1INTERNET-DRAFT                                         Clifford Neuman
2draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-03.txt                      Brian Tung
3Updates: RFC 1510                                                  ISI
4expires September 30, 1997                                   John Wray
5                                         Digital Equipment Corporation
6                                                         Ari Medvinsky
7                                                           Matthew Hur
8                                                 CyberSafe Corporation
9                                                      Jonathan Trostle
10                                                                Novell
13    Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication in Kerberos
160.  Status Of this Memo
18    This document is an Internet-Draft.  Internet-Drafts are working
19    documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its
20    areas, and its working groups.  Note that other groups may also
21    distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.
23    Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
24    months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
25    documents at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts
26    as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in
27    progress."
29    To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check
30    the "1id-abstracts.txt" listing contained in the Internet-Drafts
31    Shadow Directories on ds.internic.net (US East Coast),
32    nic.nordu.net (Europe), ftp.isi.edu (US West Coast), or
33    munnari.oz.au (Pacific Rim).
35    The distribution of this memo is unlimited.  It is filed as
36    draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-03.txt, and expires September 30,
37    1997.  Please send comments to the authors.
401.  Abstract
42    This document defines extensions (PKINIT) to the Kerberos protocol
43    specification (RFC 1510 [1]) to provide a method for using public
44    key cryptography during initial authentication.  The methods
45    defined specify the ways in which preauthentication data fields and
46    error data fields in Kerberos messages are to be used to transport
47    public key data.
502.  Introduction
52    The popularity of public key cryptography has produced a desire for
53    its support in Kerberos [2].  The advantages provided by public key
54    cryptography include simplified key management (from the Kerberos
55    perspective) and the ability to leverage existing and developing
56    public key certification infrastructures.
58    Public key cryptography can be integrated into Kerberos in a number
59    of ways.  One is to to associate a key pair with each realm, which
60    can then be used to facilitate cross-realm authentication; this is
61    the topic of another draft proposal.  Another way is to allow users
62    with public key certificates to use them in initial authentication.
63    This is the concern of the current document.
65    One of the guiding principles in the design of PKINIT is that
66    changes should be as minimal as possible.  As a result, the basic
67    mechanism of PKINIT is as follows:  The user sends a request to the
68    KDC as before, except that if that user is to use public key
69    cryptography in the initial authentication step, his certificate
70    accompanies the initial request, in the preauthentication fields.
72    Upon receipt of this request, the KDC verifies the certificate and
73    issues a ticket granting ticket (TGT) as before, except that instead
74    of being encrypted in the user's long-term key (which is derived
75    from a password), it is encrypted in a randomly-generated key.  This
76    random key is in turn encrypted using the public key certificate
77    that came with the request and signed using the KDC's signature key,
78    and accompanies the reply, in the preauthentication fields.
80    PKINIT also allows for users with only digital signature keys to
81    authenticate using those keys, and for users to store and retrieve
82    private keys on the KDC.
84    The PKINIT specification may also be used for direct peer to peer
85    authentication without contacting a central KDC. This application
86    of PKINIT is described in PKTAPP [4] and is based on concepts
87    introduced in [5, 6]. For direct client-to-server authentication,
88    the client uses PKINIT to authenticate to the end server (instead
89    of a central KDC), which then issues a ticket for itself.  This
90    approach has an advantage over SSL [7] in that the server does not
91    need to save state (cache session keys).  Furthermore, an
92    additional benefit is that Kerberos tickets can facilitate
93    delegation (see [8]).
963.  Proposed Extensions
98    This section describes extensions to RFC 1510 for supporting the
99    use of public key cryptography in the initial request for a ticket
100    granting ticket (TGT).
102    In summary, the following changes to RFC 1510 are proposed:
104        --> Users may authenticate using either a public key pair or a
105            conventional (symmetric) key.  If public key cryptography is
106            used, public key data is transported in preauthentication
107            data fields to help establish identity.
108        --> Users may store private keys on the KDC for retrieval during
109            Kerberos initial authentication.
111    This proposal addresses two ways that users may use public key
112    cryptography for initial authentication.  Users may present public
113    key certificates, or they may generate their own session key,
114    signed by their digital signature key.  In either case, the end
115    result is that the user obtains an ordinary TGT that may be used for
116    subsequent authentication, with such authentication using only
117    conventional cryptography.
119    Section 3.1 provides definitions to help specify message formats.
120    Section 3.2 and 3.3 describe the extensions for the two initial
121    authentication methods.  Section 3.3 describes a way for the user to
122    store and retrieve his private key on the KDC.
