD
248        signedAuthPack          [0] ContentInfo,
249                                    -- Defined in CMS.
250                                    -- Type is SignedData.
251                                    -- Content is AuthPack
252                                    -- (defined below).
253        trustedCertifiers       [1] SEQUENCE OF TrustedCAs OPTIONAL,
254                                    -- A list of CAs, trusted by
255                                    -- the client, used to certify
256                                    -- KDCs.
257        kdcCert                 [2] IssuerAndSerialNumber OPTIONAL,
258                                    -- Defined in CMS.
259                                    -- Identifies a particular KDC
260                                    -- certificate, if the client
261                                    -- already has it.
262        encryptionCert          [3] IssuerAndSerialNumber OPTIONAL,
263                                    -- May identify the user's
264                                    -- Diffie-Hellman certificate,
265                                    -- or an RSA encryption key
266                                    -- certificate.
267        ...
268    }
270    TrustedCAs ::= CHOICE {
271        caName                  [0] Name,
272                                    -- Fully qualified X.500 name
273                                    -- as defined in X.509 [11].
274        issuerAndSerial         [1] IssuerAndSerialNumber,
275                                    -- Identifies a specific CA
276                                    -- certificate, if the client
277                                    -- only trusts one.
278        ...
279    }
281    AuthPack ::= SEQUENCE {
282        pkAuthenticator         [0] PKAuthenticator,
283        clientPublicValue       [1] SubjectPublicKeyInfo OPTIONAL
284                                    -- Defined in X.509,
285                                    -- reproduced below.
286                                    -- Present only if the client
287                                    -- is using ephemeral-ephemeral
288                                    -- Diffie-Hellman.
289    }
291    PKAuthenticator ::= SEQUENCE {
292        cusec                   [0] INTEGER,
293        ctime                   [1] KerberosTime,
294                                    -- cusec and ctime are used as
295                                    -- in RFC 1510bis, for replay
296                                    -- prevention.
297        nonce                   [2] INTEGER,
298                                    -- Binds reply to request,
299                                    -- except is zero when client
300                                    -- will accept cached
301                                    -- Diffie-Hellman parameters
302                                    -- from KDC and MUST NOT be
303                                    -- zero otherwise.
304                                    -- MUST be < 2^32.
305        paChecksum              [3] Checksum,
306                                    -- Defined in [15].
307                                    -- Performed over KDC-REQ-BODY,
308                                    -- must be unkeyed.
309        ...
310    }
312    IMPORTS
313        -- from X.509
314        SubjectPublicKeyInfo, AlgorithmIdentifier, DomainParameters,
315          ValidationParms
316            FROM PKIX1Explicit88 { iso (1) identified-organization (3)
317              dod (6) internet (1) security (5) mechanisms (5)
318              pkix (7) id-mod (0) id-pkix1-explicit-88 (1) }
320The ContentInfo in the signedAuthPack is filled out as follows:
322    1.  The eContent field contains data of type AuthPack.  It MUST
323        contain the pkAuthenticator, and MAY also contain the
324        user's Diffie-Hellman public value (clientPublicValue).
326    2.  The eContentType field MUST contain the OID value for
327        pkauthdata: { iso (1) org (3) dod (6) internet (1)
328        security (5) kerberosv5 (2) pkinit (3) pkauthdata (1)}
330    3.  The signerInfos field MUST contain the signature of the
331        AuthPack.
333    4.  The certificates field MUST contain at least a signature
334        verification certificate chain that the KDC can use to
335        verify the signature on the AuthPack.  Additionally, the
336        client may also insert an encryption certificate chain, if
337        (for example) the client is not using ephemeral-ephemeral
338        Diffie-Hellman.
340    5.  If a Diffie-Hellman key is being used, the parameters SHOULD
341        be chosen from the First or Second defined Oakley Groups.
342        (See RFC 2409 [c].)
344    6.  The KDC may wish to use cached Diffie-Hellman parameters.
345        To indicate acceptance of caching, the client sends zero in
346        the nonce field of the pkAuthenticator.  Zero is not a valid
347        value for this field under any other circumstances.  Since
348        zero is used to indicate acceptance of cached parameters,
349        message binding in this case is performed instead using the
350        nonce in the main request.
