1IMG Synchronous Peripheral Flash Interface (SPFI) controller
3Required properties:
4- compatible: Must be "img,spfi".
5- reg: Must contain the base address and length of the SPFI registers.
6- interrupts: Must contain the SPFI interrupt.
7- clocks: Must contain an entry for each entry in clock-names.
8  See ../clock/clock-bindings.txt for details.
9- clock-names: Must include the following entries:
10  - spfi: SPI operating clock
11  - sys: SPI system interface clock
12- dmas: Must contain an entry for each entry in dma-names.
13  See ../dma/dma.txt for details.
14- dma-names: Must include the following entries:
15  - rx
16  - tx
17- cs-gpios: Must specify the GPIOs used for chipselect lines.
18- #address-cells: Must be 1.
19- #size-cells: Must be 0.
21Optional properties:
22- img,supports-quad-mode: Should be set if the interface supports quad mode
23  SPI transfers.
24- spfi-max-frequency: Maximum speed supported by the spfi block.
28spi@18100f00 {
29	compatible = "img,spfi";
30	reg = <0x18100f00 0x100>;
31	interrupts = <GIC_SHARED 22 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
32	clocks = <&spi_clk>, <&system_clk>;
33	clock-names = "spfi", "sys";
34	dmas = <&mdc 9 0xffffffff 0>, <&mdc 10 0xffffffff 0>;
35	dma-names = "rx", "tx";
37	#address-cells = <1>;
38	#size-cells = <0>;