11	hungarian	x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker	2482866522
2Created	ContainerWindow		L��trehozva
3Icon	AttributesView		Ikon
4Open and make preferred	OpenWithWindow		Megnyit��s ��s el��nyben r��szes��t��s
5Kind	ContainerWindow		T��pus
6Open with���	ContainerWindow		Megnyit��s���
7Error moving \"%name\" to Trash. (%error)	FSUtils		Hiba t��rt��nt a Szemetesbe mozgat��sakor: \"%name\" (%error)
8Or	FindPanel		Vagy
9MIME Description	AttributesView		MIME le��r��sa
10before	FindPanel		el��tte
11New folder%d	FSUtils		��j mappa %d
12Volume icons	TrackerSettingsWindow		Lemez ikonok
13Ignore case	SelectionWindow		Nem bet����rz��keny
14Current folder	ContainerWindow		Jelenlegi mappa
15Finish: %time - Over %finishtime left	StatusWindow		Befejez��s: %time - T��bb, mint %finishtime van h��tra
16Mount all disks now	AutoMounterSettings		��sszes lemez csatol��sa most
17Location:	InfoWindow		��tvonal:
18Name	PoseView		N��v
19Kind:	InfoWindow		T��pus:
20contains	FindPanel		tartalmazza
21Open	FilePanelPriv		Megnyit��s
22Bitmap icon	AttributesView		Bitt��rk��p ikon
23You can't replace a folder with one of its sub-folders.	FSUtils		Nem lehet egy mapp��t fel��l��rni egy almapp��j��val.
24Select���	VirtualDirectoryWindow		Kijel��l��s���
25Name	Default Query Columns		N��v
26Unmount	ContainerWindow		Lev��laszt��s
27Eject when unmounting	AutoMounterSettings		Kiad��s lev��laszt��skor
28Searching for disks to mount���	StatusWindow		Csatoland�� lemezek keres��se���
29Value	AttributesView		��rt��k
30Information	InfoWindow		Inform��ci��
31Error emptying Trash	FSUtils		Hiba t��rt��nt a Szemetes ��r��t��se k��zben.
32Opens with:	InfoWindow		Megnyit��s ezzel:
33Size	QueryPoseView		M��ret
34Disk mount	TrackerSettingsWindow		Csatol��s
35Type	AttributesView		T��pus
36Prompt	FSUtils		K��rd��s
37Error in regular expression:\n\n'%errstring'	PoseView		Hiba az ��ltal��nos kifejez��sben:\n\n'%errstring'
38Small bitmap icon	AttributesView		Kis bitt��rk��p ikon
39Would you like to find a suitable application to open the file?	FSUtils		Szeretne tal��lni egy programot ami kezeli ezt a f��jlt��pust?
40You cannot replace a folder or a symbolic link with a file.	FSUtils		Nem lehet mapp��t vagy szimbolikus linket f��jllal fel��l��rni.
41(unknown)	InfoWindow		(ismeretlen)
42{0, plural, other{<# dates>}}	AttributesView		{0, plural, other{<# d��tum>}}
43Trailing \\.	libtracker		Z��r�� \\.
44At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error	Email Query Columns		Enn��l: %func \nsikertelen volt a find_directory(). \nOka: %error
45Handles any file	OpenWithWindow		B��rmilyen f��jlt kezel
46save text	FilePanelPriv		sz��veg ment��se
47Raw data	AttributesView		Nyers adat
48Preparing to move items���	StatusWindow		Felk��sz��l��s az elemek mozgat��s��ra���
49Size	ContainerWindow		M��ret
50Select���	ContainerWindow		Kijel��l��s���
51Show shared volumes on Desktop	SettingsView		Megosztott lemezek megjelen��t��se az Asztalon
52Size	PoseView		M��ret
53matches wildcard expression	SelectionWindow		megfelel a helyettes��t�� kifejez��snek
54Title	Bookmark Query Columns		C��m
55Identify	ContainerWindow		Azonos��t��s
56Create link	ContainerWindow		Hivatkoz��s k��sz��t��se
57starts with	FindPanel		eleje
58Replace	FSUtils		Csere
59?+* follows nothing.	libtracker		?+* nem k��vet semmit.
60Rectangle	AttributesView		T��glalap
61Move to	ContainerWindow		Mozgat��s
62Status	Email Query Columns		��llapot
63New folder	FSUtils		��j mappa
64Junk on end.	libtracker		A szem��t a v��g��n.
65New Query	FindPanel		��j keres��s
66system	B_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY		Rendszer
67Preparing to delete items���	StatusWindow		Elemek t��rl��s��nek el��k��sz��t��se���
68Open %name with:	OpenWithWindow		%name megnyit��sa ezzel:
69\"%name\" is an unsupported executable.	FSUtils		\"%name\" egy nem t��mogatott futtathat�� f��jl.
70You cannot copy or move the root directory.	FSUtils		A gy��k��rmapp��t nem lehet m��solni vagy ��thelyezni.
71Plain text	AttributesView		Egyszer�� sz��veg
72Capacity:	InfoWindow		Kapacit��s:
73File	ContainerWindow		F��jl
74Relation	OpenWithWindow		Kapcsolat
75Moving: 	StatusWindow		��thelyez��s:
76Select	SelectionWindow		Kijel��l��s
77Select	InfoWindow		Kijel��l��s
78OK	OpenWithWindow		Rendben
79Include trash	FindPanel		A Szemetesben is
80Clean up	ContainerWindow		Rendrak��s
81Modified	FindPanel		M��dos��tva
82 (block size: 	InfoWindow		 (blokk-m��ret: 
83Select all	QueryContainerWindow		��sszes kijel��l��se
84Generate image thumbnails	SettingsView		K��pek el��n��zet��nek l��trehoz��sa
85Select���	FilePanelPriv		Kijel��l��s���
86An item named '%filename%' already exists.	FSUtils		M��r l��tezik egy '%filename%' nev�� elem.
