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6<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Introduction to debugging</title>
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13<td><b><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Debugging Applications</dl></b></td>
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16<p align=center><b>Introduction to debugging</b></p>
17<p>Because Berkeley DB is an embedded library, debugging applications that use
18Berkeley DB is both harder and easier than debugging a separate server.
19Debugging can be harder because when a problem arises, it is not always
20readily apparent whether the problem is in the application, is in the
21database library, or is a result of an unexpected interaction between
22the two.  Debugging can be easier because it is easier to track down a
23problem when you can review a stack trace rather than deciphering
24interprocess communication messages.  This chapter is intended to assist
25you with debugging applications and reporting bugs to us so that we can
26provide you with the correct answer or fix as quickly as possible.</p>
27<p>When you encounter a problem, there are a few general actions you can
30<b>Review the Berkeley DB error output:</b><ul compact><li><p>If an error output mechanism has been configured in the Berkeley DB
31environment, additional run-time error messages are made available to
32the applications.  If you are not using an environment, it is well worth
33modifying your application to create one so that you can get more
34detailed error messages.  See <a href="runtime.html">Run-time error
35information</a> for more information on configuring Berkeley DB to output these
36error messages.</p></ul>
37<b>Review <a href="/api_c/env_set_verbose.html">DB_ENV-&gt;set_verbose</a>:</b><ul compact><li><p>Check the list of flags for the <a href="/api_c/env_set_verbose.html">DB_ENV-&gt;set_verbose</a> function, and
38see if any of them will produce additional information that might help
39understand the problem.</p></ul>
40<b>Add run-time diagnostics:</b><ul compact><li><p>You can configure and build Berkeley DB to perform run-time diagnostics.  (By
41default, these checks are not done because they can seriously impact
42performance.)  See <a href="compile.html">Compile-time configuration</a> for more
44<b>Apply all available patches:</b><ul compact><li><p>Before reporting a problem in Berkeley DB, please upgrade to the latest Berkeley DB
45release, if possible, or at least make sure you have applied any updates
46available for your release from the
47<a href="http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/berkeley-db/db/index.html">Berkeley DB web site</a>.</p></ul>
48<b>Run the test suite:</b><ul compact><li><p>If you see repeated failures or failures of simple test cases, run the
49Berkeley DB test suite to determine whether the distribution of Berkeley DB you are
50using was built and configured correctly.</p></ul>
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54<p><font size=1>Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.</font>