3533.2.2.  Validation of Client Request
355Upon receiving the client's request, the KDC validates it.  This
356section describes the steps that the KDC MUST (unless otherwise
357noted) take in validating the request.
359The KDC must look for a user certificate in the signedAuthPack.
360If it cannot find one signed by a CA it trusts, it sends back an
361error of type KDC_ERR_CANT_VERIFY_CERTIFICATE.  The accompanying
362e-data for this error is a SEQUENCE OF TypedData:
364    TypedData ::= SEQUENCE {
365                                    -- As defined in RFC 1510bis.
366        data-type               [0] INTEGER,
367        data-value              [1] OCTET STRING
368    }
370For this error, the data-type is TD-TRUSTED-CERTIFIERS, and the
371data-value is an OCTET STRING containing the DER encoding of
373    TrustedCertifiers ::= SEQUENCE OF Name
375If, while verifying the certificate chain, the KDC determines that
376the signature on one of the certificates in the signedAuthPack is
377invalid, it returns an error of type KDC_ERR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE.
378The accompanying e-data for this error is a SEQUENCE OF TypedData,
379whose data-type is TD-CERTIFICATE-INDEX, and whose data-value is an
380OCTET STRING containing the DER encoding of the index into the
381CertificateSet field, ordered as sent by the client:
383    CertificateIndex ::= INTEGER
384                                    -- 0 = first certificate (in
385                                    --     order of encoding),
386                                    -- 1 = second certificate, etc.
388If more than one signature is invalid, the KDC sends one TypedData
389per invalid signature.
391The KDC MAY also check whether any of the certificates in the user's
392chain have been revoked.  If any of them have been revoked, the KDC
393returns an error of type KDC_ERR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE; if the KDC
394attempts to determine the revocation status but is unable to do so,
395it SHOULD return an error of type KDC_ERR_REVOCATION_STATUS_UNKNOWN.
396The certificate or certificates affected are identified exactly as
397for an error of type KDC_ERR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE (see above).
399If the certificate chain is successfully validated, but the user's
400certificate is not authorized to the client's principal name in the
401AS-REQ (when present), the KDC MUST return an error of type
402KDC_ERR_CLIENT_NAME_MISMATCH.  There is no accompanying e-data for
403this error.
405Even if the chain is validated, and the names in the certificate and
406the request match, the KDC may decide not to trust the client.  For
407example, the certificate may include (or not include) an Enhanced
408Key Usage (EKU) OID in the extensions field.  As a matter of local
409policy, the KDC may decide to reject requests on the basis of the
410absence or presence of specific EKU OIDs.  In this case, the KDC
411returns an error of type KDC_ERR_CLIENT_NOT_TRUSTED.  For the
412benefit of implementors, we define a PKINIT EKU OID as follows:
413{ iso (1) org (3) dod (6) internet (1) security (5) kerberosv5 (2)
414pkinit (3) pkekuoid (4) }.
416If the certificate chain and usage check out, but the client's
417signature on the signedAuthPack fails to verify, the KDC returns an
418error of type KDC_ERR_INVALID_SIG.  There is no accompanying e-data
419for this error.
421The KDC must check the timestamp to ensure that the request is not
422a replay, and that the time skew falls within acceptable limits.
423The recommendations for ordinary (that is, non-PKINIT) skew times
424apply here.  If the check fails, the KDC returns an error of type
425KRB_AP_ERR_REPEAT or KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW, respectively.
427Finally, if the clientPublicValue is filled in, indicating that the
428client wishes to use ephemeral-ephemeral Diffie-Hellman, the KDC
429checks to see if the parameters satisfy its policy.  If they do not,
430it returns an error of type KDC_ERR_KEY_TOO_WEAK.  The accompanying
431e-data is a SEQUENCE OF TypedData, whose data-type is
432TD-DH-PARAMETERS, and whose data-value is an OCTET STRING containing
433the DER encoding of a DomainParameters (see above), including
434appropriate Diffie-Hellman parameters with which to retry the
437In order to establish authenticity of the reply, the KDC will sign
438some key data (either the random key used to encrypt the reply in
439the case of a KDCDHKeyInfo, or the Diffie-Hellman parameters used to
440generate the reply-encrypting key in the case of a ReplyKeyPack).
