1INTERNET-DRAFT                                               Matthew Hur
2draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-cross-08.txt                    Cisco Systems
3Updates: RFC 1510                                             Brian Tung
4November 8, 2001 (Expires May 8, 2001)                    Tatyana Ryutov
5                                                         Clifford Neuman
6                                                                     ISI
7                                                           Ari Medvinsky
8                                                                Liberate
9                                                             Gene Tsudik
10                                                               UC Irvine
11                                                         Bill Sommerfeld
12                                                        Sun Microsystems
15    Public Key Cryptography for Cross-Realm Authentication in Kerberos
180.  Status Of this Memo
20    This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
21    all provisions of Section 10 of RFC 2026.  Internet-Drafts are
22    working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
23    its areas, and its working groups.  Note that other groups may
24    also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.
26    Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
27    months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
28    documents at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts
29    as reference material or to cite them other than as ``work in
30    progress.''
32    To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check
33    the ``1id-abstracts.txt'' listing contained in the Internet-Drafts
34    Shadow Directories on ftp.ietf.org (US East Coast),
35    nic.nordu.net (Europe), ftp.isi.edu (US West Coast), or
36    munnari.oz.au (Pacific Rim).
38     The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
39     http://www.ietf.org/1id-abstracts.html
41     The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
42     http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html
46    The distribution of this memo is unlimited.  It is filed as
47    draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-cross-07.txt, and expires May 15, 2001.
48    Please send comments to the authors.
511.  Abstract
53    This document defines extensions to the Kerberos protocol 
54    specification [KERB] to provide a method for using public key 
55    cryptography to enable cross-realm authentication.  The methods 
56    defined here specify the way in which message exchanges are to be 
57    used to transport cross-realm secret keys protected by encryption 
58    under public keys certified as belonging to KDCs.
612.  Introduction
63    Symmetric and asymmetric key systems may co-exist within hybrid 
64    architectures in order to leverage the advantages and mitigiate 
65    issues within the respective systems.  An example of a hybrid 
66    solution that may employ both symmetric and asymmetric technologies 
67    is Kerberos ciphersuires in TLS [KERBTLS] which utilizes the 
68    Kerberos protocol [KERB] [KERB94] in conjunction with TLS [TLS] 
69    which has commonly been thought of as a public key protocol.
71    The Kerberos can leverage the advantages provided by public key 
72    cryptography.  PKINIT [PKINIT] describes the use of public key 
73    cryptography in the initial authentication exchange in Kerberos.  
74    PKTAPP [PKTAPP] describes how an application service can essentially 
75    issue a kerberos ticket to itself after utilizing public key 
76    cryptography for authentication.  This specification describes the 
77    use of public key crpytography in cross-realm authentication.
79    Without the use of public key cryptography, administrators must 
80    maintain separate keys for every realm which wishes to exchange 
81    authentication information with another realm (which implies n(n-1) 
82    keys), or they must utilize a hierachichal arrangement of realms, 
83    which may increase network traffic and complicate the trust model by 
84    requiring evaluation of transited realms.
86    Even with the multi-hop cross-realm authentication, there must be 
87    some way to locate the path by which separate realms are to be 
88    transited.  The current method, which makes use of the DNS-like 
89    realm names typical to Kerberos, requires trust of the intermediate 
90    KDCs.
92    PKCROSS utilizes a public key infrastructure (PKI) [X509] to 
93    simplify the administrative burden of maintaining cross-realm keys.  
94    Such usage leverages a PKI for a non-centrally-administratable 
95    environment (namely, inter-realm).  Thus, a shared key for cross- 
96    realm authentication can be established for a set period of time, 
97    and a remote realm is able to issue policy information that is 
98    returned to itself when a client requests cross-realm 
99    authentication. Such policy information may be in the form of 
100    restrictions [NEUMAN].  Furthermore, these methods are transparent 
101    to the client; therefore, only the KDCs need to be modified to use 
102    them.  In this way, we take advantage of the the distributed trust 
103    management capabilities of public key crypography while maintaining 
104    the advantages of localized trust management provided by Kerberos.
107    Although this specification utilizes the protocol specfied in the 
108    PKINIT specification, it is not necessary to implement client 
109    changes in order to make use of the changes in this document.
1123.  Objectives
114    The objectives of this specification are as follows:
116      1.  Simplify the administration required to establish Kerberos
117          cross-realm keys.
