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6<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Configuring locking: sizing the system</title>
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13<td><b><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Locking Subsystem</dl></b></td>
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16<p align=center><b>Configuring locking: sizing the system</b></p>
17<p>The lock system is sized using the following four methods:</p>
18<blockquote><pre><a href="/api_c/env_set_lk_max_locks.html">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lk_max_locks</a>
19<a href="/api_c/env_set_lk_max_lockers.html">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lk_max_lockers</a>
20<a href="/api_c/env_set_lk_max_objects.html">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lk_max_objects</a>
21<a href="/api_c/env_set_lk_partitions.html">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lk_partitions</a></pre></blockquote>
22<p>The <a href="/api_c/env_set_lk_max_locks.html">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lk_max_locks</a>, <a href="/api_c/env_set_lk_max_lockers.html">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lk_max_lockers</a>,
23and <a href="/api_c/env_set_lk_max_objects.html">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lk_max_objects</a> methods specify the maximum number of
24locks, lockers, and locked objects supported by the lock subsystem,
25respectively.  The maximum number of locks is the number of locks that
26can be simultaneously requested in the system.  The maximum number of
27lockers is the number of lockers that can simultaneously request locks
28in the system.  The maximum number of lock objects is the number of
29objects that can simultaneously be locked in the system.  Selecting
30appropriate values requires an understanding of your application and its
31databases.  If the values are too small, requests for locks in an
32application will fail.  If the values are too large, the locking
33subsystem will consume more resources than is necessary.  It is better
34to err in the direction of allocating too many locks, lockers, and
35objects because increasing the number of locks does not require large
36amounts of additional resources.   The default values are 1000 of
37each type of object.</p>
38<p>The <a href="/api_c/env_set_lk_partitions.html">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lk_partitions</a> method specifies the number of lock
39table partitions.  Each partition may be accessed independently by
40a thread and more partitions can lead to higher levels of concurrency.
41The default is to set the number of partitions to be 10 times the number
42of cpus that the operating system reports at the time the environment is
44Having more than one partition when there is only one cpu is not beneficial and
45the locking system is more efficient when there is a single partition.
46Operating systems (Linux, Solaris) may report thread contexts as cpus and it
47may be necessary to override the default to force a single partition on
48a single hyperthreaded cpu system.
49Objects and locks are divided among the partitions so it best to allocate
50several locks and objects per partition.  The system will force there
51to be at least one per partition.
52If a partition runs out of locks or objects it will steal what is needed
53from the other partitions.  This operation could impact performance if
54it occurs too often.</p>
55<p>When configuring a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store application, the number of lock objects needed
56is two per open database (one for the database lock, and one for the
57cursor lock when the <a href="/api_c/env_set_flags.html#DB_CDB_ALLDB">DB_CDB_ALLDB</a> option is not specified).  The
58number of locks needed is one per open database handle plus one per
59simultaneous cursor or non-cursor operation.</p>
60<p>Configuring a Berkeley DB Transactional Data Store application is more complicated.  The recommended
61algorithm for selecting the maximum number of locks, lockers, and lock
62objects is to run the application under stressful conditions and then
63review the lock system's statistics to determine the maximum number of
64locks, lockers, and lock objects that were used.  Then, double these
65values for safety.  However, in some large applications, finer
66granularity of control is necessary in order to minimize the size of the
67Lock subsystem.</p>
68<p>The maximum number of lockers can be estimated as follows:</p>
69<p><ul type=disc>
70<li>If the database environment is using transactions, the maximum number
71of lockers can be estimated by adding the number of simultaneously
72active non-transactional cursors open database handles to the number of
73simultaneously active transactions and child transactions (where a child
74transaction is active until it commits or aborts, not until its parent
75commits or aborts).
76<li>If the database environment is not using transactions, the maximum
77number of lockers can be estimated by adding the number of
78simultaneously active non-transactional cursors and open database
79handles to the number of simultaneous non-cursor operations.
81<p>The maximum number of lock objects needed for a single database
82operation can be estimated as follows:</p>
83<p><ul type=disc>
84<li>For Btree and Recno access methods, you will need one lock object per
85level of the database tree, at a minimum.  (Unless keys are quite large
86with respect to the page size, neither Recno nor Btree database trees
87should ever be deeper than five levels.)  Then, you will need one lock
88object for each leaf page of the database tree that will be
89simultaneously accessed.
90<li>For the Queue access method, you will need one lock object per record
91that is simultaneously accessed.  To this, add one lock object per page
92that will be simultaneously accessed.  (Because the Queue access method
93uses fixed-length records and the database page size is known, it is
94possible to calculate the number of pages -- and, therefore, the lock
95objects -- required.)  Deleted records skipped by a <a href="/api_c/dbc_get.html#DB_NEXT">DB_NEXT</a> or
96<a href="/api_c/dbc_get.html#DB_PREV">DB_PREV</a> operation do not require a separate lock object.
97Further, if your application is using transactions, no database
98operation will ever use more than three lock objects at any time.
99<li>For the Hash access method, you only need a single lock object.
101<p>For all access methods, you should then add an additional lock object
102per database for the database's metadata page.</p>
103<p>Note that transactions accumulate locks over the transaction lifetime,
104and the lock objects required by a single transaction is the total lock
105objects required by all of the database operations in the transaction.
106However, a database page (or record, in the case of the Queue access
107method), that is accessed multiple times within a transaction only
108requires a single lock object for the entire transaction.</p>
109<p>The maximum number of locks required by an application cannot be easily
110estimated.  It is possible to calculate a maximum number of locks by
111multiplying the maximum number of lockers, times the maximum number of
112lock objects, times two (two for the two possible lock modes for each
113object, read and write).  However, this is a pessimal value, and real
114applications are unlikely to actually need that many locks.  Reviewing
115the Lock subsystem statistics is the best way to determine this value.</p>
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118<p><font size=1>Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.</font>