441The signature certificate to be used is to be selected as follows:
443    1.  If the client included a kdcCert field in the PA-PK-AS-REQ,
444        use the referred-to certificate, if the KDC has it.  If it
445        does not, the KDC returns an error of type
448    2.  Otherwise, if the client did not include a kdcCert field,
449        but did include a trustedCertifiers field, and the KDC
450        possesses a certificate issued by one of the listed
451        certifiers, use that certificate.  if it does not possess
452        one, it returns an error of type KDC_ERR_KDC_NOT_TRUSTED.
454    3.  Otherwise, if the client included neither a kdcCert field
455        nor a trustedCertifiers field, and the KDC has only one
456        signature certificate, use that certificate.  If it has
457        more than one certificate, it returns an error of type
4613.2.3.  KDC Reply
463Assuming that the client's request has been properly validated, the
464KDC proceeds as per RFC 1510bis, except as follows.
466The user's name as represented in the AS-REP must be derived from
467the certificate provided in the client's request.  If the KDC has
468its own mapping from the name in the certificate to a Kerberos name,
469it uses that Kerberos name.
471Otherwise, if the certificate contains a SubjectAltName extension
472with a KerberosName in the otherName field, it uses that name.
474    AnotherName ::= SEQUENCE {
475                                    -- Defined in [11].
476        type-id                     OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
477        value                   [0] EXPLICIT ANY DEFINED BY type-id
478    }
480    KerberosName ::= SEQUENCE {
481        realm                   [0] Realm,
482        principalName           [1] PrincipalName
483    }
485with OID
487    krb5 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso (1) org (3) dod (6) internet (1)
488                                 security (5) kerberosv5 (2) }
490    krb5PrincipalName OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { krb5 2 }
492In this case, the realm in the ticket is that of the local realm (or
493some other realm name chosen by that realm).  Otherwise, the KDC
494returns an error of type KDC_ERR_CLIENT_NAME_MISMATCH.
496In addition, the KDC MUST set the initial flag in the issued TGT
497*and* add an authorization data of type AD-INITIAL-VERIFIED-CAS to
498the TGT.  The value is an OCTET STRING containing the DER encoding
499of InitialVerifiedCAs:
501    InitialVerifiedCAs ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
502        ca                      [0] Name,
503        ocspValidated           [1] BOOLEAN,
504        ...
505    }
508containers if the list of CAs satisfies the KDC's realm's policy.
509(This corresponds to the TRANSITED-POLICY-CHECKED ticket flag.)
510Furthermore, any TGS must copy such authorization data from tickets
511used in a PA-TGS-REQ of the TGS-REQ to the resulting ticket,
512including the AD-IF-RELEVANT container, if present.
514AP servers that understand this authorization data type SHOULD apply
515local policy to determine whether a given ticket bearing such a type
516(not contained within an AD-IF-RELEVANT container) is acceptable.
517(This corresponds to the AP server checking the transited field when
518the TRANSITED-POLICY-CHECKED flag has not been set.)  If such a data
519type *is* contained within an AD-IF-RELEVANT container, AP servers
520still MAY apply local policy to determine whether the authorization
521data is acceptable.
523The AS-REP is otherwise unchanged from RFC 1510bis.  The KDC then
524encrypts the reply as usual, but not with the user's long-term key.
525Instead, it encrypts it with either a random encryption key, or a
526key derived from a Diffie-Hellman exchange.  Which is the case is
527indicated by the contents of the PA-PK-AS-REP (note tags):
529    PA-PK-AS-REP ::= CHOICE {
530                                    -- PAType YY (TBD)
531        dhSignedData            [0] ContentInfo,
532                                    -- Type is SignedData.
533                                    -- Content is KDCDHKeyInfo
534                                    -- (defined below).
535        encKeyPack              [1] ContentInfo,
536                                    -- Type is EnvelopedData.
537                                    -- Content is ReplyKeyPack
538                                    -- (defined below).
539        ...
540    }
542Note that PA-PK-AS-REP is a CHOICE: either a dhSignedData, or an
543encKeyPack, but not both.  The former contains data of type
544KDCDHKeyInfo, and is used only when the reply is encrypted using a
545Diffie-Hellman derived key:
547    KDCDHKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
548        subjectPublicKey        [0] BIT STRING,
549                                    -- Equals public exponent
550                                    -- (g^a mod p).
