11	lithuanian	x-vnd.haiku-package_daemon	1440586681
2Package changes	PackageResult	Window title	Paket�� pakeitimai
3uninstall package %s\n	PackageResult	Don't change '%s' variable	pa��alinti paket�� ���%s���\n
4ignore problem for now	PackageProblem		kol kas problemos nepaisyti
5solution %d:	PackageProblem	Don't change the %d variable	%d-asis sprendimas:
6The following problems have been encountered. Please select a solution for each:	PackageProblem		Aptiktos sekan��ios problemos. Pasirinkite sprendim�� kiekvienai j��:
7Apply changes	PackageResult		Pritaikyti pakeitimus
8Package daemon	PackageManager		Paket�� tarnyba
9install package %s from repository %s\n	PackageResult	Don't change '%s' variables	��diegti paket�� ���%s��� i�� saugyklos ���%s���\n
10The following additional package changes have to be made:	PackageResult		Reikia atlikti sekan��ius papildomus paket�� pakeitimus:
11Warning	PackageManager		��sp��jimas
12Cancel	PackageProblem		Atsisakyti
13don't activate package %source%	PackageProblem	don't change '%source%	neaktyvinti paketo ���%source%���
14Cancel	PackageResult		Atsisakyti
15Retry	PackageProblem		Kartoti bandym��
16Package problems	PackageProblem	Window title	Paket�� problemos