1//===- llvm/ADT/PagedVector.h - 'Lazily allocated' vectors --*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This file defines the PagedVector class.
15#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
16#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
17#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
18#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
19#include <cassert>
20#include <vector>
22namespace llvm {
23/// A vector that allocates memory in pages.
25/// Order is kept, but memory is allocated only when one element of the page is
26/// accessed. This introduces a level of indirection, but it is useful when you
27/// have a sparsely initialised vector where the full size is allocated upfront.
29/// As a side effect the elements are initialised later than in a normal vector.
30/// On the first access to one of the elements of a given page, all the elements
31/// of the page are initialised. This also means that the elements of the page
32/// are initialised beyond the size of the vector.
34/// Similarly on destruction the elements are destroyed only when the page is
35/// not needed anymore, delaying invoking the destructor of the elements.
37/// Notice that this has iterators only on materialized elements. This
38/// is deliberately done under the assumption you would dereference the elements
39/// while iterating, therefore materialising them and losing the gains in terms
40/// of memory usage this container provides. If you have such a use case, you
41/// probably want to use a normal std::vector or a llvm::SmallVector.
42template <typename T, size_t PageSize = 1024 / sizeof(T)> class PagedVector {
43  static_assert(PageSize > 1, "PageSize must be greater than 0. Most likely "
44                              "you want it to be greater than 16.");
45  /// The actual number of elements in the vector which can be accessed.
46  size_t Size = 0;
48  /// The position of the initial element of the page in the Data vector.
49  /// Pages are allocated contiguously in the Data vector.
50  mutable SmallVector<T *, 0> PageToDataPtrs;
51  /// Actual page data. All the page elements are allocated on the
52  /// first access of any of the elements of the page. Elements are default
53  /// constructed and elements of the page are stored contiguously.
54  PointerIntPair<BumpPtrAllocator *, 1, bool> Allocator;
57  using value_type = T;
59  /// Default constructor. We build our own allocator and mark it as such with
60  /// `true` in the second pair element.
61  PagedVector() : Allocator(new BumpPtrAllocator, true) {}
62  explicit PagedVector(BumpPtrAllocator *A) : Allocator(A, false) {
63    assert(A && "Allocator cannot be nullptr");
64  }
66  ~PagedVector() {
67    clear();
68    // If we own the allocator, delete it.
69    if (Allocator.getInt())
70      delete Allocator.getPointer();
71  }
73  // Forbid copy and move as we do not need them for the current use case.
74  PagedVector(const PagedVector &) = delete;
75  PagedVector(PagedVector &&) = delete;
76  PagedVector &operator=(const PagedVector &) = delete;
77  PagedVector &operator=(PagedVector &&) = delete;
79  /// Look up an element at position `Index`.
80  /// If the associated page is not filled, it will be filled with default
81  /// constructed elements.
82  T &operator[](size_t Index) const {
83    assert(Index < Size);
84    assert(Index / PageSize < PageToDataPtrs.size());
85    T *&PagePtr = PageToDataPtrs[Index / PageSize];
86    // If the page was not yet allocated, allocate it.
87    if (!PagePtr) {
88      PagePtr = Allocator.getPointer()->template Allocate<T>(PageSize);
89      // We need to invoke the default constructor on all the elements of the
90      // page.
91      std::uninitialized_value_construct_n(PagePtr, PageSize);
92    }
93    // Dereference the element in the page.
94    return PagePtr[Index % PageSize];
95  }
97  /// Return the capacity of the vector. I.e. the maximum size it can be
98  /// expanded to with the resize method without allocating more pages.
99  [[nodiscard]] size_t capacity() const {
100    return PageToDataPtrs.size() * PageSize;
101  }
103  /// Return the size of the vector.
104  [[nodiscard]] size_t size() const { return Size; }
106  /// Resize the vector. Notice that the constructor of the elements will not
107  /// be invoked until an element of a given page is accessed, at which point
108  /// all the elements of the page will be constructed.
109  ///
110  /// If the new size is smaller than the current size, the elements of the
111  /// pages that are not needed anymore will be destroyed, however, elements of
112  /// the last page will not be destroyed.
113  ///
114  /// For these reason the usage of this vector is discouraged if you rely
115  /// on the construction / destructor of the elements to be invoked.
116  void resize(size_t NewSize) {
117    if (NewSize == 0) {
118      clear();
119      return;
120    }
121    // Handle shrink case: destroy the elements in the pages that are not
122    // needed any more and deallocate the pages.
