2INTERNET-DRAFT                                         Clifford Neuman
3draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-00.txt                      Brian Tung
4Updates: RFC 1510                                                  ISI
5expires September 3, 1995                                    John Wray
6                                         Digital Equipment Corporation
9    Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication in Kerberos
120. Status Of this Memo
14   This document is an Internet-Draft.   Internet-Drafts  are  working
15   documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas,
16   and its working groups.  Note that other groups may also distribute
17   working documents as Internet-Drafts.
19   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid  for  a  maximum  of  six
20   months  and  may  be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other docu-
21   ments at any time.  It is inappropriate to use  Internet-Drafts  as
22   reference  material  or  to  cite them other than as ``work in pro-
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25   To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the
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31   The distribution of  this  memo  is  unlimited.   It  is  filed  as
32   draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-00.txt, and expires August 6, 1995.
33   Please send comments to the authors.
361. Abstract
38   This document defines extensions to the Kerberos protocol  specifi-
39   cation  (RFC  1510,  "The  Kerberos  Network Authentication Service
40   (V5)", September 1993) to provide a method for using public key
41   cryptography during initial authentication.  The method defined 
42   specifies the way in which preauthentication data fields and error
43   data fields in Kerberos messages are to be used to transport public
44   key data. 
462. Motivation
48   Public key cryptography provides a means by which a principal may
49   demonstrate possession of a key, without ever having divulged this
50   key to anyone else.  In conventional cryptography, the encryption key
51   and decryption key are either identical or can easily be derived from
52   each other.  In public key cryptography, however, neither key can be
53   derived easily from the other; hence, the ability to encrypt a message
54   does not imply the ability to decrypt it in turn.  Additionally, each
55   key is a full inverse of the other, so that either key can be used
56   for encryption or decryption.
58   The advantages provided by public key cryptography have produced a
59   demand for its integration into the Kerberos authentication protocol.
60   There are two important areas where public key cryptography will have
61   immediate use: in the initial authentication of users registered with
62   the KDC or using public key certificates from outside authorities,
63   and to establish inter-realm keys for cross-realm authentication.
64   This memo describes a method by which the first of these can be done.
65   The second case will be the topic for a separate proposal.
67   Some of the ideas on which this proposal is based arose during
68   discussions over several years between members of the SAAG, the
69   IETF-CAT working group, and the PSRG, regarding integration of
70   Kerberos and SPX.  Some ideas are drawn from the DASS system, and
71   similar extensions have been discussed for use in DCE.  These changes
72   are by no means endorsed by these groups.  This is an attempt to
73   revive some of the goals of that group, and the proposal approaches
74   those goals primarily from the Kerberos perspective.
76   This proposal will allow users with keys already registered for use
77   with X.509, PEM, or PGP, to use those keys to obtain Kerberos
78   credentials which can then be used for authentication with application
79   servers supporting Kerberos.
81   Use of public-key will not be a requirement for Kerberos, but if one's
82   organization runs a KDC supporting public key, then users may choose
83   to be registered with public keys instead of the current secret key.
84   The application request and response, between Kerberos clients and
85   application servers, will continue to be based on conventional
86   cryptography, and the application servers will continue to be
87   registered with conventional keys.
903. Initial authentication of users with public keys
92   This section proposes extensions to Version 5 of the Kerberos
93   protocol that will support the use of public key cryptography 
94   by users in the initial request for a ticket granting ticket.
96   The advantage of registering public keys with the KDC lies in the
97   ease of recovery in case the KDC is compromised.  With Kerberos as it
98   currently stands, compromise of the security KDC is disastrous.  All
99   keys become known by the attacker and all keys must be changed.  
101   If users register public keys, compromise of the KDC does not divulge
102   their private key.  Compromise of security on the KDC is still
103   disastrous, since the attacker can impersonate any user.  An
104   attacker with the private key of the KDC can use it to certify a
105   bogus nonce key, and impersonate a user.  Changing this key
106   invalidates all bogus certifications.  Legitimate users must
107   re-certify their keys with the new KDC key, but users' public
108   keys do not have to be changed.  (Users who store their private
109   keys in an encrypted form on the KDC do have to change their
110   keys, since the encryption key is a symmetric key derived from
111   a password (as described below) and hence vulnerable to dictionary
112   attacks.  The difference is that, assuming good password policy,
113   site policy may allow the use of the old password only for the
114   purpose of key change for a time after the compromise, which means
115   that users can change their own passwords, rather than forcing the
116   administrator to re-key everyone.)
118   In the event of compromise of the KDC, recovery is simple since only
119   the KDC's key, keys for application servers, and users' private keys
120   stored in the KDC (as described above) must be changed.