119      2.  Avoid modification of clients and application servers.
121      3.  Allow remote KDC to control its policy on cross-realm
122          keys shared between KDCs, and on cross-realm tickets
123          presented by clients.
125      4.  Remove any need for KDCs to maintain state about keys
126          shared with other KDCs.
128      5.  Leverage the work done for PKINIT to provide the public key
129          protocol for establishing symmetric cross realm keys.
1324.  Definitions
134    The following notation is used throughout this specification:
135    KDC_l ........... local KDC
136    KDC_r ........... remote KDC
137    XTKT_(l,r) ...... PKCROSS ticket that the remote KDC issues to the
138                      local KDC
139    TGT_(c,r) ....... cross-realm TGT that the local KDC issues to the
140                      client for presentation to the remote KDC
142    This specification defines the following new types to be added to
143    the Kerberos specification:
144      PKCROSS kdc-options field in the AS_REQ is bit 9
145      TE-TYPE-PKCROSS-KDC       2
148    This specification defines the following ASN.1 type for conveying
149    policy information:
150    CrossRealmTktData ::= SEQUENCE OF TypedData
152    This specification defines the following types for policy
153    information conveyed in CrossRealmTktData:
154      PLC_LIFETIME              1
155      PLC_SET_TKT_FLAGS         2
156      PLC_NOSET_TKT_FLAGS       3
158    TicketExtensions are defined per the Kerberos specification
159    [KERB-REV]:
160    TicketExtensions ::= SEQUENCE OF TypedData
161      Where
162        TypedData ::=   SEQUENCE {
163            data-type[0]   INTEGER,
164            data-value[1]  OCTET STRING OPTIONAL
165        }
1685.  Protocol Specification
170    We assume that the client has already obtained a TGT.  To perform
171    cross-realm authentication, the client does exactly what it does
172    with ordinary (i.e. non-public-key-enabled) Kerberos; the only
173    changes are in the KDC; although the ticket which the client
174    forwards to the remote realm may be changed.  This is acceptable
175    since the client treats the ticket as opaque.
1785.1.  Overview of Protocol
180    The basic operation of the PKCROSS protocol is as follows:
182        1.  The client submits a request to the local KDC for
183            credentials for the remote realm.  This is just a typical
184            cross realm request that may occur with or without PKCROSS. 
186        2.  The local KDC submits a PKINIT request to the remote KDC to
187            obtain a "special" PKCROSS ticket.  This is a standard
188            PKINIT request, except that PKCROSS flag (bit 9) is set in
189            the kdc-options field in the AS_REQ.  Note that the service
190            name in the request is for pkcross/realm@REALM instead of
191            krbtgt/realm@REALM.
193        3.  The remote KDC responds as per PKINIT, except that
194            the ticket contains a TicketExtension, which contains
195            policy information such as lifetime of cross realm tickets
196            issued by KDC_l to a client.  The local KDC must reflect
197            this policy information in the credentials it forwards to
198            the client.  Call this ticket XTKT_(l,r) to indicate that
199            this ticket is used to authenticate the local KDC to the
200            remote KDC.
202        4.  The local KDC passes a ticket, TGT_(c,r) (the cross realm
203            TGT between the client and remote KDC), to the client.
204            This ticket contains in its TicketExtension field the
205            ticket, XTKT_(l,r), which contains the cross-realm key.
206            The TGT_(c,r) ticket is encrypted using the key sealed in
207            XTKT_(l,r).  (The TicketExtension field is not encrypted.)
208            The local KDC may optionally include another TicketExtension
209            type that indicates the hostname and/or IP address for the
210            remote KDC.
212        5.  The client submits the request directly to the remote
213            KDC, as before.
215        6.  The remote KDC extracts XTKT_(l,r) from the TicketExtension
216            in order to decrypt the encrypted part of TGT_(c,r).