87preferences	B_PREFERENCES_DIRECTORY		Be��ll��t��sok
88Name	Person Query Columns		N��v
89Skip all	FSUtils		Mindet kihagyja
90Corrupted opcode.	libtracker		S��r��lt opcode.
91Atom	AttributesView		Atom
92%SizeProcessed of %TotalSize, %BytesPerSecond/s	StatusWindow		%SizeProcessed / %TotalSize, %BytesPerSecond/mp
93Preparing to restore items���	StatusWindow		Felk��sz��l��s az elemek vissza��ll��t��s��ra���
94Mount	ContainerWindow		Csatol��s
95{0, plural, other{<# rectangles>}}	AttributesView		{0, plural, other{<# n��gyzet>}}
97Corrupted pointers.	libtracker		S��r��lt mutat��k.
98Link to:	InfoWindow		Hivatkoz��s:
99Copy here	ContainerWindow		M��sol��s ide
100Character	AttributesView		Karakter
101All disks	FindPanel		Mindenhol
102Affine transform	AttributesView		Affinis transzform��ci��
103Window	ContainerWindow		Ablak
104%BytesPerSecond/s	StatusWindow		%BytesPerSecond/mp
105Remove	FindPanel		Elt��vol��t��s
106Company	Person Query Columns		Szervezet
107Recent documents	FavoritesMenu		Legut��bbi dokumentumok
108Save as Query template:	FindPanel		Ment��s keres��si sablonk��nt:
109Edit templates���	TemplatesMenu		Sablonok szerkeszt��se���
110{0, plural, one{# byte} other{# bytes}}	FSUtils		{0, plural, one{# b��jt} other{# b��jt}}
1118-bit integer	AttributesView		8-bites eg��sz
1128-bit unsigned integer	AttributesView		8-bites el��jel n��lk��li eg��sz
113%s info	InfoWindow	window title	%s inform��ci��
114%capacity (%used used -- %free free)	InfoWindow		%capacity (%used haszn��lt -- %free szabad)
115Hide dotfiles	SettingsView		Ponttal kezd��d�� f��jlnevek elrejt��se
116Trash	Model		Szemetes
117Enable type-ahead filtering	SettingsView		G��pel��s k��zbeni sz��r��s enged��lyez��se
118copy	FSUtils	filename copy	m��solata
119Location	OpenWithWindow		Hely
120Resize to fit	QueryContainerWindow		��tm��retez��s hogy elf��rjen
121List folders first	SettingsView		A mapp��kat list��zza els��k��nt
122Find	FSUtils		Keres��s
123An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace it with the symbolic link you are creating?	FSUtils		M��r van ebben a mapp��ban egy elem ezzel a n��vvel: \"%name\". Szeretn��d fel��l��rni a most elk��sz��tend�� szimbolikus hivatkoz��st?
124List view	ContainerWindow		Lista n��zet
125Temporary	FindPanel		Ideiglenes meg��rz��s
126Modified	QueryPoseView		M��dos��tva
127Create relative link	ContainerWindow		Relat��v hivatkoz��s l��trehoz��sa
128Owner	FilePermissionsView		Tulajdonos
129Cancel	FSClipBoard		M��gse
130Modified	PoseView		M��dos��tva
131Move to Trash	ContainerWindow		Mozgat��s a Szemetesbe
132All files and folders	FindPanel		Minden f��jl ��s mappa
133Add-ons	ContainerWindow		Kieg��sz��t��k
134Too many parenthesis.	libtracker		T��l sok z��r��jel.
135Increase size	ContainerWindow		M��ret n��vel��se
136\nShould this be fixed?	FSUtils		\nKi kell ezt jav��tani?
137URL	Bookmark Query Columns		URL
138Move	PoseView		Mozgat��s
139Floating point number	AttributesView		Lebeg��pontos sz��m
140Cancel	ContainerWindow		M��gse
141Attributes	ContainerWindow		Jellemz��k
142Error deleting items	FSUtils		Hiba t��rt��nt az elemek t��rl��se k��zben
143Cut	ContainerWindow		Kiv��g��s
144Disks	Model		Lemezek
145Create a Query template	FindPanel		Keres��si sablon k��sz��t��se
146Size	FindPanel		M��ret
147Window	FilePanelPriv		Ablak
148OK	Email Query Columns		Rendben
149Location	QueryPoseView		Hely
150Edit query	ContainerWindow		Keres��s szerkeszt��se
151{0, plural, one{(# byte)} other{(# bytes)}}	InfoWindow		{0, plural, one{(# b��jt)} other{(# b��jt)}}
152Previously mounted disks	AutoMounterSettings		Legut��bb csatolt lemezek
153You cannot replace a file with a folder or a symbolic link.	FSUtils		Nem lehet f��jlt fel��l��rni mapp��val vagy szimbolikus hivatkoz��ssal.
154The target disk does not support creating links.	FSUtils		A c��l lemeze nem t��mogatja a hivatkoz��sok l��trehoz��s��t.
155develop	B_SYSTEM_DEVELOP_DIRECTORY		Fejleszt��s
15664-bit integer	AttributesView		64-bites eg��sz
157Cut more	ContainerWindow		T��bb kiv��g��sa
158The Tracker must be running to see Info windows.	PoseView		Az inform��ci��s ablakok megtekint��s��hez futnia kell a Nyomk��vet��nek.
