1// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include <perftest/runner.h>
7#include <getopt.h>
8#include <pthread.h>
9#include <regex.h>
11#include <fbl/function.h>
12#include <fbl/string.h>
13#include <fbl/string_printf.h>
14#include <fbl/vector.h>
15#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
16#include <trace-engine/context.h>
17#include <trace-engine/instrumentation.h>
18#include <trace-provider/provider.h>
19#include <trace/event.h>
20#include <unittest/unittest.h>
21#include <zircon/assert.h>
22#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
24namespace perftest {
25namespace {
27// g_tests needs to be POD because this list is populated by constructors.
28// We don't want g_tests to have a constructor that might get run after
29// items have been added to the list, because that would clobber the list.
30internal::TestList* g_tests;
32class RepeatStateImpl : public RepeatState {
34    RepeatStateImpl(uint32_t run_count)
35        : run_count_(run_count) {}
37    void SetBytesProcessedPerRun(uint64_t bytes) override {
38        if (started_) {
39            SetError("SetBytesProcessedPerRun() was called after KeepRunning()");
40            return;
41        }
42        if (bytes == 0) {
43            SetError("Zero argument to SetBytesProcessedPerRun()");
44            return;
45        }
46        if (bytes_processed_per_run_ != 0) {
47            SetError("Multiple calls to SetBytesProcessedPerRun()");
48            return;
49        }
50        bytes_processed_per_run_ = bytes;
51    }
53    void DeclareStep(const char* name) override {
54        if (started_) {
55            SetError("DeclareStep() was called after KeepRunning()");
56            return;
57        }
58        step_names_.push_back(name);
59    }
61    void NextStep() override {
62        if (unlikely(next_idx_ >= end_of_run_idx_)) {
63            SetError("Too many calls to NextStep()");
64            return;
65        }
66        timestamps_[next_idx_] = zx_ticks_get();
67        ++next_idx_;
68    }
70    bool KeepRunning() override {
71        uint64_t timestamp = zx_ticks_get();
72        if (unlikely(next_idx_ != end_of_run_idx_)) {
73            // Slow path, including error cases.
74            if (error_) {
75                return false;
76            }
77            if (started_) {
78                SetError("Wrong number of calls to NextStep()");
79                return false;
80            }
81            // First call to KeepRunning().
82            step_count_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(step_names_.size());
83            if (step_count_ == 0) {
84                step_count_ = 1;
85            }
86            // Add 1 because we store timestamps for the start of each test
87            // run (which serve as timestamps for the end of the previous
88            // test run), plus one more timestamp for the end of the last
89            // test run.
90            timestamps_size_ = run_count_ * step_count_ + 1;
91            timestamps_.reset(new uint64_t[timestamps_size_]);
92            // Clear the array in order to fault in the pages.  This should
93            // prevent page faults occurring as we cross page boundaries
94            // when writing a test's running times (which would affect the
95            // first test case but not later test cases).
96            memset(timestamps_.get(), 0,
97                   sizeof(timestamps_[0]) * timestamps_size_);
98            next_idx_ = 1;
99            end_of_run_idx_ = step_count_;
100            started_ = true;
101            timestamps_[0] = zx_ticks_get();
102            return run_count_ != 0;
103        }
104        if (unlikely(next_idx_ == timestamps_size_ - 1)) {
105            // End reached.
106            if (finished_) {
107                SetError("Too many calls to KeepRunning()");
108                return false;
109            }
110            timestamps_[next_idx_] = timestamp;
111            finished_ = true;
112            return false;
113        }
114        timestamps_[next_idx_] = timestamp;
115        ++next_idx_;
116        end_of_run_idx_ += step_count_;
117        return true;
118    }
120    // Returns nullptr on success, or an error string on failure.
