1! { dg-do run }
2! { dg-add-options ieee }
3! { dg-skip-if "Too big for local store" { spu-*-* } { "*" } { "" } }
5!     Solve a diffusion problem using an object-oriented approach
7!     Author: Arjen Markus (comp.lang.fortran)
8!     This version: pault@gcc.gnu.org
10!     Note:
11!     (i) This could be turned into a more sophisticated program
12!     using the techniques described in the chapter on
13!     mathematical abstractions.
14!     (That would allow the selection of the time integration
15!     method in a transparent way)
17!     (ii) The target procedures for process_p and source_p are
18!     different to the typebound procedures for dynamic types
19!     because the passed argument is not type(base_pde_object).
21!     (iii) Two solutions are calculated, one with the procedure
22!     pointers and the other with typebound procedures. The sums
23!     of the solutions are compared.
25!     (iv) The source is a delta function in the middle of the
26!     mesh, whilst the process is quartic in the local value,
27!     when it is positive.
29! base_pde_objects --
30!     Module to define the basic objects
32module base_pde_objects
33  implicit none
34  type, abstract :: base_pde_object
35! No data
36    procedure(process_p), pointer, pass :: process_p
37    procedure(source_p), pointer, pass  :: source_p
38  contains
39    procedure(process), deferred :: process
40    procedure(source), deferred :: source
41    procedure :: initialise
42    procedure :: nabla2
43    procedure :: print
44    procedure(real_times_obj), pass(obj), deferred :: real_times_obj
45    procedure(obj_plus_obj),              deferred :: obj_plus_obj
46    procedure(obj_assign_obj),            deferred :: obj_assign_obj
47    generic :: operator(*)    => real_times_obj
48    generic :: operator(+)    => obj_plus_obj
49    generic :: assignment(=)  => obj_assign_obj
50  end type
51  abstract interface
52    function process_p (obj)
53      import base_pde_object
54      class(base_pde_object), intent(in)  :: obj
55      class(base_pde_object), allocatable :: process_p
56    end function process_p
57  end interface
58  abstract interface
59    function source_p (obj, time)
60      import base_pde_object
61      class(base_pde_object), intent(in)  :: obj
62      real, intent(in)                    :: time
63      class(base_pde_object), allocatable :: source_p
64    end function source_p
65  end interface
66  abstract interface
67    function process (obj)
68      import base_pde_object
69      class(base_pde_object), intent(in)  :: obj
70      class(base_pde_object), allocatable :: process
71    end function process
72  end interface
73  abstract interface
74    function source (obj, time)
75      import base_pde_object
76      class(base_pde_object), intent(in)  :: obj
77      real, intent(in)                    :: time
78      class(base_pde_object), allocatable :: source
79    end function source
80  end interface
81  abstract interface
82    function real_times_obj (factor, obj) result(newobj)
83      import base_pde_object
84      real, intent(in)                    :: factor
85      class(base_pde_object), intent(in)  :: obj
86      class(base_pde_object), allocatable :: newobj
87    end function real_times_obj
88  end interface
89  abstract interface
90    function obj_plus_obj (obj1, obj2) result(newobj)
91      import base_pde_object
92      class(base_pde_object), intent(in)  :: obj1
93      class(base_pde_object), intent(in)  :: obj2
94      class(base_pde_object), allocatable :: newobj
95    end function obj_plus_obj
96  end interface
97  abstract interface
98    subroutine obj_assign_obj (obj1, obj2)
99      import base_pde_object
100      class(base_pde_object), intent(inout)  :: obj1
101      class(base_pde_object), intent(in)     :: obj2
102    end subroutine obj_assign_obj
103  end interface
105! print --
106!     Print the concentration field
107  subroutine print (obj)
108    class(base_pde_object) :: obj
109    ! Dummy
110  end subroutine print
111! initialise --
112!     Initialise the concentration field using a specific function
113  subroutine initialise (obj, funcxy)
114    class(base_pde_object) :: obj
115    interface
116      real function funcxy (coords)
117        real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: coords
118      end function funcxy
119    end interface