1253.1.  Definitions
127    Hash and encryption types will be specified using ENCTYPE tags; we
128    propose the addition of the following types:
130        #define ENCTYPE_SIGN_DSA_GENERATE   0x0011
131        #define ENCTYPE_SIGN_DSA_VERIFY     0x0012
132        #define ENCTYPE_ENCRYPT_RSA_PRIV    0x0021
133        #define ENCTYPE_ENCRYPT_RSA_PUB     0x0022
135    allowing further signature types to be defined in the range 0x0011
136    through 0x001f, and further encryption types to be defined in the
137    range 0x0021 through 0x002f.
139    The extensions involve new preauthentication fields.  The
140    preauthentication data types are in the range 17 through 21.
141    These values are also specified along with their corresponding
142    ASN.1 definition.
144        #define PA-PK-AS-REQ                17
145        #define PA-PK-AS-REP                18
146        #define PA-PK-AS-SIGN               19
147        #define PA-PK-KEY-REQ               20
148        #define PA-PK-KEY-REP               21
150    The extensions also involve new error types.  The new error types
151    are in the range 227 through 229.  They are:
153        #define KDC_ERROR_CLIENT_NOT_TRUSTED    227
154        #define KDC_ERROR_KDC_NOT_TRUSTED       228
155        #define KDC_ERROR_INVALID_SIG           229
157    In the exposition below, we use the following terms: encryption key,
158    decryption key, signature key, verification key.  It should be
159    understood that encryption and verification keys are essentially
160    public keys, and decryption and signature keys are essentially
161    private keys.  The fact that they are logically distinct does
162    not preclude the assignment of bitwise identical keys.
1653.2.  Standard Public Key Authentication
167    Implementation of the changes in this section is REQUIRED for
168    compliance with pk-init.
170    It is assumed that all public keys are signed by some certification
171    authority (CA).  The initial authentication request is sent as per
172    RFC 1510, except that a preauthentication field containing data
173    signed by the user's signature key accompanies the request:
175    PA-PK-AS-REQ ::- SEQUENCE {
176                                -- PA TYPE 17
177        signedPKAuth            [0] SignedPKAuthenticator,
178        userCert                [1] SEQUENCE OF Certificate OPTIONAL,
179                                    -- the user's certificate
180                                    -- optionally followed by that
181                                    -- certificate's certifier chain
182        trustedCertifiers       [2] SEQUENCE OF PrincipalName OPTIONAL
183                                    -- CAs that the client trusts
184    }
186    SignedPKAuthenticator ::= SEQUENCE {
187        pkAuth                  [0] PKAuthenticator,
188        pkAuthSig               [1] Signature,
189                                    -- of pkAuth
190                                    -- using user's signature key
191    }
193    PKAuthenticator ::= SEQUENCE {
194        cusec                   [0] INTEGER,
195                                    -- for replay prevention
196        ctime                   [1] KerberosTime,
197                                    -- for replay prevention
198        nonce                   [2] INTEGER,
199                                    -- binds response to this request
200        kdcName                 [3] PrincipalName,
201        clientPubValue          [4] SubjectPublicKeyInfo OPTIONAL,
202                                    -- for Diffie-Hellman algorithm
203    }
205    Signature ::= SEQUENCE {
206        signedHash              [0] EncryptedData
207                                    -- of type Checksum
208                                    -- encrypted under signature key
209    }
211    Checksum ::=   SEQUENCE {
212        cksumtype               [0] INTEGER,
213        checksum                [1] OCTET STRING
214    }   -- as specified by RFC 1510
216    SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
217        algorithm               [0] algorithmIdentifier,
218        subjectPublicKey        [1] BIT STRING
219    }   -- as specified by the X.509 recommendation [9]
221    Certificate ::= SEQUENCE {
222        CertType                [0] INTEGER,
223                                    -- type of certificate
224                                    -- 1 = X.509v3 (DER encoding)
225                                    -- 2 = PGP (per PGP draft)
226        CertData                [1] OCTET STRING
227                                    -- actual certificate
228                                    -- type determined by CertType
229    }
231    Note: If the signature uses RSA keys, then it is to be performed
232    as per PKCS #1.
234    The PKAuthenticator carries information to foil replay attacks,
235    to bind the request and response, and to optionally pass the
236    client's Diffie-Hellman public value (i.e. for using DSA in
237    combination with Diffie-Hellman).  The PKAuthenticator is signed
238    with the private key corresponding to the public key in the
239    certificate found in userCert (or cached by the KDC).