159Tracker preferences	TrackerSettingsWindow		Nyomk��vet�� be��ll��t��sa
160Read	FilePermissionsView		Olvas��s
161There was an error writing the attribute.	WidgetAttributeText		Hiba t��rt��nt a jellemz�� ��r��sa k��zben.
162If you rename %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?	FSUtils		%target ��tnevez��sekor nem biztos, hogy megfelel��en m��k��dik a %osName!\n\nBiztosan ezt akarod tenni?
163Filesystem:	InfoWindow		F��jlrendszer:
164Could not open \"%name\" (%error). 	FSUtils		Nem siker��lt megnyitni: \"%name\" (%error).
165Media parameter group	AttributesView		M��dia param��ter csoport
166%name info	InfoWindow	InfoWindow Title	%name
167If you move the home folder, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo move the home folder anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"Move\".	FSUtils		Ha ��thelyezed a saj��t mapp��t, akkor a %osName nem biztos, hogy megfelel��en m��k��dik!\n\nBiztosan ezt akarod tenni?\n\nA saj��t mappa b��rmilyen mozgat��s��hoz tartsd lenyomva a Shift billenty��t, ��s kattints az \"��thelyez��s\" gombra.
168Property info	AttributesView		Tulajdons��g inf��
169Sorry, you can't create links in the Trash.	PoseView		Sajn��lom, de nem lehet hivatkoz��st l��trehozni a Szemetesbe.
170From	Email Query Columns		Felad��
171Invert selection	QueryContainerWindow		Kijel��l��s megford��t��sa
172Open selection with:	OpenWithWindow		Kijel��l��s megnyit��sa ezzel:
173Preferences���	ContainerWindow		Be��ll��t��sok���
174Could not open \"%document\" because application \"%app\" is in the Trash. 	FSUtils		Nem siker��lt megnyitni a dokumentumot (\"%document\"), mert a program (\"%app\") a Szemetesben van.
175Work Phone	Person Query Columns		Munkahelyi telefonsz��m
176Close	ContainerWindow		Bez��r��s
177Get info	ContainerWindow		Inform��ci��
178MIME Type	AttributesView		MIME T��pus
179Show folder location in title tab	SettingsView		Mappa hely��nek megjelen��t��se a f��l��n
180There was an error resolving the link.	Tracker		Hiba t��rt��nt a hivatkoz��s felold��sa sor��n.
181There was a problem trying to save in the folder you specified. Please try another one.	FilePanelPriv		Hiba t��rt��nt a megadott mapp��ba val�� ment��s sor��n. K��rlek pr��b��lj meg egy m��sikat.
182{0, plural, other{<# values>}}	AttributesView		{0, plural, other{<# ��rt��k>}}
183Desktop	TrackerSettingsWindow		Asztal
184Nested *?+.	libtracker		Be��gyazott *?+.
185Move	FSUtils	button label	Mozgat��s
186Clean up	DeskWindow		Rendrak��s
187Group	FilePermissionsView		Csoport
188Could not find an application to open \"%name\" (%error). 	FSUtils		Nem tal��lhat�� program a megnyit��shoz: \"%name\" (%error).
189Internal error.	libtracker		Bels�� hiba.
190Mini icon view	DeskWindow		Mini ikon n��zet
191Geometric size	AttributesView		Geometriai m��ret
192contains	SelectionWindow		tartalmaz
193Replace	FilePanelPriv		Csere
194is not	FindPanel		nem egyenl��
195Icon view	DeskWindow		Ikon n��zet
196Mount settings���	ContainerWindow		Csatol��si be��ll��t��sok���
197Keywords	Bookmark Query Columns		Kulcsszavak
198Media parameter web	AttributesView		M��dia param��ter web
199Copy more	ContainerWindow		T��bb m��sol��sa
200by name	FindPanel		n��v szerint
201Sorry, you can't save things at the root of your system.	FilePanelPriv		Sajnos nem lehet a rendszer gy��k��rmapp��j��ba menteni.
202Restore	ContainerWindow		Vissza��ll��t��s
203Location	ContainerWindow		Hely
204Warning space color	SettingsView		Vesz��ly jelz��sz��ne
205Skip	FSUtils		Kihagy
206Text list	AttributesView		Sz��veg lista
207Used space color	SettingsView		Haszn��lt ter��let sz��ne
208Cancel	FSUtils		M��gse
209Original name	ContainerWindow		Eredeti n��v
210Unknown	WidgetAttributeText		Ismeretlen
21132-bit integer	AttributesView		32-bites eg��sz
212The specified name is already used as the name of a folder. Please choose another name.	FilePanelPriv		A megadott n��v m��r egy l��tez�� mappa neve. K��rlek v��lassz egy m��sik nevet.
213Modified	ContainerWindow		M��dos��tva
214Mini icon view	ContainerWindow		Mini ikon n��zet
215File	FilePanelPriv		F��jl
216Search	FindPanel		Keres��s
217Modified:	InfoWindow		M��dos��tva:
218Cancel	FilePanelPriv		M��gse
219Sorry, you cannot edit that attribute.	WidgetAttributeText		Sajn��lom, de ezt a jellemz��t nem lehet szerkeszteni.
220Memory pointer	AttributesView		Mem��ria mutat��
221Cancel	OpenWithWindow		M��gse
222Select���	DeskWindow		Kijel��l��s���
223Files cannot be moved or deleted from a read-only volume.	PoseView		Nem lehet ��r��sv��dett lemezen f��jlokat mozgatni vagy t��r��lni.