551                                    -- INTEGER encoded as payload
552                                    -- of BIT STRING.
553        nonce                   [1] INTEGER,
554                                    -- Binds reply to request.
555                                    -- Exception: A value of zero
556                                    -- indicates that the KDC is
557                                    -- using cached values.
558        dhKeyExpiration         [2] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
559                                    -- Expiration time for KDC's
560                                    -- cached values.
561        ...
562    }
564The fields of the ContentInfo for dhSignedData are to be filled in
565as follows:
567    1.  The eContent field contains data of type KDCDHKeyInfo.
569    2.  The eContentType field contains the OID value for
570        pkdhkeydata: { iso (1) org (3) dod (6) internet (1)
571        security (5) kerberosv5 (2) pkinit (3) pkdhkeydata (2) }
573    3.  The signerInfos field contains a single signerInfo, which is
574        the signature of the KDCDHKeyInfo.
576    4.  The certificates field contains a signature verification
577        certificate chain that the client may use to verify the
578        KDC's signature over the KDCDHKeyInfo.)  It may only be left
579        empty if the client did not include a trustedCertifiers
580        field in the PA-PK-AS-REQ, indicating that it has the KDC's
581        certificate.
583    5.  If the client and KDC agree to use cached parameters, the
584        KDC SHOULD return a zero in the nonce field and include the
585        expiration time of the cached values in the dhKeyExpiration
586        field.  If this time is exceeded, the client SHOULD NOT use
587        the reply.  If the time is absent, the client SHOULD NOT use
588        the reply and MAY resubmit a request with a non-zero nonce,
589        thus indicating non-acceptance of the cached parameters.
591The key is derived as follows: Both the KDC and the client calculate
592the value g^(ab) mod p, where a and b are the client's and KDC's
593private exponents, respectively.  They both take the first k bits of
594this secret value as a key generation seed, where the parameter k
595(the size of the seed) is dependent on the selected key type, as
596specified in the Kerberos crypto draft [15].  The seed is then
597converted into a protocol key by applying to it a random-to-key
598function, which is also dependent on key type.
600The protocol key is used to derive the integrity key Ki and the
601encryption key Ke according to [15].  Ke and Ki are used to generate
602the encrypted part of the AS-REP.
604    1.  For example, if the encryption type is DES with MD4, k = 64
605        bits and the random-to-key function consists of replacing
606        some of the bits with parity bits, according to FIPS PUB 74
607        [cite].  In this case, the key derivation function for Ke is
608        the identity function, and Ki is not needed because the
609        checksum in the EncryptedData is not keyed.
611    2.  If the encryption type is three-key 3DES with HMAC-SHA1,
612        k = 168 bits and the random-to-key function is
613        DES3random-to-key as defined in [15].  This function inserts
614        parity bits to create a 192-bit 3DES protocol key that is
615        compliant with FIPS PUB 74 [cite].  Ke and Ki are derived
616        from this protocol key according to [15] with the key usage
617        number set to 3 (AS-REP encrypted part).
619If the KDC and client are not using Diffie-Hellman, the KDC encrypts
620the reply with an encryption key, packed in the encKeyPack, which
621contains data of type ReplyKeyPack:
623    ReplyKeyPack ::= SEQUENCE {
624        replyKey                [0] EncryptionKey,
625                                    -- Defined in RFC 1510bis.
626                                    -- Used to encrypt main reply.
627                                    -- MUST be at least as large
628                                    -- as session key.
629        nonce                   [1] INTEGER,
630                                    -- Binds reply to request.
631                                    -- MUST be < 2^32.
632        ...
633    }
635The fields of the ContentInfo for encKeyPack MUST be filled in as
638    1.  The innermost data is of type SignedData.  The eContent for
639        this data is of type ReplyKeyPack.
641    2.  The eContentType for this data contains the OID value for
642        pkrkeydata: { iso (1) org (3) dod (6) internet (1)
643        security (5) kerberosv5 (2) pkinit (3) pkrkeydata (3) }
645    3.  The signerInfos field contains a single signerInfo, which is
646        the signature of the ReplyKeyPack.
648    4.  The certificates field contains a signature verification
649        certificate chain, which the client may use to verify the
650        KDC's signature over the ReplyKeyPack.)  It may only be left
651        empty if the client did not include a trustedCertifiers
652        field in the PA-PK-AS-REQ, indicating that it has the KDC's
653        certificate.