121   Since there are usually fewer servers than users, and since an
122   organization usually has better procedures for updating servers,
123   changing these keys is much easier than having to individually
124   contact every user.
126   This proposed extension will not require users to register with
127   public keys.  It is intended to allow them to do so, but we recognize
128   that there are many reasons, including licensing terms, that users or
129   an organization as a whole will choose not to use the public key
130   option.  Users registered will public keys will only be able to
131   perform initial authentication from a client that support public key,
132   and must be registered in a realm that supports public key.  But they
133   will be able to use services registered in realms that support only
134   conventional Kerberos.  Further, users registered with conventional
135   Kerberos keys will be able to use all clients.
137   This proposal specifically does not address the registration of
138   public keys for services.  The application request and response,
139   between Kerberos clients and application servers, will continue to be
140   based on conventional cryptography, and the application servers will
141   continue to be registered with conventional keys. There are
142   performance issues and other reasons that servers may be better off
143   using conventional cryptography.  There are also reasons that they
144   may want to use public key.  For this proposal, however, we feel that
145   80 percent of the benefits of integrating public key with Kerberos
146   can be attained for 20 percent of the effort, by addressing only
147   initial authentication. This proposal does not preclude separate
148   extensions.
150   This proposal address two ways in which users may use public key
151   cryptography for initial authentication with Kerberos.  In both
152   cases, the end result is that the user obtains a conventional ticket
153   granting ticket, or conventional server ticket, that may be used for
154   subsequent authentication, with such subsequent authentication using
155   only conventional cryptography.
157   Users may register keys directly with the KDC, or they may present
158   certificates by outside certification authorities (or certifications
159   by other users) attesting to the association of the public key with
160   the named user.  We first consider the case where the user's key is
161   registered with the KDC.
1643.1 Initial request for user registered with public key on KDC 
166   In this scenario it is assumed that the user is registered with a public
167   key on the KDC.  The user's private key may be known to the user, or
168   may be stored on the KDC, encrypted so that it can not be used by the KDC.
170   We consider first the case where the user knows the private key, then
171   add support for retrieving the private key from the KDC.
173   The initial request to the KDC for a ticket granting ticket proceeds
174   according to RFC 1510.  Typically, preauthentication using a secret
175   key would not be included, but if included it may be ignored by the
176   KDC.  (This may introduce a problem: even if the KDC should ignore
177   the preauthentication, an attacker may not, and use an
178   intercepted message to guess the password off-line.)
179   If the private key is known to the client in advance, the
180   response from the KDC would be identical to the response in RFC1510,
181   except that instead of being encrypted in the secret key shared by the
182   client and the KDC, it is encrypted in a random key freshly generated
183   by the KDC.  A preauthentication field (specified below)
184   accompanies the response, containing a certificate with the public
185   key for the KDC, and a package containing the secret key in which the
186   rest of the response is encrypted, itself encrypted in the private key
187   of the KDC, and the public key of the user.  This package also contains
188   the same nonce used in the rest of the response, in order to prevent
189   replays of this part of the message, accompanied by a reconstructed
190   response.
194           encryptPack  EncryptedData -- EncPaPkAsRepPart
195   }
197   EncPaPkAsRepPart ::= SEQUENCE {
198           enc-sess-key INTEGER,
199           nonce        INTEGER
200   }
202   Upon receipt of the response from the KDC, the client will verify the
203   public key for the KDC from PA-PK-AS-REP preauthentication data field,
204   The certificate must certify the key as belonging to a principal whose
205   name can be derived from the realm name.  We solicit discussion on the
206   form of the kdc-cert.  If client systems are expected to know (by
207   being hard-coded, for example) at least one public key, and to verify
208   certificates from that key, then there should be at least some policy
209   about which key that is, or alternatively some way to inform the KDC
210   which key the client possesses.
212   If the certificate checks
213   out, the client then extracts the message key for the rest of the
214   response by decrypting the field in the PA-PK-AS-REP with the public
215   key of the KDC and the private key of the user.  The client then uses
216   the message key to decrypt the rest of the response, and continues as
217   per RFC1510[1].
2203.1.1. Private key held by KDC
222   When the user's private key is not carried with the user, the user may
223   encrypt the private key using conventional cryptography, and register
224   the encrypted private key with the KDC.
226   When the user's private key is registered with the KDC, the KDC record
227   will also indicate whether preauthentication is required before
228   returning the record (we recommend that it be required).  If such
229   preauthentication is required, when the initial request is received
230   the KDC will respond with a KRB_ERROR message of type
231   KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED and with an error data field set to:
234	   kdc-cert	OCTET STRING}
235   }
237   The kdc-cert field is identical to that in the PA-PK-AS-REP
238   preauthentication data field returned with the KDC response, and must
239   be validated as belonging to the KDC in the same manner.