224Edit name	FilePanelPriv		N��v szerkeszt��se
225There was an error deleting \"%name\":\n\t%error	FSUtils		Hiba t��rt��nt a t��rl��s k��zben: \"%name\":\n\t(%error).
226Resize to fit	ContainerWindow		��tm��retez��s hogy elf��rjen
227Link \"%name\" to:	InfoWindow	File dialog title for new sym link	\"%name\" hivatkoz��sa:
228Mount server error	AutoMounterSettings		Csatol��si hiba
229If you rename the home folder, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo rename the home folder anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"Rename\".	FSUtils		Ha ��tnevezed a saj��t mapp��t, akkor a %osName nem biztos, hogy megfelel��en m��k��dik!\n\nBiztosan ezt akarod tenni?\n\nA saj��t mappa ��tnevez��s��hez tartsd lenyomva a Shift billenty��t, ��s kattints az \"��tnevez��s\" gombra.
230Boolean	AttributesView		Logikai
231Invert selection	FilePanelPriv		Kijel��l��s megford��t��sa
232Memory size	AttributesView		Mem��ria m��ret
233New folder	TemplatesMenu		��j mappa
234 (broken)	InfoWindow		 (s��r��lt)
235Replace all	FSUtils		��sszes cser��je
236The application \"%appname\" does not support the type of document you are about to open.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?\n\nIf you know that the application supports the document type, you should contact the publisher of the application and ask them to update their application to list the type of your document as supported.	OpenWithWindow		A haszn��lni k��v��nt program (\"%appname\") nem t��mogatja a megnyitni k��v��nt dokumentumot.\nSzeretn��d folytatni?\n\nHa biztos vagy benne, hogy a program tudja haszn��lni az adott form��tumot, akkor l��pj kapcsolatba a fejleszt��vel, ��s k��rd meg, hogy friss��tse azt a dokumentum t��pus��nak megfelel��en.
237Reverse order	ContainerWindow		Ford��tott sorrend
238Copying: 	StatusWindow		M��sol��s:
239Show navigator	SettingsView		A navig��tor megjelen��t��se
240Select all	DeskWindow		��sszes kijel��l��se
241Double-precision floating point number	AttributesView		K��tszeres pontoss��g�� lebeg��pontos sz��m
242Decrease size	ContainerWindow		M��ret cs��kkent��se
243Recent queries	FindPanel		El��z�� keres��sek
244Mount all	MountMenu		��sszes csatol��sa
245Size	Default Query Columns		M��ret
246Favorites	FavoritesMenu		Kedvencek
247<No recent items>	FavoritesMenu		<Nincsenek kor��bbi elemek>
248Formula %formula	FindPanel	FindResultTitle	%formula k��plet
249Preparing to create links���	StatusWindow		Felk��sz��l��s a hivatkoz��sok l��trehoz��s��ra���
250Tracker status	StatusWindow		Nyomk��vet�� ��llapota
251Handles any %type	OpenWithWindow		B��rmely %type kezel��se
252The mount server could not be contacted.	AutoMounterSettings		A csatol��si k��zponthoz nem siker��lt kapcsol��dni.
253Query template	FindPanel		Keres��s
254ends with	SelectionWindow		v��ge
255Open	OpenWithWindow		Megnyit��s
256You must have at least one attribute showing.	PoseView		Legal��bb egy jellemz�� meg kell hogy legyen jelen��tve.
257Cut	FilePanelPriv		Kiv��g��s
258Finish: after several years	StatusWindow		Befejez��s: n��h��ny ��v m��lva
259Favorites	FilePanelPriv		Kedvencek
260Point	AttributesView		Pont
261You can't move or copy items to read-only volumes.	PoseView		Nem m��solhat��ak, mozgathat��ak elemek egy ��r��sv��dett lemezre.
262home	B_USER_DIRECTORY		Saj��t mappa
263Tracker New Templates	B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY/Tracker/Tracker New Templates		��j Nyomk��vet�� sablon
264Disk mounting during boot	AutoMounterSettings		Lemezek csatol��sa bekapcsol��skor
265Don't automount	AutoMounterSettings		Ne csatoljon automatikusan
266Node ref	AttributesView		Node ref
267Could not find application \"%appname\"	OpenWithWindow		A program (\"%appname\") nem tal��lhat��
268Unmatched parenthesis.	libtracker		P��ratlan z��r��jel.
269New folder %d	FSUtils		��j mappa %d
270Extended attribute	AttributesView		Kieg��sz��tett jellemz��k
271Unmatched brackets.	libtracker		P��ratlan kapcsos-z��r��jel.
272Error %error loading Add-On %name.	ContainerWindow		Hiba t��rt��nt a b��v��tm��ny (%name) bet��lt��se k��zben: %error.
273You are trying to replace the item:\n\t%name%dest\nwith:\n\t%name%src\n\nWould you like to replace it with the one you are %movemode?	FSUtils		Ezt akarod most fel��l��rni:\n\t%name %dest\nezzel:\n\t%name %src\n\nBiztos ki akarod cser��lni azzal amit most akarsz %movemode?
274Empty Trash	ContainerWindow		Szemetes ��r��t��se
275no supporting apps	OpenWithWindow		nincs haszn��lhat�� program
27632-bit unsigned integer	AttributesView		32-bites el��jel n��lk��li eg��sz
277Preparing to empty Trash���	StatusWindow		Felk��sz��l��s a Szemetes ��r��t��s��re���
278Deleting: 	StatusWindow		T��rl��s:
279the MIME settings	FSUtils		MIME be��ll��t��sok
280You can't move or copy the trash.	FSUtils		A Szemetest nem lehet mozgatni vagy m��solni.