121    const char* RunTestFunc(const char* test_name,
122                            const fbl::Function<TestFunc>& test_func) {
123        TRACE_DURATION("perftest", "test_group", "test_name", test_name);
124        overall_start_time_ = zx_ticks_get();
125        bool result = test_func(this);
126        overall_end_time_ = zx_ticks_get();
127        if (error_) {
128            return error_;
129        }
130        if (!finished_) {
131            return "Too few calls to KeepRunning()";
132        }
133        if (!result) {
134            return "Test function returned false";
135        }
136        return nullptr;
137    }
139    void CopyTimeResults(const char* test_suite, const char* test_name,
140                         ResultsSet* dest) const {
141        // bytes_processed_per_run is used for calculating throughput, but
142        // throughput is only really meaningful to calculate for the test
143        // overall, not for individual steps.  Therefore we only report
144        // bytes_processed_per_run on the overall times.
146        // Report the times for each test run.
147        if (step_count_ == 1 || bytes_processed_per_run_ != 0) {
148            TestCaseResults* results = dest->AddTestCase(
149                test_suite, test_name, "nanoseconds");
150            results->bytes_processed_per_run = bytes_processed_per_run_;
151            CopyStepTimes(0, step_count_, results);
152        }
154        if (step_count_ > 1) {
155            // Report times for individual steps.
156            for (uint32_t step = 0; step < step_count_; ++step) {
157                fbl::String name = fbl::StringPrintf(
158                    "%s.%s", test_name, step_names_[step].c_str());
159                TestCaseResults* results = dest->AddTestCase(
160                    test_suite, name, "nanoseconds");
161                CopyStepTimes(step, step + 1, results);
162            }
163        }
164    }
166    // Output a trace event for each of the test runs.  Since we do this
167    // after the test runs took place (using the timestamps we recorded),
168    // we avoid incurring the overhead of the tracing system on each test
169    // run.
170    void WriteTraceEvents() {
171        trace_string_ref_t category_ref;
172        trace_context_t* context =
173            trace_acquire_context_for_category("perftest", &category_ref);
174        if (!context) {
175            return;
176        }
177        trace_thread_ref_t thread_ref;
178        trace_context_register_current_thread(context, &thread_ref);
180        auto WriteEvent = [&](trace_string_ref_t* name_ref,
181                              uint64_t start_time, uint64_t end_time) {
182            trace_context_write_duration_begin_event_record(
183                context, start_time,
184                &thread_ref, &category_ref, name_ref, nullptr, 0);
185            trace_context_write_duration_end_event_record(
186                context, end_time,
187                &thread_ref, &category_ref, name_ref, nullptr, 0);
188        };
190        trace_string_ref_t test_setup_string;
191        trace_string_ref_t test_run_string;
192        trace_string_ref_t test_step_string;
193        trace_string_ref_t test_teardown_string;
194        trace_context_register_string_literal(
195            context, "test_setup", &test_setup_string);
196        trace_context_register_string_literal(
197            context, "test_run", &test_run_string);
198        trace_context_register_string_literal(
199            context, "test_step", &test_step_string);
200        trace_context_register_string_literal(
201            context, "test_teardown", &test_teardown_string);
203        WriteEvent(&test_setup_string, overall_start_time_, timestamps_[0]);
204        for (uint32_t run = 0; run < run_count_; ++run) {
205            WriteEvent(&test_run_string,
206                       GetTimestamp(run, 0),
207                       GetTimestamp(run + 1, 0));
208            if (step_count_ > 1) {
209                for (uint32_t step = 0; step < step_count_; ++step) {
210                    WriteEvent(&test_step_string,
211                               GetTimestamp(run, step),
212                               GetTimestamp(run, step + 1));
213                }
214            }
215        }
216        WriteEvent(&test_teardown_string,
217                   timestamps_[timestamps_size_ - 1], overall_end_time_);
218    }
221    void SetError(const char* str) {
222        if (!error_) {
223            error_ = str;
224        }
225    }
227    // The start and end times of run R are GetTimestamp(R, 0) and
228    // GetTimestamp(R+1, 0).
