1! { dg-do run }
2! Test the fix for PR26257, in which the implicit reference to
3! chararray in the main program call of chararray2string would
4! cause a segfault in gfc_build_addr_expr.
6! Based on the reduced testcase in the PR.
7module chtest
9  function chararray2string(chararray) result(text)
10    character(len=1), dimension(:) :: chararray    ! input
11    character(len=size(chararray, 1)) :: text      ! output
12    do i = 1,size(chararray,1)
13      text(i:i) = chararray (i)
14    end do
15  end function chararray2string
16end module chtest
17program TestStringTools
18  use chtest
19  character(len=52)               :: txt
20  character(len=1), dimension(52) :: chararr = &
21        (/(char(i+64),char(i+96), i = 1,26)/)
22  txt = chararray2string(chararr)
23  if (txt .ne. "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz") &
24        call abort ()
25end program TestStringTools