1! { dg-do run { target fd_truncate } }
2! PR 19872 - closed and re-opened file not overwriten
3      implicit none
4      integer i(4)
5      data i / 4 * 0 /
6      open(1,form='FORMATTED',status='UNKNOWN')
7      write(1,'("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9")')
8      close(1)
9      open(1,form='FORMATTED')
10      write(1,'("9 8 7 6")')
11      close(1)
12      open(1,form='FORMATTED')
13      read(1,*)i
14      if(i(1).ne.9.and.i(2).ne.8.and.i(3).ne.7.and.i(4).ne.9)call abort
15      read(1,*,end=200)i
16! should only be able to read one line from the file
17      call abort
18 200  continue
19      close(1,STATUS='DELETE')
20      end