229    // The start and end times of step S within run R are GetTimestamp(R,
230    // S) and GetTimestamp(R, S+1).
231    uint64_t GetTimestamp(uint32_t run_number, uint32_t step_number) const {
232        uint32_t index = run_number * step_count_ + step_number;
233        ZX_ASSERT(step_number <= step_count_);
234        ZX_ASSERT(index < timestamps_size_);
235        return timestamps_[index];
236    }
238    void CopyStepTimes(uint32_t start_step_index, uint32_t end_step_index,
239                       TestCaseResults* results) const {
240        double nanoseconds_per_tick =
241            1e9 / static_cast<double>(zx_ticks_per_second());
243        // Copy the timing results, converting timestamps to elapsed times.
244        results->values.reserve(run_count_);
245        for (uint32_t run = 0; run < run_count_; ++run) {
246            uint64_t time_taken = (GetTimestamp(run, end_step_index) -
247                                   GetTimestamp(run, start_step_index));
248            results->AppendValue(
249                static_cast<double>(time_taken) * nanoseconds_per_tick);
250        }
251    }
253    // Number of test runs that we intend to do.
254    uint32_t run_count_;
255    // Number of steps per test run.  Once initialized, this is >= 1.
256    uint32_t step_count_;
257    // Names for steps.  May be empty if the test has only one step.
258    fbl::Vector<fbl::String> step_names_;
259    // error_ is set to non-null if an error occurs.
260    const char* error_ = nullptr;
261    // Array of timestamps for the starts and ends of test runs and of
262    // steps within runs.  GetTimestamp() describes the array layout.
263    fbl::unique_ptr<uint64_t[]> timestamps_;
264    // Number of elements allocated for timestamps_ array.
265    uint32_t timestamps_size_ = 0;
266    // Whether the first KeepRunning() call has occurred.
267    bool started_ = false;
268    // Whether the last KeepRunning() call has occurred.
269    bool finished_ = false;
270    // Next index in timestamps_ for writing a timestamp to.  The initial
271    // value helps catch invalid NextStep() calls.
272    uint32_t next_idx_ = ~static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
273    // Index in timestamp_ for writing the end of the current run.
274    uint32_t end_of_run_idx_ = 0;
275    // Start time, before the test's setup phase.
276    uint64_t overall_start_time_;
277    // End time, after the test's teardown phase.
278    uint64_t overall_end_time_;
279    // Used for calculating throughput in bytes per unit time.
280    uint64_t bytes_processed_per_run_ = 0;
283} // namespace
285void RegisterTest(const char* name, fbl::Function<TestFunc> test_func) {
286    if (!g_tests) {
287        g_tests = new internal::TestList;
288    }
289    internal::NamedTest new_test{name, fbl::move(test_func)};
290    g_tests->push_back(fbl::move(new_test));
293bool RunTest(const char* test_suite, const char* test_name,
294             const fbl::Function<TestFunc>& test_func,
295             uint32_t run_count, ResultsSet* results_set,
296             fbl::String* error_out) {
297    RepeatStateImpl state(run_count);
298    const char* error = state.RunTestFunc(test_name, test_func);
299    if (error) {
300        if (error_out) {
301            *error_out = error;
302        }
303        return false;
304    }
306    state.CopyTimeResults(test_suite, test_name, results_set);
307    state.WriteTraceEvents();
308    return true;
311namespace internal {
313bool RunTests(const char* test_suite, TestList* test_list, uint32_t run_count,
314              const char* regex_string, FILE* log_stream,
315              ResultsSet* results_set) {
316    // Compile the regular expression.
