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6<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: The Berkeley DB products</title>
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13<td><b><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Introduction</dl></b></td>
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16<p align=center><b>The Berkeley DB products</b></p>
17<p>Oracle licenses four different products that use the Berkeley DB technology.
18Each product offers a distinct level of database support.  It is not
19possible to mix-and-match products, that is, each application or group
20of applications must use the same Berkeley DB product.</p>
21<p>All four products are included in the single Open Source distribution
22of Berkeley DB from Oracle, and building that distribution automatically
23builds all four products.  Each product adds new interfaces and services
24to the product that precedes it in the list.  As a result, developers
25can download Berkeley DB and build an application that does only single-user,
26read-only database access, and easily add support later for more users
27and more complex database access patterns.</p>
28<p>Users who distribute Berkeley DB must ensure that they are licensed for the
29Berkeley DB interfaces they use.  Information on licensing is available from
31<b>Berkeley DB Data Store</b>
32<p>The Berkeley DB Data Store product is an embeddable, high-performance data store.  It
33supports multiple concurrent threads of control (including multiple
34processes and multiple threads of control within a process) reading
35information managed by Berkeley DB.  When updates are required, only a single
36thread of control may be using the database.  The Berkeley DB Data Store does no locking,
37and so provides no guarantees of correct behavior if more than one
38thread of control is updating the database at a time.  The Berkeley DB Data Store is
39intended for use in read-only applications or applications which can
40guarantee no more than one thread of control will ever update the
41database at a time.</p>
42<b>Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store</b>
43<p>The Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store product adds multiple-reader, single writer capabilities to
44the Berkeley DB Data Store product, supporting applications that need concurrent updates
45and do not want to implement their own locking protocols.  Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store is
46intended for applications that require occasional write access to a
47database that is largely used for reading.</p>
48<b>Berkeley DB Transactional Data Store</b>
49<p>The Berkeley DB Transactional Data Store product adds full transactional support and recoverability
50to the Berkeley DB Data Store product.  Berkeley DB Transactional Data Store is intended for applications that require
51industrial-strength database services, including excellent performance
52under high-concurrency workloads with a mixture of readers and writers,
53the ability to commit or roll back multiple changes to the database at
54a single instant, and the guarantee that even in the event of a
55catastrophic system or hardware failure, any committed database changes
56will be preserved.</p>
57<b>Berkeley DB High Availability</b>
58<p>The Berkeley DB High Availability product support for data replication.  A single master system
59handles all updates, and distributes them to as many replicas as the
60application requires. All replicas can handle read requests during
61normal processing. If the master system fails for any reason, one of
62the replicas takes over as the new master system, and distributes
63updates to the remaining replicas.</p>
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66<p><font size=1>Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.</font>