120    ! Dummy
121  end subroutine initialise
122! nabla2 --
123!     Determine the divergence
124  function nabla2 (obj)
125    class(base_pde_object), intent(in)  :: obj
126    class(base_pde_object), allocatable :: nabla2
127    ! Dummy
128  end function nabla2
129end module base_pde_objects
130! cartesian_2d_objects --
131!     PDE object on a 2D cartesian grid
133module cartesian_2d_objects
134  use base_pde_objects
135  implicit none
136  type, extends(base_pde_object) :: cartesian_2d_object
137    real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: c
138    real                              :: dx
139    real                              :: dy
140  contains
141    procedure            :: process       => process_cart2d
142    procedure            :: source         => source_cart2d
143    procedure            :: initialise     => initialise_cart2d
144    procedure            :: nabla2         => nabla2_cart2d
145    procedure            :: print          => print_cart2d
146    procedure, pass(obj) :: real_times_obj => real_times_cart2d
147    procedure            :: obj_plus_obj   => obj_plus_cart2d
148    procedure            :: obj_assign_obj => obj_assign_cart2d
149  end type cartesian_2d_object
150  interface grid_definition
151    module procedure grid_definition_cart2d
152  end interface
154  function process_cart2d (obj)
155    class(cartesian_2d_object), intent(in)  :: obj
156    class(base_pde_object), allocatable :: process_cart2d
157    allocate (process_cart2d,source = obj)
158    select type (process_cart2d)
159      type is (cartesian_2d_object)
160        process_cart2d%c = -sign (obj%c, 1.0)*obj%c** 4
161      class default
162        call abort
163    end select
164  end function process_cart2d
165  function process_cart2d_p (obj)
166    class(base_pde_object), intent(in)  :: obj
167    class(base_pde_object), allocatable :: process_cart2d_p
168    allocate (process_cart2d_p,source = obj)
169    select type (process_cart2d_p)
170      type is (cartesian_2d_object)
171        select type (obj)
172          type is (cartesian_2d_object)
173            process_cart2d_p%c = -sign (obj%c, 1.0)*obj%c** 4
174        end select
175      class default
176        call abort
177    end select
178  end function process_cart2d_p
179  function source_cart2d (obj, time)
180    class(cartesian_2d_object), intent(in)  :: obj
181    real, intent(in)                    :: time
182    class(base_pde_object), allocatable :: source_cart2d
183    integer :: m, n
184    m = size (obj%c, 1)
185    n = size (obj%c, 2)
186    allocate (source_cart2d, source = obj)
187    select type (source_cart2d)
188      type is (cartesian_2d_object)
189        if (allocated (source_cart2d%c)) deallocate (source_cart2d%c)
190        allocate (source_cart2d%c(m, n))
191        source_cart2d%c = 0.0
192        if (time .lt. 5.0) source_cart2d%c(m/2, n/2) = 0.1
193      class default
194        call abort
195    end select
196  end function source_cart2d
198  function source_cart2d_p (obj, time)
199    class(base_pde_object), intent(in)  :: obj
200    real, intent(in)                    :: time
201    class(base_pde_object), allocatable :: source_cart2d_p
202    integer :: m, n
203    select type (obj)
204      type is (cartesian_2d_object)
205        m = size (obj%c, 1)
206        n = size (obj%c, 2)
207      class default
208       call abort
209    end select
210    allocate (source_cart2d_p,source = obj)
211    select type (source_cart2d_p)
212      type is (cartesian_2d_object)
213        if (allocated (source_cart2d_p%c)) deallocate (source_cart2d_p%c)
214        allocate (source_cart2d_p%c(m,n))
215        source_cart2d_p%c = 0.0
216        if (time .lt. 5.0) source_cart2d_p%c(m/2, n/2) = 0.1
217      class default
218        call abort
219    end select
220  end function source_cart2d_p
222! grid_definition --
223!     Initialises the grid
225  subroutine grid_definition_cart2d (obj, sizes, dims)
226    class(base_pde_object), allocatable :: obj
227    real, dimension(:)                  :: sizes
228    integer, dimension(:)               :: dims
229    allocate( cartesian_2d_object :: obj )
230    select type (obj)
231      type is (cartesian_2d_object)
232        allocate (obj%c(dims(1), dims(2)))
233        obj%c  = 0.0
234        obj%dx = sizes(1)/dims(1)
235        obj%dy = sizes(2)/dims(2)
