1! { dg-do run }
2! { dg-additional-sources c_funloc_tests_4_driver.c }
3! Test that the inlined c_funloc works.
4module c_funloc_tests_4
5  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_funloc, c_funptr
6  interface
7     subroutine c_sub0(fsub_ptr) bind(c)
8       use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_funptr
9       type(c_funptr), value :: fsub_ptr
10     end subroutine c_sub0
11     subroutine c_sub1(ffunc_ptr) bind(c)
12       use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_funptr
13       type(c_funptr), value :: ffunc_ptr
14     end subroutine c_sub1
15  end interface
17  subroutine sub0() bind(c)
18    type(c_funptr) :: my_c_funptr
20    my_c_funptr = c_funloc(sub1)
21    call c_sub0(my_c_funptr)
23    my_c_funptr = c_funloc(func0)
24    call c_sub1(my_c_funptr)
25  end subroutine sub0
27  subroutine sub1() bind(c)
28    print *, 'hello from sub1'
29  end subroutine sub1
31  function func0(desired_retval) bind(c)
32    use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int
33    integer(c_int), value :: desired_retval
34    integer(c_int) :: func0
35    print *, 'hello from func0'
36    func0 = desired_retval
37  end function func0
38end module c_funloc_tests_4