1! { dg-do compile }
2! Tests the fix for PR27554, where the actual argument reference
3! to abs would not be recognised as being to an intrinsic
4! procedure and would produce junk in the assembler.
6! Contributed by Francois-Xavier Coudert <fxcoudert@gcc.gnu.org>
8      subroutine foo (proc, z)
9        external proc
10        real proc, z
11        if ((proc(z) .ne. abs (z)) .and.
12     &      (proc(z) .ne. alog10 (abs(z)))) call abort ()
13        return
14      end
16        external cos
17        interface
18          function sin (a)
19            real a, sin
20          end function sin
21        end interface
24        intrinsic alog10
25        real x
26        x = 100.
27! The reference here would prevent the actual arg from being seen
28! as an intrinsic procedure in the call to foo.
29        x = -abs(x)
30        call foo(abs, x)
31! The intrinsic function can be locally over-ridden by an interface
32        call foo(sin, x)
33! or an external declaration.
34        call foo(cos, x)
35! Just make sure with another intrinsic but this time not referenced.
36        call foo(alog10, -x)
37      end
39      function sin (a)
40        real a, sin
41        sin = -a
42        return
43      end
45      function cos (a)
46        real a, cos
47        cos = -a
48        return
49      end