123    //
124    // On the other hand, we do not destroy the extra elements in the last page,
125    // because we might need them later and the logic is simpler if we do not
126    // destroy them. This means that elements are only destroyed when the
127    // page they belong to is destroyed. This is similar to what happens on
128    // access of the elements of a page, where all the elements of the page are
129    // constructed not only the one effectively needed.
130    size_t NewLastPage = (NewSize - 1) / PageSize;
131    if (NewSize < Size) {
132      for (size_t I = NewLastPage + 1, N = PageToDataPtrs.size(); I < N; ++I) {
133        T *Page = PageToDataPtrs[I];
134        if (!Page)
135          continue;
136        // We need to invoke the destructor on all the elements of the page.
137        std::destroy_n(Page, PageSize);
138        Allocator.getPointer()->Deallocate(Page);
139      }
140    }
142    Size = NewSize;
143    PageToDataPtrs.resize(NewLastPage + 1);
144  }
146  [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const { return Size == 0; }
148  /// Clear the vector, i.e. clear the allocated pages, the whole page
149  /// lookup index and reset the size.
150  void clear() {
151    Size = 0;
152    for (T *Page : PageToDataPtrs) {
153      if (Page == nullptr)
154        continue;
155      std::destroy_n(Page, PageSize);
156      // If we do not own the allocator, deallocate the pages one by one.
157      if (!Allocator.getInt())
158        Allocator.getPointer()->Deallocate(Page);
159    }
160    // If we own the allocator, simply reset it.
161    if (Allocator.getInt())
162      Allocator.getPointer()->Reset();
163    PageToDataPtrs.clear();
164  }
166  /// Iterator on all the elements of the vector
167  /// which have actually being constructed.
168  class MaterializedIterator {
169    const PagedVector *PV;
170    size_t ElementIdx;
172  public:
173    using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
174    using value_type = T;
175    using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
176    using pointer = T *;
177    using reference = T &;
179    MaterializedIterator(PagedVector const *PV, size_t ElementIdx)
180        : PV(PV), ElementIdx(ElementIdx) {}
182    /// Pre-increment operator.
183    ///
184    /// When incrementing the iterator, we skip the elements which have not
185    /// been materialized yet.
186    MaterializedIterator &operator++() {
187      ++ElementIdx;
188      if (ElementIdx % PageSize == 0) {
189        while (ElementIdx < PV->Size &&
190               !PV->PageToDataPtrs[ElementIdx / PageSize])
191          ElementIdx += PageSize;
192        if (ElementIdx > PV->Size)
193          ElementIdx = PV->Size;
194      }
196      return *this;
197    }
199    MaterializedIterator operator++(int) {
200      MaterializedIterator Copy = *this;
201      ++*this;
202      return Copy;
203    }
205    T const &operator*() const {
206      assert(ElementIdx < PV->Size);
207      assert(PV->PageToDataPtrs[ElementIdx / PageSize]);
208      T *PagePtr = PV->PageToDataPtrs[ElementIdx / PageSize];
209      return PagePtr[ElementIdx % PageSize];
210    }
212    /// Equality operator.
213    friend bool operator==(const MaterializedIterator &LHS,
214                           const MaterializedIterator &RHS) {
215      return LHS.equals(RHS);
216    }
218    [[nodiscard]] size_t getIndex() const { return ElementIdx; }
220    friend bool operator!=(const MaterializedIterator &LHS,
221                           const MaterializedIterator &RHS) {
222      return !(LHS == RHS);
223    }
225  private:
226    void verify() const {
227      assert(
228          ElementIdx == PV->Size ||
229          (ElementIdx < PV->Size && PV->PageToDataPtrs[ElementIdx / PageSize]));
230    }
232    bool equals(const MaterializedIterator &Other) const {
233      assert(PV == Other.PV);
234      verify();
235      Other.verify();
236      return ElementIdx == Other.ElementIdx;
237    }
238  };
240  /// Iterators over the materialized elements of the vector.
241  ///
242  /// This includes all the elements belonging to allocated pages,
243  /// even if they have not been accessed yet. It's enough to access
244  /// one element of a page to materialize all the elements of the page.
245  MaterializedIterator materialized_begin() const {
246    // Look for the first valid page.
247    for (size_t ElementIdx = 0; ElementIdx < Size; ElementIdx += PageSize)
248      if (PageToDataPtrs[ElementIdx / PageSize])
249        return MaterializedIterator(this, ElementIdx);
251    return MaterializedIterator(this, Size);
252  }
254  MaterializedIterator materialized_end() const {
255    return MaterializedIterator(this, Size);
256  }
258  [[nodiscard]] llvm::iterator_range<MaterializedIterator>
259  materialized() const {
260    return {materialized_begin(), materialized_end()};
261  }
263} // namespace llvm