236      class default
237        call abort
238    end select
239  end subroutine grid_definition_cart2d
240! print_cart2d --
241!     Print the concentration field to the screen
243  subroutine print_cart2d (obj)
244    class(cartesian_2d_object) :: obj
245    character(len=20)          :: format
246    write( format, '(a,i0,a)' ) '(', size(obj%c,1), 'f6.3)'
247    write( *, format ) obj%c
248  end subroutine print_cart2d
249! initialise_cart2d --
250!     Initialise the concentration field using a specific function
252  subroutine initialise_cart2d (obj, funcxy)
253    class(cartesian_2d_object) :: obj
254    interface
255      real function funcxy (coords)
256        real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: coords
257      end function funcxy
258    end interface
259    integer                    :: i, j
260    real, dimension(2)         :: x
261    obj%c = 0.0
262    do j = 2,size (obj%c, 2)-1
263      x(2) = obj%dy * (j-1)
264      do i = 2,size (obj%c, 1)-1
265        x(1) = obj%dx * (i-1)
266        obj%c(i,j) = funcxy (x)
267      enddo
268    enddo
269  end subroutine initialise_cart2d
270! nabla2_cart2d
271!     Determine the divergence
272  function nabla2_cart2d (obj)
273    class(cartesian_2d_object), intent(in)  :: obj
274    class(base_pde_object), allocatable     :: nabla2_cart2d
275    integer                                 :: m, n
276    real                                    :: dx, dy
277    m = size (obj%c, 1)
278    n = size (obj%c, 2)
279    dx = obj%dx
280    dy = obj%dy
281    allocate (cartesian_2d_object :: nabla2_cart2d)
282    select type (nabla2_cart2d)
283      type is (cartesian_2d_object)
284        allocate (nabla2_cart2d%c(m,n))
285        nabla2_cart2d%c = 0.0
286        nabla2_cart2d%c(2:m-1,2:n-1) = &
287          -(2.0 * obj%c(2:m-1,2:n-1) - obj%c(1:m-2,2:n-1) - obj%c(3:m,2:n-1)) / dx**2 &
288          -(2.0 * obj%c(2:m-1,2:n-1) - obj%c(2:m-1,1:n-2) - obj%c(2:m-1,3:n)) / dy**2
289      class default
290        call abort
291    end select
292  end function nabla2_cart2d
293  function real_times_cart2d (factor, obj) result(newobj)
294    real, intent(in)                        :: factor
295    class(cartesian_2d_object), intent(in)  :: obj
296    class(base_pde_object), allocatable     :: newobj
297    integer                                 :: m, n
298    m = size (obj%c, 1)
299    n = size (obj%c, 2)
300    allocate (cartesian_2d_object :: newobj)
301    select type (newobj)
302      type is (cartesian_2d_object)
303        allocate (newobj%c(m,n))
304        newobj%c = factor * obj%c
305      class default
306        call abort
307    end select
308  end function real_times_cart2d
309  function obj_plus_cart2d (obj1, obj2) result( newobj )
310    class(cartesian_2d_object), intent(in)  :: obj1
311    class(base_pde_object), intent(in)      :: obj2
312    class(base_pde_object), allocatable     :: newobj
313    integer                                 :: m, n
314    m = size (obj1%c, 1)
315    n = size (obj1%c, 2)
316    allocate (cartesian_2d_object :: newobj)
317    select type (newobj)
318      type is (cartesian_2d_object)
319        allocate (newobj%c(m,n))
320          select type (obj2)
321            type is (cartesian_2d_object)
322              newobj%c = obj1%c + obj2%c
323            class default
324              call abort
325          end select
326      class default
327        call abort
328    end select
329  end function obj_plus_cart2d
330  subroutine obj_assign_cart2d (obj1, obj2)
331    class(cartesian_2d_object), intent(inout) :: obj1
332    class(base_pde_object), intent(in)        :: obj2
333    select type (obj2)
334      type is (cartesian_2d_object)
335        obj1%c = obj2%c
336      class default
337        call abort
338    end select
339  end subroutine obj_assign_cart2d
340end module cartesian_2d_objects
341! define_pde_objects --
342!     Module to bring all the PDE object types together
344module define_pde_objects
345  use base_pde_objects
346  use cartesian_2d_objects
347  implicit none
348  interface grid_definition
349    module procedure grid_definition_general
350  end interface
352  subroutine grid_definition_general (obj, type, sizes, dims)
353    class(base_pde_object), allocatable :: obj
354    character(len=*)                    :: type
355    real, dimension(:)                  :: sizes