317    regex_t regex;
318    int err = regcomp(&regex, regex_string, REG_EXTENDED);
319    if (err != 0) {
320        char msg[256];
321        msg[0] = '\0';
322        regerror(err, &regex, msg, sizeof(msg));
323        fprintf(log_stream,
324                "Compiling the regular expression \"%s\" failed: %s\n",
325                regex_string, msg);
326        return false;
327    }
329    bool found_regex_match = false;
330    bool ok = true;
331    for (const internal::NamedTest& test_case : *test_list) {
332        const char* test_name = test_case.name.c_str();
333        bool matched_regex = regexec(&regex, test_name, 0, nullptr, 0) == 0;
334        if (!matched_regex) {
335            continue;
336        }
337        found_regex_match = true;
339        // Log in a format similar to gtest's output, so that this will
340        // look familiar to readers and to allow parsing by tools that can
341        // parse gtest's output.
342        fprintf(log_stream, "[ RUN      ] %s\n", test_name);
344        fbl::String error_string;
345        if (!RunTest(test_suite, test_name, test_case.test_func, run_count,
346                     results_set, &error_string)) {
347            fprintf(log_stream, "Error: %s\n", error_string.c_str());
348            fprintf(log_stream, "[  FAILED  ] %s\n", test_name);
349            ok = false;
350            continue;
351        }
352        fprintf(log_stream, "[       OK ] %s\n", test_name);
353    }
355    regfree(&regex);
357    if (!found_regex_match) {
358        // Report an error so that this doesn't fail silently if the regex
359        // is wrong.
360        fprintf(log_stream,
361                "The regular expression \"%s\" did not match any tests\n",
362                regex_string);
363        return false;
364    }
365    return ok;
368void ParseCommandArgs(int argc, char** argv, CommandArgs* dest) {
369    static const struct option opts[] = {
370        {"out", required_argument, nullptr, 'o'},
371        {"filter", required_argument, nullptr, 'f'},
372        {"runs", required_argument, nullptr, 'r'},
373        {"enable-tracing", no_argument, nullptr, 't'},
374        {"startup-delay", required_argument, nullptr, 'd'},
375    };
376    optind = 1;
377    for (;;) {
378        int opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", opts, nullptr);
379        if (opt < 0) {
380            break;
381        }
382        switch (opt) {
383        case 'o':
384            dest->output_filename = optarg;
385            break;
386        case 'f':
387            dest->filter_regex = optarg;
388            break;
389        case 'r': {
390            // Convert string to number (uint32_t).
391            char* end;
392            long val = strtol(optarg, &end, 0);
393            // Check that the string contains only a positive number and
394            // that the number doesn't overflow.
395            if (val != static_cast<uint32_t>(val) || *end != '\0' ||
396                *optarg == '\0' || val == 0) {
397                fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument for --runs: \"%s\"\n",
398                        optarg);
399                exit(1);
400            }
401            dest->run_count = static_cast<uint32_t>(val);
402            break;
403        }
404        case 't':
405            dest->enable_tracing = true;
406            break;
407        case 'd': {
408            // Convert string to number (double type).
409            char* end;
410            double val = strtod(optarg, &end);
411            if (*end != '\0' || *optarg == '\0') {
412                fprintf(stderr,
413                        "Invalid argument for --startup-delay: \"%s\"\n",
414                        optarg);
415                exit(1);
416            }
417            dest->startup_delay_seconds = val;
418            break;
419        }
420        default:
421            // getopt_long() will have printed an error already.
