3# updateCPAN
5# Set $FileCurrent to the name of the .inc file that you want to read in, and
6# find the latest versions for those modules.  Set the @FilePreviousList list
7# to the name of the other .inc files, so if $FileCurrent contains a version
8# not used by any other version, it can use "svn mv" to make the new directory,
9# otherwise, "svn cp" will be used.
11# By default, updateCPAN will only print out what I would do.  The -d flag
12# causes actual changes; new svn directories will be created, the new modules
13# will be downloaded and then the $FileCurrent file will be updated with the
14# new version numbers.
17use strict;
18use CPAN;
19use File::Basename ();
20use File::chdir;
21use Getopt::Long ();
22use IO::File;
23use Proc::Reliable;
25my $FileCurrent = '5.18.inc';
26my @FilePreviousList = qw(5.16.inc);
27my $URLprefix = 'http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id';
29my $download;
30my @skip;
31my $skipfile;
32Getopt::Long::GetOptions('d' => \$download, 's=s' => \@skip, 'S=s' => \$skipfile);
33if(defined($skipfile)) {
34    my $s = IO::File->new($skipfile, 'r') or die "Can't open $skipfile\n";
35    while(<$s>) {
36	chomp;
37	push(@skip, $_);
38    }
40my %Skip = map {($_, 1)} @skip;
46sub importDate {
47    my($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime;
48    sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d', $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday);
51sub nameVers {
52    local $_;
53    my $x = shift;
54    my @parts = split('-', $x);
55    my $vers = pop(@parts);
56    (join('-', @parts), $vers)
59sub updatePlist {
60    my($pl, $vers, $url, $date) = @_;
61    my %h = (
62	OpenSourceVersion => $vers,
63	OpenSourceURL => $url,
64	OpenSourceImportDate => $date,
65    );
66    my $in = IO::File->new($pl, 'r') || die "Can't open $pl\n";
67    my $outf = "$pl.out";
68    my $out = IO::File->new($outf, 'w') || die "Can't create $outf\n";
69    local $_;
70    while(<$in>) {
71	last if m|^</dict>|;
72	if(m|<key>(\w+)</key>| && exists($h{$1})) {
73	    $out->print($_);
74	    $out->printf("        <string>%s</string>\n", $h{$1});
75	    $in->getline(); # skip next line
76	    delete($h{$1});
77	    next;
78	}
79	$out->print($_);
80    }
81    for(keys(%h)) {
82	$out->printf("        <key>%s</key>\n", $_);
83	$out->printf("        <string>%s</string>\n", $h{$_});
84    }
85    $out->print("</dict>\n");
86    undef($in);
87    undef($out);
88    rename($outf, $pl) || die "Can't rename $outf to $pl\n";
91my($dist, $found, $foundvers, $name, $vers, %projectsCurrent, %projectsPrevious);
92my $F = IO::File->new($FileCurrent) or die "Can't open $FileCurrent\n";
93while(<$F>) {
94    next unless /-/;
95    chomp;
96    s/^\s+//;
97    s/\s+\\.*$//;
98    ($name, $vers) = nameVers($_);
99    my $v = $projectsCurrent{$name};
100    die "***Multiple entries for $name $v and $vers (possibly others)\n" if defined($v) && $v ne $vers;
101    $projectsCurrent{$name} = $vers;
104for my $prev (@FilePreviousList) {
105    $F = IO::File->new($prev) or die "Can't open $prev\n";
106    while(<$F>) {
107	next unless /-/;
108	chomp;
109	s/^\s+//;
110	s/\s+\\.*$//;
111	$projectsPrevious{$_} = 1;
112    }
113    undef($F);
116my(%downloaded, %old2new);
117my $curl = Proc::Reliable->new(num_tries => 5, time_per_try => 30);
118my @curlargs = qw(curl -O);
119my @sedcmd = qw(sed -i .bak);
120my $importDate = importDate();
121for my $proj (sort(keys(%projectsCurrent))) {
122    my $oldvers = $projectsCurrent{$proj};
123    my $old = "$proj-$oldvers";
124    if($Skip{$old}) {
125	print "Skipping $old\n";
126	next;
127    }
128    print "Update for $old\n";
129    undef($found);
130    $_ = $proj;
131    s/-/::/g;
132    for my $mod (CPAN::Shell->expand("Module", "/$_/")) {
133	next unless $_ eq $mod->id;
134	$dist = $mod->distribution;
135	($name, $vers) = nameVers($dist->base_id);
136	if(defined($found)) {
137	    unless($vers gt $foundvers) {
138		print "    Previous $name-$foundvers preferred over $name-$vers\n";
