1! { dg-final { scan-assembler-not "should_be_noreturn" } }
2! PR 17758
3! This checks that non-returning subroutines and statements
4! really don't return by calling non-existing subroutines
5! afterwards.  These calls are supposed to be optimized away, so
6! they won't show up in the generated assembly.
7program main
8  character(len=5) :: c
9  c = '12345'
10  read(unit=c,fmt='(A)') i
11  select case(i)
12     case(1)
13        call abort
14        call abort_should_be_noreturn
15     case(2)
16        stop 65
17        call stop_numeric_should_be_noreturn
18     case(3)
19        stop "foobar"
20        call stop_string_should_be_noreturn
21     case(4)
22        call exit
23        call exit_should_be_noreturn
24     end select
25end program main