281label too long	PoseView		t��l hossz�� c��mke
282Error creating link to \"%name\".	FSUtils		Hiba t��rt��nt a hivatkoz��s (\"%name\") l��trehoz��sa k��zben.
283Unknown	FilePermissionsView		Ismeretlen
284Paste links	ContainerWindow		Hivatkoz��sok beilleszt��se
285Restoring: 	StatusWindow		Vissza��ll��t��s:
286The Tracker must be running to set the default printer.	PoseView		A Nyomk��vet��nek futnia kell az alap��rtelmezett nyomtat�� megad��s��hoz.
287calculating���	InfoWindow		sz��mol��s���
288Preferred for file	OpenWithWindow		El��nyben r��szes��tve a f��jlnak
289OK	AutoMounterSettings		Rendben
290copying	FSUtils		m��solni
291Get info	FilePanelPriv		Inform��ci��
292MIME String	AttributesView		MIME Sz��veg
293Delete	ContainerWindow		T��rl��s
294Execute	FilePermissionsView		Futtat��s
295Show volumes on Desktop	SettingsView		Lemezek megjelen��t��se az Asztalon
296no	AttributesView		nem
297Recent folders	ContainerWindow		Legut��bbi mapp��k
298Desktop	Model		Asztal
299Select all	ContainerWindow		Mind kijel��l��se
300apps	B_APPS_DIRECTORY		Programok
301Error calculating folder size.	InfoWindow		Hiba t��rt��nt a mappa m��ret��nek sz��m��t��sa k��zben.
302Delete	FSUtils		T��rl��s
303Duplicate	FilePanelPriv		Ism��tl��d��
304Edit name	ContainerWindow		N��v szerkeszt��se
305Could not open \"%document\" (Missing symbol: %symbol). \n	FSUtils		Nem siker��lt megnyitni a dokumentumot (\"%document\"): hi��nyzik egy szimb��lum: %symbol\n
306ASCII Text	AttributesView		ASCII Sz��veg
307Atom reference	AttributesView		Atom referencia
308config	B_USER_CONFIG_DIRECTORY		Konfigur��ci��
309Error moving \"%name\".	FSUtils		Hiba t��rt��nt a f��jl (\"%name\") mozgat��sa k��zben.
310Select���	QueryContainerWindow		Kijel��l��s���
311Open	ContainerWindow		Megnyit��s
312Settings���	MountMenu		Be��ll��t��sok���
313You cannot put the selected item(s) into the trash.	FSUtils		A kijel��lt elem(ek) nem rakhat��(k) a Szemetesbe.
314Increase size	DeskWindow		M��ret n��vel��se
315starts with	SelectionWindow		eleje
316Any	AttributesView		B��rmely
317New	DeskWindow		��j
318Invert	SelectionWindow		Megford��t��s
319Would you like to find some other suitable application?	FSUtils		Szeretne keresni egy m��sik megfelel�� programot?
320*+? operand may be empty.	libtracker		*+? m��velet lehet ��res.
321(unknown)	AttributesView		(ismeretlen)
322Recent folders	FavoritesMenu		Legut��bb haszn��lt mapp��k
323Signed memory size	AttributesView		El��jeles mem��ria m��ret
324The specified name is illegal. Please choose another name.	FilePanelPriv		A megadott n��v szab��lytalan. K��rlek v��lassz egy m��sik nevet.
325of %items	StatusWindow		/ %items
326MIME Path	AttributesView		MIME ��tvonala
327less than	FindPanel		kisebb, mint
328Error copying file \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nWould you like to continue?	FSUtils		Hiba t��rt��nt a m��sol��s k��zben: \"%name\"\n\t%error\n\nSzeretn��d folytatni?
329Creating links: 	StatusWindow		Hivatkoz��sok k��sz��t��se:
330Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (%error). 	FSUtils		Nem siker��lt megnyitni a dokumentumot (\"%document\") a programmal (\"%app\"): %error.
331Create %s clipping	PoseView		%s kiv��g��s k��sz��t��se
332Error moving \"%name\"	FSUtils		Hiba t��rt��nt a mozgat��s k��zben: \"%name\"
333To: %dir	StatusWindow		Ide: %dir
334Paste layout	ContainerWindow		Elrendez��s beilleszt��se
335Cancel	Tracker		M��gse
336yes	AttributesView		igen
337Error copying file \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\n	FSUtils		Hia t��rt��nt a f��jl \"%name\" m��sol��sa k��zben:\n\t%error\n\n
338Make active printer	ContainerWindow		Be��ll��t��s akt��v nyomtat��nak
339Copy to	ContainerWindow		M��sol��s
340Name	SelectionWindow		A n��v
341Location	Default Query Columns		Hely
342by attribute	FindPanel		jellemz�� szerint
343Write	FilePermissionsView		��r��s
344If you alter the system folder or its contents, you won't be able to boot %osName!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo alter the system folder or its contents anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"I know what I'm doing\".	FSUtils		Ha megv��ltoztatos a rendszermapp��t vagy annak tartalm��t, akkor a %osName nem fog elindulni!\n\nBiztosan ezt akarod tenni?\n\nA rendszermappa vagy annak tartalm��nak b��rmilyen m��dos��t��s��hoz tartsd lenyomva a Shift billenty��t, ��s kattints a \"Tudom, mit csin��lok\" gombra.