655    5.  The outer data is of type EnvelopedData.  The
656        encryptedContent for this data is the SignedData described
657        in items 1 through 4, above.
659    6.  The encryptedContentType for this data contains the OID
660        value for id-signedData: { iso (1) member-body (2) us (840)
661        rsadsi (113549) pkcs (1) pkcs7 (7) signedData (2) }
663    7.  The recipientInfos field is a SET which MUST contain exactly
664        one member of type KeyTransRecipientInfo.  The encryptedKey
665        for this member contains the temporary key which is
666        encrypted using the client's public key.
668    8.  Neither the unprotectedAttrs field nor the originatorInfo
669        field is required for PKINIT.
6723.2.4.  Validation of KDC Reply
674Upon receipt of the KDC's reply, the client proceeds as follows.  If
675the PA-PK-AS-REP contains a dhSignedData, the client obtains and
676verifies the Diffie-Hellman parameters, and obtains the shared key
677as described above.  Otherwise, the message contains an encKeyPack,
678and the client decrypts and verifies the temporary encryption key.
679In either case, the client then decrypts the main reply with the
680resulting key, and then proceeds as described in RFC 1510bis.
6833.2.5.  Support for OCSP
685OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) [cite] allows the use of
686on-line requests for a client or server to determine the validity of
687each other's certificates.  It is particularly useful for clients
688authenticating each other across a constrained network.  These
689clients will not have to download the entire CRL to check for the
690validity of the KDC's certificate.
692In these cases, the KDC generally has better connectivity to the
693OCSP server, and it therefore processes the OCSP request and
694response and sends the results to the client.  The changes proposed
695in this section allow a client to request an OCSP response from the
696KDC when using PKINIT.  This is similar to the way that OCSP is
697handled in [cite].
699OCSP support is provided in PKINIT through the use of additional
700preauthentication data.  The following new preauthentication types
701are defined:
704                                    -- PAType TBD
705        responderIDList         [0] SEQUENCE of ResponderID OPTIONAL,
706                                    -- ResponderID is a DER-encoded
707                                    -- ASN.1 type defined in [cite]
708        requestExtensions       [1] Extensions OPTIONAL
709                                    -- Extensions is a DER-encoded
710                                    -- ASN.1 type defined in [cite]
711    }
713    PA-PK-OCSP-REP ::= SEQUENCE of OCSPResponse
714                                    -- OCSPResponse is a DER-encoded
715                                    -- ASN.1 type defined in [cite]
717A KDC that receives a PA-PK-OCSP-REQ MAY send a PA-PK-OCSP-REP.
718KDCs MUST NOT send a PA-PK-OCSP-REP if they do not first receive a
719PA-PK-OCSP-REQ from the client.  The KDC may either send a cached
720OCSP response or send an on-line request to the OCSP server.
722When using OCSP, the response is signed by the OCSP server, which is
723trusted by the client.  Depending on local policy, further
724verification of the validity of the OCSP server may need to be done.
7274.  Security Considerations
729PKINIT raises certain security considerations beyond those that can
730be regulated strictly in protocol definitions.  We will address them
731in this section.
733PKINIT extends the cross-realm model to the public-key
734infrastructure.  Anyone using PKINIT must be aware of how the
735certification infrastructure they are linking to works.
737Also, as in standard Kerberos, PKINIT presents the possibility of
738interactions between cryptosystems of varying strengths, and this
739now includes public-key cryptosystems.  Many systems, for example,
740allow the use of 512-bit public keys.  Using such keys to wrap data
741encrypted under strong conventional cryptosystems, such as 3DES, may
742be inappropriate.
744PKINIT calls for randomly generated keys for conventional
745cryptosystems.  Many such systems contain systematically "weak"
746keys.  For recommendations regarding these weak keys, see RFC
749PKINIT allows the use of a zero nonce in the PKAuthenticator when
750cached Diffie-Hellman parameters are used.  In this case, message
751binding is performed using the nonce in the main request in the same
752way as it is done for ordinary (that is, non-PKINIT) AS-REQs.  The
753nonce field in the KDC request body is signed through the checksum
754in the PKAuthenticator, and it therefore cryptographically binds the
755AS-REQ with the AS-REP.  If cached parameters are also used on the
756client side, the generated session key will be the same, and a
757compromised session key could lead to the compromise of future
758cached exchanges.  It is desirable to limit the use of cached
759parameters to just the KDC, in order to eliminate this exposure.