218    --------------------------------------------------------------------
220    Client                Local KDC (KDC_l)           Remote KDC (KDC_r)
221    ------                -----------------           ------------------
222    Normal Kerberos
223    request for
224    cross-realm
225    ticket for KDC_r
226    ---------------------->
228                          PKINIT request for
229                          XTKT(l,r) - PKCROSS flag
230                          set in the AS-REQ
231                          * ------------------------->
233                                                      PKINIT reply with
234                                                      XTKT_(l,r) and
235                                                      policy info in
236                                                      ticket extension
237                                           <-------------------------- *
239                          Normal Kerberos reply
240                          with TGT_(c,r) and
241                          XTKT(l,r) in ticket
242                          extension
243         <--------------------------------- 
245    Normal Kerberos
246    cross-realm TGS-REQ
247    for remote
248    application
249    service with
250    TGT_(c,r) and
251    XTKT(l,r) in ticket
252    extension
253    ------------------------------------------------->
255                                                      Normal Kerberos
256                                                      cross-realm
257                                                      TGS-REP
258        <---------------------------------------------------------------
260    * Note that the KDC to KDC messages occur only periodically, since
261      the local KDC caches the XTKT_(l,r).
262    --------------------------------------------------------------------
265    Sections 5.2 through 5.4 describe in detail steps 2 through 4
266    above.  Section 5.6 describes the conditions under which steps
267    2 and 3 may be skipped.
269    Note that the mechanism presented above requires infrequent KDC to 
270    KDC communication (as dictated by policy - this is discussed
271    later).  Without such an exchange, there are the following issues:
272    1) KDC_l would have to issue a ticket with the expectation that
273       KDC_r will accept it.
274    2) In the message that the client sends to KDC_r, KDC_l would have
275       to authenticate KDC_r with credentials that KDC_r trusts.
276    3) There is no way for KDC_r to convey policy information to KDC_l.
277    4) If, based on local policy, KDC_r does not accept a ticket from
278       KDC_l, then the client gets stuck in the middle.  To address such
279       an issue would require modifications to standard client
280       processing behavior.
281    Therefore, the infreqeunt use of KDC to KDC communication assures
282    that inter-realm KDC keys may be established in accordance with local
283    policies and that clients may continue to operate without
284    modification.
2875.2.  Local KDC's Request to Remote KDC
289    When the local KDC receives a request for cross-realm 
290    authentication, it first checks its ticket cache to see if it has a 
291    valid PKCROSS ticket, XTKT_(l,r).  If it has a valid XTKT_(l,r), 
292    then it does not need to send a request to the remote KDC (see 
293    section 5.5).
295    If the local KDC does not have a valid XTKT_(l,r), it sends a     
296    request to the remote KDC (for pkcross/realm@REALM) in order to
297    establish a cross realm key and obtain the XTKT_(l,r).  This request
298    is in fact a PKINIT request as described in the PKINIT specification;
299    i.e., it consists of an AS-REQ with a PA-PK-AS-REQ included as a
300    preauthentication field.  Note, that the AS-REQ MUST have the PKCROSS
301    flag (bit 9) set in the kdc_options field of the AS-REQ.  Otherwise,
302    this exchange exactly follows the description given in the PKINIT
303    specification.
3065.3.  Remote KDC's Response to Local KDC
308    When the remote KDC receives the PKINIT/PKCROSS request from the
309    local KDC, it sends back a PKINIT response as described in
310    the PKINIT specification with the following exception: the encrypted
311    part of the Kerberos ticket is not encrypted with the krbtgt key;
312    instead, it is encrypted with the ticket granting server's PKCROSS
313    key.  This key, rather than the krbtgt key, is used because it
314    encrypts a ticket used for verifying a cross realm request rather
315    than for issuing an application service ticket.  This is the reason
316    that the name pkcross/realm@REALM is used instead of
317    krbtgt/realm@REALM.  Note that, as a matter of policy, the session
318    key for the XTKT_(l,r) MAY be of greater strength than that of a
319    session key for a normal PKINIT reply, since the XTKT_(l,r) SHOULD
320    be much longer lived than a normal application service ticket.
322    In addition, the remote KDC SHOULD include policy information in the 
323    XTKT_(l,r).  This policy information would then be reflected in the 
324    cross-realm TGT, TGT_(c,r).  Otherwise, the policy for TGT_(c,r) 
325    would be dictated by KDC_l rather than by KDC_r.  The local KDC MAY 
326    enforce a more restrictive local policy when creating a cross-realm 
327    ticket, TGT_(c,r).  For example, KDC_r  may dictate a lifetime 
328    policy of eight hours, but KDC_l may create TKT_(c,r) with a 
329    lifetime of four hours, as dictated by local policy.  Also, the 
330    remote KDC MAY include other information about itself along with the 
331    PKCROSS ticket.  These items are further discussed in section 6 
332    below.
