
.Dd January 30, 2020 .Dt LOGIN.ACCESS 5 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm login.access .Nd login access control table .Sh SYNOPSIS

a /etc/login.access .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm file specifies (user, host) combinations and/or (user, tty) combinations for which a login will be either accepted or refused.

p When someone logs in, the .Nm is scanned for the first entry that matches the (user, host) combination, or, in case of non-networked logins, the first entry that matches the (user, tty) combination. The permissions field of that table entry determines whether the login will be accepted or refused.

p Each line of the login access control table has three fields separated by a .Ql : character: .Ar permission : Ns Ar users : Ns Ar origins

p The first field should be a "+" (access granted) or "-" (access denied) character.

p The second field should be a list of one or more login names, group names, or ALL (always matches). Group names must be enclosed in parentheses if the pam module specification for

a pam_login_access specifies the

a nodefgroup option. Otherwise, group names will only match if no usernames match.

p The third field should be a list of one or more tty names (for non-networked logins), host names, domain names (begin with "."), host addresses, internet network numbers (end with "."), ALL (always matches) or LOCAL (matches any string that does not contain a "." character). If you run NIS you can use @netgroupname in host or user patterns.

p The EXCEPT operator makes it possible to write very compact rules.

p The group file is searched only when a name does not match that of the logged-in user. Only groups are matched in which users are explicitly listed: the program does not look at a user's primary group id value. .Sh FILES l -tag -width /etc/login.access -compact t Pa /etc/login.access login access control table .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr login 1 , .Xr pam_login_access 8 .Sh AUTHORS .An Guido van Rooij