241   Upon receipt of the KRB_ERROR message with a PA-PK-AS-INFO field, the
242   client will prompt the user for the password that will be used to
243   decrypt the private key when returned, calculate a one way hash H1 of the
244   key, and send a request to the KDC, including a timestamp and a
245   client-generated nonce secret key that will be used to super-encrypt
246   the encrypted private key before it is returned to the client.  This
247   information is sent to the KDC in a subsequent AS_REQ message in a
248   preauthentication data field:
251	   enc-part	EncryptedData -- EncPaPkAsReqPart
252   }
254   EncPaPkAsReqPart ::= SEQUENCE {
255           tstamp       KerberosTime,
256           noncekey	INTEGER
257   }
259   encrypted first with the hash H1, then the public key of the KDC from
260   the certificate in the PA-PK-AS-INFO field of the error response.
262   Upon receipt of the authentication request with the PA-PK-AS-REQ the
263   KDC verifies the hash of the user's DES encryption key by comparing it
264   to the hash stored in the users database record.  If valid, it
265   generates the AS response as defined in RFC1510, but additionally
266   includes a preauthentication field of type PA-PK-USER KEY.  This
267   response will also be included in response to the initial request
268   without preauthentication if preauthentication is not required for the
269   user and the user's encrypted private key is stored on the KDC.  The
270   KDC generates a preauthentication data field of type PA-PK-USER-KEY
271   which will be returned with the KDC reply (together with the
272   PA-PK-AS-REP that is already returned).
275           enc-priv-key         OCTET STRING OPTIONAL
276   }
278   This message contains the encrypted private key that has been
279   registered with the KDC by the user, as encrypted by the user,
280   super-encrypted with the noncekey from the PA-PK-AS-REQ message if
281   preauthentication using that method was provided.  Note that since
282   H1 is a one-way hash, it is not possible for one to decrypt the
283   message if one possesses H1 but not the noncekey that H1 is derived
284   from.
2873.2. Clients with a public key certified by an outside authority
289   In the case where the client is not registered with the current KDC,
290   the client is responsible for obtaining the private key on its own.
291   The client will request initial tickets from the KDC using the TGS
292   exchange, but instead of performing pre-authentication using a
293   Kerberos ticket granting ticket, or with the PA-PK-AS-REQ that is used
294   when the public key is known to the KDC, the client performs
295   preauthentication using the preauthentication data field of type
299           user-cert	SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING,
300	   authent	EncryptedData -- PKAuthenticator
301   }
303   PKAuthenticator ::= SEQUENCE {
304	   cksum	Checksum OPTIONAL,
305	   cusec	INTEGER,
306	   ctime	KerberosTime,
307   }
309   The fields in the encrypted authenticator are the same as those
310   in the Kerberos authenticator.  The structure is itself signed using
311   the user's private key corresponding to the public key in the
312   certificate. 
314   The KDC will verify the preauthentication authenticator, and check the
315   certification path against its own policy of legitimate certifiers.
316   This may be based on a certification hierarchy, or simply a list of
317   recognized certifiers in a system like PGP.
319   If all checks out, the KDC will issue Kerberos credentials, as in 3.1,
320   but with the names of all the certifiers in the certification path
321   added to the transited field of the ticket, with a principal name
322   taken from the certificate (this might be a long path for X.509, or a
323   string like "John Q. Public <jqpublic@company.com>" if the certificate
324   was a PGP certificate.  The realm will identify the kind of
325   certificate and the final certifier (e.g. PGP:<endorser@company.com>)[2].
3284. Compatibility with One-Time Passcodes
330   We solicit discussion on how the use of public key crytpgraphy for
331   intial authentication will interact with the proposed use of one time
332   passwords discussed in Internet Draft
333   draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-passwords-00.txt 
3355. Expiration
337   This Internet-Draft expires on August 6, 1995.
3406. Authors' Addresses
342   B. Clifford Neuman
343   USC/Information Sciences Institute
344   4676 Admiralty Way #1001
345   Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
347   Phone: 310-822-1511
348   EMail: bcn@isi.edu
351   Brian Tung
352   USC/Information Sciences Institute
353   4676 Admiralty Way #1001
354   Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
356   Phone: 310-822-1511
357   EMail: brian@isi.edu
360   John Wray
361   Digital Equipment Corporation
362   550 King Street, LKG2-2/Z7
363   Littleton, MA 01460
365   Phone: 508-486-5210
366   EMail: wray@tuxedo.enet.dec.com
368[1] Note: We have not yet defined the public key encryption method for
369encrypting the enc-sess-key field in the PA-PK-AS-REP.
371[2] Note: We are soliciting input on the form of the name.  We believe the
372name part must be taken without modification from the certificate, but the
373realm part is open for discussion.