3355.4.  Local KDC's Response to Client
337    Upon receipt of the PKINIT/CROSS response from the remote KDC,
338    the local KDC formulates a response to the client.  This reply
339    is constructed exactly as in the Kerberos specification, except
340    for the following:
342    A) The local KDC places XTKT_(l,r) in the TicketExtension field of
343       the client's cross-realm, ticket, TGT_(c,r), for the remote
344       realm.
345       Where
346          data-type   equals 3 for TE-TYPE-PKCROSS-CLIENT
347          data-value  is ASN.1 encoding of XTKT_(l,r)
349    B) The local KDC adds the name of its CA to the transited field of
350       TGT_(c,r).
3535.5   Remote KDC's Processing of Client Request
355    When the remote KDC, KDC_r, receives a cross-realm ticket, 
356    TGT_(c,r), and it detects that the ticket contains a ticket 
357    extension of type TE-TYPE-PKCROSS-CLIENT, KDC_r must first decrypt 
358    the ticket, XTKT_(l,r), that is encoded in the ticket extension.  
359    KDC_r uses its PKCROSS key in order to decrypt XTKT_(l,r).  KDC_r 
360    then uses the key obtained from XTKT_(l,r) in order to decrypt the 
361    cross-realm ticket, TGT_(c,r).
363    KDC_r MUST verify that the cross-realm ticket, TGT_(c,r) is in 
364    compliance with any policy information contained in XTKT_(l,r) (see 
365    section 6).  If the TGT_(c,r) is not in compliance with policy, then 
366    the KDC_r responds to the client with a KRB-ERROR message of type 
3705.6.  Short-Circuiting the KDC-to-KDC Exchange
372    As we described earlier, the KDC to KDC exchange is required only 
373    for establishing a symmetric, inter-realm key.  Once this key is 
374    established (via the PKINIT exchange), no KDC to KDC communication 
375    is required until that key needs to be renewed.  This section 
376    describes the circumstances under which the KDC to KDC exchange 
377    described in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 may be skipped.
379    The local KDC has a known lifetime for TGT_(c,r).  This lifetime may 
380    be determined by policy information included in XTKT_(l,r), and/or 
381    it may be determined by local KDC policy.  If the local KDC already 
382    has a ticket XTKT(l,r), and the start time plus the lifetime for 
383    TGT_(c,r) does not exceed the expiration time for XTGT_(l,r), then 
384    the local KDC may skip the exchange with the remote KDC, and issue a 
385    cross-realm ticket to the client as described in Section 5.4.
387    Since the remote KDC may change its PKCROSS key (referred to in 
388    Section 5.2) while there are PKCROSS tickets still active, it SHOULD 
389    cache the old PKCROSS keys until the last issued PKCROSS ticket 
390    expires.  Otherwise, the remote KDC will respond to a client with a 
391    KRB-ERROR message of type KDC_ERR_TGT_REVOKED.
3946.  Extensions for the PKCROSS Ticket
396    As stated in section 5.3, the remote KDC SHOULD include policy 
397    information in XTKT_(l,r).  This policy information is contained in 
398    a TicketExtension, as defined by the Kerberos specification, and the 
399    authorization data of the ticket will contain an authorization 
400    record of type AD-IN-Ticket-Extensions.  The TicketExtension defined 
401    for use by PKCROSS is TE-TYPE-PKCROSS-KDC.
402      Where
403        data-type   equals 2 for TE-TYPE-PKCROSS-KDC
404        data-value  is ASN.1 encoding of CrossRealmTktData
406      CrossRealmTktData ::= SEQUENCE OF TypedData
409      ------------------------------------------------------------------
410      CrossRealmTktData types and the corresponding data are interpreted 
411      as follows:
413                                                            ASN.1 data
414      type                value   interpretation            encoding
415      ----------------    -----   --------------            ----------
416      PLC_LIFETIME          1     lifetime (in seconds)     INTEGER
417                                  for TGT_(c,r) 