345Save	FilePanelPriv		Ment��s
346Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (Missing libraries: %library). \n	FSUtils		Nem siker��lt megnyitni a dokumentumot (\"%document\") a programmal (\"%app\"): hi��nyz�� funkci��t��r: %library. \n
347Finish: %time	StatusWindow		Befejez��s: %time
348Messenger	AttributesView		Messenger
349after	FindPanel		ut��na
350{0, plural, one{<# data byte>} other{<# bytes of data>}}	AttributesView		{0, plural, one{<# adat b��jt>} other{<# adat b��jt>}}
351Version	OpenWithWindow		Verzi��
352Some of the selected items cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete them instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.)	PoseView		N��h��nyat a kiv��lasztott elem k��z��l nem lehet a Szemetesbe mozgatni. Szeretn��d ink��bb t��r��lni? (Nem vonhat�� vissza.)
353The entered file name is too long.	FSUtils		A megadott f��jln��v t��l hossz��.
354Add printer���	ContainerWindow		Nyomtat�� hozz��ad��sa���
355On	FindPanel		Hol:
356Permissions	ContainerWindow		Enged��lyek
357Size:	InfoWindow		M��ret:
358The selected item cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete it instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.)	PoseView		A kiv��lasztott elemet nem lehet a Szemetesbe mozgatni. Szeretn��d ink��bb t��r��lni? (Nem vonhat�� vissza.)
359Copy	ContainerWindow		M��sol��s
360Sorry, the 'Character' attribute cannot store a multi-byte glyph.	WidgetAttributeText		Sajn��lom, de a 'Karakter' jellemz�� nem tartalmazhat t��bb��jtos bet��k��pet.
361Open parent	VirtualDirectoryWindow		Sz��l�� mappa megnyit��sa
362And	FindPanel		��s
363Palette-indexed picture	AttributesView		Paletta-indexelt k��p
364multiple disks	FindPanel		t��bb lemez
365Drawing pattern	AttributesView		Rajz minta
366File offset	AttributesView		F��jl eltol��s
367Name = %name	FindPanel	FindResultTitle	N��v = %name
368Subject	Email Query Columns		T��rgy
369Error copying folder \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nWould you like to continue?	FSUtils		Hiba t��rt��nt a mappa m��sol��sa k��zben: \"%name\"\n\t%error\n\nSzeretn��d folytatni?
370You cannot create a link to the root directory.	FSUtils		Nem lehet hivatkoz��st l��trehozni a gy��k��rmapp��hoz.
371Select all	FilePanelPriv		��sszes kijel��l��se
372Other	FilePermissionsView		Mindenki
373Automatic disk mounting	AutoMounterSettings		Automatikus lemezcsatol��s
374parent folder	NavMenu		sz��l��mappa
375Create link here	ContainerWindow		Hivatkoz��s k��sz��t��se ide
376Force identify	ContainerWindow		Kik��nyszer��tett azonos��t��s
377no items	CountView		nincs elem
378Time	AttributesView		Id��
379Disks	DirMenu		Lemezek
380Query name:	FindPanel		Keres��s neve:
381Open parent	ContainerWindow		Sz��l�� megnyit��sa
382Find���	ContainerWindow		Keres��s���
383moving	FSUtils		mozgatni
384Single window navigation	SettingsView		Egyablakos navig��ci��
385greater than	FindPanel		nagyobb, mint
386Add	FindPanel		Hozz��ad��s
387Created:	InfoWindow		L��trehozva:
388Edit Query template	FindPanel		Keres��si sablon szerkeszt��se
389Save query as template���	FindPanel		Keres��s ment��se sablonk��nt���
390All disks	AutoMounterSettings		��sszes lemez
391link	FSUtils	filename link	hivatkoz��s
39216-bit unsigned integer	AttributesView		16-bites el��jel n��lk��li eg��sz
393Proceed	FSUtils		Folytat��s
394Edit favorites���	FilePanelPriv		Kedvencek szerkeszt��se���
395You can't move a folder into itself or any of its own sub-folders.	FSUtils		Nem lehet egy mapp��t saj��t mag��ba vagy egy almapp��j��ba mozgatni.
396New	ContainerWindow		��j
397You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window.	FSClipBoard		H��zzon elemeket a \"Lemezek\" ablakban az egyik lemez ikonj��ra.
398If you alter %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?	FSUtils		%target m��dos��t��sa eset��n a %osName nem fog megfelel��en m��k��dni!\n\nBiztosan ezt akarod tenni?
399Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash.	FSClipBoard		Sajn��lom, de nem lehet a Szemetesbe m��solni.
400Some items already exist in this folder with the same names as the items you are %verb.\n \nWould you like to replace them with the ones you are %verb or be prompted for each one?	FSUtils		A mapp��ban m��r n��h��ny elem neve megyegyezik azzal, amit %verb akarsz.\n\nSzeretn��d lecser��lni ��ket azokkal amiket szeretn��l most %verb, vagy minden elemn��l k��rdezzem meg?
401When	Email Query Columns		��rkezett
402Object	AttributesView		Objektum
403Paste	ContainerWindow		Beilleszt��s
404An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder, and may contain\nitems with the same names. Would you like to replace them with those contained in the folder you are %verb?	FSUtils		M��r van a mapp��ban egy ilyen nev�� elem: \"%name\", ��s lehet, hogy\nugyanilyen nev�� elemeket tartalmaz. Szeretn��d fel��l��rni ��ket azzal a mapp��val amit %verb akarsz?
405Cannot unmount the boot volume \"%name\".	FSUtils		Nem siker��lt a lemez (\"%name\") lev��laszt��sa.
406Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (Missing symbol: %symbol). \n	FSUtils		Nem siker��lt megnyitni a dokumentumot (\"%document\") a programmal (\"%app\"): hi��nyzik egy szimb��lum: %symbol\n
407New folder	ContainerWindow		��j mappa
408Name	OpenWithWindow		N��v
409Get info	Tracker	Tracker's 'Get info' panel [ALT+I]	Inform��ci��k
410There was a problem trying to replace \"%name\". The item might be open or busy.	FSUtils		Hiba t��rt��nt a fel��l��r��s k��zben: \"%name\". Lehet, hogy az elem ��pp haszn��latban van.
411Windows	TrackerSettingsWindow		Ablakok
412Show space bars on volumes	SettingsView		Tel��tetts��g megjelen��t��se a lemezeken
413Could not update permissions of file \"%name\". %error	FSUtils		Nem siker��lt m��dos��tani a f��jl (\"%name\") jogosults��gait: %error
414Decrease size	DeskWindow		M��ret cs��kkent��se
415Emptying Trash��� 	StatusWindow		Szemetes ��r��t��se���
416{0, plural, one{for # file} other{for # files}}	InfoWindow		{0, plural, one{# f��jl} other{# f��jl}}
417Revert	TrackerSettingsWindow		Vissza��ll��t
418trash	B_TRASH_DIRECTORY		Szemetes
419%ld �� %ld	DeskWindow	The '��' is the Unicode multiplication sign U+00D7	%ld �� %ld
420If you move the system folder or its contents, you won't be able to boot %osName!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo move the system folder or its contents anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"Move\".	FSUtils		Ha ��thelyezed a rendszermapp��t vagy annak tartalm��t, akkor a %osName nem induln!\n\nBiztosan ezt akarod tenni?\n\nA rendszermappa vagy annak tartalm��nak b��rmilyen m��don t��rt��n�� mozgat��s��hoz tartsd lenyomva a Shift billenty��t, ��s kattints az \"��thelyez��s\" gombra.
421Close all in workspace	ContainerWindow		Bez��r��s minden munkaasztalon
422Corrupted expression.	libtracker		S��r��lt kifejez��s.
423Network address	AttributesView		H��l��zati c��m
424Finish: %time - %finishtime left	StatusWindow		Befejez��s: %time - %finishtime maradt
425Could not open \"%document\" (Missing libraries: %library). \n	FSUtils		Nem siker��lt megnyitni: \"%document\": hi��nyz�� funkci��t��r: %library.\n
426Create relative link here	ContainerWindow		Relat��v hivatkoz��s l��trehoz��sa ide
427Copy	FilePanelPriv		M��sol��s
428All Haiku disks	AutoMounterSettings		Minden Haiku lemez
429Close all	ContainerWindow		��sszes bez��r��sa
430Paused: click to resume or stop	StatusWindow		Sz��neteltetve: kattintson a folytat��sra vagy le��ll��t��sra
431Name	QueryPoseView		N��v
432Error %error loading add-On %name.	ContainerWindow		Hiba a b��v��tm��ny (%name) bet��lt��se k��zben: %error.
433Does not handle file	OpenWithWindow		Nem kezeli a f��jlt
434E-mail	Person Query Columns		E-mail
435Arrange by	ContainerWindow		Rendez��s
436Attributes	AttributesView		Jellemz��k
437Sorry, saving more than one item is not allowed.	FilePanelPriv		Sajn��lom, de egyszerre csak egy elemet lehet elmenteni.
43864-bit unsigned integer	AttributesView		64-bites el��jel n��lk��li eg��sz
439Move here	ContainerWindow		Mozgat��s ide
440the config folder	FSUtils		a konfigur��ci��s mappa
441Sorry, could not create a new folder.	FSUtils		Nem siker��lt az ��j mapp��t l��trehozni.
442MIME Signature	AttributesView		MIME azonos��t��ja
443Select all	VirtualDirectoryWindow		��sszes kijel��l��se
444%ld �� %ld	ContainerWindow	The '��' is the Unicode multiplication sign U+00D7	%ld �� %ld
445Rename	FSUtils	button label	��tnevez��s
446Clean up all	ContainerWindow		��sszes rendez��se
447Add current folder	FilePanelPriv		Jelenlegi mappa hozz��ad��sa
448Description:	InfoWindow		Le��r��s:
449Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)? This operation cannot be reverted.	FSUtils		Biztos szeretn��d t��r��lni a kiv��lasztott eleme(ke)t? Ez nem vonhat�� vissza.
450Grayscale picture	AttributesView		Sz��rke��rnyalatos k��p
451Mount	DeskWindow		Csatol��s
452ends with	FindPanel		ezzel v��gz��dik:
453Show Disks icon	SettingsView		Lemezek ikon megjelen��t��se
454Outline selection rectangle only	SettingsView		K��rvonal csak a kijel��l��s t��glalapj��nak
455by formula	FindPanel		k��plet alapj��n
456Resize to fit	VirtualDirectoryWindow		Optim��lis m��retez��s
457Move to Trash	FilePanelPriv		Mozgat��s a Szemetesbe
458is	FindPanel		egyenl��
459If you rename the system folder or its contents, you won't be able to boot %osName!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo rename the system folder or its contents anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"Rename\".	FSUtils		Ha ��tnevezed a rendszermapp��t vagy annak tartalm��t, akkor a %osName nem ind��that��!\n\nBiztosan ezt akarod tenni?\n\nA rendszermappa vagy annak tartalm��nak ��tnevez��s��hez tartsd lenyomva a Shift billenty��t, ��s kattints az \"��tnevez��s\" gombra.