356    integer, dimension(:)               :: dims
357    select case (type)
358      case ("cartesian 2d")
359        call grid_definition (obj, sizes, dims)
360      case default
361        write(*,*) 'Unknown grid type: ', trim (type)
362        stop
363    end select
364  end subroutine grid_definition_general
365end module define_pde_objects
366! pde_specific --
367!     Module holding the routines specific to the PDE that
368!     we are solving
370module pde_specific
371  implicit none
373  real function patch (coords)
374    real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: coords
375    if (sum ((coords-[50.0,50.0])**2) < 40.0) then
376      patch = 1.0
377    else
378      patch = 0.0
379    endif
380  end function patch
381end module pde_specific
382! test_pde_solver --
383!     Small test program to demonstrate the usage
385program test_pde_solver
386  use define_pde_objects
387  use pde_specific
388  implicit none
389  class(base_pde_object), allocatable :: solution, deriv
390  integer                             :: i
391  real                                :: time, dtime, diff, chksum(2)
393  call simulation1     ! Use proc pointers for source and process define_pde_objects
394  select type (solution)
395    type is (cartesian_2d_object)
396      deallocate (solution%c)
397  end select
398  select type (deriv)
399    type is (cartesian_2d_object)
400      deallocate (deriv%c)
401  end select
402  deallocate (solution, deriv)
404  call simulation2     ! Use typebound procedures for source and process
405  if (chksum(1) .ne. chksum(2)) call abort
406  if ((chksum(1) - 0.881868720)**2 > 1e-4) call abort
408  subroutine simulation1
410! Create the grid
412    call grid_definition (solution, "cartesian 2d", [100.0, 100.0], [16, 16])
413    call grid_definition (deriv,    "cartesian 2d", [100.0, 100.0], [16, 16])
415! Initialise the concentration field
417    call solution%initialise (patch)
419! Set the procedure pointers
421    solution%source_p => source_cart2d_p
422    solution%process_p => process_cart2d_p
424! Perform the integration - explicit method
426    time  = 0.0
427    dtime = 0.1
428    diff =  5.0e-3
430! Give the diffusion coefficient correct dimensions.
431    select type (solution)
432      type is (cartesian_2d_object)
433        diff  = diff * solution%dx * solution%dy / dtime
434    end select
436!     write(*,*) 'Time: ', time, diff
437!     call solution%print
438    do i = 1,100
439      deriv    =  solution%nabla2 ()
440      solution = solution + diff * dtime * deriv + solution%source_p (time) + solution%process_p ()
441!         if ( mod(i, 25) == 0 ) then
442!             write(*,*)'Time: ', time
443!             call solution%print
444!         endif
445    time = time + dtime
446    enddo
447!    write(*,*) 'End result 1: '
448!    call solution%print
449    select type (solution)
450      type is (cartesian_2d_object)
451        chksum(1) = sum (solution%c)
452    end select
453  end subroutine
454  subroutine simulation2
456! Create the grid
458    call grid_definition (solution, "cartesian 2d", [100.0, 100.0], [16, 16])
459    call grid_definition (deriv,    "cartesian 2d", [100.0, 100.0], [16, 16])
461! Initialise the concentration field
463    call solution%initialise (patch)
465! Set the procedure pointers
467    solution%source_p => source_cart2d_p
468    solution%process_p => process_cart2d_p
470! Perform the integration - explicit method
472    time  = 0.0
473    dtime = 0.1
474    diff =  5.0e-3
476! Give the diffusion coefficient correct dimensions.
477    select type (solution)
478      type is (cartesian_2d_object)
479        diff  = diff * solution%dx * solution%dy / dtime
480    end select
482!     write(*,*) 'Time: ', time, diff
483!     call solution%print
484    do i = 1,100
485      deriv    =  solution%nabla2 ()
486      solution = solution + diff * dtime * deriv + solution%source (time) + solution%process ()
487!         if ( mod(i, 25) == 0 ) then
488!             write(*,*)'Time: ', time
489!             call solution%print
490!         endif
491      time = time + dtime
492    enddo
493!    write(*,*) 'End result 2: '
494!    call solution%print
495    select type (solution)
496      type is (cartesian_2d_object)
497        chksum(2) = sum (solution%c)
498    end select
499  end subroutine
500end program test_pde_solver