422            exit(1);
423        }
424    }
425    if (optind < argc) {
426        fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized argument: \"%s\"\n", argv[optind]);
427        exit(1);
428    }
431} // namespace internal
433static void* TraceProviderThread(void* thread_arg) {
434    async::Loop loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigNoAttachToThread);
435    trace::TraceProvider provider(loop.dispatcher());
436    loop.Run();
437    return nullptr;
440static void StartTraceProvider() {
441    pthread_t tid;
442    int err = pthread_create(&tid, nullptr, TraceProviderThread, nullptr);
443    ZX_ASSERT(err == 0);
444    err = pthread_detach(tid);
445    ZX_ASSERT(err == 0);
448static bool PerfTestMode(const char* test_suite, int argc, char** argv) {
449    internal::CommandArgs args;
450    internal::ParseCommandArgs(argc, argv, &args);
452    if (args.enable_tracing) {
453        StartTraceProvider();
454    }
455    zx_duration_t duration =
456        static_cast<zx_duration_t>(ZX_SEC(1) * args.startup_delay_seconds);
457    zx_nanosleep(zx_deadline_after(duration));
459    ResultsSet results;
460    bool success = RunTests(test_suite, g_tests, args.run_count,
461                            args.filter_regex, stdout, &results);
463    printf("\n");
464    results.PrintSummaryStatistics(stdout);
465    printf("\n");
467    if (args.output_filename) {
468        if (!results.WriteJSONFile(args.output_filename)) {
469            exit(1);
470        }
471    }
473    return success;
476int PerfTestMain(int argc, char** argv, const char* test_suite) {
477    if (argc == 2 && (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0 ||
478                      strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)) {
479        printf("Usage:\n"
480               "  %s -p [options]  # run in \"perf test mode\"\n"
481               "  %s               # run in \"unit test mode\"\n"
482               "\n"
483               "\"Unit test mode\" runs perf tests as unit tests.  "
484               "This means it only checks that the perf tests pass.  "
485               "It only does a small number of runs of each test, and it "
486               "does not report their performance.  Additionally, it runs "
487               "all of the unit tests in the executable (i.e. those that "
488               "use the unittest library).\n"
489               "\n"
490               "\"Perf test mode\" runs many iterations of each perf test, "
491               "and reports the performance results.  It does not run any "
492               "unittest test cases.\n"
493               "\n"
494               "Options:\n"
495               "  --out FILENAME\n"
496               "      Filename to write JSON results data to.  If this is "
497               "omitted, no JSON output is produced. JSON output will conform to this schema: "
498               "//zircon/system/ulib/perftest/performance-results-schema.json\n"
499               "  --filter REGEX\n"
500               "      Regular expression that specifies a subset of tests "
501               "to run.  By default, all the tests are run.\n"
502               "  --runs NUMBER\n"
503               "      Number of times to run each test.\n"
504               "  --enable-tracing\n"
505               "      Enable use of Fuchsia tracing: Enable registering as a "
506               "TraceProvider.  This is off by default because the "
507               "TraceProvider gets registered asynchronously on a background "
508               "thread (see TO-650), and that activity could introduce noise "
509               "to the tests.\n"
510               "  --startup-delay SECONDS\n"
511               "      Delay in seconds to wait on startup, after registering "
512               "a TraceProvider.  This allows working around a race condition "
513               "where tracing misses initial events from newly-registered "
514               "TraceProviders (see TO-650).\n",
515               argv[0], argv[0]);
516        return 1;
517    }
519    bool success = true;
521    //��Check whether to run in perf test mode.
522    if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-p") == 0) {
523        // Drop the "-p" argument.  Keep argv[0] because getopt_long()
524        // prints it in error messages.
525        argv[1] = argv[0];
526        argc--;
527        argv++;
528        if (!PerfTestMode(test_suite, argc, argv)) {
529            success = false;
530        }
531    } else {
532        printf("Running perf tests in unit test mode...\n");
533        {
534            // Run each test a small number of times to ensure that doing
535            // multiple runs works OK.
536            const int kRunCount = 3;
537            ResultsSet unused_results;
538            if (!RunTests(test_suite, g_tests, kRunCount, "", stdout, &unused_results)) {
539                success = false;
540            }
541        }
543        // In unit test mode, we pass all command line arguments on to the
544        // unittest library.
545        printf("Running unit tests...\n");
546        if (!unittest_run_all_tests(argc, argv)) {
547            success = false;
548        }
549    }
551    return success ? 0 : 1;
554} // namespace perftest