460Permissions	FilePermissionsView		Jogosults��gok
461\"%name\" is a legacy executable. Please obtain an updated version or recompile the application.	FSUtils		\"%name\" egy r��gebbi futtathat�� f��jl. Friss��t��s vagy ��jra fel��p��t��s sz��ks��ges.
462Only the boot disk	AutoMounterSettings		Csak a rendszer lemezt
463Message	AttributesView		��zenet
464Modified	Default Query Columns		M��dos��tva
465Default application	InfoWindow		Alap��rtelmezett program
466Untitled bitmap	PoseView		N��vtelen bitt��rk��p
467matches regular expression	SelectionWindow		illeszkedik az ��ltal��nos kifejez��sre
468Invert selection	ContainerWindow		Kijel��l��s megford��t��sa
469Close	VirtualDirectoryWindow		Bez��r��s
470Monochrome picture	AttributesView		Monokr��m k��p
471Real name	ContainerWindow		Val��di n��v
472Could not open \"%name\". The file is mistakenly marked as executable. 	FSUtils		Nem siker��lt megnyitni: \"%name\". A f��jl t��vesen futtathat��nak lett jel��lve.
473Go to parent	FilePanelPriv		Feljebb l��p��s
474Save	FindPanel		Ment��s
475Name	FindPanel		N��v
476Cancel	WidgetAttributeText		M��gse
477Memory corruption.	libtracker		S��r��lt mem��ria.
478Expression too long.	libtracker		T��l hossz�� kifejez��s.
479Color	AttributesView		Sz��n
480Copy layout	ContainerWindow		Elrendez��s m��sol��sa
481Duplicate	ContainerWindow		Megkett��z��s
48216-bit integer	AttributesView		16-bites eg��sz
483Note: file names in the destination file system are not case-sensitive.\n	FSUtils		Megjegyz��s: a f��jlnevek a c��l-f��jlrendszeren nem kis-/nagybet�� ��rz��kenyek.\n
484Untitled clipping	PoseView		N��vtelen kiv��g��s
485The file \"%name\" already exists in the specified folder. Do you want to replace it?	FilePanelPriv		A megadott mapp��ban m��r l��tezik egy ilyen nev�� f��jl: \"%name\". Szeretn��d fel��l��rni?
486, indexed	InfoWindow		, indexelt
487You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window.	PoseView		H��zzon elemeket a \"Lemezek\" ablakban az egyik lemez ikonj��ra.
488Version:	InfoWindow		Verzi��:
489OK	PoseView		Rendben
490Add-ons	DeskWindow		Kieg��sz��t��k
491Are you sure you want to move or copy the selected item(s) to this folder?	PoseView		Biztos ��t szeretn��d mozgatni vagy m��solni a kijel��lt elemeket ebbe a mapp��ba?
492Find	FindPanel		Keres��s
493Empty folder	NavMenu		��res mappa
494Defaults	TrackerSettingsWindow		Alap��rt��kek
495Sorry, there is not enough free space on the destination volume to copy the selection.	FSUtils		Sajn��lom, de nincs el��g hely a kiv��lasztott lemezen a m��sol��shoz.
496True-color picture	AttributesView		Val��di sz��n�� k��p
497Add-ons	FilePanelPriv		Kieg��sz��t��k
498Alignment	AttributesView		Igaz��t��s
499Move to Trash	FSUtils		Mozgat��s a Szemetesbe
500Handles %type	OpenWithWindow		Ezt kezeli: %type
501Cancel	PoseView		M��gse
502Delete	PoseView		T��rl��s
503Media parameter	AttributesView		M��dia param��ter
504If you alter the home folder, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo alter the home folder anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"I know what I'm doing\".	FSUtils		Ha m��dos��tod a saj��t mapp��t, akkor a %osName nem biztos, hogy megfelel��en m��k��dik!\n\nBiztosan ezt akarod tenni?\n\nA saj��t mappa megv��ltoztat��s��hoz tartsd lenyomva a Shift billenty��t, ��s kattints a \"Tudom, mit csin��lok\" gombra.
505Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash.	PoseView		Sajn��lom, de nem lehet a Szemetesbe m��solni.
506Invert selection	VirtualDirectoryWindow		Ellent��tes kijel��l��s
507New folder	FilePanelPriv		��j mappa
508{0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}}	CountView	Number of selected items: \"1 item\" or \"2 items\"	{0, plural, one{# elem} other{# elem}}
509Name	AttributesView		N��v
510Invalid bracket range.	libtracker		��rv��nytelen z��r��jelek.
511the settings folder	FSUtils		a be��ll��t��sok mappa
512If you move %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?	FSUtils		%target ��thelyez��sekor a %osName nem m��k��dik megfelel��en!\n\nBiztosan ezt akarod tenni?
513Create a Query	FindPanel		Keres��si sablon l��trehoz��sa
514Close	QueryContainerWindow		Bez��r��s
515I know what I'm doing	FSUtils	button label	Tudom, mit csin��lok
516Preparing to copy items���	StatusWindow		Felk��sz��l��s az elemek m��sol��s��ra���
517%lld B	WidgetAttributeText	The filesize symbol for byte	%lld B
518Entry ref	AttributesView		Entry ref
519Icon view	ContainerWindow		Ikon n��zet
520The entered folder name is too long.	FSUtils		A megadott mappan��v t��l hossz��.
521Name	ContainerWindow		N��v
522Preferred for %type	OpenWithWindow		El��nyben r��szes��tve ehhez: %type
523Free space color	SettingsView		Szabad ter��let sz��ne
524OK	FSUtils		Rendben