139		next;
140	    }
141	    print "    Preferring $name-$vers over previous $name-$foundvers\n";
142	} else {
143	    print "    Found $name-$vers\n";
144	}
145	$found = $dist;
146	$foundvers = $vers;
147    }
148    if(!defined($found)) {
149	for my $dist (CPAN::Shell->expand("Distribution", "/\/$proj-/")) {
150	    ($name, $vers) = nameVers($dist->base_id);
151	    next unless $proj eq $name;
152	    if(defined($found)) {
153		unless($vers gt $foundvers) {
154		    print "    Previous $name-$foundvers preferred over $name-$vers\n";
155		    next;
156		}
157		print "    Preferring $name-$vers over previous $name-$foundvers\n";
158	    } else {
159		print "    Found $name-$vers\n";
160	    }
161	    $found = $dist;
162	    $foundvers = $vers;
163	}
164	if(!defined($found)) {
165	    print "***Can't find $proj\n";
166	    next;
167	}
168    }
169    my $new = $found->base_id;
170    if($downloaded{$new}) {
171	printf "    %s downloaded %s\n", $download ? 'Already' : 'Would have already', $new;
172	$old2new{$old} = "-$new";
173	next;
174    }
175    ($name, $vers) = nameVers($new);
176    if($name ne $proj) {
177	print "    *** Module $proj combined into $name\n";
178	next;
179    }
180    if($vers eq $oldvers) {
181	print "    Already have $name-$vers\n";
182	next;
183    }
184    my $url = $found->pretty_id;
185    my $tarball = File::Basename::basename($url);
186    my $a = substr($url, 0, 1);
187    my $a2 = substr($url, 0, 2);
188    $url = join('/', $URLprefix, $a, $a2, $url);
189    if(!$download) {
190	print "    Would download $url\n";
191	if(defined($projectsPrevious{$old})) {
192	    print "    Would make new directory $new by copying $old\n";
193	} else {
194	    print "    Would rename directory $old to $new\n";
195	}
196	next;
197    } else {
198	local $CWD = 'Modules'; # will return to current directory automatically on exiting block
199	print "    Downloading $url\n";
200	$curlargs[2] = $url;
201	my($out, $err, $status, $msg) = $curl->run(\@curlargs);
202	if($status != 0 || `file $tarball` !~ /gzip compressed data/) {
203	    warn "***\"@curlargs\" failed: $msg\n";
204	    next;
205	}
206	if(defined($projectsPrevious{$old})) {
207	    print "    Copying $old to $new\n";
208	    if(system('svn', 'cp', $old, $new) != 0) {
209		warn "***Can't svn cp $old $new\n";
210		unlink($tarball);
211		next;
212	    }
213	} else {
214	    print "    Renaming $old to $new\n";
215	    if(system('svn', 'mv', $old, $new) != 0) {
216		warn "***Can't svn mv $old $new\n";
217		unlink($tarball);
218		next;
219	    }
220	}
221	$CWD = $new;
222	if(system('svn', 'mv', "$old.tar.gz", $tarball) != 0) {
223	    warn "***Can't rename $old.tar.gz to $tarball\n";
224	}
225	rename("../$tarball", $tarball) or warn "***Couldn't move $tarball into $new\n";
226	my $svers = $oldvers;
227	$svers =~ s/\./\\./g;
228	my @args;
229	push(@args, '-e', "s/$proj/$name/") if $proj ne $name;
230	push(@args, '-e', "s/$svers/$vers/");
231	print "    Editing Makefile \"@sedcmd @args Makefile\"\n";
232	if(system(@sedcmd, @args, 'Makefile') != 0) {
233	    warn "***\"@sedcmd @args Makefile\" failed\n";
234	}
235	unlink('Makefile.bak');
236	print "    Editing oss.partial\n";
237	updatePlist('oss.partial', $vers, $url, $importDate);
238	$downloaded{$new} = 1;
239	$old2new{$old} = $new;
240    }
242exit 0 unless $download;
244print "\nUpdating $FileCurrent\n";
245my $old = "$FileCurrent.bak";
246rename($FileCurrent, $old) or die "Can't rename $FileCurrent to $old\n";
247$F = IO::File->new($old) or die "Can't open $old\n";
248my $T = IO::File->new($FileCurrent, 'w') or die "Can't create $old\n";
249while(<$F>) {
250    unless(/-/) {
251	print $T $_;
252	next;
253    }
254    my $line = $_;
255    chomp;
256    s/^\s+//;
257    s/\s+\\.*$//;
258    my $new = $old2new{$_};
259    if(defined($new)) {
260	if(substr($new, 0, 1) eq '-') {
261	    printf "Removing %s (now part of %s)\n", $_, substr($new, 1);
262	    next;
263	}
264	$line =~ s/$_/$new/;
265    }
266    print $T $line;