241    In the PKAuthenticator, the client may specify the KDC name in one
242    of two ways: 1) a Kerberos principal name, or 2) the name in the
243    KDC's certificate (e.g., an X.500 name, or a PGP name).  Note that
244    case #1 requires that the certificate name and the Kerberos principal
245    name be bound together (e.g., via an X.509v3 extension).
247    The userCert field is a sequence of certificates, the first of which
248    must be the user's public key certificate. Any subsequent
249    certificates will be certificates of the certifiers of the user's
250    certificate.  These cerificates may be used by the KDC to verify the
251    user's public key.  This field is empty if the KDC already has the
252    user's certifcate.
254    The trustedCertifiers field contains a list of certification
255    authorities trusted by the client, in the case that the client does
256    not possess the KDC's public key certificate.
258    Upon receipt of the AS_REQ with PA-PK-AS-REQ pre-authentication
259    type, the KDC attempts to verify the user's certificate chain
260    (userCert), if one is provided in the request.  This is done by
261    verifying the certification path against the KDC's policy of
262    legitimate certifiers.  This may be based on a certification
263    hierarchy, or it may be simply a list of recognized certifiers in a
264    system like PGP.  If the certification path does not match one of
265    the KDC's trusted certifiers, the KDC sends back an error message of
266    type KDC_ERROR_CLIENT_NOT_TRUSTED, and it includes in the error data
267    field a list of its own trusted certifiers, upon which the client
268    resends the request.
270    If  trustedCertifiers is provided in the PA-PK-AS-REQ, the KDC
271    verifies that it has a certificate issued by one of the certifiers
272    trusted by the client.  If it does not have a suitable certificate,
273    the KDC returns an error message of type KDC_ERROR_KDC_NOT_TRUSTED
274    to the client. 
276    If a trust relationship exists, the KDC then verifies the client's
277    signature on PKAuthenticator.  If that fails, the KDC returns an
278    error message of type KDC_ERROR_INVALID_SIG.  Otherwise, the KDC
279    uses the timestamp in the PKAuthenticator to assure that the request
280    is not a replay.   The KDC also verifies that its name is specified
281    in PKAuthenticator.
283    Assuming no errors, the KDC replies as per RFC 1510, except that it
284    encrypts the reply not with the user's key, but with a random key
285    generated only for this particular response.  This random key
286    is sealed in the preauthentication field:
288    PA-PK-AS-REP ::= SEQUENCE {
289                               -- PA TYPE 18
290        kdcCert                 [0] SEQUENCE OF Certificate OPTIONAL,
291                                    -- the KDC's certificate
292                                    -- optionally followed by that
293                                    -- certificate's certifier chain
294        encPaReply              [1] EncryptedData,
295                                    -- of type PaReply
296                                    -- using either the client public
297                                    -- key or the Diffie-Hellman key
298                                    -- specified by SignedDHPublicValue
299        signedDHPublicValue     [2] SignedDHPublicValue OPTIONAL
300    }
303    PaReply ::= SEQUENCE {
304        replyEncKeyPack         [0] ReplyEncKeyPack,
305        replyEncKeyPackSig      [1] Signature,
306                                    -- of replyEncKeyPack
307                                    -- using KDC's signature key
308    }
310    ReplyEncKeyPack ::= SEQUENCE {
311        replyEncKey             [0] EncryptionKey,
312                                    -- used to encrypt main reply
313        nonce                   [1] INTEGER
314                                    -- binds response to the request
315                                    -- passed in the PKAuthenticator
316    }
318    SignedDHPublicValue ::= SEQUENCE {
319        dhPublicValue           [0] SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
320        dhPublicValueSig        [1] Signature
321                                    -- of dhPublicValue
322                                    -- using KDC's signature key
323    }
325    The kdcCert field is a sequence of certificates, the first of which
326    must have as its root certifier one of the certifiers sent to the
327    KDC in the PA-PK-AS-REQ. Any subsequent certificates will be 
328    certificates of the certifiers of the KDC's certificate.  These
329    cerificates may be used by the client to verify the KDC's public
330    key.  This field is empty if the client did not send to the KDC a
331    list of trusted certifiers (the trustedCertifiers field was empty).
333    Since each certifier in the certification path of a user's
334    certificate is essentially a separate realm, the name of each
335    certifier shall be added to the transited field of the ticket.  The
336    format of these realm names shall follow the naming constraints set
337    forth in RFC 1510 (sections 7.1 and  Note that this will
338    require new nametypes to be defined for PGP certifiers and other
339    types of realms as they arise.