418                                  - cross-realm tickets
419                                    issued for clients by
420                                    TGT_l
422      PLC_SET_TKT_FLAGS     2     TicketFlags that must     BITSTRING
423                                  be set
424                                  - format defined by
425                                    Kerberos specification
427      PLC_NOSET_TKT_FLAGS   3     TicketFlags that must     BITSTRING
428                                  not be set
429                                  - format defined by
430                                    Kerberos specification
432      Further types may be added to this table.
433      ------------------------------------------------------------------
4367.  Usage of Certificates
438    In the cases of PKINIT and PKCROSS, the trust in a certification 
439    authority is equivalent to Kerberos cross realm trust.  For this 
440    reason, an implementation MAY choose to use the same KDC certificate 
441    when the KDC is acting in any of the following three roles:
442      1) KDC is authenticating clients via PKINIT
443      2) KDC is authenticating another KDC for PKCROSS 
444      3) KDC is the client in a PKCROSS exchange with another KDC
446    Note that per PKINIT, the KDC X.509 certificate (the server in a 
447    PKINIT exchange) MUST contain the principal name of the KDC in the 
448    subjectAltName field.
4518.  Transport Issues
453    Because the messages between the KDCs involve PKINIT exchanges, and 
454    PKINIT recommends TCP as a transport mechanism (due to the length of 
455    the messages and the likelihood that they will fragment), the same 
456    recommendation for TCP applies to PKCROSS as well.
4599. Security Considerations
461   Since PKCROSS utilizes PKINIT, it is subject to the same security
462   considerations as PKINIT.  Administrators should assure adherence 
463   to security policy - for example, this affects the PKCROSS policies
464   for cross realm key lifetime and for policy propogation from the 
465   PKCROSS ticket, issued from a remote KDC to a local KDC, to
466   cross realm tickets that are issued by a local KDC to a client.
46910. Bibliography
471  [KERBTLS]  A. Medvinsky and M. Hur, "Addition of Kerberos Cipher
472             Suites to Transport Layer Security (TLS)", RFC 2712,
473             October 1999.
475  [KERB]     J. Kohl and C. Neuman, "The Kerberos Network
476             Authentication Service (V5)", RFC 1510, September 1993.
478  [TLS]      T. Dierks and C. Allen, "The TLS Protocol, Version 1.0",
479             RFC 2246, January 1999.
481  [PKINIT]   B. Tung, C. Neuman, M. Hur, A. Medvinsky, S. Medvinsky,
482             J. Wray, J. Trostle.  Public Key Cryptography for Initial
483             Authentication in Kerberos.
484             draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-14.txt
486  [PKTAPP]   A. Medvinsky, M. Hur, S. Medvinsky, C. Neuman.
487             Public Key Utilizing Tickets for Application
488             Servers (PKTAPP).  draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-tapp-03.txt
490  [X509]     ITU-T (formerly CCITT) Information technology - Open
491             Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Authentication
492             Framework Recommendation X.509 ISO/IEC 9594-8
494  [NEUMAN]   B.C. Neuman, "Proxy-Based Authorization and Accounting for
495             Distributed Systems".  Proceedings of the 13th
496             International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,
497             May 1993
499  [KERB94]   B.C. Neuman, Theodore Ts'o. Kerberos: An Authentication
500             Service for Computer Networks, IEEE Communications,
501             32(9):33-38.  September 1994.
503  [KERB-REV] C.Neuman, J. Kohl, T. Ts'o.  The Kerberos Network
504             Authentication Service (V5).
505             draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-revisions-08.txt
50811. Authors' Addresses
510    Matthew Hur
511    Cisco Systems
512    2901 Third Avenue
513    Seattle, WA 98121
514    Phone: +1 206 256 3197
515    E-Mail: mhur@cisco.com
517    Brian Tung
518    Tatyana Ryutov
519    Clifford Neuman
520    USC/Information Sciences Institute
521    4676 Admiralty Way Suite 1001
522    Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
523    Phone: +1 310 822 1511
524    E-Mail: {brian, tryutov, bcn}@isi.edu
526    Ari Medvinsky
527    Liberate
528    2 Circle Star Way
529    San Carlos, CA 94070-6200
530    Phone: +1 650 701 4000
531    EMail: ari@liberate.com
533    Gene Tsudik
534    ICS Dept, 458 CS Building 
535    Irvine CA 92697-3425
536    Phone: +1 310 448 9329
537    E-Mail: gts@ics.uci.edu
539    Bill Sommerfeld
540    Sun Microsystems
541    E-Mail: sommerfeld@east.sun.com