1! { dg-do run }
2! PR 24862: IO for arrays of derived type handled incorrectly.
3program arrayio_derived_1
4  implicit none
5  type tp
6     integer :: i
7     character(len=1) :: c
8  end type tp
9  type(tp) :: x(5)
10  character(len=500) :: a
11  integer :: i, b(5)
13  x%i = 256
14  x%c = "q"
16  write(a, *) x%i
17  read(a, *) b
18  do i = 1, 5
19     if (b(i) /= 256) then
20        call abort ()
21     end if
22  end do
23  write(a, *) x ! Just test that the library doesn't abort.
24  write(a, *) x(:)%i
25  b = 0
26  read(a, *) b
27  do i = 1, 5
28     if (b(i) /= 256) then
29        call abort ()
30     end if
31  end do
33end program arrayio_derived_1