341    The KDC's certificate must bind the public key to a name derivable
342    from the name of the realm for that KDC.  The client then extracts
343    the random key used to encrypt the main reply.  This random key (in
344    encPaReply) is encrypted with either the client's public key or
345    with a key derived from the DH values exchanged between the client
346    and the KDC.
3493.3.  Digital Signature
351    Implementation of the changes in this section are OPTIONAL for
352    compliance with pk-init.
354    We offer this option with the warning that it requires the client to
355    generate a random key; the client may not be able to guarantee the
356    same level of randomness as the KDC.
358    If the user registered a digital signature key with the KDC instead
359    of an encryption key, then a separate exchange must be used.  The
360    client sends a request for a TGT as usual, except that it (rather
361    than the KDC) generates the random key that will be used to encrypt
362    the KDC response.  This key is sent to the KDC along with the
363    request in a preauthentication field:
366                                -- PA TYPE 19
367        encSignedKeyPack        [0] EncryptedData
368                                    -- of SignedKeyPack
369                                    -- using the KDC's public key
370    }
372    SignedKeyPack ::= SEQUENCE {
373        signedKey               [0] KeyPack,
374        signedKeyAuth           [1] PKAuthenticator,
375        signedKeySig            [2] Signature
376                                    -- of signedKey.signedKeyAuth
377                                    -- using user's signature key
378    }
380    KeyPack ::= SEQUENCE {
381        randomKey               [0] EncryptionKey,
382                                    -- will be used to encrypt reply
383        nonce                   [1] INTEGER
384    }
386    where the nonce is copied from the request.
388    Upon receipt of the PA-PK-AS-SIGN, the KDC decrypts then verifies
389    the randomKey.  It then replies as per RFC 1510, except that the
390    reply is encrypted not with a password-derived user key, but with
391    the randomKey sent in the request.  Since the client already knows
392    this key, there is no need to accompany the reply with an extra
393    preauthentication field.  The transited field of the ticket should
394    specify the certification path as described in Section 3.2.
3973.4.  Retrieving the Private Key From the KDC
399    Implementation of the changes in this section is RECOMMENDED for
400    compliance with pk-init.
402    When the user's private key is not stored local to the user, he may
403    choose to store the private key (normally encrypted using a
404    password-derived key) on the KDC.  We provide this option to present
405    the user with an alternative to storing the private key on local
406    disk at each machine where he expects to authenticate himself using
407    pk-init.  It should be noted that it replaces the added risk of
408    long-term storage of the private key on possibly many workstations
409    with the added risk of storing the private key on the KDC in a
410    form vulnerable to brute-force attack.
412    In order to obtain a private key, the client includes a
413    preauthentication field with the AS-REQ message:
416                                -- PA TYPE 20
417        patimestamp             [0] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, 
418                                    -- used to address replay attacks.
419        pausec                  [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
420                                    -- used to address replay attacks.
421        nonce                   [2] INTEGER,
422                                    -- binds the reply to this request
423        privkeyID               [3] SEQUENCE OF KeyID OPTIONAL
424                                    -- constructed as a hash of
425                                    -- public key corresponding to
426                                    -- desired private key
427    }
429    KeyID ::= SEQUENCE {
430        KeyIdentifier           [0] OCTET STRING
431    }
433    The client may request a specific private key by sending the
434    corresponding ID.  If this field is left empty, then all
435    private keys are returned.
437    If all checks out, the KDC responds as described in the above
438    sections, except that an additional preauthentication field,
439    containing the user's private key, accompanies the reply:
442                                -- PA TYPE 21
443        nonce                   [0] INTEGER,
444                                    -- binds the reply to the request
445        KeyData                 [1] SEQUENCE OF KeyPair
446    }
448    KeyPair ::= SEQUENCE {
449        privKeyID               [0] OCTET STRING,
450                                    -- corresponding to encPrivKey
451        encPrivKey              [1] OCTET STRING
452    }
4553.4.1.  Additional Protection of Retrieved Private Keys
457    We solicit discussion on the following proposal: that the client may
458    optionally include in its request additional data to encrypt the
459    private key, which is currently only protected by the user's
460    password.  One possibility is that the client might generate a
461    random string of bits, encrypt it with the public key of the KDC (as
462    in the SignedKeyPack, but with an ordinary OCTET STRING in place of
463    an EncryptionKey), and include this with the request.  The KDC then
464    XORs each returned key with this random bit string.  (If the bit
465    string is too short, the KDC could either return an error, or XOR
466    the returned key with a repetition of the bit string.)