761Care should be taken in how certificates are chosen for the purposes
762of authentication using PKINIT.  Some local policies may require
763that key escrow be applied for certain certificate types.  People
764deploying PKINIT should be aware of the implications of using
765certificates that have escrowed keys for the purposes of
768PKINIT does not provide for a "return routability" test to prevent
769attackers from mounting a denial-of-service attack on the KDC by
770causing it to perform unnecessary and expensive public-key
771operations.  Strictly speaking, this is also true of standard
772Kerberos, although the potential cost is not as great, because
773standard Kerberos does not make use of public-key cryptography.
774It might be possible to address this using a preauthentication field
775as part of the proposed Kerberos preauthenticatino framework.
7785.  Acknowledgements
780Some of the ideas on which this proposal is based arose during
781discussions over several years between members of the SAAG, the IETF
782CAT working group, and the PSRG, regarding integration of Kerberos
783and SPX.  Some ideas have also been drawn from the DASS system.
784These changes are by no means endorsed by these groups.  This is an
785attempt to revive some of the goals of those groups, and this
786proposal approaches those goals primarily from the Kerberos
787perspective.  Lastly, comments from groups working on similar ideas
788in DCE have been invaluable.
7916.  Expiration Date
793This draft expires August 20, 2004.
7967.  Bibliography
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806Using Public Key Cryptography.  Symposium On Network and Distributed
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814for Comments 2246, January 1999.
816[6] B.C. Neuman, Proxy-Based Authorization and Accounting for
817Distributed Systems.  In Proceedings of the 13th International
818Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, May 1993.
820[7] ITU-T (formerly CCITT) Information technology - Open Systems
821Interconnection - The Directory: Authentication Framework
822Recommendation X.509 ISO/IEC 9594-8
824[8] R. Housley. Cryptographic Message Syntax.
825draft-ietf-smime-cms-13.txt, April 1999, approved for publication as
828[9] PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard. An RSA
829Laboratories Technical Note Version 1.5. Revised November 1, 1993
831[10] R. Rivest, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and RSA Data
832Security, Inc. A Description of the RC2(r) Encryption Algorithm.
833March 1998.  Request for Comments 2268.
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836Key Infrastructure, Certificate and CRL Profile, April 2002.
837Request for Comments 3280.
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840Specifications, October 1998.  Request for Comments 2437.
842[13] ITU-T (formerly CCITT) Information Processing Systems - Open
843Systems Interconnection - Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation
844One (ASN.1) Rec. X.680 ISO/IEC 8824-1.
846[14] PKCS #3: Diffie-Hellman Key-Agreement Standard, An RSA
847Laboratories Technical Note, Version 1.4, Revised November 1, 1993.
849[15] K. Raeburn.  Encryption and Checksum Specifications for
850Kerberos 5, October 2003. draft-ietf-krb-wg-crypto-06.txt.
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853T. Wright. Transport Layer Security (TLS) Extensions, June 2003.
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857Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure: Online Certificate Status
858Protocol - OCSP, June 1999.  Request for Comments 2560.
8618.  Authors
863Brian Tung
864Clifford Neuman
865USC Information Sciences Institute
8664676 Admiralty Way Suite 1001
867Marina del Rey CA 90292-6695
868Phone: +1 310 822 1511
869E-mail: {brian,bcn}@isi.edu
871Matthew Hur
872Ari Medvinsky
873Microsoft Corporation
874One Microsoft Way
875Redmond WA 98052
876Phone: +1 425 707 3336
877E-mail: matthur@microsoft.com, arimed@windows.microsoft.com
879Sasha Medvinsky
880Motorola, Inc.
8816450 Sequence Drive
882San Diego, CA 92121
883+1 858 404 2367
884E-mail: smedvinsky@motorola.com
886John Wray
887Iris Associates, Inc.
8885 Technology Park Dr.
889Westford, MA 01886
890E-mail: John_Wray@iris.com
892Jonathan Trostle
893E-mail: jtrostle@world.std.com