468    In order to make this work, additional means of preauthentication
469    need to be devised in order to prevent attackers from simply
470    inserting their own bit string.  One way to do this is to store
471    a hash of the password-derived key (the one used to encrypt the
472    private key).  This hash is then used in turn to derive a second
473    key (called the hash-key); the hash-key is used to encrypt an ASN.1
474    structure containing the generated bit string and a nonce value
475    that binds it to the request.
477    Since the KDC possesses the hash, it can generate the hash-key and
478    verify this (weaker) preauthentication, and yet cannot reproduce
479    the private key itself, since the hash is a one-way function.
4824.  Logistics and Policy Issues
484    We solicit discussion on how clients and KDCs should be configured
485    in order to determine which of the options described above (if any)
486    should be used.  One possibility is to set the user's database
487    record to indicate that authentication is to use public key
488    cryptography; this will not work, however, in the event that the
489    client needs to know before making the initial request.
4915.  Compatibility with One-Time Passcodes
493    We solicit discussion on how the protocol changes proposed in this
494    draft will interact with the proposed use of one-time passcodes
495    discussed in draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-passwords-00.txt.
4986.  Strength of Cryptographic Schemes
500    In light of recent findings on the strength of MD5 and DES,
501    we solicit discussion on which encryption types to incorporate
502    into the protocol changes.
5057.  Bibliography
507    [1] J. Kohl, C. Neuman.  The Kerberos Network Authentication
508    Service (V5).  Request for Comments: 1510
510    [2] B.C. Neuman, Theodore Ts'o. Kerberos: An Authentication Service
511    for Computer Networks, IEEE Communications, 32(9):33-38.
512    September 1994.
514    [3] A. Medvinsky, M. Hur.  Addition of Kerberos Cipher Suites to
515    Transport Layer Security (TLS).
516    draft-ietf-tls-kerb-cipher-suites-00.txt
518    [4] A. Medvinsky, M. Hur, B. Clifford Neuman.  Public Key Utilizing
519    Tickets for Application Servers (PKTAPP).
520    draft-ietf-cat-pktapp-00.txt
522    [5] M. Sirbu, J. Chuang.  Distributed Authentication in Kerberos Using 
523    Public Key Cryptography.  Symposium On Network and Distributed System 
524    Security, 1997.
526    [6] B. Cox, J.D. Tygar, M. Sirbu.  NetBill Security and Transaction 
527    Protocol.  In Proceedings of the USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce,
528    July 1995.
530    [7] Alan O. Freier, Philip Karlton and Paul C. Kocher.
531    The SSL Protocol, Version 3.0 - IETF Draft. 
533    [8] B.C. Neuman, Proxy-Based Authorization and Accounting for 
534    Distributed Systems.  In Proceedings of the 13th International 
535    Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, May 1993
537    [9] ITU-T (formerly CCITT)
538    Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection -
539    The Directory: Authentication Framework Recommendation X.509
540    ISO/IEC 9594-8
5438.  Acknowledgements
545    Some of the ideas on which this proposal is based arose during
546    discussions over several years between members of the SAAG, the IETF
547    CAT working group, and the PSRG, regarding integration of Kerberos
548    and SPX.  Some ideas have also been drawn from the DASS system.
549    These changes are by no means endorsed by these groups.  This is an
550    attempt to revive some of the goals of those groups, and this
551    proposal approaches those goals primarily from the Kerberos
552    perspective.  Lastly, comments from groups working on similar ideas
553    in DCE have been invaluable.
5569.  Expiration Date
558    This draft expires September 30, 1997.
56110.  Authors
563    Clifford Neuman
564    Brian Tung
565    USC Information Sciences Institute
566    4676 Admiralty Way Suite 1001
567    Marina del Rey CA 90292-6695
568    Phone: +1 310 822 1511
569    E-mail: {bcn, brian}@isi.edu
571    John Wray
572    Digital Equipment Corporation
573    550 King Street, LKG2-2/Z7
574    Littleton, MA 01460
575    Phone: +1 508 486 5210
576    E-mail: wray@tuxedo.enet.dec.com
578    Ari Medvinsky
579    Matthew Hur
580    CyberSafe Corporation
581    1605 NW Sammamish Road Suite 310
582    Issaquah WA 98027-5378
583    Phone: +1 206 391 6000
584    E-mail: {ari.medvinsky, matt.hur}@cybersafe.com
586    Jonathan Trostle
587    Novell
588    E-mail: jonathan.trostle@novell.com